Cyston is an effective anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Cyston - therapeutic effect. Indications for drug therapy

The drug Canephron belongs to the group of drugs that have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial effects.

It has been produced since 1934 and during this time it has gained a reputation as a truly effective product.

However, according to various reasons It may not be possible to use this drug. Let's look at what can replace Canephron.

Rosehip contains antioxidants (ascorbic acid, carotene), organic acids and pectins, lovage contains phenolcarboxylic acids and phthalides, centaury is rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids, and rosemary is rich in essential oils.

This diversity allows this remedy to have a complex effect: relieve inflammation and spasm, provide a diuretic and antibacterial effect.

Canephron is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis) and Bladder(for example, cystitis), and also, as a means of prevention urolithiasis.

Watch the video instructions for using the drug:

The mechanism of action of Canephron is determined by the specificity of the active components. Rosmarinic acid relieves inflammation, flavonoids relax muscle tissue, relieving spasms, essential oils remove excess fluid from the body without disturbing the water-salt balance, antioxidants remove toxins and have an antibacterial effect.

Besides complex impact on the kidneys and bladder, it should be noted that the drug has virtually no side effects and is generally well tolerated by patients.

The only exceptions are cases of individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of Canephron.

In addition, the product does not have negative influence on the ability to drive a vehicle, engage in activities that require high concentration attention; does not give negative effects when interacting with other drugs and does not cause intoxication when taking an excessive dose.

However, you should know that this remedy not intended for the elimination of edema in cardiac and renal failure, not recommended in the presence of peptic ulcers, especially during relapse, is not the main medicine for impaired renal function.

Canephron is not prescribed for children under 6 years of age.

Pregnant and lactating women can take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor.

Canephron is available in the form tablets(dragée) and drops.

The average price is 280-400 rubles for drops and 325-400 rubles for tablets.

How can I replace Canephron?

Among the drugs that have properties similar to Canephron, the most popular are Cyston, Furagin and Fitolysin.

Cyston: general information about the drug, pharmacological properties

Like Canephron, Cyston has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial effects.

This drug contains herbal ingredients, which have a positive effect on the kidneys and bladder.

Among them are such active active ingredients, like saxifrage stem, didymocarpus flowers, membranous sylvestris, heart-leaved madder, rough strawflower seeds, ashy vernonia, many-leaved onosma.

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In addition, Cyston contains purified mineral resin, silicon lime, as well as auxiliary components.

Thanks to its active components, Cyston is prescribed for urolithiasis and infectious diseases urinary tract, attacks of renal colic, cystitis, pyelitis, urinary disorders.

The mechanism of action of Cyston is determined by the specificity of the active components. Almost all the plants included in the drug have a diuretic effect and neutralize inflammatory processes; saxifrage, didymocarpus, sith and onosma have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties; strawflower and vernonia relieve spasms.

It is important that the drug has virtually no side effects and is generally well tolerated by patients, except in cases of individual intolerance to the components of Cyston, which is the only contraindication for the use of the drug.

Cystone does not have negative effects when interacting with other drugs and does not cause intoxication if the dosage is exceeded; it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Cystone is available in tablet form.

The average price is 200-330 rubles, so this analogue of Canephron is cheaper.

Furagin: general information about the drug, pharmacological properties

Unlike Canephron and Cyston, Furagin is a drug synthetic origin, which has an antimicrobial effect.

Furagin includes one active ingredient– furazidin. The mechanism of its action is that furazidin disrupts metabolic processes in microbial cells, thereby neutralizing harmful microorganisms. In addition, hitting active substance into the lymph prevents the spread of bacteria through the lymphatic system.

Furagin is prescribed for the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis (acute and chronic), urethritis, if present infectious complications arising after surgery of the urinary system, as well as as a means of preventing infectious diseases of the urinary tract.

It should be noted that the use of Furagin may cause side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness, disorders gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions and general malaise. The use of the drug is contraindicated in the presence of renal failure, polyneuropathy, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

The use of Furagin may have negative effect when combined with other drugs and with inaccurate dosage.

Dispensed only with a doctor's prescription.

Furagin is available in tablet form.

The average price is 50-150 rubles, making it a cheap analogue of Canephron.

Phytolysin: general information about the drug, pharmacological properties

Phytolysin is a drug that has a diuretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the drug prevents the spread of bacteria and facilitates the removal of urinary stones (calculi).

For the prevention of diseases and treatment of the kidneys and urinary system, our readers advise

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It consists of 16 most useful medicinal herbs, which have extremely high efficiency in cleansing the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in cleansing the body as a whole.

Doctors' opinion..."

Phytolysin is a drug plant origin. It contains wheatgrass root, onion peel, goldenrod herb, parsley and lovage, which have an antimicrobial and disinfectant effect; birch leaves and horsetail grass, which have diuretic properties; parsley fruits, which increase the tone of the bladder walls; hernia herb and essential oils that neutralize inflammatory processes.

The drug Fitolysin is indicated for patients suffering from inflammation (infectious and non-infectious) of the kidneys and organs of the urinary system, and urolithiasis.

The use of this drug is contraindicated if the patient has acute nephritis, nephrosis, glomerulonephritis, renal or heart failure, gastritis, peptic ulcer gastrointestinal tract, allergy to Phytolysin components.

The drug rarely has side effects. But allergic reactions to the skin (itching, redness) are possible. headache, nausea, changes in taste sensations.

Phytolysin is an excellent analogue of Canephron, which can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

It interacts with some medications, so you should consult your doctor before use.

Phytolysin is available in paste form. The product has a specific taste and for this reason is not always well tolerated by patients.

The average price is 260-320 rubles.

