Drugs that increase blood clotting. Traditional recipes for increased blood clotting

Answered the question Dr. Sergey Agapkin, host of the program “About the Most Important Thing”:

Increases blood clotting buckwheat, bananas, greens (dill, parsley, coriander, spinach), white cabbage, rose hips, rowan, including chokeberry. Similar action herbs also have: yarrow, valerian, motherwort, burdock, St. John's wort, horsetail, tansy, nettle, and also corn silk, oak bark, viburnum bark.

With the help of nutrition, you can, on the contrary, reduce blood clotting. In this case, the diet should contain plenty of fluids and appropriate foods.

For example, cucumbers are 97% water, and half a glass of red grape juice reduces platelet activity by 75%. Cranberry tea will help, seaweed, melon, grapefruit, red bell pepper, tomatoes, cherries, cherries, almonds, garlic, dark chocolate, lemons, beets, cocoa, coffee, sunflower seeds... But, if you need to change blood clotting, it is better to consult a doctor first .

Human blood is the most important fluid in the entire body. The condition of a person depends on it. The structure of the liquid no less affects the internal processes of the organs. Increased clotting is as dangerous as strong decline. Therefore, it is recommended to know the factors that help bring the blood flow consistency back to normal and methods for treating increased levels.

Norm and reasons for deviations

Lymph coagulation has great importance for a person. It provokes a rapid stop of bleeding. platelets begin to form, which create an embolus that prevents the person from bleeding to death.

IN otherwise, with insufficient red blood cells lymph long time may leak from the damaged area. Which will provoke a huge loss of the main fluid in the body.

Everything in the body should be normal, then the internal organs will work interconnectedly, without failures. The increased density of plasma provokes the formation of a large number of clots and thrombi inside the blood capillaries. This leads not only to a slowdown in the movement of fluid through the vessels, but also to an insufficient supply of organs and soft tissues that require oxygen.

Normal lymph density is fixed at 1027-1034, while the density venous blood increased several points higher – 1047-1066. The differences between venous lymph and arterial plasma depend on the level of proteins and red blood cells in the blood.

The increased protein level is affected. If you reduce the amount of foods filled with this ingredient introduced into the diet, the density indicator will decrease significantly.

The increase in blood flow density is influenced by a large number of reasons. The main factors contributing to an increase in the level of coagulation are identified:

Often women carrying a child suffer from increased coagulability. At increased viscosity blood, frequent formation of blood clots is possible. Unfavorable results of this blood condition are:

  1. Placental abruption.
  2. The birth of a premature baby.
  3. Intrauterine fetal death, both early and late.

All consequences are provoked by an increased plasma coagulability rate. To eliminate the main factor in the problems that arise, you must solve the initial problem - to eliminate the disease or condition of the body in which the level of viscosity is constantly increasing.


Thick liquid in blood capillaries is not a problem or disease. The symptoms of its formation do not affect the general condition of the body. Increased rate can affect any disease that develops against the background abnormal level viscosity

To ensure that the cause of the disease is precisely increased coagulation, only diagnostics and blood tests can confirm. It is recommended to be alert and consult a doctor if you detect the following symptoms abnormal functioning internal organs:

  • Heaviness in lower limbs, which does not go away either after a night's rest or after therapeutic treatment folk remedies
  • Bleeding from the gums in the mouth, as well as pain when touched
  • Cold hands and feet, regardless of external factors
  • Constant fatigue of the whole body, drowsiness - manifests itself against the background of a lack of oxygen in the brain due to increased density blood
  • The appearance of extensive bruises due to minor impacts and contact with other surfaces, which occurs due to increased fragility and fragility of capillaries
  • Abnormal changes in bowel function
  • Manifestation spider veins on skin calf muscles legs

Stimulation of blood for rapid clotting occurs due to frequent exciting situations and depressive states.

The indicator and symptoms may appear when the level of sugar in the lymph increases. The problem may affect people suffering from increased body weight and abusing tobacco products.

Beyond the impact medicines, you can reduce blood viscosity using folk remedies. Many medicinal herbs are endowed with the ability to dilute plasma, therefore it is recommended to use more gentle treatment methods at the initial moments. But before taking it, you should consult your doctor for any contraindications.

