Alcohol tincture of calendula - instructions for use. Cleansing mask of marigolds and ice. Healing tonic for damaged hair

Many herbal medicines can now be freely purchased at a pharmacy or ordered from an online pharmacy. And although, “Popular about Health” always recommends the first method, since a person must know for sure that all standards are observed when storing the drug. At the same time, there is a second option and it should not be discounted either. Often, private online stores purchase herbal raw materials from the same suppliers as pharmacies, but they do not need to pay for the rental of storage space. They simply send the goods from the supplier to the buyer or buy them from cheaper pharmacies and therefore can compete with more expensive ones. So it’s not at all difficult to purchase raw materials of a medicinal plant if you don’t want to prepare it yourself. But why do this?

Scientists have long proven healing properties plants, spending a lot scientific research. Preparations based on them are actively used by doctors in everyday practice. Some experts are even confident that such products are much safer than chemical drugs. And their effectiveness is often at the same level. One of the most famous medicinal plants is calendula. The topic of our conversation today will be the drug “calendula in alcohol”; let’s talk about what this drug helps with. By the way, you can buy ready-made pharmaceutical product in a bottle, or you can make a tincture from plant materials and medical alcohol using a recipe. The effectiveness of the tinctures will be the same, but you can control the entire preparation process yourself.

Alcohol tincture “Calendula” - what helps?

Calendula preparations are used by doctors as a disinfectant and bactericidal agent, which copes with many pathogens, especially staphylococci and streptococci. Such drugs are used in the treatment purulent lesions, carbuncles and boils. They are treated with them purulent wounds, carbuncles, boils, a variety of ulcers and burns. Also, calendula preparations can be used to treat abrasions, bruises and cuts, lesions of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and other inflammations) and sore throat. Among other things, it makes sense to use them to treat cracks anus.

Washing with diluted calendula tincture has an excellent effect in some diseases. visual apparatus, represented by conjunctivitis, blepharitis and barley.

Doctors have proven that calendula is good at soothing the central nervous system. Medicines based on it reduce reflex excitability, help normalize blood pressure and increase cardiac activity while slowing the heart rate.

Calendula tincture with alcohol may benefit patients suffering from certain liver diseases and biliary tract. It is also useful for heart diseases, ulcerative lesions digestive tract and colitis different types. Also, this drug can be used by women who are in menopause, as well as those who suffer from certain gynecological diseases.

In order for calendula tincture with alcohol to be truly effective, you need to use it correctly.

How to use calendula tincture with alcohol?

For arterial hypertension

For hypertensive patients, calendula alcohol tincture will help optimize blood pressure, eliminate or reduce headaches, and improve activity of cardio-vascular system generally. In addition, this medicine tones the body well and adds performance.

To treat hypertension, doctors advise taking calendula tincture with alcohol, twenty to thirty drops per day, dissolving this volume of medication in fifty milliliters of water. Take this remedy three times a day for a month.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder

For such diseases, it is recommended to drink calendula alcohol tincture in a flexible manner. Start with twenty drops (dissolving them in small quantity water) - two to three times a day, and gradually increase the single volume of medicine to a teaspoon. The duration of such therapy is at least one month.

As cholagogue It is recommended to take ten drops of calendula alcohol tincture, dissolving them in fifty milliliters of water.

Pimples, skin ulcers, furunculosis

For the treatment of various skin problems Doctors advise diluting a teaspoon of calendula alcohol tincture in one glass of water. Use this treatment skin. It is quite possible to lubricate acne with a concentrated (not diluted) tincture. Calendula will help eliminate inflammation quite quickly and have an antiseptic effect.

Diseases of the oral cavity (including infantile thrush)

To treat oral ailments, doctors advise diluting a teaspoon of calendula alcohol tincture in one glass of water. Use this solution to rinse your mouth or throat as often as possible - every hour, and after each meal. Small children should treat their mouth using a gauze pad moderately moistened with the solution.

Gynecological diseases

For patients with erosion uterine cervix Doctors advise using alcohol tincture of calendula for douching. Dilute a teaspoon of the medicine in one glass of water and use it once a day - before resting at night.

Cosmetological problems

Alcohol tincture Calendula is great for hair care. So it is recommended to combine it with castor oil, maintaining a ratio of 1:3. This simple remedy will help you forget about dandruff. It should be used as a hair mask.

And an aqueous solution of calendula alcohol tincture (1:3) will help eliminate baldness.

When caring for your face, calendula tincture can be used as a lotion by diluting it in water. This product is also great for making masks for blackheads and rashes.

Additional Information

It must be remembered that alcohol tincture based on calendula is strictly contraindicated for patients suffering from cardiovascular failure, as well as from hypotension (low blood pressure). In addition, it cannot be used by patients carrying a baby and carrying out breast-feeding.
In addition, it is worth considering that alcohol tincture based on calendula can cause reactions of individual intolerance (allergy).

And rashes, wounds, the solution helps relieve the inflammatory process.

The calendula preparation owes its effect to the presence of 2 components - plant extract and ethanol (alcohol).

Calendula tincture - instructions and use

Calendula in the form of an alcohol tincture shows maximum activity against the so-called opportunistic microbes - streptococci and staphylococci. The term “conditional pathogenicity” means that such microbes are always present in the intestines and oral cavity, but their growth and development are inhibited by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli that are friendly to humans.

But in cases of imbalance of forces, when friendly microflora is suppressed, opportunistic microflora begins to rapidly multiply and pathology develops.

