Sorbents for cleansing the body. Why is it easier to take synthetic sorbents? Optimal choice of sorbent

Currently human body subject to many unpleasant and negative impacts on the body - the solution is the best sorbents for removing toxins.

Types of sorbents

Many have wondered which sorbent is better? First you need to understand what a sorbent is. Sorbents are considered to be those substances that are able to “attach” to harmful substances and neutralize them, subsequently removing them from the body. What do sorbents remove? Toxins, waste, heavy metal salts. Sorbents are widely used in medicine when toxins enter the body.

They are also used in production to ensure the safety of the environment from harmful substances entering it. Sorbents have a beneficial effect on humans and contribute to overall good health and increasing life expectancy.

Description of the following groups of sorbents by characteristics:

  • Ionites. They use ion exchange processes and then neutralize harmful substances.
  • Chemical absorbers. They enter into a certain chemical reaction with substances.
  • Absorbents. They “attach” toxins to themselves.
  • Adsorbents. They are absorbers of unfavorable substances.

There is also a special group - enterosorbents. These are special medicines for cleansing the body, as well as helping to restore the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. They work on the principle of binding, after which they are released along with toxins naturally. Effectively act on pathogenic substances, breakdown products of alcohol, expired food and various toxic substances, including toxins. Enterosorbents are an excellent solution if you need to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract without external intervention (enemas, gastric lavage, etc.). For a more extensive understanding of the field of influence of enterosorbents, it is worth looking at the table below.

Colon cleansing products

If there is heaviness in the abdomen, weakening general well-being, malaise and simply pale skin color, you should take into account that this may be a consequence of intestinal clogging with toxins, which in turn are not eliminated very easily, but there is a way out - sorbents. Also, symptoms of a polluted intestine may include the smell of rotten breath and a characteristic coating on the tongue, excessive sweating, skin rashes in the form of acne and migraines without good reason. In this situation, enterosorbents also help, because the principle of action is almost the same, but the goal is the same - removing toxins from the body. These medications should always be kept in home medicine cabinet on lung case poisoning or simply as a prophylactic for the whole family.

Sorbents - list of drugs:

  • Polyphepan. Prescribed when heavy metal salts enter the body, food poisoning, bacterial imbalance and increased content alcohol in the body. Is completely natural. Copes well with waste. Doctors also recommend taking it after eating poorly cooked meat to cleanse the body of harmful microbes. Dosage: 1 gram of substance per kilogram of body weight. Reception is carried out several times a day.
  • Enterosgel. Good, high quality and effective drug, helping to combat allergies, the cause of which is difficult to determine. Well recommended by many women, because... provides therapeutic effect during toxicosis. Helps remove harmful microorganisms from the intestines. Helps relieve heartburn. Often prescribed after past diseases liver and kidneys, intoxication, dysbacteriosis.

Sorbents in tablets

Most often, people buy sorbents in the form of tablets due to their easy to use. The principle of action of the tablets is simple and clear: when it enters the human stomach, the tablet begins to dissolve under the influence of stomach acid, due to which the active substance enters the stomach and does not remain on the walls oral cavity. After execution of this algorithm action, the substance that was inside the capsule begins to act, namely to absorb toxic substances in the stomach.

Sorbents preparations:

Sorbents in capsules

It has some design advantages over conventional tablets. The shell is made of special substances, which begin to disintegrate due to moisture and heat, causing the sorbent to go where it belongs - into the stomach. When taking tablets in capsules, it is worth remembering that you need to drink plenty of water to prevent difficulties with use. Unlike a regular tablet, the action begins a little slower. It is recommended for children, as hard tablets are a little more difficult to swallow.

Sorbents for children

The child’s body is not yet adapted to the conditions that an adult easily experiences, which is why it is necessary to carefully select medications for the child. Sorbents, of course, are effective against intoxication, but this is not a solution for the child. If a child’s health deteriorates, you need to treat this with caution and call an ambulance as quickly as possible, and then consult a doctor.

