How and why to use propolis. Bee glue for health: how to use propolis. Adenoids and sinusitis


Most women have almost no feeling in the lower half of their body. And there is an explanation for this. The fat that is located in the lower half of the body is burned with great difficulty. This is stubborn and lazy fat. It is much more difficult to leave fat cells than in other parts of the body. And the thighs and buttocks have traditionally been considered the most difficult to get into shape. The method we have developed will allow you to feel these problematic parts of the body and, most importantly, give you the opportunity to control them.

The key concept here is visual representation. Close your eyes for a second... Imagine your body. What do you see? Down, starting from the waist... Chances are very high that you will see buttocks that are saggy. We all started life with high, round and firm buttocks. What about your hips? Have you gained inches of fat? Have your muscles started to sag and turned into something shapeless? What about your knees? Are there bulges of fat above them that are humiliating your legs?

Now open your eyes and look at the figure of the woman in Figure 1.1. Do you think you can make your legs look at least a little like her legs? This is completely within your power. Yes, nature gave us the pattern of our bodies, but you came here to correct it. And we will show you how much and where to cut, pick and sew. Create a mental image of your legs the way you want them. their see. Take your time to work on this image. To get a feel for the idea, look through this book, especially the photographs. Think about your feet. Don't you want to lose fat, build muscles, make them look that lean and slender? Do it mentally. Feel free to imagine your legs in their most perfect and beautiful form. We want this image to be firmly imprinted in your mind. Remember it. Carry it with you everywhere. Use it as a motive for studying - especially on those days when “everything is boring and you don’t want anything.”

Use the dream of World Standard Legs to overcome your cravings for fatty foods. Whenever you feel like it chocolate cake or fried chicken, then think not about delicious food, but about your amazing legs in the future. If you eat fatty foods, you will not achieve success. Before you put anything in your mouth, stop and think about what this piece of food will do to my mental image? The confidence that the dream of World Standard Legs will become a reality will help you overcome temptations and continue training. Remember, you can just as easily become addicted to physical exercise, excellent health, as well as the taste of fatty and sweet food.

As soon as you see the immediate results of the work - this will certainly happen - you will feel that you can control your body. You will have an incentive to truly control it and acquire these same World Standard Legs.

After six weeks, your hip size will decrease by five to ten centimeters. The buttocks will lift and become rounder and firmer. The stomach will become flat and the waist will lose about five centimeters. You will look much slimmer.

Now, if you are overwhelmed by the prospect, put this book down for a moment and think about what you really want. You see, you have to believe that you can control yourself and your body. We have seen amazing results hundreds of times with our clients. We believe that you will achieve the same and will not give up. We will share with you the secrets of creating beautiful legs; we'll give overall plan maintaining excellent body shape, based on simple things, easily applicable in Everyday life and we will try to ensure that the sets of exercises that you have to do make sense for you and your lifestyle. If you understand how your body works, you can control it. Remember that the main thing is to control yourself and your body.

Owning your body

Previously, in Chapter 3, we suggested that you talk to your body. Here's another exercise that may seem unusual at first. It is designed to reconnect you with your own body, to affirm you as the owner of your own physical space, and also to remind you that, no matter what, a restless mind can tell you: “This is your body.”

To “own” something in psychic language means to “make it completely your own.” For example, your parents taught you to walk, so they may continue to own some part of your legs, but you yourself may never fully own them. You may grow up believing that your genitals are somehow not pure enough and that you may never truly own or use them as your own.

The areas of your body that you do not control are areas that can block Earth and Cosmic energies as you pass them through your body. These are the areas in which you very often find yourself unconscious or "asleep", these are the areas in which nests are most likely to occur. physical illness. In these areas the aura may be very thin or may not exist at all.

You are the king or queen of the castle, which is your body. If you want to control your domain, first ground yourself. Then stay in thumbs legs (this is the same as staying in the center of the head, staying in the corner of the room, or staying in one of the chakras). Bring all your awareness into your big toes. You've probably never thought about your thumbs that much, but take the time to determine how you feel here and how your thumbs feel.

Then remain in the feet. Are they mild, heavy, numb or painful?

Stay in your calves.