Decoctions and infusions are made from the following plants to help thin the plasma:

  • nettle
  • spiraea
  • nutmeg
  • horse chestnut inflorescences
  • bark from willow stems

If it is not possible to collect the ingredients for tea with your own hands, then all the products are sold in the pharmacy for free sale.

From our activities circulatory system All functions of the body are completely dependent, because it is the blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients, and also cleanses them of waste products. But, in addition, blood also has protective characteristics, which are expressed in its ability to clot. This feature of our body is designed to protect it from bleeding. However, in some cases, blood clotting processes occur especially quickly, which is fraught with the most various complications and pathological conditions. What is increased blood clotting, what are the causes and symptoms of this disorder, and how is it treated?

With normal blood clotting, normal bleeding stops literally after three to four minutes, and after ten minutes formation is observed blood clot. If this process occurs much faster, one may suspect that the patient has increased blood clotting. This pathology is quite serious and is called thrombophilia. It is fraught with the development of such ailments as varicose veins or thrombophlebitis, can provoke a stroke or heart attack and cause different problems in the activity of internal organs, for example, the intestines, kidneys or stomach.


Increased blood clotting can develop due to various reasons. In some cases, such a pathology occurs against the background of infectious or hormonal ailments; it can also be triggered by disturbances in the activity of certain internal organs, the liver or spleen. Thrombophilia is often observed during the period of waiting for a child; it can occur due to a slowdown in blood flow against the background of minimal physical activity. Sometimes it's like this pathological condition formed during atherosclerosis, genetic pathologies hemostasis. It can be triggered by dehydration, as well as radiation. Besides similar condition sometimes it is a symptom of autoimmune lesions or a malfunction metabolic processes.

In all of the above conditions, a violation may occur chemical composition and blood plasma viscosity, which can lead to a change in the normal ratio between platelets and red blood cells. Accordingly, there is an imbalance between the liquid part of the blood and its cellular mass, which in turn significantly increases the likelihood of thrombosis in the blood. different vessels, and also in the heart.


Increased blood clotting in most cases makes itself felt by the sensation constant fatigue and heaviness in the lower extremities. Patients get tired especially quickly when walking, and also experience weakness, drowsiness, and headaches varying intensity.

Thrombophilia is also manifested by bruises that appear on the body in response to minor bruises and injuries. This symptom is explained by excessive fragility of microvessels. In addition, patients usually complain of severe bleeding gums. The functioning of their intestines and various internal organs is disrupted, since the tissues receive little oxygen and useful elements. Hemorrhoids are painful and swollen hemorrhoids.

With excessive blood clotting, thrombosis and varicose veins often develop, which make themselves felt spider veins and venous nodes on the lower extremities. Quite often, patients with obesity and diabetes mellitus, as well as with cancer and autoimmune diseases, in addition, a similar condition is typical for nicotine-dependent people and those who are exposed to constant stress.


Therapy for increased blood clotting directly depends on the causes of the development of this pathology. Most often, patients with similar diagnosis anticoagulants are prescribed. In addition, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory compounds and fibrinolytics are often the drugs of choice. Sometimes replenishment of the required blood volume occurs through transfusions and infusions. It is customary to remove blood clots using surgical intervention.

If a patient has developed hereditary thrombophilia, he needs to take aspirin in a small dosage for a fairly long time. However, while waiting for a child, such a drug is strictly contraindicated.

Aspirin therapy should be carried out with systematic laboratory monitoring of blood composition indicators, since the consumption of blood thinning drugs is fraught with the development of uncontrolled internal bleeding. All medications can be used only after being prescribed by the attending physician and only under his close supervision.

For effective blood thinning, patients are strongly advised to adhere to special drinking regime and also follow an appropriate diet. So doctors strongly recommend consuming at least one and a half liters of ordinary clean water for a day. In addition, it is worth including natural vegetables or fruit juices, herbal drinks and green tea. The diet should be as balanced as possible; it should include fresh onions and garlic, as well as bell pepper and sprouted wheat grains.

