Base oil composition. Essential oils for aromatherapy: properties, uses and contraindications

It has long been noted that the surrounding smells affect our well-being, mood, and have a healing effect. As a result, there is a direction alternative medicine, like aromatherapy, essential oils (a table with their list and effects is given below) in which they are the main healing tool.

What is aromatherapy?

The method of aromatherapy has been known since the 4th century BC, when the technologies of pressing, heating and soaking plants containing odorous substances were already used in the East. Essential oils are liquids with high biological activity, which contain terpenes, terpenoids, organic acids, alcohol esters, aromatic and other compounds. Unlike fatty oils, essential are light, volatile.

The active ingredients of oils can enter the body through the respiratory system, skin, mucous membranes. When oil components interact with hormones, enzymes and other substances produced in the body, chemical changes occur, and under the action of esters, different areas central nervous system.

Aromatherapy at home is practiced by many women, but not all in sufficient understand the intricacies of the use of oils and their correct selection. It is worth considering that therapeutic properties possess only natural essential oils extracted from different parts plants, rather than synthetic products that mimic the smell.

Aromatherapy - indications and contraindications

The use of aromatherapy should not only be correct, beneficial but also safe. Therefore, it is impossible to thoughtlessly, without familiarizing yourself with the basic rules for the use of aromatic oils, to use them for one purpose or another. Aromatherapy at home has a certain range of possibilities, and there are certain indications for this technique. There are many restrictions and prohibitions on the implementation of aromatherapy, without which unwanted effects harm to the body.

Aromatherapy - indications

Aromatherapy treatment is carried out with the following main indications:

  • infectious and colds;
  • functional disorders at work different systems organism (respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, excretory, endocrine and others);
  • joint diseases;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • mental and physical strain, stress;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • postoperative effects;
  • dermatological pathologies;
  • urological and gynecological pathologies;
  • cosmetic imperfections in appearance.

Aromatherapy - contraindications

All essential oils have the following contraindications:

  • acute febrile conditions caused by unclear causes;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, accompanied by a temperature above 38 ° C;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • severe forms of nervous disorders;
  • acute heart failure with rhythm disturbance;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • essential oil intolerance, manifested by itching, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, rashes, dizziness and other symptoms.

Aromatherapy - essential oils

One or another ester should be selected, clearly defining the problem for which the use of aromatherapy is planned to be solved, and a table with the properties of essential oils will help in this. It is important that the oil is liked by its aroma, evokes positive emotions. If the smell provokes discomfort, then apply this product not worth it. Therefore, even before buying, it is recommended to smell the oils for aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy - properties of essential oils

Specialists who research and practice treatment through a technique such as aromatherapy, the properties of oils are tested empirically. It has been established that contact with the skin and mucous membranes causes irritation, and blood flow increases. Through the pores, they are able to penetrate into the bloodstream and spread throughout different bodies. At internal application stimulates gastric secretion, the functioning of the pancreas, liver, thereby improving digestion.

Even when olfactory receptors are stimulated, many oils are able to exert antispasmodic, diuretic action improve milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Each oil has some degree of antiseptic properties. For some of them, this effect is predominant (for example, tea tree, whose aromatherapy oil is used to combat pneumococci, staphylococci, fungi and other pathogens).

Of particular importance in medicine is the psycho-emotional effect of oils.

  1. Some show a stimulating effect, activating the nervous system, mental processes.
  2. Others are able to have a relaxing effect, relieve neuropsychic stress (for example, lavender, aromatherapy with the ether of which improves sleep, relaxes).
  3. Many aromatic oils exhibit an adaptogenic effect, which is necessary after experienced stresses, changes climatic conditions etc.

How to choose an aromatherapy oil?

pick up best oils for aromatherapy should be individually, taking into account the existing problems and reactions of the body. Before use, it is recommended to test the product by applying it after dilution with water to the skin area inside the elbow bend. Citrus, mint, ylang-ylang, coniferous oils are widely used. In some pathologies, combinations of oils are used, and it is important that they do not have opposite effects. It has been established that coniferous, citrus and flower oils are combined with each other in their subgroup.

Aromatherapy - table of oils

To facilitate the choice, if aromatherapy is planned for any pathologies, essential oils (the table contains the most common of them) will be designated according to their predominant effects. IN this case refers to the inhalation effect of essential oils on the body, which, when home use considered the safest. Aromatherapy - table of oils and their properties:

Action on the body

Essential oils


juniper, cypress, eucalyptus, tea tree, rosemary, thyme


pine, lemon, lavender, thyme, bergamot


rose, lavender, lemon balm, sandalwood, geranium, jasmine


mandarin, grapefruit, fir, mint, rosemary


patchouli, bergamot, mimosa, coriander, lavender


orange, cardamom, patchouli, sandalwood, rose


basil, vanilla, lemon balm, bigardia, immortelle, chamomile

The topic of the article is cosmetic oils. Let's talk about them useful properties ah than edible oil different from cosmetic, which oil is more suitable for which skin. You will learn the best cosmetic oils for face, hair and body care, their composition, application and description in the table.

