Parasitic theory of cancer. What is capsaicin and where is Saturating Oleic Acid found?

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Manufacturer and country of production

Xi'an Hao-Xuan Bio-Tech Co, China

Characteristics and action of the substance, structural formula

Chemical formula: Trans-8-methyl-N-vannyl-6-nonenamide. It has the appearance of white or transparent crystals, a sharp and burning taste. Like all alkaloids, capsaicin is almost insoluble in water; it is remarkably soluble in ethanol, acetone, alkalis, and chloroform.

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

A small particle of capsaicin if it comes into contact with the skin can cause a severe burn.

If people eat food that is too peppery, the discomfort and burning sensation can be neutralized with milk, sweet water and alcohol.

The substance has a warming, distracting, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is also used as an antioxidant, healing and antibacterial agent.

Methods of obtaining

In industry, capsaicin is obtained from hot peppers through extraction. An additional agent is acetone.

The result is a red or brown-colored liquid with a substance concentration of 5-10%.

Drugs, dosage forms and composition

  • Nicoflex. Contains 7.5 mg capsaicin, 4.5 g hydroxyethyl salicylate, 1.0 ethyl nicotinate. It is produced in the form of an ointment, in aluminum tubes of 50 mg. In appearance, the ointment is white in color with a specific aroma. Price 210-260 rub. Used to relieve symptoms of injuries, bruises, sprains.
  • Espol. Ingredients: capsicum extract, lavender oil, dimexide, chloroform, coriander oil, lanolin and petroleum jelly. Brown ointment with a pronounced aroma. Available in aluminum tubes, stored in the refrigerator. Price 160-220 rub. Effectively relieves joint and muscle pain.
  • Cream with capsaicin. An additional component is aloe gel, which increases the absorption of the substance and accelerates the healing effect. Price 110-220 rub.
  • Efkamon. Herbal preparation for pain relief. Has a relaxing and warming effect. Ingredients: hot pepper tincture, methyl salicylate, clove oil, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus oil, mustard oil. Available in tubes of 10 and 25 grams, packed in a cardboard box. Price 60-120 rub.
  • Camphocin. Ingredients: capsicum infusion, camphor, castor oil, turpentine oil, salicylic acid, methyl salicylate. It is a liniment, available in orange glass bottles. It has an analgesic, antiseptic and irritating effect.

Dosage and application regimen

  • Nicoflex. Typically, it is prescribed to be used 1-2 times a day. For joint diseases, it is recommended to start with a single application, then increase the application to twice a day. Athletes need to apply a 3 cm strip of the drug and rub it in with massaging movements until redness appears.
  • Espol. The ointment is applied three times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
  • Efkamon should be applied three times a day with massaging movements. To achieve a better effect, you can cover the damaged surface with a bandage.
  • Camphocin. Liniment is well absorbed into the skin, use the drug morning and evening.
  • Apply capsaicin cream to a clean surface and massage lightly. Recommended use 2-3 times a day.

When using these drugs you must adhere to the following rules.

Before using as directed, you need to apply the product to the skin of your hand to see how the body reacts.

Apply ointment or cream in a thin layer. After rubbing, wash your hands well. If allergic reactions are detected, the product should be washed off with alcohol, vegetable oil or vinegar. Do not apply the product after a bath, bath, shower, or in case of pathologies or damage to the skin.


Drugs containing capsaicin are prescribed as an anesthetic for neuropathic pain and neuralgia.

It can be carried out either as monotherapy or in combination with similar drugs.


High sensitivity to the active substance, pregnancy and breastfeeding, children and adolescents.

In cases of what kind of pain will the remedy not help?

The product should not be used for inflammatory processes in the joints, on open wounds and skin rashes, as it may cause aggravation.

Ineffective for oncological diseases.

special instructions

Do not use the product with warming compresses; do not allow the substance to come into contact with mucous membranes. Does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle and interact with various mechanisms. In patients with painful diabetic neuropathy, long-term therapy should be carried out with extreme caution, since there is no evidence of possible adverse effects.

In rare cases, changes in heat sensitivity have been observed after the use of capsaicin.

During therapy it is necessary to monitor blood pressure. If the pain intensity increases during treatment, then local cooling or oral painkillers are used.

Do not use the drug on the skin of the face and head, as there is a risk of allergic reactions and severe burning.

