Sorbents for cleansing the body. Review of sorbents for cleansing the body. Will become a good protector of the body from

Modern man can't escape negative influence scientific and technological progress, which affects health more and more. Food, water, air - everything that surrounds him often contains harmful, toxic substances. Alcohol, smoking, poor nutrition and the polluted atmosphere poison the body day after day.

The consequence is numerous diseases, the treatment of which takes money and time. Salvation lies in regular cleansing of the body with the help of unique substances - sorbents.

What are sorbents?

Sorbents (in Latin sorbens translates as absorbing) are substances that absorb and remove those same harmful wastes and toxins from the body. Toxins (in Greek toxikos translates as poisonous) are biological poisons that poison cells and thereby disrupt the functioning of many body systems.

Toxins are a whole series of harmful substances that accumulate in the body and interfere with its full functioning. The mechanism of action of sorbents entering the body is extremely simple:

  • they bind toxins found in the intestines, radionuclides, salts heavy metals, cholesterol;
  • accelerate the movement of these substances to the nearest exit;
  • at the same time, many of them are able to activate the production of all kinds of digestive secretions, which improve the functioning of the stomach;
  • facilitate the work of the liver, taking on some of the functions of cleansing the body;
  • Help the body eliminate toxins on its own naturally: this is how expectorant, choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic sorbents work.

The longer a toxin remains in the body, the more damage it will cause: it can disrupt digestion, slow down metabolic processes, poison the blood, lymph and provoke the formation and growth of cancer cells. To this procedure was successful, you need to be able to choose the right type of sorbent.

Types of sorbents

Depending on the origin and method of interaction with toxins, sorbents are conventionally divided into several types, each of which works differently in the body, cleansing it.

  • Ion exchange sorbents

These are various resins of plant or synthetic origin, which bind toxin ions and form new compounds with them, which are already harmless. Under their influence it improves internal environment body, namely: activated metabolic processes, the functioning of systems and organs is improved.

  • Carbon sorbents

These are the most popular and one of the most effective and best sorbents, which are created on the basis of activated and granular carbon, as well as carbon fiber materials. Their mechanism of action resembles an ordinary sponge: they absorb all toxic substances, preventing them from penetrating into the blood. The only drawback is the need for a large amount of carbon sorbents for high-quality cleansing of the body.

Natural sorbents, included in this group, resemble Velcro, as they collect waste and toxins on themselves. These include the well-known pectin (pectin sorbent), contained in fruits and algae; cellulose, component plant cell walls; bran, fiber and other natural substances.

  • Other sorbents

All other, less popular sorbents can be distinguished into separate group, since each of them outputs differently harmful substances from the body. These include zeolites - minerals with high absorption capacity, clay, silica gels and many others.

In practice, carbon sorbents are most often used to cleanse the body (for example, in case of poisoning), since they can be pure form purchase at a pharmacy.

Sorbents of natural origin are absorbed with those food products in which they are found in large quantities. Ion exchangers are used much less frequently. Performing the function of medications, these drugs have a number of indications for use.

Sorbents: indications for use

Uncontrolled use of sorbents will not bring any benefit, and in some cases it may even cause harm. Excess in the body of the well-known activated carbon, for example, leads to constipation. Therefore, a person who decides to purify own body, must know the indications for the use of sorbents:

  • overweight and obesity: they do not allow fats to be digested and actively remove them;
  • acute food poisoning;
  • poisoning by poisons of various origins;
  • overdose of medications or drugs;
  • excess alcohol in the blood;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • acute and chronic kidney diseases;
  • disturbances in liver function;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract and pancreas;
  • sorbents for allergies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rheumatism;
  • psoriasis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • prevent the development of ischemia and atherosclerosis and the appearance of hangover syndrome;
  • ease the course of a hangover.

Even with inoperable cancer, a special adsorbent polymer is injected into the infected tissue to alleviate the patient’s suffering. It turns out that all systems of the body that can be infected with toxins and slagged, exposed to the life-saving effects of these beneficial substances. If there are problems with one of the above-mentioned areas, perhaps you just need to cleanse the body.

If you are not sure of your conclusions, it is better to consult a doctor who can accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary sorbent preparations to cleanse your body. He will also clarify the dosage.