Cosmetic oil is an oil product intended for face, body and hair care. It is obtained by cold pressing of plant materials (fruits, seeds and kernels) and high-quality filtration without exposure to high temperature. Such actions contribute to the preservation of all the beneficial properties inherent in the plants from which it is prepared, and also increases their shelf life.

Cosmetic oils do not contain an aqueous phase, due to which the product turns into an emulsion or cream.

Often, edible oil is confused with cosmetic, although there are differences in them. Cosmetic oil, as a rule, is used only in cosmetic purposes, issued with the mark Virgin. This means its production from raw materials using cold pressing and the absence of impurities in it. Typically, this oil is used only for external use. But edible oil is added to dishes.

It is worth noting that some cosmetic oils, such as olive or linseed, are also added to dishes. But cosmetic camphor oil can only be used externally.


Oils are of 3 types:

  • vegetable and mineral;
  • partially synthesized and natural;
  • enriched with ethers or other components.

Each cosmetic oil is unique in its chemical composition and effects on the body. Oils accelerate cellular metabolism, activate the synthesis of collagen and fibrinogen, moisturize the skin, and normalize activity. sebaceous glands.

What is the difference between essential oil and cosmetic

Often, essential oils are confused with cosmetic oils, believing that they have an identical composition, effectiveness and effect. But this opinion is erroneous, there are some differences between these means.

Cosmetic oil is an independent product that is ready for use. Has a complex chemical composition and several components. Contains basic vegetable oils, pure esters and extracts.

Essential oil is a product with high concentration mixtures of odorous and volatile substances, which is made from different parts of the plant using high technology. Esters instantly dissolve in the air and do not leave greasy marks.

For use in cosmetics, they require a fatty carrier, which is usually in the form of salts, foodstuffs and base vegetable oils. Essential oils are also added to the composition of factory care products (creams, lotions, balms, shampoos).

Cosmetic oils, unlike esters, can be used as an independent product - this is the main difference between oils.

In this case, ethers must be introduced into the composition cosmetics only in small doses.

The benefits of cosmetic oils

Cosmetic oils for the skin have the following beneficial properties:

  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • emollient;
  • improving tone, elasticity and firmness.

Also, oil products can be used for any type of skin and as an effective remedy against premature aging.

Experts recommend using oils during massage, because they increase the effectiveness of the procedure, providing healing and preventive effect(anti-cellulite, anti-stress, soothing, tonic). The substances included in the product have a positive effect on the epidermis, improve its structure and accelerate regeneration processes, normalizing lipid metabolism.

How often to apply cosmetic oils? You can use them for daily care and cleansing the skin of the face, its nutrition and hydration. You can add natural oils in the composition of home and factory cosmetics.

And that's not all! You can use these products as base oils in aromatherapy! At the same time, most oils have a natural protection factor against sun rays so you can use them before and after tanning.

As a rule, cosmetic oils are applied to the face and body in evening time for the purpose of rejuvenation. In autumn and winter, oils are used instead of day cream. The product is applied to pre-cleansed skin, after a few hours the residue is removed with a paper towel. Oils quickly penetrate the skin, reaching its deep layers in a couple of minutes.

Oils are especially beneficial for hair and nails. They strengthen hair follicles and nails, activating their growth and improving their appearance.

The effectiveness of oils is due to their natural composition, which is close to the composition of human sebum. Due to this property, oil products are quickly absorbed into the epidermis. In addition, natural oils rarely cause allergies, so they can be used by girls and women with very sensitive skin.

Table of cosmetic oils and their properties

The table below provides a description of the main cosmetic oils, their composition, properties and application.

The benefits of aromatherapy for children and adults, how to use it correctly, what are the contraindications. Selection of essential oils for procedures.

What is aromatherapy

Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils to treat physical illnesses and correct psycho-emotional states. Microparticles penetrate the human body at the molecular level, entering into chemical reactions, they contribute to positive changes in the functioning of organs and improve vital processes in general.

Aromatherapy is based on the benefits of plants and flowers, its difference from herbal medicine is that essential oils are used for the procedure, which are obtained by steam distillation. They contain substances related to the body, such as hormones, vitamins, trace elements, therefore side effects virtually no treatment.

