Intestinal examination colonoscopy alternative. Are there alternative methods to check the intestines without a colonoscopy? Positive and negative points

Determining the stage of cancer is a very important stage of diagnosis. It is this that makes it possible to obtain data on the basis of which it is possible to create effective treatment tactics, evaluate its success, and provide high-quality clinical material for statistical processing. In terms of treatment and prevention of diseases of the colon, colonoscopy is considered a mandatory procedure, but there are other, no less effective methods.

The essence of colonoscopy and additional options

Colonoscopy is an examination of the inner lining of the intestine, which is carried out using a special probe (endoscope) through the rectum. At the tip of the instrument there is a small video camera, a light source. The doctor pushes the tube through the entire organ and examines its walls only on the way back. ? As a rule, no more than half an hour. With its help, you can identify pathologies such as:

  • oncological diseases;
  • polyps;
  • diverticula (specific neoplasms on the internal mucous membrane of different parts of the intestine);
  • infectious diseases, inflammatory processes;
  • hemorrhoids (swelling of large veins).

This procedure will also help you take a tissue sample for laboratory testing (biopsy).

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for independent treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Those who have already encountered this procedure are looking for a way to check the intestines without a colonoscopy, since not only the procedure itself is quite unpleasant, but also the preparatory stage before it takes a lot of time and effort. No one denies its effectiveness and efficiency, its indispensability in terms of obtaining information, but it is common for a person to want to do without unpleasant sensations, especially if he knows about the availability of alternative methods. Modern research methods indeed offer other options for obtaining the necessary information, which in some cases allows them to replace colonoscopy.

About the procedure and the explainability of the desire to replace it

Colonoscopy is performed by inserting a flexible tube with instruments and a camera at the end into the colon. During examination, noticed polyps and fecal stones may be removed from the intestinal walls. While warning that the procedure is generally quite tolerable, the proctologist does not tell the whole truth, but in some cases prescribes sedatives. This method is not applicable in the case of liver, pulmonary, heart failure, peritonitis and colitis, blood clotting disorders and acute intestinal infections.

In addition to the aesthetic unsightliness of the procedure, there is also a preparatory period, during which the patient spends 24 hours before the examination in or near the toilet. This is due to both the liquid diet prescribed before the test and the laxatives and enemas prescribed to cleanse the bowel. If alternative methods can be used, patients prefer them. Colonoscopy is performed only in cases where the doctor needs complete and objective information.

Alternative research methods

In addition to colonoscopy, there are 7 instrumental ways to diagnose intestinal conditions. The only thing in which they are inferior to colonoscopic examination is that if negative phenomena are detected in the intestines, it is impossible to take tissue from the problematic formation for analysis. Other methods of examining the intestine do not allow this to be done, and if this kind of pathology is detected, you will have to return to the intestine with special devices at the end. A proctologist’s examination is carried out using the following methods:

  • CT scan;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • irrigoscopy with barium;
  • positron emission tomography (PET);
  • capsule endoscopy.

Computed tomography is similar to an x-ray, but instead of one image, the tomograph takes them layer by layer, gradually taking a large number of images. Computed tomography examination of the intestines without colonoscopy cannot always detect cancer in the early stages, which is always possible with a proven method. For such a study, a contrast solution is drunk or an injection of the same substance is given. The procedure lasts much longer than the X-ray examination, and during this time the patient must lie motionless on the table.

Virtual tomography works using a program that processes CT results and can detect polyps larger than 1 cm, but this research method is not available in every medical center, and early diagnosis with its use is excluded. And if polyps are detected, they will still have to be removed.

MRI is based on the use of magnets and radio waves, the energy of which is directed at the body and then returned in the form of reflected impulses. This method is based on the introduction of a drug with gadolinium, which behaves differently in diseased and healthy tissues, allowing the identification of polyps based on the decoding of the template into a detailed image using a computer program. This bowel examination is contraindicated in people with kidney disease.