Abide in each part of your body, moving from one to the other. Notice that you don't have to move from one part of the body to another, just be in one part first and then be in the other. Be in the knees, hips, buttocks, genitals, belly, chest, shoulders, upper arms, elbows, hands, fingers, be in the lower back, upper back, neck, chin, lips, tongue, teeth , nose, cheeks, ears, hair, head. Spend as much time as necessary on each section, and, leaving the previous part, be prepared to visit the next one.

As you enter every part of your body, speak to it. Say hello to your belly and ask it if it would like you to do something for it. He might respond, “Don’t go so crazy about Mexican food,” or, “Change your belt to the next notch.” Talk to your feet: they may say, “Don't forget about us. We need softer shoes,” or, “Thanks for the Epsom salts.”

You will notice that in some parts of your body you feel pleasant and comfortable, while in others you feel bored, heavy or tense. These parts are those areas that you have not fully mastered.

While in each part of the body, become aware of your sensations, both pleasant and unpleasant. The first step to making you feel like your whole body is yours is to feel like you can tell which part of the body you are comfortable in and which part of your body you feel like a stranger. Take a closer look to see if any painful images have accumulated in these areas that are foreign to you. If so, then return these images to their original owners, as we explained to you in Chapter 4.

When you have completed the process of mastering your body, return to the center of your head. From here, on your mental screen, create a picture of your body. Give this image as much love and tenderness as possible. Dissolve the picture and come out of the trance.

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World Standard Legs (Leg Fitness Program)

At the Sunset Plaza Center we have taught thousands of the most different women perform a simple set of exercises that quite effectively changed the appearance of their legs.

Since Sunset Plaza Body Shaping Center is located in the heart of one of the most fashionable areas of Los Angeles, many of our clients are celebrities, international fashion models, world-famous athletes and, if we are being honest, very wealthy ladies of the city. But the vast majority of our clients did not start out with the legs of superstars and the buttocks of fashion models. Women came here to become like this. Our clients - business women and housewives. The only thing that unites our visitors, regardless of their social status and age is the desire to look the best and feel great.
They want what we can promise: World Standard Legs.

The Sunset Plaza exercise routine is based on ballet. Taking into account the special importance of posture and using ballet positions, we have slightly changed and adapted the key components of ballet training to everyday needs in order to achieve, without the painful and endless ballet rehearsals and training, that lean and elongated body shape that ballerinas are distinguished by.

Our work was based on the method of ballerina Lotte Berk, who thirty years ago suffered a spinal injury and was forced to interrupt her ballet career. She developed a system of exercises based on ballet positions that can be performed by people without dance training. We started with her method, and then, by modifying her exercises, we invented our own complex. These are the very exercises that you will perform to create World Standard Legs.

If according to at least If you devote half an hour to these exercises three times a week, you will lose several centimeters in the volume of your hips, and your buttocks will become rounder and stronger than they were in childhood. This is what we promise you. And the more often you perform our exercises, the faster you will achieve best result.

Our complex requires constant attention to posture in order to maintain it even when you are not performing the actual exercises. You don't just change your muscles - you acquire ballet posture, which will change the way you stand, walk, hold yourself,

When we ask you to push your chest forward, roll and lower your shoulders, lift your chin, and pull your pelvis and stomach in, we are asking you to focus on key points, defining correct posture during the whole day. This correct posture will allow you to carry your body proudly, and it is the posture you deserve.

Of course, if you want to have World Standard Legs, then you should also have World Standard Health. Before you begin our program, consult with your doctor, tell him about the upcoming work on the program and ask for his advice.

If you are asked to name a group of women who have the most beautiful legs, it is likely that you will think of ballet dancers. Ballerinas spend entire years perfecting the shape of their legs. Our exercises are as close to exercises for ballerinas as possible for people who have never practiced ballet. But we look at the basic movements of ballet in a slightly different light, which allows us to achieve greater results. With our method, you won't have to spend years at the ballet barre. It will take you just a few weeks to achieve legs that are stretched and shaped to balletic perfection.


Most women have almost no feeling in the lower half of their body. And there is an explanation for this. The fat that is located in the lower half of the body is burned with great difficulty. This is stubborn and lazy fat. It is much more difficult to leave fat cells than in other parts of the body. And the thighs and buttocks have traditionally been considered the most difficult to get into shape. The method we have developed will allow you to feel these problematic parts of the body and, most importantly, give you the opportunity to control them.

