Is rutin a vitamin? What foods contain rutin? Amazing vitamin properties of rutin - why you should eat meat with vegetables and herbs

Vitamin P is a natural trace element from the group of flavonoids. This group includes about 150 elements, including esculin, hesperidin, anthocyanin, catechin, etc. Since vitamin P partially replaces the human body’s need for vitamin C, it has an additional name - vitamin C2. Among people, oto is also known as "rutin". This name is not entirely accurate, since rutin is only one of several substances from the group of flavonoids.

Vitamin P was discovered in 1936 by the American biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi. As a result of experiments, he was able to isolate from the composition lemon peel a new substance, the content of which brought a positive effect during the treatment of patients with hemorrhagic diathesis and guinea pigs infected with scurvy. The new microelement gets its name from the first letter of the word “permeability”. After all, it is precisely the decrease in vascular permeability that is main characteristic for vitamin R.

Properties and Health Benefits of Vitamin P

Vitamin P is foreign to humans - our body is not able to produce this substance on its own. Therefore, routine is especially valuable for all of us. If vitamin P is taken regularly, it can quickly normalize the condition of the walls of small blood vessels, improve their elasticity and strength. Vitamin P can also reduce arterial pressure and slows down the heartbeat. If rutin is taken daily for at least 4 weeks in an amount of 60 mg, this can reduce intraocular pressure. Another property of vitamin P is that it stimulates bile formation, which helps normalize daily norm urine output and helps the normal functioning of the adrenal cortex.

Vitamin P maintains the production of histamine and serotonin at a sufficient level, reduces swelling and can be used as a partial pain reliever. Vitamin P also alleviates the symptoms of allergies and bronchial asthma.

Interestingly, vitamin P has different properties and impact, depending on what natural material it was obtained from. Vitamin P (catechin) obtained from green tea leaves is good antioxidant, protecting the body's cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. This slows down the aging process and increases the body's resistance to various infections. Catechin also has strong antibacterial properties, helping a person fight colds.

But another type of vitamin P (quercetin), obtained from bell peppers, garlic and tomatoes, can inhibit growth oncological tumors. It is often added to medications for the treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenum, rheumatism, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Sources of rutin (vitamin P)

Due to the fact that rutin is not produced by the human body, it must be included in the daily diet. It is worth considering that it is better to give preference here raw foods– after heat treatment, the vitamin P content in products drops sharply.

Vitamin P is in everyone citrus fruits, most of it on inside peel and between slices. There is also a lot of it in cherries, grapes, plums, apricots and apples. Vitamin P is present in berries such as rose hips, black currant, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and rowan. But most of all it is found in red bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, lettuce, garlic and sorrel. There is vitamin P in green tea and buckwheat.

If you need vitamin P for your body, it will be useful to pay attention to the dietary supplement - there really is a lot of it.

Video about vitamin P

Rutin is a popular remedy for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, while being strong and improving skin condition.

Rutin is included in the complex biologically active substances called flavonoids. The complex is represented by hesperidin, esculin, anthocyanin, catechin, rutin, quercetin and approximately 120 other substances.

Vitamin P, including flavonoids (including rutin), is often called vitamin C2 or rutin. It received the first version of the name due to the fact that it can cover the daily norm, and the second option is erroneous. Rutin is just one of the flavonoids included in the group united by vitamin P. However, this name is even more popular than the official one.

The prerequisites for the discovery of vitamin P were studies on the reduction of vascular permeability due to vitamin C deficiency.

A series of experiments led to the fact that in the 30s of the 20th century, the American scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was able to isolate a component from lemon peel that increased the strength of the walls of blood vessels and had a positive effect in the treatment of scurvy. Subsequent experiments revealed a number of substances with similar properties. The whole group is called vitamin P.

