How to start the body's self-healing processes? Barriers to your own recovery. Hypertension. Cause. Treatment

“An organism is a highly self-organizing and self-regulating system”

Russian physiologist I. Pavlov

“Do not rely on medicine, it cannot teach a person how to become healthy. Try not to be captured by doctors! To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Man, fortunately, is so perfect that he can almost always regain health.”

Academician, cardiac surgeon N.M. Amosov

Today no one needs to be convinced that chemical medicines unsafe for the body. Synthetic drugs are foreign to the body (xenobiotics). The concept that a person can be cured using a synthetic chemical substance, contrary to nature.

Modern medicine is based on relieving the symptoms of diseases, instead of eliminating the causes. Agree, you can endlessly bail water out of a leaky boat. Maybe it would be better to seal the hole?

Approaches modern medicine to “treatment” are rude and violent. , antibiotics, antacids, hormonal, psychotropic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, surgeries and many other things unnecessarily and unnecessarily disrupt subtle regulatory mechanisms and break down the body’s defense systems. While human body it is so wisely designed that it is able to restore itself. The body’s ability to self-regulate, self-heal, and self-renew is worthy of admiration. From birth, a person has enormous compensatory capabilities and a huge potential for self-healing. All systems of our body always strive to defeat the disease and restore balance. The body always knows exactly how to repair itself. You just need to help him with this. Create for him favorable conditions and , and himself naturally will automatically heal itself.

But a person's physical and mental capabilities are limited. And health problems arise when a person balances at the limit of his capabilities. And the “margin of safety” of the body depends on the supply of nutrients necessary for normal functioning.

Biochemical processes occur in the body constantly, every second. All substances that enter the body with food are converted into body tissue. Self-renewal of cells, tissues and organs is a natural process. Obsolete, damaged cells are destroyed, and new ones are formed instead - young and healthy.

On average, half of all tissue proteins change in a person every 80 days. Every 120 days - red blood cells, 10 days - skin, 2-3 days - the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. In a maximum of a year, the body is completely renewed. And it is very important that " Construction Materials"to renew body tissues were of high quality.

Be healthy!

Did you know that in order for the body to function at its maximum capacity, it must be brought to the correct balance? If you think that this is impossible to do, then you are very mistaken. The method we offer is very simple and proven over dozens of generations. All you need is 10 minutes of time and the desire to remain a healthy and reasonable person for as long as possible.

Unique way

This method belongs to Ayurveda. Traditional Indian medicine is the oldest recognized medicine in the world World Organization health (WHO). There are three main elements in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, Kapha. The first regulates breathing, the second maintains body strength, the third controls metabolism.

The method of self-healing of the body uses all three of these elements, due to which such an amazing result is achieved.


Morning procedures will take you five and a half minutes.

1. Cleaning the tongue - 30 seconds.

Use a special cleaner or the dull side of a knife to remove any remaining plaque from your tongue after standard brushing. Toxins and harmful deposits accumulate on its surface, which have negative impact for the whole body.

2. Use sesame oil - 2 minutes.

After cleansing your tongue, rinse your mouth with sesame oil for two minutes and then warm water. This product is the best of all oral cosmetics. And the mouth, as you know, is the dirtiest organ on the human body.

3. Self-massage - 3 minutes.

Using light circular movements, massage your neck, shoulders and arms. This will improve blood circulation, invigorate all the senses, and also help internal organs function better.


During the day you will only need two and a half minutes.

1. Drink hot water - 30 seconds.

It will take you no more than 30 seconds to pour water into a clean glass. Bring half a liter of water to a boil, then gently sip it in small sips and drink the liquid for half an hour. Boiled water removes toxins from the body; hot liquid is especially useful.

2. Relax with breathing exercises- 2 minutes.

Inhale deeply through your nose. After holding it inside for a few seconds, exhale through your nose. Try not to think about anything during this time. Repeat inhaling and exhaling through your nose for two minutes. During this time, your body will come to calm state, forgetting about stress and problems.


In the evening you only need to devote two minutes of your time.

Stimulate digestion - 2 minutes.

