Pyelonephritis what you can eat and drink. In case of inflammation of the renal pelvis, it is prohibited. What is the Pevzner diet

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory kidney disease that has infectious nature, defeat occurs bacterial infection. With this disease, during its treatment it is important to remove excess load from the kidneys, especially if it is complicated by other pathologies genitourinary system. Typically, many doctors prescribe special diet for pyelonephritis, which helps to achieve recovery faster and easier.

In acute pyelonephritis that has arisen for the first time, the correct acceptable nutrition is extremely important, since there is a possibility of the disease progressing to chronic form. If you follow all the recommendations, the disease will pass quickly without a chronic stage.

If pyelonephritis has already progressed to chronic stage, constant therapeutic diet will help maintain stable remission and prevent the development of exacerbations. For people with a chronic form of the disease, it is extremely important to maintain proper nutrition at all times so that the acute stage does not return. However, it is worth noting that this diet allows you to make your diet accessible and balanced; it does not harm the normal functioning of other organ systems.

Proper nutrition for pyelonephritis is usually called table 7; the most strict version of the diet is usually prescribed in a hospital if the acute stage of the disease has to be treated there. This diet is designed to treat diseases excretory system.

Important! The nutritional pattern during the inflammatory process may vary depending on the symptoms present and accompanying pathologies developing simultaneously with pyelonephritis.

During pregnancy, this diet is also allowed; it does not affect the formation healthy fetus. It is worth remembering that exacerbations of the disease during pregnancy can greatly negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

It is worth considering the basic principles proper nutrition with pyelonephritis. They must be followed to achieve full recovery and prevent the development of complications:

  1. Reducing the amount of protein. This is done to reduce the load on the kidneys, a large number of Protein in food affects it the most. Carbohydrates and fats should be supplied in the usual volumes.
  2. With this diet, any type of cooking is acceptable, including frying and baking. However, it is worth considering that during an exacerbation such dishes are advised to be limited.
  3. In case of severe swelling, you need to reduce the amount of fluid; drinking up to two liters per day is enough. However, if there is no swelling, you should drink two or more liters per day.
  4. At acute stage disease, salt should be avoided; it is advised to completely exclude it from the diet. Salt intake should also be limited if edema occurs.
  5. Alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet. Alcoholic drinks They have a rather strong effect on kidney function, so drinking alcohol is unacceptable in case of pyelonephritis.

These are the basic rules of nutrition for pyelonephritis and urolithiasis, other pathologies of the excretory system, when you need to relieve the high load on the kidneys. It is also worth considering that the fewer irritating foods in the diet, the easier the treatment will be.

What products are prohibited?

It’s worth knowing what you shouldn’t do if you have an inflammatory process in the kidneys. Always remember to exclude foods that contain large amounts of protein. Typically try to avoid the following foods:

  1. Rich soups from meat, mushrooms, fish. It is also advised to avoid soups made with legumes.
  2. Butter bread, various baked goods containing salt. During the period of exacerbation from bread products you need to either give up completely or find completely salt-free bread.
  3. Fatty varieties fish. You should also avoid salted and smoked fish and other salty fish-based canned foods.
  4. Legumes and products based on them, since they contain a lot of protein. This should also include products such as sorrel, radish, onions, and radishes. You also need to avoid various canned vegetables and pickles. You should also completely exclude mushrooms in any form.
  5. Cheeses with high content fat, sharp cheeses, smoked cheese.
  6. Various spices, spicy seasonings, sauces and marinades with high content salt and hot spices.
  7. Should be avoided strong tea and coffee, since these products place additional stress on the kidneys.
  8. Various confectionery, almost all of them contain protein in large quantities. You should also avoid chocolate and fatty sour cream.

Lactic acid products are allowed in small quantities, however, you need to take them with the lowest fat content possible. It is also worth remembering to limit fluids in case of severe edema.

Important! During an exacerbation, the diet should be limited as much as possible until the main symptoms disappear.