The key concept here is visual representation. Close your eyes for a second... Imagine your body. What do you see? Down, starting from the waist... Chances are very high that you will see buttocks that are saggy. We all started life with high, round and firm buttocks. What about your hips? Have you gained inches of fat? Have your muscles started to sag and turned into something shapeless? What about your knees? Are there bulges of fat above them that are humiliating your legs?

Now open your eyes and look at the figure of a beautiful woman.

Do you think you can make your legs look at least a little like her legs? This is completely within your power.
Yes, nature gave us the pattern of our bodies, but you came here to correct it. And we will show you how much and where to cut, pick and sew. Create a mental image of your legs as you want them to be. Take your time to work on this image. To get a feel for the idea, look through this book, especially the photographs. Think about your feet. Don't you want to lose fat, build muscles, make them take on that lean and slender look? Do it mentally. Feel free to imagine your feet in their most perfect and beautiful form. We want this image to be firmly imprinted in your mind. Remember it. Carry it with you everywhere. Use it as a motive for studying - especially on those days when “everything is boring and you don’t want anything.”

Use the dream of World Standard Legs to overcome your cravings for fatty foods. When you crave chocolate cake or fried chicken, think not about the delicious food, but about your amazing legs in the future. If you eat fatty foods, you will not achieve success. Before you put anything in your mouth, stop and think about what this piece of food will do to my mental image? The confidence that the dream of World Standard Legs will become a reality will help you overcome temptations and continue training. Remember, you can be just as addicted to exercise and feeling great as you are to the taste of fatty and sweet foods.

As soon as you see the immediate results of the work - this will certainly happen - you will feel that you can control your body. You will have an incentive to truly control it and acquire these same World Standard Legs.

After six weeks, your hip size will decrease by five to ten centimeters. The buttocks will lift and become rounder and firmer. The stomach will become flat and the waist will lose about five centimeters. You will look much slimmer.

Now, if you are overwhelmed by the prospect, put this book down for a moment and think about what you really want. You see, you have to believe that you can control yourself and your body. We have seen amazing results hundreds of times with our clients. We believe that you will achieve the same and will not give up. We will share with you the secrets to creating beautiful legs; We'll give you a general plan for maintaining a great body shape, based on simple things that can be easily applied in everyday life, and we'll try to make sure that the sets of exercises you do make sense for you and your lifestyle. If you understand how your body works, you can control it. Remember that the main thing is to control yourself and your body.

Because our program is a global acquisition program best shape and tone, you will find that you have not only lost volume and weight, but also gained the most beautiful legs.



Your glutes are the seat of power in your body. However, women tend to take a long time to develop a rapport with their gluteal muscles, as most women can't even find muscles there to squeeze and tense - they're so out of shape. And this movement is key for us. Once you master glute control, you can send that saggy butt to hell! Not only will the shape of your butt improve, your entire posture will improve.

To understand what we mean, try the following exercise. Stand up, put your hands on your buttocks and press them together. Do you feel your muscles contracting? Now tilt your pelvis forward a little, as if pushing it. (As you will see a little later, this movement is the main and key one for our exercises.) Squeeze the muscles more and more. Do you feel how much tighter your buttocks are becoming? Don't stop, squeeze harder and harder. It won't hurt. You are more likely to find this feeling pleasant. Even if your muscles are buried under a layer of fat, you will still feel the strength that lies in those muscles. It is this glute strength that will allow you to build World Standard Legs. We guarantee it.

If you strengthen your glutes, you will be able to control your hips and pelvis better. You'll strengthen your lower lumbar region (that part of your back that includes the ten lower vertebrae), which will give your entire body more flexibility. This means that you will not only feel better - you will also look much younger. And people will notice it. Many of our clients have shared stories from their lives that prove that World Standard Legs can give you World Standard Style. And this can captivate anyone.


The key to our body shaping and toning method is pelvic tightening. As you move from simple exercises To more complex ones, the function and action of the clamp will become clearer and clearer to you. This movement causes your muscles to stretch and strengthen at the same time.