  • Sorbent-K. It is black in color due to its carbon-containing composition, which is why it can be used by children of absolutely any age, taking into account their weight, of course. Used as preventive and comprehensive measures to treat the body from various kinds intoxication. Helps eliminate allergies and also accelerates kidney recovery. Prescribed after liver disease and a course of treatment oncological diseases using chemotherapy. The dosage is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.
  • Smecta. The effect occurs when adsorbent substances attach to themselves unwanted chemical compounds, toxins, waste, and then removes them from the body during bowel movements. It is a completely organic substance, so there is no need to worry about undesirable consequences after use. Its main advantage is that it is not absorbed in any way and does not remain in the body. When it enters the intestinal tract, it passes through and collects harmful substances, after which it is excreted along with them. The composition includes substances plant origin. Prescribed to cleanse the body.

Sorbed probiotics

  • Bactistatin. Is biologically active additive, which contains a prebiotic and cyolite, which help restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Its main advantage is that it is not absorbed at all into small intestine, and also promotes the reproduction or restoration of beneficial microflora in the stomach. Application: for a month, 2 capsules in the morning and evening.
  • Lactofiltrum. It contains lactose and lignin, which are powerful sorbents, which is why beneficial effect turns out to be much more effective than conventional sorbents. Application: up to 3 tablets three times a day.

Which one is the best the best sorbent? Reply to this question no, because Each human body and the intoxication that happens to it is unique. Each of the above sorbents is in some way worthy of the title of the best.

What is a sorbent? Many people ask this question when they are looking for drugs to improve their health and do not have complete information. A sorbent is a substance that has the property of selective absorption and can bind, absorb or enter into a chemical reaction with the absorbed substance. There are 2 types of sorbents, technical and medical purposes. With the help of technical sorbents, the consequences of man-made disasters are eliminated: oil spills, acids, alkalis.

Medical sorbents protect human health. Each of us makes mistakes in nutrition, someone leads sedentary lifestyle life, consumes foods with big amount preservatives and flavor enhancers, drink contaminated water, others poison their bodies with alcohol and tobacco. Every day the human body enters pathogenic microbes, toxins, allergens. Gradually, the level of harmful substances goes beyond the permissible limits. And then the person gets sick, and his condition noticeably worsens.

The use of sorbents is indicated for the following conditions and diseases:

  • all types of allergies;
  • poisoning;
  • intestinal infections;
  • consequences of alcohol intoxication;
  • diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, it is important to take sorbents regularly and healthy people for the prevention of diseases. These substances bind and remove metabolic products from bacteria, fungi, and microbes from the body. Sorbents increase immune status humans and improve the condition of microflora.

Modern enterosorbents

In today's market medical supplies sorbents are represented by both the well-known activated carbon and new generation enterosorbents, which are characterized by an immediate effect on the body and high sorption capacity, therefore sorbents are especially necessary for poisoning (Polysorb, Enterosgel). In case of poisoning, it is important to initial stage collect as many toxins as possible and remove them from the body.

Types of sorbents

Depending on the active substance, the following types of sorbents can be distinguished:

  • Carbon-containing sorbents, the action of which is based on the fact that they have a porous structure, due to which their absorption capacity is increased (Activated carbon, Sorbex).
  • Natural sorbents: pectin, bran, fiber. Found in vegetables and fruits, bran is a waste product from the flour milling industry. Once in the stomach, natural sorbents swell and, passing through the intestines, dehydrate it and absorb toxins.
  • Sorbents based on the silicon structure of the active substance. A special feature of this type of sorbent is its ability to capture molecules of toxic substances of different sizes, as well as pathogenic bacteria. In case of poisoning, sorbents act instantly and effectively (Polysorb, Enterosgel).
  • Clay is the basis of some sorbents (Smecta, Neosmectin). The principle of high sorption of such drugs is based on the structure of clay particles, which have a lamellar structure, while the upper layers have positive charge ions, and internal ones are negative. Therefore, the clay plates attract and hold polar molecules.

Regardless of the active substance, sorbents protect human health and help him with the first symptoms of the disease.

Classification of sorbents

Modern industry produces a large number of different substances with different levels sorption. Therefore, the classification of sorbents is given below:

  • Absorbents are substances that absorb, thicken or enter into a chemical reaction with other substances over their entire surface. Absorbents are used not only in medicine to cleanse the body of bacteria, toxins and gases, but also to purify water, air, and soil in case of contamination with oil, combustion products, acids and alkalis.