For patients with impaired liver and kidney function before use it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The nuances of use for pregnant women, during lactation, children and the elderly

Studies have shown that the use of drugs with capsaicin does not lead to fetal developmental abnormalities. However, therapy must be agreed upon with a specialist.

There is no data on the penetration of the drug into breast milk. No studies have been conducted in lactating women. During treatment with this drug, you must refrain from breastfeeding.

For older people, the use of the drugs is permitted and no dose adjustment is required.

Overdose and side effects

No cases of overdose were observed. Side effects:

  • burning;
  • redness;
  • hives;
  • nausea;
  • increased blood pressure and heart rate;
  • pain at the application site;
  • the appearance of blisters and papules;
  • swelling;
  • muscle spasms.

Interaction with other drugs

When using drugs locally absorption may be enhanced other warming and painkillers.

Storage and release from pharmacies

The product is available without a prescription. Store in a place protected from light (store in the refrigerator).

Keep out of the reach of children.


  • (225-280 rub.);
  • (190-230 rub.);
  • (190-250 rub.);
  • (280-320 rub.);
  • (280-340 rub.).


The substance has an analgesic and irritant effect on the human body. Widely used in medical practice for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for warming up the muscles of athletes before training. Effective in most patients. There are also negative reviews from patients with high sensitivity to this substance; they have experienced allergic reactions. A wide selection of drugs containing capsaicin in various concentrations allows you to select a drug based on the individual characteristics of each organism.

Use of drugs containing capsaicin must be agreed with the attending physician.

Incorrect application and use can cause unwanted body reactions and burns.

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Pain syndrome of neuralgic and rheumatic origin, pain from bruises and sprains can be mitigated with the help of various creams and ointments. One such remedy, capsaicin, is a natural alkaloid obtained by processing the fruits of hot peppers. This crystalline substance, insoluble in water, was officially registered in the 20th century.

Capsaicin ointments are applied to the painful area of ​​the body. If the concentration of the active substance is high, then the ointment is applied with a special device. Among the analogues there are ointments Apizatron, Viprosal, Sophia and others.

Composition of the ointment, packaging

At the moment, there are quite a lot of gels, ointments, rubs and patches in pharmacies, which contain capsaicin. The extract made from hot pepper has a concentration of about 10%, but even this is quite enough to have the desired effect.

One milligram of capsaicin without impurities will cause a chemical burn if it comes into contact with the skin. Approximately the same reaction occurs when burned by hot metal.

Like most other alkaloids, capsaicin is insoluble in water, but easily reacts with acetone, chloroform, alcohol, benzene and caustic alkalis. It can be removed from the skin using honey, vegetable oil, baking soda, vinegar or alcohol.

This medicine is extracted by extracting hot peppers and acetone. The resulting substance has an orange or pronounced red color and contains 5-10% capsaicin.

How capsaicin works, characteristics of the drug

Ointments with capsaicin are applied externally by rubbing into the skin. When the drug acts on the nerve endings, there is a noticeable weakening of pain, the superficial vessels of the skin dilate and a feeling of warmth is caused, i.e. the ointment has a warming effect.

The reduction in the inflammatory process occurs due to the activation of the synthesis of prostaglandins, which reduce the inflammation process. In addition, capsaicin relieves swelling and activates the process of rapid healing of damaged tissue. In addition, the medicine has a bactericidal effect, dilutes sputum, accelerating the process of complete removal from the body.

Recent studies have shown that capsaicin products help destroy cancer cells and prevent their formation.

But the drug became so popular due to its improvement in the functioning of muscles, joints and ligaments. With the help of this substance, you can get rid of not only pain and inflammation, but also activate the process of healthy tissue nutrition. When using such a drug you need good patience, because the desired effect appears after two or even three weeks, subject to regular use, but after the first use the pain begins to slowly recede.

Does capsaiwin really help fight cancer? Find out from the video below:

How to use capsaicin-based ointments

In clinical settings, the drug is used as a powerful pain reliever for certain types of illness. The effect of the alkaloid on substance P, which is a transmitter of signals from nerve endings to the brain, significantly increases the synthesis of prostaglandins and collagenose, which block pain and kill inflammation. It also noticeably reduces the intensity of pain.

