Corn oil: benefits and harms, tips for use. Corn oil: benefits, harm and application

Corn (maize) oil is not the most popular among vegetable oils, and it cannot be said that it is much healthier than others, for example, sunflower or soybean. It cannot boast of history either. Many vegetable oils were known and widely used in ancient times, and edible corn oil was obtained only at the end of the 19th century in the USA. Nevertheless, this oil also has its advantages.

A rich set of useful substances was found in corn oil: beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, B1, B2, B3, and the content of vitamin E in it is especially high (almost 2 times higher than in). It also contains a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids called vitamin F, lecithin and others useful material.

Corn oil contributes to normalization fat metabolism.

Nutritionists advise people suffering from diseases to use this vegetable oil. of cardio-vascular system and atherosclerosis. The complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin contained in the oil help normalize fat metabolism in the body, resulting in healthy level cholesterol in the blood. It is especially important that the level of so-called bad cholesterol decreases and the risk of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots in blood vessels is reduced.

By normalizing fat metabolism, corn oil helps get rid of excess weight, therefore often a component of diets. Like most vegetable oils, it has a laxative effect due to its mild stimulation of intestinal motility. In addition, digestive processes are activated due to the choleretic effect of the oil, since it increases.

Corn oil is beneficial to one degree or another for almost all body systems. With him regular use eating reduces the risk of cancer diseases, diseases nervous system, the aging process of the body slows down and improves immune status. Due to the high content of vitamin E, this product can improve the condition of the skin and hair, which is why it is recommended to add it to the diet of people with dry and flaky skin.

Corn oil is very useful for children, it is considered the safest (allergies to it are extremely rare), is easily absorbed by the body and contains a whole range of substances that contribute to normal growth and development.

Harm of corn oil

Healthy people should not overuse corn oil because of its high calorie content And large quantity vitamin E included. In order for the body to receive a portion of useful substances, it is enough to consume 1-2 tablespoons of this oil per day.

Production and use of corn oil

Corn oil is produced from the germ of corn seeds, which are by-product processing of these raw materials. The oil is obtained by pressing (cold or hot raw materials) or extraction. Refined and deodorized corn oil is consumed as food. Depending on the processing method, there are several brands of this product (we note those that can be found on store shelves):

grade D – refined and deodorized corn oil intended for baby and dietary nutrition;

grade P – also refined and deodorized oil, supplied to retail trading network and for enterprises providing public catering.

Other brands of oil are used in the production of margarine and for technical purposes.

Refined corn oil should be clear, light yellow color, practically tasteless and odorless. Many people believe that unrefined vegetable oils are much healthier than refined ones, so they are in no hurry to purchase the latter. However, the purification process is necessary for corn oil that will be used in food purposes. This is due to the fact that when preparing raw materials for pressing, various chemical substances, which are then completely removed from finished product. In addition, when growing corn on an industrial scale, various fertilizers are often used, which can result in contamination of the oil. harmful substances, which are also removed from it during refining.

As you know, facial skin is one of the most delicate and it requires special care according to age.

The modern beauty industry offers a wide variety cosmetics, however, facial care does not always have to be expensive and always from well-known brands.

Nature itself has everything we need and offers us natural ingredients.

Even the ancient Indians sang odes to this healthy cereal about him valuable properties, devoting entire holidays to her. And, probably, thanks to him, the women of their tribes looked young and lived long.

Corn oil for face is excellent remedy for healthy skin and a panacea for wrinkles. It is even called “golden”.

Corn oil is developed from the germ of corn seeds by partial cold pressing. Provitamin A, vitamins C, K, group B, some minerals, lecithin, phytosterols, vitamin E and vitamin F - that’s the little that is in the oil.

  • Vitamin E stores natural antioxidants, serving to preserve our beauty, youth and health.
  • The composition of acids normalizes the balance of fat in the body, makes blood vessels elastic, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and is used in the treatment of kidneys, liver diseases, and diabetes.
  • Linoleic acid, which promotes blood clotting and strengthens the immune system, is contained in the oil in a volume of fifty-six percent, and oleic acid - its volume reaches forty-nine percent.
  • Ferulic acid, which has antioxidant properties, is also present in corn oil. She fights tumors and even stress very well.
  • Phytosterols are microelements that slow down the growth of tumors, atherosclerosis, and stimulate the immune system.

