Hamsters feeding. Can hamsters eat potatoes? Can hamsters have chicken, cottage cheese, boiled eggs, fish, shrimp, yogurt and kefir?

Feed me right!

We are sure you already know how cute hamsters are and how important what we tell you is. Therefore, let’s do without the “classic” useless introduction, let’s get straight to the point.

Let's start with what to feed a hamster at home and, without wasting time, move on to the list of prohibited items.

What foods can you feed hamsters?

The ideal solution is dry food from the store. It already contains required amount micro- and macroelements, useful substances(often even pressed herbs are included). It’s easy to mix it yourself (watch the video).

Advantages of the finished product:

  • No need to select a diet (everything is already balanced)
  • Convenient dosing (to feed in moderation)
  • Dry food will not spoil for the animal in the “pantry”

If in your eyes the benefits outweigh the price tag, this is definitely your choice.

Do not try to give your pet food for other rodents and, especially, birds. IN best case scenario it will end with digestive problems.

What can you give hamsters besides food? More on this later.

We feed seeds, grains and nuts

This diet is close to what hamsters eat in their natural environment. They can eat:

  • Pumpkin, melon, sunflower seeds (feed infrequently and carefully - too much fat content)
  • Cereals (barley, wheat, oats)
  • Legumes ( green peas, lentils)
  • Nuts (walnuts, pine, peanuts, hazelnuts)
  • Corn (it is not advisable to feed it to Campbell's hamsters)

Hamsters really like nuts. And very useful.

Hamsters should not be fed:

  • Almonds (can poison a rodent)
  • Brazil nuts (too hard to digest)
  • Fruit pits (contain toxins and hydrocyanic acid).

Would you like to learn in detail about the effect of nuts on the fragile body of a hamster? Then this is the place for you.

Greens for your hamster

Hamsters need to be fed fresh herbs periodically (include them in their daily diet).

Desirable “fresh food”:

  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Salad
  • Wheat or oat sprouts
  • Young bamboo

Fresh herbs are a great choice!

What grass should hamsters not eat:

  • Simple street grass
  • Sorrel
  • Other herbs

Time to move on to the next section healthy food- vegetables.

List of healthy vegetables

A hamster's diet at home should include fresh vegetables. It is advisable to give them even when you are using ready-made feed, at least during the season.

You can eat:

  • pumpkin
  • Zucchini
  • Bell pepper (this is the one that is not hot)
  • Tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Carrot
  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower (do not feed white cabbage!)
  • Eggplant

It is forbidden to feed the animal:

  • Potatoes (too much starch)
  • White cabbage (there will be stomach problems, of which gases are the most harmless)
  • Canned vegetables (canned food contains a lot of salt, but it is harmful to animals, like other strong spices)

Don’t give a lot of vegetables at once: they will be dragged into the “pantry”, and there they will spoil.

Does a hamster need fruit?

Vitamins have never bothered anyone, and they won’t harm your animal either. Almost the entire “range” of fruit trees can be used as food for hamsters, so we will only focus on what should not be given to a hamster.

You cannot feed fruits that grow far from the hamster’s natural habitats, i.e. those that we used to call “exotic”. This:

I love apples!

  • Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines)
  • Pineapples
  • Avocado

Avoid other fruits too high content sugar: bananas, apricots, melons. Feed them very rarely. Hamsters are prone to diabetes (especially dwarf ones), such a “diet” will simply kill them. (We know that banana and melon are berries, but that’s just the way it is...)

What berries can a hamster eat?

  • Strawberries, wild strawberries
  • Cherries, sweet cherries (in small quantities)
  • Gooseberries
  • Currant
  • Blueberries

The best strawberries come straight from the garden.

Why does a hamster need protein?

The hamster is an evil and bloodthirsty predator, and not the cute fluffy creature that people used to think of him as. Joke. Not so vicious, but it needs to be fed with animal protein (2-3 times a week).

For protein food for hamsters, use:

  • Boiled fish (lean)
  • Egg white (better than quail egg)
  • Chicken (lean, cooked)
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Insects (often sold in pet stores)

Do not feed your pet fatty dairy products and sausage.

What can you give hamsters “off the table”?

What do rodents eat at home besides the above? If you value the life and health of your hamster, limit yourself to what we have already mentioned.

How much do hamsters eat?

Many people take hamsters as pets because they are cute "cheek stuffers." The problem is that they quickly gain fat and this shortens the life of the rodent. Therefore, please read the feeding recommendations below carefully.

