Why does my baby have a rash? Rashes of an infectious nature. Hormonal rash of a newborn baby

Children are born with very sensitive skin, so the first months of a baby’s life are often marked by the appearance redness and rashes. The rash often forms not only on the baby’s face, but also on other parts of the body. Parents should pay special attention to such rashes, since this can be either a normal skin reaction to the external environment or food taken, or a deviation, an indicator of some disease.

Types of rash and causes of its formation

The term “rash” refers to various rashes on the upper layers of the skin that can be infectious, bacterial or viral character. It is formed under the influence of one of these factors and leads to itching, redness and swelling of the skin. The rash contributes to disruption of the uniformity of the skin and favors the development of various types of infections.

There are various classifications of rashes in newborns, which differ in the nature of their formation, the nature of the rashes, and the place of their occurrence.

There are main types of rash in a newborn:

As you can see, there are a large number of reasons due to which rashes occur, so only a pediatrician can accurately say what type of rash a particular baby has.

Hormonal rashes

In the first weeks of its life, a newborn faces hormonal changes in the body, as a result of which, around the third week, his mammary glands enlarge, his genitals swell, and the skin is affected by a rash.

This is due to the fact that after birth, the baby’s body still contains hormones from its mother (that is, female), which affect the baby’s sebaceous glands, which, in turn, have not yet been adapted for normal functioning, and therefore give a short-term malfunction in the form of a large formation of fat. Because of this, a rash forms, which spreads mainly on the baby’s face, but can appear singly on the chest or neck.

This hormonal crisis goes away over time, so parents have no reason to worry. A rash in infants that accompanies this period similar to common acne, which contain dense purulent contents, like millet grains.

This type of rash is unique to infants, which is why hormonal rash is also called neonatal rash. It is worth noting that when this type of rash occurs, the newborn feels well, his behavior and body temperature do not change.

There is no need to treat a hormonal rash; it should go away on its own within two weeks. However, you should not allow yourself to scratch the acne, since an infection can get into the open wound. From time to time, the affected areas can be treated with chamomile decoction.

Rash in infants caused by allergens

Any external irritants affect the delicate skin of a newborn, since this organ in infants, as mentioned earlier, is very sensitive. IN as irritants act as food products consumed by his mother, or an adapted formula, clothing, household chemicals, and various environmental influences. Therefore, this category includes contact, food and respiratory allergies.

The main sign of an allergic rash is small red rashes that form all over the skin.

Food allergies have the following symptoms:

  1. dry, flaky skin;
  2. reddened cheeks;
  3. itching in the affected area;
  4. the appearance of dry skin in the form of scales on the head;
  5. swelling of the skin and mucous membranes (very rare).

A food allergen can be found in mother's milk, formula or other complementary foods.

For respiratory allergies the allergen is contained in the inhaled air and can cause runny nose and eyes, sneezing, and a rash on the hands.

To find out whether the rash is allergic, you need to give your baby antihistamine drops. If the rash begins to go away, then an allergy exists.

Infectious rash on the body of a newborn

Sometimes rashes on a baby's body are caused by viral infections, which can seriously affect the baby's health. In addition to the rash, symptoms of a viral disease There may be an increase in body temperature, indigestion, and febrile symptoms.

The correct diagnosis in this case can only be made by a pediatrician, since various diseases can be “hidden” under the above-mentioned symptoms:

  1. Measles and rubella These diseases relate mainly to “children”, since they are most easily tolerated in the first three years of life and practically do not carry with them any complications at this age. They are characterized by a large-scale rash that merges into spots, with increased body temperature, aches and chills.
  2. Chickenpox. This disease is also best dealt with at an early age. The chickenpox rash spreads throughout the body, with each pimple containing liquid and, when spontaneously opened, a crust forms on it. After the crust falls off, a spot remains in this place, which goes away over time.
  3. Thrush. Rash in a newborn with this disease localized on mucous membranes and looks like a white coating. The disease is fungal in nature and is therefore treated with appropriate medications.
  4. Scarlet fever. Symptoms of this disease are a rash that quickly spreads throughout the body and enlarged tonsils. When the rashes go away, flaky spots remain in their place. Scarlet fever is contagious, so the child must be isolated for ten days.
  5. Roseola. A common disease in children, the rash on the body of a newborn resembles rubella rash. After three days, the rash spreads from the face to the whole body. Also, the high temperature (around 39 degrees) persists for three days and practically does not subside. Areas where the rash is concentrated are itchy and scaly.

Drug allergies and contact dermatitis

Separately, it is worth mentioning such a type of allergy as drug allergies. This allergy appears as a reaction to taking vitamins, syrups, antibiotics, ointments, or to vaccinations. It resembles a red rash that tends to “merge” into formations that itch very much. When the allergen medication is discontinued, the skin heals quickly.

Contact allergies can be caused by chemicals found in laundry detergents, baby soaps, shampoos, bubble baths, and clothing made from synthetic fabrics. This type of allergy is easy " develops" into contact dermatitis, characterized by the formation of flaky areas of the body or crusts. With this type of allergy, a rash in a newborn forms only on those parts of the body that interacted with the allergen.