If corn oil is consumed as food, it will be beneficial to the intestines and the entire digestive system. Corn oil for the face has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect.

Thanks to its properties, it improves the condition of the skin of the face and neck, nails and hair, smooths out wrinkles and fights pigmentation. The best part is that it suits all skin types.

As we age, our skin on the face and neck becomes loose, stretch marks and wrinkles appear. It is precisely these problems that corn oil is designed to combat.

At regular use Corn oil will help even out your complexion and return it to a pleasant, healthy tone. In addition, it promotes healing minor wounds, reduces inflammation and, as a result, eliminates acne and acne.

When applied to the skin, it does not clog pores, moisturizing it and allowing it to breathe.

Corn oil for the face is also used for rubbing the skin or is added as an auxiliary ingredient to various natural masks and scrubs.

For those who suffer from atherosclerosis, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, obesity, arterial disease with diabetes mellitus If you have allergies, it is recommended to take unrefined corn oil.

Doctors allow a tincture or decoction of corn oil for use when there is pancreatic dysfunction, pancreatitis, atherosclerosis of the heart vessels, or hypertension.

Corn medicines (cereals, oils) are widely used by dermatologists, who use them externally for various dermatic problems.

Corn oil for facial skin is simply a godsend for women. Let's look at what options for using corn oil in cosmetology exist.

Anti-wrinkle mask

Warm up 2 teaspoons natural honey in a water bath and combine with 2 teaspoons of corn oil. Whisk separately egg yolk and add it to the mixture, making the composition homogeneous. All that remains is to gently spread the mixture on your face and neck and leave for fifteen minutes.

Corn oil for wrinkles should be applied to the décolleté, face and neck with gentle massage movements.

Therapeutic hand bath

A bath of heated corn oil with the addition of 3-5 drops of iodine is a great help for hands and nails. Just keep your hands in it for about ten minutes, and then rinse and lubricate with your favorite cream.

As alternative option generously lubricate your hands with the oil mixture, put on plastic gloves and keep your hands warm for 20-30 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Corn oil itself can be used instead of your usual hand cream. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.

Anti-pigmentation remedy

To get rid of age spots, wipe pre-cleaned skin with oil, and apply special or fresh fruit compositions (for example, peach, avocado, melon) on top.

Anti acne

To prepare a corn oil mask against acne, take egg white, corn oil and blue clay– about a large spoon is enough. Mix everything, spread on problem areas and let dry. The dried mask can be collected with a napkin, and the remains can be washed off with warm water.

Corn oil for skin is an effective and inexpensive product, and at the same time very useful. Corn oil masks are easy to use, you just need to add some ingredients and follow our instructions.

Contraindications for use

This valuable product with a variety of properties will be useful to almost everyone. The exception is individual tolerance. In addition, do not forget about the shelf life and use only fresh product.

Corn oil in cosmetology is not new; our ancestors used it. It allows you to save a lot on various jars and bottles. Just remember to use it at least once a week.

Oil obtained by cold pressing of annual grains herbaceous plant maize or sweet corn, called maize. This is a valuable dietary product of yellow color (the shade can vary from transparent to deep yellow), widely used in cooking, medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology.

Excellent taste characteristics, nutritional value, therapeutic properties corn oils make it attractive to most housewives. According to gourmet reviews, dishes cooked with corn oil have a more delicate taste and an indescribable aroma.

Beneficial features and contraindications of corn oil are due to its biochemical composition. Most often, refined and deodorized corn oil is found on store shelves; it does not have a pronounced taste or smell and is valued for its lack of harmful impurities. When producing unrefined pomace, the finished substance may contain residues of pesticides and other chemical compounds, which are used in industrial cultivation of crops.

Oil extraction methods and production

The oil is extracted from the germ of the grain. Natural oil content of fruits is from 32 to 37%.