Review of sorbents for cleansing the body

Natural and organic sorbents

Depending on the degree of intoxication of the body, different sorbents are chosen to cleanse it.

  • Activated carbon

Must be in every home medicine cabinet, as it effectively removes toxins, gases, barbiturates, alkaloids, heavy metal salts, glycosides, salicylates, reducing their absorption in the stomach. Maximum dose for adults should not exceed 8 g, since activated carbon can irritate the gastric mucosa.

  • Enterosgel

Helps in most cases of intoxication without irritating the gastric mucosa. The maximum dose for adults is 45 g.

  • Smecta

Absorbs not only toxins and gases, but even bacteria and viruses. Helps with diarrhea and flatulence. Maximum daily dose for an adult it is 10 grams.

  • Silicon dioxide

In the pharmacy it can be found under the names silix or atoxil. This intestinal sorbent absorbs and removes toxins, bacterial and food allergens, products of protein decay formed in the intestines. Not absorbed by the stomach. The maximum daily dose for an adult is 12 g.

  • Phytosorbents

Sorbents developed based on medicinal herbs: modifilan, phytosorbin, phytocline, phytosorbovite.

Before using any sorbent, be sure to consult your doctor or at least carefully read the instructions, strictly following all the dosages indicated in it.

Very often the question arises of how harmless sorbents are for a child, since toxins and other harmful substances also attack children’s bodies.

Sorbents for children

In the matter of purification child's body When using sorbents to remove toxins and waste, it is very important to adhere to the golden mean. Cells should not be allowed to become clogged with this organic debris, but sorbents should not be used too zealously for this purpose, remembering that these are medications.

It is recommended to give these medications to your child on your own. only in extreme dangerous situations : for example, in case of poisoning or severe diarrhea until the doctor appears. In any other cases, the use of sorbents for children in case of poisoning is prescribed only by a medical professional.

Sorbents: preparations and medicines


Daily dosage


up to one year: 1 sachet,

from 1 to 2 years: 2 sachets,

over 2 years: 3 sachets




up to one year: 2 tablets,

from 1 year to 7 years: 4 tablets,

from 7 to 12 years: 8 tablets



up to 5 years: 15 g,

from 5 to 14 years: 30 g




from 1 year to 3 years: 1 g,

from 3 to 7 years: 3 g,

from 7 to 10 years: 4.5 g,

from 10 to 13 years: 6 g

Silicon dioxide



strictly according to instructions

Activated carbon


food intoxication



Calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg.

up to 1 year: 1-2 tablets;

from 1 year to 2 years: 4 tablets;

from 2 to 7 years: 7 tablets;

from 7 to 14 years: 10-12 tablets.

Sorbents - irreplaceable helpers person in cleansing the body, which require extremely careful handling:

  1. their mechanism of action is the binding and removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  2. More often than others, carbon sorbents are used for the intestines - in case of poisoning in the form of drugs and sorbents plant origin in food products;
  3. the indication for their use is general intoxication body;
  4. a number of sorbents must be in the home first aid kit in case of sudden poisoning and for the prevention of many diseases;
  5. They should be used especially carefully to treat a child’s body.

If in doubt about a choice the required sorbent and its dosage, it is better to consult a doctor rather than self-medicate.

Doctors now have the opportunity to combat edema in patients and, moreover, prevent it. But besides the benefits, it is important to know why diuretics are harmful? Diuretics are indicated for problems with blood circulation due to heart disease, and for swelling caused by pathologies of the kidneys and liver. Diuretic tablets flush out excess sodium and water, toxins and poisons from the body. But these means are not selective, so useful removal harmful substances are accompanied by the leaching of valuable minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, ferrum, copper, amino acids, vitamins C and group B).

Diuretics should be taken in medicinal purposes without abusing them if you are overweight.

What are the dangers of using diuretics?

Despite positive sides from treatment with diuretics, drugs provide bad influence on the body, have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before use, it is important to consult a doctor and study the instructions.

The main disadvantage of taking diuretics is the associated excretion of useful substances in the urine.

Diuretics can:

  • remove potassium, which leads to frequent fatigue;
  • provoke salt deposition, which can lead to osteoporosis;
  • increase the risk of developing diabetes mellitus due to increased “bad” cholesterol;
  • addictive frequent urination what causes insomnia;
  • provoke change hormonal levels, which causes impotence in men and disruption of the menstrual cycle in women.