The occurrence of prickly heat

Miliaria does not pose any threat to the baby’s health, but it does cause him a lot of inconvenience. The rashes look like small, round, dry formations that appear at the site of increased sweat production when exposed to clothing, diapers, diapers or other irritants. The rash can appear as individual pimples or as one large spot.

Thermoregulation in infants is still poorly developed, so heat rash often occurs in the folds of the body, especially if the baby is wrapped in a hundred clothes. The groin, axillary, lumbar, cervical and ear areas most often suffer from this type of rash.

The appearance of prickly heat is affected by created by a humid environment, poor hygiene and high temperatures. In order not to provoke the occurrence of prickly heat, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the diaper or diaper, do not wrap the baby too much and carry out hardening procedures.

Diaper dermatitis

It looks like small rashes that occur due to the baby being in wet diapers or diapers for a long time. Natural feces of a child cause irritation of the skin, which can also lead to diaper rash, and even erosions and weeping ulcers.

If a rash in a newborn is a consequence of diaper dermatitis, then it is necessary to wash the child after each diaper change, and you should pay serious attention to the quality of these same diapers: they must be made from hypoallergenic materials, certified and fragrance-free. It is also worth periodically giving the baby air baths, leaving him naked so that the skin can “breathe” freely, and lubricating the affected areas with a cream that contains zinc oxide.

Atopic dermatitis

This disease manifests itself as a reaction of the child’s immune system to external irritants: dust, wool, hygiene products, household chemicals, plant pollen. The rash looks like small bubbles of liquid, gradually merging together and then becoming covered with a dense crust. This rash most often affects the child’s hands, cheeks and knees.

Atopic dermatitis is a rather serious disease of an allergic nature.

In the morning, my daughter woke up with what is called a speckled face. At first I didn’t attach much importance to this, but when my baby showed her character in whims, I became worried. I was in no hurry to see the doctor and decided to independently find out the cause of my child’s rashes.

It is important to determine the nature of the red rash; the effectiveness of treatment depends on it!

Causes of the rash

It turned out that a red rash on a child’s body or its individual parts can appear for quite a few reasons:

Let's look at each of the reasons together in more detail.

There is no need to be afraid. Postpartum or neonatal rash in a baby it occurs on the 7-21st day of its life outside the mother’s body and goes away on its own by 2-3 months. She appears completely suddenly. The cause of this rash is the influence of the mother’s hormones on the child while still in the womb.

Neonatal rash is a natural phenomenon that is absolutely safe for the health of babies.

The rashes spread mainly on the surface of the scalp of the baby, and also affect the cheeks and neck, periodically changing their location in the described areas. The rash itself is small, pink-red, not accompanied by suppuration and/or inflammatory processes, and is slightly rough to the touch. A postpartum rash does not cause unpleasant or disturbing sensations to an infant.

The rashes occur in approximately a third of newborns and do not pose any danger to those “spattered” or to those around them. There is no need to treat neonatal rash.

A type of neonatal rash is toxic redness of the skin on the cheeks and/or near the mouth, caused by dilation of the capillaries. Rashes look like spots , having various irregular shapes. This rash may occur immediately after birth. There is no need to treat it, nor do you need to panic about its occurrence.

Despite the fact that toxic redness of the skin looks scary, it also does not require medical intervention.

Cleanliness is the key to good health

Don't overheat your children

The most terrible childhood diseases

However, a small red rash can appear not only as a result of overheating, but also be a clear symptom of one of the infectious diseases:

  1. - characterized by an itchy, red, small rash, followed by small blisters, slightly raised above the surface of the skin, filled with infectious fluid. After the blisters break through naturally or mechanically (scratching), small red ulcers remain on the skin. The most unpleasant sensations of the rash are on the inside of the eyelids, in the genitals and in the mouth. Eleven days pass from the moment of infection until the first red rash appears. There are often cases when an infected person develops a fever and a headache. You should not scratch the rash, as this can significantly delay the healing process. You can help your child by smearing the rash with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. During illness, contact with others and leaving the house must be kept to a minimum.

More than every person gets chickenpox once in their life.

  1. - a rare disease now. Its first symptoms can easily be confused with a cold or digestive problems. Red rashes appear only after 4 days to a week from the moment of infection. They are preceded by fever. The mucous membranes of the baby’s cheeks and gums are the first to suffer from the rash. Then the spots appear on the face and neck, then the chest, back, stomach and shoulders are involved in the disease process, and the rash ends on the arms and legs. When the rashes subside, the skin in their former places becomes brown. The consequences of measles can be very serious. Treatment is prescribed only by a specialist.

If you suspect that your baby has measles, call the doctor immediately!

  1. - a very contagious disease. The incubation period (up to 3 weeks) is asymptomatic. The first rashes appear on the back of the head and behind the ears. After a short time interval, a red rash appears on the child’s body. Rubella is characterized by fever. There are no special medications to treat rubella.

Red spots, high fever, weakness - these are the main symptoms of rubella.

  1. - every infant under two years of age can encounter it. The first obvious signs of the disease are enlarged lymph nodes, high fever and a sore throat. Then a small red rash appears on the face and spreads with great speed throughout the body, just like with rubella. The disease is contagious. , goes away on its own.

Roseola is a contagious disease that does not require any(!) treatment.