A muscle that was worked without a pelvic clamp looks different than a muscle trained with a pelvic clamp, since the latter was still stretched and twisted. The muscle that was worked on without clamping the pelvis looks like a partially stretched guitar string. She can only produce a false note. But when a muscle is stretched along its entire length, it has more tone because there is more tension in the entire string. Clamping the pelvis is a guarantee of success for acquiring a slim and lean body. Try this clamp once and you'll see what we mean. Use Figure 1.2 as an example. Stand in front of a chair and place your hand on the back of it. Place your heels together and lift your toes off the floor about two to three centimeters. Without lowering your heels, bend your knees and lower yourself about two to three centimeters. Pay close attention to the sensation in your muscles. You should feel some stretch in your quadriceps, which is located on the front of your thigh. Now stand up straight again. Raise your heels off the floor again, but this time squeeze your pelvis. Push your pelvis forward and squeeze your buttocks. Now bend your knees again. Do you feel the difference? You felt your quads stretch more, but at the same time you felt tension in your buttocks, which will become stronger and firmer from this exercise.

The pelvic clamp provides strength and flexibility to your hips, buttocks, abdomen and lumbar region spine. Our method is original in that it allows us to simultaneously strengthen and stretch muscles. As you just had the opportunity to see, the pelvic clamp places a specific stretch in the quadriceps and hamstrings.

Clamping the pelvis while strengthening the muscles relieves tension from the lumbosacral spine, which has always been a vulnerable spot for women. Most women walk with a constantly tense lower back, and this part of their body is usually inflexible. By using a pelvic clamp, you can increase the flexibility of this part of the spine. Therefore, when you use the pelvic clamp in exercises for the abdominal muscles, you are also working on the whole body.

We are almost ready to start shaping your body. But before we begin, we need to say a few words regarding your diet. Fat. Here is your enemy. If you reduce your fat intake to thirty percent of daily ration, you will be on your way to better physical fitness. If you reduce your fat intake to 20 or 25 grams per day, you will begin to lose weight. It's not the calories that are to blame - it's the fat. We are fortunate that many of the foods we buy at the store have their fat content listed on the packaging. Read what is printed on the package. If you are in doubt about fat content, do not buy such products. Get used to living without excess fat on or in your body. If you are looking special diet that fits into your lifestyle and suits your personal tastes, consult an experienced nutritionist for advice on creating a balanced low-fat diet. And one more tip: drink water. The bigger, the better. It gives oxygen and nutrition to the muscles, it reduces the feeling of hunger, it rinses your entire body. Remember: “no” to waste, “no” to extra centimeters at the waist.

Everyone has muscles. If yours are hidden under several layers of fat, we will help you dig them out. Muscles can be shaped. Fat makes you look shapeless. We want you to lose that fat, build your muscles, and then give them shape and tone. Muscle burns more calories than fat cells. The idea is to make your body a more efficient calorie burner by replacing fat tissue with muscle tissue, by changing the ratio of muscle to fat weight. You can do this by eating a low-fat diet, doing aerobics and strengthening your muscles with our exercise routine. Our six-week complex is designed to focus on the lower half of the body, where women carry up to eighty percent of their body weight. But in our set of exercises we also take into account top part bodies. During the warm-up, you will use your arms to stimulate circulation, and then in push-ups to gradually tone your upper body. After all, why do we need World Standard Legs if we can't proudly show them off with beautiful arms?


And so, warm-up before starting 6 weeks of exercise.


We'll start with a ten-minute warm-up. This part of the exercise remains the same throughout the six weeks, although we will add push-ups and gradually increase the number of them.

None of our exercises, from warming up to cooling down, cause the body to shake or tremble from muscle tension. Our set of exercises is absolutely correct from an orthopedic point of view. There is no need to quickly perform exercises, jump, do not adhere to a pace that exceeds your capabilities, and in addition deprives you of the feeling of your own muscles. We leave you as little room for error as possible. The smooth rhythm in which we work will maximize the interaction between your body and mind.

No matter what exercise you perform, you must always monitor your posture. We will constantly remind you of this. If at any time you feel unsure of your movements, check the photographs.

Turn on the music. Stand in front of a mirror with your arms outstretched in front of you. The back is straight, the shoulders are turned and lowered. The arms are extended forward from the very shoulders. We start by raising our legs.

Let's try this movement. Lift up right leg, bending your knee slightly. Raise it as close to your right hand as possible and then lower it. We count: one. Now do the same with the left foot. We count: two

You must raise your legs sixty times to the music, each leg in turn. To the music...