Flower tincture and indications for its use:

  1. To prevent the appearance of scars.
  2. For treating wounds and cuts.
  3. Treatment of frostbite.
  4. For various rashes.
  5. For acne (to dry and localize it, it can be combined with other drugs, such as zinc ointment).
  6. Against depriving .
  7. To improve the condition of hair and activate its growth.
  8. For disinfecting rinses of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. At inflammation of the gums, destruction bone walls teeth (pyorrhea), periodontal disease.
  9. For washing the male urethra and female vagina .
  10. ENT diseases – pharyngitis, sore throat.
  11. Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (in combination with other drugs). Inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa ( gastritis).
  12. Cholecystitis(inflammation of the bile duct) and disturbances in the outflow of bile (cholangitis - inflammation of the bile ducts).

Calendula is an effective urinary and choleretic drug, recognized by official medicine.

Chemical composition of calendula flowers and the effect of components

The calendula plant has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. This activity is possible thanks to special chemicals in its composition.

Components in the flower that ensure its use in medicine:

  • Carotenoids give flower petals a bright orange color, they facilitate the absorption of other useful substances, strengthen the immune system and strengthen blood vessels.
  • Coumarins effectively reduce inflammation, dilate blood vessels and eliminate spasms, defeat bacteria and fungi.
  • Triterpenoids- the basis of the anti-inflammatory complex.
  • Flavonoids- bioactive substances that reduce muscle spasms, strengthening blood vessels and enhancing the evacuation of bile.
  • Ethers. Essential oils contained in large quantities have antibiotic properties, that is, they inhibit the growth of pathological bacteria.
  • Minerals. The plant also contains a whole complex of useful minerals.

Calendula tincture and what does it help with?

Standard pharmaceutical solution officially allowed for rinsing, rubbing, alcohol cauterization, lotions, preparing tampons. In some cases, it is allowed to use the drug undiluted, in other cases, the tincture should be diluted with water (diluted in different ratios).

The use of calendula tincture against tonsillitis (sore throat)

When the tonsils become inflamed or a dental infection develops, the calendula tincture used to treat the mucous membranes is greatly diluted with water. At 0.5 stack. pour in 1 tablespoon of cooled boiled water (up to 18 milliliters can be placed in it) of the product. If there is purulent plaque on the inflamed tonsils, then they are lubricated with a pure (undiluted) tincture of the medicinal plant every few hours - this will help reduce the spread of infection and relieve inflammation of the tonsils.

Calendula tincture for gargling

Rinse you need to spend a long time, at least 5-6 minutes, while you should throw your head back and pronounce the letter “Y” loudly, so the root of the tongue collapses, the larynx opens, and the lacunae are well rinsed from pus. After rinsing for about 30 minutes, you should not drink or eat anything. To prevent fluid from entering the trachea, the head should not be thrown back too far.

How to divorce? Dilution of calendula for rinsing is done in the following way: in a glass of boiled water at room temperature (about 200 milliliters), dilute 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) of the product - the rinsing solution is ready.

The drug should always be at home. The tincture can be used instead of the usual brilliant green and iodine. Rinse gorlocalendula is also possible in for preventive purposes, especially in the cold season, when it is time for viruses and infections, summer is the time for unwashed vegetables and fruits, so preventive rinsing will also not be superfluous.

Calendula for mouth rinse

In different dilutions, calendula tincture can successfully treat lesions of the oral cavity, eliminate inflammation of dental tissue and prevent bad smell, you just need to know how to dilute a strong tincture correctly for certain purposes.

  • Rinse for periodontitis and gingivitis A solution of the drug diluted one to one is used. To 1 part of water (previously boiled and cooled) add 1 part of the drug. Periodontitis is inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, and gingivitis is inflammation of the gums.
  • Gargling with calendula ulcerative stomatitis require treatment of ulcers with clean alcohol solution using cotton swabs.

Daily rinsing of the mouth with a calendula preparation will be an excellent prevention of caries and other dental problems. It's cheap and effective.

Calendula tincture for chickenpox

Calendula tincture has long been used for chickenpox. When windblown blisters open, they should be treated with alcohol tincture so that the infection does not spread further and other people are not infected, and also so that viral infection the bacterial one did not join. The blisters should be treated with an alcohol-containing solution in the morning and before bed, but it can be done more often, because cauterization with alcohol relieves itching, and the extract will remove inflammatory redness.

Is it possible to treat blisters with chickenpox in children with calendula tincture?? It is possible, but only diluted, and the instructions for use state that even when mixed with water, the tincture is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.

How to divorce calendula tincture? If an adult has chickenpox, the remedy can be used in pure form, or you can divorce. But if a child has chickenpox, it is necessary to dilute it - 5 milliliters of the product (1 teaspoon) per 250 milliliters of water (1 medium glass). Processing occurs 1-2 times a day.

How to apply tincture for chickenpox:

  • a stick, a piece of cotton wool or a tampon is soaked in the prepared solution;
  • applied to each vial separately;
  • The cotton wool must be changed after processing a certain number of bubbles.

Calendula tincture for otitis media and ear pain

Calendula flower tincture with otitis reduces the inflamed area and destroys the causative agents of inflammation - staphylococci with streptococci .

Basically, turundas (small cotton or gauze swabs) are moistened with alcohol tincture, which are inserted with tweezers into the ear canal and cover with dry cotton wool. Warming compresses on the ears are also soaked in an alcohol solution diluted in half. When it is necessary to treat the middle ear, 1-2 drops of the tincture diluted in half are instilled into the nose and placed on the side. In this situation, through eustachian tube the medicine penetrates into the middle ear and shows its effect there.