Having entered the body along with food, flavonoids dissolve in water, are quickly absorbed into the blood and are carried through the bloodstream to organs and tissues, performing a number of functions:

  • They regulate the formation of protein threads, which has a positive effect on the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels. The walls of the capillaries become more elastic and durable, and do not narrow;
  • They act as antioxidants, removing oxidized substances from the body. This prevents premature aging and the body’s resistance to adverse external factors increases;
  • Prevents the development of atherosclerosis: the substance quercetin prevents deposition cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels by regulating the process of fat metabolism;
  • Prevents the growth and spread of low-quality tumors;
  • Reduce intraocular pressure;
  • Normalize digestion by regulating the formation of bile;
  • Together with vitamin C they provide antibacterial effect, strengthening the immune system. The body becomes resistant to various colds;
  • Regulate blood pressure due to the ability to influence permeability renal vessels, thereby normalizing the amount of fluid in the body. They are also capable of dilating blood vessels. This serves as an excellent preventive measure varicose veins.
  • Normalize hormonal background. They have a special effect on the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland. The hormones of the adrenal cortex (adrenaline and norepinephrine) play a very important role in the body. Adrenaline is the “engine” of processes in the body (increases blood pressure, sugar levels, etc.), norepinephrine improves brain activity;
  • By binding histamine and serotonin, they have an anti-allergic and anti-edematous effect, preventing the development of bronchial asthma, food allergies, hay fever;
  • Render beneficial influence on the joints, promoting the production of lubricating fluid, so that the joints last longer.

Sources of vitamin

Flavonoids are vitamins that the human body is unable to synthesize. You can only get it with food, as a rule. plant origin. Most of them are contained in chokeberry (1500 mg/100g). All fruits of the citrus family are rich in vitamin P, apricots, cherries, plums, apples, rose hips, blueberries, black currants, bell pepper, tomatoes, beets, White cabbage, garlic, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to green tea. It contains a large number of catechin. These substances have an antioxidant effect by binding metabolic products and removing them from the body.

It is important to remember that vitamin P is destroyed by heat treatment, therefore, to obtain the desired effect, it is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables raw. Also negative impact it is affected by sunlight, oxygen and nicotine.

Instructions for use

Hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis P

The main signs of hypovitaminosis are: the appearance pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin, weakness in the shoulders and legs, lethargy, weakness, fast fatiguability, acne, intense hair loss hair. Very rarely, deficiency can contribute to cerebral edema and cerebral bleeding, caused by thinning capillary walls.

Most often, vitamin P deficiency occurs in winter and early spring. To prevent it, you need to plan carefully daily diet.

There are no known cases of hypervitaminosis P, because it is non-toxic and is very easily eliminated from the body.

Medicinal use and contraindications

Flavonoids are prescribed additionally during treatment coronary disease heart disease, atherosclerosis, allergies, diathesis, radiation sickness, rheumatism, myocarditis, hypertension, hemorrhage in the retina, etc.

The greatest effect is achieved with simultaneous administration vitamin C.

Contraindications to treatment with flavonoids are thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, increased coagulability blood, first trimester of pregnancy.

Daily norm routine

The maximum allowable amount is 400 mg/day.

Side effects

Vitamin P supplements are generally well tolerated. But sometimes insomnia, headache, increased blood pressure, attacks of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.

Vitamin P capsules

You can compensate for the lack of vitamin P in the body with the help of medications:

  1. Rutin is the most popular dosage form. Available in tablet form. Strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases their elasticity. Prevents hemorrhages.
  2. Ascorutin - tablets based on rutin and ascorbic acid.
  3. Quertecin - tablets. Antispasmodic, promotes vasodilation.
  4. Natural juice chokeberry.
  5. Tablets from the fruits of chokeberry - used in complex therapy for the prevention of capillarotoxicosis and bleeding.
  6. Tea tree leaf tablets.
  7. Tea leaf powder.

Benefits of ordering a vitamin from iHerb

This vitamin is not very popular in Russia, but is sometimes found under the name “Rutin”. If you decide to order vitamin P from the USA, you can use the online store, where there are 3 great options routine, as well as several hundred vitamin complexes that include it.