Which drug should I choose? Advantages and disadvantages

Canephron or Cyston: which is better?

Advantages of Canephron over Cyston:

  • Less likely to cause an allergic reaction due to the lower content of plant components;
  • Suitable for most patients, since cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug are rarer due to the simplified composition;
  • Reduces the amount of protein excreted from the body in the urine;
  • More effective for removing stones formed by the deposition of urinary salts;
  • Available in the form of tablets and drops, which allows you to choose the most convenient form of application.

Advantages of Cyston over Canephron:

  • Affordable price;
  • The antibacterial effect is stronger due to a more diverse composition;
  • More effective in preventing the formation of kidney stones;
  • Better promotes the removal of stones formed by deposits of inorganic calcium compounds;
  • Safer for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Fewer contraindications and side effects.

Canephron and Furagin: which drug to choose

Advantages of Canephron over Furagin:

  • The active components of the drug are of plant origin;
  • Suitable for use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Minimal number of side effects and contraindications;
  • Available without a prescription.

Advantages of Furagin over Canephron:

  • Affordable price;
  • Soft but fast action, positive effect after the first use;
  • Stronger antibacterial effect;
  • Despite the large list side effects, judging by the reviews, negative manifestations are extremely rare.

Canephron or Phytolysin: which is better?

Advantages of Canephron over Phytolysin:

  • More effective for removing kidney stones;
  • Fewer contraindications;
  • Does not give a negative effect when interacting with other drugs;
  • Less likely to cause an allergic reaction due to lower content of plant components.
  • Neutral taste.

Advantages of Phytolysin over Canephron:

  • Affordable price;
  • It is better tolerated by pregnant women, since the composition does not contain rosemary, to which expectant mothers are often hypersensitive;
  • The antibacterial effect is stronger due to a more diverse composition.

An excellent solution is to use Phytolysin for cystitis - this is a very effective herbal medicine that will quickly cope with the disease.

Among the many drugs for the treatment of kidney diseases, Cyston holds a special place. Detailed information you can find information about the drug here.

In general, we can say that all drugs are quite effective. Therefore, before choosing, you should contact a specialist so that he can select the most suitable product for a particular case.

Canephron is the most popular and effective drug that has a diuretic effect. The components of canephron have an effect on foci of inflammation and reduce spasms of the urinary tract. The drug is now often prescribed by physicians, urologists and nephrologists for the treatment of chronic diseases. It has been produced in Germany since 1934, and, as an imported drug, is quite expensive in price. In Russia and other countries, its analogues are produced, cheap in cost, but with their own medicinal characteristics not inferior at all.

Canephron contains only herbal ingredients, so it has almost no contraindications or negative side effects. The drug is often used in complex therapy for many diseases: chronic cystitis(caused by bladder infections), inflammatory processes of the kidneys and after removal of bladder stones to prevent the formation of new stones. Also used in conjunction with antibacterial medicines in order to improve the therapeutic effect.

Canephron: cheap Russian-made analogues

Russian analogues of Canephron have more low price, but have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases associated with inflammatory processes in genitourinary system and kidneys.


Furagin contains an active substance of synthetic origin - furazidin. Its action is based on the destruction of metabolic processes in the cells of harmful microbes that cause inflammation in human organs. Furazidin also penetrates the lymph, which creates an obstacle to the penetration of bacteria in the lymphatic system.

Furagin is prescribed for the following diseases: cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), acute and chronic pyelonephritis (inflammatory process in the kidneys), urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), infectious postoperative complications of the genitourinary organs. It is often used to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious origin.


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Furagin can cause negative side effects:

  • drowsiness and dizziness;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • allergy;
  • symptoms of general malaise.

Important! Furagin often provokes a negative effect when simultaneous administration with other medications or exceeding the dosage.

The list of contraindications includes: polyneuropathy, renal failure, should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Furagin is the cheapest analogue of the drug Canephron, its price is 50-150 rubles.


This medicine contains the following herbal ingredients:

  • wheatgrass root, goldenrod, parsley and lovage, onion peel - have an effect on harmful microbes;
  • horsetail, birch leaves- have a diuretic effect;
  • parsley root - helps to increase the tone of the bladder walls;
  • hernia and various essential oils - neutralize inflammation in organs.

This drug is prescribed to patients suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, urolithiasis, various diseases kidney

The following diseases are contraindicated for the drug:: acute nephritis, gastritis, renal failure, glomerulonephritis, gastrointestinal ulcer, heart failure, allergic reactions to plant components.

Women who are pregnant or lactating are allowed to take Phytolysin.

The release form of Phytolysin is pasty with a specific taste, which is not very convenient for patients. Price - 260-320 rub.

Foreign analogues

Cyston- a drug made in India, contains 14 plant components in the form of dry extracts and acts comprehensively.

Let's list some of the components:

  • rough strawflower (seeds) - antispasmodic and good diuretic effects are manifested;
  • stem didymocarpus and essential oil its composition gives a diuretic effect;
  • saxifrage reed - helps in removing, dissolving stones from the kidneys and bladder, reduces irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • madder cordifolia - with the help of ruberythyric acid and glycosides, it promotes the dissolution of oxalate stones, has a diuretic and astringent effect;
  • membranous rash - has a disinfecting effect;
  • Vernonia ashy - relieves spasms in the bladder, facilitates urination;
  • mineral resin - helps improve digestion, has a positive effect on urination and metabolic processes in the body;
  • silicon lime - has a diuretic effect and dissolves stones.