Absorbents have large area sorption. Thus, carbon-containing materials undergo special activation to increase the sorption area. Ordinary carbon becomes activated.

New generation sorbents are capable of absorbing not only chemical substances, but also biological ones, which is widely used in practical medicine and in various industries.

List of sorbents

The main goal when taking sorbents is to cleanse the body, however, the methods and mechanisms of the cleansing process are different. Modern sorbents differ from each other chemical structure, sorption mechanism, release form. Which sorbents are better?

It is important for the consumer that the drug acts in as soon as possible and was effective. The presented list of sorbents meets all buyer requirements. Most drugs act immediately, have high sorption, that is, they absorb harmful substances over a large area, are suitable for children and adults, and are safe for use during pregnancy.

Having understood the question of what it is - sorbents, let's move on to specific representatives:

  • Polysorb- modern drug new generation among enterosorbents. It has increased sorption and detoxification properties. A preparation based on highly dispersed silicon. This means that it easily absorbs and removes not only toxins, but also allergens, medications, metabolic products of bacteria, and alcohol.

Polysorb can be used by children of any age, adults and pregnant women. The instructions for use indicate the dosage for each specific pathological condition And age group. The drug is available in the form of a white powder, but should be taken as an aqueous suspension. Polysorb is available in plastic jars of 12, 25, 35, 50 grams and in single sachets of 3 g. A 50-gram jar is the norm for a course of treatment for an adult;

  • Enterosgel is an enterosorbent with a gel structure that works on the basis of silicon. The gel is odorless and colorless; it can be taken independently, or dissolved in water or juice and given to a child.

Enterosgel is indicated for use against poisoning, for the rapid elimination of alcohol and its breakdown products, for allergies, indigestion, and diarrhea. The drug acts selectively and does not remove vitamins, macro- and microelements along with toxins and allergens. Completely safe for use by pregnant women and children, starting from infancy.

Enterosgel is produced in tubes of 90 or 225 grams, they are placed together with instructions in a cardboard package. The drug is taken by adults at 1-1.5 tbsp. l. 3 times/day. Children's dosage depends on age. At acute poisoning treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days, with chronic conditions- 2 weeks. Repeated treatment prescribed by the doctor. Read the instructions for use carefully.

  • Smecta - drug natural origin, works on the basis of white clay. Packaged in 3 gram bags. The contents of the sachet are white or slightly gray with a subtle aroma of vanilla or citrus, dissolve in water before use. Smecta is an antidiarrheal agent.

It is prescribed for children from birth to 1 year, 2 sachets per day, for children after one year - 4 sachets per day, for adults - 6 sachets per day. Treatment lasts 3 days. The prescribed dose for treatment is dissolved in 100 g of water and applied 3 times during the day. The children's dose is dissolved in 50 g of water and divided into 3 doses.

  • Polyphepan is an enterosorbent of natural origin, its action is based on lignin - a polymer substance that is integral part wood It is used for poisoning with alcohol, drugs, and poisons. Removes allergens, bilirubin, urea, cholesterol from the body.

The drug is non-toxic and is eliminated from the body within 24 hours. The release forms are very diverse: bags of powder of 10, 50, 100,200, 250 grams, plastic containers with the drug in the form of granules (100 pieces), tablets (60 pieces) for oral administration. The tablets are also packaged in blisters of 10 pieces.

How to take the sorbent correctly is indicated in the attached instructions. The dose depends on the severity of the disease and the weight of the patient. Typically adults take 1 tbsp. l. the drug 3 times a day for acute conditions up to 5 days, and for chronic diseases - up to 2 weeks. Polyphepan can be used in pediatrics from infancy;

  • White coal is an enterosorbent that operates on the basis of silicon dioxide. Although there is a general word in the name, white coal and activated - different drugs. However, both drugs belong to the group of enterosorbents.

The drug improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Release form - tablets in blisters of 10 pieces. White coal is not recommended for children under 14 years of age, others age categories take 3 tablets 3 times a day.