The most affordable solution is vitamin P from, it has several hundred good reviews And low price. However, after studying reviews in Russian, we decided to recommend you routine from. This premium brand produces more expensive products, but their quality leaves no doubt.

Vitamin P or flavonoids is a collective name for biologically active substances. The main representatives of this group are rutin, hesperidin, quercetin . Although in this group there is still order 120 substances. This vitamin was discovered while studying vascular permeability in conditions of vitamin C deficiency. Scientists discovered that consuming vitamin C alone does not lead to the desired result. When they started using lemon juice, the bleeding decreased. After this, a substance was isolated from lemon peel that increases the strength of the vascular wall and was called vitamin P ( "permeabilitas" - permeability).

Further research led to the production of substances with a “P-vitamin” effect. They were found in large quantities in tea leaves, rose hips, lemons, oranges, chokeberry fruits and other plants. In tea leaves P-vitamin group There are catechins in the leaves and flowers of buckwheat - rutin and quercetin. Under storage conditions, all P-active compounds are extremely unstable even when exposed to air, exposure sunlight easily destroyed.

Daily requirement

For an adult, the average requirement for vitamin P is 25-50 mg per day.

For athletes, the dosage is determined by the degree and duration of the load. So, when engaging in speed-strength sports, the daily requirement for vitamin P is 60-100 mg/day(during the training period) and 100-130 mg/day during the competition. If physical exercise are performed with the aim of improving endurance, then during the training period you need to take 100-130 mg/day, during the competition period – 200-250 mg/day.

IN therapeutic doses Vitamin P is taken according to 100-200 mg per day.

Maximum dosage 400 mg per day.

Functions in the body

Vitamin P is a substance that is not synthesized in the body, so it must be supplied with food. In the intestines, dissolved in water, flavonoids are quickly absorbed into the blood.

Recycled vitamin P is excreted through the kidneys in the urine.

Rutin and quercetin have effective antioxidant effect , the same as vitamin E. However, unlike the latter, they can bind to metal ions and have an even more pronounced protective effect. For example, the “rutin plus iron” complex is five times more active than rutin itself. Thus, these compounds are protectors of body cells, because hinder destructive impact harmful oxidized substances, preserving the youth of the body, strengthening the immune system, preventing the occurrence of various diseases.

Good for skin and blood vessels.
Vitamin P, like vitamin C, has the ability to regulate collagen formation (the main component of the skin and blood vessel walls). With a constant supply of vitamin P, the walls of the capillaries are strengthened, their elasticity and strength increases, and their sclerosis (narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels) is prevented. Flavonoids also promote vasodilation, which leads to normalization of blood pressure and reduction of edema, which is a good preventive measure for varicose veins.

Prevention of atherosclerosis.
Quercetin has a positive effect on fat metabolism. He prevents the deposition of “extra” cholesterol molecules in the walls of blood vessels and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

To help the immune system.
Together with vitamin C, flavonoids are involved in prevention of colds and infectious diseases , thanks to its antibacterial effect.

Against cancer.
Vitamin P inhibits tumor cell proliferation , this is especially true for breast tumors and blood cancer.

Benefits for the eyes.
Application routine helps reduce intraocular pressure . To do this, you need to take 60 mg per day for four weeks.

Digestion and vitamin P.
Vitamin P regulates the rate of bile formation , which helps normalize food digestion. Quercetin is used as a complementary drug in the treatment of peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Arterial pressure.
Due to the ability control vascular permeability kidney vitamin P normalizes the amount of fluid secreted. By expanding peripheral and central vessels, flavonoids normalize blood pressure.

Hormones and flavonoids.
This vitamin slightly increases the function of the adrenal cortex. The released glucocorticoids have an anti-inflammatory effect, which leads to improvement in many diseases.
Vitamin P, which is found in tea leaves, improves function thyroid gland. At elevated level Vitamin P helps reduce the hormones of this gland in the blood.