Quality product colorless or may be slightly yellowish. The ethers of different plants may differ in consistency: some are thicker, others are more liquid. By the way, the resulting oil does not always smell like the usual smell of the plant from which it was extracted.

In order for aromatherapy to be beneficial, it is important to use only natural substances that are purchased from trusted sellers, pharmacies and, preferably, on the recommendation of those who have successfully used them.

Substances enter the body not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the skin, so aromatherapy includes procedures such as inhalation with essential oils, spraying, saturating the air with an aroma lamp, enriching cosmetics, aromatic baths. They also practice the use of ethers during massage and for masks for the face and body, for body wraps.

Properties of essential oils in aromatherapy

Today there is great amount essential oils. However, in pure form they are not used, as the body is only able to absorb them dissolved in transport oils, such as butter grape seeds, wheat germ, olive, coconut, shea, cocoa, jojoba, apricot, almond, etc.

Useful properties of aromatherapy

At correct dosage and the correct use of aroma oil will help get rid of many ailments. Each of them has several properties, which can be found on the packaging. You should carefully read the instructions so as not to get an overdose or the opposite effect.

The benefits of essential oils are:

  • Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They contain substances such as terpenes and ferols, alcohols and aldehydes. They are better suited for antiseptic treatment than conventional antiseptics, since microbes cannot get used to and adapt to the substances contained in oils, and those, in turn, do not harm the skin if there is no individual intolerance. These include essential oils of pine, cedar, juniper, geranium, tea tree.
  • Antiviral properties. Thanks to phytoncides, which are effective in combating bacteria and viruses, they are often used to treat and prevent acute respiratory infections and influenza. Effective oils such as cedar, juniper, geranium, tea tree, lemon, pine.
  • Strengthen immunity. Regularly inhaling essential oils such as lemon, lavender, chamomile, rose, grapefruit, you will strengthen your immune system.
  • Improve appetite and digestion. By filling the room with the aroma of essential oils, you can awaken your appetite. Such properties are possessed by oils of orange, cinnamon, bergamot, calamus.
  • Relax and relieve stress. They help get rid of nervous tension, improve mood, get out of stress.
    Powerful antidepressants are lavender oil, orange, ylang-ylang, frankincense, chamomile, cedar, patchouli, neroli.
  • Invigorate and energize. The aroma of ethers helps to cheer up, concentrate and improve mood. Best of all, bergamot, basil, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, thyme oils will cope with this task.
  • Reduce the temperature. They contain trace elements that help the body fight germs and viruses.
    For these purposes, use bergamot, mint, eucalyptus and lavender oil.
  • carminative action. By adding etherols to your drink, you will reduce gas formation in the intestines, namely, fennel and dill oils will help.
  • Diuretic properties. Such aromatic products display excess liquid. This will help oils of eucalyptus, lemon, sage, pine.
  • Improve blood circulation. Oils help increase blood flow in the tissues, and therefore improve metabolism. Such properties are possessed by ethers of sage, lemon, geranium, eucalyptus.
  • Raise sex drive . They act on certain receptors, thus causing sexual arousal in humans. For aromatherapy, oils of bergamot, geranium, jasmine, cinnamon, myrrh, ylang-ylang, vanilla, ginger and clove are used.
  • Cholagogue properties. They prevent the formation of stones and stagnation of bile. Camomile, fennel, rose, orange, rosemary oils will help.
  • Help with cardiovascular diseases . Oils help reduce the number of heart contractions, increase vascular tone, lower blood pressure, and improve myocardial function. These include essential oils of hyssop, rosemary, geranium, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, mint, parsley, rose.
  • Anesthetize. When applied to a sore spot, they reduce pain warm and relaxing. Painkillers are basil oil, mint, lavender, tea tree.

Harm of aromatherapy with essential oils

However, aromatic oils can be harmful to health. First of all, this applies to truly harmful ethers, which include substances obtained from poisonous, narcotic plants or, as a result of processing, turn into poisons. Their use may lead to serious consequences such as miscarriage, skin burn, seizure, or even death.

Such aromatic oils include arnica, ambrosia, calamus cane, bitter almonds, bitter wormwood, boldo, camphor, sweet dill, cassia, thuja western, Cossack juniper, mustard, oregano, marsh mint, cedar pine, fragrant rue, garden savory, savory mountain, sage, horseradish, elecampane, tansy.

Essential oils of citrus increase the photosensitivity of the skin. After applying them to the body, you can not be in the open sunlight, as you can get a serious burn skin.

In addition, lemon, orange, basil, cedar, eucalyptus, fennel, nutmeg, thyme oils cannot be used internally, otherwise you can get poisoned.