Never put undiluted tincture in your ears or nose. on alcohol, otherwise you will burn the mucous membrane and provoke an attack of sharp pain.

Treatment of otitis media with calendula is effective only if systematic application. It is important to know that calendula will not relieve pain, but it will disinfect the inflamed cavity and limit the spread of the inflammatory process.

Calendula for eyes

Many ophthalmic diseases are effectively treated with calendula tincture, incl. blepharitis and conjunctivitis, i.e. inflammatory eyelid diseases. To treat the eyes, the medicine is diluted with water quite strongly, 100 milliliters. boiled water add no more than 1 tsp. tinctures. With this diluted solution, you need to wash your eyelids every hour or make warm lotions. Cotton pads soaked in water are applied to closed eyelids. warm solution based on calendula extract.

Attention! The use of alcohol tinctures for the eyes is dangerous, as they cause damage and irritation to the organ of vision. Therefore, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before using calendula tincture. Before consulting a doctor, this method of use is: contraindicated.

Calendula tincture for acne and rashes

Skin rashes are always a symptom of some internal disease. That is, it is almost impossible to fight acne with alcohol wipes alone, because the source of infection is deep inside.

This means that acne must be treated systemically (sometimes with the use of antibiotics), since the appearance of rashes can be a consequence of lesions internal organs or blood poisoning.

Using calendula tincture for acne

Calendula tincture for acneaid. It can be used to treat acne to prevent other infections from occurring. Calendula will also help with acne in the sense that it will reduce the level of redness and swelling. Can be applied diluted (one teaspoon per glass of water). But as a means of getting rid of acne, calendula is not a panacea.

With skin problems, most often the source of trouble is in digestive system. At the same time, the localization of the rash can suggest in which organ the root of the evil is likely to reside:

  • Acne on the chin– then problems with the intestines or genital area.
  • Pimply forehead indicates pathology of the pancreas or stomach.
  • Rash along the hairline indicate poor evacuation of bile and pathology of the gallbladder.
  • Pimples on the nose indicate hormonal changes.
  • Pimples on the bridge of the nose talk about excess protein nutrition and liver overload.

To completely get rid of disfiguring skin rashes, you should consult a dermatologist and have a necessary tests to find out the exact cause of the rash, this is the only way acne treatment can be really effective.

Calendula and its use in gynecology and urology

In urology and gynecological pathologies alcohol tincture of calendula flowers is allowed without restrictions. Only allergic reactions on the components of calendula, which are extremely rare, may be a contraindication to treatment with its tincture for gynecological inflammations.

Women Calendula tincture has found application very intimate - they douche with its solutions and use them for tamponing. At the same time, for vaginal douching alcohol solution Calendula should be diluted more strongly compared to the composition for the throat. For douching, one part of the alcohol solution is diluted with ten parts of boiled warm water.

In principle, calendula acts as an antibiotic, destroying all – both harmful and beneficial microflora. That is, after douching, bifid drugs should be used (to restore normal microflora genital organs, both men and women) and to avoid candidiasis (thrush).

The product in the same dilution (1:10) is used to wet tampons that are applied to the cervix during erosion.

To use calendula for intimate purposes, consultation with a gynecologist and urologist, respectively, is advisable.

Using calendula tincture for the stomach and digestive system

Taking calendula orally is indicated in case of peptic ulcer and poor flow of bile. Doctors know that stagnation of bile is a trigger for many diseases of the digestive system. The stomach, intestines, and pancreas suffer from stagnation of bile. Thus, the fight against bile stagnation is the prevention of a whole bunch of pathologies of the digestive system.

Calendula has an antispasmodic effect, providing excellent healing effect with stagnation of bile. The calendula preparation effectively relaxes the smooth muscles located in the internal organs. Thus, after taking the drug orally, they expand bile ducts and ensures unimpeded flow of bile. Practice dosage: 15-20 drops. 3 times a day, before meals. To facilitate the evacuation of bile and with an unhealthy liver; in case of ulcers in digestive organs Calendula preparation per-os is taken up to 30 drops, at the beginning of the day or before bedtime.

Small children and pregnant women In principle, all alcohol tinctures are contraindicated, in any quantities. Special oil extracts are prepared for them. That is, calendula flowers are infused in oil.

Is calendula tincture safe to take internally (per-os)?

The answer is “yes”, but with a caveat – only for adults who have healthy blood vessels, you can use calendula internally. Children and pregnant women This cannot be done due to the presence of alcohol. In people with unhealthy blood vessels, for example, if vegetative-vascular dystonia or atherosclerosis is diagnosed, prolonged intake of alcohol in small doses worsens the condition, the vessels gradually become clogged and they may rupture with hemorrhage.

Also, prolonged use of alcohol-containing solutions may well provoke addiction and the development of alcoholism. Therefore, for a long time application Calendula preparations taken internally, it is better to replace its alcohol solution with an oil solution.

Instructions for using calendula tincture in cosmetology

For oily skin, for constant care, calendula tincture is used to lubricate particularly oily areas of the face and areas where acne and rashes appear. It dries out the skin perfectly (as zinc ointment) and inhibits sebum secretion.

Calendula tincture for face

Dry skin needs to be wiped less often, otherwise it will peel off. Normal skin can be wiped once a day. Oily skin can be wiped with pure alcohol preparation up to 3 times a day.

When used on the face, it is advisable to dilute calendula tincture based on a ratio of 5:1 - 5 milliliters per 1 glass.

To eliminate acne, in addition to facial wipes, you should apply masks.