Vitamins with P-activity protect catecholamines from oxidation. The main representatives of these hormones are adrenaline and norepinephrine. Adrenaline (stress hormone) activates all processes in the body - increases blood sugar levels, constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure. Norepinephrine promotes good transfer of excitation between nerve cells which improves the thought process and motor activity.

Reducing allergy symptoms.
Representatives of this group of vitamins have a pronounced antiallergic property. The main substances released during allergies are histamine and serotonin. These compounds contribute to tissue swelling and pain. Vitamin P binds histamine and serotonin, which helps improve the well-being of a person suffering from allergies. Main allergic diseases are bronchial asthma, hay fever (pollen allergy), food allergy.

Impact on the musculoskeletal system.
Vitamin P is also good for joints. It promotes the production of “lubricating” fluid in them. And without it, the joints quickly wear out, lose their former mobility and eventually become completely immobilized.

Vitamin P deficiency

Hypovitaminosis of this vitamin often occurs in inflammatory diseases digestive tract, since this interferes with the absorption of vitamin P through the intestinal wall.

Signs of vitamin P deficiency are similar to those of hypovitaminosis C:
general weakness, fast fatiguability;
bleeding gums, periodontal disease;
possible nosebleeds;
“incomprehensible” bruises on the skin that occur even with slight pressure;
joint pain;
sudden appearance acne;
noticeable hair loss.

As a rule, such symptoms appear at a time when the consumption of vegetables and fruits is sharply reduced, i.e. winter and autumn.

Vitamin P overdose

Because this vitamin It dissolves well in water and is excreted by the kidneys; it does not accumulate in the body. For this reason, excess vitamin P is not a threat to the human body.

What products does it contain?

Vitamin P is quickly destroyed by temperature, so preference should be given to raw foods. Vitamin P is found in all fruits and vegetables, as is ascorbic acid:
all citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, tangerines;
all varieties of apples, apricots, grapes, plums;
some types of berries: black rowan, rose hips, raspberries, black currants, blackberries, blueberries;
bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, lettuce, sorrel, garlic.

The quantitative content of vitamin P in products is presented in the table:

ProductVitamin P content mg ​​per 100g
rose hip1000
vegetable pepper300
Red currants200
black currant200
leaf lettuce90

Green tea.
Everyone knows that green tea very useful for the body due to its pronounced antioxidant effect. This property is due high content it contains catechins. The neutralizing effect is achieved due to the fact that these substances bind harmful products exchanges that can damage cells of tissues and organs.

Interaction with other substances

Vitamin P does not affect the absorption and activity of other substances and allows the body’s cells to spend more economically ascorbic acid, prevents the occurrence of complications when taking anticoagulants (warfarin, syncumar).

Rutin is a bioflavonoid - a substance that gives plants color and can play a protective role for them. Pure rutin is naturally yellow or yellow-green in color, and when viewed under a microscope, it appears as needle-shaped crystals. Rutin consists of quercetin and a disaccharide (rhamnose and glucose).

During digestive process Most rutin is metabolized into a special substance - quercetin, which is also a flavonoid, plant pigment and antioxidant.

Other names for routine

Vitamin P, bioflavonoids, bioflavonoids complex, bioflavonoids concentrate, bioflavonoids extract

Sources of rutin in nature

Rutin is found in many plants, fruits and vegetables. The richest source of rutin is buckwheat. Rutin is also found in citrus fruits, black tea, apple peel. Grapes and plums also contain vitamin P. When it comes to green vegetables, choose spinach. It contains a number of isoflavonoids, including vitamin P.

Daily norm routine

It ranges from 25 to 50 milligrams per day. For women, on average, from 20 mg, and for men, from 28 mg.

Including vitamin P in your diet

Including sources of vitamin P in your daily diet is not difficult to organize. Citrus fruits and fruit and vegetable juices are excellent sources of rutin. Using fruit in baking will not destroy the vitamins contained in it.