  • Pressing (cold or hot)
  • Extraction
  • Pressing and extraction

When pressing The grain mint is subjected to high cold or hot pressure.

In the first case, the raw materials are not treated with high temperature, as a result of which the oil receives light color, natural taste and aroma of oilseed raw materials.

In the second case, dry grains are fried for some time. This leads to a decrease in oil viscosity, which ensures a faster process of extracting the fatty substance from the raw material.

In order to neutralize the negative effect of temperature on the oil and at the same time not reduce the percentage of production, the grain mint is steamed. Having achieved an increase in the temperature of the raw material to 900C and an increase in humidity to 12%, the mass is pressed under moderate pressure. During this process, the mint releases most of the oil it contains.

The remaining part is extracted under conditions high blood pressure, used after drying the raw material and bringing it to a temperature of 1200C. The secondary extracted oil is dark in color, has a distinct odor, and requires refining.

Starch from corn grains is used in the production of tablets, baby powder, and glucose. The water in which corn grains were soaked is in demand in the production of antibiotics.
During extraction, the corn mince is mixed with a fat-dissolving substance, such as refined gasoline. The method makes it possible to obtain oil devoid of harmful components(resins, oxides, pigments). After extracting the oil with gasoline, the latter is completely separated.

When processing mint from high-oil seeds, combined processing of raw materials is used: pressing and extraction.

Corn oil comes in the following types:

  • (grade D) – used in the preparation of dietary dishes;
  • Refined deodorized(brand P) – used in catering establishments;
  • Refined, not deodorized– has a specific smell, but undergoes a certain cleaning;
  • Unrefined- he has more dark color, distinct aroma and some sediment. This oil has the most beneficial substances.

Despite the benefits of unrefined oil, it is not used so often, because in addition to useful vitamins it also contains residues of pesticides that are used when growing this crop on a commercial scale. As a result, in stores you can only find a refined product that is excellent for culinary purposes: it does not foam when frying, does not burn, and therefore does not emit smoke containing carcinogens. Lack of bright taste qualities refined oil makes it possible to use it for dressing salads.

Composition of corn oil

The most beneficial components of corn oil include polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFAs or vitamin F), in particular oleic and linoleic, and vitamin E, the concentration of which in the product significantly exceeds the traditional sources of this compound - sunflower and olive oil. Vitamin composition corn oil contains retinol (A), B vitamins, ascorbic acid(C), K, RR.

The product contains an ideal combination of lipids, both saturated and unsaturated, mineral salts, including iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, selenium, lecithin, organic acids and antioxidants.

Calorie content

Although the calorie content of the oil is quite high - 899 kcal - this product is dietary product, easily digestible by the body.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

The main advantage of corn oil over others is the presence of enough high content vitamin E. This vitamin is considered the strongest antioxidant that helps protect the body from premature aging.

Due to vitamin E, this oil promotes the proper functioning of the sex glands, it is extremely useful for pregnant women, and protects cells from potential mutations.

Scientists have long studied the mechanism of aging human body. The cause of aging is considered free radicals, damaging all cells. Researchers are always trying to find ways to combat radicals. One of them is the use of vitamin E. This antioxidant prevents cell wear. To receive required amount this vitamin, you don’t have to buy expensive ones biological supplements. You just need to know which foods contain the maximum amount of it, and try to eat them regularly. Among such products is important place and corn oil. It should be noted that this oil contains 2 times more vitamin E than sunflower and olive oil.

By the way, vitamin E is also called tocopherol. This word in Latin means “bearer of offspring.” And he received this name because his main function is to maintain female body ability to bear and reproduce healthy children. Scientists have found that vitamin E is fat soluble. This means that the presence oily environmentrequired condition its absorption by the body. Corn oil is excellent as such a medium because it has an evenly distributed content of essential fatty acids.