  1. Scarlet fever- begins with increasing degrees on the thermometer. If a characteristic rash in the form of pimples appears on the tongue, then this is one of the obvious signs of the disease. Scarlet fever is caused by streptococcus. The latent phase of the disease lasts from 3 days to a week. The fever is accompanied by a small red rash on the body, face, arms and legs. As the rash disappears, the skin in the area of ​​the former rashes peels off. During the period of illness, a person is contagious, so contact with other people must be excluded.

Scarlet fever is most easily diagnosed by a characteristic rash on the tongue.

  1. Meningitis- a very dangerous disease. Even newborn children are susceptible to it. Typical symptoms: fever accompanied by vomiting, drowsiness, hardness and stiffness of the neck muscles, and the appearance of a rash. The rash is characterized as small subcutaneous spots, similar to a mosquito bite or an injection mark (as in the photo). The first places where the rash appears are the stomach and buttocks. Then the rashes become visible on the legs. A rash in the form of red dots appears literally everywhere. If measures are not taken in time, the rash increases in volume and size, and becomes similar to bruises. At the first signs, you should urgently seek help. Delay is fraught with death.

Meningitis is a deadly disease! Sick children are immediately hospitalized.


The rashes can also be allergic in nature. The rash, perhaps with, is similar to the neonatal one, but the rashes themselves are not localized in the head and neck area, but appear randomly on any part of the skin of the body. Allergic rashes are characterized by the presence of a crust behind the ears.

Internal eczema - a reason to get tested

The occurrence of eczema can be preceded by thermal, mechanical, and chemical factors. Eczema can also indicate problems with the endocrine, gastrointestinal, nervous and excretory systems. Eczema rashes can appear on any area of ​​the skin.

If your baby is covered with an incomprehensible rash, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible to make a diagnosis.

About how mothers fought

Alexandra about measles:

“Recently, terrible measles has become more common in children compared to previous decades. This is probably due to mothers refusing vaccinations, but complications can arise during measles vaccination... up to toxic shock and convulsions. How to deal with this? I went to the pediatrician and clarified the nagging question. According to her, there should be no allergies in principle, but in particular, to chicken protein, antibiotics and something else that we don’t have. In general, check with your pediatrician in advance about all possible contraindications.”

Sima about diaper rash:

“I’m Misha, and I also sprinkled powder on top of him. A day later the rash was gone. Only slight redness remains. You can already anoint him with zinc ointment. I forgot the main thing: after I washed Misha, I dried his butt with warm air from a hairdryer. Everything worked great for us."

Evgeniya about chickenpox:

“My family and I were going to the seaside, and my son fell ill with chickenpox one day before the trip (and for the second time)! I had to leave him at home with my dad. When his temperature dropped, his dad brought him to us (still with green spots). My daughter and I were worried that we might also get infected, but after water procedures in the sea, we stopped being afraid, and on the second day all traces of the sores disappeared for my son. Here"!

Don't play with fire

Dear parents, do not self-medicate! If you have any alarming symptoms, go to the doctor!

  • Neonatal rash and miliaria are not dangerous for the baby and others.
  • If a rash appears, run to the doctor.
  • If any infectious disease is suspected or confirmed, communication with others is prohibited.
  • You cannot wait until the rash goes away on its own.
  • Self-medication is unacceptable.

Features of baby skin

A child is born with skin that is not adapted to the environment. The baby got used to being surrounded by water for nine months. It was an almost sterile environment. In this world, the baby encounters quite aggressive air and a lot of bacteria and other microorganisms that live on human skin.

The load that falls on the baby's skin in the first months after birth is colossal.

A baby’s skin is thinner, it is almost twice as thin as the skin of an adult, and only by the age of 7 the child’s skin becomes similar to the skin of his parents - in structure, thickness, and biochemical composition. In a newborn and infant, the granular layer is not sufficiently developed, and therefore the skin has a certain transparency, the blood vessels are located very close to the surface. That is why babies delight happy new parents with red, pink and even purple skin tones during the first time after birth.

The secretion that covers the skin of the baby at birth has a neutral balance. Rather, it simply protects the skin from dehydration after a sudden change in environment. But such a secret, unfortunately, cannot protect the child from bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that can cause diseases and rashes. In babies of the first year of life, the sebaceous glands are actively working, but many questions arise with the sweat glands, because their ducts are more than half closed by epithelial cells and the glands cannot work fully.

The main function of the skin is protective, but in babies it is not sufficiently developed, because thin and vulnerable skin, practically unable to withstand threats from the outside, makes an unimportant protector. Thermoregulation, which is also assigned by nature to the skin, is not developed in the child. Only as you grow will the work of the thermoregulation center in the brain be normalized, and at the same time the skin heat transfer will improve. In the first year of life, the child easily overheats or becomes hypothermic.

There are age-related characteristics both in the nerve endings of the skin of babies and in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. That is why the skin of babies should be treated with great respect and care, helping it to adapt in every possible way.

You should also pay attention to the rash, because it always indicates something.

There is no causeless rash in infants; there are parents who cannot recognize the “signals” of the child’s body. Let's learn this.

Causes and symptoms

The causes of a rash on the face and body of a newborn can be very diverse, given that his delicate and thin skin is extremely susceptible to everything that affects it. The most common causes of sudden rashes are:

Allergic rash is the most common. The most common food allergy in infancy. The desire of a nursing mother to diversify and enrich her own diet with vitamins and microelements is understandable and worthy of respect.