  1. Calendula face mask It is done simply - moisten the gauze with the tincture diluted in half and place the cloth on the face. The eye area should be open. Leave the mask on for up to 20 minutes, this is enough for the alcohol to dissolve sebum, cleanse and tighten pores, and for the flower extract to destroy germs.
  2. Another option for a face mask with calendula alcohol preparation is aloe, wheat flour and calendula tincture are mixed in equal parts and diluted with water until a thick paste is obtained. Typically, 3 tablespoons of the mixture takes about 0.5 cups of water. The paste is spread on previously cleansed skin and left for up to 7 minutes. When the mask dries, wash it off with tap water.

Only systematic rubbing and periodic face masks as a complement to treatment internal disease, can cure acne and acne.

Reverse effect when the product is not effective

Quite often, the so-called reverse effect occurs when, after starting treatment with an alcoholic infusion of calendula, acne increases in number and size. As a result, people wonder if calendula really gets rid of acne and negative effects appear.

Modern people are so carried away by various treatments chemicals that they completely forgot that you can get rid of health problems using less dangerous methods. So, why not remember that earlier our great-grandfathers did not use pills at all, but treated themselves with various homemade herbal medicines. Now I would like to talk about what calendula tincture helps with.

A few words about the plant

Initially, it should be noted that calendula and marigold are the names of the same plant, which blooms beautifully and pleases the eyes of many people. The flowers are orange or yellowish, maintaining their beauty throughout the summer until the arrival of autumn. So, this plant reproduces by self-sowing and can grow anywhere where there are not too severe winters. Distributed throughout Asia, Western Europe and the Mediterranean.

It is worth noting that calendula is bred mainly in two directions: medical and decorative (it is interesting that the flowers grown in this way have their own medicinal abilities, although they are not so pronounced). However, not all people know that, for example, the leaves of this plant taste very pleasant; they can be added to salads and without fear for your health. various dishes, also successfully used in cooking.

How to properly grow calendula for medicinal use

In order for treatment with calendula tincture to be as effective as possible, this plant can be grown and dried at home, and then independently produced from it. So, it should be noted that this plant is completely unpretentious in care, and even a novice gardener can successfully grow this flower. Calendula tolerates drought and light frosts without problems. And in order for flowering to last as long as possible, it is necessary to collect grown flowers, giving the opportunity to form new ones.

Conditions needed for active growth and calendula blossoms:

  • Sunny place (calendula growth will not be as fast in the shade).
  • Fertile soil (preferred, but not required).
  • To ensure large flowers, the plant can be watered. It is enough to do this just a couple of times a week.

Calendula propagates by seeds. They should be planted to a depth of a couple of centimeters, not deeper. And to replant a plant, you just need to dig it up with a tuber and move it to a new place.

Ingredient properties of calendula

Before you figure out what helps, you need to say what the plant itself contains. a huge number useful elements. So, these are various essential oils and fatty acids, carotenoids, saponins and manganese salts. It is this composition that has a great effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and also helps to better absorb iron and calcium. Tannins, phytoncides and glycosides have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Effect of calendula

So, what does calendula tincture help with, and in what cases should this plant be used? So, it is capable of having the following effect:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing;
  • soothing;
  • refreshing;
  • painkiller.

Well, it is also important to note that calendula, as well as its infusion, is an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent.

Making calendula infusion at home

Knowing how much calendula tincture costs (its price is absolutely low and affordable for everyone), you can still this medicine make it yourself at home. What do you need to know and have for this? Okay, cook this remedy It's not difficult at all. Initially, you need to prepare freshly cut flowers in the amount of 4 tablespoons. Next, they are placed in any glass container (ideally a jar) and filled with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Then all this is placed in a cool and always dark place, where the medicine cannot be prepared. The preparation period for the medicine is seven days. After this, the calendula infusion is ready for its intended use.

Having understood how the medicine is made, which is based on calendula (tincture), the recipe for an aqueous solution is what I also want to talk about. So, if you need to prepare just such a drug, you should not be afraid to get down to business. After all, the procedure will be even simpler and less expensive. So, you need to prepare the same 4 flowers, but fill everything with two glasses of clean filtered water (you can use spring water). Everything fits on water bath and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes. After this, the medicine is filtered and cooled. Then you can add more water to this water infusion to the required volume. However, here you need to remember: the validity period of the water infusion is no more than two days. After this, this medicine begins to gradually lose its useful abilities, and does not provide the maximum possible and expected therapeutic effect.

Pressure surges and hypertension

What does calendula alcohol tincture help with? Its use is relevant for a variety of problems. And it doesn’t matter whether this remedy is prepared at home and independently, or simply purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

If we talk about hypertensive patients, then it is very important for them to use alcohol tincture. Yes, given medicine can actively fight headaches (it decreases significantly), even out the pulse and all work of cardio-vascular system, normalizing blood pressure indicators. In addition, it is important to note that calendula infusion is very useful for such a problem in that it is able to restore performance and perfectly tone the body, giving it a charge of strength and vigor.

The course of treatment itself in this case is completely simple and does not require much effort. So, every day you will need to stir about 25-30 drops of this infusion in 50 ml of water. Drinking ready-made product for a month three times a day. If you take such a course, you can forget about pressure surges for a long time. Experts say that two or three such courses a year are enough for a person not to be bothered by the problem at all.