What can you eat

From the products allowed for pyelonephritis, you can create a complete balanced diet. In general, this diet should include following products in reasonable quantities:

  1. Lean meats, poultry and fish. Although fried foods acceptable, it is recommended to boil and steam, stew and bake without salt and spices.
  2. As for drinks, it is recommended to drink more green tea, various fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas and decoctions.
  3. Low-fat soups, preferably with a vegetarian vegetable base. Milk soup is also allowed. If desired, it is better to add meat to ready dish, after boiling or steaming.
  4. The most preferred vegetables for this diet are pumpkin, potatoes, and zucchini.
  5. Cereals should be avoided, but buckwheat and oatmeal are acceptable and useful for this disease.
  6. It is recommended to eat bread without adding salt; it is not recommended to eat fresh bread right away. It is advised to make toast out of bread and dry it in the oven. Pancakes and pancakes are also allowed.
  7. For pyelonephritis, dairy products are allowed if they are low-fat or low-fat.
  8. Fruits can be eaten in any quantity; they are useful for the inflammatory process of the kidneys.

A similar diet will have to be followed for the rest of your life if pyelonephritis is chronic. It is worth considering that during exacerbations, the diet should completely exclude salt and dairy products. With this disease, you can drink coffee, but not strong coffee; during exacerbations, it should be completely avoided.

Sample menu

To make it easier to create your own nutrition plan, it is worth giving an approximate menu plan for one day for pyelonephritis. Meals may look like this, but skipping meals is not recommended:

  • breakfast - buckwheat, fresh cucumber, green tea;
  • lunch – vegetarian borscht, boiled potatoes with steamed chicken, fruit juice;
  • dinner - steamed omelet, green or herbal tea.

It is advisable to have small snacks between meals; toast and fresh fruits. Do not underestimate the importance of proper nutrition during pyelonephritis; it can significantly alleviate the condition.

Many people know about such a disease as pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys bacterial etiology, which is characterized by damage to the renal pelvis, calyces and interstitial tissue of the kidney parenchyma.

Based on the results medical research The following variants of the course of the disease are distinguished:

Acute pyelonephritis accompanied by a sudden rise in high body temperature, severe chills, profuse sweating, headaches, even nausea and vomiting. Pain appears in the lumbar region on one or both sides, which is of a constant aching nature.

Chronic type of pyelonephritis, as a rule, is already a consequence acute type pyelonephritis. Most often, the risk group for pyelonephritis includes middle-aged men, young women, children and people with diabetes.

Treatment all types of pyelonephritis occur in medical institutions, under medical supervision. Based on the stage of the disease, general condition patient, the method of treatment is prescribed special diet with pyelonephritis.

The principle of the diet for pyelonephritis is to promote a change in the urine reaction to the alkaline side by increasing the diet of foods with alkalizing properties.

At acute form pyelonephritis is used with the inclusion of foods that are quickly digested and contain large amounts of vitamins. But the products must be high in calories.

During the period of using the diet for pyelonephritis, it is prohibited to consume:

  • any canned food;
  • hot seasonings and spices;
  • alcohol and coffee;
  • strong meat broths.

Recommended to reduce body intoxication drinking plenty of fluids , namely tea drinks, non-acidic juices, fruit drinks, mineral water, compotes and other drinks. The volume of liquid you drink can be increased to two liters per day.

Preferably during the diet for pyelonephritis, use a large number of fresh vegetablesand fruits. Melon crops are considered especially useful, namely zucchini, melons and watermelons, which are strong diuretic products. When improving state of the body can be gradually enter in the diet dairy-vegetable diet, which must include fresh vegetables and fruits, juices and compotes.

When stabilizing the patient's condition can be daily menu include boiled lean meat And fish, dairy products. Dishes should be mild, without adding fat, and can be cooked steamed or boiled. Salt used during pyelonephritis extremely carefully no more than 2-3 grams per day.