You can make jelly from black currants or other berries, make pancakes from buckwheat flour and come up with others delicious ways to add vitamin P to your diet.

Properties of rutin (vitamin P)

Found in various citrus fruits, vitamin P plays a large role in providing our body with vitamin C. Its properties affect the health of our blood and help our red blood. blood cells- platelets - do not stick together. Vitamin P also promotes the health of capillaries and also helps in their function and helps prevent capillary bleeding.

It is also great for those who are prone to bleeding gums, as this vitamin helps prevent and heal weak blood vessels located in the gums.

For those who often deal with colds, vitamin P can be a big help. It strengthens immune system, this vitamin is necessary to strengthen the body's natural defenses against viruses and infections.

Vitamin P is also a natural anti-inflammatory and diuretic. This vitamin can help overcome serious illnesses– hypertension, allergies, wounds and ulcers.

Busters of routine

There are several substances that can destroy vitamin P in the body. Among the most common destroyers are tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. Aspirin and a number of over-the-counter painkillers can also destroy rutin in the body's system; the enemies of rutin are antibiotics and cortisone.

To counteract these negative effects, you can change your lifestyle (stop smoking and drinking alcohol) and increase the amount of citrus fruits in your diet.

Signs of lack of routine

  1. Fast fatiguability
  2. Retinal hemorrhage
  3. Irritability
  4. Leg pain
  5. Shoulder pain
  6. Acne
  7. Bleeding gums

Signs of too much routine

When there is an excess of routine, there are no serious dangers for health, since excess of this substance is very quickly eliminated from the body with decay products. However, routine supplements may cause some side effects, including headache, rash and stomach upset.

When is rutin safe?

Rutin is generally considered safe when consumed in reasonable amounts from food products, such as citrus fruits, onions and apples.

Today is about safety long-term use Science knows little about routine and its additives. And yet we want to introduce you to experiments that have shown the effectiveness of rutin in the fight against serious diseases.

Rutin and arthritis

Rutin shows promise in treating arthritis, according to a 2008 study of a control group of arthritic rats. In experiments on rats, researchers found that rutoside helped fight inflammation and reduced Clinical signs arthritis.

Rutin and inflammatory bowel disease

Preliminary research suggests rutin may help treat inflammatory diseases intestines (for example, colitis). A study published by the US Institute of Natural Sciences said that tests on rats showed good effect from taking a routine. It has been shown to help reduce damage to colon tissue caused by colitis.

Rutin and blood clots

The number one killer is thrombosis (blood clots), which block blood flow to the heart or brain. New research has found the effectiveness of a non-drug approach to preventing the formation of these blood clots. This strategy involves using a routine.

Blood clots are life-threatening under appropriate conditions, and therefore the need for safe, effective preventative and therapeutic approaches is of great medical interest.

In recent research, scientists have focused on routine as a substance that can fight many diseases. In particular, they identified rutin from more than 5000 compounds as the most powerful substance to combat thrombosis. After extensive research and testing, the researchers found that "Rutin was the most potent antithrombotic compound we have ever tested," explained Robert Flaumenhaft, senior author of the study and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School.

Research: rutin – for healthy veins

Rutin may be beneficial for people with chronic venous insufficiency, according to a study published in the journal Minerva Cardioangiologica in 2001. Chronic venous insufficiency is a condition in which the veins do not efficiently return blood from the legs to the heart. It causes health problems such as varicose veins, swollen ankles and night leg cramps.

For the study, 30 patients with chronic venous insufficiency were treated with a combination of rutin, alpha-tocopherol (a form of vitamin E), sweet clover and Centella asiatica, which is a member of the parsley family. After 30 days of treatment, participants in the control group showed significant improvement in symptoms (such as swelling and cramps). However, it is unknown whether rutin would be beneficial in treating chronic venous insufficiency when taken without these supplements.