When taking sorbents there are several general rules which should be followed. They are usually taken 2 hours before or after meals, washed down with plenty of water. You should not use enterosorbents at the same time as other medications.

When taking sorbents, carefully read the instructions or follow your doctor's recommendations. Knowing what sorbents are and how they work, you can significantly improve your health by taking medications not only for acute painful conditions, but also for prevention.

Organism modern man constantly exposed negative influence resulting from advances in science and technology. Toxic substances can be in food, water, environment, in all objects nearby.

A person often poisons his own body through smoking or alcohol.

In order not to waste energy and resources on treating the consequences of such influence, modern medicine suggests regularly cleaning the body using products designed for this purpose called sorbents.

Translated from Latin language sorbent means absorbing. These unique substances can absorb all toxins and wastes and then remove them out.

  • Toxin – one of the main pests of human health. It refers to biological poisons. Toxins capable of poisoning body cells, how disrupt the stable functioning of the body as a whole.
  • Slags toxic substances that accumulate in the body, preventing it from fully providing for its vital functions.

Helpers of the body in the work of getting rid of the enemies mentioned above, as well as gases, vapors and others harmful products exchanges are sorbents for body cleansing . Their names were not known to people V Ancient Greece, Egypt or India . But even then they were very popular in the treatment of a large number of diseases .

Hippocrates used activated carbon for disinfection various wounds, which is mentioned in his works. Sorbents were also used in the treatment of diseases such as poisoning, jaundice, and dysentery. For the first time, Avicenna, a medieval scientist from Persia, described the benefits of cleansing the body with the help of sorbent substances.

Sorbents can be used by adults and small children, and, if indicated, by newborns. The main mechanism of action of sorbents:

  • tyinglocated in the intestinestoxins, radionuclides, cholesterol and similar substances;
  • speeding up the movement of bound poisons to the closest exit ;
  • activation of production various digestive secretions , which can improve the activity of the stomach;
  • due to taking on a significant part of the functions of cleansing the body can relieve stress on the liver ;
  • promote natural self-removal of toxins from the body by expectoration, urination, sweating and other similar methods.

Sorbent substances are not susceptible to the action of digestive juices; they are not able to be digested or disintegrate. Once in the human body, they absorb toxic toxins and wastes and remove them in their original form to the outside.

Only a doctor after carefully examining each individual case has the right to appoint for the patient to take sorbents to cleanse the body. The pharmacy can tell you their names, but you shouldn’t take them without a prescription and how to use them.

No need to self-medicate, since if the drug is chosen incorrectly or its dose is incorrectly calculated, it can also remove beneficial nutrients.

Sorbents for cleaning the body. Their names, characteristics and descriptions


Depending on their origin or composition, sorbents are divided into groups:

  • sorbents of natural origin;

  • ion exchange;

  • carbon;

  • silicon;

  • other sorbents.

The most famous and widely used substances among people for cleansing the body belong to the group of carbon sorbents. This is known to everyone activated or granular carbon . They have an absorbing effect on toxins, poisons, and products of the activity of organisms living in the intestines. With their absorbent effect, they do not allow all harmful substances to be absorbed into the blood.

Accepts carbon sorbents before or after meals at intervals of 1 hour, 3-4 times a day . The dose calculation is the same for both adults and children: 1 pill per 10 kg body . It's better to use charcoal in crushed form, washed down with water .

“Polyphepan” is not absorbed and is completely eliminated from the body within 24 hours. It is used before meals (about an hour), after diluting in water .

Daily dose the drug comes from the norm 1 g per 1 kg body . Children under one year old can drink no more than 1 tsp. at one time, children 1-7 years old - 1.5 tsp, children over 7 years old - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, adults 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times during the day. The dosage is calculated exclusively by the attending physician and depends on the severity of the condition.

The course of application can be from several days to two weeks . A second course of treatment can be completed only after a two-week break.


Another frequently used sorbent for cleansing the body is known as "Smecta" . The drug is able to absorb viruses, bacteria, gases and toxins. Most often prescribed for diarrhea and flatulence, and also when gastritis, enteritis, gastroenteritis. Has no effect on peristalsis. Significantly improves the properties of the mucous membrane in digestive tract, which increases the level of the protective barrier of the human body.