PET scan uses radioactive sugar - fluorodeoxyglucose. The test allows you to examine the area around the anomaly, the condition of the lymph nodes and surrounding organs if cancer has already been diagnosed, but does not provide tangible indications for direct diagnosis. To obtain complete information, the doctor needs to see a preliminary CT scan.

Ultrasound is used quite rarely, since it can only determine the stage of cancer germination or a sufficiently large tumor. It is most often used as endorectal ultrasound for examining the rectum, using a special sensor inserted into the immediate examination area.

Capsule endoscopy is used to examine veins, muscular tissue, and intestinal mucosa and is performed by swallowing a special capsule that takes pictures and transmits them to a recording device. This is a modern technology using wireless cameras - not widespread and quite expensive.

Irrigoscopy is an X-ray examination using a barium enema. The method is old and proven, but in the era of the spread of computer methods, it is outdated, since there are few radiologists who can competently interpret images.

The answer to the question of how to check the intestines for cancer without colonoscopy when considering each of these methods separately seems difficult today. Even if polyps are identified, which can be done at a later stage, their removal will again return to an unpleasant procedure.

Non-instrumental research methods

Intestinal diseases of a less serious etiology, caused by poor nutrition, but giving quite serious symptoms that give rise to unfounded suspicions, can, according to gastroenterologists, be examined using non-instrumental methods. The priorities in such cases are palpation, auscultation and tapping, as well as visual examination of the external signs of the abdomen. In some cases, the disease is determined by bloating, hollowing, symmetry or asymmetry of the abdomen, the location of pain, determined by pressure, and the nature of these pains - sharp, cutting, stabbing or dull.

It is possible to make a preliminary and fairly accurate diagnosis based on the history-gathering methods used for decades, especially if they are supported by laboratory and biochemical tests in the form of blood, urine and feces tests, as well as liver and pancreas samples. If the cause of pain is the intestine, then a proctologist is involved in the examination, examining it using the anal-digital method. During palpation, the walls of the anus are checked, their flexibility and elasticity, the mucous layer and the level of mobility. This research method is carried out on a gynecological chair, reclining, or in the knee-elbow position. During this procedure, a numbing solution or spray may be needed, and the doctor may ask the patient to push or relax to assess the condition of the bowel.

Making smart, informed choices

Today, there are a number of alternative methods that can replace colonoscopy, which is especially opposed by those who have never undergone it, ranging from the already slightly outdated and infrequently used sigmoidoscopy and irrigoscopy, replaced by the latest computer technologies, and up to those based on the latest technologies methods of computer diagnostics and endoscopy using wireless cameras. Each of the analyzed methods has unconditional positive and equally negative sides.

Some of them are applicable only in a narrow specialization, some are undesirable due to the contrast agents used, but in both cases the patient still has to go through a colonoscope, because this is the only way to simultaneously fully diagnose and take samples for analysis and immediately remove minor unpleasant phenomena. During the diagnostic process using colonoscopy, you can immediately free the intestines from fecal stones, polyps and other benign growths, that is, clean the intestinal passages whose activity is hampered by these benign formations, significantly improving the functionality of the complex area. This examination is also indispensable in the field of early diagnosis of oncological diseases, which makes it possible to treat at an early stage and successfully cure the troubling disease.

Many patients, before a medical examination and the need to check their bowel function, have a question about how to check their bowels without a colonoscopy. This is an unpleasant, but quite effective procedure, based on the use of the most modern methods. Using colonoscopy, you can easily identify various pathologies and diseases in the intestines, eliminating them at the initial stage of development.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

Special endoscopic devices are used to perform colonoscopy. Before the procedure, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed using medications. The process of such an examination is quite unpleasant; many regard it as painful, so they strive to replace it with other methods.

During the examination, the person experiences slight bloating for half an hour during the event. During this time, the doctor, using a thin tube and a camera on the tip, can carry out the following activities:

  • Study the condition of the intestinal walls;
  • Perform a biopsy for histological analysis;
  • Remove polyps and small tumors without surgery.