There is a misconception that modern diuretics do not affect metabolism, but this is not true. Their wrong and frequent use harmful in the same way as drugs of the old modification, but harmful effect not immediately noticeable. Not a single modification of diuretic tablets eliminates the cause of edema, but only promotes the removal of excess water and sodium, so their use is advisable only in combination with the main medicinal products. The doctor knows all the pros and cons of diuretics and will advise you on the right choice.

Potassium and sodium imbalance

One of the important “cons” of using diuretics is the pros. short term Along with sodium, potassium, which is needed for carbohydrate metabolism and glycogen synthesis, is also washed out of the body ( energy component), protein production. When the balance of potassium and sodium is disturbed, problems arise with the strength of the heart, muscle contractions, nerve communications between receptors are disrupted. At muscle weakness intestinal and urinary motility decreases, causing urinary and fecal retention. Along with a drop in blood pressure, migraines, nausea and dizziness develop.

Washing out useful material, drugs give such negative result how to develop:

  • extrasystoles - alternating acceleration and slowing of the heartbeat, up to cardiac arrest;
  • muscle weakness;
  • sudden seizures;
  • drowsiness and apathy.

Probably everyone has dealt with sorbents at least once in their life.

Sorbents - what is it?

This chemical elements, which absorb all unnecessary substances, gases that interfere with the normal functioning of the body, poisoning it. The elements are classified as drugs. They have a positive effect alone or in combination with other medications.

Sorbents act as a connecting link between harmful chemicals. They combine waste and remove it from the body.

The tools can very easily overcome the following problems:

  • all kinds of stomach disorders;
  • excessive use of alcohol and drugs;
  • oversaturation with food;
  • poisoning with medications;
  • help with withdrawal syndrome(cessation of the use of certain psychotropic substances);
  • control the functioning of the pancreas;
  • act as cleansers for acute or chronic forms renal or liver failure;
  • increase immunity, solve many immune-related pathologies.

Interesting to know! Such substances are used to treat malignant tumors.

Nowadays, sorbents are widely used for acute stomach problems, as well as for severe alcohol intoxication. We should not forget that enterosorbents are recommended for oral administration.

Patients who want to get rid of helminths often ask natural preparations with the least side effects. In such cases, I recommend this remedy.

Indications for the use of sorbents

It’s very good that you can cleanse your body in this way. But, you need to know that an excess of sorbents in the body can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Having such problems, it is worth thinking about:

  • obesity, excess weight;
  • food poisoning;
  • intoxication with poisons of various origins;
  • overdose of chemicals and drugs;
  • negative habits;
  • some diseases: psoriasis, bronchial asthma, rheumatism, atherosclerosis.

The best sorbents for cleansing the body

Fortunately, there is now an abundance of such substances, for every taste and choice!

Helminths are dangerous to the body; their waste products are toxic and provoke inflammatory processes where they live.

Treatment should be started immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

Activated carbon

Natural and other things that should be in every home. Not only is it used as a strong sorbent, but it is also used in other areas of activity. It is worth noting that the product is widely used in cosmetology to create various masks, shampoos and lotions.

Even in ancient times, coal was valued for its medicinal and preventive properties.

They treated:

  • severe food poisoning;
  • negative effects of heavy metals on the body;
  • various infectious diseases.

Scientists have proven that it is capable of removing radionuclides, toxins, and carcinogens. Thus helping to the human body generally. This is what makes the substance universal and irreplaceable.

Important! You need to take everything in moderation! Overdoing it means doing harm!

Activated carbon is used for:

  • flatulence;
  • problems of the gastrointestinal tract; gastritis, colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • intoxication with harmful and chemical substances. And also various poisons;
  • when examining the stomach, it is also recommended to use the substance;
  • Since charcoal removes toxins, it is used in diets. Only in combination with other substances!


Also a natural substance, double silicate of magnesium and aluminum. The drug renews the gastric mucosa. Increases mucus production and normalizes intestinal function.


  1. the substance is used for gastritis and diarrhea in children and adults;
  2. Can be used from a young age, one month.

The cost of the powder depends on the number of packages and weight. Approximately: from 150 rubles for 3 grams .

Methylsilicic acid in the form of a hydrogel. It also cleanses the body, freeing it from excess debris.

