A strong, fast-acting sedative. What you need to know about sedative medications. What are anti-anxiety medications?

All ailments and health problems are caused by stress, this has long been a proven fact. Today, stress is considered the same pathology as flu, gastritis or arthritis - that is, it also requires attention, medical supervision and full treatment using various means. Unfortunately, even the most balanced person may periodically fail to cope with an unfavorable situation that arises at work or in the family. There is nothing reprehensible in this - rhythm modern life it simply leaves no choice and it is not always possible to remain calm, control oneself and avoid nervous shocks.

Sedatives for nervous system help cope with attacks of aggression, irritability, panic attacks and obsessions. Don’t be shy to consult a doctor and ask to choose the most optimal ones, telling you in detail about your problem. Pharmacies offer great amount various sedatives with very different compositions. Since they all affect the nervous system in one way or another, there are a number of contraindications and safety precautions for their use.

Improper use of medications in this group can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences for human health and psyche. It is strictly forbidden to buy sedative pills at random and start taking them uncontrollably. This article will help you understand how these drugs differ, what is included in their composition, how they affect the nervous system, and why it is necessary to follow the dosage and dosage regimen.

Types and characteristics of sedatives

If a person is often tormented by insomnia and headaches, he is constantly tense, easily explodes, and is subject to various fears and neuroses, those around him unanimously make a diagnosis - “it’s all from nerves.” And they begin to advise you to take certain sedative drops or tablets, which are often potent and far from harmless. In fact, all sedatives are divided into several groups according to their composition, effects, and pharmaceutical form. Each of them is designed to solve a separate problem. If you choose the wrong medicine, then at best it simply will not help. And at worst, it will harm even more and lead to development additional pathologies. This is why it is so important to understand what categories of sedatives for the adult nervous system exist and what they are intended for.

Sedatives or sedatives

Usually prescribed for depression, attacks of fear and panic, self-doubt, obsessions, and depression. These drugs inhibit the reactions of the nervous system and thereby reduce symptoms such as tearfulness, irritability, overexcitement. In addition, they affect the functioning of the autonomic nervous system: they eliminate tremor (shaking hands), sweating, rapid pulse and rapid heartbeat. There may be a slight hypnotic effect due to this, although the effect of sedative drugs does not extend to the cerebral cortex.


  • They do not affect the cerebral cortex.
  • Help relieve intestinal spasms.
  • Reduce sensitivity to external stimuli.
  • Appointed to complex therapy hypertension, heart disease, and severe menopause in women.
  • Contribute to falling asleep quickly.


  • May interact with other drugs.
  • Strictly not combined with alcohol.
  • Requires precise dosage.

Rating of the best alcohol-based sedatives for the nervous system of adults

Rating#1 #2 #3
NameKremlin drops (Zelenina)
Price138 RUR166 RUR130 RUR
Gentle effect on the body
Ease of use Availability in the pharmacy network Calming effect


This is a classic remedy in the form of alcohol drops, which is recommended for conditions severe stress, nervous excitement, shock, and also if myocardial infarction is suspected. In the composition of the drug essential oils mint and hops, phenobarbital.

  • Pronounced and rapid effect on cardiac neuroses.
  • Relieves feelings of fear and panic.
  • It's inexpensive.


An alternative remedy if Valocardin does not work. Its composition is almost identical, but the concentration of active components is lower, which is why it acts so quickly and intensively. Relieves vascular spasms and can be used as a mild sleeping pill.

  • Included in complex treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Relaxes the intestines, relieves spasms.
  • It's inexpensive.
  • Can be used in pediatrics (children from three years old).
  • Contraindicated for kidney and liver pathologies, and for women expecting or breastfeeding a child.
  • May slow down contractions of the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure.
  • Often causes dizziness and drowsiness.

Kremlin drops (Zelenina)

Valerian extract is supplemented with belladonna, lily of the valley, and levomenthol. This is a remedy that has been tested for dozens of years and thousands of patients, quickly helping to recover from a nervous shock, overwork, pressure surges and cardiac dysfunction.

  • The widest spectrum of action - effective for VSD, depression, neuroses, eliminates renal colic and spasms in the intestines.
  • Affordable price.
  • Normalizes appetite.
  • It works quickly.
  • Contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.
  • Not used for alcoholism, glaucoma, myocarditis, stomach ulcers, prostate adenoma.
  • It has side effects - diarrhea, heartburn, arrhythmia, dry mucous membranes.

Ideal for plant based for the treatment of chronic stress and depression. In addition to mint, valerian and hops, the composition contains lavender, licorice and orange flowers.

  • Quickly restores sleep disturbances.
  • Can be used for a long time.
  • It's inexpensive.
  • Doesn't always give the expected effect quickly.
  • You need to prepare tea from the mixture, preferably fresh for each use.


