The history of the creation of the Kirovsky trading network. LLC "Kirovsky" supermarket. Reviews and complaints

They say different things about Igor Kovpak. Business partners, competitors and just acquaintances consider him a tough pragmatist, capable of refusing his brother if the benefit demands it. In emergency situations, Mr. Kovpak acts quickly. In times of crisis, he buys up unsuccessful companies. Conservatism, distrust and a flair for money helped this man put together the largest trading network in the region.

In 1987, Igor Kovpak, whose career was going uphill, became the director of a large supermarket built on Sirenevy Boulevard. The headquarters of the Kirovsky Supermarket is still there, and the number of stores has increased exponentially. In 2010, the group of companies took 132nd place among 200 Russian leaders according to Forbes magazine. People who dealt with Mr. Kovpak in the interval between these dates told DK how he went to his goal.

On the administrative resource
Viktor Kuzmin, head of the trade department of the Sverdlovsk region in 1973-1998.

Under socialism, builders often forgot about social infrastructure - shops, hairdressers, public service centers, although 5% of costs were allocated for these purposes according to housing construction estimates. A typical example is the Komsomolsky microdistrict, where at first there was not a single grocery store. When complaints from the population reached the chairman of the regional executive committee, Oleg Lobov, he convened a meeting with the public. I was invited to report on why residents had nowhere to go shopping (although they should have asked the city administration). At that meeting, Lobov decided to build a large store from metal structures. In short time. Now this is a common technology, but then rolled metal was considered a strategic raw material - in order to obtain permission, Lobov had to fly to Moscow and go to the doorsteps of Gosstroy.

Directors for the new supermarket were looked for ahead of time. Kovpak was recommended to us by Vera Bachina, director of the Pervouralsk Gorpromtorg - young, 34 years old, was a mechanic at Novotrubny, played in the Ural Trubnik team, was injured, graduated from the Institute of Chemical Economy in absentia.

I made inquiries. By this time, Igor Kovpak had already moved to Sverdlovsk and was the director of a store at the VAZ special auto center. I invited him to my place, offered him a position, and he agreed almost immediately. But the supermarket under construction was part of the Gastronom regional office - I did not have the right to approve the director.

I sent the office manager a representation. A week passes, the second. No answer. Lobov asks: where is the director? “Well,” I say, “they don’t approve it at Gastronome.” “You decide for yourself,” Lobov preferred to cut from the shoulder.

Having received carte blanche, I approved Kovpak with my order, bypassing my immediate superiors. And the store was already equipped with equipment. New enterprise - 4.5 thousand square meters. m of retail space, self-service. This has never happened in Russia before. All that remained was to recruit a team.

And then Kovpak comes to me and asks where to look for personnel. “Very simple,” I answer, “I will give you a letter with my signature, allowing you to take shots in any store in the city. If you like the employee, he is yours.” So we sorted out the personnel.

There was another problem - what to sell when the store is built? If we, as usual, had allocated funds to the city, the city to the Gastronom office, and the office to Kirovsky, the supermarkets would not have received anything. Lobov allowed me to supply the store directly. In the documents, “Kirovsky” was listed as a separate line.

Just before the end of construction, the employees of the Gastronom office, who did not like the story with Kirovsky, flooded the regional executive committee with anonymous letters. They wrote that the store under construction does not have warehouses and packaging shops, which means that all efforts are in vain - the supermarket will not be able to operate. Lobov sent anonymous letters to me, I read them to Kovpak, and at some point he wavered - he came with a statement that he could not work. I threw the application into the trash. And the packaging shops were easy to deal with. With Lobov's light hand, a directive appeared - all food enterprises should supply food products at retail not in bags, but in small packaging.

And when the Minister of Trade of the USSR Kondrat Terekh visited Sverdlovsk, the Kirovsky supermarket was already working like clockwork. Terekh liked everything - both the store and its director, whom he decided to take to the ministry - a vacancy had just opened there. Apparently, he managed to talk with Igor Kovpak - he was getting ready to go to Moscow. “Come on,” I say, “go. Just keep in mind - here you are your own master, but there you will carry the minister’s briefcase.” And Kovpak changed his mind.