The advantage of the method is the efficiency of both the examination itself and the diagnosis. Immediately after the procedure, the patient is informed about any problems found. The only problem is the painfulness of the event, which is why many seek to replace colonoscopy with similar procedures. There are quite a lot of options and answers to the question of how to identify diseases of the rectum through direct examination.

How to get examined without a colonoscopy?

The basis for choosing an alternative examination method is the lack of desire to experience unpleasant and painful sensations during the examination. Among the procedures similar to colonoscopy, which can be used to examine the intestines without a colonoscopy, the following methods can be noted:

  1. Endoscopy.
  2. Capsule examination.
  3. Irrigoscopy.
  4. CT scan.

Each of the options allows you to detect various pathologies in the rectal area in the most timely manner. All of them are characterized by their individual characteristics and require more detailed consideration and study.


This procedure is performed by doctors using conventional x-rays. Before this procedure, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory measures:

  • Perform bowel cleansing using an enema and special medications;
  • You are not allowed to shower before the event;
  • Before the examination, a special liquid with a radiopaque substance, that is, barium sulfate, is taken.

The drunk substance passes throughout the intestine, gradually filling its area. Thus, a medical employee receives a full-fledged image with the simultaneous ability to determine the contours and lumen in the intestine. Using the images obtained as a result of the examination, the doctor not only determines the presence of pathology, but also identifies the degree of its development and, based on the data obtained, prescribes treatment. In certain cases, the irrigoscopy procedure is performed using a special double contrast. In this case, immediately after the dye leaves the intestine, air is introduced into it to clearly see the outlines of different parts of the intestine.

With this examination method, you can study the relief of the colon lining. This is an ideal alternative to intestinal colonoscopy, which makes it possible to detect congenital developmental anomalies, scar formations, fistulas, ulcers, various neoplasms, and the presence of diverticulosis. This is a fairly effective and at the same time painless procedure, which is completely safe. It is with this method that you can examine not only the rectum, but also the sigmoid colon.

Sigmoidoscopy - an alternative to irrigoscopy

If, due to certain circumstances, it is necessary to replace a colonoscopy, a procedure such as sigmoidoscopy may be considered. Using this method, you can examine the intestines at a depth of 30 cm. The procedure is carried out using a device such as a sigmoidoscope. This is a special device that is inserted through the anus. When carrying out this activity, it is possible to take a small amount of tissue for histology, that is, biopsy. The procedure is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the presence of formations in the intestines, which must be tested for malignancy.

Answering the question about sigmoidoscopy, doctors note that all procedures are quite effective. Despite this, many professionals prefer colonoscopy. Only with the help of this procedure can the presence of a particular disease be determined as accurately as possible.

CT scan

When deciding how to examine the intestines without a colonoscopy, many use an analogue of a medical examination, such as computed tomography. Such an event allows you to examine the large intestine without any discomfort. The main advantage of the procedure is that this method is non-invasive, but at the same time quite effective. To carry out this activity, a standard tomograph is used. The colon in this case is checked using x-rays. The only drawback of the procedure is its fairly high cost.

Capsule examination

If it is necessary to replace intestinal colonoscopy, that is, to resolve the issue of how to check the intestines other than colonoscopy, you can consider an option such as an effective capsule examination. This is one of the most minimally invasive methods. The advantage of the procedure is based on the fact that the gastrointestinal tract can be examined in as much detail as possible. The process of this medical examination is carried out using a special enterocapsule on which a video camera is installed. The event is indicated for such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • Stomach ache;
  • Suspicions of tumors and neoplasms;
  • Hidden bleeding.