Calendula infusion for facial beauty

In what other cases is calendula tincture used? Using this product on the face is what I also want to talk about. Moreover, this home remedy It is absolutely inexpensive, and the effect of its use is simply amazing. Thus, calendula infusion is most often used for acne, as well as pimples and scars. However, it is best not to wipe with a pure alcohol solution (after all, it can dry out the skin on healthy areas of the face), but to make a lotion out of it. Creating a new drug is not at all difficult. So, to the alcohol solution you will need to add a couple of tablespoons of water, about 3 ml of glycerin, as well as one teaspoon boric acid(required 5%). The prepared medicine should be lubricated on the face twice a day - in the morning and evening time. In this case, the problem, if it does not disappear completely, will be significantly reduced. This ready-made product also works great against oily skin.

For facial beauty, you can also use an ointment prepared based on calendula infusion. To do this, you will have to mix two tablespoons of concentrated infusion and about 20 grams of ordinary Vaseline. All this is thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency and applied to face light massage movements twice a day - morning and evening. It is worth noting that this is an excellent substitute for synthetically prepared creams to improve appearance.

How else is calendula tincture used? Application for the face involves preparing a mask on this basis. So, it should be noted that it is able to fight problems such as acne and blackheads. To prepare the product, you need to mix a tablespoon of infusion with one glass of pure spring water, and then add another four tablespoons of well-sifted wheat flour. After this, all the described ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face for about 35-40 minutes, after which it is washed off with running warm water.

Oral problems

Let's look further at what calendula tincture helps with. It is the alcohol solution that can be used for various problems that arise in the oral cavity. Initially, it should be noted that this medicine helps well with thrush in newborn babies. So, this problem often occurs in very young children. And she calls discomfort and discomfort. You can cope with it if you mix an alcohol solution of calendula with water (in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of medicine per glass of water). You need to moisten a gauze swab with this product, which is used to wipe the baby’s mouth.

If we talk about adults, then the same solution can combat problems such as stomatitis and mucosal ulcers. However, in this case, you just need to rinse your mouth. This can be done 4-5 times a day until complete recovery occurs.

For throat diseases

It is also important to remember that calendula tincture for the throat is widely used. So, this remedy perfectly helps to cope with various inflammatory processes that affect this organ. In this case, you need it in a glass warm water stir in a dessert or tablespoon of infusion. You need to gargle once an hour at first, then less often. And if a person feels that his throat is about to get sore, he should immediately apply this remedy, and the disease will be killed in its very bud.

Diseases of internal organs

Alcohol tincture of calendula is also used for various problems that affect the gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract and liver. However, the treatment regimen in this case will be very flexible. So, you need to start getting rid of the problem with just 20 drops, gradually increasing the dosage to a teaspoon. In this way, you need to be treated for at least a couple of months, while taking the medicine two to three times a day. It is also important to note that the alcohol infusion of calendula is an excellent and also safe choleretic and diuretic. In this case, you will have to dilute 10 drops of this product in 50 ml of water.


In what other cases is calendula (tincture) used? Instructions for use read: this medicine helps well with various female diseases. So, it is especially useful for cervical erosion. In this case, douching will help. To prepare them, you need to dilute one teaspoon of the medicine in a glass of clean boiled water. You can also wash your face with this product if you have one. inflammatory processes and other problems on the lady’s external genitalia.

Skin problems

Alcohol tincture of calendula also helps cope with various problems that appear on the skin. To small cuts, cracks and wounds are not inflamed, they must be washed with a special solution. It won't be difficult to prepare it. So, you need to dilute a teaspoon of this product in half a liter of water. And then soak a cotton swab in this medicine, wiping the affected areas. It should be noted that in this case the antiseptic effect of calendula will be very relevant.

It is also important to note that this remedy will help young mothers who suffer from cracked nipples. The above solution should be lubricated on painful areas. Within a couple of hours you will be able to see a positive result.

Ear diseases

It is important to note that calendula tincture can also be instilled into the ear. Here we're talking about O initial stages otitis To get rid of the problem, doctors recommend in every ear canal bury 2-3 drops of this natural medicine three times a day. By the way, this procedure is suitable even for the smallest babies.

However, here you need to remember that often homemade calendula tincture (however, it is made industrially) is an insufficient remedy for such a disease. Otitis - very serious illness, with whom it is not recommended to joke. Especially when it comes to children. So this medicine should be used only with the permission of a doctor.

Scalp and hair problems

When else can calendula alcohol tincture be used? It is widely used in cosmetology. So, based on this ingredient, they are often made various ointments and masks that help cope with a wide variety of problems.

I would also like to say something about the hair. They will become beautiful if this remedy is used to improve their health.

  • To cope with dandruff, you need calendula tincture, as well as castor oil, mixed in a ratio of 1:3.
  • To cope with hair loss, you need to rinse your hair after washing your hair with water infusion. This should be done at least twice a week for at least two weeks.
  • Also, tincture of calendula flowers copes well with such a problem as seborrhea (to put it simply, this is In this case, you will have to mix 50 ml of calendula infusion ml castor oil. All this should be left to brew for a couple of hours. After this, this medicine is applied to the scalp with light massage movements. And after 10 minutes everything is washed off with warm water. However, be sure to avoid soap, shampoo or conditioner.

Contraindications for use

Having understood why calendula tincture is useful, how to dilute it correctly to prepare this or that medicine, I would also like to talk about in what cases you need to stop using this remedy. After all, calendula tincture, like all medications, has certain contraindications.

  1. Women during pregnancy and lactation should not use alcohol infusion orally. External use is permitted.
  2. Hypotension is also a contraindication to taking calendula.
  3. This product cannot be used when various kinds exacerbations of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Alcohol tincture of calendula should not be used orally by children until they reach the age of 12.