Then an article was published in the Pravda newspaper with good words about the “promising 26-year-old director” of the Kirovsky supermarket, although in fact Kovpak was already 36.

Instead of "Greenwich" there could be "Kirovsky"
Natalya Polymova (Bykova) last director of the Maria supermarket

A year before the opening of Kirovsky on Sirenevy Boulevard, Igor Kovpak came to the Maria supermarket to understand how a large self-service store works. And for a whole month, day after day, I communicated with our employees. I looked at food delivery schedules, asked commodity experts, and studied the security system. For a person who worked in a VAZ special auto center (a tough position at that time), such meticulousness seemed unnecessary - he could second his subordinates. But Kovpak wanted to see the underside of the business with his own eyes.

It is not surprising that many years later he decided to make the Maria supermarket his own. I have heard many versions on this matter. They said that the deal was prevented by my dislike for the president of the Kirovsky Supermarket. Allegedly, we bargained for a long time, and he left, slamming the door. In fact, we discussed this topic only once, and then over the phone. For a complex of buildings - three of his own (a supermarket with an extension, a store on Kuibysheva, 48 and a store on Metallurgov Street, 16a) and seven rented ones - Igor Kovpak offered $800 thousand. When I said: this is not enough, he decided to wait. Apparently, he thought that time was on his side. And the owners of Malyshev-73 offered twice as much and got it done earlier. But if he definitely wanted to buy “Maria”, “Kirovsky” would now be in the place of “Merchant”. Kovpak is used to achieving his goals.

The Church was prompted to compromise
Sergey Pisarev businessman, director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Directorate for Investment Activities”

I was introduced to Igor Kovpak by Sasha Sivkov, world champion in bandy. This was in the early 90s. My partner and I were just looking for tenants for our stores. The owner of Kirovsky was interested in two objects - on the street. Mamin-Sibiryak (next to the Soviet Army Square) and on Lenin Avenue (formerly the Cornflower store). Igor Kovpak soon bought the first premises, but we did not give up the second, which he also had his eye on, saying: “Otherwise there will be no reason for friendship,” in the sense that, bound by a rental relationship, we will meet periodically. Friendship became a stumbling block.

When the five-year contract expired, we informed Igor Ivanovich of our intention to increase the rental rate. Kovpak said: I won’t pay that much. At first, we did not attach any significance to his words, considering them an element of the game: a tenant whose rent is being raised must bargain. But time passed, and Igor Ivanovich had no intention of changing his intention. He said that the profit from the store was small, that he had invested a lot of money in renovating the premises and that the increase in rent would ruin him. We tried to explain our point of view, referring to inflation and changing market conditions, but these efforts were in vain - the head of Kirovsky did not yield an inch. His reason was simple: you can’t profit from your friends, you have to act according to your conscience.

Our conscience was fine, but we didn’t want to lose money, even out of friendship. We explained to Igor Ivanovich: “Yes, you are our friend, but we don’t ask for half-price products at Kirovsky.” As one famous character said, nothing personal, just business. If you are not satisfied with the new conditions, you can simply part as friends, especially since we had other tenants in mind.

However, Kovpak did not give in. Two weeks later, the negotiations reached a dead end - in fact, we entered a conflict zone. Then I went to my confessor to ask for advice. After listening to me, the priest said: give in.

I did just that - I announced to Igor Ivanovich that we were renewing the lease on the same terms. And a miracle happened. Kovpak said that he agreed to new ones. As long as we acted as opponents, he stuck to his line, and our willingness to make concessions prompted him to compromise.

Didn't want to quarrel with influential people
Dmitry Polyanin Chairman of the Sverdlovsk Creative Union of Journalists

In 1997, I came up with the idea of ​​publishing a daily evening newspaper in Yekaterinburg. But where can you find a sales network that can process at least 10 thousand copies in less than a full day? The solution lay on the surface. The only powerful retail chain in the city was the Kirovsky Supermarket.

I understood that businessman Igor Kovpak would not want to participate in someone else’s project. We need strong arguments. It is difficult to find something more significant than money. After thinking about this topic, I went to Kirovsky on Sirenevy Boulevard. As expected, Kovpak said that this is not his business. Anticipating this, I offered co-financing: $115 thousand plus equipment - my contribution, $100 thousand - his. Sales proceeds are halved. Strategic issues can only be resolved unanimously.