It is this method of examining the large intestine that makes it possible to detect the presence of cancerous tumors in it. The procedure is performed exclusively on an empty stomach. Initially, a special recording device is attached to the patient’s body. After this, the person swallows the capsule, and the device itself moves through the intestines and stomach using natural waves of peristalsis. The total duration of the event is 8 hours. Then the capsule leaves the body along with food in the usual way. The information obtained during the examination is processed in a special program.

Important! Capsule examination is the simplest and at the same time effective method of examining the intestines. During this procedure, the patient can lead a normal life.


This technique is used to effectively detect various tumors and polyps. Before the event, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed using laxatives. After this, a sensor with built-in ultrasound is placed in the intestine. During the examination, the identifying device is directed to the area where the pathology or signs of the disease are supposed to be located. This makes it possible to study the characteristics and extent of the problem.

The advantage of this examination method is safety and complete painlessness. The positive side is also versatility. Using this method, you can obtain the most accurate information regarding the general condition of the intestine and its mucosa. Using this examination, doctors examine the condition of the large and small intestines, all parts of the digestive tract, stomach, and duodenum.


This procedure is known as magnetic resonance imaging. The event is carried out to thoroughly examine the intestines without the need for an x-ray examination. This technique is the safest and most painless. As for effectiveness, with the help of the procedure the doctor examines the body from the inside, searching for certain chronic diseases.


To effectively examine and check the functioning and condition of the intestines, a large number of different techniques have been developed. Each patient has the opportunity to choose exactly the method that will be more comfortable for him. The choice of examination method should be made simultaneously with the attending physician, who will describe the features and advantages of each, helping to make the most informed choice. The selection of the procedure will be carried out based on the general condition of the human body, symptoms, as well as the personal preferences of the patient.

Every day the human digestive system is exposed to stress. This is facilitated by fast food, genetically modified food, fatty foods, products containing chemical dyes, flavors, and taste improvers. It's no wonder that many people suffer from problems with their digestive system. Various organs are affected - the esophagus, stomach, large and small intestines.

One of the most modern means of diagnosing diseases of the digestive system is irrigoscopy - examination of the colon using X-rays using a contrast agent.

Irrigoscopy has replaced colonoscopy, a procedure in which the colon is examined using a probe. Compared to colonoscopy, x-ray diagnostics using special preparations is less painful, causes less harm to the patient and gives more accurate research results.

Who needs irrigoscopy

Irrigoscopy is prescribed to patients:

  • With Crohn's disease.
  • For ulcerative colitis.
  • If you suspect colon cancer.
  • For intestinal injuries.
  • With abnormal mobility of the colon.
  • For diverticulosis.
  • With Hirschsprung's disease.

A special drug is injected into the previously cleaned colon to increase the clarity of the x-ray image - most often it is a barium suspension.

If a perforation of the intestine is suspected, less effective, but safe for the patient, water-soluble drugs are used.


The procedure should not be performed on patients with tachycardia, pregnant women, ulcerative colitis in the acute stage and patients with toxic megacolon (intestinal enlargement under the influence of chemicals and viruses).

Preparation for the procedure

Irrigoscopy of the intestine is preceded by blood, urine, and biochemical tests, a two-day special diet with plenty of fluid and exclusion from the diet of such foods as:

  • Milk.
  • Bread.
  • Vegetables.
  • Legumes.
  • Alcohol.
  • Carbonated drinks.

The day before the procedure, the patient is given a laxative for lunch and given 2 cleansing enemas - in the morning and in the evening. After 6 pm on this day you cannot eat or drink. The next day in the morning the patient is ready for irrigoscopy.

Carrying out the procedure

The presence of discomfort during the procedure depends on the qualifications of the doctor. During irrigoscopy, up to 900 ml of contrast agent is injected into the intestine. A professional doctor administers the substance slowly and in doses, so the filling of the intestines occurs almost imperceptibly for the patient. Pain is possible when a large amount of suspension is suddenly introduced inappropriately or when the patient’s body is incorrectly positioned.