But not all substances that enter breast milk are able to be digested and absorbed by the baby’s body. Some proteins, which are not yet suitable for children's digestion, enter the intestines in their original state and simply rot there, causing a violent skin reaction.

After some time, the baby’s immunity begins to react to such antigen proteins, which leads to an autoimmune reaction. If the mother continues to “supply” the baby with the allergen with milk, then the reaction intensifies, since the immune system is already “familiar” with these antigens. Skin rashes often form in response to a detergent that is not suitable for the child, which is aggressive, to the washing powder that the mother uses to wash clothes and bedding, as well as to medications. Allergic rashes can affect any part of the body, but most often they appear on the cheeks, chin, ears and behind the ears, shoulders and tummy.

Atopic dermatitis is always associated with a genetic predisposition to react to certain triggers.

Inflammatory reactions on the skin are provoked by microtraumas and standard allergens, which include plant pollen, hair and fluff of pets and birds, and chemical allergens. Chlorine, which is part of regular tap water, is especially dangerous. Therefore, at the first signs of atopic dermatitis, all chlorine-containing products should be excluded, and tap water for bathing and washing must first be boiled.

In children under one year of age, this disease manifests itself as extensive red spots with a rash that itch and cause the child a lot of unpleasant emotions. Most often, atopic dermatitis appears on the arms and legs, buttocks, cheeks, neck, and head. Quite quickly it turns into a chronic stage and worsens every time an unfavorable factor affects the child’s body - illness, hypothermia, sweating or contact with something potentially allergenic, for example, with laundry washed with adult laundry detergent, with a domestic cat, with ointments and medications.

Hormonal rash most often occurs in children in the first weeks after birth. In some children it appears within a week, in others - within the first six months. However, in the vast majority of cases, the rash appears three weeks after birth, which is why the phenomenon is called the “three-week rash.” It is to blame for the maternal hormones - estrogens, which the baby received in large quantities immediately before birth, when these hormones began to be released in shock doses in the mother's body. Under the influence of hormones, the same processes occur in the skin as in adolescents during puberty - the sebaceous glands are activated, their ducts are narrow, and therefore they quickly become clogged.

For this reason, such a neonatal rash is often acne. Pimples are localized mainly on the face, nose, chin, and forehead. Acne looks like single pimples with a yellow center and white heads. Sometimes the ears and neck are also affected, less often the scalp. When an infection occurs, the rash can become pustular, but that's a completely different story.

The infectious rash is diverse and rich in clinical manifestations. However, it never comes alone; along with it, other symptoms of the disease appear (a little earlier or a little later).

Therefore, if a child has a fever, symptoms of intoxication, cough, runny nose or diarrhea, and at the same time or a little later a rash appears, most likely it is an infection.

Bacterial infections (pyoderma, pustular staphylococcal lesions, furunculosis) are most often caused by staphylococci, which live on the skin of any person, and for the time being “sit” quietly. If the immune system is weakened, the child cannot resist microbes, which penetrate microcracks in the skin and cause rashes of varying numbers and sizes, the distinguishing feature of which is suppuration. Streptococci cause streptoderma, which manifests itself as a small red rash on the arms, legs, and face. Each blister is filled with a colorless liquid; after a break, a crust forms.

Fungal lesions look like fragments of a small rash, strictly defined, with pronounced boundaries. In this case, the rash does not contain pus or liquid, it is whitish, and quite quickly the areas of the skin with such rashes begin to dry out and peel off greatly. Most often, the arms and legs, the scalp are affected; colonies of fungi like to multiply in the eyebrows and on the eyelids, as well as in the mouth on the mucous membranes (the so-called thrush, caused by fungi of the genus Candida).

Viruses do not cause the rash directly, but rather diseases accompanied by the rash. These are chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, herpes infection. For each disease, the rash is located in certain places and has its own distinctive features. Thus, the herpes virus of the first type manifests itself as single rashes around the mouth, on the chin, and in the nose.

In case of an extensive bacterial infection, in addition to skin treatments, the child may be prescribed oral antibiotics. Most often, preference is given to penicillin antibacterial drugs enhanced with clavulanic acid - Amoxiclav, for example. If the bacterium is of hospital origin (the child became infected in a maternity hospital or in a children's hospital), then such a microbe is quite difficult to destroy; stronger antibiotics are used for treatment - cephalosporins and macrolides. Along with antimicrobial treatment, the baby is prescribed medications that contain live beneficial bacteria to avoid dysbacteriosis - “Bifiform”, “Bifidumbacterin”.

Rash caused by viral infections does not require separate treatment. It goes away as the child recovers from the underlying disease. But in order to prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, local antiseptics can be prescribed. Most herpesvirus diseases require the use of medications. Herpes simplex virus, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus infection, roseola, and genital herpes respond well to treatment with Acyclovir topically.

Fungal infections require the longest and most thorough treatment. For this purpose, antifungal ointments are prescribed, and sometimes antifungal drugs are taken orally. After a two-week course, a short break is taken, and then the course is repeated to prevent the survival of individual representatives of the fungal colony.