Cautious Igor Ivanovich weighed the pros and cons for a long time. Only after five or seven meetings did we shake hands. Kovpak received a powerful advertising medium almost free of charge, and I acquired an effective distribution channel.

The project started very successfully. In the second week we sold about 28 thousand copies. However, circulation media are not only a business. As soon as the newspaper “Evening Gazette from Yekaterinburg” caught the first VIPs, they and their patrons began calling my partner.

He held out as long as the newspaper did not pose a threat to his main business and political career. Difficult times began three months later. Kovpak stopped selling the newspaper and left the founders. By the way, no losses - he received his full share. Maintaining sales levels without Kirovsky was a utopia. Nevertheless, the newspaper existed until the end of 2002.

If the sales network had lasted at least a couple of years, we would have no competitors left in Yekaterinburg. But it’s difficult to jump over the “would” particle. What happened happened.
Kovpak is a major city businessman. And big money is always an element of politics. If then he had behaved in the same way as Oleg Khabibullin, who became an opposition deputy of the city duma, perhaps the result would have been similar. It's hard for me to judge this. And I’m especially not going to judge Kovpak. He acted honestly and openly towards me and the editors.

Profits were shared equally
Marciano Palli restaurateur

We met Igor Kovpak thanks to our mutual friend, who is now deceased. He died in an accident. I saw Igor cry at the funeral. When he was in Moscow, he often stopped by the Adriatico restaurant, where I was the chef, and we talked about various topics. This is a person who thinks very quickly. He is like a volcano, and this makes me very happy - I am the same.

I am Italian, I speak Russian more or less well. But sometimes my employees, having failed to complete an assignment, say that they misunderstood me. So, Igor Ivanovich is fluent in Russian, but he always guards against mistakes. When he gives instructions, no matter who - the manager, accountant or driver, he forces you to repeat what was said verbatim.

The idea to open an Italian restaurant in Yekaterinburg belonged to him. This was at the end of 2000. Sitting in Adriatico, we came up with the name “Fellini” and the next day we flew out to look at the cafe premises that we had bought for the occasion. It was Saturday. Igor showed me his stores, and I realized that he is very rich and has access to administrative resources in Yekaterinburg and regional cities. We decided to make a restaurant that will compete with the best establishments in Yekaterinburg - “Dolce Vita” and “Troekurov”. The choice was made in the fish kitchen - eleven years ago there was no fresh seafood in the Urals. I developed the restaurant format and menu, found a manager, head waiter, and chef to train the staff on site. They opened quickly - in 60 days, because they used the equipment of the former cafe.

There were difficulties, of course. For Igor Kovpak, the restaurant business is not a core business. He didn’t want to spend a lot of money on the interior, and at first everything looked simple. After all, what is the difference between the provincial public and the capital? Here, even very rich people use restaurants mainly for business meetings. They are not ready to pay $200 for dinner - only $50-60. This circumstance imposes certain restrictions. As they say in Russia, you can’t jump over your head. But I convinced Igor to change everything. It didn’t turn out to be an elegant design, but overall it turned out interesting. And we were satisfied with the quality of food and service at Fellini.

We agreed that Igor would finance this project and, when the restaurant breaks even, we would divide the net profit in half. In fact, this was the case.

The project existed for 4.5 years. But for a restaurant to remain successful, you need to constantly come up with something new, and I didn’t have time to do it personally. For me, Yekaterinburg was not strategically important, and Igor Kovpak became uninterested in the project. On the site of Fellini, he created a culinary workshop for his supermarkets.

But we still see each other 3-4 times a year, and our relationship remains the best.

No business, only emotions
Valery Bubnov Vice President of Dixie

In 2001, the president of Uniland Holding Oleg Leonov and Igor Kovpak met at a Moscow trade conference, discussed trends and came to the conclusion that the businesses should be merged. The implication was that both companies would benefit as a result. The next day Leonov told me on the phone: “I met Igor Kovpak, he is a serious person, he has a strong retail business. If Uniland, as the largest wholesaler, enters into an alliance with him, the world will tremble. Tomorrow I will be in Yekaterinburg, and we will discuss everything.” To put it mildly, I sat down because I saw the situation differently - in relations with distributors, Kirovsky was always inflexible and, dominating the market, demanded special conditions. Uniland could not receive any benefit from the joint business.