During all stages of filling the intestine with suspension, X-rays are taken, then the intestines are emptied and an image of the intestine without suspension is taken.

The procedure has practically no side effects, they can be:

  • Minor changes in bowel frequency.
  • Coloring stool a lighter color.
  • The appearance of barium granulomas on the walls of the intestine.

This complication is not considered serious and is quickly eliminated by a proctologist.

In Russia or abroad?

Equipment for performing intestinal irrigoscopy in Russia is available in almost every major city. If you have a referral, the procedure is carried out free of charge.

If possible, patients can undergo research in foreign clinics.

Cost of the procedure

Depending on the drug administered, the disease, the number of days in the hospital and the price list of the clinic (domestic or foreign), the price is set.

It ranges from 3 thousand rubles in Russia to several thousand dollars in foreign clinics. Abroad, the procedure is often performed in combination with other diagnostic methods. The cost is influenced by the status of the clinic and the professionalism of the doctor performing the irrigoscopy.

Not all problems with the digestive system or intestines can be identified through laboratory tests. A number of serious pathologies require more accurate confirmation, which requires other examination methods. These include colonoscopy. Why is this procedure necessary and is there an alternative to intestinal colonoscopy?

What is a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is an instrumental examination that allows diagnosing pathological conditions of the rectum and colon. The examination is carried out using a colonoscope - a long flexible probe, at the end of which there is an eyepiece with a tiny video camera and backlight. The kit also includes biopsy forceps and an air supply tube. The probe is inserted through the rectum.

The resulting image is transmitted to the monitor and allows the specialist to assess the condition of the intestines along its entire length, which is about two meters. The camera takes high-expansion images that are magnified tens of times. In the images, the coloproctologist examines the mucous membrane and notes possible pathological changes.

After the examination, the air introduced into the body is pumped out

In addition, during the examination, a number of interventions can be carried out to avoid additional surgical intervention.

These include:

  • expansion of the intestinal area due to scarring;
  • tissue sampling for histological studies;
  • removal of a foreign body;
  • elimination of polyps or benign tumors;
  • elimination of bleeding.

Thanks to its additional capabilities, colonoscopy is considered the most informative and effective diagnostic method.

How is a colonoscopy performed?

A few days before the examination date, preparations for a colonoscopy begin. It includes diet and proper bowel cleansing. So, for 2-3 days the patient must follow a slag-free diet: exclude vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat, cereals and baked goods. 20 hours before the test, only water and weak tea are allowed. For the study to give maximum results, it is necessary to remove all feces from the body. An enema or special medications are used for this, which are used a day before the procedure: Fortrans, Lavacol.

In the office, the patient is placed on his left side, with his knees pressed to his stomach. The anal area is treated with an antiseptic liquid, and if necessary, ointments and gels with an anesthetic are added. The probe is inserted into the rectum and slowly moves into the intestines. At this time, the specialist assesses the condition of the mucous membrane as shown on the monitor. If it is necessary to straighten the intestines, air is pumped into the body.

If there are no pathologies, the procedure takes 10-15 minutes. If a biopsy is needed, an additional portion of anesthetic is injected through the colonoscope channel, and the required piece of tissue is cut off using special forceps.

Possible contraindications

Contraindications to colonoscopy can be absolute or relative. In addition, for most patients, the study causes negative emotions, and they begin to look for a variety of alternatives. If there are absolute contraindications, colonoscopy cannot be performed. These include:

  • peritonitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • heart and pulmonary failure;
  • ischemic or ulcerative colitis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • severe internal bleeding in the intestines.

With invasive intervention during colonoscopy, the duration of the procedure depends on the complexity of the pathology

In the case of relative contraindications, the appropriateness of the study is assessed by the attending physician. In some cases, colonoscopy is postponed, but for certain indications it is performed with some caution.

Relative contraindications include:

  • improper preparation;
  • low blood clotting;
  • bleeding;
  • serious condition of the patient.