In chronic forms of pyelonephritis, the following are also excluded from the daily diet:

  • spicy dishes;
  • spices;
  • alcohol;
  • strong broths made from fish and meat;
  • coffee drinks also should not be included in the diet.

Especially useful during this period is use fresh vegetables and fruits, which contain in its composition Chemical substance -potassium.

  • low-fat milk and dairy products;
  • boiled meat products;
  • boiled fish;
  • eggs.

Absolutely necessary drink during the day more than two liters of liquid. Liquid promotes rinsing urinary tract and normalizes urine concentration. In case of exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis with delayed urine outflow, you should limit drinking fluids and reducing to a minimum norm salt.

If the form of chronic pyelonephritis is complicated by anemic syndrome, then the diet includes foods that contain large amounts of cobalt and iron. Pomegranates, apples, wild strawberries and strawberries are rich in these substances.

Let's take a closer look at common foods that are used in the pyelonephritis diet.

Necessarily in case of pyelonephritis are included in the diet dairy, namely kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream, acidophilus, mild soft cheese. All dairy products must be low fat or with a small percentage of fat content. Recommended include various meat and fishproducts. This is lean beef, chicken and rabbit meat, lean sea and River fish. The diet for pyelonephritis shows use various cereals, pasta, bread made from wheat flour, products containing moderate amounts of sugar. Necessary during treatment for pyelonephritis give up the following products: sorrel, spinach, beans, cauliflower, radish, onion,garlic. You should also not eat horseradish, mustard, green salad, celery and smoked meats

Diet dishes for pyelonephritis are steamed, stewed or boiled.

Sample diet menu for pyelonephritis.

Breakfast: vegetable salad, buckwheat porridge with the addition butter, a glass of weak tea with milk.

Lunch: a glass of juice from any fruit.

Dinner: vegetable soup, boiled fish With mashed potatoes, a glass of fruit jelly.

Dinner: cottage cheese pudding, tea with added milk.

Before bedtime: a glass of sour milk.

The daily norm of stale bread is 300g, butter is 15g, sugar is 30g.

Mode nutrition during the period of pyelonephritis consists from four meals a day. Between main meals it is necessary drink a lot of liquid. Very beneficial properties drinks and infusions from berries rosehip, rose hips, berry tea black currants and berries mountain ash, yeast drink and bran decoction.

When used for pyelonephritis, it can be used biologically active additives, which will restore the functioning of your body.

In chapter Diet for pyelonephritis characteristics are presented, chemical composition diets for pyelonephritis, recommended and excluded foods and dishes, culinary processing of foods and diet, menus, nutrition for acute and chronic pyelonephritis, bilateral pyelonephritis with renal failure, as well as recipes dietary dishes, recommended by leading nutritionists for a diet for pyelonephritis.

Pyelonephritis- infectious inflammatory disease of the kidney parenchyma and renal pelvis.

Diet for pyelonephritis, characteristics

Diet for pyelonephritis with reduced content proteins, fats, salt-free. Substances that irritate the liver and kidneys are significantly limited in the diet, causing flatulence, the amount of foods rich in potassium and magnesium salts, lipotropic substances that prevent fatty liver degeneration, and alkaline valences (vegetables, fruits) has been increased.

Diet for pyelonephritis - nutrition

In case of acute pyelonephritis and exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis with elevated temperature and symptoms of intoxication, on the first - second day of illness only fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and a large amount of liquid are indicated (up to 2 liters of liquid per day - compotes, juices, decoctions, sweet tea). Then it is prescribed for 5-10 days with the predominant inclusion of vegetable and dairy dishes and an increase in the amount of free liquid in it.

Diet for pyelonephritis helps to protect kidney function, create and maintain favorable conditions for blood circulation and removal from the body of under-oxidized metabolic products, nitrogen waste, increases urination.

Chemical composition of diet for pyelonephritis No. 7

Proteins - 80g (animals - 50g).

Fats - 70-90g (vegetable - 25%).

Carbohydrates - 400-450g.