It is also worth remembering that internal use of calendula alcohol infusion is fraught with various side effects. You need to be prepared for this in advance. In this case, a person may experience nausea and dizziness. Among more serious complications doctors identify rupture of red blood cells, in other words - hemolysis.

And the most important thing I want to say is: under no circumstances should you use an alcoholic infusion of calendula without a doctor’s recommendation (solely at your own discretion). After all, this is fraught with various problems and complications.

Cost of medicine

Many people are interested in how much calendula tincture costs? Price for this medicinal product is acceptable, from which we can simply conclude that this remedy is available to representatives of various segments of the population. The cost of the drug may vary depending on the pharmacy's policy and place of sale. However, in rare cases the price of an alcoholic infusion of calendula will exceed 50 rubles. On average, the cost of this drug is 30 rubles.

Calendula oil

Calendula (tincture) has been fully reviewed, and the instructions for using this drug have also been sufficiently studied. Separately, I would like to say that from this plant you can also make the healthiest oil. It helps to cope with multiple problems:

  • This is an excellent healing agent.
  • This is a good natural skin moisturizer.
  • This excellent remedy from acne and dermatitis.
  • Calendula oil also helps cope with sunburn and insect bites.

Calendula received these properties due to the presence in its composition essential oils, as well as fatty acids, saponins, salicylic acid, polysaccharides and mucus.

This is popular and widespread in our area. annual plant with small bright yellow-orange flowers decorating flower beds and flower beds. People call it marigolds. Blooms from late May to October. Since ancient times, calendula has been used as a medicine - first in folk medicine, and now in traditional medicine. It is an essential ingredient herbal infusions for healing large quantity ailments.

Calendula tincture: indications for use

In cosmetics and medicinal purposes marigold flowers are used. They are used to prepare steams and tinctures.

Steam: 40 g of dried inflorescences are steamed with 1 liter of boiling water overnight, tightly closed with a lid.

Tincture: available both in pharmacy kiosks and prepared independently from fresh flowers infused in alcohol (20 g of flowers per 100 ml of alcohol, 70°) for two weeks in the dark, with periodic shaking, and finally filtered through gauze or bandage.

In addition, calendula is used to prepare water infusions, oil extracts, ointments. Tincture (as tincture is called in Latin) - convenient dosage form, because it is a concentrate, which is quite easy and quick to use.

The use of calendula tincture in folk medicine is widespread:

    as an antiseptic for cuts, wounds, burns, frostbite

    from acne, boils, ulcers, lichens, rashes

    to strengthen hair

    for eye diseases

    against inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gums (stomatitis, gingivitis), pharynx, tonsils

    for irrigation of the genitals (men and women)

Marigolds can kill infection, as well as suppress inflammatory processes and regenerate damaged areas of the skin.

Alcohol tincture of calendula has indications for oral use:

    as a choleretic agent for diseases of the liver and spleen

    for stomach cramps

    with scrofula (allergic diathesis)

    with rickets

    for the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines

    for scarring and healing of ulcers and erosions

    as a means to calm the nervous system

    to normalize cardiac activity.

For a more pronounced effect, it is advisable to use marigold in combination with others that have a similar effect. medicinal plants(chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, calamus, etc.).

Calendula tincture: instructions for internal use

The tincture is used either directly orally (in the required dosages), washed down with warm water. boiled water(½ cup), either by first dripping sugar into a tablespoon or directly into water (½ cup). Use the tincture 20 minutes before meals or 1 hour after eating.

If the patient has a stomach ulcer or duodenum, then it is recommended to take 25 drops of the tincture in the morning and evening. It regenerates mucous membranes, and, neutralizing the effect of gastric juice, heals erosions.

If there are problems with gallbladder, liver, gastrointestinal tract, tincture is drunk 3 times a day according to the following scheme: starting with 20 drops, add a few drops every day until the dosage increases to 1 tablespoon, after which each person begins to reduce the amount by a few drops until they reach the number 20 After this, the course of treatment ends.

As an antispasmodic, calendula tincture relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs, stimulating the movement of bile, and improving the functioning of the pancreas and intestines.

Calendula tincture is used for (high) blood pressure for 3 weeks - 20-30 drops in the morning, lunch and evening.

The same dosage helps:

    getting rid of headaches

    sleep soundly

    increase in working capacity

    increasing immune protection

    improvement of well-being

It is given to children with rickets. And for adults - if they have arrhythmia, shortness of breath, swelling.

In addition, marigold tincture - an indispensable tool for colds, especially viral ones.

Calendula tincture: external use

Unlike internal use, external has a wider distribution than steamed inflorescences, as it allows you to combine the properties of alcohol and the marigolds themselves as an antiseptic.

Calendula tincture: use for the throat and ears

For purulent processes in the throat, the tonsils are smeared with undiluted tincture in the morning and evening, applied to cotton wool wrapped around tweezers. The procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before meals.

Instructions for using calendula tincture for gargling:

    dilute the tincture with boiled water at room temperature - 1 tablespoon of medicine per ½ cup of liquid

    rinse for at least 3 minutes

    lower the base of your tongue while rinsing

    After rinsing, do not eat or drink for half an hour

The use of calendula tincture for gargling lasts for 7 days. A similar solution is used to rinse the nose for a runny nose.

Marigold tincture is also used to treat ear diseases. For otitis, roll up a small oblong turunda from cotton wool, soak it in undiluted tincture, squeeze it lightly, and insert it into the ear canal overnight. If a burning sensation occurs, take out the earcup and plug your ear with dry cotton wool.