Heat rash and diaper rash

When dealing with heat rash and diaper rash, it is important to reconsider your approach to baby hygiene. Do not bathe him in too hot water; use soap is kept to a minimum. It is important that the child does not develop new fragments of rashes from the heat. Therefore, optimal parameters should be set in the room for normal heat transfer by the toddler.

The air temperature should not exceed 20-21 degrees, and the air humidity should be within 50-70%. Air baths are very beneficial for a child, so it is best to spend most of the time he is awake naked.

The affected skin should be treated after evening bathing and in the morning after waking up. If necessary, additional processing can be introduced during the day. There is no need to rush to use medications. Most often, heat rash can be managed by improving your child's skin care.

For bathing once a day, decoctions of string or chamomile are used; they are added to water whose temperature does not exceed 37 degrees Celsius. After bathing, skin folds and areas where there is a rash are lubricated with products that “dry” the skin. Baby cream is not suitable, it is created for moisturizing. Dexpanthenol

There is no need to smear the heat on your head with anything. It goes away immediately after the parents normalize the air temperature in the room to optimal values. In this case, it is advisable not to dress the child in a cap, let the scalp “breathe”, this is the best treatment for diaper rash.

To eliminate heat rash in the area of ​​the external genitalia and butt, use the above mentioned products - ointments, creams and powder. In addition, the child chooses high-quality diapers impregnated with aloe balm or chamomile oil. Diapers should be changed more often than usual, avoiding prolonged contact of already affected skin with urine and feces.

For information on what to do for certain types of rashes in young children, see the following video.


Prevention of the appearance of rashes in newborns and children under one year old lies in reasonable and competent hygiene, in proper care of delicate baby skin. There are several simple rules that will help protect your baby’s skin from possible troubles and diseases:

  • Bathe your newborn every day. However, you should only use baby soap once every 3-4 days. Baby up to one year old can use soap to wash their hair once a week. This will prevent the skin from drying out.
  • Do not rub your baby with a towel. After water procedures, lightly blot the damp skin; a sufficient amount of liquid should remain in it.
  • Be sure to wipe your baby's skin with wet wipes, after a massage with oils. A large amount of fat makes it difficult for the skin to “breathe”.
  • Air baths, naked, arrange for your child every day.
  • Do not use ointments and creams as well as cosmetics that are not intended for use at an early age, even if they work great for adults and older children.
  • Maintain optimal temperature and air humidity in the room where the baby lives.
  • Do not clean your home with household chemicals containing chlorine.
  • To have healthy skin, a child must eat properly. Any mother’s experiments with complementary feeding can result in the appearance of a rash.

It is advisable to introduce complementary foods in a timely manner, in accordance with the complementary feeding calendar.

  • The protective properties of children's skin can be increased by strengthening the general and local immunity of the baby. For general protection, walks in the fresh air, exercise, and proper nutrition are important. Local immunity will benefit from contrast douches and hardening, which can be done almost from the very birth of the child, as well as massage and air baths.

Babies have incredibly delicate and soft skin. Just touching her brings pleasure. She's just perfect. But, as practice shows, various rashes may appear on a child’s face. It is clear that parents are not happy with this situation, and, moreover, they are terrified, since the reasons for the appearance of these rashes are not clear.

The worries are completely justified, because a tiny child cannot express in words possible pain or discomfort in the body, so the body itself gives an important signal that something has gone wrong. It is very important to study this rash in detail and find out its nature.

In medicine, the most common types of rash are distinguished:

  • hormonal;
  • heat rash;
  • food allergies;
  • from scarlet fever;
  • roseola;
  • contact allergy;
  • measles.

Hormonal rash

The hormonal type rash is better known as infant acne. About 30% of newborns are at risk of developing such a rash. Acne is completely safe for others, that is, it is not transmitted by airborne droplets or through contact. In order to eliminate this rash, there is no need to use medications or any special preparations.

These rashes appear on the face as well as on the head. With a hormonal rash, there are no pimples in the form of ulcers, since in this case there is no clogged pore. This rash simply slightly changes the texture of the skin, and in some cases it can be felt by touch. The reason for the appearance of this rash is the process of normalization of hormonal levels.

Acne also occurs because there is an excessive amount of fungi on the surface of the skin, which belong to the normal microflora. You should not try to cure hormonal rashes in infants with compresses based on tinctures, such as calendula. This procedure can be harmful to the baby's skin.

At best, the rash will become slightly inflamed and become more noticeable, and at worst, allergic reactions may develop. To eliminate this rash, simply follow standard hygiene rules. The rash will go away on its own. This can take from one to several months, it all depends on the child’s body.

If the healing process is very slow, then a specialist can simply prescribe special ointments that speed up the process. Infant acne appears before the age of three months.

Between 3 and 6 months, your baby may develop baby acne. In this case, the characteristics of the rash are completely different. The pimples have a black head, which is characteristic of acne. These pimples may leave marks in the form of scars. There are specific reasons for the appearance of infant acne. This is a high level of androgen production. And in this case, professional treatment is necessary.

Prickly heat

Infants quite often suffer from rashes such as prickly heat. It appears not only when the temperature outside is very high and the baby is sweating a lot, but at any time of the year. This is a pink rash. The rashes are slightly raised and therefore can be felt by touch. It may even be slightly cool outside, but the rash will still appear, since a small child has his own characteristics of body thermoregulation. The main causes of rashes can be identified:

  • overheating of the baby's body;
  • inadequate hygienic care;
  • long stay in wet pants.