The set of traditional herbs with a sedative effect is complemented by St. John's wort. This remedy is effective for manifestations of VSD, heart rhythm disturbances, nervousness, prolonged stress, and fatigue.

  • Not suitable for all patients.
  • It has some contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, childhood.

Medicines for insomnia

For many adults general state mentally stable, but due to excessive activity Throughout the day, in the evening it can be difficult to get out of the working rhythm, relax and fall asleep. Also, impressionable women and teenagers often face this problem. Strong sleeping pills are dispensed by pharmacists only with a doctor's prescription. But you can choose a suitable medicine with a weaker effect, which can also solve the problem.


  • You can choose herbal-based preparations with a minimum side effects.
  • There are products that are inexpensive and available without a prescription.
  • Modern drops and tablets are not addictive.
  • Most medications can be taken long-term by teenagers and older adults.


  • Strong sleeping pills cannot be combined with alcohol and some other drugs.
  • A doctor's prescription is often required.
  • Can be expensive.
  • They are addictive.
  • The effect of the active component can persist for quite a long time, which affects the speed of a person’s reactions and concentration. This should be taken into account by drivers, doctors and other specialists whose activities involve managing complex mechanisms and increased responsibility.

Herbal remedies for nerves

It is with them that most people take it if they feel that their nerves are giving way and ordinary auto-training or distracting activities to calm them down are no longer enough. Herbal medicines are considered the safest when considering them from an environmental point of view and the incidence of side effects. They do not have such a strong effect on the liver and kidneys; they are almost completely eliminated from the body without being retained. internal organs. And at the same time, they are often enough to normalize the patient’s condition and improve his well-being.

But this does not mean that herbal medicines are completely harmless and can be taken uncontrollably on their own without consulting a doctor. Many herbs cause allergies, especially if a multicomponent herbal mixture is used, which contains not one plant, but several. And there are some herbs that are poisonous large quantities, are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, young children and elderly patients. They should be taken with extreme caution and only under medical supervision.


  • Availability and low cost.
  • Eco-friendly and natural.
  • Can be used in pediatrics and taken for a long period.
  • They do not have significant side effects unless the dosage is violated.


  • Like medications, herbal ones also have contraindications and can provoke allergies.
  • Some plant components are poisonous; dosage must be observed.
  • The effect is not noticeable immediately; it takes a long time to take herbal-based medications.

Rating of the best plant-based sedatives for the adult nervous system

Rating#1 #2 #3
Price114 RUR197 RUR164 RUR
Gentle effect on the body
Ease of use Availability in the pharmacy network Calming effect Staying active throughout the day

It is used for neuroses and irritability, which lead to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. These tablets are available without a doctor's prescription and can be taken by the patient for up to 8 weeks.

  • Pleasant taste– tablets or tablets need to be dissolved or placed under the tongue.
  • Fast action.
  • Good price.
  • This remedy should not be used by adolescents and children under 18 years of age; it is not prescribed for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Contains sweeteners.
  • Some patients have individual intolerance to this drug.

A very popular, effective and at the same time gentle preparation containing passionflower extract. Alora eliminates insomnia, depression, irritability, anxiety, as well as asthenia and panic attacks.

  • Has an anticonvulsant effect.
  • Suitable for treating children from the age of three.
  • Some patients have individual intolerance.
  • Does not combine well with other sedative or hypnotic drugs.

These pills relieve nervous tension, help make it easier to endure menopause, cope with irritability, increased excitability, and sleep disorders.

  • Guaranteed, soft effect.
  • Minimum contraindications.
  • Convenient release form.
  • High price.
  • IN in rare cases individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is noted.
  • Contains sucrose and lactose.


Thanks to their special composition, these tablets help eliminate irritability, manifestations of neurasthenia, sleep disturbances, attacks of aggression, apathy, and effectively combat psychosomatic disorders.

  • Wide range actions.
  • Quick effect.
  • The tablets are not addictive.
  • You need to take a large amount of the drug - up to 8 small tablets 5 times a day.
  • Allergic reactions are possible.


Contains only natural ingredients– extracts of medicinal plants. Helps relieve tension, overcome depression, eliminate insomnia and neuroses.

  • Well tolerated.
  • It has almost no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.
  • It is imperative to follow the treatment regimen and dosage prescribed by the doctor.
  • Not used in childhood and during pregnancy.
  • Cases of allergic reactions have been recorded.

Combination sedatives

Just by the name of the group, you can understand that such drugs contain not one active component, but several. These can be either extracts of herbs, fruits, leaves of medicinal plants, or synthetic substances. Many doctors and patients prefer them, since the components complement and enhance each other’s effectiveness, the result is noticeable much faster.


