What to do about a deep wound. How to properly treat wounds, abrasions, scratches and small cuts. How do non-healing wet wounds appear?

I decided to publish it, in case it might be interesting for someone to read it, Lately began to strain autumn depression I decided to find a way out by doing such a pleasant thing as aromatherapy))

Oils safe for expectant mothers
If your pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can use the following essential oils:

  • citrus plant oils such as tangerine oil or neroli (bitter orange) oil
  • German chamomile oil
  • lavender oil
  • incense oil
  • black pepper oil
  • peppermint oil
  • ylang-ylang oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • bergamot oil
  • cypress oil
  • rose oil
Oils that are not recommended for use during pregnancy Avoid during pregnancy the following oils:
  • nutmeg oil - it can have a hallucinogenic effect and interact with drugs used during childbirth
  • rosemary oil – believed to be able to increase and induce contractions
  • basil oil – according to researchers, this oil can lead to pathological changes cells
  • jasmine and clary sage oils - they can provoke
  • sage oil – this oil can cause uterine bleeding
  • Juniper berry oil – it can negatively affect the kidneys
In some cases, it is worth completely abandoning the use of essential oils. Do not use essential oils if
  • you had
  • during your current pregnancy you had http://www.babycenter.ru/a3081/%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1% 81%D1%82%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F -%D0%B8-%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8 %D1%8F-%D0%B2%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8F-%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0% B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8 you suffer from epilepsy
  • you have heart problems
  • you suffer from diabetes, thrombosis, liver, kidney or thyroid disease
In any case, it is best to consult your doctor before using essential oils.

Nausea and vomiting

Spearmint, lavender, ginger, cardamom, eucalyptus, lemon. At morning sickness To alleviate discomfort and avoid depression, try this method: pour into a bowl or small bowl hot water, drop 3-5 drops of mint oil into it and place it on the floor in the bedroom in the evening. If necessary, place just one drop of oil on a handkerchief and place it on your pillow before going to bed. The healing aroma of mint will spread throughout the room, doing its job while you sleep. This will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of your stomach and, naturally, your mood. After using this method for three nights, the nausea usually goes away. To relieve nausea and stomach discomfort, you can also successfully use lavender oil (3 drops) - the choice is yours.

You can use an aroma lamp to scent your room or simply spray the room with the following mixture of oils: 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop each of mint and eucalyptus oils. Do not forget that you must pour hot water into the aroma lamp bowl. Even a spray bottle is suitable for spraying a room. indoor plants(only clean!). Add the same mixture of oils, emulsifier to 100 ml of water, mix well, spray the room. Peppermint and lavender oils are also recommended for use as cool compresses on the forehead or warm compresses on the chest (for 200 g of water, 2 - 3 drops of essential oil or a mixture of oils, emulsifier).


Lavender and spearmint oils remove and headache. Place a cool compress (2-3 drops of oil, emulsifier per 200 g of water) on your forehead or massage your temples - the pain will go away.


Patchouli, ylang-ylang, bergamot, sandalwood, rose. Use any of these oils or their composition to scent a room; you can apply a few drops to the corner of your pillow before bed.


Lemon, tangerine, mint. Use these oils to scent a room or massage the area solar plexus(light soft stroking).


Anise, orange, tangerine, eucalyptus. Massage your abdomen with gentle stroking circular movements in a clockwise direction.

Phlebeurysm,cramps, swelling

If your varicose veins progress during pregnancy, try using essential oils of lavender, lemon, geranium, calendula and cypress. Use them individually or in a mixture for alternating warm and cool compresses on damaged areas (however, do not apply the oil directly to damaged vessels). Add 1-2 drops of oil or a combination of oils, emulsifier to a container of water, mix well and immerse a compress cloth in water.

For these problems, a warm bath (temperature no higher than 37°C) with 2 to 3 drops of cypress or lemon essential oils can help. Don't forget to pre-mix the oils with the emulsifier. In these cases it is also very useful light massage legs: for 50 ml of carrier oil, use 7 drops of lemon and cypress oils. Begin the massage with light pats, gently moving upward from the feet.


If you suffer from hemorrhoids and feel that they are clearly progressing, then you will benefit from sitz baths. Prepare cool bath with 3-5 drops of lemon oil and 1-2 lavender (pre-mix the oils with an emulsifier), then we recommend doing a light massage with a mixture used for varicose veins.