We continue: we raise our legs all the time. Now spread your raised arms to the sides and raise them above your head, and then lower them again to shoulder level. Raise your arms as you lift one leg and lower them as you lift the other leg. Count the leg lifts all the time and do sixty more (right, left, right, left) in combination with arm movements

Now stand and place your hands on your shoulders, elbows wide and knees slightly bent. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Squeeze your buttocks and push your pelvis slightly forward and upward. This is the same pelvic squeeze that we will practice throughout all other classes. Check if you are standing correctly. This is our main position

Maintain the grip and lean to the right so that your right elbow points toward the floor. Return to the starting position and lean to the left. We will count each cycle of movements “to the right - to the starting position - to the left” as “one time”. Let's do twenty of these exercises.


Bend over, trying to rest your hands on the floor, or, if this does not work, try to bring your palms as close to the floor as possible. Shift your body weight to the front of your feet. In this exercise, your knees should be straightened only if it does not cause you discomfort. If your back hurts, start with your knees slightly bent and stay that way until the end of the exercise. This is a stretching exercise

Remember, flexibility increases the longer you stay in this position, so the stretch becomes stronger the longer you hold this position. Hold this first stretch until you count thirty. Do not bend or straighten your knees, do not sway, do not jump! The movement should be gradual, smooth, and your stance in this position should be level.

Now, without moving your hips and keeping your weight on the front of your feet, reach your left knee with your right hand.

Yours left hand should be extended upward behind the back. Try to bring your face closer to your left shin, then to your knee and stay there until the count of “thirty”. Count slowly! Don't get up, don't straighten up, just move to the right so that you're looking at right knee, holding his right ankle with his hand. The right hand rises up behind your back. Hold this until you count thirty.

Slowly bend your knees and sit on the floor for a side split stretch that will stretch your legs and back. Make sure your feet are flat on the floor with your toes pointing up and your legs as wide apart as possible.

Bend your torso between your legs and reach your arms forward as far as you can. Hold this for a count of thirty, being aware that your stretch will improve as the duration of the exercise increases. You can slowly move your fingers forward. Now crawl across the floor to your left leg and place your torso on top of it. Hold this until the count of “thirty” and then repeat this movement for the right leg, and then again hold the position until the count of “thirty”.

The warm-up is over. Let's move on to the exercises.



The first part of our complex is performed at the machine. You can use the back of a sofa, chair or towel rack in the bathroom as this. Whatever “machine” you use, its optimal height should be between the level of the waist and chest. You cannot lean on the machine. It is by balancing at the machine that you can focus on your posture, and the machine will help you with this. It is impossible to maintain balance at the machine without proper posture.

Place the “barre” in front of a mirror and stand with your side to the mirror so that you can monitor your posture and movements while you hold the barre.

Your exercises consist of very specific movements. Many of them are very subtle and precise, almost like ballet, and balance is an integral part of our exercises. In addition, correct posture ensures better breathing. Therefore, first, make circular movements with your shoulders: up, back, down.

Place your hand on the barre and place your heels together so that they touch. Tear them off the floor two to three centimeters. The front of the feet should not be more than fifteen centimeters apart from each other.

Pull your stomach in, squeeze your buttocks. Now push your pelvis down and forward and hold this position. Bend your knees five centimeters. Your knees should be level above your toes. This is your starting position

Release the pelvic squeeze and do it again, squeezing your buttocks tightly. Make sure you maintain correct posture in this position. You will tend to hunch your shoulders and slouch, so watch yourself carefully in the mirror.

Now bend your knees another two to three centimeters and squeeze-relax-pinch your pelvis. Relax the clamp, but do not stick your buttocks back... remain, as it were, in a clamped position. Bend your knees another two to three centimeters. This is your third level. At this level, squeeze and relax your pelvis three times. Hold it for the fourth time and hold it until you count to ten.

Go up to the first level again. Remember, your knees are bent at the first level by five centimeters. Now repeat two clamps on the first level, bend your knees another three centimeters and do two clamps on this level, then do four clamps on the third level and hold on to the count of “ten” on the fourth clamp.

This exercise will help you develop strength. Make sure you maintain a clamped position. The clamp will ensure that your entire gluteal muscle is working so that the entire exercise will be more effective.