Indications for use of ointment

As a rule, capsaicin ointments are used in the treatment of neuralgia with herpes zoster, diabetic neuropathy, arthritis and post-operative pain. A drug containing this alkaloid is prescribed for migraines, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and for certain types of skin diseases, for example, itching and proriasis.

What’s most interesting is that capsaicin is often added to some dietary supplements used to normalize stomach acidity and digestion processes. Sometimes it is found in ointments for frostbite.

Scientists from the University of Nottingham found in their research that this alkaloid affects the mitochondria of cancer cells, actively destroying them, which means the drug is also used to protect against certain cancers.

Capsaicin is also used to speed up the body's metabolism, helping to increase the synthesis of enzymes that are involved in burning fat. Alkaloid-based dietary supplements are often included in the diet of athletes and overweight people who want to lose weight.

The drug will easily help prevent most cardiovascular diseases, because it lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, stimulating the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and will also help avoid embolism and hardening of the arteries.


Ointments with capsacitin are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. It is worth noting that, like other drugs, the alkaloid has certain contraindications:

  1. period of pregnancy (regardless of duration) and lactation. Before use, be sure to consult your doctor, because it is unknown how the ointment will act on breast milk;
  2. allergy to any substance included in the ointment;
  3. should not be used by children under 18 years of age without special prescription and consultation with a doctor;
  4. When undergoing treatment with other drugs, you should also consult a doctor, because some drugs cannot interact with each other and can cause complications and an allergic reaction.


Ointments with capsaicin do not in any way affect the ability to operate machinery or drive a car. You can also drink alcoholic beverages without special caution during treatment. The ointment also does not affect age and can be used even by people over 60 years old.

It is extremely contraindicated to use the product together with any warming compresses, and the drug should not come into contact with the mucous membranes.

It should also be noted that patients with painful diabetic neuropathy should be careful during a long course of treatment, because there is no information about existing contraindications.

Possible side effects

Ointments with capsaicin have widely proven themselves in the market of warming preparations. But, unfortunately, they can also cause harm, because not all people can tolerate a strong burning sensation that resembles a burn in terms of impact, so after using the ointment, swelling and redness remain on the skin.

This drug should be handled with extreme caution - if it gets on the mucous membrane, severe pain and swelling appears, mucus secretion and lacrimation increase.

In addition, the drug can cause spasm of the bronchi and larynx, and some people even experience loss of voice and respiratory arrest, so people with hypertension and bronchial asthma should use the ointment with caution. If it gets into the eyes, the substance may cause a burn to the cornea.

Ointments with capsaicin: price and names of analogues

Capsaicin is found in some types of ointments, which are also used as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Among these ointments are:

  1. cream with capsaicin (additional component aloe gel) – increases the absorption of the active substance, thereby accelerating the therapeutic effect
  2. Espol is a brown ointment that has a distinct aroma and relieves muscle and joint pain. In addition to capsaicin, the composition contains dimexide, chloroform, capsicum extract, petroleum jelly, coriander oil, lanolin and lavender oil.
  3. efkamon is a herbal medicine for pain relief that has a warming and relaxing effect (composition: clove oil, menthol, hot pepper tincture, mustard oil, camphor, methyl salicylate, eucalyptus oil)
  4. nikoflex – pain relief from sprains, bruises and injuries (contains nicotinate, hydroxyethyl salicylate and capsaicin)
  5. camphocin - relieves irritation, has an antiseptic and analgesic effect.

Capsaicin tablets - instructions for use

Capsaicin is used not only in ointments and gels, but also in tablets. When taking the drug, digestion and blood circulation improves. In addition, the tablets thin the blood and are an analogue of aspirin, which is used for thrombosis, varicose veins and excess weight. The drug is also ideal for combating diarrhea caused by infection.

If you follow the instructions, then the tablets are used starting with a small dose, gradually increasing it, but only if there are no side effects. They are usually expressed by mild nausea, heartburn or diarrhea.

Capsaicin is a unique medicine that allows a person experiencing pain to get relief almost instantly. The effectiveness of this drug is confirmed by doctors and people who have already felt the effect of this drug on themselves at least once.

The alkaloid ideally helps fight diseases of the musculoskeletal system, normalizes tissue nutrition and blood flow, and also improves joint mobility.

Meet the heroes of today's hot celebration - hot peppers.