To treat the middle ear, dilute the tincture in half with water, instill a few drops deep into the nose at night, and lie on your side so that the drug flows into the Eustachian tube connecting the middle ear to the pharynx.

Since calendula tincture is not a pain reliever, relief does not occur immediately. Continue treatment until complete healing.

Calendula tincture: use for mouth rinse

For stomatitis, inflammation of the oral mucosa, prepare a solution:

1 teaspoon of calendula per ½ cup of cooled boiling water. At dental diseases and bad breath, use tinctures of calendula and calamus, diluted in a 1:1 ratio.

During stomatitis, the ulcers are lubricated with undiluted tincture.

Using calendula tincture for skin

The use of calendula tincture on the face is useful as a drying and disinfectant. If the skin is oily, then wipe it with cotton wool with an alcohol solution (1 tablespoon per ¼ cup of water) in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

Calendula tincture for acne on the face is used as a treatment problem areas undiluted tincture. Acne, inflamed areas, boils are cauterized with the drug once a day for 2 weeks. This is a very effective remedy, unless problem skin is a consequence of internal diseases.

1 tablespoon of tincture per ½ cup of liquid is a remedy that:

    rejuvenates the skin

    cleans it

    soothes inflamed areas

    exfoliates dry areas on the face


    protects against the influence of weather conditions.

A face mask made from such a solution, applied to a bandage, left for 20 minutes:

    degreases the skin

  • disinfects

For oily facial skin, make masks 2-3 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

Baths for hands or feet aqueous solution 30 minutes soften calluses, heal scratches, eliminate cracking.

Calendula tincture: use for hair

For oily hair make special compresses. To do this, mix the tincture with hot water in proportions 1:3, soak gauze in it and place it on top of the hair. Then they put on a plastic bag or a special cap, and then a sports cap. Leave for half an hour.

To reduce the amount of dandruff, the tincture is rubbed into the skin with a tampon every other day for a month. Then they give the hair a rest for 30 days, and then treat for another 1 month.

Thanks to these procedures, hair loss is reduced and hair acquires a healthy, beautiful shine.

Calendula tincture for eyes

For ophthalmology (styre, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids), wash the eyes and eyelids, followed by the use of lotions from cotton swabs. For these purposes, the tincture (one part) is diluted with warm boiled water (ten parts). Rinsing is carried out every two hours, each time applying a moistened swab to the eyes (12 minutes).

The use of calendula tincture in gynecology and proctology

People have long treated erosion, ulcers and various discharges with deep douching with tincture diluted with liquid in proportions of 1:10.

The tincture, diluted in the same ratio, is used as a basis for enemas (for inflammation and cracks).

Calendula tincture for children: instructions for use

The use of calendula tincture internally for children is allowed starting from the age of 12, for the same cases as for adults. The dosage is calculated based on age: 1 drop for each year of age. Be sure to dissolve the medicine in ½ cup of warm boiled water. Reception schedule: 3 times a day.

You can gargle using marigold tincture earlier, starting at age 3. Up to 7 years old, it is enough to take ½ cup of solution at one time, and after 7 years - a whole glass.

For throat diseases, gargling is carried out at least 5 times a day in the first 3 days, and then 3 times until full recovery. This must be done in mandatory under adult supervision. It's okay if children swallow some of the rinse solution. The main thing is that they don’t choke.

Since young children often put objects from the floor into their mouths, this can cause thrush. Rinsing with marigold tincture diluted with water helps.

Contraindications to the use of calendula tincture with alcohol

Alcohol tincture of calendula, according to the instructions for use, can cause allergies (redness, rash), bitter taste in the mouth, burning pain in a stomach. If any of these symptoms occur, treatment should be stopped before consulting your doctor.

If you have cholelithiasis, you should drink calendula tincture under the supervision of a doctor, as it can provoke a very painful movement of stones along the bile ducts.

Because marigolds are lowering blood pressure, they should not be taken by hypotensive patients with a decrease in heart rate.

It is forbidden to instill tincture not diluted with water into the ears. When rinsing the eyes with diluted tincture, a slight tingling sensation is allowed. If it bakes, you need to stop the procedure immediately.

Do not use the drug if the use of any alcohol-containing drugs is excluded. This is atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Long-term use of such medications can be addictive.

It is preferable to replace oral administration of the tincture by children, expectant and nursing mothers with treatment with decoctions or oil extracts.

Video "The healing properties of calendula tincture"

General practitioners and cosmetologists know how to take calendula tincture. They give clear and specific recommendations. Nature created the beautiful orange heads of flowers called calendula specifically as a medicinal aid to humans. This miracle of nature is called marigold for the amazing shape of its petals, calendula, Caléndula officinalis.

Preparing calendula alcohol tincture at home

Decorative floriculture widely spreads throughout all regions, tenacious and not capricious to soil and weather conditions flower. But even in its cultivated form, fragrant calendula retains medicinal properties.

Yellow flowers in wild flowers are single, while in cultivated plants they are collected in inflorescences. Marigolds bloom from June to September. Their flowers are excellent honey plants, the soft buzz of bees indicates the presence of wildly growing clearings of marigolds.

The baskets are collected throughout the flowering period; it is important that the flowers are fully bloomed. The remaining parts of the plant are not used.

Collecting raw materials allows you to prepare tinctures throughout the summer. Calculating use for the autumn-winter period will help to prepare a sufficient amount of orange to treat the whole family.

Fully opened flowers without signs of wilting are suitable for preparing the tincture. The presence of a stem is allowed when the flowers are cut to 3 cm from the base of the basket.