When Oleg Leonov arrived, I said that I didn’t see any grounds for unification - the businesses were still different. Merging in one impulse, we promised Kirovsky additional preferences, but we did not have such opportunities. Profitability when working with chain retail leaders usually tends to zero, so cooperation with a large chain is more of an image project.
But Leonov, who thought and acted quickly, replied: additional benefits could certainly be extracted from such a large enterprise.

We went to a meeting where the two owners agreed to integrate the businesses of Kirovsky and Uniland and secure this step legally through the exchange of 5% shares. Events developed rapidly. Without leaving the office, Leonov and Kovpak sketched out a draft document “Agreement on Unification” and went to lunch at Kovpak’s recently opened restaurant “Fellini”. No more than an hour passed before they shook hands and signed the redacted agreement.

On the same day, participants in the events gave information to the media. The press release stated: “The merger of the two companies will create a fully integrated retail structure in the Urals: stores, local and regional warehouse complexes.”

Then Leonov returned to Moscow, and all agreements remained on paper. Everyone went their own way. Actually, this is what should have happened. The Kirovsky Supermarket chain followed a conservative line of development, minimizing risks and relying on its own funds. And Leonov saw himself as a leader not only in Russia, but also in the future - a global player.

This story left me amazed. I saw how two established and recognized businessmen easily make strategic decisions based on emotional impulses, without any analysis of the situation. Another surprising thing is that with all these jazz improvisations, Igor Kovpak manages to avoid fatal mistakes. Remaining successful, he continues to expand the borders of his empire.

The best decision is made on time
Oleg Khabibullin ex-CEO of the Kupets chain

Speaking about Igor Kovpak, I would like to mention his ability to find the right solutions in conflicts. There were many such cases.

In the early 2000s. During the struggle between alcohol producers in Yekaterinburg, competitors took action against retail chains that sold Smirnoff vodka. At first there were anonymous threats, then they started breaking windows, and finally it came to arson. When our store on Bilimbaevskaya burned down, and in “Kirovsky” on Sirenevy Boulevard there were phone calls about mines, it became obvious that it was time to react. One evening Kovpak called to agree on joint actions. We decided to create patrols - five crews in cars that drove around retail outlets at night and were ready to catch the villains red-handed and hand them over to the authorities. They worked in this paramilitary mode for two weeks, came face to face with the arsonists several times, but it didn’t come to hand-to-hand combat - they quickly ran away. We handed over several license plate numbers to the police department. And two weeks later the tension subsided, and retailers returned to peaceful life.

Another incident was related to Belenkaya vodka. It so happened that 40% of sales of this brand in the country were in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. Seeing such scale, manufacturers decided to raise the price of their product for local chains by 10%. An emissary from the manufacturer arrived from Moscow for clarification. Igor Kovpak, Valery Bubnov and I came to the meeting.

The Muscovite behaved boorishly, believing that he could dictate terms. We tried to keep ourselves within limits, but the atmosphere gradually became tense. Kovpak was the first to lose patience. “Don't think us fools,” he said. “If you don’t curb your appetites, your vodka will no longer be in our stores.” We supported him. The producers of Belenkaya had two options - leave everything as is or lose 40% of sales, putting the entire business at risk. But they didn’t want to come to an agreement. Then “Belenkaya” disappeared from the shelves, and a month later no one remembered it.

By the way, around the same time, Igor Kovpak proposed creating a non-profit partnership to unite local retailers. Individually, few people were interested in their opinion, but together the networks represented a real force (especially before the elections). This is how the Alliance NP appeared, where, after some deliberation, Igor Kovpak did not enter. And he still remains in the status of “sympathizer”. But the initiative was his.

The relationship didn't work out
Tatyana Deeva director of the Lazur printing house

I had to work with Igor Kovpak twice, and both times ended dramatically.