Thanks to my husband Andrey and friend Denis, my knowledge about this type of food went a little further than the wedding “bitter!” At one time, they began to dig up information about what gives peppers such hotness. Thus, the terms “capsaicin” and “Scoville heat scale” are comfortably located in our vocabulary. If you like hot food, you also like terms.

Capsaicin is a substance found in herbaceous plants of the genus Capsicum, or simply vegetable peppers. It is an alkaloid called 8-methyl-6-nonenoic acid vanillyl amide. Information exclusively for capsaicin geeks, in case they are reading the article now. I laid out the capsaicin formula for you and me from red and green chilies just for the sake of admiration.

Capsaicin does not have a distinct color; in its pure form it is a crystalline powder. But it has an enchantingly memorable burning taste.

The following background information on the chemical properties of Mr. K is important for the general reader. Like most alkaloids, capsaicin is very poorly soluble in H2O. Therefore, trying to wash down well-peppered food with water will not help you in any way. But it dissolves in alcohols, chloroform, caustic alkalis, acetone and benzene. It’s better not to drink the last four spicy ones. A small amount of any alcohol will help you.

But. A 10% solution of sucrose in water at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius effectively dissolves capsaicin. Just take care of it in advance, otherwise with bulging, watery eyes after eating spicy food, it will be difficult to calculate the proportion and measure the temperature.

Thanks to the protein casein, milk and fermented milk products perfectly extinguish the fire in the mouth. Therefore, if you decide to eat until recently the hottest pepper in the world, Carolina Reaper, stock up on a bucket of kefir. Although, judging by the videos on You Tube where daredevils are introduced to this type of pepper, it is unlikely to help you either.

When contacted with the mucous membrane, capsaicin causes a strong burning sensation, mucus discharge, lacrimation, laryngeal spasms, and short-term loss of speech. Tears, snot, hiccups - this is what I often observe during our friendly lunches and dinners. As well as a slight euphoria in the eyes, because Mr. K also stimulates the production of endorphins. The amount and degree of spiciness of pepper eaten increases because the receptors of frequent users stop reacting so violently to the hot taste. So don't be surprised if one day you make yourself a bowl of habanero salad, eat it, and not a single tear falls from your eyes.

Capsaicin can both cause pain and serve as an excellent pain reliever. It is part of many warming and anti-inflammatory ointments, creams, and gels. Nicoflex - a capsaicin-based ointment - is excellent for athletes for stretching, personally tested. But there is no need to self-medicate, because there are contraindications.

Capsaicin is used in the production of tear gas, gas canisters, paints for the bottoms of ships to prevent shellfish from sticking, and products that will prevent your cats from eating a poisonous ornamental plant or tearing up grandma's favorite sofa.

Pepper can be as sweet as cherry pie, without a hint of heat, or slightly warming up our buds; or maybe he’ll burn you with napalm and you’ll beg him for mercy. The American chemist Wilbur Scoville was the first to measure the concentration of capsaicin in peppers in 1912. He gave tasters an extract of different varieties of pepper and determined how much sweetened water would neutralize their sensation of heat. The method, to put it mildly, is inaccurate, because it is based on the subjective conclusions of tasters. However, as a pioneer in the dense capsaicin jungle, Scoville created a heat scale named after himself and a new unit of measurement.

In our century, the amount of capsaicin is determined using the high-performance liquid chromatography method, but is still converted to Scoville.

Please don't switch, now there will be a series of boring numbers:

  • bell pepper - 0-100 Scoville units (SSU)
  • habanero, from which Tabasco sauce is made - 350-577 thousand ECU
  • the former leader in the Carolina Reaper spice race contains between 1.5 and 2.2 million ECU. This year it was overtaken by Dragon's Breath, which has 200 thousand units more. Having swallowed a piece of this comrade, we risk dying from anaphylactic shock. The skin begins to go numb if a piece of Breath gets on it. Superblow of superblows.
  • pure Mr. K - 15 million ECU
  • but there is a substance that even makes capsaicin. Lord of burning evil, 16 million ECU. Its name is resiniferatoxin. Found in Euphorbia resinifera, growing in Morocco, and in Poisson's milkweed from northern Nigeria. Those going to these countries, be careful with the flora, because resiniferatoxin is a professional irritant. Causes severe irritant reactions upon contact with the mucous membrane or skin, as well as in the respiratory tract. Chemical burns are inevitable.