  • Fast and long lasting effect.
  • One drug acts in several directions and eliminates a number of symptoms - for example, it helps to overcome nervousness, panic, while eliminating headaches and insomnia.
  • Saving money - instead of two or three medications, it is enough to purchase one combined one.


  • They can cause allergic reactions, and it is difficult to determine which component is not suitable.
  • They have contraindications and side effects.

Rating of the best combined herbal-based sedatives for the adult nervous system

Rating#1 #2 #3
NamePersen (Forte)
Price360 RUR.396 RUR75 RUR
Gentle effect on the body
Ease of use Availability in the pharmacy network Calming effect Staying active throughout the day


For constant nervous tension and rapid fatigue, depressed states, and insomnia, this solution containing extracts of oats, coriander, sweet clover, motherwort and hop cones will help. This remedy is taken one spoon or capsule up to four times a day, with the last dose being taken before going to bed.

  • Natural and affordable drug.
  • Sold in solution or capsule form.
  • Eliminates several symptoms at once.
  • Contains ethanol.
  • Not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Affects blood clotting.

Persen (Forte)

The calming effect in this remedy is provided by a combination of lemon balm, valerian root and peppermint herb. This is an excellent sedative for the nerves of women who have a hard time with PMS and menopause. Fights nervousness, depression, loss of strength, improves sleep.

  • Available in three different forms– tablets, capsules and solution.
  • Available without a prescription.
  • It is inexpensive - from 200 rubles per package.


In addition to the traditional lemon balm and valerian, the composition of this drug is complemented by passionflower, hawthorn, hops, St. John's wort, and elderberry. The product has a pronounced sedative effect, relieves fears, panic, tension.

  • Relieves migraines, headaches, and reduces symptoms of dermatitis caused by nervous disorders.
  • Helps with menopause and fatigue.
  • Available without a prescription in various forms.
  • It has a number of contraindications.
  • Causes allergies.
  • After taking the drug, especially in solution form, many patients experience nausea.
  • Not suitable for children under 12 years of age.

An alcohol solution containing extracts of lemon balm and valerian is used only for the treatment of adults and adolescents with insomnia and nervous disorders.

  • Soft action.
  • For insomnia, it is enough to take one capsule of the medicine before bed.
  • Allergic reactions occur.
  • May cause drowsiness and lethargy.
  • Relatively high price - from 35 rubles per package.

The manufacturer has released an effective sedative in three versions: with an analgesic effect, lowering blood pressure and normalizing sleep. Contains dry herbs of sweet clover, valerian, motherwort, hops, licorice, mint, available in the pharmacy as loose Herb tea in cardboard packaging or as filter bags.

  • You can choose a drug with the optimal composition.
  • Solves several problems at once.
  • Easy to use - many people find it easier to drink tea or decoction than tablets.
  • It has a minimum of contraindications, as it does not contain ethanol.

Life modern man full of stress. Sometimes neither warm tea nor hot bath. In such cases, sedatives for the nervous system come to the rescue. These drugs are available in the form various tinctures, tablets, powders. The safest sedatives are herbal tinctures, which can be taken even by children.

A healthy person who is not registered in a mental health clinic and does not suffer from serious mental disorders is prescribed sedatives, as a rule, in the following cases:

  • insomnia;
  • “manager syndrome”;
  • examination period;
  • weather change;
  • stressful situations.

Everyone has experienced this at least once in their life. unpleasant phenomenon like insomnia. Lack of sleep occurs when there was some kind of shock the day before or it was just a difficult day. In a healthy person, as a rule, the next day becomes healthy. deep dream, in which he regains his strength.

But what to do when the troubles drag on and long-term worries keep you from falling asleep for many nights in a row? In this case, sleeping pills with a sedative effect are prescribed. However, you should not often abuse sleeping pills, since these drugs cause the body to become accustomed to the so-called “artificial sleep.”

“Manager syndrome” is a relatively new term in the field of psychotherapy. After all, it arose in the modern era of IT technology and the “office lifestyle”. Managers typically work all day under total mental stress. This type of work requires constant attention and responsibility.

These factors do not pass without consequences for the nervous system. This syndrome manifests itself in the form of emptiness, loss of taste for life, and lack of joy. If calming tablets don't start timely treatment, then “manager syndrome” can develop into prolonged depression.

Every student knows the pre-exam jitters. To pass the session calmly, during such periods it will not hurt to take sedatives. As a rule, in these cases it is enough to put your nerves in order with the help of sedative tinctures from valerian, mint, motherwort.

There is a category of people who are very dependent on the vagaries of the weather. For example, when the weather changes, they experience weakness, apathy, and lack of sleep. For some, on the contrary, in rainy weather their blood pressure drops and they constantly feel sleepy. To alleviate such symptoms. For weather dependent people lungs are prescribed sedatives.