Stretch marks (striae)

To preserve the structure of your skin, it is necessary to consume vitamins C and E. Aromatherapy massage will help you nourish your skin with them and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Prepare the following mixture of massage oils: 30 ml almond oil, 15 ml of wheat germ oil (this oil is a champion in vitamin E content), 15 ml of avocado oil, 2 drops each of lavender, carrot, geranium and calendula oils, 4 drops of neroli oil. Mix the oils thoroughly and massage the resulting mixture twice a day on the areas where stretch marks may appear. It is best to do this massage after taking a bath or shower on still damp skin. Do not forget to do this massage after the birth of your baby to quickly restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Back pain, lumbar region

Ginger, lavender, sandalwood. Use these oils for massage (necessarily in a mixture with the base oil), rubbing and compresses.

Increased arterial pressure

Lavender, lemon, cardamom, ylang-ylang. The most effective and safe way applications – room aromatization.

Low blood pressure

Orange, verbena, grapefruit, cypress. Use these oils to scent the air.

Defence from viral infections

Lemon, tea tree, bergamot, ginger, pine, eucalyptus, cypress. These oils are used to aromatize the room using an aroma lamp.

Fungal infection vagina

Tea tree, bergamot. Oils are used for topical baths, tampons, intimate hygiene. It is important during pregnancy not only physical, but also mental state. And here oils also come to the rescue.

Apathy, depression, depressed state

Orange, ginger, eucalyptus, grapefruit, bergamot, rose, sandalwood, geranium, ylang-ylang. Typically, these oils are used to scent a room using an aroma lamp.

Irritability, touchiness

Geranium, ylang-ylang, incense, sandalwood, mint, lemon, rose, lavender. In these cases, you can use any method that is most pleasant for you: aromatizing the room, massage or bath.

If you are now in the happy time of expecting the birth of a child, or are just planning a pregnancy, a lot of questions immediately arise in front of you, the existence of which you never had to think about before. This article was written for fans aromatherapy- a fashionable and useful hobby in recent years. I hope that after reading this you will be able to answer two important questions for yourself:

Is it possible to use essential oils (aromatherapy) during pregnancy?

Why might the use of essential oils be contraindicated for pregnant women?

Currently, there is no consensus in aromatherapy as to whether essential oils can even be used during pregnancy. Some experts consider essential oils safe for pregnant women, justifying their point of view by the natural inhalation of aromas: we don’t hold our breath in a pine forest, we enjoy the smell of flowers and the aroma of spices. And, naturally, no harmful effects on the pregnant woman and the fetus are observed. But we should not forget that essential oils are highly concentrated substances that do not occur naturally in pure form .

There are a number of essential oils that affect the tone of the uterus, and for this reason their use can provoke termination of pregnancy. Despite the fact that some essential oils are considered safe and even beneficial for pregnant women, a number of doctors are of the opinion that any aromatherapy should be excluded during this crucial period in a woman’s life. Their point of view is not difficult to explain: the mechanisms of aromatherapy are so subtle and poorly understood that the doctor prefers to be guided by the main canon of medicine - “Do no harm!” Moreover, this position concerns not only aromatherapy, as after all unconventional method therapeutic effects, but, for example, ozone therapy, and even spa treatment (mineral or herbal baths, massage, etc.). Some doctors consider these procedures a benefit during pregnancy, while others categorically refrain from prescribing them.

In any case, do not forget that the responsibility for any treatment or preventive measures taken lies solely with you, and an individual consultation with a doctor (not only a gynecologist) is necessary for any procedures.

Get to know different points views on the possibility of using aromatherapy during pregnancy.

Professor of Medicine, Aromatherapist Dietrich Wabner

(speech at international symposium“Dialogue with Smells” (Munich, 1996))

"Embryotropic effect (negative influence on the fruit, until its death) have the following essential oils:

Wormwood – Artemisia absinthium

Common wormwood (chernobyl) – Artemisia vulgaris

Ruta – Ruta graveolens

Pennyroyal (Menta pulegium)

Thuja – Thuja occidentalis

Hyssop – Hyssopus officinalis

Salvia officinalis – Salvia officinalis

Spike (bucket, spike) lavender – Lavandula stoechas"

Svetlana Mirgorodskaya, "Aromalogy: Quantum Satis"

"Aromatic caution

Except clean water and air, there are no substances and objects in the world that are suitable for absolutely everyone. So, for one housewife, a grater is a cooking tool. delicious salads, and for the other - the cause of abrasions on the hands. Essential oils are no exception...