Each repetition of the exercise consists of two clamps on the first level, two on the second level and two on the third level. To perform the exercise correctly, do five of these complex movements.

Repeat the entire First Position complex again.


You built up your glutes and quads while tightening and stretching the muscles to strengthen and increase their strength. Now it is important to increase the stretching of the working muscles. Stretching will increase flexibility and help give your muscles that lean, lean look we work for.

Stretching the quadriceps from a standing position is performed at the machine. We'll start by stretching the left quadriceps. Grasp the machine with your right hand. Slightly bend your right knee - the knee of your supporting leg, then bend your left knee and at the same time reach back with your left hand to grab left foot behind the back

Squeeze your pelvis so that your quadriceps stretches, counteracting the compression of your glutes. Squeeze your buttocks as tightly as possible, and push your pelvis slightly forward. This movement seems to “lock” the pelvic clamp, and the quadriceps is immediately stretched very strongly from the pubic bone to the knee. Don't pull your heel all the way up to your buttock. It's overstretching knee ligaments. Keep your heel about seven to eight centimeters from your buttock.

Make sure your shoulders are back and down. Remain in this position until the count of twenty.

Switch legs. Grasp the machine with your left hand. Slightly bend your left knee, your supporting leg, then bend your right knee and grab your foot with your right hand, pulling your heel higher so that the muscle stretches, counteracting the clamping of the pelvis.
Remain in this position until the count of twenty.


Grab the machine again. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, placing your feet parallel so that your toes and knees point straight. Raise your heels about three centimeters above the floor.

Pull your stomach in, squeeze your pelvis, bend your knees five centimeters. This is your starting position in this position. Squeeze and then release your gluteal muscles. Clamp the pelvis again at this level. Lower yourself three centimeters (to the second level) and again squeeze and release your pelvis twice. Lower yourself another three centimeters and squeeze and release your pelvis three times. For the fourth time, hold in the clamped position until the count of ten.

Climb again baseline when your knees are bent two centimeters and your pelvis is locked and pushed forward. Repeat this lowering and squeezing exercise five times. This will amount to one cycle.
Do standing quadriceps stretches for both legs.

This time your quads will feel more free. This is good. Hold the stretch for each leg to a count of twenty. Check your posture. Make sure you are not hunched over or have your shoulders tilted forward. Breathe deeply.
Repeat the exercises five more times to complete the cycle.


Sit on the edge of a strong, hard chair (you can use a soft chair if you want, but make sure you don't sink into the seat) and hold the ball between your knees. Keep your feet apart and hold the ball with pressure from your inner thighs. Sit up straight with your arms at your sides on the seat

Squeeze the ball between your thighs as tightly as possible and hold it in this position until the count of three. This clamp will get your muscles working quickly. Release the strong grip, but don't let go of the ball! Then squeeze the ball tightly again and hold it until the count of three. Repeat squeezing and releasing the muscles thirty times to complete one cycle.
Repeat the cycle.
This exercise will “wake up” the muscles of the inner thighs.


The next exercise will be performed on the floor, with your feet pressed against the wall. You will have to do this exercise while lying on a soft mat to protect your back. Wear socks for this exercise to avoid staining the wall.

Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet shoulder-width apart against the wall. Start squeezing your pelvis by squeezing your buttocks tightly. Let your pelvis lift off the floor naturally through its natural grip. Do not lift your lower back off the floor by pulling your knees toward your chest or lifting your back. Let your back lie on the floor, and your hips, buttocks and pelvis lift off the floor only by squeezing the gluteal muscles and then lifting them

This is not a very noticeable movement. It happens in a very small space. The exercise itself is as follows. Push your pelvis up in two steps, then lower it down in two steps. Keep this rhythm in your brain: up-up-down-down.

Do this slowly and methodically thirty times to complete the exercise cycle. Then pull your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around them to stretch gluteal muscle. Repeat the cycle. Then bring your knees to your chest again and hug them.

This is a simple exercise, but its importance should not be underestimated. It seems very simple, but if done correctly, it can really burn butt fat in a big way. At the same time, you stretch and flex the lumbosacral spine.


Now is the time for the all-important “cooling down” of the muscles. Each session of our set of exercises should begin with warming up the muscles and end with cooling them down.

