What to cook for a cat using natural food. Chicken pate for cats “Lakomka”. Cat with urolithiasis

Purring hello to everyone, my dear fellow cat lovers!

Who is talking about what, and I, like a real cat, love to talk about food, about different dishes, tasty treats, about meat, fish and... In short, you understand me!

And today I prepared it especially for you natural cat food recipes.

Yum - om - nom - mur!!! Find out how to properly cook mice in sour cream!)))

Recipe No. 1 (for thrifty cat moms and dads).

CUTLETS “Holidays in Prostokvashino”.

Valuable note: this amount of ingredients is enough for an adult cat for two weeks. But you can reduce their number based on your own wishes and financial capabilities.


  • 2 kg beef;
  • 500 grams of vegetables (no onions, garlic, peas, beans or potatoes);
  • 100 grams of oatmeal.


Cut the beef into cubes and cook in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Chop the vegetables and cook in boiling water for 2 minutes.

Cook 100 grams of oatmeal for 3 minutes.

All of the above products are cooled, passed through a meat grinder, and mixed. You can add a few drops of olive oil or fish oil to them.

From the resulting mass we make medium-sized “CUTLETS”. There should be approximately 28 of them. Place the cutlets on a cutting board, on a baking sheet, or wherever is more convenient for you and freeze in the freezer. As needed, take out the beef cutlets and defrost them.

Recipe No. 2.

Myshtet "Cat's Joy".

To prepare such a mousetet (or, in human terms, a pate), we will need the following products:

  • beef liver (if finances are tight, you can also use chicken liver).
  • carrot;
  • a little cauliflower or broccoli (if available);
  • sprouted wheat (germ);
  • a little butter.

Do not make a lot of this pate, as cats are not recommended to eat a lot of offal. Don't overdo it with vegetables and don't skimp on the liver, otherwise your pussy will refuse to eat myshtet.

We simmer the beef liver in water for about 20 minutes (and the chicken liver will cook in a matter of minutes).

Cook carrots and cabbage for 5 minutes (in boiling water).

Cool the liver, carrots and cabbage. Place in a blender bowl. Add a few grams of sprouted wheat and a piece of butter. Mix everything until smooth. Transfer the pate into a clean jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator. It is advisable to eat the pate 3 days in advance.

Natural cat food recipe No. 3. (perfect for cats and cats with weakened bodies)

Assorted “Lion's Share”.

To feed your cat like the King of Beasts, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg beef;
  • 1 kg of chicken meat (preferably domestically produced);
  • 1.5 liver;
  • 0.5 kg of pink salmon;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • 400 grams of rice;
  • a few drops of olive oil (about 2 tablespoons).


Cut the meat (cut off the fat);

We clean the chicken from the skin (the skin contains too many harmful substances and all sorts of antibiotics);

Cut the meat and liver into cubes and put them to simmer together in a frying pan.

We clean the fish from the bones, cut the resulting fillet and add it to the meat and liver 5 minutes before they are ready + break 5 eggs there. Boil the rice separately.

Combine meat, fish and rice, add olive oil to them, mix everything thoroughly.

Divide the resulting yummy into portions (you can also add chopped cat grass or other greens). Place into bags and store in the freezer. Before serving, defrost and reheat (cats should not be given cold food).

This is a very healthy recipe!!!

Recipe No. 4 (more budget-friendly).

Stew “I feel sorry for the bird” or “Nightingale trills”.

Let's take these ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of white chicken meat;
  • 0.5 kg chicken gizzards,
  • 250 grams of hearts and liver;
  • an equal amount of vegetables (carrots, cabbage, zucchini) and cereals (wheat, pearl barley, rolled oats, barley, corn or buckwheat);
  • a few grams of vegetable oil.

Cut the meat and offal into pieces and simmer in plenty of water.

Then take them out to cool, and cook porridge with vegetables in the remaining chicken broth.

When the water boils, add meat and vegetable oil, stir, let cool.

Feed your pussy a good amount of stew, and divide the rest into portions, put it in bags or mini-containers and put it in the freezer.

NOTE: Until you find the porridge that your cat will eat with pleasure, do not prepare this dish in large quantities in reserve.

Recipe No. 5 (for 2 - 3 doses). Great for both cats and their owners.

Curd "Fitness cat".

  • 1.5 glasses of good milk (meaning good fat content);
  • 1-2 tablets of calcium gluconate (sold in pharmacies, helps calcium from cottage cheese to be absorbed quickly and easily).

Boil the milk in a small saucepan, stirring constantly.

Add crushed calcium gluconate tablet(s) to boiling milk. Bring to a boil again. And remove from heat when the milk begins to take on a curd-like appearance. Place the resulting mass in a colander or sieve covered with a piece of gauze folded in two or three layers. Cool and eat with the cat.