The drug is most often used in complex treatment(in parallel with antibiotics) urolithiasis and infectious inflammatory diseases in the genitourinary system:

  • at postoperative treatment for the purpose of preventing stone disease;
  • for therapy for the removal of phosphate and litholyxalate stones;
  • for complex treatment of urethritis, pyelonephritis, to relieve inflammation of the bladder and kidneys caused by infectiously, with cystitis;
  • in female patients with urinary incontinence;
  • in situations of urinary disorders and detection of sand in the urine;
  • for gout.

Contraindications for this drug are:

  • high sensitivity to the herbal components of the drug;
  • acute stage of the inflammatory process in the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • not recommended for large sizes stones (more than 10 mm) due to possible blockage of the urinary tract;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What is the main difference

Canephron or Cyston

Let's look at the differences between the closest analogues Canephron and Cyston in more detail.

Canephron is better to use compared to Cyston because:

  • probability allergic manifestations less, because less quantity components;
  • helps reduce protein in urine;
  • effective in removing stones that have formed in the bladder due to salt deposition;
  • has 2 release forms (dragés and drops), which is convenient for patients.

Advantages of Cyston:

  • cheaper drug;
  • strong antibacterial effect due to many components;
  • helps with the removal of stones;
  • is more harmless for pregnant women and during lactation;
  • fewer contraindications and side effects.

Canephron or Furagin

Advantages of Canephron:

  • composed of plant components;
  • allowed to be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • has few contraindications and side effects;
  • positive acts in combination with other drugs;
  • You can buy it without a prescription.

Advantages of Furagin:

Canephron and Phytolysin

Advantages of Canephron:

  • effectively used in removing kidney stones;
  • has few contraindications;
  • combines well in complex therapy with other drugs;
  • the likelihood of an allergy is minimal, because the number of plant components is lower;
  • tastes good.

Benefits of Phytolysin:

  • the price is affordable for all patients;
  • higher antibacterial effect due to a larger number of components;
  • Due to the absence of rosemary in its composition, which is contraindicated for pregnant women, this drug is well tolerated by expectant mothers.

For reference! Many patients, when choosing the drug Canephron in a pharmacy, pay attention to the second name “Canephron N” and wonder: is this different drugs or not? So, this is the same drug, which is produced by Bionorica (Germany).

With all the variety of medications, the choice is best left to the doctor

All of these drugs have similar effectiveness. Therefore, when choosing the right medicine It is better to give preference to drugs with less harmful side effects on the body. Each patient, with the help of a doctor, must select a drug based on his financial capabilities and the condition of his body.

Canephron is a medicinal medication, with its help you can relieve inflammation, spasm, it has antibacterial and diuretic effect. The drug consists of herbal components - centaury, rose hips, lovage, rosemary.

Useful composition of Canephron and its analogues

1. Rosehip is best antioxidant, it contains a large amount of carotene, ascorbic acid, and pectin.

2. Lovage has an antibacterial effect.

3. Centaury has a diuretic effect.

4. Rosemary contains essential oils that relieve inflammation. It contains flavonoids, which can help relax muscles.

With the help of canephron, chronic kidney disease can be cured - glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis. It also relieves inflammation of the bladder; this is one of the best medicines for cystitis. The drug has no side effects, patients tolerate it well. It should not be used only by those who individually cannot tolerate it when an allergic reaction to herbal components occurs. All analogues of Canephron do not have an effect on the brain; using the drugs you can continue to work fully. No intoxication is observed after taking the drugs.

Contraindications for Canephron and its cheap analogues

2. Do not use if you have a peptic ulcer.

3. Small children are prohibited from taking Canephron.

4. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be used only after the recommendations of a doctor.

Canephron can be used both in pills and drops. The drug is expensive, so many are interested in what can replace the drug so that it is effective and inexpensive.

Cyston is an inexpensive analogue of Canephron

Cystone is an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial agent, with its help you can relieve spasm. The drug contains a large number of herbal components that will help improve the health of the bladder and renal system. The preparation contains ash vernonia, saxifrage, didymocarpus, silicon lime, resins. Used for treatments different infections in the urinary tract, cystitis, colic.

Due to the fact that the drug contains active ingredients, it is possible to relieve inflammation; it is one of the best antibacterial, antimicrobial agent. He gets rid of the spasm.

Cyston has no side effects and is well tolerated by patients. Do not use only for allergic reactions. The drug interacts normally with other drugs; if the dosage is exceeded, there will be no intoxication. Cyston should not be used when patency in the urinary tract is impaired. The drug is cheaper than Canephron.

Synthetic substitute for Canephron - Furagin

With its help you can destroy pathogenic microflora. The drug contains furazidin, when it is in the lymph, the bacteria are destroyed and do not spread further.

Furagin will help cure pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, as well as complications of various infectious diseases that affect the urinary tract. Please note that Furagin leads to the following side effects:

1. Dizziness.

2. Problems with the stomach and intestines.

3. Allergic reactions.

4. The person is weak and constantly wants to sleep.

Furagin should not be used in case of heart failure, renal failure, lactation period, pregnant women. If you do not follow the dosage, the drug can be harmful. Can only be used after a doctor's prescription. The drug is inexpensive.

Diuretic drug Phytolysin

With its help you can relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process. It prevents bacteria from spreading and can be used to remove urinary stones. Phytolysin contains plant components - onion peels, wheatgrass, lovage, goldenrod, parsley. This is one of the best disinfectant medicines. It contains birch leaves, horsetail, and has a diuretic effect.

It is recommended to take Phytolysin for those who have an inflammatory process in the kidneys or genitourinary system. Cannot be used for nephrosis, renal, heart failure, glomerulonephritis. Please note that the drug has a large number of side effects - headaches, nausea. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are allowed to take it.

Very rarely it can cause allergies in the form of itching and redness. The medicine is produced as a paste; it has an unusual taste.