And ethers such as orange, cinnamon, lemon, peppermint, clove and citronella, nutmeg cause skin irritation, therefore, if the dose is exceeded, they can cause severe skin burn, especially for cinnamon. For procedures it is not recommended to use more than 1-2 drops.

Thus, be careful in applying essential oils, before using them, consult an aromatherapist.

Aromatherapy contraindications

Before the first use, be sure to test for sensitivity: to do this, apply a drop of the product on your wrist and wait about an hour, if there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, redness, headache, nausea), then you can use it.

There are a number of contraindications for completely safe substances:

  • Do not use etherols in the presence of individual intolerance and allergies, as it can happen anaphylactic shock which will lead to serious health problems.
  • With great care, aromatherapy should be used by pregnant women, since during this period it is very difficult to predict the body's reaction to a particular substance. Allergies can happen. And all the unfavorable conditions of the mother immediately affect the unborn baby. The use of oils such as anise, arnica, basil, black pepper, camphor, chamomile, cinnamon, rosemary, sage, cloves, geranium, cedar, juniper, mint, marjoram, mustard, jasmine, it is better to exclude altogether during pregnancy and during feeding breast.
  • People suffering from epilepsy should refrain from using rosemary, fennel and hyssop oils.
  • You can not add etherols to the drink without consulting a specialist, as these are very potent substances and can cause poisoning or harm the intestinal microflora.
  • Do not use lavender essential oil while taking iron- and iodine-containing drugs due to incompatibility of substances.
  • Oils of cedar, sage and thyme should not be used together with alcohol, as they have a strong relaxing effect.
  • In the treatment of homeopathy, the use of black pepper, camphor, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus oils is prohibited, as they strongly affect the respiratory system.

How to choose aromatherapy oils

To not hurt yourself and get maximum benefit From aromatherapy, it is important to choose the right essential oils.

To do this, follow these rules:

  1. Clearly identify the problem that needs to be worked on, and according to this problem, select etherols with properties aimed at solving it.
  2. When buying a product, always pay attention to the expiration date. Essential oils are good for no more than three years.
  3. Purchase only from trusted sellers, well packaged, in dark glass containers.
  4. Essential oil, first of all, you should like its aroma, but if you have unpleasant sensations or associations, then you should not use it. Therefore, even in the store you can ask to let you smell the ether. Many of them are so odorous that you can even hear them through the packaging.

How to do aromatherapy at home

Aromatherapy can help restore mental and physical health, will enhance the effect of cosmetic care products. Since essential oils are easy to use and practically safe, anyone can learn how to use them at home.

Aromatherapy at home against viral diseases

Essential oils in the air have a beneficial effect on respiratory organs, destroy bacteria and viruses, soften mucous membranes and reduce their dryness. Special compositions of etherols have a therapeutic effect.

To combat viral diseases and their prevention, inhalations, aromatic baths and massage are used.

Features of using essential oils for the treatment of colds:

  • Aromavanna. Dilute tea tree and pine oils a couple of drops, lavender and mint 1 drop each in half a glass of liquid natural honey and pour into the bath at a temperature of 37-38 degrees. Take 15-20 minutes, then wrap yourself warmly in a blanket and drink hot tea or herbal infusions.
  • Oil burner. For inhalation use an aroma lamp or a diffuser. Oil is dripped into the water, based on the calculation of a couple of drops per 5 m 2 of the room. You can carry out the procedure for no more than two hours in a row, then you need to take a break. In total, inhalation can be done no more than eight hours a day. First you need to ventilate the room well, and then close the windows and doors so that the microparticles of oils do not evaporate outside the room. Mixtures for the aroma lamp: lavender oil (5 drops), eucalyptus (3 drops) and mint (2 drops); eucalyptus oil (5 drops), tea tree and pine 3 drops each.
  • Cough massage. Dissolve in base oil (wheat germ, apricot, grape seed, olive) 5 drops of chamomile and lavender oils, eucalyptus - 8 drops.

Home aromatherapy to relieve fatigue

Essential oils improve emotional and mental condition man, relieve stress and anxiety. For relaxation, inhalations, saturation with aromas of the air in the room, massage and baths with ethers and mixtures of them are used.

To relieve tension and drive away depressive thoughts, compose the following compositions:

  1. For inhalation. Dilute 2 drops of grapefruit and lavender oils, 1 drop of lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and cypress oils in water at 50-60 degrees and breathe covered with a towel for 10 minutes.
  2. For aroma lamp. Prepare a mixture of 10 drops of grapefruit oil, 8 drops of basil oil, 6 drops of lavender and rosemary oils. Do an aromatherapy session for an hour.
  3. For a soothing massage. Enrich your massage oil or cream with 3 drops of sage and bergamot essential oils. Massage for 15-20 minutes.
  4. For a relaxing bath. 1 drop each of orange and rose oils plus 3 drops of sandalwood or 3 drops of grapefruit and a drop of lavender and ylang-ylang, dilute in vehicle(honey, sea salt solution or milk), add to hot water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Then take a shower.