It’s easy to prepare a tincture with alcohol. Freshly picked marigold flowers should be placed in a clean jar, more than half of the jar should be filled with flowers, not compacted, poured loosely.

The rest of the jar should be filled completely medical alcohol, vodka, homemade purified moonshine. Tight closed jar should be placed in a dark closet for 2-3 weeks.

During this time, it is recommended to stir the contents of the jar several times, carefully turning it from side to side. After the appointed time, the tincture must be filtered and poured into a dark container. At room temperature, in a dark place, the drug is well preserved for 2 years.

Home and pharmacy tinctures practically do not differ in their properties. It’s just easier to buy it at the pharmacy than to prepare it yourself.

However, many herbalists teach how to make calendula tincture yourself and tell you what the drug helps with.

Treatment with calendula tincture

Calendula is used for treatment as active agent With:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing effect.

Medicines from marigolds have:

  • astringent;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • sedative effect.

Alcohol tincture of marigold helps heal the heart, internal illnesses, regulate arterial pressure, functions of the central nervous system. The properties of marigolds make the tincture an excellent immunomodulatory drug.

The experience of using the tincture confirms its diuretic, antispasmodic, analgesic, and restorative effects on the human body.

Using calendula tincture

Wide range The effect of marigold potions allows you to use the tincture to get rid of various diseases.

To do this, prepare a solution: 1 tsp. tinctures for 1 cup. water, they should carefully wipe the damaged areas.

  • Rinsing for sore throat, washing the mouth and gums for stomatitis.

Prepare the solution: 1 tbsp. l. tinctures for 1 cup. water. During treatment purulent sore throat undiluted tincture is used. It is recommended to moisten it cotton buds for treating inflamed tonsils. This treatment is carried out for 5 rubles. per day for an adult, 3 rubles. per day for children. Treatment is carried out ½ hour before meals.

At the same time, it is not recommended to drink to allow the medicine to act longer on the treated tonsils. Your doctor will tell you how to dilute the tincture for rinsing. It is important to prevent burns to the mucous membrane, especially when treating children.

  • Internal treatment for jaundice.

Start with 15 drops per ½ cup. water, gradually increase the amount of medicine to 1 tsp. The frequency of administration gradually increases from 2 to 4 times. in a day.

Prepare the solution: 1 tbsp. l. tinctures for 1 cup. water. Drink ½ cup. solution, starting with 1 and gradually increasing to 3–4 doses per day. The good thing about the tincture is that it can be used in pediatrics.

  • Treatment of hypertension.

Prepare a solution from the tincture: 2 tbsp. l. per 100 grams of boiled water. Use begins with 20 drops of solution 3 times a day. Gradually the amount of solution increases to 40 drops. Recommended long-term use solution. Prepare a solution with no more than 100 grams of water, and when finished, prepare fresh remedy.

  • Treatment of dizziness of various etiologies.

Use a solution of 10 g tincture 1 cup. water. Use 1-3 tbsp. l. 3 r. in a day.

Ways to use calendula tincture

There are undoubted health benefits from using calendula tincture. It is good for outdoor and indoor use. Practice shows an excellent effect in treating many different diseases. For each disease, appropriate recipes and dosages have been developed over time.

It has been laboratory proven that marigolds infused with alcohol kill staphylococci and streptococci on damaged epidermis and improve wound healing by enhancing tissue regeneration.

To get rid of pain from otitis media, it is recommended to instill the solution into the nose, 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. If external treatment is required, sore ear lay turunda soaked in a solution of undiluted tincture.

  • Turundas are inserted into the ear at night, providing natural warming.

Warming compresses are placed around auricle, without laying turunda. You must wear a warm scarf or hat. It is recommended to apply a compress 2 times. per day, without going outside after warming up.

  • Tincture in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

From the onset of the disease, it is recommended to gargle as a preventive measure. For this, a solution is prepared: 3 drops. tinctures per ¼ cup. water. With the onset of a runny nose, it is recommended to drop 1 drop into the nose in the same proportion. For coughs, oral drops are prescribed. The dosage should be agreed with the doctor; it depends on the age of the patient. The doctor will tell you how to gargle to get greatest effect from treatment.

  • Skin treatment for chickenpox.
  • In the treatment of eye diseases, a tincture solution is used, 1 tsp. for 0.5 liters of water.

The solution is recommended for washing eyes and lotions. Such procedures can be carried out after 2-3 hours. Irrigations are beneficial for the eyes when age-related tearing begins. Helps vision for older people.

  • In treatment, calendula tincture is taken orally.

Recommended dosage – 30 drops. tinctures 2 r. per day, wash down with clean boiled water. The course of treatment is a month in each season of the year. The drug normalizes heart rhythm, strengthens the heart muscle, and increases performance.

Specific dosages and frequency of administration must be agreed upon with the attending physician, who knows the specifics of the disease, its manifestations and the possibility of exposure to marigold tincture.

Calendula tincture in gynecology

Women expecting a child always receive special treatment. During pregnancy, all medications are used carefully, only with the permission of the gynecologist who accompanies the woman until the birth.

Face and hair masks are allowed here, and an anti-acne tincture-based mash can be used. Only external use is allowed, and then with great caution.

In gynecology, tincture of marigolds is used as the basis of compositions for douching, vaginal irrigation, prescribed for inflammation of the appendages, thrush, fungal and infectious lesions female organs.

Calendula in alcohol is, of course, not a panacea for all ills. There are other great ones too folk remedies. However, consultation with a doctor is imperative, since herbal preparations strong in action, especially those infused with alcohol.