Treats well:

  • toxic liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis and others);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • disorders of bile formation;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treats food and drug allergies;
  • bactericidal diseases;
  • good for toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • used in the treatment of malignant tumors.


  • take three times a day with big amount liquids;
  • for adults – three tablespoons;
  • for children - three teas.

Polysorb 3

The function of this substance is to filter, cleanse the body of toxic substances. Silicon dioxide, which is in the composition, only enhances and improves the effect.

Use in practice:

  • The powder is diluted with water and taken an hour before meals.
  • The treatment period depends on the type of disease.

Attention! Before taking, you should carefully study the instructions. Only then will the treatment be correct and effective.

Drug price: from 100 rubles to 450. Depending on the weight and number of bags.


The sorbent is used for:

  • intoxication of the body by endogenous and external factors;
  • diarrhea;
  • cholera;
  • typhoid fever;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • allergic phenomena;
  • during treatment and chemotherapy;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • dental problems;
  • combating radionuclides.

The mixture is diluted with water and drunk. Everything is calculated based on body weight. For one kilogram - one gram of powder. It is best to consult a doctor before use!

Used as a detoxifying substance for:

  • poisoning of various origins;
  • food infections;
  • purulent diseases;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • allergies of various types.

The dose of the medicine depends on body weight, as well as on the severity of the disease.


  • for adults – 2-3 tablets;
  • for children:
    • up to 1 year – half a part;
    • 1-3 years - 1 tablet;
    • 4-12 years - 1-2 whole parts.

The basis of the product is bee propolis, which has a pronounced antibacterial, antiviral effect. I like the drug because it is completely natural, based on herbs, and this is very important for prevention."

Main characteristics of sorbents

Main characteristics of sorbents:

  • sorption capacity - the ability to bind a certain amount of a toxic substance per unit of its mass;
  • the ability to remove and fight different chemical structures;
  • toxicity;
  • compatibility with different fabrics;
  • harmfulness of the sorbent. That is, injuries caused by the drug to the mucous membranes of other organs.

Sorbents for cleansing the body against allergies

These drugs are widely used in the fight against allergies.


In what situations is it used:

  • For dysbacteriosis. To restore normal and healthy microflora.
  • For the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (for constipation, to normalize stool).
  • At various violations gastrointestinal tract and stomach problems.
  • For hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, various allergies and other diseases.

A herbal product that normalizes intestinal microflora. It also improves immunity. This is a prebiotic of synthetic origin. Children over 12 years of age are recommended to take it as prescribed by a doctor!

Price: 30 tablets – from 200 to 400 rubles. You can buy 10 or 60.


This medicinal product is able to remove harmful substances well. Has many positive action. The product is new and belongs to to the last generation such substances.

After opening the bottle, add water to the mark and stir well. This suspension can be stored for no more than two days.


The product acts as a destroyer of all toxic substances and body defenses. Essentially, it is activated carbon in capsules. Take three capsules two hours before or after meals.

It is worth noting that the dosage of the drug must be regulated by a doctor!

Natural sorbents for cleansing the body

Natural sorbents for cleansing the body:

  • Pectin. Polysaccharide, a catalyst that is very important in good exchange substances, lowering cholesterol in the blood, has a positive effect on intestinal function. And the most important property is cleaning from unnecessary waste and toxins. At the same time, it does not disturb the bacteriological balance. Pectin can be found in citrus fruits and seeds.
  • Cellulose. Particularly important for atherosclerosis and constipation. Also, when cleaning from slags. This substance is found in eggplants, nuts, prunes, oatmeal and other products.
  • Coriander. Removes heavy metals from the body. Copes with stomach upsets.
  • Garlic. It is this vegetable that causes the liver to produce elements that fight toxins in the digestive tract.
  • Bentonite clay. This substance not only cleanses the body, but also removes viruses and infections.
  • Green tea. A large number of antioxidants have a positive effect on the body.

By taking these products, you can forget about stomach problems forever.

Brief summary

Sorbents are a kind of lifesaver. Such substances should be in every home and used when necessary: ​​for various poisonings, intoxication various types, diseases and stomach problems.

Cleaning with sorbents really works very well. The result will not be long in coming. After just a couple of days of treatment, you will feel some lightness. And if there are children in the family, then you definitely cannot do without such drugs.