About a third of all women in the world suffer from premenstrual syndrome. It manifests itself in frequent changes mood, attacks of aggression or apathy, tearfulness, irritability. Good herbal sedatives help relieve all these symptoms.

A healthy nervous system is the key to our longevity and happiness. The doctor must decide which sedative will help best in each individual case. However, only the person himself bears the main responsibility for his body! Whatever happens in life, you need to try to perceive everything calmly and judiciously.

Classification of sedatives

Based on their composition, all sedatives are divided into two categories:

  • vegetable;
  • synthetic.

Herbal based sedatives

Soothing drops from herbal infusions are safe for the body. They are available in pharmacies without a prescription, since these medications can be taken even by pregnant women.

Herbal preparations are very popular due to their low price and lack of side effects. However, to achieve a good effect, such medications must be taken regularly.

The most popular herbal sedatives:

  1. Novo-passit. It contains 7 herbal ingredients which can reduce anxiety and tension levels.
  2. Valerian extract. This is the most popular remedy since the times of our grandmothers. Valerian drops help relieve stress and restore healthy sleep and also eliminate headaches.
  3. Persen. Each tablet contains mint, lemon balm and valerian.
  4. Sedavit. This medicinal complex contains extracts of the following herbs: St. John's wort, hawthorn, hop cones and mint.

Herbal medicines are prescribed, as a rule, for mild neuroses, insomnia and anxiety.

Synthetic sedatives

If we're talking about about serious disorders of the nervous system, the doctor will prescribe strong synthetic drugs.

They are divided into 3 main categories:

  1. Tranquilizers. Their main purpose is to eliminate anxiety, fear, and tension.
  2. Neuroleptics. Such drugs are used in psychiatric hospitals.
  3. Normothymic sedatives for depression.

Nerve calmers for women and men

Sedatives are both universal and separate for women and men, and there are also special sedatives and recommendations for pregnant women. We will consider the best and most effective means below.

Good remedies for depression

  1. Trips. A short-term change of residence “reboots” the psyche and allows you to look at your life from a different angle.
  2. Doing what you love. It is very important to find your favorite profession, which would bring not only income, but also satisfaction. If this is not possible, then at least find a hobby.
  3. Communication with like-minded people.
  4. Meditation.
  5. Music.
  6. Color therapy. Psychologists have long proven the influence of color on mood. Orange, yellow and green colors are great for uplifting mood!
  7. To have a pet. The cat can even cure heart disease.
  8. Change of hairstyle and image (for women).

If these methods do not help, then it is better to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist. A psychologist will help you deal with problems with positive side. And the psychotherapist will prescribe the necessary medicine.

  1. Motherwort tincture. This extract is an effective and inexpensive remedy. It reduces excitability and reduces heart rate. This is one of the most accessible and popular means.
  2. Phytosedan– an excellent sedative, which is a mixture of herbs: hops, valerian, licorice root, mint, motherwort. It has absolutely no side effects and is allowed even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  3. Deprim. This medicine Made from St. John's wort extract. This drug not only restores the nervous system, but also tones the entire body: improves the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes sleep.
  4. Valocordin. This is a strong sedative, known to us since the last century, which has not lost its popularity to this day. Valocordin – vasodilator, which relieves spasms and tension. The medicine is a good sleeping pill. But you should not get carried away with it, as the drug is addictive.
  5. Barboval. This is a combination drug that relieves vascular spasms and has a sedative effect. Unlike valocordin, barboval does not cause drowsiness.
  6. Magnetrans. The name of the medicine already indicates that it contains a large amount of magnesium, an anti-stress element. If there is not enough magnesium in the body, the metabolism in the cells slows down, which leads to physical and mental stress. This is expressed in the following symptoms: dizziness, irritability, insomnia, hypertension.
  7. Glycine forte. This drug reduces nervous tension, normalizes sleep, and also increases performance.
  8. Lady-S Antistress. This powerful sedative was developed by scientists specifically for women. A special complex, including vitamins and herbal extracts, has a gentle effect on the central nervous system. This remedy can eliminate the symptoms of PMS.
  9. Men Antistress. This medicine is similar to the previous one, only its composition is selected in such a way as to take into account all the characteristics of the male body. The biocomplex saturates well male body vitamins, relieves all signs of fatigue, and also increases performance.
  10. Afobazol. This new medicine, developed by Russian pharmacists, perfectly helps with stress and insomnia. This drug even alleviates the syndrome when quitting smoking.