What is better to choose Canephron or cheap analogues?

Canephron contains a small amount of plant components, unlike Cyston, this way you can prevent an allergic reaction. Canephron is better because it can remove kidney stones.

Cystone also has its advantages: it is affordable, has an antibacterial effect, and better removes stones that appeared due to the deposit of inorganic acids.

If you choose between Canephron and Furagin, it is better to give preference to the first drug. Canephron can be used during pregnancy and lactation period. Furagin is inexpensive drug, fast acting, has a strong antibacterial effect.

When choosing between Phytolysin and Canephron, pregnant women are advised to choose the first one; it does not contain rosemary, which often causes an allergic reaction. Phytolysin is especially useful for the treatment of cystitis.

So, all medicines are effective, it is necessary to give preference to those that will help cure the disease without harming the body. Everyone individually chooses a drug that suits them based on price and effect. Self-medication is not recommended; you should consult your doctor.

Personal experience with the use of super capsules, the drugs Canephron and Cyston in the removal of kidney stones.

With long-term dysbacteriosis, intestinal candidiasis with diarrheal syndrome those. With a tendency to loose stools and diarrhea, there is a loss of potassium in the body. The loss of potassium is accompanied by the loss of magnesium. The content of potassium and magnesium is very interrelated. A decrease in potassium causes cardiac dysfunction and of cardio-vascular system. Magnesium deficiency greatly affects nervous system a person, his resistance to stress, as well as the normal functioning of the gallbladder. There is a deterioration in the absorption of bile acids by the intestine. Fats and fat soluble vitamins cannot bind to bile acids and form compounds with calcium in the intestine. As a result, steatorrhea forms in the intestines - increased content in feces of neutral fats, soaps and fatty acids. Intestinal oxalic acid is not bound by calcium and enters freely into the blood, where it binds to serum calcium, followed by the formation of calcium oxalate. Some calcium oxalates are removed from the blood through the kidneys in the urine, and some are deposited in them, forming crystals, especially if a person does not drink enough water. Looking ahead, I can say that to compensate for the loss of potassium and magnesium in the body, I periodically take the drug Panangin.

Against the background of long-term intestinal dysbiosis, the resulting oxalate kidney stones made themselves felt in the form of a severe attack of renal colic, followed by emergency hospitalization in the hospital. Then, at an interval of approximately two years, there were two more attacks of renal colic with the passage of stones and sand from the kidneys. Thus, I spent three times in the hospital with kidney stones. Only over time, while working on my own health, did I come to the conclusion about the relationship between irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea and the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys. To move on to the experience of removing these stones, I will outline a little theory below.

This disease is better known in one of its manifestations - as kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), since the stones present in urinary tract, are formed mainly in the kidneys. The sizes of these formations are different and depend on the duration of the growth period. Sometimes urolithiasis is asymptomatic. In such cases, the presence of kidney stones may indirectly indicate discomfort(slight aches, dull pain) in the lumbar region after physical activity, especially in the case of heavy lifting.

Deposition of dense mineral stones in renal pelvis occurs in the process of precipitation of urine salts, which can be caused by kidney injuries and urine excretion disorders, but much more often - metabolic disorders and disorders of the nervous and hormonal regulation of renal functions. Kidney stones and sand can consist of 2-3 types of salts, but in most cases they are made up of only one type of salt. On such grounds as chemical composition, they are divided into oxalates, urates and phosphates. Less common are other types of stones formed by organic substances - sulfonamides, cholesterol, etc.

The formation of one type or another of stones depends on changes in the acid-base balance of urine that occur during illness. Oxalate and urate stones (oxalates and urates) form in acidic urine. Sulfonamide stones also occur in acidic urine, but this occurs only during intensive therapy with the use of sulfa drugs. Phosphate stones (phosphates), on the other hand, require an exclusively alkaline environment.

Symptoms of the disease

In nephrolithiasis, when the disease occurs with symptoms, it is customary to distinguish between acute and interictal periods. In the acute period, kidney stone disease is indicated by an attack of renal colic, which is characterized by sudden and violent symptoms (often after physical overexertion). sharp pains in the lower back, extending to the groin and abdomen. Others typical signs- nausea, bloating, gas and stool retention, sometimes turning into intestinal obstruction, in which the nature of the pain becomes cramping. The attacks are repeated with a certain frequency.

During the interictal period, some signs characteristic of pyelonephritis may be noted (pain in the kidney area when tapping the upper lumbar region), as well as several increased secretion urine.
The diagnosis of kidney stones is finally confirmed only when ultrasound examination kidneys or X-ray examination (X-ray best identifies urate stones and less clearly - phosphate stones). Urinalysis can detect changes acid-base balance in the acidic or alkaline direction, as well as the presence in the urine of certain substances that promote the growth of stones.

Prevention and treatment

Elimination of nephrolithiasis depends primarily on the type of disease (dysfunction) that caused the deposition of stones - this includes metabolic disorders, vitamin A deficiency, etc. B acute period pain attack stops the following measures. The patient is supposed to immediately lie down in bed, and so that the upper part of the body occupies exalted position(pillows are placed under the back).

Heat (compress or heating pad) is applied to the kidney area. If a person is able to move, it is advisable to take a general or, according to at least, local (to the waist) hot bath. Painful sensations are eliminated with the help of analgin, as well as antispasmodics such as baralgin (5 ml intravenously) and no-spa (2-3 tablets orally or intramuscularly 2 ml of a 2% solution).

When a person suffers from flatulence, which increases pain, you can use gas outlet pipe or do an enema with chamomile infusion. A persistent absence of urine in the bladder or the presence of blood (pus) in the urine usually serves as a basis for surgical intervention.