Cucumbers contain 96% water, potassium and magnesium, which gives them diuretic properties. The amount of minerals is optimal, which is why the diuretic effect is consistently gentle. Cucumber juice acts as a sorbent that breaks down and absorbs toxins. All these qualities of the vegetable are useful when it is necessary to remove stones during urolithiasis, edema due to cardiovascular disorders.

Composition and properties

Combined drinks with cucumber and carrot or beet juices With regular use, they help cope with all types of diseases that are associated with fluid retention in the body.

Cucumbers belong to the pumpkin family and, according to the botanical classification, are berries. Energy value product:

  • carbohydrates - 2.8 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • calorie content - 15 kcal.

Cucumber contains:

  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B, PP;
  • macroelements: folic acid, sodium, potassium, chlorine, iodine, chromium, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium.
The fiber in the vegetable promotes normal intestinal function.

96% consists of water, so cucumber is considered beneficial for the kidneys. Thanks to the consumption of this vegetable, toxins, salts of heavy metals are removed from the body, and it has a diuretic effect. These vegetables contain a lot of fiber, due to which the intestines are gently emptied and the functioning of the intestinal tract organs is normalized. If you don't forget about cucumbers in daily diet, then you can improve the condition of blood vessels, thyroid gland. The vegetable is considered good prophylactic against cardiovascular diseases, which can prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Cucumbers are contraindicated when found:

  • chronic and acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract - ulcers and gastritis;
  • any type of nephritis or other renal pathologies.

Are cucumbers diuretic?

Due to their watery structure and large amounts of magnesium and potassium, cucumbers have a diuretic effect. Unique combination minerals give a stable, but at the same time gentle diuretic effect. Cucumber juice absorbs waste and removes toxins. Recommended for swelling and diseases of the heart muscle. But salted and pickled vegetables are not endowed with similar properties.

Indications for use of natural diuretic

If you eat this vegetable regularly, you can noticeably lose weight.

Natural diuretics, such as cucumbers, unlike synthetic ones, have no contraindications and can be used by young children and pregnant women. They nourish cells well essential minerals, low-calorie. Since green vegetables are diuretic, regular use helps get rid of excess weight, saturates well, restoring the lack of water in the body. Therefore, a natural diuretic is indicated for the purpose of:

  • eliminating bloating;
  • normalization of stomach function;
  • mild laxative effect;
  • cleansing of waste and toxins.

Cucumber based recipes

Korean boiled chicken and carrot salad

  1. Wash a small breast, boil until tender in salted water.
  2. Cool, divide into small pieces.
  3. Cut 80 g of Adyghe cheese into strips.
  4. Peel 1 cucumber and cut into strips.
  5. Place all ingredients in a salad bowl, add 120 g Korean carrots, a spoonful of yogurt, salt to taste. Mix.

activated carbon under a microscope

Since ancient times, mankind has known of means that bind poisons and toxins in case of poisoning. Thus, activated carbon was used back in the time of Hippocrates (approximately 460 BC), in Ancient Egypt and China. But in the 20th century, with the development of science, pharmacology reached another level. A new generation of sorbents has appeared to cleanse the body and remove toxins from the intestines. Today, doctors have drugs in their arsenal that help cope not only with the consequences of intoxication, but also promote recovery from many other diseases.

What types of sorbents are there and how do they differ from each other? What are general rules their use for cleansing the body and are there any contraindications? How do popular sorbents work? What is best to take when cleansing the body after drinking alcohol, for allergies, for children? Are there natural sorbents? Let's find out.

What are sorbents and what are their types?

Sorbents are substances that are absorbed from external environment other elements such as gases, chemical compounds, toxins, etc. But since we are considering in this article only sorbents used for medical purposes, they can be given the following definition - these are substances that absorb, bind poisons and toxins, and remove them from the intestines to the outside. They cleanse the digestive tract and, as a result, the entire human body, absorb molecules various substances, viruses and even bacteria.

Depending on the nature of the absorption capacity, these substances are divided into absorbents and adsorbents. The former neutralize foreign elements by forming a single solution with them, while the latter absorb them with their surface. There is another group - enterosorbents, that is medical supplies, working through both absorption and adsorption.

A good drug should be safe, not absorbed from the intestines, have a high absorption capacity and have a selective effect, for example, bind only large or small molecules, or mainly gases, without removing vitamins and other useful substances.