Vitamin E 18.6 mg
Phosphorus 2 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Palmitic 11.1 g
Stearic 2.2 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids
Oleic (omega-9) 24 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Linoleic 57 g
Linolenic 0.6 g

Beneficial properties of corn oil

Inclusion in daily diet corn oil (nutritionists recommend consuming up to 75 ml/5 tablespoons per day) can improve the functioning of most organs and systems:

  • the immune system : the body’s natural ability to resist disease increases;
  • endocrine system : the functioning of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid and gonads improves);
  • the cardiovascular system : level reduction dangerous cholesterol in the blood, cleansing blood vessels and arteries, improving blood composition, strengthening capillaries, increasing vascular permeability and elasticity;
  • digestive system : in addition to improvement metabolic processes, corn oil stimulates the production of bile, regenerates liver cells, increasing its detoxification abilities, and removes harmful substances from the intestines;
  • excretory system : good for kidney function;
  • nervous system : increases the body’s resistance to stress and its ability to withstand overloads, optimizes emotional background, heals insomnia and neurosis;
  • leather: healing effect on the skin, the condition of the nail plates and hair is characterized as internal use product and cosmetic procedures with its use.
  • hair : Corn oil is a unique natural blend of fatty acids and vitamins. When using this product to care for weakened or damaged hair It is possible to improve their structure, stop hair loss, and avoid the appearance of dandruff and itching of the scalp. For achievement healing effect It is enough to add a small amount of oil to any shampoo or hair conditioner.


Corn oil is a leader in the content of phytosterols, which help the body cope with excess cholesterol that comes with food. Unique properties of this product have been confirmed by many medical research, during which people whose menu included an excessive amount fatty foods, suggested consuming 150 mg of oil per kilogram of body daily. As a result, a several-fold decrease in blood cholesterol was noted in such patients, which immediately had a positive effect on general condition their health.


Free radicals formed in the body under the influence poor nutrition and adverse effects environment, are the cause of chronic diseases and tumor processes. The vitamins and antioxidants contained in corn oil help eliminate the damage caused by free radicals.

Corn oil also protects cells from destructive degeneration, rejuvenates the body, slowing down the aging process, and regulates hormonal background, relieves hypoxia ( oxygen starvation), activates cerebral circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots, acts as a product that creates a barrier against adverse effects external factors, tones, strengthens, heals. Useful for children, elderly people, pregnant and nursing mothers.

Daily norms for product consumption

Corn oil is very high in calories, and its chemical composition represented mainly by fats. Therefore, you should not abuse it: 50–70 mg of oil per day will allow you to obtain all the beneficial substances contained in the product. It is also preferable to include corn oil in the diet fresh, run it vegetable salads and not used for frying.

Corn oil in the diet of pregnant women

  • in the first and second trimesters, you can eat the product in any form: season vegetable salads, prepare sauces and homemade mayonnaise, use oil for frying, replacing sunflower oil;
  • IN III trimester when body weight increases, give up fatty and fried foods; during this period, it is better to consume corn oil as part of light salads;
  • If you have never tried corn oil before, start with a small amount (1 tsp). If during the day there is no discomfort in the abdomen and upset stool, daily norm product can be increased;
  • reduce the amount of product consumed to 1 tsp. per day, if you are bothered by pain under the right rib, nausea are the first symptoms of problems with gallbladder which are common during pregnancy.

Is the product suitable for nursing mothers?

Doctors are sure: the diet of a nursing mother should be as varied as possible (with the exception of foods that cause excessive gas formation). Corn oil fits perfectly into the diet of a woman who is breastfeeding, and nutritionists recommend replacing it with what we are used to. sunflower oil.

Product use rate for breastfeeding- 2 tbsp. l. oils per day. At the same time, corn oil can be used to prepare certain dishes from the first days of a baby’s life. You should not fry on it: for nursing mothers the best way Cooking remains only by boiling, baking or stewing with the addition of a small amount of oil.

At what age can it be given to children?

Corn oil should not be used to introduce your baby to vegetable fats. It is better if the first oil you add to complementary foods is cold-pressed natural olive oil.

Closer to 8 months, try introducing healthy corn oil into your baby’s diet - add a couple of drops per serving vegetable puree, carefully position and feed the baby as usual. During the day, observe the reaction - has the baby become capricious, does not show anxiety, or does he have problems with his tummy? If everything is in order, add up to 5 drops of corn oil to vegetable or meat complementary foods.