The first case is related to the political activities of the president of Kirovsky. For the election campaign, he needed a brochure with a circulation of 50 thousand copies. We entered into an agreement for a specific period - seven days. "Lazur" worked as usual. The printing stage is over, all that remains is to staple the sheets of brochures together. There were still three days left, but after lunch Igor Kovpak called. He said without preamble: “The entire circulation is needed tomorrow, but how you do it doesn’t interest me.” He did not accept objections. My hair stood on end. Then “Lazur” was a small printing house - two printing machines, one wire stitcher and a page picker. I tried to persuade the workers to do the feat, but they all said: it’s impossible. I had to sit down at the machine myself and stitch the notebooks together - two paper clips, two strokes. To speed things up, two people fed the workpieces. During my shift I sewed 18.5 thousand copies. at a rate of 5 thousand copies.

In the evening, printers who had finished their work began to come to my aid. We organized the process in several hands, worked all night, and by morning the circulation was ready. Kovpak, however, was not impressed by our heroism. “I never doubted you,” he said.

We met again when he decided to publish the Kirovsky Supermarket magazine with a circulation of 50 thousand copies. Thanks to his methods of persuasion, suppliers of the trading network gave advertisements to this publication. For Lazuri, the contract with the largest retailer promised a long-term relationship, and, as often happens in the printing market, we purchased a four-color printing machine “for the client.” According to the contract, the customer paid for everything, and the printing house agreed to return the money to him in installments. At first everything went well, but after two months Igor Kovpak got tired of publishing the magazine, he called and demanded that I immediately give him the entire amount.

Not believing my ears, I went to Lilac Boulevard. The dialogue did not work out - Kovpak quickly started shouting, probably due to the fact that his employees were in the office. When I started arguing, he kicked everyone out and said: “You disgraced me in front of my subordinates.” Needless to say, further negotiations led nowhere. I had to take out a loan and pay back every penny.

Now I think that this story brought me more benefit than harm - I learned to take the blow.

He went out into the public
Valery Stenka General Director of Promtovary CJSC (Pervouralsk), deputy of the Pervouralsk City Duma

My company has a very wide range of activities - a media holding (TV channel, radio, newspaper, magazine), a chain of pharmacies, production of semi-finished meat products, bakery, trade in manufactured goods and food products, wholesale trade in refrigeration units, tourism business, hotel, canteen, hunting grounds. We also raise quails, pheasants, wild boars and deer. The profitability of the business is high, but you still need to specialize a little.

In order to free up some money for other projects, we decided to sell the indoor market and the Korona Urala chain of grocery stores. There were a lot of people willing. But Igor Ivanovich and I have friendly relations, we have known each other for many years - he was also born in Pervouralsk. And I chose the Kirovsky Supermarket chain. I think I was not mistaken, because Igor Ivanovich is a man of a rare soul. Always helps friends and acquaintances. And not only them. He has not lived in Pervouralsk for a long time, but as a charity he bought the city a milling cutter for removing old asphalt for 7 million rubles. He is a wonderful businessman. It was not without reason that Viktor Kuzmin persuaded him to become the director of a large supermarket, and our mutual friend, who worked as the director of the automobile center at Khimmash, gave him a recommendation. Do you see what a big man he has become?

What does Igor Kovpak own?

Sources of income
Business, shares of MTS, Rosneft, LUKOIL
Retail chain "Supermarket "Kirovsky" - more than 130 stores (90% of premises owned), production of semi-finished products, wholesale trade in alcohol, wholesale trade in fruits
Igor Kovpak's share $315 million
Revenues for 2010
about 310 million rubles.
Real estate
Plot with a house in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, apartment and garage in Yekaterinburg


Igor Kovpak
President of the Kirovsky Supermarket Group of Companies
Born October 19, 1953
Education: in 1980 he graduated from the Faculty of Planning and Economics of SINKh with a degree in Labor Economics.
Career: 1973-1978 - Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, mechanic; 1978-1982 - “Sporting Goods” store (Pervouralsk City Industry and Trade), director; 1982-1987 - store in the Sverdlovsk special auto center VAZ, director; since 1987 - Kirovsky supermarket, director; from June 1, 2003 - President of the Kirovsky Supermarket Group of Companies.
Political activity: 1998-2000, 2004-2008 - Deputy of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region; from 2008 to the present - deputy of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, member of the social policy committee; since 2009 - vice-president of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Russia.
Family: married, four sons.
Hobbies: hockey, football, tennis, skiing.