Products from these two lists will help you improve or, conversely, slow down the blood clotting process. But before them regular use You should consult your doctor; you may have other contraindications for them.

Products that increase blood clotting

Increases poor blood clotting next list products:

1. Animal fats: butter, lard, cream. And also meat fatty varieties and jelly.

2. Liver: liver, kidneys, brains, etc.

3. Buckwheat porridge.

4. Vegetables: red cabbage, radishes, red peppers, beets, turnips, radishes, watercress.

5. Purple berries, except those listed in another list. Black and red currants, blueberries, chokeberry, lingonberries, blackberries, mulberries, dogwoods, viburnum.

6. Fruits: bananas and mangoes.

7. Basil, dill, parsley, coriander.

8. Pomegranate and light grape juice.

9. Legumes: soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, beans.

10. Walnuts.

11. White bread.

Remember that such food contributes to the formation of blood clots. You don’t need to abuse it, but you don’t need to exclude it from your diet completely.

Products that reduce blood clotting

Products from the following list reduce blood clotting and thin the blood:

1. Any quantity of fatty fish (mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, herring, capelin, catfish) and fish oil.

2. Onions and garlic. They have an anti-cancer effect and resolve blood clots. You need to use garlic for these purposes correctly. Cut it into thin slices and leave it in the air for 15 minutes to wilt a little. To reduce clotting, it is better to cook the onion whole in water or broth.

3. Jerusalem artichoke.

4. Citrus fruits, especially lemon, effectively thin the blood.

5. Natural red wine - 30-50 g per day.

7. Flaxseed and olive oil.

8. Bay leaf- 3-4 pieces per soup or main course.

9. Sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.

10. Dark hard bitter chocolate.

11. Tomato juice.

12. Berries: cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, figs.

13. Ginger.

14. Green tea.

15. Cereals rich in magnesium: oatmeal, oats, rolled oats.

16. Herbs: white willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover. Courses 3-4 times a year for 10-14 days of admission.

As is known, poor clotting blood is fraught with the formation of blood clots, which, in turn, can lead to immediate fatal outcome. Behind Lately Mortality from heart attacks and strokes has increased significantly. Among the main causes of poor blood clotting: elderly age, pregnancy, congenital problems with vessels, numerous infectious diseases, anemia, disruptions in immune system, increased level of anticoagulant production.

Improving blood clotting at the first stage of disease development

If you immediately consult a doctor, then, in addition to medications, he may recommend including the following products in your diet:

  • cooked meat;
  • liver;
  • mango;
  • bananas;
  • White bread;
  • lentils;
  • beans;
  • porridge (buckwheat is especially useful);
  • greens (basil, parsley, coriander, cilantro);
  • natural freshly squeezed juices (grape, pomegranate);
  • berries (blackberries, viburnum, currants);
  • red pepper;
  • beet;
  • turnip.

Drug treatment of the disease

A patient diagnosed with this disease is prescribed certain drugs. The doctor determines the course of treatment, taking into account the characteristics of the disease, age and general state patient. The medicine is prescribed only after accurate diagnosis. The patient must undergo thrombotest, and.

Drugs to improve blood clotting and improve the functioning of the circulatory system:

  • Agemfil A. The drug prevents the formation of a fibrin clot and can be taken to prevent bleeding. Agemfil A is also prescribed for hemophilia. The dose of the drug is administered intravenously on an outpatient basis.
  • NovoSeven. A drug that is administered through a transfusion system. Before introducing the drug into the human body, it must be carefully prepared. NovoSeven is capable of causing such side effects, such as increased ALT levels, weakness, nausea. Drugs in this category require additional attention. WITH detailed instructions can be found using the GEOTAR directory http://www.lsgeotar.ru, where necessary recommendations, side effects, methods of use, contraindications and other useful information.
  • Feibe. The drug has strong properties, eliminating blood clotting defects. But there are cases when it is strictly contraindicated: myocardial infarction, acute thrombosis, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. The drug is administered intravenously under the guidance of doctors.

Improving blood clotting at home is not always possible. The advanced state of the disease, the age of the patient, diseases of the internal organs, and bleeding indicate that treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of specialists.