The use of aromatherapy for inflammation of the joints

Essential oils are also useful for serious illnesses such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, and others inflammatory processes in the joints. Of course, aromatherapy in this case cannot be the only salvation, but as additional measures will do its job very well. Esthers relieve pain and inflammation.

Aroma oils for the treatment of joint inflammation are used in aroma baths, for compresses and applications, rubbing and massage.

Features of the use of ethers for inflammation of the joints:

  • Aromavanna. To relieve pain and inflammation, prepare a warm bath at least 37-38 degrees. Dilute 2 drops each of peppermint, rosemary and basil oils in a sea salt solution and add this mixture to your bath. Take it for no more than 20 minutes, then keep the sore spot warm for about an hour.
  • Compresses. To reduce swelling and inflammation, make hot compresses and applications with a mixture of peppermint, marjoram and lavender oils. To do this, dissolve them in transport oils, such as olive, grape seed and others, which need to be heated to a comfortable temperature and only then add etherols to them. Aroma oils very volatile, so when heated they will evaporate and lose their medicinal properties. Keep compresses for at least half an hour, but the longer the better.
  • Massage. With arthritis, massage of the diseased joint with eucalyptus essential oil is effective. For every 10 ml massage oil or cream, use a drop of essential oil. It thins the blood, which means it improves blood circulation in diseased tissues, improves metabolism.

Aromatherapy for children

Essential oils will become good helper in baby care. Basically, aromatherapy for children is used to relax and set the mood for sleep. Today you can find ready-made compositions for the child or prepare your own.

Apply aroma oils before age 2-3 weeks is not worth it, since the child has not yet adapted to the world around him. Beginning with one month old, you can use the safest ethers: roses, chamomile and lavender. Starting from three months, essential oils of bergamot, fennel and sandalwood are usually used. All of them have relaxing, soothing properties. Lavender oil is considered the most versatile and safe.

As a rule, for children under three years of age, essential oils are used to add to bath water, to care products. As for the aroma lamp and inhalations, the use is undesirable, unless for an older child. It can be installed in the room while getting ready for bed or reading a fairy tale.

Ways to use ethers for children:

  1. Bath. In the absence of allergies, they are added to the bath during the evening bath, so that the child calms down and tunes in to rest. When bathing, to avoid direct contact with the skin, the oil must be diluted in a base, which will be milk, honey or sea salt solution. Children's skin is still too delicate, and pure essential oil can lead to allergies, burns and irritation. Add 1-2 drops.
  2. Massage. For a relaxing massage, you can use no more than 1 drop per 30 ml of foundation. And, of course, before the first use, be sure to test for allergies.
What is aromatherapy - look at the video:

Aromatherapy is a great help in the fight against various ailments and contributes to the creation Have a good mood. It has been known to mankind for more than a millennium, but right now it is becoming more and more popular.

Essential oils and their properties everyone should know modern woman. This material will help you gain new knowledge. It discusses all the beneficial properties of essential oils that are available on the market. Learn essential oils, properties and applications to use this knowledge at home.

Since ancient times, women have used essential oils to preserve their beauty. Add a few drops of the oil appropriate for your skin type to your face mask. Thus, you will significantly increase its effectiveness. In addition, all essential oils other than therapeutic action, which they have on the skin, affect state of mind. Therefore, applying them, you care not only about beauty, but also about your mood. If desired, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to your regular face and body cream.

Table of properties and uses of essential oils

The properties of essential oils in the table tell about what means can be used to solve a particular problem. Essential oils in the application table are arranged in alphabetical order.

Oil name



Rejuvenates, revitalizes, brightens, tones the skin, eliminates acne, skin itching, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates skin flabbiness. Effective for the care of dry, chapped and fat-free skin. Obla-gives anti-cellulite effect. Helps to avoid impulsive acts, calms after stress. This is one of the aromas of meditation, eliminates tearfulness, insomnia. Used in the treatment of angina and runny nose


Hydrates and firms the skin. Helps smooth wrinkles. When used as part of a massage oil, it relieves the feeling of fatigue and tension. Helps smooth the skin, improves elasticity and firmness, eliminates inflammation, irritation, peeling and scars. Smoothes wrinkles, especially under the eyes. Perfectly cares for any type of skin, especially dry, aging, sensitive. Helps with acne, herpes. Great fragrance and deodorant