The company with the full name "LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY SUPERMARKET "KIROVSKY"" was registered on March 18, 2015 in the Sverdlovsk region at the legal address: 620072, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevy Boulevard, building 2.

Registrar "" assigned the company INN 6670313465 OGRN 1156670003665. Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia: 075030129689. Registration number in the Social Insurance Fund: 661004454966131.

Main activity according to OKVED: 68.20.2. Additional types of activities according to OKVED: 47.19.1; 52.21.24; 77.11; 77.33.2; 77.39.11; 77.39.27.


OGRN 1156670003665
TIN 6670313465
checkpoint 667001001
Organizational and legal form (OLF) Limited Liability Companies
Abbreviated name of the legal entity LLC SUPERMARKET "KIROVSKY"
Region Sverdlovsk region
Legal address
Name Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
Address 620014, Ekaterinburg, Khomyakova st., 4
Registration date 18.03.2015
Date of assignment of OGRN 18.03.2015
Accounting with the Federal Tax Service
Date of registration 18.03.2015
Tax authority
Information about registration with the Pension Fund of Russia
Registration number 075030129689
Registration date 19.03.2015
Name of territorial body Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Kirovsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 075030
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 661004454966131
Registration date 24.12.2017
Name of the executive body Branch No. 13 of the State Institution - Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 6613

OKVED codes

other information

History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

  1. Date of: 18.03.2015
    GRN: 1156670003665
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Kirovsky District of Yekaterinburg, No. 6670
    Reason for changes: Creation of a legal entity through reorganization in the form of transformation

  2. Date of: 18.03.2015
    GRN: 2156670077012
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Kirovsky District of Yekaterinburg, No. 6670
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity with the tax authority
  3. Date of: 27.03.2015
    GRN: 2156670255938
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Kirovsky District of Yekaterinburg, No. 6670
    Reason for changes:
  4. Date of: 13.01.2016
    GRN: 2169658068688
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
    Reason for changes:

    - Document confirming payment of state duty
  5. Date of: 13.01.2016
    GRN: 2169658068787
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
    Reason for changes:

  6. Date of: 17.11.2016
    GRN: 7169658732731
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  7. Date of: 19.12.2016
    GRN: 8169658354363
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
    Reason for changes: Changing information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  8. Date of: 26.12.2017
    GRN: 7176658513079
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
    Reason for changes: Submission of information on registration of a legal entity as an insurer in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation
  9. Date of: 03.08.2018
    GRN: 6186658434759
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
    Reason for changes: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes to information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
  10. Date of: 05.09.2018
    GRN: 6186658623596
    Tax authority: Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
    Reason for changes: Changing information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
    - PROTOCOL No. 6

Legal address on the city map

Other organizations in the directory

  1. , Elista - Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 814095210, OGRN: 1130816010654
    358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista city, V.I. Lenina street, 249, apt. 101
    Head of the legal entity: Avtorkhanov Khamzat Isaevich
  2. , Ekaterinburg — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6671137861, OGRN: 1036604016316
    620146, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Volgogradskaya street, 39, -, apt. 27
    Director: Sknarin Sergey Viktorovich
  3. , Volgograd region - Active
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 3454001716, OGRN: 1143454000700
    404143, Volgograd region, Sredneakhtubinsky district, working village Srednyaya Akhtuba, Promyshlennaya street, 1 V, apt. 1
    Director: Yagodin Vadim Mikhailovich
  4. , Moscow - Active
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 7728402653, OGRN: 1147799014252
    117335, Moscow, Garibaldi street, building 21
    Executive Director: Rozhok Maria Yurievna
  5. , Ufa — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 275036481, OGRN: 1030204119571
    450019, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Derevenskaya Pereprava street, 15, A
    Director: Romanov Nikolay Alexandrovich
  6. , Orenburg region - Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 5637000255, OGRN: 1065638054745
    462030, Orenburg region, Oktyabrskoye village, Central lane, 9
    Competition manager: Levchenko S V
  7. , Ekaterinburg - Active
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6679057287, OGRN: 1146679026328
    620010, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Kosareva street, building 17
    Director: Deev Ilya Vyacheslavovich
  8. , St. Petersburg - Active
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 7811035857, OGRN: 1147847553886
    193232, St. Petersburg, Bolshevikov Avenue, building 26, building 1, apartment 355
    General Director: Natalya Aleksandrovna Dolgina
  9. , Moscow - Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 7721213199, OGRN: 1147746505510
    101000, Moscow, 1st Karacharovskaya street, 17, room 2 room 5
    Head of the legal entity: Markov Stanislav Evgenievich
  10. , Moscow - Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 7725088206, OGRN: 1037700184224
    Moscow city, Derbenevskaya embankment, 7
    General Director: Romanova Natalia Viktorovna
  1. — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6684011270, OGRN: 1136684005996