Folk remedies - sedative tinctures

Recipes sedative infusions You can get it at home without a prescription:

  1. Take a mixture of soothing herbs: hawthorn, rose hips, oregano, mint, valerian and mix in equal parts - 1 tablespoon each. All this is poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and left for half an hour. After this, the infusion is filtered and taken 200 grams 3 times a day before meals.
  2. An infusion of hawthorn fruit is a strong sedative. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of hawthorn berries and pour a glass of boiling water. For better effect the drink can be boiled. Then it should be left for about 3 hours and then strained. Take half a glass of this liquid before bed.
  3. A good soothing tea can be made from chamomile flowers, mint leaves, caraway fruits, valerian root and fennel stems. All ingredients should be crushed and then mixed. Then take the dry mixture and pour boiling water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Leave for 1 hour and then strain. Drink half a glass 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Soothing baths are great for relaxing after a hard day at work.

There are several recipes:

  1. First you need to prepare a decoction of linden, wormwood and rosemary. All ingredients are taken in equal parts and mix. Then take 1 kg of herbs and fill it with 4 liters of water. Place the pan on the fire and let it boil. After this, the broth should boil for 15 minutes, after which it is filtered. This liquid is poured into a bath with warm water. You need to experience this fragrant pleasure at least once a week.
  2. Oregano and lemon balm bath. This recipe was invented specifically for women, since oregano is medicinal plant for the treatment of all female diseases, and lemon balm is an excellent antidepressant. Take 50 grams of each type of herb and add 3 liters of water. The broth should be boiled and simmered for 10 minutes, and then drained. Pour the liquid into a bath with warm water and take this pleasure every other day. The course of treatment is 10 times.
  3. For bathing newborn babies, use a decoction of thyme and chamomile. These herbs can not only calm the baby, but also ward off evil spirits.

An interesting fact is that after a month of such herbal therapy, the skin becomes soft and tender.

To sleep well, you can make yourself a special pillow filled with aromatic herbs. To do this, sew a bag, which is filled with dry leaves of mint, lavender, St. John's wort, hop cones, and valerian root. The bag is sewn together, and a few drops are dripped onto the pillowcase lavender oil. The contents of such a pillow should be changed once every 2-3 months.

What sedatives can pregnant women use?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many complex processes, which do not pass without leaving a trace on the nervous system. As a result hormonal surge the pregnant woman becomes irritable, whiny, and touchy.

Plant-based sedatives during pregnancy will help reduce such manifestations:

  • Persen;
  • Novopassit;
  • decoctions of mint and lemon balm;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian.

In addition to medicinal sedatives, there are a number of other recommendations for pregnant women:

  1. Full healthy sleep of at least 8 hours.
  2. Walks in the open air.
  3. Vitamins and proper nutrition.
  4. Positive emotions. Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from watching disturbing films, as well as news on TV. It is better to prefer going to art exhibitions, museums, and theaters.
  5. Needlework. Any type of needlework is an excellent calming agent for a woman: knitting, embroidery, weaving. It is necessary to choose a hobby so that it brings only pleasure.
  6. Aromatherapy. The action of an aroma lamp with fragrant oil acts as a sleeping pill for pregnant women. Aroma oils soothe and eliminate anxiety.

But under no circumstances should pregnant women take hot bath, which can cause miscarriage. It is better to leave such water procedures when the baby is born. Also, expectant mothers should not use synthetic sedatives. They can jeopardize not only the health of the mother, but also the unborn baby.

For new mothers, there are also sedatives for breastfeeding from herbal complexes. After childbirth, a woman experiences hormonal changes, which are expressed in mood changes, irritability, and anxiety. Motherwort and Valerian tablets will help cope with such “whims” of the female body and restore peace of mind.

Sedatives for children

Our children are not immune from nervous tension and stress. The causes of childhood experiences can be:

  1. Family problems: parents’ divorce, frequent scandals, misunderstandings on the part of adults.
  2. Problems at school: disagreements with peers, poor performance, conflicts with teachers.
  3. Various teenage complexes.
  4. Hyperactivity.

When a child begins to behave inappropriately, withdraw into himself or become nervous about anything, adults need to pay attention to this. To do this, you should spend more time with your child, praise him more often and demonstrate parental love.

In addition to herbal tinctures of medicinal herbs, there are children's sedatives:

  • Magne B6;
  • Phenibut;
  • Pantogam.

A sedative for children, as a rule, helps cope with insomnia, irritability, and nervousness. IN medicinal complexes In addition to soothing components, it includes vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the nervous system.

There is an excellent children's drug - Bayu-Bai. This complex is created for the little ones. It helps your baby fall asleep after an active day with various adventures.

The best “soothing” for the baby will be the mother’s breast. The mother's smell and mother's warmth have a calming effect on the child.

Sedative medications should be taken only after consulting a doctor, as most of them can be harmful to health.

Stress and troubles are an integral part of our lives. There is no need to focus on this. It is better to focus on all the good things that already exist in our lives. Happiness is the ability to enjoy every pleasant little thing: warm sun, the spring breeze, the laughter of a child, the kiss of a loved one.