It has a bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorizing effect. Reduces the number of microbes on the skin. It gives the skin elasticity, normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis. Great remedy to stimulate the body, increase resistance to infections. Increases the elasticity of sagging skin. Fights depression and stress, eliminates childish tearfulness and hyperexcitability. Effectively used in combination with lavender, patchouli, clove and citrus oils. Combined with oils: fennel, cardamom, dill, cedar, cumin, coriander, rosewood, noble laurel, petitgrain, mandarin


It has antiseptic, antitoxic, deodorizing, antidepressant properties. Works soothingly and refreshingly. Regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Rich in vitamins A,
B, C. Effectively used in combination with oils of geranium, clary sage, lavender, ylang-ylang and citrus. The aroma of orange tones up the nervous system, relieves depression, increases efficiency, stabilizes mood, fights sadness and anxiety, helps to increase optimism and faith in own forces


It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. Recommended for all skin types. Great tonic and refresher


It has a powerful calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing effect. Normalizes the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands on oily areas of the skin, brightens and tightens pores. Effective use in combination with oils of lemon, lavender, juniper-velnica, geranium, citrus oils


It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic action. Baths with the addition of this oil help to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it. Effective in combination with oils of lavender, clary sage, bergamot, ylang-ylang


It has cleansing, tonic, refreshing, antiseptic properties. Effective against cellulite. Lightens and whitens oily skin, tightens pores. Restores the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. Strengthens the nervous system, relieves feelings of fear, irritation

Ylang Ylang

Removes emotional stress relieves feelings of anxiety, stimulates sexual desire. Strengthens hair and nails. Helps to slow down the aging process of the skin, stimulates the growth of new cells, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. It is used to care for dry, rough, flaky skin, cleans pores, removing toxic substances. Baths with the addition of ylang-ylang oil are recommended for stimulation immune system. Effective use in combination with rosewood, bergamot oils


Eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, depression, tearfulness. It has antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn, anti-inflammatory properties. Invaluable for skin care thanks to its rejuvenating power. It is used to care for any type of skin, especially for sensitive, skin of the thighs, buttocks, upper part chest. Effective in combination with oils of clove, geranium, patchouli, clary sage, rosemary, citrus


Raises mental activity. Has a calming effect. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties. It cleanses and refreshes acne-prone, oily skin, promotes its regeneration, enhances blood circulation, prevents the appearance of vascular "asterisks". Increases skin elasticity, eliminates stretch marks and cellulite. Effective against itching and irritation from insect bites


Restores strength, has an antiseptic, stimulating effect. Refreshes, awakens the skin, erases traces of fatigue, inadequate sleep from the face. Raises protective functions epidermis, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. It has a cleansing effect on the skin. Effective in treatment skin itching, dermatitis, acne, capillary dilation. Baths with addition mint oil restore strength, eliminate nervousness. Used for violations digestive system, as well as colds and viral diseases, facilitates recovery after sunburn. Effective for stress, depression, mental strain. Fights fatigue and irritability. The use of peppermint essential oil is especially beneficial for oily skin. Effective in combination with lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, citrus oils


It has a soothing, antiseptic effect. Rejuvenates, revitalizes tired, mature skin, smoothing wrinkles. Eliminates skin irritation, fine vascular pattern. Promotes skin regeneration. Strengthens hair, increases its elasticity


It has antiseptic, regenerating, soothing properties. Recommended for dry, mature and sensitive skin. Smoothes out wrinkles, increases skin elasticity. Revitalizing - revitalizes, smoothes the skin, restores its elasticity


Causes a surge of vivacity and optimism, has an antidepressant effect, stimulates sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antitoxic, stimulating, deodorizing properties. Nourishes, smoothes and renews dry, tired skin, promotes rapid regeneration and epithelialization, eliminates flabbiness of the bust, abdomen and thighs. A bath with patchouli oil has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance to infections. Effective in combination with oils of clove, bergamot, clary sage


Strengthens and activates the nervous system, relieves physical and mental fatigue, apathy. It has deodorizing and tonic properties. Reduces secretion sebum, evens out the relief of the skin, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of vascular "asterisks". It is used to care for oily, acne prone skin. Stimulates defensive forces organism. Effective in combination with oils of geranium, lavender, clary sage

Tea tree

Is powerful stimulant mental activity. Helps to restore the body after stress, relieves anxiety, promotes concentration. It has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for pustular skin lesions, acne, to relieve fatigue in the legs, to eliminate unpleasant foot odor, has a regenerating and rehabilitating effect. Baths with the addition of tea tree oil help to restore strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it

Clary sage

It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, tonic effect. It is used to care for any type of skin, restoring life to aging skin. Effective in combination with geranium, lavender, citrus oils