Calorie content - 2500-2800 kcal.

Free liquid - up to 2 l.

Salt can only be consumed with a doctor's permission.

Diet for pyelonephritis - diet

Food must be taken 5-6 times a day.

Culinary processing of foods for diet for pyelonephritis

Culinary processing without mechanical sparing, with moderate chemical sparing. The food temperature is normal. Meat and fish are boiled. Food is prepared without salt. Salt is given to your hands in the amount specified by the doctor (3-6g per day or more).

Exclude from the diet for pyelonephritis:

Products containing oxalic acid: sorrel, spinach.

Extractives: meat. fish, mushroom broths.

Pickles, marinades.

Spices, hot seasonings (mustard, hot pepper), as they irritate the urinary tract.

Chocolate, cocoa, strong tea.

Mushrooms and mushroom decoctions.


Legumes, as they cause flatulence.

Carbonated waters that cause flatulence.

Regular bread, flour products with added salt, butter and puff pastry.

Pork, beef, lamb fats.

Bread and flour products: salt-free White bread and yesterday's baked bran or dried. Unsweetened cookies and sponge cakes, pancakes, pancakes with yeast and without added salt.

First meal:

Vegetarian soups with different cereals, dairy, vegetable, fruit soups. Soups are prepared without salt. Season soups with butter, sour cream, citric acid, onions, fried after boiling, add parsley and dill to the first courses.

Second courses.

Meat and poultry dishes: lean chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, veal. The meat is boiled, baked, stewed or fried after boiling, chopped or in pieces. Boiled tongue is allowed.

Fish dishes: low-fat varieties of fish are used: pike perch, perch, carp, navaga, pike. Fish dishes are prepared boiled, pureed, chopped or in pieces. After boiling, the fish is fried or baked. Stuffed or jellied fish after boiling.

Eggs: 1-2 whole eggs per day (soft-boiled, scrambled eggs) when reducing cottage cheese, meat or fish, add yolks to dishes.

Dishes from cereals, pasta: used different cereals(including sago, pearl barley, rice, corn grits), vermicelli, noodles, pasta. Cereals are used to prepare porridges, cutlets, dumplings, and puddings with water or milk.

Vegetable dishes: allowed: beets, carrots, potatoes, white cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, limited green pea. All vegetables can be used in any culinary processing.

Sauces: white sauce, sweet and sour fruit and vegetable sauces with water, milk or sour cream (tomato, milk, sour cream), onion sauce made from boiled and then fried onions. Meat, mushroom, and fish broths are excluded.

Spices: vanillin, cinnamon, vinegar, citric acid.

Dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, whole milk (if it does not cause flatulence), sour cream, cream. Cottage cheese dishes with apples, rice, carrots.

Appetizers: salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, vinaigrettes without pickles.

Third courses.

Fruits: fresh fruits are allowed, as well as in the form of jelly, compotes, and jellies. Apples, apricots, black currants, apricots, raisins, and dried apricots are especially useful.

Sweets: sugar, jam, honey.

Drinks: rosehip decoction, weak coffee, weak green tea with milk, tea, raw fruit and vegetable juices.

Fats: unsalted butter and ghee, refined vegetable oil, limited - lard.

Diet menu for pyelonephritis No. 7 for 1 day:

1st breakfast: crumbly buckwheat porridge, soft-boiled egg, tea.

2nd breakfast: baked apples.

Dinner: 1/2 serving of vegetarian borscht with sour cream, fried potatoes, boiled meat, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: noodle maker with cottage cheese, baked apple and carrot balls, tea.

Diet for chronic pyelonephritis

For chronic pyelonephritis, I prescribe a diet that moderately limits foods and dishes containing:

-extractives(meat, fish, mushroom broths),

-essential oils(onion, garlic, horseradish, radish, radish),

-oxalic acid(sorrel, spinach, beans, cocoa),

-spices and seasonings.

If the condition worsens, a patient with chronic pyelonephritis is prescribed diet No. 7.