Measure portions correctly!

The hamster is a nocturnal animal. In the evening he has “breakfast”, which should be the main meal of the day. Many people give food to their pet only in the evening, and there is no mistake in this, but it can be divided into 2 times (give the smaller portion in the morning).

It’s difficult to say how much food a hamster needs every day, it depends on:

  • Hamster breeds
  • Sizes
  • Health conditions
  • Amount of physical activity

What should you absolutely not feed hamsters?

In general, you already have an idea of ​​what you should not feed your hamster. In addition to the above, exclude the following products:

  • Spices
  • Sweets (in any form)
  • Everything is fatty and fried

Has the hamster already said “thank you” to you?

Knowledge without practice is useless ballast. Right now, tell your family to stop stuffing food into the poor animal all day long. And if your hamster learns to talk, the first thing he will say to you is: “Thank you very much!”

Come back! I'll miss you 🙁

Do you want to add something to the information in the article and do you know what else you can feed your rodent? Leave comments and join us on social networks. Constructive criticism is always welcome!

Hamsters are one of the cutest pets. When you saw one of these little adorable bundles, you definitely wanted to take it home. But, before you get this rodent, you need to find out what a hamster eats.

The most important thing for your hamster is the quality of its food. Almost all pet stores sell at least one type of food for this rodent. Try it first different kinds, see what your hamster eats more readily, and then feed him a product of a certain brand. A hamster's diet should be balanced, just like ours. Was your knowledge of their diet limited to the fact that hamsters eat grass? Look how varied the content of almost any food is!

Composition of food for hamsters:

  • chopped oats;
  • cornflakes;
  • seeds;
  • peanut;
  • dried fruits;
  • dried peas;
  • various herbs;
  • cookie.

To keep your hamster's food fresh longer, place it in a plastic, airtight container, such as a lunch box.

What do Djungarian hamsters eat?

If your choice fell on this cute miniature one, then you should buy food just for him. The difference is that food for dzhungarik contains seeds, grains and nuts of a smaller size, which allows it to be absorbed better.

What does a hamster eat from fruits and vegetables:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • parsley;
  • broccoli;
  • pear;
  • lettuce leaves.

You can also pamper your pet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. This way you will know what your hamster prefers. Some hamsters are crazy about lettuce and don't like apples at all. You can safely include the treat your pet chooses in his diet. But the main thing is not to overdo it with delicacies for him, otherwise it may end in obesity. Some owners give their hamster small pieces raw meat. Of course, what a hamster eats is not always vegetarian food, but it is nevertheless advisable to feed them fruits and vegetables. However, there are some foods that should never be given to this rodent.

Poisonous foods for hamsters:

  • garlic;
  • raw potatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • grapefruit;
  • avocado.

Protein food

What a hamster eats must contain a certain amount of protein. If you decide not to give him raw meat, then you can replace it with boiled chicken egg, cottage cheese. Your pet should be fed protein-containing foods only twice a week - this will be enough for a rodent. For dzhungarik, one teaspoon of cottage cheese is enough.


There must always be fresh water in the hamster's cage. Change the water every day and check the working condition of the drinker. Hamsters usually instinctively understand how it works, so you don't have to worry about your pet dying of thirst.

When a hamster is not hungry, it has the habit of storing some food behind its cheeks. If the cheeks are already full (this looks quite funny), then he takes the reserves to a secluded corner to eat them later. But once a day you need to check his hole for spoiled food. And don't forget to keep a constant amount of food in his bowl.

Many pet lovers keep fluffy, small rodents - hamsters - in their apartments and houses. These animals are quite easy to care for at home. But in order for the animal to be healthy and energetic, it should be fed properly.

Therefore, before purchasing a new pet, you should find out what you can and cannot feed your hamster?

Types of domestic hamsters

There are about sixty species of hamsters in nature, but only three or four species are kept at home. An ordinary hamster has a length of up to thirty centimeters, and the smallest one is up to six centimeters.

Syrian hamsters

Animals with red-sandy fur grow up to eighteen centimeters in length. At proper care and feeding, pets live on average two to three years. Initially, Syrian or golden hamsters were bred for laboratories, but they soon became popular with pet lovers and began to live successfully in the home.


The most popular rodents among hamster lovers are distinguished by a black stripe on the spine, an ocher-gray color and a brownish-gray back. In length the animals are good feeding and care grow up to ten centimeters. Unlike other types of hamsters, dwarf hamsters can be kept in pairs. When they reach the age of three months, they are already able to reproduce.