Attention! If you feed your child industrially produced canned purees, they already contain the required amount of vegetable fats. Add corn oil only to vegetables and meats that you cook yourself.

Corn oil in cosmetology

The product is the basis of many cosmetics, both industrially produced and homemade. High concentration vitamin of youth – E is useful for nutrition skin, nails and hair.

Oil is often used by massage therapists to create unique massage and nutritional mixtures for body. The product goes well with basic base oils(grape, apricot, almond, peach pits, walnut, flax, pumpkin, sunflower), and is used as a vegetable emulsifier for pure esters.

The following methods are used to treat leather::

  • Rub with corn oil dark spots, after which a mask of fruit pulp (for example, peach) is applied to the skin;
  • Apply a mask of corn oil, honey and yolk to eliminate small wrinkles. The mask is evenly applied to the skin for 20 minutes, after which it is removed with cotton wool soaked in warm water;
  • A bath of heated oil with the addition of 3-4 drops of iodine for hands and nails. You need to hold your hands in this composition for 15 minutes. This procedure can be combined with applying oil to your hands before going to bed, after which you need to go to bed wearing cotton gloves.
  • In combination with essential oils used for massage sessions.

Corn oil in cooking

Corn oil is used to season all kinds of salads, cold and warm appetizers, to baked goods, and to prepare mayonnaise and other aromatic sauces - mixtures that highlight the taste and smell of most food products.

Corn oil for frying is considered much more valuable than sunflower oil. The product is used for cooking various dishes deep-frying, stewing, frying food. It should be emphasized that the benefits of corn oil for food use and the question of whether it can be used for frying are of concern to many cooks.

According to research by many scientists, this oily substance heat treatment does not form carcinogenic substances, unlike most vegetable oils, more a long period time, moreover, it does not foam, does not change the taste of food and does not cause burning in the pan. According to reviews from experienced chefs, corn oil is much more economical in consumption than sunflower oil, traditionally used in Russian dishes.

Therefore, nutritionists strongly recommend paying attention to valuable product, given to us by nature, to everyone striving for healthy image life. Corn oil will help you preserve health and youth for a long time long years, as well as improve the quality of life and diversify the taste sensations.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes with corn oil

For baldness, for beauty and good hair growth

To keep your hair thick, strong and healthy, you can use a corn oil mask. The oil is not applied to the hair, but actively rubbed into the scalp. A cap or bag is put on the head and a towel is wrapped on top. After an hour, wash it off. This mask is made before washing your hair for six months.

For gallbladder health

To enhance the flow of bile and improve the functioning of the gallbladder, it is recommended to add corn oil to your daily diet. It is best to add it to porridge or fresh salads. You can also drink one and a half tablespoons of corn oil on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course is 2 weeks, a break of 10 days, then repeat.

For peeling skin

To make your skin smooth and beautiful, you need to drink a teaspoon of corn oil on an empty stomach, and also lubricate the damaged areas with oil at night.

For migraine

At regular attacks headaches, for which analgesics do not help, traditional medicine recommends taking 1 tbsp. l. unrefined corn oil 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is on average 2–3 days until the pain disappears.

For burns

Apply corn oil heated to body temperature on the affected skin, cover with a clean cotton cloth, and secure with a band-aid. After 50–60 minutes, change the bandage. The course of treatment is 3–5 days.

For insomnia

For itchy skin

Mix unrefined corn oil and dill seed oil in a ratio of 30:1. Apply to itchy areas 5-6 times a day.

For joint pain

If your joints hurt, corn oil will help. It should be rubbed into the affected areas, wrapped with a woolen cloth on top, and lie under a blanket for at least 2 hours, and preferably overnight.

For bites, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema

For these problems, use a 50:50 mixture of corn oil and dill oil. Apply to the skin three times a day until the damage disappears.

For pancreatitis

During an exacerbation of the disease, any fats, even healthy corn oil, will only aggravate the condition, so the product is strictly prohibited during this period. But 2-3 weeks after the attack of pancreatitis, when all the symptoms of inflammation of the pancreas go away, corn oil in small quantities will help improve the functioning of the organ. Doctors recommend consuming up to 1 tbsp daily. l. product in various dishes, preferably vegetable ones. At the same time, fatty fried foods, even if healthy corn oil was used for cooking, are prohibited.