During the interictal period home therapy consists mainly of using diuretic teas from medicinal herbs and strict adherence to a diet. Any form of kidney stone disease excludes the use table salt. In some cases it can be replaced with less dangerous products(soy sauce, etc.), but these points are discussed with the urologist. With oxalates, consumption of meat and dairy products (especially cheeses), eggs, rice and flour dishes, and baked goods is indicated.

Some vegetables and berries are excluded from the menu: lettuce, spinach, sorrel, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, beans, plums, gooseberries, strawberries, currants. Coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea are prohibited. The lack of vitamins in the body is compensated by a course of vitamin therapy using carefully selected complexes. It is assumed that vitamin therapy inhibits the formation of stones, especially in the case of phosphates.
The following medications are used: cystone, spilled super capsules, canephron in tablets and drops.

Oxalates often occur simultaneously with urates, or even in an acidic environment, stones form from two types of salts at once. In this case, it is shown vegetarian diet, which naturally excludes the plant products listed above. Eating meat is allowed, but in limited quantities.

When clean uratah a diet is required that excludes coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, and smoked foods. Meat consumption (lean beef and poultry) is limited. Mineral waters with an alkaline reaction are useful for the patient, which include, for example, Borjomi and Zheleznovodskaya. It is important to remember that consuming highly carbonated mineral waters dangerous for kidney patients, therefore, for 15 minutes before drinking such water, the bottle with it should be kept open, allowing gases to leave the liquid.

In case of phosphates the use of saline-alkaline and other mineral waters containing bicarbonates is completely excluded. Has a beneficial effect on the patient's urinary system rich in acids food first meat dishes and bakery products, as well as legumes. It is undesirable to consume dairy products, carrots, tomatoes and other foods rich in calcium.
During an intensive course of sulfonamide therapy, it is recommended to drink up to 2 faceted glasses of baking soda solution per day (1 half teaspoon per glass). In addition, an indispensable condition for preventing the formation of sulfa stones is drinking plenty of fluids. The patient should drink at least 12 glass glasses (2.4 liters) of liquid per day.

Now about how I got rid of oxalate stones. Previously, long-term therapy was used for these purposes by taking an Indian Ayurvedic remedy called cystone. In principle, I used cystone before. A good friend of mine, a urologist, told me that cystone is considered obsolete remedy and prescribed a medicine, a dietary supplement, sold in any pharmacy called prolit super in capsules. There is also simply prolit in tablets, but I preferred prolit super capsules because, judging by the description, it has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder. They write that it removes stones from the gallbladder. Since I have gallbladder not everything is ok, I preferred spilled super in capsules. A course of 8 weeks was prescribed, 3 times a day, two capsules. There were two such courses with a three-month break. Before the third course, the kidney ultrasound description indicated one stone in each kidney. In the left – 4 mm, in the right – 3 mm. After the third course at 8 weeks, a repeat ultrasound showed the absence of a stone in the right kidney and a decrease in size in the left to 3 mm. I don’t remember what size the stones were before the first course, but the last one showed obvious positive dynamics. I asked the urologist if it was possible to continue taking these capsules, to which he replied that it was necessary to take a break of six months, during which he prescribed taking the drug. Canephron comes in the form of drops and tablets. I did not take the drops, since they are alcohol-based. Since I have to drive the car myself, I take Canephron in tablets (dragés).

Preliminary conclusions


The effectiveness of using prolit capsules is super obvious. It is safe to say that it helps better than cystone in removing oxalate kidney stones. While taking the capsules, super was spilled, to compensate for the loss of magnesium and potassium due to intestinal dysbiosis, Panangin was periodically taken. I can’t say anything yet about how effective Canephron is in removing stones, since the course of therapy with it has only just begun. I will write about the comparative results of its use based on ultrasound results in this blog post later.

P.S. Upon completion of the course of taking Canephron, he underwent a repeat control ultrasound of the kidneys. The super effect achieved by using the capsules remained without significant improvement with the use of Canephron. The size of the remaining stone was still 3 mm, but I would like to clean the kidneys completely. Therefore, I decided to use prolit super in the future to completely remove stones and take it every six months as a preventative course, since there is a tendency to form oxalate stones.

Cyston is a drug based on plant components that has antimicrobial and nephrolytic effects. The medicine effectively dissolves kidney stones and removes salts that provoke their formation. Antimicrobial components actively kill pathogenic microorganisms in the kidneys and urinary tract. You can learn more about the medicinal properties of Cyston in the instructions for use.

The drug is used in combination with other measures to combat urolithiasis and kidney diseases, crystalluria and urinary tract infections. The manufacturer of the herbal medicine Cyston is the Indian company Himalaya Drug Co., which specializes in the production of medicines from herbal raw materials. What will the remedy help you get rid of, and how to take it correctly?

Composition of the drug

Cyston tablets are light brown, round in shape and have some inclusions of dark or light colors. The drug was developed for plant based and contains several active ingredients. One tablet contains:

  • bicarp flower extract;
  • saxifrage stem extract;
  • extract of the rhizome of syta membranous;
  • mumiyo powder, etc.

The drug also contains mixtures of medicinal herbs, such as fragrant basil, fava bean seeds, horsetail and other components that have been treated with extract steam.

The drug Cyston contains natural ingredients, which provide safe treatment and help strengthen the entire body.