To avoid the appearance of this type of rash, it is necessary to control the temperature in the room. It should be at 18 degrees Celsius.

Miliaria can appear on the face, namely on the cheeks, forehead, neck, ears, legs and arms, but the rash itself does not bring any discomfort to the child. You should not treat prickly heat, since it will disappear on its own as soon as the reasons for which it appeared are eliminated.

Allergy to food

In the first year of life, a child may have a reaction to certain foods. This is a food allergy. It is characterized by a red rash. These pimples appear on the cheeks, as well as on the ears and chin area. These rashes appear in the form of spots that peel off. They can appear not only on the face, namely the cheeks, ears, but also on the back, stomach, legs and other parts of the body.

If a child constantly eats food that causes a similar reaction in him, this can lead to the rash taking the form of a scab.

In general, it looks very unpleasant, and not only on the face, but also on areas of the body that are hidden under clothing. A baby who is fed breast milk may experience such a reaction due to the mother's failure to comply with the diet. You should not eat all the foods in a row, since the infant’s digestive system is not yet strong, and it cannot accept some types of food. Everything needs to be approached gradually.

If there is a need to introduce a new type of food into the mother’s diet, then this must be done gradually, that is, first eat a small amount of the product and see the child’s reaction, does it break out? First of all, rashes appear on the face.

An allergic reaction in a baby can be caused by:

  • red fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus;
  • some types of meat.

Allergic pimples can appear in infants who eat artificial formulas. They contain a large amount of proteins, and they are the allergens that cause pimples. If a baby develops rashes in this form, then you need to stop using the mixture and choose another suitable option.

Contact type of allergy

Infants are susceptible to allergies that appear not only internally, but also appear on the skin. Contact allergies are also commonly called dermatitis. This is a small rash that looks a lot like a simple sore.

The cause of this type of rash is believed to be the use of laundry detergents that contain large amounts of fragrance. Most often, a large proportion of fragrances is contained in mouthwashes.

The skin of an infant is very sensitive, so when washing clothes it is necessary to use only hypoallergenic products that do not contain components that can cause allergies.

Contact allergies appear on those areas of the skin that come into contact with clothes washed using incorrectly selected products.

That is, if it is a cap, then the rash will appear on the face, ears and head. The appearance of pimples can be caused by clothing made from synthetic materials.


Roseola is an infectious disease that is typical for children under two years of age. This disease has symptoms that are unique to it. Initially, the temperature rises, and it can only be brought down on the third day.

As soon as the temperature returns to normal, red pimples appear on the skin. They are located in patches and can be on the face, as well as other parts of the body. With roseola, there is no point in treating a child with medications.

Scarlet fever

This is a small rash that appears in the form of small pimples in the neck, back and chest. In addition, it can spread to other parts of the body, and even appear on the face. This disease can be transmitted through the air. Treatment is carried out only according to the doctor’s recommendations.


With measles, the rash has a characteristic large size of lesions and a bright color. Initially, rashes in the form of papules appear behind the ears, as well as on the face, that is, on the eyelids, cheeks and other parts of the body. If measles appears in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only a specialist will prescribe the correct treatment that will help prevent the formation of unpleasant scars on the eyelids, cheeks, and ears that remain after measles.

In general, the result can be very unpleasant, so you need to worry about the child’s face and contact a specialist.

In the article we look at rashes in newborns - we talk about its types and causes of appearance. By following our recommendations, you can prevent the occurrence of a rash and eliminate it without harming your child.

What is a rash?

Exanthema or rash is a pathological formation on the skin and mucous membranes, differing from healthy areas in appearance. In most cases, rashes are a sign of various diseases (contact dermatitis, measles, rubella). And the manifestation of a protective reaction of the skin to the negative effects of external factors (bacteria and viruses, allergens). Such changes may be accompanied by redness and itching.


Experts distinguish between primary and secondary rashes.

Primary rashes form directly on normal skin. This group includes the macula, papule, tubercle, node, vesicle, spot and abscess.

Secondary elements are the result of a change in the primary rash. These include disturbances in trophism, erosion, ulcers, and discoloration.

Element sizes may vary:

  • Up to 2 mm – small.
  • From 2 mm to 5 mm – average.
  • More than 5 mm – large rashes.

Depending on the number of formations they distinguish:

  • Single exanthema.
  • Not abundant (can be counted).
  • Abundant (multiple).

Their different combinations make up the picture of the disease. The type of exanthema is an important diagnostic criterion for a doctor.

Causes of rash in a newborn

Let's consider the possible causes of rash in a newborn baby and infant:

If you are a nursing mother, you should remember that substances consumed with milk enter the baby's body.

Note! The condition of the skin is affected by the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Localization of rashes

In addition to the nature of the rash, an important point for the pediatrician is its placement on the body. In a newborn, rashes can occur on various parts of the body. Therefore, periodically examine his skin and mucous membranes.

Rash on the head and face

The most common causes of scalp rashes include allergic reactions, hereditary predisposition, infections, and hormonal imbalances.