The ability of a sorbent to absorb other elements is measured by sorption capacity. The larger it is, the less amount of the drug will be needed to achieve the desired effect. All kinds of sorbents for cleansing the body have different sorption capacities in relation to proteins (many toxins are of a protein nature) and vitamins.

What is the scope of application of sorbents? They are used primarily to bind poisons and toxins in the intestines during acute poisoning and complex treatment infectious diseases digestive tract. Modern sorbents are also prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • liver and pancreas diseases;
  • allergies of various origins.

Some sorbents, in addition to their binding functions, also have a protective ability against the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach. Thanks to their enveloping effect, they reduce pain syndrome, contribute to the restoration of the mucous membrane. Such drugs are used, among other things, for stomach ulcers.

By reducing the concentration of toxins in the intestines with the help of sorbents, you can protect the liver and kidneys, stabilize metabolism and restore normal work digestive glands.

By chemical composition The following groups of sorbents are distinguished:

  • carbon;
  • silicon-containing;
  • clay-based (aluminosilicates);
  • alimentary fiber;
  • ion exchange resins.

Synthetic sorbents are produced chemically. Natural sorbents for cleansing the body are obtained from natural substances of animal or plant origin, but they still undergo special processing.

The form of release of sorbent preparations is very diverse. It could be:

There are quite a lot of drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, some natural sorbents can be found in the form of dietary supplements, which are not medicines.

Names of popular sorbents

We list the names of sorbents for cleansing the body for various diseases:

A separate group should include sorbents combined with probiotics and prebiotics:

These drugs help restore intestinal microflora, which always suffers from infections and diarrhea. It is advisable to take such combination medications when food poisoning, with diarrhea of ​​various origins, infectious diseases digestive tract.

General rules for using sorbents to cleanse the body

Let us recall that the indications for the use of most sorbents are as follows:

In order to cleanse the body, the general rules for taking sorbents are the same as for their medicinal use.

  1. The daily dose of the drug is calculated based on the person’s body weight and divided into three or four doses.
  2. The sorbent is dissolved in 100–200 ml clean water(boiled or bottled non-carbonated). The solution has the form of a suspension and must be stirred constantly. Each portion is prepared immediately before taking the drug orally.
  3. All other medications should be taken separately from sorbents, with an interval of 2 hours, otherwise their effect will be reduced due to absorption.
  4. Sorbents are taken 1–1.5 hours before a meal or 1 hour after it. An exception is cases when it is necessary to adsorb poison or toxin from the contents of the stomach. Then the drug is consumed 15–20 minutes before meals (or, for example, drinking alcohol) or immediately after signs of food poisoning appear.
  5. With long-term use of sorbents (more than 7 days), you need to take additional vitamin complexes and calcium supplements.

If you are taking the sorbent for the purpose of losing weight or to cleanse the intestines and the entire body of toxins, then it is reasonable to follow the following recommendations:

All sorbents are capable of removing heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, and radionuclides. In unfavorable environmental conditions, they are taken in for preventive purposes Once a year, for a course of 10 to 14 days. In this case, it is advisable to combine the intake of sorbents with vitamins and probiotics.

Before choosing a sorbent for the purpose of cleansing the body, you need to take into account that there are different dosage forms differ from each other in their properties, side effects and work differently. Therefore, let's look at what the most popular sorbents are and how they work.

Activated carbon

The drug is charcoal of animal or plant origin that has undergone special processing. It is effective for acute poisoning, bacterial enteritis (salmonellosis, dysentery). Activated carbon absorbs toxins, gases, excess acid in gastric juice. The drug collects salts of heavy metals, alkaloids well, and somewhat worse - acids and alkalis.

Compared to other sorbents for intestinal cleansing, activated carbon is inexpensive, but its sorption capacity is the lowest - 5 mg/g, so a larger amount is required. In case of intoxication, the drug should be taken 20–30 g per day, i.e. 40–60 tablets. In case of acute poisoning, the dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually.

Activated charcoal should be taken for 1-3 days. The oral dose according to the instructions is 250–750 mg 3–4 times a day. The tablets are ground into powder and stirred in water (150–200 ml). During the treatment period, the stool becomes black, this is normal.