Stress has become an integral part of our lives. Chronic stress, anxiety and fears drive us into a corner, contributing to the manifestation of insomnia, neuroses and depression. Acute and chronic stress can provoke all sorts of diseases, among which the most dangerous is cancer.

Causes and manifestations

In modern life, there are many reasons that can trigger the occurrence of neurosis. If you dig deeper, stress and neuroses arise from conflict between inner desires person and the opportunity to realize them in life. The trigger factor can be either one traumatic situation of great force or chronic troubles that unsettle a person.

The main causes of neuroses and stress include failures at work (men suffer more), unfavorable marriages, unconscious internal conflicts, stressful work (doctors, teachers, hospice workers), chronic diseases and many others.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of temperament and mental stability, but even the most resilient of us sometimes need help to successfully cope with stress.

Neuroses are the most common type among all mental disorders, but most of these patients seek help from family doctors or therapists, or tries to treat his illness on his own.

Stressful conditions are characterized by the occurrence of the following conditions:

  • insomnia, shallow and intermittent sleep;
  • increased or decreased appetite (even to the point of absence);
  • feeling of depression, fatigue, emptiness, physical weakness; headaches, decreased memory and attention;
  • increased irritability, depression, high sensitivity to stress factors, excessive vulnerability;
  • tearfulness, tearfulness, feelings of melancholy, increased anxiety, emotional lability;
  • fatigue and inability to concentrate;
  • decreased libido.

Can also join autonomic disorders: palpitations, sweating, hand tremors, hesitation blood pressure, intestinal problems.


Treat stressful conditions needs to be comprehensive and competent, since self-medication in in this case not the best the best choice, since it is very easy to suppress the symptoms, but not get rid of the very cause of stress: do not try to fight it yourself - this will not help you cope with the problem, but will only worsen the situation!

There is a certain list of drugs that help get rid of neurosis and stress.

AfobazoleA synthetic drug, the action is aimed at a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and mildly stimulating effects. Afobazole reduces anxiety, tension, vegetative manifestations. This medicine is available in tablets and is not addictive. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.300 rub.
AtaraxThe drug is a daytime tranquilizer (anxiolytic). Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Atarax tablets have a moderate sedative, antiemetic, antihistamine effect. This medicine improves memory and attention, relieves anxiety, and helps get rid of itching in eczema and dermatitis. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier and is not prescribed during pregnancy.270 rub.
GrandaxinA daytime tranquilizer, which belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives, mainly has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect and does not have a sedative (calming), muscle relaxant, or anticonvulsant effect. It is used to normalize psychovegetative reactions and eliminate autonomic disorders. It has an average stimulating activity on the higher centers of the nervous system. Dispensed in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.From 203 to 607 rubles.
AdaptolIt is a mild tranquilizer, it does not have a hypnotic effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and also increases performance and mental activity. Can be used as a daytime tranquilizer. Adaptol is available in tablets.600 rub.
TenotenNootropic drug with antixiolytic activity. It has a calming and anti-anxiety effect without causing hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. Mainly used for chronic intoxications, hypoxia, with various violations blood circulation of the brain. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.196 rub.
PhenibutA nootropic drug that has a moderate tranquilizing, psychostimulating effect, reduces the manifestations of nervous asthenia and vagovegetative symptoms, moderately increases physical activity and mental activity. Phenibut tablets help reduce anxiety, tension, worry and fear, and normalize sleep physiology. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. This drug is used in the treatment of acute and chronic stress.123 rub.
NovopassitA drug plant origin, contains extracts of valerian rhizomes, hop cones and old flowers. Shots well nervous excitement, restores sleep.280 rub.
PersenA sedative (calming) drug, of plant origin, has a calming and antispasmodic effect. Contains extracts of valerian rhizomes, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.320 rub.
AzafenA drug from the group of tricyclic antidepressants. Improves mood and has a light sedative effect. Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.192 rub.
AmitriptylineA drug from the group of inhibitors of neuronal monoamine uptake. Helps get rid of depression of any etiology, as well as with severe neurosis with a predominance of the anxiety componentFrom 38 to 62 rubles.

When prescribing any of these drugs, it is very important to take the full course prescribed by your doctor. This should be done to consolidate the effect and prevent possible relapses.

Patients with severe cases of neuroses must be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Separate groups of drugs

The main drugs for treatment are divided into two groups - those of plant and synthetic origin. Medicines from the group psychotropic drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist, these include antidepressants, antipsychotics, nootropics and tranquilizers.