Just before you go to bed, heat up a little sesame oil before warm state. Lie on the bed and apply it to your stomach. Massage in circular motions for 1 minute. After this, the stomach should be covered with a towel, having first moistened it in hot water. Lie in this state for another minute. This procedure has a beneficial effect on digestive system, and will also help you achieve deeper and more beneficial sleep.

By repeating these procedures daily, you will be able to forget about almost all diseases, constantly be in a good mood and less tired.

Agree, in 10 minutes - an amazing result!

Every day for 10 minutes, close your eyes, inspire yourself with positive, constructive thoughts. Tell yourself: “Every cell in my body is being healed, cleansed and reborn...

The blood flows easily and freely, it is clean, fresh, healthy. My blood vessels are elastic, young, clean, healthy. The brain functions perfectly. All organs are in excellent condition and function normally, they are healthy, clean, fresh. Every day I become healthier, younger, stronger. Every day I feel better and better." If you believe in these words and say them sincerely (and this may not be right away, but you will definitely succeed), then the result will not be long in coming. It is not for nothing that the Bible says that “in the beginning was the Word ". The word is truly the beginning of all beginnings. What are our words and thoughts - such are we ourselves. There is a law of health: “I feel the way I think about myself.”

Learn to do everything you do with pleasure. When eating and eating food, think not about how healthy it is and how you need it to get enough, but only about the fact that you are doing it for your own pleasure. When we try to enjoy food, we automatically begin to eat food correctly, that is, chew it properly, slowly, for a long time, without rushing. When doing physical exercise, also think only about your own pleasure. There is no need to overload yourself, force yourself to train when you can’t do it. Remember: only what is done with pleasure is useful. Everything else is harmful.

Think more often about what you can do to please yourself. But beware of false joys. Sometimes a person thinks that by overeating, he thus pleases himself. But this is self-deception. After all, after such “joy” it usually becomes not joyful at all and very bad for both body and soul. Remember:

true joy is that joy that, even as it passes, leaves behind a pleasant memory and a good, joyful feeling. Stick to such joys and choose for yourself only those pleasures that do not later turn into a bad side - mental and physical torment. And then all life will gradually become joy.

Learn to see people around you who are even worse off than you are now. Learn to sympathize with them and instill in them faith and optimism. But don't humiliate them with pity. By feeling sorry for a person, you only strengthen him in his plight. It’s better to believe in him, that he will have the strength to get out of his misfortunes and illnesses. Learn to help such people to the best of your ability, but not to the detriment of yourself and your interests. When you help others without hurting yourself, you are also helping yourself.

Learn to behave as if everything is fine with you - no matter how things really are with you, what your health really is. What we think about ourselves is what we become - don't forget that! But don’t turn your behavior into window dressing, when you want to demonstrate to other people that everything is fine with you. Do this not for others, but for yourself, even alone. When we hold our heads high and tell ourselves that we are doing well, we attract well-being into our lives with our positive thoughts.

Never say to yourself: “I can’t” - no matter what it concerns: recovery, work, physical exercise. Better say: “I don’t want to.” By saying “I can’t” we greatly limit our own capabilities. And very often behind these words we hide not our own inability to do this, but only our own reluctance and self-doubt. If it seems to you that something is beyond your strength, try not to think too much about whether you can do it or not, but rather try to start doing it without thinking. You will be surprised to discover that you can actually do a lot - much more than you thought. Do it, don’t say “I can’t”! And you will see what you can! By saying “I can’t,” we thus set a limit, a ceiling above which we cannot rise. And human possibilities are practically limitless. Just don't limit yourself. By starting to do “I can - I can’t” without thinking, we become stronger in spirit and body, as we expand our capabilities, master new horizons for ourselves, which makes us believe in ourselves and treat ourselves with respect.

Remember that neither success, nor defeat, nor illness, nor health arise from anywhere, they do not appear on their own. Man is created from what he did and what he thought about in the past. This is what our present is made of. And now, in the present, we are laying the seeds of our future. Everything that a person thinks, what he believes in, what he does now - all of this will form the future.

Whether you are healthy or not is the result of what you have done in the past. Whether you will be strong or weak in the future depends on what you believe, what you think and how you act in the present. The Health System is needed in order to change your present in the most favorable direction - change your thoughts, actions, actions, faith. By changing our present in a favorable direction with the help of the Health System, we lay down a healthy and happy future.