If necessary, the examination is carried out under general anesthesia, but in most cases anesthesia is not used.

Is there an alternative?

There are alternative ways to examine the condition of the large intestine, which in some cases can replace colonoscopy. They do not cause significant discomfort and are quite accessible; only the degree of information content differs.

In most cases, magnetic resonance imaging is an additional examination method: with its help it is impossible to obtain complete information about the internal state of the mucosa.

In terms of comfort, MRI wins, does not require additional preparation and does not cause discomfort

They usually check with a tomograph:

  • mid intestine;
  • pelvic area;
  • terminal parts of the colon.

Using MRI with a contrast agent, diseases of the small intestine are well diagnosed: tumors, polyps, inflammation and bleeding areas can be found. In this case, minor changes in the mucous membrane cannot be detected.

CT scan

CT scans provide detailed images of the intestines using X-rays. In some ways, this is a better alternative to a colonoscopy: the final image is quite detailed and clear. According to the results, computed tomography is the most approximate research method.

During the examination, the patient simply lies on a special table, and the tomograph platform rotates around the body. The detectors of the device “catch” X-rays passing through the tissues of the body. The resulting sections are processed by a computer station, resulting in a detailed image of the organs.


Irrigoscopy also refers to x-ray research methods that use a contrast agent. Most often, specialists use barium sulfate, which is introduced into the body through the rectum. You can evaluate the elasticity of the walls, the function of the folds, the condition of the mucosa and the functional indicators of the organ departments.

Preparation for the procedure includes diet and bowel cleansing. During the examination, a special device similar to an enema is inserted into the colon. Using this device, the intestine is filled with contrast, after which the first overview image is taken. The patient must change position several times to obtain a series of targeted and overview images.


Anoscopy is an instrumental examination method, thanks to which it is possible to evaluate a certain part of the intestinal surface - a maximum of 15 centimeters. An anoscope, a smooth hollow tube, is inserted into the intestine. The lumen is filled with a removable rod, through which the study is carried out.

Anoscopy is a good substitute and is prescribed not only for diagnosing the condition of the mucous membrane: using the device, you can take tissues or smears for analysis, administer medications, or perform minimally invasive surgical procedures, which are also performed during colonoscopy.

Using sigmoidoscopy, a visual inspection of the surface of the lower part of the large intestine is performed. A special device is used for this - a hollow metal tube equipped with an air supply system and a lighting system.

The sigmoidoscope is inserted into the rectum in the same way as a colonoscope.

In addition to examination, sigmoidoscopy allows you to perform a number of invasive manipulations - cauterize tumors, take tissue, get rid of polyps or stop minor bleeding. The procedure has the same contraindications as colonoscopy. In addition, preparation is required, including diet and bowel cleansing.

Capsule endoscopy

It is similar to a colonoscopy, but the data is obtained not through a probe, but from a special miniature capsule. It is equipped with a video camera and a transmitter that allows it to receive signals in real time. The method allows you to examine not only the distal and upper parts of the intestinal tract, but also the ileum and jejunum.

The study lasts from 6 to 12 hours

A device is attached to the patient that detects and records the signals transmitted by the capsule. It must be swallowed with a small amount of water. Afterwards, you can return to any usual activities: the examination can be carried out without the supervision of a specialist.

The capsule is eliminated from the body on its own; the doctor only needs to give the recording device. Within a few hours, the received data will be deciphered and a diagnosis will be made. The main disadvantage of the procedure is that it is not carried out in all clinics and in most cases is paid.


Ultrasound is one of the most comfortable examination methods that uses ultrasonic waves. During the procedure, the patient lies on the table, and the specialist moves a special device over the skin. In some cases, a sterile contrast fluid may be used, and three conditions of the intestine are assessed: before the fluid is introduced, during and after its removal from the body.

For certain indications, ultrasound is performed endorectally: a cavity sensor is inserted directly into the rectum. Such a study is necessary if there is a risk of oncological process in the intestines.