Tones, increases stamina and vitality relieves stress and chronic fatigue. Contains more than 35 biologically active substances, stimulates the immune system. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action. Baths with addition fir oil contribute to the restoration of strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening and cleansing it. An excellent flavoring agent that eliminates unpleasant odors. Effective in combination with oils of rosemary, lemon, clary sage


Restores psycho-emotional balance. It has antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-herpetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. Baths with addition eucalyptus oil contribute to the restoration of strength after nervous and physical overwork, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it


A strong pain reliever and antiallergic agent. Used for colds. Reduces elevated temperature body. Heals cuts and wounds. It has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action. Whitens, soothes and eliminates allergic manifestations. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Stimulates hair growth, nourishes, promotes their lightening. The smell of chamomile has a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminates irritability, normalizes sleep


Promotes rapid acclimatization, helps with depression, melancholy, irritability and insomnia. Antiherpetic agent

carrot seeds

Improves complexion, tones, rejuvenates the skin, makes it more elastic. Helps to get rid of age age spots. Suitable for dry and aging skin. Allows you to get rid of problems caused by vitiligo (lack of pigmentation), eczema, psoriasis. It has a general healing effect on inflamed wounds, dry and hard skin, scars and calluses. Pairs well with almond oil.
Protects skin from frost and wind. Increases resistance to respiratory diseases. Clears the mind, reduces stress, helps fight feelings of emptiness.
Warning: It is best to refrain from using carrot seed essential oil during pregnancy.


Improves blood circulation, useful for the skin as a rejuvenating agent. Helps fight fungal diseases, stimulates work digestive tract


Provides energy and positive emotions. Fights depression, promotes concentration. It has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, deodorizing effect. Great anti-wrinkle product. Effective for oily skin face and hair. It has a whitening property, smoothes the skin, softens keratinized skin, brightens the nail plate. It is also recommended for hand care, skin care after epilation. Effective in combination with oils of bergamot, lavender, geranium, orange

Do not forget: essential oils are not used in their pure form, they are added in small quantities to the bases (masks, lotions, creams, base oils, cream, bath salts, etc.).

Full table properties essential oils

Names, list and properties of essential oils

Below is a list of essential oils that you can use at home. The list and properties of essential oils can be used to solve various problems with skin. We offer you to find out the names of essential oils to facilitate their selection at points of sale.

Main essential oils:

Orange - eliminates oily sheen.

Bergamot - tightens pores, tones, brightens the skin.

Geranium - tones.

Cloves - restores the structure of elderly skin, anti-inflammatory.

Grapefruit - normalizes the sebaceous glands, narrows and whitens skin pores.

Ylang Ylang - Soothes.

Ginger - tones.

Cypress - eliminates oily sheen.

Lavender - lulls, soothes, wrinkles.

Lemon - tones, wrinkles, removes stains on the fabric.

Schisandra chinensis - tightens and brightens the pores of the skin.

Limett - eliminates oily sheen.

Melissa - tones, soothes, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Myrrh - eliminates oily sheen.

Juniper - tones, has a disinfectant property.

If the skin has been adverse effects and experienced stress, use essential oils of rosewood, chamomile, rose, neroli, ylang-ylang.

If there are a lot of pimples, comedones on the skin, the pores are clogged, essential oils of lemon, juniper, bergamot, chamomile will help.

Doses of essential oils

To add to carrier oils for face care: for 1 tablespoon of oil 2-4 drops of essential oils.

To enhance the effectiveness of creams and lotions: up to 5 drops of essential oil per 10-15 ml of cream.

For hair care: for 1 tablespoon of the base (mask or oil) we take 4-6 drops of essential oils.

When taking care of the body: Add 6-10 drops of essential oils to 1 tablespoon of base oil.

For rinses: 2-3 drops of oil in one glass of warm boiled water.

For aromatization of the home aroma lamps: 3-4 drops of essential oil (added to the water poured into the lamp bowl) per 15 m2 of area.

For baths: 4-7 drops of essential oils per bath, pre-dissolve in the base (milk, base oil, honey, cream, bath salt).

For massage: 3-6 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of carrier oil.

For sauna and bath: 2-4 drops of essential oil per 15 m2.

Synergy- this is an interaction, strengthening the useful properties of two or more different elements. By mixing essential oils, choosing their combination, you can enhance their beneficial effects.

Next, the main essential oils are listed in bold type, and behind each of them are the auxiliary essential oils that combine with the main essential oil and together give a synergistic effect.

Since ancient times, the properties of the synergy of essential oils have been used not only in soap making, but also in the treatment of diseases, in folk medicine.