We have the same Carolina Reaper at home, in dry form. Write in the comments what the hottest pepper or dish you have tried. See you soon at Meat Juice!

To relieve pain of a rheumatic and neuralgic nature, as well as due to problems in muscles, ligaments and joints, local remedies in the form of ointments and creams are often used. They are considered the best because they do not cause systemic side effects, do not damage the gastrointestinal tract and have a direct therapeutic effect on the damaged area. Of all the remedies for inflammation of the joints and after closed injuries, ointments with capsaicin are the most popular. This substance, obtained from hot peppers, has been used in medicine for many years. It not only relieves pain, but also has a healing effect.

What is capsaicin

This natural alkaloid is obtained from hot peppers. was isolated from this plant at the beginning of the twentieth century. Capsaicin does not dissolve in water, only in alcohol and some chemicals. It is the most pungent substance in the world. If it comes into contact with the skin, it causes a severe burn; the crystals can only be removed with vegetable oil, alcohol or vinegar.

Capsaicin has a strong effect on the respiratory system and mucous membranes, causing a burning sensation. This property is used when adding a substance to guns. Capsaicin is also used as an insecticide. But, besides this, it has been found to have many beneficial properties for human health. And recently, the production of medicines based on it has been launched.

The effect of drugs containing capsaicin

Nowadays, various patches and rubs containing this substance are used for medicinal purposes. The extract obtained from hot peppers contains only 5-10% capsaicin. But still, it has a very strong effect on the body:

What is capsaicin used for?

The ointment, the price of which is about 200 rubles, is affordable to many. And the positive effect of such funds has determined their widespread use. Preparations that contain capsaicin are used for migraines, indigestion, psoriasis and itchy skin. It is included in fat burning products and dietary supplements to speed up metabolism. Capsaicin helps with trigeminal neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy, and pain from herpes zoster. Recent studies have determined its ability to kill cancer cells and prevent their occurrence. But capsaicin is most often used in treatment for joints, muscles and ligaments.

Such drugs not only have an analgesic effect, but also relieve inflammation and improve tissue nutrition. The therapeutic effect appears only after 2-3 weeks of use, although capsaicin relieves pain immediately.

Side effects of drugs containing capsaicin

The therapeutic effect of this substance is associated with its ability to cause a local increase in temperature and a burning sensation. But this property of capsaicin can also have a negative effect. Some people experience a strong burning sensation, reminiscent of a burn, and redness and swelling of the tissue at the site of application of capsaicin ointment. If the drug gets on the mucous membrane, it causes severe pain and swelling, lacrimation and mucus secretion. Capsaicin can cause spasm of the larynx and bronchi, loss of voice and even respiratory arrest. Such drugs are especially dangerous for the eyes - they cause burns to the cornea. It is not recommended to use capsaicin ointments for young children and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, bronchial asthma and hypertension.

Rules for the use of such drugs

Before using capsaicin ointment, you should consult your doctor. And even if there are no contraindications to its use, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and safety rules:

What drugs contain capsaicin?

Now the medical industry produces several different ointments based on pepper extract. They have almost the same effect and application features.

Nicoflex ointment: application

This is a combined drug for the treatment of bruises, sprains, arthrosis, neuralgia, sciatica and for warming up muscles before sports training.

The ointment contains 7.5 mg of capsaicin and has an irritating and analgesic effect. When applied to the skin, it expands superficial blood vessels, improves blood circulation and causes a feeling of warmth. "Nicoflex" not only relieves pain and reduces inflammation, but also improves joint mobility. You can use it 1-2 times a day on clean, dry skin.

Analogs of drugs with capsaicin

A large number of different gels makes it difficult to choose a medicine. But quite often doctors prescribe medications to patients that contain capsaicin. Their analogues are also effective, but the warming effect in them is ensured with the help of other substances. Based on natural ingredients, you can choose the following preparations:

There is also an ointment containing an analogue of capsaicin - vanillamide. This is “Finalgon”, which is very popular as it effectively relieves back and joint pain.

Hot peppers: harm or benefit?

Recently, spicy food has become very popular. All kinds of sushi bars and restaurants of oriental cuisine, including Korean, have become widespread in Vladivostok and the Primorsky Territory. Their menu includes all kinds of dishes from seafood and vegetables, meat and fish, generously seasoned with herbs and hot spices.