Just as water changes its shape in accordance with the vessel into which it falls, so all the molecules from which the cells of our body are created change their state according to our thoughts, our actions and our faith. If thoughts and actions are filled with optimism and faith, then the cells change their state towards health, harmony, compliance with the Laws of Nature, and the Healing Powers of the body begin to work at full power.

You must believe that you will certainly get better, that you will recover, that the strength of your spirit will be able to withstand all adversity. Where there is faith, there is, as a rule, the Truth. There's Health. There is true power and immortality of the spirit. There happiness is in unity with the beautiful, majestic and omnipotent Nature. Live in accordance with the Laws of Nature - and you will become omnipotent and beautiful, like Nature herself.

Today, paid and insurance systems dominate throughout the world. medical care. Therefore, to believe that someone other than the person himself will take care of his health is at least naive. This truly troublesome and rather complicated task has long fallen on the shoulders of patients. And money only acts as a “crutch,” so to speak. Unfortunately, it is precisely these “crutches” that many, when they have to restore lost health, rely much more than on their own strength.

Rice. How to start the body's self-healing processes?

What if…?

Consider whether it would be more advisable, instead of wasting time, Money and the strength to competently approach the issue of self-healing the body, launching the appropriate processes in it? The self-healing complex includes the treatment of existing pathologies, the prevention of the development of many diseases, the use of self-hypnosis practices, and the search for strong motivations. Experts recognized this path as more attractive, less expensive and quite promising. And many people have already experienced it for themselves, noting the persistent positive results and a lot of advantages.

We launch the self-healing mechanism

In any human body it is concentrated great amount resources that allow him not only to survive, but also to exist comfortably, preventing the emergence of pathologies. During periods when the body is rapidly developing, aging, or actively undergoing hormonal changes, protective functions are weakening somewhat and resources are being depleted. This is where the development of certain diseases originates.

When a person leads an irrational lifestyle, eats poorly, lives in poor environmental conditions, works in hazardous industries, all the forces of his body are devoted to survival. Therefore, the reserve of resources for restoration normal condition problem areas does not remain at all.

As for household antiseptics, artificial hormones, harmful food additives and synthetic medicines, they weaken the body’s ability to recover independently even more. All of the above simply significantly reduces work efficiency immune system and as a result, it becomes very difficult for the body to protect itself from diseases.

Rules to help solve the problem

Experts recommend involving not only consciousness, but also the unconscious part of the mind in the processes of self-recovery of the body. To do this, it is important to master the practice of self-hypnosis. They will help you achieve lasting motivation, acquire the right attitude, and achieve more high results. Be healthy!

Hello, friends.

Today I want to discuss with you a very important topic - self-healing, hidden reserves our body. Or you can say it differently - self-healing from all diseases.

Because by understanding it and putting it into practice, you can improve
your life a thousand times, become healthy and overcome many of your illnesses.

The body's ability to heal itself

Even in ancient times, people knew that our body is capable of miracles of self-healing. This is how wise nature works.

Thanks to her, there are huge reserve forces, capable of restoring a damaged organ, growing new cells to replace dead ones, and maintaining internal homeostasis.

It's like a lizard grows new tail to replace the old or damaged one.

Of course, everyone knows how external injuries are recovered from a cut. But few people understand that the same mechanism works with internal organs and with the entire body as a whole.

If a person falls ill, complex deep processes begin to occur within us, many of which are still incomprehensible to us. Body temperature rises, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea begins, and dead cells or foreign substances and organisms are released.

Thus, the body tries with all its might to get rid of the disease. Yes, there are diseases that he cannot cope with, but still the forces that are hidden inside us are truly limitless.

The ancient healers and sages understood all this. Therefore, in those distant times main goal The treatment was not to interfere with the body’s recovery, but also to help it open those reserve sources of energy that would heal the person themselves.

Herbs were also prescribed to stimulate natural processes. They intensified, and did not stop, cough and runny nose to remove bacteria and viruses through the mucous membrane.

But most importantly, the emphasis was on disease prevention through general increase health by increasing the body's energy. Thus, with the onset of the disease, the person was better able to cope with it without outside help.