Smecta is prescribed even to children. The dosage depends on the severity of the infectious disease or the level of intoxication and is not determined by weight or age.

The daily dose cannot exceed 10 grams. Most often, newborn children are prescribed 1 sachet, which needs to be drunk completely per day, at the age of 1-3 years - 2 sachets, children over 3 years old, and adults - 3 sachets per day. The dosage is calculated exclusively by the attending physician.

In fact, many people are familiar with the most common sorbents for cleansing the body and know their names.

So, for example, the drug "Filtrum" familiar to many. It belongs to the sorbents of natural plant origin. Main active substance is a lignin polymer. The composition contains added lactulose. According to its properties, it can absorb all types of toxic substances, saturates the body dietary fiber. The presence of lactulose has a positive effect on the state of intestinal microflora. Such a sorbent is prescribed for dysentery or salmonellosis.

It is better to take Filtrum in crushed form . Infants are given half a tablet, children from one to seven - a whole tablet, and children over seven years old and adults - 1-2 pills, 3-4 doses per day. The dosage is calculated exclusively by the attending physician and depends on the severity of the infection.

A representative of the group of silicon sorbents for cleansing the body is a drug called "Polysorb" . It is created on the basis of natural silicon minerals and is enriched with oxygen. Assign in the treatment of salmonellosis, dysentery, intoxication, allergies various kinds.

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A drug diluted in a glass of water . As in the above cases, Only a doctor can calculate the dosage . Most often, 1 tsp is diluted in water. powder and drink within one day in 3-4 doses. Single dose taking the drug is 0.05 grams per kilogram of body weight .


"Enterosgel" – a drug from the group of silicon sorbents, capable of absorbing harmful substances in the intestinal cavity. Very often the drug is prescribed in the treatment of colitis and diarrhea in children.

Adults take 1 tsp. pastes, children aged 7-14 years – 1.5 tsp., children under 7 years old – 1 tsp. paste 3 times a day, after mixing it in water.

Natural sorbents can include both food products and preparations made from natural materials. This group of sorbents is used quite often, since the natural structures of chemical and biological origin contained in such preparations cannot be processed in any way.

Let's consider what sorbents can be used to cleanse the body of natural origin and their names.


Science knows such sorbents as:

  • lignin- included in peas, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, strawberries, peaches , and green buckwheat and uncrushed cereals ;
  • chitin contained in seafood, some mushrooms and baker's yeast ;
  • cellulose– among fruits it is found in apples, pears, dried fruits ; among vegetables it is found in carrots, beets, broccoli, celery, peas, green beans , as well as in whole grains and many other products
  • pectin– in nature can be found in peaches, apples, strawberries, grapes, kaput, beets , as well as in algae ;
  • cellulose– contained in celery, sorrel, cabbage, beets, bran, nuts, carrots and eggplants , as well as in such cereals How pearl barley or buckwheat ;
  • Activated carbon.

Sorbents for cleansing the body against allergies. Names and features of use in children


Young children often have these allergic symptoms, such as itching, diathesis, etc. If it occurs similar symptoms parents should start treatment immediately absorbent drugs , which will help children's body remove accumulated harmful toxins and allergens as soon as possible .

The dose of sorbents in such cases is necessary calculate based on the child's weight. Daily norm sorbents becomes 0.2 to 1 gram per kilogram of body child. Divide the indicated dose into 3-4 doses per day . Treatment is carried out 6 -14 days . In the last day, the dosage of sorbents is gradually reduced to half the daily requirement.

Sorbents can also be used for prevention of allergic diseases, to prevent their development. Dose prophylactic use equal to half daily dose in the treatment of allergies themselves . Carry out similar preventive measures no more than once every three months for 10 days .

Activated carbon

In the treatment and prevention of symptoms allergies in children and adults The following drugs may be prescribed:

  • Activated carbon
  • sorbex
  • enterosgel
  • atoxyl
  • polypephane
  • multisorb and others

Important! The main thing in deciding whether to take one or another sorbent substance should be the conclusion of the attending physician, after conducting a full examination with all the necessary tests.