  2. — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6625019422, OGRN: 1026601501453
    623100, Sverdlovsk region, Pervouralsk city, Trubnikov street, 52B
    Director: Ivanov Alexey Yurievich
  3. — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6660040970, OGRN: 1026604944948
    620072, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevy Boulevard, 2
    Director: Ivanov Alexey Yurievich
  4. — Current
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6670313465, OGRN: 1156670003665
    620072, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevy Boulevard, building 2
    Director: Ivanov Alexey Yurievich
  5. — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6660002439, OGRN: 1026604974351

  6. — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6674100186, OGRN: 1026605774117

    Director: Kharchenko Tamara Vasilievna
  7. — Current
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6670313465, OGRN: 1156670003665
    620072, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevy Boulevard, building 2
    Director: Ivanov Alexey Yurievich
  1. — Current
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6670351527, OGRN: 1116670027000
    620072, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Syromolotova street, 27, B
    Chairman: Gabun Valery Nikolaevich
  2. — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6674100186, OGRN: 1026605774117
    620085, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg city, Fergana street, 16, apt. 105
    Director: Kharchenko Tamara Vasilievna
  1. — Liquidated
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6660142595, OGRN: 1026604964814
    620041, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, Uralskaya street, 67, -, -
    Liquidator: Tikhonkova Lyudmila Nikolaevna
  2. — Current
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6658006281, OGRN: 1026604966948
    620072, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevy Boulevard, 2, -, -
  3. — Current
    Taxpayer Identification Number: 6664014812, OGRN: 1026604966970
    620072, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Sirenevy Boulevard, 2, -, -
    Director: Novikova Natalya Nikolaevna

"Kirovsky" is a group of companies that unites 170 supermarkets and retail outlets in Yekaterinburg and 22 other cities of the Sverdlovsk region.

The first store called “Kirovsky” opened back in 1987 at 2 Sirenevy Boulevard: since that time the company has taken a confident course towards developing and expanding its field of activity. From the very beginning, the supermarket was positioned as the largest store in the country, open to contacts with the press, customers, and government officials.

Today, about 240,000 purchases are made daily in the supermarket chain. The company's turnover over the past year amounted to 22.9 billion rubles: due to the large number of sales, management manages to maintain minimum prices for products even in times of crisis.

Kirovsky actively supports domestic and local manufacturers: more than 60% of all goods sold in the supermarket are produced in the Sverdlovsk region. The company's partners are the largest poultry farms, meat processing plants, bakeries and bakeries. We are also working with world-class transnational corporations.

Kirovsky is actively involved in charitable activities and supports pensioners with discounts on all products. The company annually provides the population with additional jobs in new retail outlets. Currently, the supermarket chain of this brand employs more than 11,000 people.

Reviews and complaints

Natalia Vyacheslavovna
19.11.2018 16:47

Good evening, today in Yekaterinburg on the street. Bilimbaevskaya 15 (Kirovsky) a promotion has begun: mackerel for 109.99 rubles. I came for it and discovered that there was a price tag, and mackerel cost 139.99 rubles (there is a price tag on the package). Calling the seller, she explained that mackerel costs 109.99 rubles. I haven’t arrived at the store yet???? I ask why they put up a price tag, to which she removed it and that’s it. This is such a deception???? I didn’t understand, either she went to the mackerel catcher for 109.99 rubles, or she went to wait until I left, and she put the price tag back. I hope the administration will clarify this situation, because they are tired of enduring deception (not the first time) from Kirovsky????