But at some point medicine changed the vector of its development. Delving deeper into the study of every organ and cell, as well as the viruses and bacteria that attack us, she imagined that she knew everything about the human structure and was able to defeat many diseases.

All this led to the fact that doctors began to treat only a specific organ, forgetting about the integrity of the whole organism. All sorts of medicines were invented that treated one thing, but complexly harmed everything else.

And the teaching about human energy, about the fact that inside us there are healing powers, capable of miracles of self-healing.

Internal energy of the body

The human body is very a complex system. And scientists are still far from fully understanding all internal processes and how the body’s self-healing mechanism works.

The fact is that until recently science did not study everything that relates to subtle world, where the human soul and subtle energy reside.

That is why modern medicine is powerless against many diseases; it does not study these processes and considers a person in narrow plane classical physics.

Only recently has quantum physics made a profound breakthrough in understanding how the world and the human body, as part of this world, actually works.

Concepts that were long known in ancient times, such as energy channels and meridians within us, internal energy, Force, became not abstract concepts, but real things.

We'll talk more about quantum physics another time.

Now the main thing is to understand that it is the knowledge of these things and its application in practice that will give you the key to true and complete acquisition of health and happiness.

You will have an advantage over others who are not familiar with what I am going to tell you today.

Trying to become healthy and happy without knowing how things work subtle processes within us, are doomed to failure.

Intuitively, many understand this and are treated in the ways that the soul prompts, and not what doctors prescribe.

Of course, I am not saying that modern medicine is not capable of healing and that doctors’ advice should not be neglected.

But the cure will not be complete and may even cause harm if you deny knowledge about internal energy person.

What is internal energy?

This is a complex system consisting of large and small energy channels, closely interconnected with each other and determining everything that happens to our body.

It is the state and fullness of these channels that determines how general state our health, and the work of a specific organ.

If the functioning of any organ is disrupted, it means that, first of all, little energy passes through it due to or congestion energy channel responsible for that body or due to general decline energy of the body.

Therefore, it is useless to treat any disease without restoring the functioning of the human energy system. It is important to understand why energy does not reach the organ and eliminate this reason.

But the most interesting thing is that the body itself is able to compensate for the lack of energy flow through certain channels. Our task is not to interfere with him and help open the way to backup energy sources that he will find himself.

This is what human self-healing consists of. Nature will do everything itself. She's built that way. You can’t even imagine what miracles the Power of Life is capable of. In order to grow a plant, break through asphalt, to preserve a form of life, it can exist in very unfavorable conditions. And there are many such examples. The same forces lie within us.

How to start the self-healing process

Everything is very simple.

In order for the self-healing process to start, successfully rid us of diseases and restore health, we need to increase the level of internal energy of the body, as well as remove obstacles to its launch.

This is how diseases should be treated first of all. Of course, it is necessary to use the knowledge of modern medicine for treatment, but starting the body’s self-healing should be paramount.

This is how they have always been treated in the East.

As inner healing begins to occur complex processes for tissue restoration, removal of foreign substances, equalization of internal homeostasis. All this requires a lot of energy. And if it is not enough, self-healing simply will not happen or will not be complete.

It is also necessary to restore the flow of energy to the diseased organ if for some reason it has been disrupted.

IN oriental medicine Many methods are used to restore energy and renew its flow to the internal organs - acupuncture, acupressure, sound massage, other types of massage, aromatherapy, heating and much more.

Other methods are also suitable for these purposes.

There are various exercises, meditations and visualization techniques to increase energy.

But the most best practices, proven for more than one millennium, this is, of course, yoga and qigong.

Better yet modern technique, which includes both yoga and qigong -. I have been doing this for many years, which has helped me get rid of many diseases.

It is energy meditative practice that successfully launches the process of self-healing of the human body.

But we'll talk about this another time.

And also in a separate article I will tell you in more detail how to increase your energy levels.

Also, understanding the self-healing process sheds light on such a mysterious concept as where the mood for self-healing of the body occurs.

For a better understanding of the above, I suggest watching an excerpt from the wonderful film “The Secret”:

And that's all for now.

See you soon on the blog pages.