Cucumbers contain 96% water, potassium and magnesium, which gives them diuretic properties. The amount of minerals is optimal, which is why the diuretic effect is consistently gentle. Cucumber juice acts as a sorbent that breaks down and absorbs toxins. All these qualities of the vegetable are useful when it is necessary to remove stones during urolithiasis, edema due to cardiovascular disorders.

Composition and properties

Combined drinks with cucumber and carrot or beet juices With regular use, they help cope with all types of diseases that are associated with fluid retention in the body.

Cucumbers belong to the pumpkin family and, according to the botanical classification, are berries. Energy value product:

  • carbohydrates - 2.8 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • calorie content - 15 kcal.

Cucumber contains:

  • vitamins: ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B, PP;
  • macroelements: folic acid, sodium, potassium, chlorine, iodine, chromium, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium.
The fiber in the vegetable helps normal operation intestines.

96% consists of water, so cucumber is considered beneficial for the kidneys. Thanks to the consumption of this vegetable, toxins, salts of heavy metals are removed from the body, and it has a diuretic effect. These vegetables contain a lot of fiber, due to which the intestines are gently emptied and the functioning of the intestinal tract organs is normalized. If you don't forget about cucumbers in daily diet, then you can improve the condition of blood vessels, thyroid gland. The vegetable is considered good prophylactic against cardiovascular diseases, which can prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Cucumbers are contraindicated when found:

  • chronic and acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract - ulcers and gastritis;
  • any type of nephritis or other renal pathologies.

Are cucumbers diuretic?

Thanks to its watery structure and a large number magnesium and potassium, cucumbers have a diuretic effect. Unique combination minerals give a stable, but at the same time gentle diuretic effect. Cucumber juice absorbs waste and removes toxins. Recommended for swelling and diseases of the heart muscle. But salted and pickled vegetables are not endowed with similar properties.

Indications for use of natural diuretic

If you eat this vegetable regularly, you can noticeably lose weight.

Natural diuretics, such as cucumbers, unlike synthetic ones, have no contraindications and can be used by young children and pregnant women. They nourish cells well essential minerals, low-calorie. Since green vegetables are diuretic, regular use helps get rid of excess weight, saturates well, restoring the lack of water in the body. Therefore, a natural diuretic is indicated for the purpose of:

  • eliminating bloating;
  • normalization of stomach function;
  • mild laxative effect;
  • cleansing of waste and toxins.

Cucumber based recipes

Korean boiled chicken and carrot salad

  1. Wash a small breast, boil until tender in salted water.
  2. Cool, divide into small pieces.
  3. Cut 80 g of Adyghe cheese into strips.
  4. Peel 1 cucumber and cut into strips.
  5. Place all ingredients in a salad bowl, add 120 g Korean carrots, a spoonful of yogurt, salt to taste. Mix.

In case of poisoning, doctors prescribe sorbents. These drugs reduce the body's absorption of toxic substances. Prices for sorbents vary and depend on the manufacturer, dosage and amount of active ingredient.

You can see the list of sorbents, dosage and properties in the table below:

Drug name Characteristics of the drug
"Atoxil"Silicon dioxide belongs to the group of enterosorbents.

2g sachets, 12g bottles, 10mg bottles.

The daily dose for an adult and a child over 7 years of age is 12 g, in severe cases the amount of the drug is doubled. Children under 7 years of age are prescribed 0.15–0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight, in three doses. The course of treatment is individual from 5 to 15 days.

Before use, the powder must be mixed with water and taken one hour before meals. Prescribed for alcohol poisoning, mushroom poisoning, and development foodborne diseases in a double dose, which averages 20–24 g; after a day, the amount of the drug is reduced to 12 g in three doses. The minimum course of treatment is 5 days.

"Carbolong"A coarse black powder obtained from stone charcoal.

Powder in sachets of 5 or 10 g and in large bags of 150 and 100 g.

Prescribe 5–10 g three times a day for 3 to 15 days.