For diabetes

Corn oil - best alternative animal fats, which are undesirable for patients with diabetes. Use up to 2-3 tbsp. l. product daily during cooking, while excluding lard, fatty meat from the diet, butter and spread.

For high cholesterol

Due to its high content of healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, corn oil helps lower cholesterol levels. It is best to add it to fresh vegetable salads and use it in making homemade sauces. It is recommended to consume up to 2-3 tbsp per day. l. oils At the same time, limit cholesterol-rich foods in your diet. These include all animal fats (lard, fatty meat, offal, milk, cream, cheeses, etc.).

Applications of corn oil in other areas

The benefits of this product were noted not only by doctors and amateurs traditional medicine. Corn oil is used as the raw material needed to make biodiesel work!

Lecithin, found in large quantities in this oil, has long been popular with leading cosmetologists and chefs. Thanks to its antioxidant effects, it helps preserve certain foods for a long time. Corn oil can be found in many creams, soaps, paints and ointments, as well as in various pharmaceutical preparations.

Eating corn oil undoubtedly has more positive points, rather than negative, the main thing is not to abuse it if there are contraindications.

Will corn oil help you lose weight?

If we consider the product as a “magic pill” that will allow you to lose weight without changing your usual diet, then the answer to this question will be negative. But if you enlist the support of this useful and vitamin product and reconsider your views on nutrition, overweight will melt before our eyes:

  • completely replace harmful animal fats with corn oil;
  • use the product for dressing light vegetable salads;
  • eat oil only fresh and do not use it for frying (and generally exclude fried foods from your diet);
  • allowed amount of corn oil - 2–3 tbsp. l. per day.

On websites dedicated to weight loss, you can often find recommendations for consuming 1 tbsp of vegetable oil, including corn oil, on an empty stomach. l. Before using this method, be sure to consult your doctor.

How to choose

Corn oil should be extremely transparent and clean, with a beautiful, uniform color.

It is best to choose oil in glass containers. remember, that quality product can't be cheap. It is worth choosing an oil from medium price category: There are a lot of quality samples here, and the cost is not yet so high that you should avoid it.

It is also worth choosing oils from well-known manufacturers. They, having large capacities and taking care of normal relations with inspection bodies, try to prevent defects and low quality.

How to store

At long-term storage corn oil can be purchased unpleasant aroma. If you purchased unrefined, so-called “live” oil, then you need to store it in a glass container in the refrigerator, otherwise in a warm place and in the light such a product will quickly become cloudy, lose its beneficial properties and acquire an unpleasant bitter taste. Most often on the shelves there is deodorized refined oil, which is stored much longer under any conditions. During deodorization, substances that give the product a characteristic odor are removed from the oil.

Corn oil - contraindications

  • Due to the exceptional hypoallergenic nature of the product, there are few contraindications for its use. However increased content Omega-6 acids can provoke an exacerbation of some chronic diseases.
  • People who have increased coagulability blood and those at risk for cancer, before taking corn oil, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.
  • To avoid harm to health, you should not consume a product that has expired. You also need to observe the storage conditions for corn oil, do not leave it under direct sun rays or in a place that is too warm.
  • Unrefined corn oil may have a characteristic odor that individuals causes rejection. In such cases, it is worth replacing it with a product that has undergone deeper processing and deodorization.
  • Although corn oil does not smoke or foam when heated, it should not be exposed to high temperatures for a long time, under the influence of which carcinogenic substances are formed. It is best to use oil for seasoning cold dishes and salads.
  • People with disabilities should not overuse corn oil. overweight body, but it will also not be possible to gain weight with its help, since it causes a quick feeling of fullness, reduces appetite and suppresses the tendency to overeat.