It was 5 natural cat food recipes.

Of course, you can come up with various cat treats yourself. But before you begin to perform culinary feats, I would advise you to read the following information:

What you shouldn't feed cats

And about the diet for castrated cats, as well as for pregnant and lactating cats.

I wish you, your cats and kittens to always eat deliciously, but at the same time remain slim, cheerful and playful!

Your black happy cat Jose Carreras, with love at la-murmur.ru.

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Industrially produced cat food of various classes does not require cat owners to spend much time preparing it. This is especially important during the busy work schedule of purr owners. But, we cannot neglect the fact that most of these factory products can be harmful to the health of your furry pet. Therefore, nowadays more and more pet owners prefer natural food for cats.

Specially prepared natural cat food should be your purring cat's main diet. Natural food is much more similar to the natural diet of cats in comparison with the wide range of products offered in pet stores and advertised in the media.

Before deciding what to feed a cat living in natural home conditions with natural food, owners will need to find out the nutritional needs of these animals, which, of course, differ from human ones. It is necessary to clearly plan the purr's diet, based on certain norms and requirements for age, gender (cats during pregnancy and lactation require a special diet) and breed categories. A cat, first of all, needs protein food, that is, meat and dairy products, which should make up approximately 85% of the total diet. Everything else is cereals, vegetables and other sources of fiber.

“Taboo” in feeding cats

So, what should you not feed your purring dog?

  1. Baking.
  2. Chocolate and other sweets (this is fraught with the occurrence of worms).
  3. Too sour, salty or bitter foods.
  4. Pork.
  5. Raw milk (to avoid diarrhea).
  6. Mushrooms.
  7. Raw eggs.
  8. Raw meat and fish that have not undergone heat treatment.

Natural feeding for cats

Of course, it is impossible to accurately balance the percentage of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients when feeding cats naturally. But if a natural type of nutrition is chosen, the main thing to remember is that a cat’s diet should be different from a human’s.

How should you feed your cat correctly?

The cat is a predator. Its main food is meat, as well as meat by-products (meaning lungs, heart and stomach).

Meat– lean frozen or boiled beef, rabbit or poultry. Meat should be given to the cat approximately 150-200 grams. At least once a week.

By-products– raw or slightly cooked.

Vegetables— raw or boiled carrots, green beans and cauliflower can be given to your cat 2-3 times a week. It is acceptable to mix them with meat.

Porridge– buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, boil well, then mix with vegetables and meat. This recipe can serve as a main dish for more than one year.

Fermented milk products(low-fat kefir, cottage cheese or fermented baked milk) you can feed the cat a couple of times a week.

Vegetable oil– add 2/3 teaspoon to food 3-4 times a week to normalize the functioning of the cat’s intestines.

Vitamin complexes containing glucosamine, arginine, arachidonic acid and taurine should certainly be included in the cat's diet.

Sprouted oats– a real source of vitamins. It perfectly cleanses the intestines.

Feed your cat correctly

It has already been written above that cat food should be exclusively natural. When cooking, choose recipes rich in proteins. Loving owners of furry pets can always easily choose and prepare simple, affordable dishes that can make up a complete and balanced diet for your cat.

The cat is a capricious and picky eater. Therefore, no one can guarantee that she will like all your culinary delights. The main thing is to start with what your pussy loves and what smells delicious. If you use different types of meat at the same time in cooking, this will contribute to a more complete balance of nutrients.

How often to feed your cat

The frequency of feeding the purr and the amount of food he eats depends on his age, state of health and culinary preferences.

An overfed cat is at risk of obesity, and an underfed cat is at risk of anemia. Therefore, loving cat owners establish an acceptable feeding regimen and try to stick to it in the future. Kittens up to six months old can be fed three times a day. From the age of six months, the kitty can be fed twice a day, provided that she has no medical conditions that would require a change in diet.

The only thing your purr should have easy access to is water.

If natural food is used for feeding, then it is permissible to feed approximately 30 to 70 grams of feed per kilogram of animal weight at a time.

Inadmissibility of mixing feed

Many cat owners are interested in: is it possible to mix dry food purchased at a pet store with natural food? All veterinarians answer this question unequivocally in the negative. The fact is that when digesting natural food, cats develop one type of digestion, and when digesting dry industrial food, a different one. With frequent changes in the type of food, the stomach and intestines of the pussy do not have time to adapt to it. This, in turn, makes digestion difficult. Frequent changes in the type of feeding threaten the occurrence of chronic gastroenteritis, coprostasis and other serious diseases.