Therapeutic properties

Cyston has the following positive effects on the body:

  • Diuretic. A diuretic will quickly eliminate stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis. This helps remove salts from the body and prevents the formation of crystals that lead to the formation of stones.
  • Nephrological. The effect is to dissolve large stones and remove small stones. Cyston is aimed at reducing the chemical and physical bonds between the molecules of stones, which contributes to their rapid destruction. Also, the nephrological effect is manifested in the neutralization of substances that play a role in the formation of stones.
  • Antispasmodic. The effect is to relax the urinary organs, which facilitates easy urination. Also antispasmodic effect aimed at reducing and eliminating pain from the movement of stones in the urinary tract.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The effect eliminates inflammation, which is localized in the kidneys or on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract.
  • Antimicrobial. The action is manifested in the suppression of pathogenic microflora and the prevention of a new infectious and inflammatory process.

The medicine Cyston for urolithiasis has a therapeutic effect due to pharmacological properties:

  • removal of salts, stones and uric acid from the kidneys and bladder;
  • normalization of crystal-colloid balance in urine, which prevents damage to the mucous walls of the excretory tract;
  • decrease oxalic acid, calcium and other substances that contribute to the formation of kidney stones;
  • a decrease in the density of mucin, which is a kind of protective shell of stones, making their splitting possible.

The use of herbal remedies normalizes the process of urination, while eliminating pain.

Cyston can be used during pregnancy to eliminate pathogenic microflora of the urinary tract. Before taking this herbal remedy, you must consult a doctor.

Taking the drug

In the presence of urolithiasis and kidney diseases, doctors often prescribe Cyston. Indications for use are usually:

  • nephrourolithiasis, in other words - urolithiasis;
  • crystalluria;
  • infectious processes of the urinary tract - cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • V postoperative period for rehabilitation;
  • gout;
  • attacks of acute urinary incontinence in women;
  • stones in the ducts of the salivary glands.

Contraindications and side effects

The tablets contain completely natural ingredients, which makes them safe to take. Cyston has contraindications:

It is recommended to stop using medicine if you experience severe pain during therapy. When using herbal remedies, significant side effects not detected. In exceptional cases, an allergic reaction to a component of the drug occurs. If this happens, replace the herbal medicine with an analogue, after consulting with a specialist.

Rules of application

In the box with the bottle there is an annotation that states the rules of administration. Remember that the drug is not the main treatment for urolithiasis and kidney disease. The phytocomplex can be used as an addition to the main treatment or as a prevention of stone formation.

How to use the drug Cyston? The instructions for use state that the method of taking the tablets is oral. Therapy largely depends on the size and type of stones.

At infectious processes, litholysis and acute renal colic you need to take 2 tablets 3 times a day after meals. In cases of relapse of the disease, the dosage is reduced to 1 tablet per day.

How to take Cyston for cystitis? The drug should be used until the disease is completely localized. The instructions say that for adults, 2 tablets in the morning and evening are enough. In especially severe advanced cases, specialists increase the dose to three times a day.

This is a natural herbal preparation with a pronounced effect. It can be effectively used for prevention. For these purposes, take 2 tablets of the drug in the morning and evening time days after the meal. The course of therapy lasts a month.

Next, reduce the dose to 1 tablet and, adhering to the same rules, drink Cyston for another 20 weeks. For prevention, children from 6 to 14 years old should be given ½ tablet, children under 6 years old - ¼ tablet. You can take the herbal remedy in the same way during the postoperative period.

Herbal remedy during pregnancy

The drug is approved during pregnancy. Cyston can be taken during pregnancy without reducing the recommended dosage. The tablets are taken after meals with ½ glass of liquid. The duration of the therapeutic course is selected individually, depending on the patient’s condition. It is important to drink more than 2 liters of water per day to promote diuresis.

You should not prescribe the drug unless absolutely necessary. Cyston during pregnancy, taken outside the recommendations of the treating doctor, can cause miscarriage or uterine hypertonicity.

If crystalluria is observed in pregnant women, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 2 tablets 3 times a day for 4-6 months. In the presence of infectious diseases, the medicine is taken 2 tablets 3 times a day until recovery. Minimum term taking the medicine for a week.

Interaction with alcohol

Experts say that mixing alcohol with medications is not recommended, because it has unpredictable consequences and is very dangerous for humans. Cyston and alcohol are absolutely incompatible things, because a strong drink contributes to an exacerbation of the disease. When hit ethyl alcohol into the blood increases the load on the kidneys, which relates healing effect to the background.

Cystone and alcohol are not compatible, since such a cocktail only has harmful influence on the body.

Analogue products

Cystone does not have an exact analogue, since the herbal composition was developed by Indian specialists. However, there are herbal preparations with a similar therapeutic effect, these are the prototypes of the drug. Based on data from pharmaceutical institutions, Cyston analogues are as follows:

  • Canephron;
  • Urolesan;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Uriclar.

Relatively cheap analogues of herbal medicine are Urolesan, Fitolysin. The composition of this group of drugs differs from Cyston, but they have a similar therapeutic effect.

Cyston and Canephron

The principle of action of Canephron is based on antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is prescribed for cystitis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and kidney stones. The drug can also be taken as a preventive measure. The composition of Canephron also contains plant components, but in a smaller volume than Cyston.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of which is better, Cyston or Canephron. Both are aimed at treating urolithiasis, alleviating symptoms and breaking up stones. The purpose of Cyston is to remove phosphate stones, and Canephron - to remove urate stones. Treatment with two drugs shows excellent results.

Cyston and Phytolysin

Phytolysin has a plant composition, but with a much smaller number of components. Both drugs have diuretic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effects. The difference between Cystone and Phytolysin is in different ways obtaining raw materials. Cystone has a stronger composition than its counterpart.

Which is better - Phytolysin or Cyston? Doctors do not have a consensus on this matter. The only thing is that you cannot use both drugs at the same time, because they various compositions can harm the body. Phytolysin is available in paste form dark green, which must be diluted with water before use.