Corn oil is not only healthy and nutritious product for the whole family, but also effective remedy, used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Its rich composition and easy digestibility make this oil indispensable in therapeutic nutrition. Be sure to try golden corn oil and it will become an integral part of your diet.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Corn oil is a rather rare product. Most people are accustomed to cooking with sunflower oil, not corn oil. Some women have not even heard of its existence. However, such an oil exists, and it is excellent for cooking. They even say that the product has a lot of beneficial properties for the human body.

Applications of corn oil

Corn oil is mainly used in culinary purposes. Its main advantage is its low cost. In cooking, corn oil is most often used for frying or making margarine. It is added less frequently to other products. Corn oil is not very common in home cooking, and it is not sold in every store. It is well suited for dressing salads, as it has pleasant aroma. The product is also suitable for frying, because refined corn oil does not produce smoke.

Other uses of corn oil:

  • biofuel production;
  • production of cosmetics - soaps, ointments;
  • paint production;
  • as a basis for some medicines.

The benefits of corn oil

Corn oil has no health benefits. Many sites on the Internet claim that this is another “storehouse of vitamins and minerals.” In fact, this “well” is not very deep. The product is a source of vitamin E. You only need to drink 80 g of corn oil to satisfy daily requirement human in alpha-tocopherol. As for other vitamins, they are either not present, or they are presented in in miniscule quantities, which do not have any effect on human health.

When describing the beneficial properties of corn oil, it is customary to list the fatty acids that make up its composition. But they are listed not because fats are incredibly beneficial for the body. It’s just that corn oil contains nothing but fats, and there’s nothing more to list.

The beneficial properties of corn oil are often associated with the presence of a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. In fact, the product contains mainly:

  • monounsaturated fatty acids are represented by oleic acid;
  • , which are quite sufficient in food products even without corn oil.

But there are almost no deficient omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for blood vessels, in corn oil. This product is useless for health, so it is not worth buying it for the purpose of healing the body.

Harm of corn oil

Corn oil isn't healthy, but it isn't harmful either, unless you're going to drink it out of a bottle. It should be borne in mind that the product is pure fat, and therefore:

  • has a high calorie content;
  • difficult to digest if pancreatic function is impaired;
  • may increase stool frequency.

If you have diarrhea, it is better not to use corn oil. As, indeed, any other vegetable oils and fatty foods. At chronic pancreatitis When there is a need for a low-fat diet, corn oil should also be excluded from the diet.

People who are trying to lose weight or are afraid of gaining weight should consider that energy value corn oil is 900 kcal. Higher calorie content simply does not exist in nature. The product consists entirely of fat, which has the greatest nutritional value.

There is evidence that regular consumption of corn oil increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. But this information is not reliable. Alone clinical researches show that the risk of cancer increases, other trials contradict these results.

There is also the opposite opinion. According to some studies, corn oil reduces the risk of breast cancer. Considering that reliable information has never been obtained, there is no reason to fear this product due to the threat of cancer.

Corn oil for hair

Corn oil is used not only in cooking. Some women try to use it to improve the condition of their hair. Masks are made from corn oil. On the Internet you can find many recipes where it is mixed with other vegetable oils, food products or herbs. It is believed that such combinations allow you to get maximum benefits for your hair.

You can often read that corn oil:

  • nourishes hair;
  • stimulates their growth;
  • prevents split ends and hair loss;
  • improves appearance hair.

It is possible that hair will actually fall out less after treatment with fat. Many women use masks made from vegetable oils. Most likely, they actually observe some positive changes after such treatments. But the properties of corn oil have nothing to do with it. Any other fat is suitable for the same purpose. For example, sunflower oil will bring exactly the same result.

Corn oil reviews

There are plenty of reviews about corn oil on the Internet, although it is used much less frequently than other vegetable oils, in particular sunflower. The product is mainly used for frying. For this purpose, refined deodorized corn oil is purchased. It does not smoke, has no odor and does not change the taste of dishes. It costs a little more than sunflower, but the difference in price is insignificant.

Corn oil is often used for salad dressing. For this purpose, mostly unrefined oil is used. It is used by people who:

  • love the smell of corn oil;
  • are allergic to sunflower oil;
  • love variety in diet;
  • It is a mistaken belief that corn oil promotes health.