Sit on the floor and push off the wall. Your muscles are now warmed up so that they are ready to stretch. Lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift up left leg and stretch out both hands to her

If your lower back is not yet flexible, reach at least to your knee. If you have more flexibility, reach down to your ankle or calf and pull your leg as close to your body as you can manage. Bend your foot and straighten your knee. You will feel the hamstring stretch. Now raise your head and look at your knee.

Remember to keep your stomach pulled in. You will feel the muscle stretch from the popliteal fossa along the entire length of the hamstring until it connects to the buttock. Pull your leg toward your body until you feel a stretch, but if you feel pain, release your leg.

When stretching, never get to the point where you feel unpleasant pain. It is necessary to stretch only until the muscle feels tension, but not pain.

Hold your left leg in this position until you count thirty. Then switch legs, repeat the stretch and hold it until the count of thirty.

Our congratulations! You have just completed your first lesson on creating World Standard Legs.

You should repeat this set of exercises at least three times a week. As you practice it, you will memorize the sequence of movements and positions. The work will not become easier, but as you gradually get used to the exercises, you will better understand and feel what exactly is happening in your muscles with each contraction and stretching.

If for some reason you are still not comfortable with the beginner exercises, feel free to repeat these exercises for another week before you move on to the Week 2 exercises. Already at this stage, when you memorize the exercises and repeat them, you will feel that they have begun to help you and are giving the first results.



Your second week will begin with the same exact warm-up as the first.

In short, do sixty leg raises - right, left-right, left - so that you lift your right leg thirty times and your left leg thirty times, with your arms extended forward at shoulder level

Do another sixty leg raises, alternately right and left, now spreading your arms to the sides and raising them up, and then lowering them down.

With your hands on your shoulders and squeezing your pelvis, bend your knees slightly. Bend your torso to the right, lowering your left elbow down, then return to the starting position again, and then lean to the left, lowering your left elbow so that it points down. Repeat the cycle of movements “sideways - to the starting position - sideways” twenty times


Push-ups will help support you correct work hearts while you build biceps and pectoral muscles- the same ones that can make your breasts look high.

Get on all fours with your knees together and your palms shoulder-width apart. Squeeze your buttocks, squeeze your pelvis and push it forward slightly and draw in your abdominal muscles to protect your back from stretching. Shift your weight forward into your hands. Fingers should point forward, palms shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows slightly

Lower yourself down five centimeters, pause briefly and lower yourself another five centimeters.

Now get up. The rhythm of this exercise is: down-down - once. Up-up-down-down - two. Up-up-down-down - three. Always count on the second downward movement.

Try doing ten of these push-ups. If at first you cannot do ten, do as many as you can so that at the end of the week you can still bring the number of push-ups up to ten.

If you find it relatively easy to do ten push-ups, add another set of ten push-ups. But if you're just starting out, remember that even doing five of these push-ups is already a significant success.

Repeat the last two stretches from last week. The first one is this: place your hands on the floor in a standing position and hold there for a count of thirty. Shift your weight to the front of your foot. Now, without moving your hips, reach your left knee with your right hand. This week, if you can, grab your calf instead of your knee and pull your face toward your left knee. Your left arm should be raised and extended upward behind your back. Don't move the weight! Let it remain on the front of the foot. Stay in this position until the count of thirty. Now do the same, holding your right knee/calf with your left hand and bringing your face closer to your right knee, hold it until you count “thirty”. The right arm is straightened and raised up

Remember, if you have even minor problems with your lower back, perform this exercise with both knees slightly bent.

This week you should feel more ease, so you will be more comfortable with stretching your muscles in this position until you count “thirty”. Try to gradually stretch your muscles as you count, gradually relaxing into the stretched position.

The same goes for the cross split stretch on the floor. If last week you were completely stubborn, then this week you will be able to do this stretch much easier. Continue stretching your muscles throughout the count of thirty, gradually relaxing into the position of maximum stretch. The muscles stretched in last week's exercises will give you the opportunity to deepen the stretch.

Let's take the First Position. The heels are together, raised three centimeters above the floor, the stomach is pulled in, the pelvis is squeezed, the knees are bent by five centimeters.

Check your posture. Make sure that you are not hunched over, but rather straightened up. Start by moving your shoulders up, back and down.