Indications are the same as activated carbon, but the drug is more convenient to use, due to its powdery structure it can adsorb more chemicals onto itself, it is suitable for use in hyperacid gastritis(inflammation of the gastric mucosa with increased levels of hydrochloric acid).

"Linex"The active ingredient is lebenin, which contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, and enterococci.

Capsules 280 mg.

The course of treatment depends on the disease. It is prescribed to children under 24 months three times a day, up to 12 years old you can take 1-2 capsules three times a day, over 12 years old it is recommended to take 2 capsules no more than 3 times a day.

"Linex" is a substance for recovery normal microflora intestines after antibiotic therapy or the prescription of other potent drugs, with the development of intestinal infections, therefore it is recommended to take it in complex treatment three times a day until you feel good.

"Polysorb MP"The drug, which belongs to the group of enterosorbents, is available in bottles and powder.

Available in powder form for the preparation of suspensions of 1 or 2 g, bottles of 12 g, powders of 50 g.

Used in case of poisoning for five days, from 7 to 10 g three times a day; during the development of intestinal infections, it is recommended to use 3 g 3 times a day for 3-4 days.

Good for drug poisoning and toxic substances, alcohol, intestinal toxic infections and allergic conditions. In severe cases, this medicine can be used to rinse the stomach. To do this, the substance is dissolved in water and administered through a tube 4–6 times a day; for allergic conditions associated with intestinal dysfunction, the course of treatment in a standard dose is 10–15 days.

"Polyphepan"A dark brown, odorless and tasteless powder obtained by processing lignin.

Powder in sachets of 10 g or in large bags of 50, 100, 250 and 500 g.

Take 1 tablespoon orally up to 4 times a day. Before use, stir in water and consume within 2 minutes. The course of treatment is 5–7 days.

Important! At the usual dose (a tablespoon four times a day) it is suitable for use in chronic intoxications And infectious diseases digestive system. Unlike other enterosorbents, it can reduce blood cholesterol levels, but it is recommended to extend treatment to up to a month, and in some cases more.

"Smecta" ("Neosmectin").Powder obtained from clay minerals.

Powder in sachets of 3 g.

Used as an adsorbent and antidiarrheal substance. In addition, it has an enveloping effect on diseases of the digestive system. The recommended dosage for an adult for alcohol and food poisoning is 3 sachets once, dissolved in water. In other cases, it is used three times during the day from 7 days to four weeks.

"Sorbolong"The drug belongs to the group of enterosorbents, and, in fact, is a mixture of Enterosgel with inulin.

Available in capsules.

Prescribed orally between meals. The dose for an adult is 15 g three times a day. Children up to three years recommended 5 g twice a day, from three to five years 5 g three times, up to 14 years you can take 10 g three times a day. The course of treatment is from 7 days to two weeks.

In severe acute conditions in the first three days of the development of the disease (dysbacteriosis, disorders of the digestive system, alcohol poisoning and overdose medicines) the dose should be doubled to 30 g for an adult. Suitable for the treatment of chronic intoxications in a standard dose.

"Filtrum", "Lactofiltrum"Pills dark brown, consisting of lactulose and lignin.

Tablets 10 or 15 pcs.

Taken an hour before meals, washed down with plenty of water. Adults are recommended to use 3 tablets three times a day, children under 12 years old - 1–2 tablets, from 3 to 7 years old, one tablet. The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks for chronic intoxication, with acute infections up to five days.

The drug effectively binds toxic substances that come from outside and are formed in the human body itself. The standard dose for an adult is 3 tablets 3 times a day, this amount of the drug helps bind and remove ammonia, alcohol breakdown products and medicines, toxins, metal salts, poisons. That is, the main indication is the treatment of long-term intoxications.

"Entegnin"Hydrolytic lignin belongs to the group of enterosorbents.

Tablets 0.4 g, granules and paste.

Used for acute conditions, 12–16 tablets per day orally, for planned treatment It is recommended to take 2 tablets three times a day for 30 days.

Prescribed for many types of intoxication of the body: poisoning with harmful chemicals, in case of development of intestinal infections, allergic diseases, when working in hazardous production conditions, to normalize intestinal function. In such cases, “Entegnin” is taken for at least a month, 6 tablets per day. In acute conditions, the drug is prescribed in double dosage for 2–3 days.