There is another method of using activated carbon for preventive purposes - drink 1-2 tablets every morning on an empty stomach with a glass of water.

Activated carbon has significant disadvantages. Long-term use the drug causes constipation. And also when using it for more than 7 days, the following side effects are possible:

Activated carbon, in addition to toxins, absorbs vitamins, minerals, nutrients. That is, it does not act selectively and absorbs everything into itself - both harmful and useful. It is not recommended to give the drug to children, as solid particles of coal injure the intestinal mucosa.

The disadvantages of activated carbon include desorption - the return of collected toxins into the intestinal lumen and their absorption into the blood. Therefore, it is important to induce bowel movement within 2 hours after taking the sorbent.

Activated carbon preparations are produced in the form of tablets, powder, granules, capsules, and also in the form of a paste.

Activated carbon analogues:

  • "Carbolen";
  • "Carbosorb";
  • "Carbactin";
  • "Sorbex".

Main active substance"Polyphepane" is a hydrolytic lignin. This product of plant origin adsorbs microbes and toxins, fragments of dead tissue and fats. Since lignin is a natural fiber, when passing through the intestines, it improves its peristalsis and has a beneficial effect on the microflora.

Lignin has a low sorption capacity (18 mg/g), so the drug is not used for acute poisoning. "Polyphepan" is prescribed for intestinal infections, chronic diseases accompanied by intoxication (hepatitis, nephritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer stomach and intestines), allergies, burns and frostbite, purulent infection, violations fat metabolism. "Polyphepan" is good sorbent to cleanse the liver, does not cause constipation, improves intestinal function. It can be taken by pregnant women.

The dose of Polyphepan is 0.5–1 g per 1 kg of weight.

To simplify dosing, you can use the following values:

  • single dose for children under one year of age - 0.5–1 teaspoon;
  • for children from 1 to 7 years old - one dessert spoon;
  • for adults - one tablespoon.

The sorbent is mixed well in a glass of water. The daily amount of the drug should be divided into three doses. At acute processes The duration of treatment with Polyphepan is 3–5 days, with chronic diseases- up to two weeks. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment at intervals of 14 days.

Contraindications for taking Polyphepan are:

"Polyphepan" is produced in the form of powder, tablets, granules for preparing a suspension or paste.

Other similar lignin-based sorbents:

  • "Lignosorb";

The active principle of Smecta is a natural substance like clay - aluminosilicate. Its sorption capacity is average (100 mg/g), but this sorbent has some advantages.

Smecta is prescribed for acute and chronic poisoning, diarrhea of ​​unknown origin, colic and pain caused by diseases of the esophagus, stomach and intestines. The sorbent also helps with flatulence, bloating, and intestinal infections.

Conducted on the drug a large number of research. Smecta is produced in a convenient form - a powder in a bag for one dose, with the addition of flavoring.

Similar sorbents based on white clay operate according to the Smecta principle:

  • "Neosmectin";
  • "Diosmectite."

Some of the most effective are synthetic sorbents for cleaning the body based on silicon. Their sorption capacity is 150 mg/g. Silicon-containing sorbents also have a selective effect, and they bind wide range toxins and harmful microbes. Representatives of this category of drugs are Enterosgel and Atoxil.

The dose of Enterosgel per dose is 1 tablespoon. The drug is diluted in 50 ml of water. Enterosgel should be taken three or four times a day.

The drug in the form of a gel is convenient to use, but it has one drawback - it freezes at sub-zero temperatures (for example, in airplane luggage), after which it is unsuitable for use.

Another drug based on silicon-containing substances is Polysorb MP. To cleanse the body, it is prescribed for various acute and chronic diseases, poisoning, and intoxication after chemotherapy.

The active ingredient "Polysorb MP" is colloidal silicon dioxide. Of all the sorbents, it has the highest sorption capacity (300 mg/g).

"Polysorb MP" binds all types of toxins, harmful viruses and bacteria. The drug retains them well and removes them from the intestines.

Polysorb MP is produced in powder form. It is not subject to temperature influences and quickly begins to act after entering the stomach and intestines.

Natural sorbents

Some plant substances also have sorbing properties. The most powerful natural sorbents for cleansing the body are pectins. Their fibers, entering the intestines, swell and form a gel. They tie excess water and the toxic substances it contains. Pectin sorbents remove mercury, lead, and strontium well. They also remove excess cholesterol, which helps avoid vascular atherosclerosis.