Rutin and varicose veins during pregnancy

Rutoside (a compound found in rutin) may help treat varicose veins veins in pregnant women, according to a 2007 report published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. In an analysis of three previously published clinical trials(in which a total of 159 women participated), scientists determined that rutoside alleviated the symptoms of varicose veins on later pregnancy. However, the review authors note that there is insufficient data to assess the safety of rutosides during pregnancy.

How to use rutin for medical purposes?

Due to the lack scientific research, it is too early to recommend rutin and rutin supplements for treatment dangerous conditions health. If you are planning to use rutin in treatment chronic diseases, consult your doctor first. It's important to note that self-treatment chronic diseases routinely and their prevention without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences for good health.

The human body is designed in such a way that it synthesizes some of the substances it needs on its own, while some can only come from food. Those substances that the body produces itself are called non-essential. Essential nutrients are found in both animal and plant foods - amino acids,... There are those that can be obtained from and which is often called routine, belongs to the group of irreplaceable, and it can only be obtained from plant food. Rutin is required for certain conditions of the human body and has one very important contraindication. Let's figure out what it is, what it is beneficial features of this vitamin and find out how many milligrams of rutin should be ingested human body daily.

Where is it contained?

To find out which foods contain rutin, just go to the fruit section of the supermarket. A moment of celebration - this cannot be achieved with animal products. Vitamin P is the general name for a group of plant bioflavonoids, and rutin is only one of them. It can be found in and - this vitamin was first discovered in the peel.

Rutin is also called “vitamin C2”, as its properties are similar to ascorbic acid. It can even replenish the lack of vitamin C in the body. C2 is found in all fruits and vegetables that contain C. The following units are based on 100 g.

Important! Rutin has virtually no contraindications. The only thing is that it cannot be used by women during pregnancy. If it is not possible to get by with ascorbic acid, the doctor may prescribe treatment with bioflavonoids, but only in the second trimester.

  1. Chokeberry is a champion in routine content. There is as much as 4000 mcg of it. So daily requirement This substance will completely cover 100 g of tart berries.
  2. - second on the list. Depending on ripeness, it contains from 900 to 1500 mcg of this substance.
  3. Black (the darker the better) gives up to 800 mcg for every 100 g, if not subjected to heat treatment.
  4. Dark and not far from cherries - 650-700 mcg each.
  5. Dry contains approximately 600-650 mcg. In infusions and teas this proportion decreases.
  6. Citrus, sorrel and hold the middle position. Content - 500-550 mcg.
  7. and dark are equal - 430 mcg per 100 g.
  8. Dill and strawberries are rich in rutin at exactly 150-170 mcg.
  9. and - 15-30 mcg. It's not worth buying them for vitamin P.

Eat pharmaceutical drugs, which contain rutin. These are “Rutin”, “Ascorutin”, “Troxerutin”, which are commercially available. Their content ranges from 45 to 50 mg per tablet.


Most great benefit routine has for circulatory system. Vitamin P is needed by the body in order to be elastic and have low permeability - what can be expected from it is the destruction of blood clots. Especially important this property for mature women, this is a guaranteed prevention of thrombosis.

Did you know? Vitamin P was first discovered in America. American biochemist of Hungarian origin Albert Szent-Gyorgyi experimented with the properties lemon zest and suddenly I discovered new group plant phenols. As it turned out, they reduced the fragility and permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and the delighted Albert united them into a group, which he called« Vitamin P».

Since rutin is similar in structure to it, it forms a stable complex with it - it protects the acid from destruction and promotes its absorption. The powerful properties of rutin as an antioxidant stop the aging of body cells. He ties free radicals, protecting cells from their effects.

Additional properties of this substance include improving lymph flow (this helps a lot with swelling) and destroying bad blood. The antibacterial properties of vitamin P are used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. Just like other bioflavonoids (if you don't know what those are), it slows down the production of hormones that trigger the reaction, so taking rutin will reduce or get rid of it better than antihistamines.