This week we will add one more to the pelvic clamps at each level. Therefore, squeeze your buttocks and do three pelvic squeezes at each level. Therefore, the rhythm of the exercise at each of the three levels will be as follows: buttocks-pelvis-pelvis-pelvis. The compression of the buttocks can be slightly weakened between the pelvic clamps, but not released completely. Let your buttocks remain tight at all times. Now lower yourself three centimeters and again - pelvis-pelvis-pelvis. Then go down to the third level and again: pelvis-pelvis-pelvis. And at this third level, squeeze your pelvis for the fourth time and hold the clamp until you count “ten.”

This week you add a sixth repetition of the movement cycle to complete the exercise once. In other words, you clamp the pelvis three times at each level, hold this clamp for the fourth time at the third level - and all this six times.
For the second cycle of six repetitions, lift right hand above the head so that the hand is above the back of the head. This will help your posture and balance. You will feel your torso straighten, and the tension in your quadriceps will become especially noticeable.

At some point you may want to give up everything. Naturally! But don't quit! We have seen how most of the women who are completely out of shape pass this point called “I can’t” and, as soon as they do this, they find themselves among those who exercise smoothly and constantly.

The time has come to show that it is you who control the body and “the power to use.” Force your mind to convince your body. You can do it.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raising your heels three centimeters above the floor. Pull your stomach in, squeeze your pelvis and bend your knees five centimeters

Most women have almost no feeling in the lower half of their body. And there is an explanation for this. The fat that is located in the lower half of the body is burned with great difficulty. This is stubborn and lazy fat. It is much more difficult to leave fat cells than in other parts of the body. And the thighs and buttocks have traditionally been considered the most difficult to get into shape. The method we have developed will allow you to feel these problematic parts of the body and, most importantly, give you the opportunity to control them.
The key concept here is visual representation. Close your eyes for a second... Imagine your body. What do you see? Down, starting from the waist... There is a very high chance that you will see buttocks that are saggy. We all started life with high, round and firm buttocks. What about your hips? Have you gained inches of fat? Have your muscles started to sag and turned into something shapeless? What about your knees? Are there bulging rolls of fat above them that are humiliating your legs?
Now open your eyes and look at the figure of the woman in Figure 1.1. Do you think you can make your legs look at least a little like her legs? This is completely within your power. Yes, nature gave us the pattern of our bodies, but you came here to correct it. And we will show you how much and where to cut, pick and sew. Create a mental image of your legs as you want them to be. Take your time to work on this image. To get a feel for the idea, look through this book, especially the photographs. Think about your feet. Don't you want to lose fat, build muscles, make them look that lean and slender? Do it mentally. Feel free to imagine your feet in their most perfect and beautiful form. We want this image to be firmly imprinted in your mind. Remember it. Carry it with you everywhere. Use it as a motive for studying - especially on those days when “everything is boring and you don’t want anything.”
Use the dream of World Standard Legs to overcome your cravings for fatty foods. When you crave chocolate cake or fried chicken, think not about the delicious food, but about your amazing legs in the future. If you eat fatty foods, you will not achieve success. Before you put anything in your mouth, stop and think about what this piece of food will do to my mental image? The confidence that the dream of World Standard Legs will become a reality will help you overcome temptations and continue training. Remember, you can be just as addicted to exercise and feeling great as you are to the taste of fatty and sweet foods.
As soon as you see the immediate results of the work - this will certainly happen - you will feel that you can control your body. You will have an incentive to truly control it and acquire these very World Standard Legs.
After six weeks, your hip size will decrease by five to ten centimeters. The buttocks will lift and become rounder and firmer. The stomach will become flat and the waist will lose about five centimeters. You will look much slimmer.
Now, if you are overwhelmed by the prospect, put this book down for a moment and think about what you really want. You see, you have to believe that you can control yourself and your body. We have seen amazing results hundreds of times with our clients. We believe that you will achieve the same and will not give up. We will share with you the secrets of creating beautiful legs; We'll give you a general plan for maintaining a great body shape, based on simple things that can be easily applied in everyday life, and we'll try to make sure that the sets of exercises you have to do make sense for you and your lifestyle. If you understand how your body works, you can control it. Remember that the main thing is to control yourself and your body.
Because our program is a global program for getting into the best possible shape and tone, you will find that you not only lose volume and weight, but also gain the loveliest legs.