Many people do not want to feed their pets ready-made food, but prefer to make up their cat’s diet from natural products.

But this does not mean at all that you need to give your animals leftovers from your table; food must be carefully selected, be nutritious, balanced and complete, saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins, micro-, macroelements.
The basis of a cat's diet should be protein food. The normal functioning of the animal’s entire body depends on proteins, in particular cell regeneration, the production of necessary enzymes and hormones, and maintaining water balance. It is also very important that the protein is not vegetable, but animal, because cats more easily digest animal proteins, which, moreover, are a source of protein and contain the necessary amino acids.

Cat food must contain the required amount of fat. They give animals energy and enrich the body with fatty acids, such as Omega-3, Omega-6, which are needed for the growth of brain cells, good hearing, vision, and smell.

It is advisable that the diet be low carbohydrate. The physiology of cats does not provide for the absorption of carbohydrates, because in their natural diet carbohydrates are rare and in already digested form.

Food should not contain too much phosphorus and calcium. If you consume large amounts of calcium, this can result in significant retardation of growth, development of joints and bones, in turn, excess phosphorus can have a negative effect on the kidneys.


Cats are carnivores by nature, and therefore the basis of the cat’s diet is meat and among the total amount of food it should be more than half. This can be rabbit, turkey, chicken, beef, lamb, and all kinds of offal. You can give your cat both raw and boiled meat. Raw food is scalded with boiling water before serving. It is very undesirable to feed your mustachioed friend bones; they can lead to injury to the digestive tract. Naturally, it is advisable to avoid fatty meats, such as pork, as well as store-bought minced meat, which also contains too much fat. Raw meat should be frozen for several days in the freezer.

Liver should be given with caution. It contains vitamins A and D in excess, as a result of which hypervitaminosis can develop. In its raw form, liver often causes indigestion, and when overcooked, it often causes constipation.

To understand what exactly it is recommended to feed a cat, you can consider the process of eating prey by it, like a predator. When she has caught a bird (or a mouse), the entrails (heart, liver, lungs) are eaten first, then the meat, vegetables that the victim managed to eat (in crushed form), and lastly the cat will eat the bones and skin. Thus, it is worth giving large quantities of meat, offal, chopped boiled vegetables, and if you feed bones, then little by little and rarely.


It is generally accepted that fish is an essential food for cats. In fact, it leads to increased load on the kidneys and an imbalance in mineral balance, which can lead to the development of urolithiasis.

With prolonged feeding of fish products, animals begin to develop vitamin deficiency, allergies, hair problems, and other consequences.

It is strictly forbidden to give seafood such as squid, shrimp, mussels to a cat.


Your pet may not necessarily like various vegetables, but it’s worth trying to give them to her. Everyone's preferences are individual, so a cat may like carrots, cabbage, zucchini or cucumbers.

Potatoes and fruits are contraindicated for cats.

Milk products

Kefir and yogurt without preservatives or additives can be given to your cat daily. It is also desirable that cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and low-fat sour cream be present in the diet. But milk is practically not digestible. The body of an adult cat does not contain the enzyme lactose, which is necessary for the digestion of milk.

Natural feeding for dogs and cats


You can give your cat buckwheat and rice porridge. You should not get carried away with such products, because porridge cannot be the main food of a predator.

Principles of nutrition

You should not experiment with the health of your pet and give her canned food, sausages, smoked meats, pickles, peas or corn. Most of them will easily tolerate such food, but some will suffer from intestinal colic. In addition, excess salt, spices, and various preservatives can lead to serious stomach and heart diseases, digestive disorders, and liver problems.

All meat and offal that were purchased for your pet must first be cut into pieces, divided into portions and stored in the freezer. Before feeding, it will be enough to simply defrost one portion and give it to your cat.
If the meat is cooked, it does not require freezing. It is best to place it in a sealed container and then put it in the refrigerator. All products placed on the cat's plate must be warmed to room temperature.

A cat that is fed natural food is prone to vitamin deficiency, so it needs a complex of vitamins. They are selected depending on the condition and age of the animal, and the dosage is calculated in accordance with its weight. Among the vitamins, taurine must be present, which cats cannot produce on their own, but are completely obtained from food.
Clean drinking water should always be freely available to your cat.
It is believed that it is impossible to mix natural food with dry food. The cat's body produces enzymes to digest either food or natural products. Therefore, having chosen natural products for your pet, you should not sometimes “pamper” him with food. This can lead to bad consequences (diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract).

The cat family has been eating raw food for thousands of years. Even domestic cats have caught and continue to catch mice, rats and other rodents. This suggests that for proper nutrition and maintaining good health, they need meat in their daily diet. If you're tired of spending a lot of money on expensive food, try feeding your pet raw food. Make your own food to keep your cat healthy and happy.