Purchasing the drug

Where to buy Cyston, and what is its cost? Today the drug can be purchased at any pharmacy at affordable price. The product will help cure urolithiasis and kidney diseases, so its purchase is successful and justified for many patients.

How much does the herbal remedy cost? For Russian citizens, the average price of the drug is 400 Russian rubles.

IN Lately All large quantity The population discovers kidney diseases of various etymologies. In Russia alone, at least 25 percent of people face this problem. The nature of the diseases important body quite diverse.

Diseases of the body's urinary system

The most common diseases:

  • Kidney stone disease.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Nephroptosis.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Hydronephrosis.

The real problem modern woman became the so-called cystitis - inflammation of the bladder.

Since the kidneys are the main urine-forming organ in the body, the above diseases cannot be left to chance.

For what kidney diseases do doctors prescribe patients to take courses of medications such as Canephron or Cyston? Much depends on the nature and severity of the diagnosis. These drugs are prescribed, as a rule, in the complex therapy of kidney diseases.

Application and composition of the drug Canephron-N

Kanefron-N. Application in complex treatment:

  • Chronic pyelonephritis.
  • Cystitis of acute and chronic forms.
  • Urethritis.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Asymptomatic bacteriuria (according to urine culture results).

Kidney diseases and problems with bladder occur very often during pregnancy. If a woman has previously suffered from similar diseases, then during pregnancy they will worsen.

In a delicate situation, this medicine also has no contraindications, since it is made on a plant basis and does not contain antibiotics. Canephron-N is prescribed to pregnant women at any stage as soon as it is detected in a urine test increased protein, as well as bacteria sensitive to certain antibiotics. It is the correction of protein in the urine and the gentle removal of excess fluid from the body that is one of the main advantages of Canephron-N.

Useful properties of the drug Canephron-N:

  • Antispasmodic– lovage in the medicine helps relieve pain and reduces tension.
  • Diuretic– expansion of the renal vessels improves blood flow and, as a result, urinary function. Rosemary and lovage contribute to this.
  • Anti-inflammatory– rosemary and centaury prevent bacteria from multiplying in the urinary tract and help cope with pyelonephritis.

Composition of the drug Canephron-N:

  • Active components:
    • Centaury herb 18 mg.
    • lovage medicinal root 18 mg.
    • Rosemary leaves 18 mg.
  • Auxiliary components:
    • Corn starch 15 mg.
    • Lactose monohydrate 45 mg.
    • Silicon dioxide 5.5 mg.
    • Povidone 9 mg.

Other substances included in the shell medicinal product. The advantage of this drug is that it fights not only the symptoms of the disease, but also various infections excretory system.

Contraindications for use may include hypersensitivity to components drug, to plants of the umbrella family, to anethole, as well as gastric ulcers in the acute period.

Application and composition of the drug Cyston

Cyston is prescribed for diseases and their consequences:

  • Crystalluria - crystals of various salts in the urine, the concentration of which leads to stone formation.
  • Cystitis.
  • Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys of a bacterial nature.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Urinary tract infections in women during pregnancy.
  • Gout is the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints and metabolic disorders.

This drug also allows you to avoid many contraindications, since it is absolutely natural in its composition and has a positive effect on areas of inflammation.

Plant extracts of the drug Cyston:

  • Stimulaceae flowers 65 mg.
  • Rough strawflower seeds 16 mg.
  • Stems of heartleaf madder 16 mg.
  • Rhizomes of membranous satiety 16 mg.
  • Reed saxifrage stems 49 mg.
  • Prifloral onosma 16 mg.
  • Vernonia ashy 16 mg.
  • Purified mumiyo powder 13 mg.
  • Lime silicate powder 16 mg.

Beneficial features medicinal drug Cyston:

  1. Cystone is good at establishing colloidal balance in the urine, reducing the concentration of oxalic acid and calcium, which contribute to the formation of stones.
  2. At the same time, the level of inhibitory elements increases. Cystone actively affects mucoproteins, which demineralize stones. The drug stimulates diuresis and relaxes the urinary tract, and also has a bactericidal effect.

Comparison of drugs Canephron-N and Cyston

General indications for application of Canephron-N and Cyston:

  • As effective diuretics.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antispasmodic.

The first conclusion that arises after studying the compositions of these drugs is almost one hundred percent absence of harm to health. In quite in rare cases There are allergic reactions to the components. However, Canephron-N contains a smaller number of constituent components, so the likelihood of allergies is lower than to the components of Cyston. At the same time, the number of diseases of the urinary system that Cyston helps to get rid of is higher. If the patient has urolithiasis, then the drug Cyston will be more effective and aggressive.

It is dangerous to use Cyston for acute pain in the kidney area, as well as when the size of stones in the urinary system is more than 9 mm in diameter.

When consuming Cyston, the amount of urine output increases, which helps quickly remove infection from the body.

Noted by experts, if Canephron-N is used the day before medical procedure crushing stones, then this option will accelerate the disintegration of harmful stones in the urinary system. Its further use will quickly restore normal kidney function. The concentration of uric acid will decrease and the volume of urine will increase.

Often, the attending physician prescribes the use of these drugs alternately. At chronic diseases urinary system, Canephron-N is first prescribed, then a course of Cyston.

These remedies are good helpers in the treatment of chronic infectious disease bladder - cystitis, as well as in the treatment of kidney infections - pyelonephritis, their inflammation - glomerulonephritis, as well as urolithiasis. However, it must be remembered that self-medication is excluded. You should definitely consult your doctor!