Antidepressants are drugs belonging to the group of psychotropic drugs. They are used to eliminate symptoms of depression, reduce feelings of melancholy, anxiety, relieve feelings of apathy and lethargy, reduce internal emotional stress, and normalize sleep and appetite. Basic antidepressants include the following drugs- fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), fevarin and azaphene. Antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist, starting with small doses, the duration of treatment is several months to consolidate the effect. Antidepressants also have side effects - hypotension, arrhythmia, dry mouth, itchy skin, weight gain and more. These medications are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.


Nootropics are drugs that have a specific effect on the nervous system and are neurometabolic stimulants. Nootropics stimulate human mental activity, activate cognitive function brain, increase learning ability, and also increase the brain’s resistance to damaging factors (for example, hypoxia). A prominent representative of this group is piracetam. The group of nootropics also includes glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), phenotropil, mexidol. These drugs (except GABA) are available without a doctor's prescription. Glycine is available in tablets and is successfully used to treat stress and neuroses.


This is a group of medications that are used to reduce symptoms of anxiety, irritability, fear and emotional stress. This occurs due to a decrease in excitation processes in the subcortex of the brain. There is also a mild sleeping pill and sedative.


Neuroleptics are antipsychotic drugs. They affect the higher centers of the brain. To the group antipsychotic drugs includes chlorpromazine, eglonil, clopixol, sonapax. Neuroleptics have different action on the body - they calm, reduce the threshold of reactions to stimuli, help reduce symptoms of psychomotor agitation and tension, reduce the level of fear, anxiety and aggression. They suppress productive symptoms in schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations). Prescribed only by a psychiatrist and dispensed at a pharmacy according to prescription form with doctor's orders.

Herbal preparations

Herbal sedatives can be produced in various forms. herbal infusions and in tablets, capsules, syrups. Herbs that have a sedative (calming) effect: chamomile, sage, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort. There are tablet forms of motherwort and valerian.

Non-drug methods

In addition to using medications, it is necessary to model your lifestyle. First, you should get rid of stress factors if possible or change your attitude towards them.

Try to get enough sleep. After all, chronic lack of sleep is also a powerful stress factor. You should also start playing sports. Firstly, it helps keep the body toned and balanced. Secondly, this is another way to organize your thoughts and throw out negative energy.

Frequent attacks of irritability, unmotivated aggression and nervousness greatly destabilize mental condition person and over time can provoke. There are many ways to prevent this: psychotherapy, rest, physical activity, drug treatment(in case of severe cases). About how to cope with irritability on your own without resorting to sedatives you can find out from .

When selecting a sedative, the following are taken into account:

  • Severity of the disease;
  • Presence of allergic reactions and contraindications;
  • Patient's age: some groups of drugs are suitable for adult men and women, others are suitable for children, adolescents and the elderly.

Sedatives to combat irritability

The action of sedatives is aimed at reducing the excitability of the nervous system. Their use can be justified by excessive aggressiveness (especially destructive), causeless tearfulness and irritability.

Sedatives have a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system: they help with intestinal nerve spasms, tremors of the limbs, hyperhidrosis, rapid heartbeat.

Sedative medications normalize sleep patterns. Unlike sleeping pills, they do not slow down brain rhythms, but simply reduce sensitivity to irritants (both external and internal) and make it easier to go to sleep.

Sedatives used in conjunction with tranquilizers, antipsychotics and painkillers enhance their effect. IN severe cases neurasthenia and aggressiveness, the combination of these medications helps to reduce dosages without reducing effectiveness. Such drug bundles are also used in non-hormonal therapy climacteric syndrome.

Sedatives (especially herbal ones) have a minimum of side effects and do not cause dependence or addiction. They are mainly sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Herbal sedatives

The main advantage of medicines based on herbal ingredients is safety. They are significantly smaller synthetic medicines load the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. Many herbal sedatives are approved for use by children and adolescents.

Both products based on one component and herbal infusions are equally effective:

  • Valerian in tablets, alcohol tincture, capsules and tea briquettes: helps reduce nervous excitement.
  • Medicines based on passionflower (passionflower): alkaloids and flavonoids contained in passionflower eliminate irritability, anxiety and groundless fears. Based on the passion flower, many good medicine from menopausal syndrome (for example, Alora).
  • Sedative preparations from motherwort: drops, alcohol tincture, tablets with motherwort extract;
  • Preparations based on St. John's wort: Neuroplant, Negrustin. Combines the effects of an antidepressant and sedative.