Siberian hamsters

Rodents of this species have a light brownish-gray back summer period time, which turns white by winter. In nature, they live on hilly and flat terrain in the steppes of Tuva. At home, with the onset of cold weather, Siberian hamsters burrow into the litter and hibernate.

Angora hamsters

A variety of Syrian rodents has a fluffy, beautiful coat that can be different color. The fur on the back can be silver, gray, white, spotted or tortoiseshell. Angora hamsters can give birth to babies with smooth fur, despite the fact that their parents have thick coats.

It doesn't matter what type of hamster lives in your house. The diet for Syrian, Siberian, Angora hamsters and Djungarian hamsters is the same.

What can you feed hamsters at home?

In nature, rodents feed mainly grain crops Therefore, grain mixtures should be included in the diet of indoor hamsters. Such formulations are sold in pet stores, where you should choose grain mixtures intended for rodents. They contain corn, wheat, oats, peas, vitamins and treats in the form of nuts and pumpkin seeds.

When choosing a mixture, you need to make sure that it does not contain a lot of sunflower. Animals love him, but he is too fat for them. Instead of sunflower, it is better to give it to your pet peanuts, hazelnuts or walnuts. Before giving nuts to a rodent, the skins should be peeled off so that the pet does not damage its small teeth on it.

Cherry and apricot kernels They are toxic and harmful to the health of animals, so they cannot be fed to hamsters.

The mixture should be selected according to the age of the animal. You can buy food on a stick, which will be a treat for your pet. These sticks with tasty grains stuck on them can be given no more than once a month.

There should always be grain feed in the feeder. It is poured into a special separate feeder, which must always be filled. Hamsters are not prone to overeating, so grain portions do not need to be limited. If there is a lack of food, the animal will begin to stockpile and will be malnourished.

In autumn and winter you can feed hamsters whole grain bread. But in this case, it is necessary to monitor your pet’s stool, since Bread in the diet can lead to constipation.

Animal products

For normal life, animals need protein, which is found in animal products. Of these, hamsters can be fed:

All these products are added to the diet two times a week. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the portions are moderate.

Vegetables for hamsters

Vegetables contain many vitamins, so they should be included in your pet’s diet. Vegetables you can give hamsters:

  1. Zucchini, pumpkin, fresh cucumbers . Pumpkin can be given only from the age of two weeks. But only young zucchini can be fed.
  2. Will be useful for the animal sweet bell pepper . It can be given in unlimited quantities.
  3. Tomatoes possible in small quantity. Before giving a tomato, it should be peeled.
  4. Some owners of pet hamsters believe that cabbage makes their animals' stomachs swell, while others say that this vegetable is very healthy. Therefore, you can feed a rodent cabbage, but only broccoli or cauliflower.
  5. It is not recommended to have potatoes in your pet's diet, as they contain a lot of starch.
  6. If you want, you can treat the animal boiled green peas.
  7. Rich in vitamins and beneficial for animals radishes and carrots.
  8. You can offer it to your hamster beets, which he will eat with pleasure.

Vegetables are first peeled and cut into pieces.

Green feed

Rodents are very fond of greens, which are beneficial for the animal’s body because it contains many vitamins. But you should only collect those herbs and greens that grow away from highways. Before use, green food must be thoroughly washed and dried. Juicy greens are capable of absorbing harmful substances from the soil and air, and therefore can be harmful. If a hamster eats this food, it may get sick. Therefore, it is better to pick green crops summer cottage, which is located far from roads.

From greens, hamsters can:

Do not feed rodents:

  • shoots of garlic and onion;
  • sorrel;
  • juicy celery, which may contain a large number of harmful substances;
  • parsley is not recommended for females during pregnancy and lactation;
  • branches coniferous trees are excluded from the diet because they contain resin that is harmful to animals.

Fruits and berries

Hamsters love vitamin-rich sweet fruits and berries. They should first be well wash and remove seeds. This is especially true for cherries, the pits of which contain substances harmful to rodents.

Hamsters will benefit from the following fruits:

  1. Sweet fresh apples without any traces of rot. Newborn pets up to two weeks of age may develop ascites from eating apples, so this fruit is contraindicated for them.
  2. Pears in small quantities, as they weaken.
  3. Once a week, a small amount of pulp from cherries, cherries, plums, peaches and apricots.
  4. Wild strawberries or strawberries.
  5. Raspberries are weak, so they are given in small quantities.
  6. Ripe grapes. Fermented and unripe fruits are harmful to hamsters.
  7. You can feed the animals bananas, but in limited quantities.
  8. In winter, when not fresh berries and fruits, it is recommended to pamper your pet with dried fruits in the form of dried pears and apples, banana chips, dried apricots, and raisins. Dried fruits are pre-soaked in water for two to four hours.