Medicine Canephron was first produced in Germany, and has been produced in this country since 1934 to this day, which indicates its effectiveness. Canephron appeared in our country recently. He is combination drug, which contains plant components. Canephron includes:
  • lovage (Radix Levistici);
  • rosehip (Fructus cynosbati);
  • centaury (Herba centaurii);
  • rosemary (Folia Rosmarini).
The therapeutic effects of the drug are due to therapeutic effect the above plants. Rosehip peel is rich ascorbic acid, pectic and organic acids, carotene. Lovage contains phthalides and phenolcarboxylic acids. Centaury is valuable for its flavonoid compounds, phenolic acids, glycosides, and alkaloids. Rosemary contains essential oils, rosmarinic acid, and flavonoids.

Effect of the drug

1. Essential oils, contained in large quantities in Canephron, have a diuretic effect. They are expanding renal vessels, improve blood supply to the epithelium of the kidneys, slow down the process of absorption of water and sodium salts, thus facilitating excretion from the body excess liquid. In this case, potassium is not washed out of the body, which means there is no disturbance in the water-salt balance. Active removal of urates under the influence of Canephron is the prevention of urolithiasis.
2. Thanks to rosmarinic acid, Canephron has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
3. Canephron reduces the amount of protein excreted in the urine in case of kidney disease (for example, glomerulonephritis).
4. Flavonoids and rosemary essential oil help relax smooth muscles, providing an antispasmodic effect.
5. Canephron has an antibacterial effect, preventing the normal functioning of bacteria and thus stopping the growth of their number and further spread in the body. Moreover, the effect of Canephron even applies to microorganisms that are tolerant to most antibiotics. The diuretic effect of the drug promotes the rapid removal of bacteria from the patient’s body.

Drops and dragees Canephron - instructions for use

Canephron is available in the form of drops and tablets. Small children (under 5 years old) are prescribed drops. The advantage of drops is the ease of dosage adjustment, the advantage of pills is ease of administration. The drops are indicated for infants and children under 5 years of age, as they allow the drug to be taken in small dosages with high accuracy. Children over 5 years of age and adults can take the drug in both forms.

You need to be treated with Canephron according to the following scheme:

  • adults drink 2 tablets (50 drops) 3 times a day;
  • children over 5 years old – 1 tablet 3 times a day, or 25 drops 3 times a day;
  • children from 1 to 5 years – 15 drops 3 times a day;
  • infants (up to 1 year) – 10 drops 3 times a day.
Treatment is carried out in courses, the duration of which is determined individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease.


Canephron is indicated for infectious and inflammatory processes in urinary system(cystitis, pyelonephritis), which are not accompanied by severe intoxication (fever, chills, acute pain). In cases where the disease is acute, Canephron must be combined with other antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs - they will only enhance each other’s effects.

Another indication for prescribing Canephron may be infectious-allergic kidney damage - glomerulonephritis. The therapeutic effect of Canephron in this disease is to reduce the excretion of protein in the urine.

Canephron is quite effective prophylactic urolithiasis. The drug also helps to remove stones already existing in the urinary system after they have been crushed.

Treatment with Canephron must be accompanied by consumption large quantity liquids.

Use for cystitis

Canephron has already proven its effectiveness against cystitis. When acute course diseases it is prescribed as an auxiliary medicine, and antibiotics are used as the main therapy. If cystitis has chronic course, then you can limit yourself to Canephron alone, but it should be used according to the scheme, in courses. Moreover, there may be several courses of treatment, at certain intervals. Canephron normalizes urination, relieves inflammation and, as a result, reduces pain. At regular intake may prevent relapse of the disease. The drug, as a rule, is very well tolerated by patients, and therefore can be used for a long time. The medicine has an antibacterial effect, but, unlike strong antibiotics, the result of treatment will not be noticeable immediately, but after some time of systematic use.

Use for edema

Canephron can be prescribed for edema. It promotes the removal of fluid from the body due to its pronounced diuretic effect. At the same time, the drug does not disturb the water-salt balance. Canephron is included in the complex of therapy for kidney diseases, which can result in fluid retention in the body tissues. It can also be prescribed to pregnant women, they often suffer from edema in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Canephron in pill form is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age; they can be prescribed drops.

A woman’s immunity decreases during pregnancy, which often leads to exacerbation of diseases. urinary system. And since at this time the range of drugs that can be taken to the expectant mother without risk to the baby's health, it narrows significantly, Canephron becomes a real salvation.

During lactation, taking this drug does not oblige the mother to switch her baby to formula milk, and allows her to calmly continue natural feeding.

The only contraindication for taking this drug during such a crucial period is individual intolerance to the substances that make up the drug.

Canephron during pregnancy and lactation is used to treat diseases such as: pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis and other problems of the urinary system. Thanks to this drug has a diuretic effect, it helps reduce swelling and also improves general state women.

The medicine has 2 release forms: drops and dragees. It doesn’t matter which form to choose for greatest efficiency. Often the dosage of the drug is as follows: 50 drops or 2 tablets 3 times a day. For preventive purposes, the amount of medication taken per day is reduced.

As with any other medicine, you need to be careful with Canephron during pregnancy and lactation, and agree on the dosage and duration of use with your doctor.

Taking medication for children - is it possible or not?

Canephron is safe drug, and it is prescribed to children for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. This medicine You can start taking it from 1 month of life.

The most convenient form of release for children under 6 years of age is drops. Infants take 10 drops 3 times a day, from 1 year to 6 years - 15 drops 3 times a day.

Children who have reached 6 years of age can take both drops and tablets. The dosage in this case is 25 drops or 1 tablet 3 times a day.

It is advisable to coordinate the intake of the drug with a doctor who, depending on the child’s health condition, will prescribe the most effective dosage and duration of treatment.