For bilateral pyelonephritis with renal failure, diet 7a is prescribed.

Below are recipes for dietary dishes recommended by leading nutritionists for diet for pyelonephritis No. 7.

A properly selected diet for pyelonephritis is the key to a quick recovery and accelerates the restoration of normal kidney function. Special dietary rules must be followed during acute periods. inflammatory process, and in the chronic form of the disease they help avoid relapse of the disease. For pyelonephritis in hospitals, the patient is assigned table No. 7, while such nutrition is not provided negative influence to other organs.

Rules for choosing nutrition for pyelonephritis

With pyelonephritis, the urinary function of the kidneys is impaired, unnecessary substances are retained in the body and this leads to inflammatory changes and an increase in swelling. Properly selected nutrition will allow you to achieve several positive changes in your health at once. general course treatment.

  • The diet for pyelonephritis in adults and sick children is selected to spare the kidneys;
  • Special nutrition leads to the normalization of all metabolic reactions in the body;
  • Following a diet is a prerequisite for removing unnecessary salts and toxins from the body;
  • Limiting certain types of food leads to a decrease in blood pressure, which often rests on high rates with kidney inflammation;
  • The diet also leads to increased diuresis, and therefore to a decrease in swelling.

Proper nutrition for pyelonephritis means reducing proteins. Food containing carbohydrates and fats can be eaten in normal quantities. It is also necessary to use as many fortified foods as possible in your diet.

When preparing dishes, any processing is allowed, that is, they can be boiled, baked, or stewed. Outside of an exacerbation, you can also eat fried foods; naturally, such treatment should be the most moderate. Eating in small portions up to 5 times a day, this will allow all vitamins and microelements to enter the kidneys throughout the day in the same quantities. If not pronounced edema, then you need to drink at least two liters of healthy liquids.

During the acute stage of the disease, food should be prepared without salt. Before eating it, the patient can add salt to it, but the amount of salt per day should not exceed 6 grams.

Diet for pyelonephritis in adults is complete failure from alcoholic drinks. When drinking alcohol, the load on the kidneys increases several times, and the removal of metabolic products slows down. All this contributes to fluid retention and increases the symptoms of intoxication. Nutritionists advise eating when inflammatory diseases kidneys as many fruits, vegetables, dairy products as possible. This provides a shift acidic environment urine becomes alkaline.

New acute pyelonephritis or its next exacerbation requires adherence to a special diet in the first two to three days of the disease. Herbal decoctions, unsweetened compotes and teas, vegetable and unsalted soups are allowed for consumption. Next, meals are compiled taking into account the primary use plant food, three to four days after the onset of the illness, you can start eating dairy products.

Prohibited foods for pyelonephritis

The diet for pyelonephritis involves the complete exclusion of certain foods, and a simultaneous increase in other types of food. This is necessary for maximum unloading of the kidneys and for normalizing their normal physiological function. If you have pyelonephritis, you should not eat:

  • Rich soups from fish, meat, mushrooms. Soups made from legumes are not recommended for consumption;
  • During the period of exacerbation of kidney inflammation, it is recommended to eat only salt-free bread; you can bake it yourself;
  • Salty and smoked fish. Fatty fish are also not recommended for consumption;
  • Legumes, sorrel, onions, radishes, radishes, spinach, canned and pickled vegetables;
  • Fatty and spicy cheeses;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Spices and hot seasonings;
  • Strong coffee and tea;
  • Chocolate, high fat sour cream. Confectionery.

Authorized products

The daily diet for pyelonephritis must be made taking into account what you can eat with kidney disease. Strict restrictions on the choice of dishes should be made during the period of exacerbation; then the diet should be gradually expanded. For pyelonephritis you can:

  • Meat, poultry and fish low-fat varieties. They can be boiled or stewed.
  • Drinks include green tea, fruit drinks, rosehip infusion, and compotes.
  • Low-fat soups - milk, vegetable, cereal.
  • Among vegetables, preference should be given to carrots, potatoes, zucchini, and pumpkin.
  • The cereals I use are buckwheat and oatmeal.
  • You need to eat yesterday's bread, you can eat pancakes and pancakes.
  • Dairy products, except those with too much fat content.
  • Fruits in unlimited quantities, preference should be given to melons.