Pregnant women: question about the use of essential oils in in this case– a very sensitive topic. The easiest way is to slam the door leading to aromatic joys in front of the noses of women awaiting the birth of babies. But if we take a less formal approach, we can say that careful use some essential oils are not only acceptable, but also desirable during pregnancy:

orange, bergamot, geranium (caution), jasmine (caution), cajuput, lavender (caution), frankincense (caution), Leuzea, limette, lemon, mint (caution), nioli, neroli, petit grain, rose, rosewood, chamomile (caution), pine (caution), tea tree, eucalyptus."

Denis Vicello Brown, Aromatherapy. – FAIR PRESS, 2007

"Aromatherapy can be beneficial throughout the entire 40 weeks of pregnancy and can combat a wide range of ailments...

There are many different opinions about which oil to avoid different stages pregnancy, especially during the first three months. Given that correct use of essential oils and seasoned doses the risk is small.

In practice, I had the opportunity to treat many pregnant women - the result was excellent, and harmful side effects did not have. Both times when I was pregnant, I was lucky enough to use aromatherapy on myself before having children. Every week on average I had to use twenty to thirty different mixtures on patients. Both of my pregnancies went without problems, the birth was easy, without traditional pain relief, and the children were born very healthy. I am sure that without my expensive essential oils I would not have been able to do this.

Of course, you should be aware that some oils may pose risks, but don't despair. Instead of giving you a long list of so-called oils with possible risk– some are listed among them without evidence – I recommend using the oils that I provide for each case (see book).

It goes without saying that if the symptoms are dangerous or persistent, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The popularity of essential oils among midwives is growing; some maternity hospitals even have their own supplies. Giving life is a very difficult job, but the joy of being involved in the birth of new life is worth the cost.

Essential oils can stimulate uterine contractions, making labor easier, and encourage the woman in labor to relax, and then the pain will be bearable. Essential oils for childbirth- these are oils bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, neroli, bitter beard, peppermint, common wheat, rose And ylang-ylang.

Aromatic formula to increase lactation: 3 drops of oil sweet dill+ 2 drops of oil lemon beetle+ 1 drop of oil clary sage+ 20 ml carrier oil. I assure you that essential oils can increase the production breast milk. I breastfed my daughter until she was fifteen months old, and my son until she was two years old.

If you do not want to breastfeed or want to stop breastfeeding, the following essential oils stop lactation: essential oils cypress, geranium, lavender, peppermint and sage. Oils work especially well peppermint And sage.

Aromatic formula to reduce breast milk production: 2 drops of oil cypress+ 3 drops of oil peppermint+ 2 drops of oil sage+ 20 ml fatty oil. Compresses with oil also work well. peppermint, sage And geraniums."

"Aromatherapy: The art of being healthy. Practical guide". Translated by Sharapova. - Ripol Classic, 2005

"Aromatherapy can play a very important role in helping the expectant mother cope with the demands that pregnancy places on her body. Massage and relaxation can help a tired and stressed woman take care of both herself and the baby in her womb. Aromatherapy helps beneficial effect and during childbirth, helping to ease the inevitable pain and fear...

However, it should be remembered that during pregnancy the woman’s body undergoes major changes and, besides, treating a pregnant woman means treating two people. There are a number of oils, the use of which contraindicated during pregnancy because they can cause miscarriage. Other oils are not as dangerous, but doctors also recommend avoiding them. When using essential oils for massages and baths during pregnancy, dissolve in essential oil half doses of essential oil.

Oils of the following plants should not be taken throughout pregnancy– from the first to the last day:



















clary sage


In addition, there are a number of oils that should not be used in the first three months of pregnancy:


lavender(in general, this oil is considered harmless, but still some doctors advise avoiding it early stage pregnancy)


lemon balm





Soldatchenko S.S., Kashchenko G.F., Pidaev A.V., Gladun M.I., Dykhnova T.V.

Essential oils - the aroma of health: Ancient and modern experience in the prevention and treatment of diseases with essential oils. – Simferopol: Tavrida, 2003.

“Essential oils cannot be used indefinitely for treatment and household purposes...