Important! The properties of rutin as an antioxidant exceed those of green tea. It binds free radicals that enter the body with unhealthy food, therefore it is recommended for use by residents of large cities who often eat in public catering establishments.

Daily norm

Depending on the age and needs of the body, daily norm of this substance changes. How older man, the more of this bioflavonoid it needs. For young children it ranges from 20-25 mg per day. it is necessary to consume at least 30 mg of rutin per day, and for this the norm rises to 55-75 mg. Men should get 60 to 85 mg of the vitamin.

If this citrus bioflavonoid is used as medicine from allergies or infectious disease, the entire dosage increases exactly five times - this is curative measure. In this case, the course of treatment should last two weeks, and only the rutin that entered the body in the form of tablets or powder purchased at the pharmacy is taken into account.

Vitamin P is used as a medicine with sugar lymphostasis and how prophylactic at radiation therapy- it improves the condition and its resistance to aggressive treatment. If a person has venous insufficiency, rutin is used in loading dose 1000 mg per day for three weeks, do month break and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.

Did you know? Letter« R» in the name of the vitamin was not chosen by chance. It comes from the English word« permeability» , which translates as« permeability» . It is one of the youngest bioflavonoids- it was discovered in 1936 and until the 50s of the last century it was synthesized from lemon peel. Nowadays, Daurian larch needles are used for mass production of the vitamin.

Deficiency or excess

There is no such thing as an excess of routines in the human body. Everything you got with or medicines in excess of the norm, the body will excrete it itself in the urine - just like. As for the lack of bioflavonoids, the symptoms are unpleasant. Begin serious problems with the system, especially if a person has a genetic predisposition.

Varicose veins and thrombosis are minor problems compared to myocardial infarction, which are caused by a lack of rutin. The arterial blood rises, weakness and dizziness occur, as the tone of the vascular walls worsens.

Increased tendency to allergic reactions, any irritants like pollen or insect bites cause extensive irritation, lacrimation and swelling. The immune system weakens and a person is easily susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.

Indications for use

Doctors recommend using both rutin and other bioflavonoids, which are part of vitamin P, for the prevention and cardiovascular diseases. People who have suffered a stroke or heart attack are prescribed a therapeutic course of bioflavonoids, the duration of which depends on the severity of the condition. and hypotension, endocarditis, hemorrhagic diathesis have indications for the use of drugs containing rutin. Cuperosis ( spider veins) and varicose veins weaken if you use an ointment based on rutin and include it in your daily diet.

Rutin is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, bronchitis and acute tonsillitis. All diseases in which the infection affects the upper Airways, give indications for the use of this drug, be it scarlet fever, typhus or laryngitis. If necessary to normalize blood pressure or improve the tone of blood vessels by strengthening the walls of blood vessels and clearing them of blood clots, this bioflavonoid is the best and safest solution. It stimulates the immune system, relieves allergies and radiation sickness. It sounds like a panacea, but the vitamin is truly priceless.

Important! Rutin is destroyed by heat treatment. This is why it is important to eat a lot raw vegetables and berries- for example, sterilized blackcurrant or rowan jam is not suitable as a source of vitamin P.

The only contraindication is the first and third trimesters. Pregnant women should consult their primary care physician before starting a course of treatment.

It is difficult to name which would relieve a person from more problems. it is difficult to feel, because every day we consume citrus fruits, dark berries, greens, buckwheat, drink ascorbic acid, which has a similar effect to rutin, and eat. Rutin is indispensable for allergy sufferers - instead of switching to hormonal ointments and take pills every day with a bunch of contraindications, just buy affordable “Rutin” or “Ascorutin” at the pharmacy and take a course of treatment.

Due to minimal contraindications, these drugs can be used without a medical prescription as a preventive and remedy. Knowing foods that contain a lot of rutin and consuming them daily, you can improve your health and get rid of a lot of problems, prevention of which is much easier than treatment.