A diet followed during chronic pyelonephritis throughout life helps to avoid serious complications.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the renal pelvis resulting from infection. Usually the disease is long-term and requires painstaking and thoughtful treatment. Moreover, for get well soon a major role is played by correctly selected and balanced diet.

The diet for pyelonephritis should have a gentle effect on the kidneys, remove salts and toxins from the body, and reduce swelling. The choice of products depends on the stage of the disease.

Diet for pyelonephritis in the acute stage

The acute stage of pyelonephritis is characterized by sharp pains in the lumbar region, elevated temperature bodies, general weakness, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, problems with urination. As a rule, pyelonephritis is treated in a hospital setting.

Diet plays one of the key roles during treatment. Properly selected nutrition contributes to:

Anti-inflammatory effect, which accelerates recovery;

Removing fluid from the body, which cleanses the urinary tract;

Limiting the load on the kidneys;

Normalization of blood pressure and water balance;

Reducing the risk of the disease becoming chronic;

General strengthening immunity.

The main condition of a diet in the acute stage is the selection of products and dishes that are gentle on the condition of the kidneys. The amount of protein foods of animal origin should be limited. It is also recommended to reduce the amount of salt to 8-10 g per day. However, those who completely refuse to salt their food make a mistake. This may lead to renal failure. If the disease is accompanied severe vomiting And high temperature, the amount of salt can be increased slightly.

It is better to cook dishes in their own juice, boiled, steamed, or baked in the oven. In the acute stage, fried foods are completely excluded. You should eat often, at least five times a day, but in small portions. When cooking meat, the first broth must be drained to neutralize the effect of extractive substances and the meat must be boiled in re-filled water until tender.

Allowed foods during the diet for pyelonephritis in its acute stage:

Fresh vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes);

Fruits (apples, pears);

Watermelons and melons, which have a strong diuretic effect;

Pumpkin, zucchini;

Milk and dairy products;

Egg white in small quantities;

Buckwheat and oatmeal;

Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines);

Milk porridge with small vermicelli;

First courses cooked in vegetable broth.

One of the main requirements for diet for pyelonephritis- This is the intake of large amounts of liquid. In the absence of edema, the volume should be at least 1.5-2 liters per day. You should take fruit drinks (cranberry ones are best), green and weak black tea, herbal infusions, and rosehip infusions often, but in small portions.

Cranberry juice is very useful for pyelonephritis. Biochemical composition cranberries provide an antibacterial effect, besides pathogenic bacteria there is no resistance to it. Therefore, cranberry juice relieves inflammation and cleanses the body of toxins. If you are not allergic, you can add honey to cranberry juice.

If the patient prefers juices, you need to make a choice in favor of freshly prepared ones, made with your own hands. Store-bought products are usually rich in preservatives. It is better to drink compotes and teas unsweetened. Great benefit brings the infusion kombucha.

Diet for pyelonephritis in remission

When the stage of exacerbation of the disease subsides, the patient’s diet can be expanded. IN in moderation are introduced egg yolk, boiled lean meat, boiled fish, onions, garlic, carrots and potatoes. Additional Products administered gradually, in small quantities. Bread products It’s better to use yesterday’s, you can include pancakes and pancakes in the menu. It is acceptable to consume 25-30 g of butter per day. Dried fruits will help diversify your diet, preferably raisins and dried apricots. They contain a large amount of potassium, which is necessary when taking diuretics.

The diet for pyelonephritis categorically excludes products that have irritant effect to the urinary tract. Products with high level essential oils, sorrel, uric acid.