Essential oils are substances with strong smell allocated different methods from plant materials. They are widely used in perfumery, medicine and other fields. Since ancient times, there has been a science of the effects of odors on the human condition. This science is called aromatherapy.

Essential oils affect a person in different ways, some tone up, while others, on the contrary, relax. Consider what types of essential oils are and what actions they have.

flower oils

Floral essential oils are widely used in perfumery as they have some of the most pleasant, sweet scents. This variety includes geranium, lavender, chamomile, rose, jasmine, lotus, ylang-ylang, palmarosa, niaoli, neroli, juniper and etc.

Floral fragrances have the following effect:

1. Help to cope with a headache.

2.Possess calming effect, favorably affect the state of the nervous system, relieve stress.

3. Relax muscles, help fight fatigue, normalize sleep.

4. Get rid of depressions.

5. Great for grooming skin.

5. Jasmine renders tonic, invigorating action.

6. Some floral scents are aphrodisiacs(rose, ylang-ylang, etc.)

citrus essential oils

Citrus essential oils - orange, mandarin, lemon, bergamot, grapefruit, citronella, lemongrass, petite grain, lemon balm. These substances are widely used in perfumery and cosmetology. Lemon, orange, tangerine are some of the cheapest, as they are quite easy to get, while spending a small amount of raw materials. Such drugs have the following properties:

1. Good influence immunity, protect against viral diseases.

2. Have a positive effect on physical condition organism.

3. Possess tonic effect stimulate the brain.

4. Cheer up help to cope with depression

5. Improve circulation and have a good effect on metabolic processes .

woody essential oils

Wood oils, as the name implies, are extracted from wood. They have a thick smell, very often they are the main notes in perfumery aromas. This species includes: myrrh, cedar, sandalwood, patchouli, vertivert, benzoin, frankincense, amyris, camphor, borneol, guaiac wood, etc. Here are the effects of these aromas:

1. Help to relax, relieve fatigue, relieve stress.

2. Normalize heartbeat.

3. Downgrade arterial pressure.

4. They are aphrodisiacs.

5. Good for dry skin care due to its moisturizing properties.

Antiseptic and herbal essential oils

Antiseptic essential oils are found wide application in medicine. Their smell can be unpleasant, but such drugs are more often used for medicinal purposes, and not for aromatizing the room. These are smells like tea tree, eucalyptus and cajeput. They are used:
  • for the treatment of colds and strengthening immunity;
  • For air purification indoors, especially during an exacerbation of colds;
  • to provide first aid– sterilization small cuts, abrasions.

Herbal essential oils - sage, rosemary, mint, anise, laurel, basil, thyme, parsley and others - are also often used for medicinal purposes. They have many useful properties:

  • disinfect wounds;
  • improve physical state relieve muscle pain;
  • help take off tension and fatigue;
  • tone up, stimulate the brain, blood circulation, improve mood.

Spicy and refreshing essential oils

Spicy flavors are obtained from nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cardamom and others. These are very rich smells that not everyone is able to endure. However, they are very useful:

1. Like many other fragrances, spices have a positive effect on nervous system : improves mood, helps to get rid of stress, fatigue, depression.

2. Take off pain and tension in the muscles.

3. Help Fight Infections respiratory tract.

4. Have a warming effect, help with diseases joints.

There is another type of essential oils that have a refreshing effect - cypress, peppermint, pine etc. These flavors:

1. Well stimulated brain function.

2. Have a positive effect on physical state.

3. Possess disinfectant effect, help with the healing of wounds, abrasions, cuts, etc.

4. Work well gastrointestinal tract.

How to use essential oils correctly

Essential oils at home can be used in different ways, but it is very important not to exceed the allowable norm. If you oversaturate the air with one or another aroma, then the whole positive effect will turn negative: You will feel headache, fatigue, perhaps even irritability. So, it is important to know the measure.

It should be noted that different substances have different concentrations of odors. Floral, woody and spicy aromas are highly concentrated, while citrus and herbal aromas are rather weak.

How to use these drugs? There are several methods of aromatherapy, one of them is baths. For one bath, 7 drops of essential oil of a strong concentration and 12 drops of a weak one are enough. Add also sea ​​salt. It is important to remember that you can take such a bath for no longer than 25 minutes. You can also use special aroma soaps.

Another option - aromatic lamps. These are special designs, inside which a candle is placed, and essential oil is poured on the surface. It is important to consider that if you do not dilute it with water, it will evaporate too quickly, and the rich smell can cause a headache. For one tablespoon of water, you can add 3-6 drops of an odorous substance.

Another way to use these drugs is instead of a massage cream. In this case, you need to add essential oils to the cream or massage base oil.

And finally, the last way is to pour the substance into a special aroma medallion.