04.11.2018 17:23

04.11.2018 18:25. Shop "Kirovsky" at Aramil, st. 1 May, no. 63. Seller: Altapova (and 1st category). When paying for purchases, she didn’t ask about the discount card, although I was holding it in my hands to show it, but immediately carried out the sale. Then she pretended to give me a discount - she swiped my card across the terminal, and the amount on the screen was 0.00 rubles. What the discount should have been from 0 rubles remains unclear to me. But it is clear that this circus was depicted so that I would fall behind at a discount. I don’t really like it when people openly treat customers as idiots. This is the first one. Secondly, after she swiped her card across the terminal, she somehow figured out that the discount should have been 3 rubles. Although the check indicated the change amount was 120.60 rubles, she told me 117 rubles and closed the cash register. In response to my question why the change was still 117, and not 123 rubles, the seller somehow smiled tightly and suggested that I wait for the next buyer so that she could return to me what she had not given. It was somewhat humiliating for me to wait for the next buyer to appear and this whole situation in general, so I decided to leave. Because honestly, even with 6 rubles I will not become poor. But the seller’s “scheme” primarily casts a shadow on the reputation of the store itself. Once again, the essence of the complaint: 1) Didn’t ask about the loyalty card; 2) “Calculated” by 3 rubles (or 6). I like this store, but if they carry out such tricks there, then I will most likely stop visiting it.

13.11.2017 10:01

I live on Kraulya street 53, I often go to Kirovsky at Kraulya 48kor, once before the closing of the store on what date I don’t remember, I saw this picture. Two women were shopping before closing. An employee, deputy director Alekseeva Natalya Vyacheslavovnv, came into the sales area and rudely asked to leave the store quickly hall. There were exactly two customers in the hall. the security guard stood silently at the door, the cashier silently punched through the buyer's goods, and the deputy director simply impudently pushed the buyer out the door. Time still allowed the buyer to make a purchase and leave the trading floor without insulting him without spoiling the mood. However, something happened. The deputy director Alekseeva was rude to the woman, cursing so that you leave the store quickly and at the same time the woman was rude and said that she would write a complaint in the morning, the second was silent, but finally she said that she would also come up on the second day and write Alekseeva, to this she replied, write to the NPM on the drum. What kind of rudeness .. then the director of this same Kirovsky Dryadko Nina Alekseevna, the same boorish person in the sales area was conducting a dialogue, as I understand it, with the buyer screaming at the whole room during intensive work, allegedly accusing her of something, I can’t understand that our trading rules have changed or the boorishness of these employees is welcomed and will probably be corrected at the end of the month Until now, these employees, as if nothing had happened, continue to work there, apparently everything really doesn’t matter in the store, there is often a delay in perishable goods. I myself witnessed that an older woman bought butter and almost died with poisoning in the hospital. I would like to find out from the management where the higher-ranking ones are looking. as the main office on Lilac Boulevard and in particular the verification of the complaint book and responses to customer complaints, directors and deputies need to be fired. We customers are very unhappy with this store and ask you to take urgent action

18.09.2017 07:44

Good afternoon. I would like to talk about savings cards.. Your store’s savings card with a 5% discount has broken. It's a shame to lose them. I don’t understand why the store doesn’t try to help its customers restore cards if the buyer is ready to restore the savings card at his own expense while maintaining the discount percentage.

06.05.2017 11:35

Good afternoon. I would like to say a few words about the store which is located in Yekaterinburg on Mashinostroiteley Street 10. Today, that is, May 6th, a car loaded with dairy products arrived, the receptionist did not want to accept the goods, because, according to her, she was alone and did not have time to make requests. (p.s. her words, “I will not accept until I order the goods.” In accordance, my question arises, what should the employee's turn be? And please teach the employee to speak in accordance, she screamed very loudly, it was more like from. Terrible attitude. Thank you.