In some cases, prior consultation with a doctor is necessary. This primarily applies to people with a tendency to allergic diseases, as well as pregnant women. Aromatherapy, like other methods of treatment, requires literacy, a balanced approach and is not intended for long-term use. It all depends on your physical and state of mind and the body's needs for this type of treatment.

Contraindicated for use in pregnant women and epileptics essential oils:











N.S. Leonova, “Aromatherapy for Beginners”: Grand Fair, 2005

“Although many nonfiction books on essential oils and aromatherapy recommend the use of essential oils by pregnant women, this should not be done. Many essential oils can cause miscarriage or adversely affect the fetus. Pregnancy is a contraindication to the independent use of essential oils.

Particularly dangerous during pregnancy, essential oils from plants such as










parsley (seeds)

wormwood and common wormwood






Wanda Sellar. Encyclopedia of essential oils. Per. from English K. Tkachenko. - M.: FAIR-Press, 2005

"The function of the uterus is stimulated by:

clove, jasmine, frankincense, lemon balm, myrrh, rose, clary sage.

Resolution of the burden is facilitated by:

anise seed, cloves, jasmine, lavender, bay laurel, juniper, nutmeg, spearmint, parsley, rose, dill, clary sage.

Increases lactation (increases milk secretion):

anise seed, basil, jasmine, cubeba, lemon grass, cumin, dill, fennel.

Reduces lactation (reduces milk secretion):

peppermint, sage.

Stimulates and normalizes menstruation:

basil, angelica officinalis, oregano, jasmine, hyssop, cumin, Ceylon cinnamon, lavender, bay laurel, marjoram, myrrh, juniper, wild carrot, nutmeg, peppermint, parsley, rose, rosemary, chamomile, santolina, thyme, cumin , fennel, ferula, salvia officinalis, clary sage, tarragon."

I deliberately do not draw any conclusions, do not provide summary lists - in this column there are dangerous essential oils for pregnant women, and in this column there are relatively safe ones. You, dear readers who are expecting the birth of a child, have to make the final choice yourself - to use essential oils during pregnancy or not. Consider extreme points of view, consult with your doctor and carefully weigh the pros and cons in your particular case...

If in doubt, it is better to give up aromatherapy during pregnancy: 9 months will fly by unnoticed, and you will still have time to enjoy magical world aromas, and discover its richness for your baby.

Relaxing with neroli oils will help relieve nervous tension and anxiety in the last months of pregnancy.

Foot baths with citrus oils will help remove the legs. To do this, add 2 drops of oil to the bath.

To improve blood circulation prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of almond oil and 2 drops of lemongrass, cypress and lavender. Rub it into problem areas.

Ambulance aromatic help

Pregnant women may experience discomfort: nausea, toxicosis, etc. Aromatic products will help relieve the condition.


Japanese mint oil will relieve. The methods of its use are quite wide: baths, aromatherapy, aromatherapy medallions, massage, etc. will also provide beneficial influence lemon oil

For back pain A hot bandage or a bath with lavender oil will help.

To directly affect the source of pain, rub into the skin a mixture of 2 tablespoons of any oil allowed during pregnancy and 2 drops of sandalwood or lavender oil.

Mood swings associated with changes hormonal levels. In such cases, it is advisable to use a mixture of 2 drops of lavender and ylang-ylang oils.

At Apply 2 drops of lavender oil to the pillow or 3 drops when added to the aroma lamp.

The MOMMY DIARIES: Pregnancy: Preparing the breasts for feeding, aromatherapy, homeopathy

Precautionary measures

The impact of fragrances on nervous system pregnant woman can lead to unpredictable consequences, therefore certain precautions must be taken.


Which essential oils are contraindicated during pregnancy and why?

To avoid this occurrence, you should consult a doctor before using aromatic oils.

Using oils internally (orally) can be fatal!

With intense aromatherapy, rashes and difficulty breathing may occur.

Fragrance oils are flammable, so do not stand near an open flame when using them.

Only diluted oil should be applied to the body.

Some oils may not be compatible With medicines or alcoholic products.

We have covered everything related to aromatherapy during pregnancy.