For inflammation renal pelvis prohibited:

Broths made from meat or fish;

Semi-finished meat products: sausages, smoked meats, sausages;

Fatty fish, caviar, seafood;

All types of meat and canned fish;

Dishes from fried meat or grilled;

Radish, sorrel, spinach, cauliflower;

Hard cheeses spicy varieties;

Various pickles and marinades;

Mushrooms (both fresh and pickled);

Lard, margarine;

Hot sauces, pepper, horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup;

Strongly brewed coffee (including natural coffee), cocoa;

Mineral water with sodium salts;

Cream and sour cream with high fat content;

Chocolate products, sweets, cream cakes;


All types of alcoholic products.

Once a week you can give yourself a fasting day. Fruit days are most effective when eating apples, strawberries, and raspberries. Chronic pyelonephritis often becomes more complicated reduced level hemoglobin in the blood. In this case, the diet is expanded with iron-containing foods: pomegranates, strawberries, apples.

Diet for pyelonephritis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, especially in the final trimester, the risk of pyelonephritis increases. This is due to the slow circulation of urine due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the kidneys and ureters. The situation may be aggravated frequent constipation which can cause inflammation in the kidneys.

It is recommended to include in the diet boiled beets and prunes. Dairy products include steamed cheesecakes, curd puddings, natural yoghurts and yogurt. It is better to choose chicken or turkey for meat. Among the first courses, the most preferred is beetroot soup, seasoned with low-fat sour cream. For sweets, you can eat marshmallows, jams, jam, and marshmallows. In addition to the drinks already listed, teas made from rowan and black currant are good at reducing intoxication of the body. Dried herbs and cinnamon are suitable as seasonings.

Diet for pyelonephritis: sample menu for a week


Breakfast 1. Boiled beets with kefir. 2. Green tea.

Lunch Cranberry juice.

Lunch 1. Vegetarian soup. 2. Chicken meatballs with buckwheat porridge. 3. Tea with milk.

Afternoon snack 1. Fruit salad. 2. Natural yogurt.

Dinner 1. Boiled fish. 2. Rosehip decoction.


H. 1. Omelette. 2. Dried fruit compote.

VZ Milk soup.

O 1. Vegetable soup. 2. Boiled turkey with baked potatoes. 3. Apple mousse.

P 1. Fruits. 2. Herbal decoction.

U 1. Zucchini puree. 2. Kefir.


Z 1. Vegetable salad. 2. Tea with milk.

VZ Curd pudding.

O 1. Beetroot soup.2. Boiled fish with pumpkin puree. 3. Fruits.

P 1. Egg. 2. Dried fruit compote.

U 1. Meatballs with vegetable salad. 2. Strawberry juice.


Z 1. Boiled beef With wheat porridge. 2. Cranberry juice.

VZ Cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream.

O 1. Vegetable soup. 2. Boiled potatoes with steamed meatballs. 3. Fruits.

P Kisel.

U 1. Oatmeal porridge with applesauce. 2. Kefir


H 1. Boiled fish with buckwheat porridge. 2. Green tea.

VZ Apple pudding.

O 1. Beetroot soup. 2. Vinaigrette with boiled chicken. 3. Natural yogurt.

P Cottage cheese with fruit.

U 1. Steamed cheesecakes. 2. Rosehip infusion.


Z 1. Oatmeal. 2. Boiled egg. 3. Tea.

VZ Baked pumpkin with sour cream.

O 1. Soup with homemade noodles. 2. Vegetable stew with boiled turkey. 3. Kefir.

P Fruit jelly.

U 1. Beet salad. 2. Boiled fish with baked potatoes.


Z 1. Milk porridge. 2. Pancakes.

VZ Fruits.

O 1. Vegetable puree soup. 2. Boiled potatoes with steamed chicken. 3. Pomegranate juice.

P Cottage cheese casserole.

U 1. Vegetable salad. 2. Berry jelly.

Strict adherence to the diet for pyelonephritis helps quick recovery and forms the correct eating habits which help avoid exacerbation of the disease.