But few people know that capsicum peppers (to which we owe our spicy sensations) have recently become the object of in-depth medical research. Doctors strongly recommend: eat more exotic foods! Hot seasonings are not only very tasty, but also extremely healthy.

Medicine for pain

Even 25 years ago, scientists discovered that hot peppers relieve chronic pain. Capsaicin (the main chemical component of hot peppers) is endowed with the ability to absorb substance P, a chemical transmitter of pain signals from nerve endings to the brain. By changing the amount of substance P, capsaicin not only reduces the pain signal, but also increases the production of collagenase and prostaglandin, which relieve pain and inflammation. Dr. Daniel Mowry, president of the American Phytotherapeutic Research Society, has dedicated his life to studying the medicinal benefits of capsicum peppers. In his opinion, the medicinal properties of hot peppers are truly limitless. This applies to fruits, ground pepper, and tablets, the production of which has recently begun. Ointments, creams, gels and even nasal sprays are now produced based on hot peppers. "Pepper" gels have an anti-inflammatory effect. By rubbing a small amount of gel into the skin after exercise, you may feel a burning sensation and mild pain, but this slight discomfort is very soon replaced by a softening and soothing effect.

Capsaicin is good in treating hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. In many American clinics, heart patients are given capsaicin in large doses five days before surgery to prevent the formation of blood clots. Capsaicin can relieve even such a persistent disease as migraine. After a two-month course of treatment with “pepper” nasal spray, migraine patients’ attacks become much less frequent, and for some, they stop altogether.

Capsaicin cream has already received a quality certificate as an analgesic for herpes zoster. It also successfully relieves acute pain in arthritis. This cream is also widely used to treat psoriasis, diabetic neuropathy and itchy skin.

Digestion catalyst

Low acidity is a very common problem, especially among middle-aged and older people. As it turned out, hot peppers taken with food enhance gastric secretion, improve digestion and help completely absorb nutrients.

For many years, it was believed that spicy foods were harmful to the stomach and could even cause ulcers. However, recent studies have refuted this opinion. Using a miniature camera, scientists determined that food with a large amount of hot pepper affects the walls of the stomach in the same way as dietary food. Thus, people with a healthy stomach may not limit themselves to spicy foods. Of course, ulcer sufferers and gastritis sufferers should still listen to the doctor’s advice: their relationship with hot pepper is not so clear-cut. And in any case, you should not eat a lot of spicy foods on an empty stomach, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane.

Hot peppers have long been used to treat flatulence and digestive disorders. Perhaps that is why they are so popular in Eastern countries. The laxative effect of capsicum peppers is also widely known. Scientists have discovered that capsaicin stimulates the colon in the same way as known laxatives.

Bodybuilders who love it spicy will be happy to know that hot peppers, among other things, help burn fat. Capsaicin not only reduces the level of triglycerides in the blood, but also increases the number of enzymes in the liver involved in fat metabolism. So if you don’t want to switch to a low-calorie diet, you can generously season your usual dishes with hot seasoning - and not deny yourself anything. Capsaicin increases the metabolic rate. Chili pepper added to a particular dish can burn 45 calories more than usual.

Useful "drug"

According to one interesting theory, spicy food is a kind of drug. A person gets used to it and becomes dependent on his own endorphin. Endorphin is similar to morphine in some ways: it can induce a state of mild euphoria and acts as a “native” pain reliever. When a person eats hot peppers, endorphin is released in his brain - as a reaction to mild pain and burning.

This important point forced doctors to pay special attention to capsicum peppers. Research continues, and every year the track record of hot pepper is replenished with new beneficial properties. Here are just a few of them: normalization of blood pressure. Back in 1928, it became known that capsaicin affects blood pressure and breathing. Recent studies have shown that after nine days of capsaicin treatment, blood pressure decreases by 10-15%.

Recently, scientists have focused on herbal medicines that have protective properties against cancer. Capsaicin creates a kind of “protective barrier” by inhibiting DNA binding and the ability of a number of chemical carcinogens to cause cell mutation.

Pepper nasal spray helps with chronic rhinitis of non-allergic origin. In addition, it relieves dependence on vasoconstrictor nasal drops. In folk medicine, capsicum peppers have been used since time immemorial as a stimulating, anti-asthmatic, soothing and potency-enhancing agent. Modern medicine has proven that hot peppers have antibacterial and antifungal effects.