Before using essential oils healing purposes you should consult your doctor so as not to harm yourself and your baby.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Lavender oil is one of the key essential oils that has very wide circle applications. Beneficial features lavender essential oils help get rid of and prevent many diseases, improve well-being and reduce the effects of stress, as well as this natural product can be used in skin or hair care, has various applications at home. Women often wonder whether it is possible to use lavender oil during pregnancy and whether it will harm the woman’s body or the developing body of the baby? Many experts agree that careful use of lavender oil during pregnancy is not associated with serious risks, but better oil Lavender should be used during pregnancy 7 months and above. If for any reason a pregnant woman is recommended to use this oil for more early stages, then it must be used very carefully and certainly in a reduced dosage.

In fact, aromatherapy is highly recommended during pregnancy and during postpartum recovery. At correct use, essential oils have positive influence on the health status of mother and child. In particular, lavender oil helps strengthen the immune system, and through immune system mother strengthens the baby's immunity, so he will be less susceptible infectious diseases. In addition, the use of lavender essential oil during pregnancy can help relieve the most common symptoms toxicosis, including nausea and weakness, and also have positive restorative effects on the body of the expectant mother.

The most common way to use lavender oil during pregnancy is to add it to soothing baths. Taking such baths promotes relaxation, has calming effects and helps prevent possible deviations in hormonal processes associated with pregnancy. In addition, such baths help improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of developing varicose veins. Finally, baths with lavender oil can help restore the beauty and elasticity of your skin. You can also use your hands, mainly to improve the condition of the skin.

Very often, many pregnant women, especially last weeks pregnancy, suffer from severe pain in the back area. This condition may also be an indication for the use of lavender oil during pregnancy, because this natural product has excellent pain-relieving and warming effects, so back massages with the addition of a few drops of lavender oil can help get rid of pain and muscle fatigue. Also, lavender oil can be used to massage the lower abdomen in cases where during the first trimester of pregnancy you have anxiety in the morning. severe nausea and vomiting.

Lavender oil can be a great solution to insomnia. If you or your baby suffer from sleep disorders after birth, just drop a few drops of lavender oil on the corner of your pillow and the relaxing effects of this oil will help you sleep better. In addition, areas of application of lavender essential oil during pregnancy are the prevention of skin stretch marks, the prevention of swelling of the feet and pain in the joints, the removal nervous tension, symptoms of depression and postpartum depression in young mothers, and so on.

The use of various essential oils is increasingly becoming commonplace modern man. Many people are attracted to them natural composition in combination with wide range beneficial effects on the body, as opposed to the surrounding “chemistry”.

With the help of oils you can protect yourself from colds, relieve nervous tension, relieve physical pain, care for hair and skin. These and many other factors make the use of aromatherapy relevant for the expectant mother.

Certain essential oils for pregnant women help get rid of toxicosis, swelling, insomnia, back pain, mood swings, and blues. But you need to know certain rules using these natural remedies.

  1. Do not take them internally, only externally.
  2. Apply only diluted with base oil.
  3. Purchase only high-quality, proven products.
  4. Aromatherapy sessions are only subject to the health of the mother and baby in her womb.
  5. It is advisable to take a dose one-third smaller from the amount of oil indicated in the recipe.
  6. Do not do several procedures a day using oils (or a massage, or a mask, or a lotion - one thing or another). Aromatization of the room can be carried out daily without restrictions.
  7. It is imperative to take into account the individual reaction to essential oil. If there is redness, itching, rash on the skin, shortness of breath, sweating, headache, difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, you should immediately stop using this product.
  8. You should protect your eyes from contact with essential oil.
  9. During aromatherapy procedures for better impact oils, the use of deodorants and perfumes is not recommended.
  10. Use only essential oils that are safe during pregnancy!

Safe essential oils during pregnancy
  • lemon – for problem skin;
  • eucalyptus – antiseptic, disinfection, fight against migraines;
  • pink - from nervous overstrain, high pressure;
  • peppermint (use with caution) – against attacks of nausea;
  • tea tree (use carefully) – to fight colds;
  • chamomile - from the 4th month of pregnancy is used for toxicosis, swelling, headaches;
  • orange – for sleep disorders, stretch marks, for relaxation;
  • rosemary – normalizes blood pressure, fights toxicosis (use with caution, aromatherapy only);
  • eucalyptus and lavender- on recent months for insomnia, stress relief.

Prohibited oils: marjoram, parsley seeds, sage, lemon balm, patchouli, myrrh, cloves, thyme, thyme, wormwood, juniper, basil, nutmeg, rosemary, cypress, cedar wood, hyssop, camphor.