There are very few negative reviews about the product on the Internet. Some people are outraged by the higher price of oil compared to sunflower oil. Another reason for the negativity is due to the fact that the product cannot be purchased in all stores. Even those where it is present on the shelves, you have to look hard for corn oil.


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Corn oil is now distributed throughout the world and is widely used in different areas: cooking, cosmetology, medicine. This is a wonderful herbal plant that has a rich chemical composition. It was first obtained in 1898 in the American state of Indiana, and gradually it began to be called the gold of the west, so valuable and in demand was it.

Today, many people use corn oil for variety and health; it comes to us only in refined form, it has absolutely no odor, and the color is light yellow. The highest-class chefs prefer to cook with corn oil - it is excellent for frying and deep-frying because it can withstand high temperatures and at the same time does not form carcinogenic substances, does not smoke and does not burn.

Composition and beneficial properties of corn oil

Corn oil is a storehouse of vitamin E. Yes, all oils are rich in it, but it contains of this vitamin several times more. - This is one of the most effective and widespread antioxidants; it is also called the vitamin of youth, growth and beauty. It is necessary to maintain the elasticity of all tissues - skin, hair, nails, and vessel walls. It removes free radicals from the body, which are one of the causes of early or excessive aging.

Vitamin E is needed by the body's endocrine system, which is responsible for the functioning of the pituitary gland, gonads, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. Hormonal balance- the key to health and well-being.

Vitamin E is indicated for many vascular problems. It helps maintain elasticity and prevent vessel fragility. It also protects humans from cellular mutations and cancer.

Corn oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. These are very valuable and useful substances for humans, because they help maintain health immune system - the body’s main defense against all kinds of infections and diseases. Also, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides and lecithin are removed from the body bad cholesterol, thereby also ensuring vascular health.

Corn oil has choleretic effect, it is useful for those who suffer from gallbladder diseases.

The chemical composition of corn oil also shows the presence of such rare vitamins as B1, B2, PP, K3. It is also high in provitamin A, which makes corn oil beneficial for vision and skin.

Corn oil is used in folk medicine:

- for increase vitality and relief of the syndrome constant fatigue;
- in the fight against muscle weakness;
— for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
- during treatment cholelithiasis;
- for the treatment of vitamin deficiency;
- in the fight against early aging skin;
- in the fight against acne, dry skin;
- at skin diseases;
- for prevention viral diseases;
- to maintain the immune system;
- at hormonal disorders;
- to cleanse the body of toxins.

Harm and contraindications to consuming corn oil

People with bleeding disorders should avoid corn oil. Substances contained in corn oil can enhance clotting, which is dangerous in cases of tombophlebitis, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins veins (any diseases associated with increased level prothrombin).

Corn oil has the same calorie content as sunflower oil., so obese people should also abstain from it or use it in a limited amount.

Individual intolerance to corn oil also occurs.

Traditional medicine and cosmetology recipes with corn oil

For baldness, for beauty and good hair growth

To keep your hair thick, strong and healthy, you can use a corn oil mask. The oil is not applied to the hair, but actively rubbed into the scalp. A cap or bag is put on the head and a towel is wrapped on top. After an hour, wash it off. This mask is made before washing your hair for six months.

For gallbladder health

To enhance the flow of bile and improve the functioning of the gallbladder, it is recommended to add corn oil to your daily diet. It is best added to porridge or fresh salads. You can also drink one and a half tablespoons of corn oil on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course is 2 weeks, a break of 10 days, then repeat.

For peeling skin

To make your skin smooth and beautiful, you need to drink a teaspoon of corn oil on an empty stomach, and also lubricate the damaged areas with oil at night.

For insomnia

If you cannot sleep, then vigorously rub your temples and the back of your head with corn oil.

For joint pain

If your joints hurt, corn oil will help. It should be rubbed into the affected areas, wrapped with a woolen cloth on top, and lie under a blanket for at least 2 hours, and preferably overnight.

For bites, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema

For these problems, use a 50:50 mixture of corn oil and dill oil. Apply to the skin three times a day until the damage disappears.