Diathesis – a common condition characterized by redness and rash on the cheeks and scalp. Due to its occurrence it happens:

  • Allergic or catarrhal-exudative. It occurs as a result of increased sensitivity to various allergens and an inflammatory reaction. It may appear after a nursing mother eats a product with hyperallergenic properties (citrus fruits, chocolate). The child’s body cannot digest and eliminate these substances. He perceives them as foreign, dangerous substances (antigens) and begins to produce antibodies against them (immunoglobulins). The antigen-antibody combination promotes the formation of a rash. Antibodies in the fetus are formed after contact of a pregnant woman with allergens.
  • Lymphatic-hypoplastic. Determines susceptibility to infections and allergies.
  • Neuro-arthritic. Determines metabolic disorders and increased nervous excitability.

After birth, due to hormonal changes, acne may appear in newborns (neonatal cephalic pustulosis). Incidence 19%-31%. A special feature of newborn acne is the absence of comedones.

The appearance of flaking yellow scales on the scalp suggests seborrheic dermatitis. In this case, the child is bothered by itching. If you notice signs of illness, consult your doctor.

A specialist will tell you about the causes of the rash and how to care for the skin of the face and head of a newborn:

Rashes on the body

Poor sweating and poor hygiene can lead to well-known conditions: prickly heat and diaper dermatitis.

In the modern world, diapers are an indispensable thing that helps parents out. But there is no need to abuse them. Because they retain heat and do not allow the skin to fully “breathe,” causing a rash and the development of diaper dermatitis. Therefore, do not keep your baby in a diaper constantly and for a long time.

The appearance of prickly heat is facilitated by the presence of skin folds (neck, groin area) and features of thermoregulation. Wrapping up a child can harm his health.

The abdomen is a typical place for an infectious rash to appear. Therefore, if you notice a rash in this area, contact your pediatrician.
Modern household chemicals and synthetic clothing are provocateurs of contact dermatitis.


Do not ignore the appearance of rashes on your baby’s body. By contacting a specialist, you will find out the nature of the rash and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease and examines the child’s skin and mucous membranes. The doctor, using the dermatoscopy method, determines the type of element of the rash.

In addition, it collects pathological material to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs. Having compared all the facts and determined the baby’s condition, he will adjust the parents’ actions and, if a disease is detected, draw up a treatment plan.

Conditions characterized by rashes

State Characteristic Cause
Food allergies Rashes and scaly spots of pink-red color. With frequent interaction with the allergen, weeping occurs (the appearance of clear water on the skin).
Localization: cheeks and chin, more rarely - other parts of the body.
When breastfeeding, the cause is poor nutrition of the mother.
Artificial feeding does not exclude the possibility of its occurrence. Since the proteins found in the structure of the dry mixture are foreign to the baby.
Contact dermatitis Outwardly it looks like rubbing, the elements of the rash are small. Allergens that provoke the development of this condition are found in household chemicals, clothing, and also in low-quality children's toys.
Clinical manifestations disappear after cessation of contact.
Hyperemia (redness), peeling, the presence of blisters in the inguinal folds, thighs, genitals and buttocks. The main reason is prolonged wearing of a diaper, prolonged contact with feces and urine, and failure to comply with hygiene standards.
Prickly heat Exanthema is red-pink in color, small in size.
Localization: (areas of increased sweating) neck, chest.
The occurrence of rashes is promoted by prolonged and excessive sweating, and the situation is aggravated by lack of hygiene.
Atopic dermatitis(allergic disease) The first signs are redness, swelling, peeling, dry skin. Then small blisters appear and the child is bothered by itching. In addition, there is an increase in tonsils and lymph nodes. There are several provoking factors for the occurrence of atopic dermatitis: heredity, improper nutrition of a nursing mother, as well as disturbances in her nutrition during pregnancy, dysbacteriosis, and improper introduction of complementary foods.
Newborn acne(neonatal acne) Small pimples. Their suppuration and inflammation of the affected areas of the skin are possible.

Localization: face, scalp.

Experts say that the appearance of acne in newborns is triggered by the restoration of the proper level of hormones after being in the womb and a hormonal surge during childbirth.
Milia or miles in a newborn(three week rash) Single or multiple pimples with white contents (“millet grain”).
Localization: cheeks, area around the eyes, wings of the nose. The process can occur on the neck and chest.
Blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts.
Erythema Small red rash, possibly with white heads. The result of adaptation after birth.
Ritter's disease(exfoliative dermatitis, neonatal pemphigus) The first sign is a bright red spot with an inflammation component around the mouth. The process spreads over time. Large blisters appear on the spots, which burst on their own to form weeping erosions. Infection of Staphylococcus aureus in the skin of a child.
Less commonly, a mixed infection (combination of staphylo- and streptococci) is possible.
Infection occurs from contact with the mother or laborers. Houses.
Scarlet fever Small, pinpoint rash of scarlet color.
Localization: neck, chest, back, with gradual spread to the whole body. The nasolabial triangle remains not involved in the process, and therefore stands out.
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

A newborn baby is protected by maternal antibodies. Therefore, infection of the baby occurs if the nursing mother is sick with scarlet fever.

Chicken pox(chickenpox). Simultaneously with the increase in body temperature, a rash appears. Characterized by the simultaneous presence of various forms of rash (spot, vesicle, crust) and the appearance of new elements. First, a spot appears, turning into a bubble. Then the bubble bursts with the formation of erosion. Subsequently, the erosions become covered with a crust.