Fruits should be pre-washed, peeled and pitted. They need to be placed in a separate feeder and if after a while the pet does not eat the treat, the pieces of fruit are removed. They cannot be allowed to sit and rot in a cage.

The following types of berries and fruits should be excluded from the rodent’s diet:

  • exotic and citrus fruits, the consumption of which can lead to digestive upset;
  • melons and watermelons, which can contain high levels of nitrates;
  • sea ​​buckthorn, barberry and other sour berries.

Prohibited Products

In addition to the above products, the following should be completely excluded from the hamsters’ diet:

  • fresh milk;
  • raw meat and fish;
  • any spices;
  • brazil nuts;
  • red beans;
  • acorns;
  • fresh bread;
  • prepared feed for birds;
  • fatty varieties cheese;
  • garlic and onion;
  • ice cream;
  • chocolate;
  • tulip bulbs;
  • wild-caught moths and insects;
  • sweet cookies;
  • mushrooms;
  • fried and spicy food;
  • muesli;
  • dry pasta;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • mint;
  • fruit juices.

If you give your pet a prohibited product once, then nothing bad will happen. But it’s not worth risking the little hamster’s health anymore.

Rules for feeding hamsters

Rodents should be fed several times a day. During the day, one pet is able to eat one to three teaspoons of grain mixture, which it should always have free access to. Hamsters are nocturnal, so they are given more high-calorie food at night.

Your pet should always have a container with fresh, clean water. To prevent the drinker from tipping over and debris from getting into the water, it is best to use nipple devices. Such closed-type drinkers have a nipple nipple in the form of a ball, on which the animal must tap with its tongue to obtain water. Water does not spill from them and always remains clean.

Syrian, Siberian, Angora and Dzhugan hamsters are easy to keep at home. They are picky in food and unpretentious in care. However, like any other pet, rodents should be cared for and fed only approved foods.

If you already have a small rodent living at home, then you will probably be surprised by the title of the article. A strange question - what does a hamster eat? Yes, everything that catches his eye! Indeed, funny fluffies with oversized cheeks are ready to put everything that even slightly resembles supplies into their pantry. This is how their instincts work; in nature, they must drag every blade of grass, spikelet or grain into their hole so as not to die of hunger in winter. At home, this is no longer relevant, but no one has canceled the biological mechanisms.


Before answering the question of what a hamster eats, it is necessary to understand what kind of creature it is and how it functions. gastrointestinal tract. Many people don’t take their hamster seriously: they bought a fluffy toy and start feeding it everything they have at home. There are known cases when a hamster was fed from the table with salads dressed with mayonnaise, pasta and milk porridge. It is not surprising that such an animal did not live long.

Before you buy a furry animal, you need to think about how these creatures live in nature, what a hamster eats and how it arranges its home. If it is difficult for you to provide for him normal conditions existence, then it’s probably not worth taking responsibility for his life.

So, beloved by many a pet is a rodent. What does this mean? First of all, about the peculiar structure of its or rather lower jaw, each of which has large incisors. They have no roots and continue to grow throughout their lives. This is why what a hamster eats must be solid. By gnawing on such food, the teeth do not grow so long as to interfere with their owner's ability to eat. Be sure to put sticks or boards in the cage that you can sharpen your teeth on. The second feature of the animal is its cheek pouches, a natural storage area. The animal can simultaneously transfer approximately 20 g of food into them and hide it in its pantry or calmly finish its meal in a cozy hole.

Hamster's Pantry

The thriftiness of a small creature can cause tenderness, but all this is for the time being. The fact is that rodents have no sense of proportion. All supplies that are discovered should be hidden in a secluded corner or under bedding. Many owners are surprised at first: they have just poured a full feeder, but it is already empty. Meanwhile, the animal is actively begging for new treats. Don't worry, he didn't eat even a fifth of it, he just hid it all safely. Moreover, all the supplies that will be given to him will suffer the same fate.

That is why it is necessary to regulate the amount of feed given per day. Everything that a hamster eats at home must be carefully dosed, since a large supply of food in a small cage can be a source of infection. By throwing out the entire pantry when cleaning, you can morally injure the animal, since for him the issue of safety of supplies is tantamount to life or death.