Individual intolerance or allergies are rare; in any case, to find out which essential oils are suitable for your pregnancy, you need to consult a doctor and only then proceed with the procedures.

  1. Aromatization of the room - add 4 drops of oil to the aroma lamp, or mix it with water and spray the mixture from a spray bottle.
  2. Massage is suitable as preventive measures for stretch marks, varicose veins, for relaxation.
  3. Inhalations – aid for colds or for prevention.
  4. Compresses are used to relieve pain syndrome, migraine.
  5. Aroma medallion - to improve mood, against toxicosis.
  6. A foot bath will perfectly relieve fatigue.
  7. Shared bath - to relieve stress, pain. Up to 4 drops of essential oil, pre-mixed with base oil, are enough to add to the bath. It should be taken no more than 10 minutes.

Eucalyptus oil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and restorative properties. It is also used in the treatment purulent mastitis, burns, frostbite.

Eucalyptus oil perfectly disinfects the room and has a fairly strong aroma, so to avoid a reaction to the smell, it is advisable for the pregnant woman to stay in another room for a few minutes.

The ether is excellent for combating toxicosis during pregnancy. Combined with lemon, lavender, mint oils its effect only intensifies. The expectant mother can get rid of morning ailments associated with nausea in this way: in a container prepared in the evening with hot water add up to 3 drops eucalyptus oil and place it near the bed.

Such healing aromatherapy will help improve digestion and improve mood.

Eucalyptus essential oil should be used carefully during pregnancy, and before you start, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

During pregnancy, it is possible to use eucalyptus oil for caregivers, cosmetic procedures. But before you start using them, you should test your sensitivity to this product by applying a little on your wrist and wait for the skin reaction for 24 hours.

If there are no rashes on the epidermis, you can start using the oil for:

  • fight against age spots, diluting with base oil (olive, grape seed, wheat germ);
  • eliminate dandruff by adding oil to shampoo.

Oil tea tree has powerful antifungal, antiviral, bactericidal, antiseptic, and tonic properties. Tea tree aromatherapy helps solve many skin problems, strengthen hair, and eliminate dandruff.

Treatments with tea tree essential oil during pregnancy should only be started after your doctor’s approval, especially if we're talking about about douching to get rid of thrush.

Aromatizing a room with tea tree oil works remarkably well as a disinfectant during the autumn-winter period of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. For the beneficial, antiseptic effect of the oil, you need to add a few drops to the aroma lamp. His smell will help to the expectant mother relax, relieve nervous tension, and also reduce the manifestations of toxicosis.

Tea tree essential oil should not be taken orally during pregnancy, nor should it be used for massage treatments. Limit application in pure form to the body. If there is inflammation or rashes on the skin, then you need to dilute the oil with the base oil, using minimal doses of essential oil.

To eliminate fungus, warm (not hot!) foot baths with the addition of healing herbs, lavender, chamomile, etc. are perfect.

If a woman expecting a baby does not have an individual intolerance to the smell of tea tree oil, she can rinse her mouth with it to get rid of stomatitis.

Lavender oil is one of the most popular essential oils due to its extensive properties. healing properties. It's natural natural remedy endowed with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, antitoxic, deodorizing, antioxidant properties.

Lavender essential oil during pregnancy promotes excellent peace and relaxation when pressed into the bath. Additionally, this procedure helps prevent varicose veins veins, strengthening blood vessels, cleansing the skin.

Lavender oil helps solve sleep problems. You can get rid of insomnia with the help of an aroma lamp, an aroma medallion, or by adding 1-2 drops of oil to the edge of the pillow.

For massage during pregnancy, it is combined with base oil and used to relieve back pain, fatigue and muscle tension, stretch marks, prevent swelling, and also improve the emotional background.

Peppermint oil relieves vomiting, nausea, and solves some problems oral cavity, helps strengthen the immune system, relieve nervous tension, normalizes work of cardio-vascular system. But mint essential oil should be used very carefully during pregnancy and only after consultation with the gynecologist.

This natural remedy helps fight toxicosis, headache attacks, relieve fatigue, irritability. It is advisable to use this natural product to aromatize a room using an aroma lamp, adding up to 4 drops of oil to it.

During pregnancy, you should not use it in its pure form or apply it to the skin, much less take it orally.

Correct, competent compliance aromatherapy will help the expectant mother to significantly improve emotional background, relax and decide different problems using natural, natural products - essential oils.