Localization: mucous membranes and the entire surface of the body, including the scalp and scalp.

Herpes virus type 3.
Measles Bright, profuse papular rash.

Distinctive feature: sequence of rash. First, the rash appears on the face and behind the ears, then on the body and arms, and finally the rash appears on the legs.

The appearance of a rash is a sign of improvement and recovery.

RNA virus of the paramyxovirus family.
Rubella(“third disease”) A mild rash occurs on the 3-4th day of fever. At first it resembles a measles rash, then it takes on a scarlet-like appearance.

Localization: face, torso, limbs, extensor surfaces.

There is an increase in lymph nodes.

Rubella virus.

Newborns and infants in the first months of life have maternal antibodies in their blood that protect against the effects of an infectious agent. Therefore, for newborns, rashes of an allergic nature associated with the hereditary constitution and rashes resulting from non-compliance with hygiene standards are more typical.

Rashes of an infectious nature in a child occur at an older age, as the number of maternal immune cells decreases and their own defense system forms.


The appearance of a rash can be either an independent phenomenon, a manifestation of changes in the internal environment of the baby’s body, or a herald of illness. If you have a rash, call your doctor immediately if you have the following conditions:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. The rash becomes diffuse and is accompanied by itching.
  3. Impaired consciousness.
  4. Headache, vomiting.
  5. Edema.
  6. Hard breath.
  7. Rash in the form of star-shaped hemorrhages.

Dangerous conditions include meningococcal infection. The disease is manifested by increased body temperature, vomiting, the baby's cry becomes monotonous, and over time a petechial rash (small hemorrhages) appears.

One of the forms of the disease is meningococcemia (pathogen entry into the blood) and sepsis (blood poisoning). Foci of suppuration appear throughout the body and in the baby’s body. In the absence of timely treatment, shock can develop and be fatal.

What is prohibited?

If your child has a rash, you should not:

  • Squeeze out pimples and pustules.
  • Pop bubbles.
  • Lubricate large areas of the body with dyes (zelenka).

Important! In children, substances penetrate the skin quite intensively. By treating large areas of skin, you endanger the child’s life, since this can provoke intoxication of the baby’s body.

Prohibit scratching. Since it entails a violation of the integrity of the elements of the rash and will become the basis for infection of the damaged areas.


The main treatment for the rash is aimed at eliminating the cause. For this purpose, medications are used, the nutrition of the mother and baby is corrected, and the child’s contact with the allergen is limited. But sometimes the rash does not require any action and disappears on its own.

Find out how to care for your baby's skin when a rash occurs and what you need to do in this case in the video:

The medical literature indicates that neonatal acne and erythema resolve on their own. The first in 2 weeks, the second in 2-3 days. They are classified as safe conditions that do not require the use of aggressive medications. Herbal baths with the addition of string or chamomile will help speed up the process of disappearance of erythema.

If the rash is of an allergic nature, protect the child from contact with allergens. For this purpose, nutritional correction of mother and baby is carried out. If prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to use antihistamines (“Psilo-balm”, “Suprastin”, “Chloropyramine”), and in severe cases, hormonal drugs (“Prednisolone”, “Hydrocortisone”, “Dexamethasone”).

If it is prickly heat or diaper dermatitis, create the necessary hygienic care and optimal temperature conditions, change his diapers more often. Boro-plus and Bepanten ointments have a good effect on eliminating irritation in diaper dermatitis.

The presence of an infectious rash requires the prescription of drugs that eliminate the pathogen (“Augmentin”, “Ampicillin”) and symptomatic drugs (“Daleron”, “Efferalgan”).

Question answer

Can string baths be used to bathe a child with a rash?

The series is hypoallergenic. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing effect. The plant dries out the baby's skin, so alternate bath procedures can be carried out once a week. Experts warn that bathing a child in a bathtub with a series of baths is prohibited if the body temperature is elevated and if, after bathing in such a bathtub, the baby develops itching, peeling and a rash.

If a breastfed baby develops a rash, does the mother need to follow a diet?

The first thing you need to do is find out the cause of the rash. If this is a manifestation of a food allergy, exclude from your diet foods that are allergens and could cause the rash. Then these products can be introduced into your diet gradually, observing the condition of your child’s skin and mucous membranes. This way, you will eliminate the rash and find out what foods your baby is allergic to.

How to care for the skin of a newborn during “blooming”?

This process is considered a physiological reaction of the baby to hormonal changes in the body. It does not require specific treatment and goes away on its own. For washing and bathing, use herbal decoctions of calendula, chamomile, and yarrow. If your child has dry skin, apply moisturizers.

Periodically occurring rash in the form of red spots with an abscess in the middle. What is this?

These are signs of a mild form of vesiculopustulosis. This disease belongs to the group of staphylococcal infections. And most often it is “brought” from the maternity hospital. If your body temperature rises and the rash spreads to other parts of the body, seek help from your doctor.

What to remember:

  1. Newborn acne and heat rash are not contagious or dangerous to others.
  2. If a rash appears in a newborn or infant, consult your doctor.
  3. Once infection is confirmed, limit contact with healthy people.
  4. Self-treatment and waiting for improvement is unacceptable.