Combined sedatives

Combining different herbal components allows you to mutually enhance their therapeutic effect with a fairly small dosage. The best sedative multicomponent drugs:

  • Persen and Persen Forte(identical preparations, the only difference: the first contains 50 mg of valerian, the second 125). Persen stabilizes nervous condition, reduces excitability and (if sleep disturbances are the main reason for taking the medicine, it is better to choose Persen “Night”). The drug is contraindicated for hypotension, lactase deficiency and fructose intolerance.
  • Phytosed– a medicinal mixture of hops, motherwort, lemon balm, sweet clover, oats, coriander and hawthorn infused with alcohol (not recommended during pregnancy or when driving). The collection relieves nervous tension and anxiety.
  • Phytosedan 2herbal collection based on mint, motherwort, licorice root, hops and valerian. Phytosedan 3 is a collection based on sweet clover, valerian, oregano, motherwort and thyme. These medications can be taken for high nervous excitability, neurosis, and migraines. An allergy to one of the components of the collection may be a contraindication.
  • Novopassit– a mixture based on lemon balm, valerian, passionflower, St. John's wort, hops, hawthorn and elderberry with guaifenesin. Prescribed for irritability and nervousness, groundless fears and mild neurasthenia.
  • Valocordin: reduces the activity of the central nervous system, produces a mild hypnotic effect.
  • Dormiplant– a medicinal mixture of lemon balm and valerian. Available in tablets and alcohol tinctures. Dormiplant can be taken if you have high nervousness or problems controlling aggression.
  • Adonis Brom based on Adonis and potassium bromide: has a sedative and cardiotonic effect.
  • Bromcamphor. It acts similarly to other bromides: it has a sedative effect, normalizes sleep, eliminates anxiety, and enhances brain inhibition processes.
  • Nervoflux: tea mixture of valerian, hop cones, lavender, bitter orange, mint and licorice. Purpose – chronic stress, problems falling asleep.

Potent drugs: tranquilizers and antipsychotics

Tranquilizers are potent drugs used in advanced or complex cases of increased nervous excitability, aggressiveness, anxiety states, and panic.

List of popular tranquilizers:

  • Lorazepam;
  • Phenazepam;
  • Diazepam;
  • Atarax;
  • Chlordiazepoxide.

At the strong calming effect tranquilizers have many side effects, including: drowsiness, muscle weakness, tremor, lethargy, decreased attention and addiction to the drug.

Tranquilizers are used only as prescribed by a doctor, in short courses.

Neuroleptics are drugs that enhance inhibition of the nervous system:

  • Sonapax;
  • Azaleptin;
  • Tiapride.

They are used exclusively in cases of serious disorders: amnesia, schizophrenia, manic syndrome, advanced depression. The effect of the medicine covers not only areas of brain pathology, but also healthy areas.

Sedatives for children

Before you give your child a sedative, you need to know for sure if he has symptoms of a nervous disorder or behavioral problems. Only a specialist can make such a conclusion after examining the patient. Frequent tantrums, moodiness and constant mood swings are quite normal for children.

A sedative for a child must meet the following requirements:

  • Soft action;
  • Small dosage of active substance;
  • Harmlessness;
  • No addiction.

All of the above parameters correspond to the drugs from this list:

  • Phenibut: These tablets can be taken for increased anxiety, depression, fears, and stuttering. The medicine also normalizes the child’s sleep: speeds up falling asleep and makes sleep deeper;
  • Motherwort and Valerian decoction: calms the child, reduces sensitivity to irritating factors;
  • Nervochel: a harmless sedative, allowed even during breastfeeding.

Anti-anxiety medications for teenagers

The puberty period of child development is associated with dramatic behavioral changes. Drastic changes moods, tearfulness, anger and aggression are associated with a complete restructuring of the nervous system ( puberty stimulates subcortical activity).

Typically, teenagers cope with age-related difficulties on their own. Improper upbringing (unfavorable environment in the family, at school, or difficulties in relationships with friends) can lead to the fact that in order to overcome aggression and anger, a young patient will need medicinal support:

  • Gerbion(plantain syrup) is an antitussive with a sedative effect. Usually used to restore the nervous system after protracted illnesses.
  • Glycine– combined sedative. Glycine improves cognitive abilities (memory, learning), which is why it is especially popular among university students.
  • Phytosedan– herbal collection based on components that relax smooth muscles. Optimal time To be taken before bed: the drink helps you fall asleep quickly, relieves nervous tension and stress.

Contraindications to taking sedatives

IN in some cases, even relatively harmless sedative medications can cause significant harm to a person. The category of people who should definitely consult a specialist before using a sedative includes:

  • Children: sedatives are used only after the presence of pathologies of the development of the nervous system has been proven;
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Allergy sufferers and people with hypersensitivity need to carefully study the composition of the product;
  • Patients who have recently suffered a traumatic brain injury: taking such medications can cause many complications;
  • Patients with epilepsy, brain tumors;
  • People with drug or alcohol addiction.

In order to find out which medications are best suited in a particular case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Even mild herbal medicines should not be abused. If the purpose of the intake is to moderate irritability and before important event, you can take a medicine (not a strong one) without first consulting a doctor. If stress and nervousness are chronic, medication should be prescribed by a doctor.