"Enterodes"Powder most often white, highly soluble in water.

Powder in sachets 50 g.

Take 5 and 50 g orally. The course of treatment is from 2 to 7 days, 5 g up to 3 times a day. If necessary, treatment can be extended up to 15 days.

Distinctive features of the drug - it binds only harmful substances, while remaining in the body useful microelements. "Enterodes" is prescribed for poisoning of the lungs and medium degree severity (1-3 times during the day), in more severe cases it cannot be recommended. Effectively binds toxins that enter the body or are formed during improper digestion. Prescribed for any type of intoxication, suitable for use by pregnant women.

"Enterosgel"Belongs to the group of drugs for long-term use. Available in the form of gel and paste.

Gel 45 and 225 g, paste.

Prescribe the drug orally, at least an hour before meals. Before use, the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water. Adults are recommended to take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day; children under 5 years old are recommended to take 1 teaspoon 3 times. Children under 14 years old 1 dessert spoon three times. At severe poisoning the dose is doubled during the first day. Duration of administration is 3–5 days; in case of allergic diseases or chronic intoxication, up to three weeks are prescribed.

Used in development allergic conditions if poisoning has occurred with metals, toxic and potent substances, or alcohol. It is better to use it in complex treatment in case of development stagnation V digestive system except for intestinal atony. Helps cope with childhood diathesis if taken for at least 2 weeks with the main treatment. Small children can not be dissolved in water, but given a teaspoon an hour before meals.

Activated carbon ("Sorbex", "Carbolen")Coal of animal or vegetable origin, consumed after special processing. Black powder, odorless and tasteless, is available in tablets.

Tablets of 0.5 or 0.25 g.

One-time appointment is 5–30 g 3–4 days after poisoning, then until the condition normalizes, 1–2 g up to four times a day.

Activated carbon can be used for any type of poisoning - food, medicinal, salts heavy metals, alcohol. It is especially effective in acute cases (when toxic substances enter through the stomach) as it adsorbs harmful substances well and relieves intoxication. For better effect coal can be crushed, it is dissolved in water at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.

White coalThe main composition of the drug is silicon dioxide and sucrose, available in the form of tablets and suspensions.

Tablets 700 mg.

Prescribed from three to seven years, one tablet 4 times a day; children over 7 years old are recommended to take 3-4 tablets 4 times a day until the condition normalizes.

Just two tablets a day for two to three weeks will relieve the body of dysbacteriosis and remove toxins that have accumulated as a result poor nutrition or chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract. But in case of development acute conditions The drug must be taken four times, three tablets. Used for acute food poisoning, dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, allergic diseases. The only negative is the presence of sucrose in the composition, so people with diabetes mellitus it cannot be used.

ChitosanThis is a natural aminosaccharide, belongs to the enterosorbents, which includes chitin and chitosan. Obtained from the shell of crustaceans.

Tablets and capsules 500 mg.

For preventive techniques and in complex treatment, 1 capsule is prescribed no more than 2 times a day an hour before meals or 60 minutes after eating.

This drug is more suitable for long-term planned use (to cleanse the intestines, in case of intoxication of the body due to long-term chemotherapy), for which the drug is prescribed twice a day for more than a month. Used for mild acute poisoning: 1 capsule every 60 minutes, no more than 6 per day for 2-3 days.

Natural sorbents

  1. Congee. A product that is used for the development of food infections and loose stools. Applicable from three times per day or more for several days until the condition normalizes.
  2. Bran. An effective natural enterosorbent, which is used to treat chronic intestinal intoxications. It is recommended to use it 2-3 times a day for a month; the dose is calculated individually, depending on the person’s weight.
  3. Apple pulp. Belongs to the group of enterosorbents, absorbs intestinal poisons well. Recommended for use in infants during the period of introducing complementary foods. For treatment, use the pureed pulp half an hour before meals at least three times a day for a long time.
  4. Fresh vegetable juices. Suitable for the treatment of chronic intestinal diseases. Freshly squeezed juices of beets, cabbage and carrots are used before meals for several weeks.