Pectin sorbents for cleansing the body are extracted from seaweed, apples, and citrus fruits.

You can get pectins from food. They are found in some cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of pectins in beets, carrots, cabbage, raspberries, plums, oranges, grapes, strawberries and pears.

There are other natural sorbents.

  1. Plant fiber has excellent sorbing properties. It can be taken long time, the dose is 25–40 g per day.
  2. Chitin removes cholesterol from the body and fatty acid. This sorbent is recommended for weight loss, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, before a rich feast.
  3. Cellulose promotes weight loss, lowering sugar and cholesterol levels. Is a good breeding ground beneficial bacteria, stimulates the movement of food masses through the intestines. An addiction develops to cellulose, so the dose needs to be increased over time. Cellulose preparations should not be taken simultaneously with chitin.

All natural sorbents are produced as dietary supplements ( nutritional supplements). For example, “Chitin”, “Chitosan”. They can be taken for a long time without harm to the body.

Sorbents for cleansing the body of alcohol

Enterosorbents bind excess alcohol and its breakdown products (acetaldehyde). They need to be taken one dose before the feast, after it and in the morning to relieve a hangover.

Good sorbents for cleansing the body of alcohol are preparations based on lignin (Polifepan, Liferan, Lignosorb). It should be borne in mind that you need to empty your intestines within two hours, otherwise toxins will be absorbed back into the blood.

In case of acute alcohol poisoning, stronger sorbents are taken - “Polysorb MP”, “Polifepan”, “Enterosgel”.

For example, the regimen for taking the Enterosgel sorbent to cleanse the body of alcohol is as follows.

  1. 10–15 minutes before starting libations, drink one part of the drug per three parts of the expected volume of alcohol.
  2. Take 45 g after a meal and in the morning.
  3. In case of severe intoxication with alcoholic products, rinse the stomach with water and a single dose of Enterosgel. Then take it orally in a dose of at least 45 g. Repeat the drug after 4–8 hours.

Sorbents for cleansing the body for allergies

Sorbents for blood purification have been found wide application V complex therapy allergic diseases. They are prescribed not only for food allergies, but also with its other types. Sorbents are removed from the intestines harmful products decay that occurs due to the body's reaction to an allergen. Properly selected enterosorbent preparations facilitate liver function and support intestinal microflora.

Sorbents are prescribed to cleanse the body for allergies in the following cases:

You need to start taking the sorbent as soon as possible after the symptoms of an allergic reaction appear. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days. At strong reaction The dose of sorbent can be doubled, but for no more than three days.

Sorbents for children

Sorbents for cleaning the body in children should only be prescribed by a doctor! It should be borne in mind that diarrhea in a child is often accompanied by severe dehydration, and this is life-threatening.

Not all drugs can be given to children. Here are the names of sorbents suitable for cleansing a child’s body and their dosage. Before the age of one year, the following drugs are used.

If the child is older than one year, you can use other drugs.

  1. "Atoxil" - for diarrhea of ​​various origins. The contents of the package are dissolved in 250 ml of water. This solution is given to children aged 1 year and older at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight three times a day.
  2. After three years old It is allowed to prescribe Enterosgel sorbent, which eliminates diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. Children under 5 years old are given 1 tsp, from 5 to 14 years old 1 dessert spoon three times a day. The course of treatment can last from 5 to 14 days.

Sorbents for cleansing the body in case of allergies are given to children for the same indications as for adults.

Contraindications for cleansing the body with sorbents

Even the best sorbents to cleanse the body can cause harm if used incorrectly. General contraindications for the use of all types of sorbents are associated with a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract:

There is also individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, which can give allergic reaction or expressed by abdominal pain.

Sorbent granules or tablets often contain sugar - in this case they are contraindicated for diabetes.

To summarize, we note that there are many sorbents for cleansing the intestines and the body as a whole. Some of them act more strongly, so it is not advisable to take them for longer than 5–7 days. Other drugs can be taken for two weeks without causing any symptoms. side effect. Such gentle sorbents will not help in case of acute poisoning, but are suitable for preventive cleansing of the body. So there is no “ideal sorbent” for everyone; the choice depends on the intended purpose. You also need to remember that taking any drug must be agreed with your doctor.