  • 2 kilograms of raw meat with bones
  • 400 grams of heart, preferably from the same animal whose meat you will use. If you were unable to purchase a heart, then 4000 milligrams of taurine should be used instead.
  • 200 grams of raw liver, preferably from the same animal whose meat you will use. If you cannot find liver, then it should be replaced with a supplement of 42 mg of vitamin A and 1.7 mg of vitamin D, but it is still better to use natural liver instead of substitutes.
  • If you replaced the ingredients with taurine and vitamins A and D, then you will need more meat. For example, if you couldn't find liver and heart, add an additional 400 grams of meat with bones.
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 4 raw egg yolks (preferably homemade and not from chickens injected with antibiotics)
  • 4 capsules of bovine glands
  • 4000 mg salmon oil
  • 200 mg vitamin B complex
  • 800 IU Vitamin E. The powder is very easy to use, but you can also use oil capsules.
  • 1/4 teaspoon kelp powder and ¼ teaspoon red kelp powder (for a total of ½ teaspoon) optional.
  • 4 teaspoons plantain seeds or 8 teaspoons whole plantain leaves, optional.


Part 1

Preparing to prepare cat food

    Examine your cat. Before switching to this type of food, the animal must be completely healthy. Take your cat to the veterinarian for a full examination. You should also consult a pet nutritionist about your cat's diet.

    Prepare your food. Grinding and freezing raw cat food reduces the amount of taurine in it. You should supplement with this amino acid to prevent possible eye and heart problems. You may not immediately notice a taurine deficiency. This may take several years, and then the process will become irreversible.

    • Seek help from an expert who will tell you the required dose of taurine for your particular animal.
  1. Take care of food safety. Every time you purchase raw meat, it must be thoroughly washed and properly stored in the future. This is very important to prevent salmonella poisoning. Always use fresh meat and avoid using stale looking meat as this will increase the risk of illness.

  2. Buy meat. Depending on your preferences when choosing meat to prepare food for, you will need to spend time searching for a quality product. Although you can easily purchase a whole chicken at your local grocery store, you will need to spend some time finding a farmer or butcher from whom you can purchase the hearts and livers. If you have a whole chicken on hand, then only small bones should be ground together with the meat. If you add bones that are too large, your cat will simply avoid them. Make sure that you do not use bones in the preparation of food that could damage your animal's digestive system.

    Part 2

    Preparing raw cat food
    1. Prepare the meat. Trim the carcass and cut it into pieces. Pass the pieces of meat through the largest grate of the meat grinder. Pieces of meat that are not ground into mince will allow your pet to chew food, thereby adding the required load on the teeth and gums. Select the bones. Place the prepared meat in the refrigerator.

      • When using chicken, remove as much of the skin as possible. Chicken necks are an excellent food for cats, as they consist mainly of cartilaginous bones, which are easily digested in the animal's stomach. You can also use rabbit, duck or turkey meat.
    2. Process the heart and liver. After wrapping the meat, add the required amount of heart and liver. Grind them in a meat grinder or food processor and put them in the refrigerator while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.

      • At this point, you can also remove the bones from the refrigerator and grind them in a meat grinder. You should not use a food processor for this purpose, as it is not designed to grind bones.
    3. Mix all additives. In a separate bowl, whisk together salmon oil, bovine glandular capsules, kelp, red kelp, vitamins E and B, egg yolks and water. If you use plantain, add it at the very end and mix the ingredients thoroughly again.

      • You can discard the egg whites or save them for other purposes.
    4. Mix meat and additives. In a separate bowl, mix the meat, ground hearts, liver and bones. Combine with additives and mix well until smooth.

      • To warm up a bag of food, simply place it in hot water and allow it to warm to room temperature or slightly higher. Never use a microwave oven to heat raw food, especially if you used bones to cook it. Bones prepared in this way break into sharp pieces and can be very dangerous for the health of cats, while soft, raw bones are easily digestible by animals.
    • A little variety in food is very beneficial for domestic cats. Rabbit, chicken, partridge, turkey and guinea fowl are best suited for these purposes. Some cats love beef and lamb, but not all of them will be able to immediately digest beef or lamb if up to this point they have been eating exclusively dry food.
    • If you do not intend to use the food immediately and plan to freeze it for more than a week or two, then 4000 mg should be added to it. taurine so that beneficial substances do not disappear during storage. You can also add taurine directly to the food two or three times a week; This will ensure that your cat is getting enough of this amino acid.
    • You can feed this food to both kittens and adult cats. You can begin to gradually introduce raw food into your pet's diet.