Optimal diet: we trust the choice to professionals

What can hamsters eat? For normal development and vital functions they need a balanced diet. The most important thing is to know what its wild counterparts eat and create a similar diet. But most often, owners prefer to use ready-made food that contains balanced fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. This can be food “Zhorka”, “Khrumka”, “Rodent” and many others. That is, the owner can only add fresh water. Each box also indicates the dosage per animal per day, usually one tablespoon. In addition, factory-made food takes into account the age and health of the pet. So, there are separate types for pregnant females, elderly and sick animals, as well as for food in winter time when all biological processes are slowed down.


Everything that domestic hamsters eat will be consumed primarily at night. This must be taken into account, because a full feeder during the daytime only stimulates the storage of supplies, which will then have to be taken from the animal. Normally, animals sleep all day and wake up closer to night. The diet should be designed in accordance with this feature. It is best to accustom your pet to feeding at the same time every day. evening time. The food must be fresh and nutritious.

In the evening you need to give porridge or grain mixtures. Since this is the time of maximum activity, you can offer your hamster a treat. On the contrary, in the morning, at about 7, you can offer him green food and boiled or fresh vegetables. Everything a hamster eats at home should be as natural as possible. These are grains, fruits, herbs, that is, what the animal itself can find in the wild.

Pets and obesity

Since your hamster moves little, most often from the feeder to the bedding, obesity is a symptom with which veterinary clinic are contacted very often. We must remember that during active growth the animal needs additional nutrients, and an adult animal, with similar feeding, begins to gain weight. Obesity is bad for your health and can greatly reduce your life expectancy. That is why you need to either reduce the diet or make the animal move more. Let him out in the evening to run around the room under supervision or put a wheel in his cage, and also exclude bread and flour products from his diet.

What do pet hamsters eat?

These are practically omnivorous animals that love specialized mixtures, made from a wide variety of cereal flakes. If whole grain The animal will most likely try to drag it into the pantry, then here it will not be able to resist the temptation and will gobble up the entire portion with appetite. These foods provide the hamster's body with a minimum set of nutrients and microelements, however, it is advisable to periodically change the diet using feed different manufacturers, and also supplement it with healthy treats. This is necessary for proper operation all organs and systems.

To keep your hamster healthy and active, you need to comply with the biological rhythms of the animal. From autumn to spring, his body is in a less active state. At this time, the diet should be greatly reduced, and treats should be completely excluded. The purpose of nutrition at this moment is to maintain the body’s strength until spring. But in the autumn-spring period, the animal will try to gain as much fat as possible so that it will last throughout the winter.

What foods can be included in the diet

As you already understand, it is permissible to take ready-made mixtures as a basis. However, we will additionally look at what hamsters can eat from regular products so you can diversify your pet's menu. First of all, pay attention to the porridge. Raw grains are necessary for animals, but porridge cooked in water will also become a valuable source of nutrients. You can drop a little in it vegetable oil, since hamsters are very attracted to the smell of sunflowers. This is especially important when feeding young animals.

The basis of the diet is grains, so pay attention to the grains that you have. It is better not to offer millet, as well as rice, which contains too much starch. And here rich in vitamins buckwheat, wonderful sources of protein - peas, beans and lentils - must be on the hamster's table. The animals love bread and crackers very much; they will eat them dry or soaked in kefir. However, we must remember that this is exclusively a delicacy that should not be given too often.

Hamsters love milk and dairy products. Because they contain many micronutrients, you can give them a little every day. Hamsters should be given nuts and boiled chicken several times a week. Boiled liver will also be beneficial, as it improves the condition of the coat.

List of prohibited products

The owner should also know what hamsters should not eat. These are primarily salty, fatty and sweet dishes. Spicy and smoked products, citrus fruits and Exotic fruits. You cannot give them onions, garlic and cabbage. Refuse the temptation to offer your pet sausage, candy, butter. Prohibited foods are potatoes and watermelon, mushrooms, and any spices. Remember the rule: the more natural, the better. If a hamster cannot find a certain product in nature, then it should not be introduced into the diet.

Garden greens

Hamsters enjoy eating grass. But you cannot feed them cereal leaves. Run your hand over the sheet: if there are jagged edges on it, then feel free to move it to the side, the hamster may hurt his cheeks. Do not collect dandelion and other herbs containing milky sap for them.

In the summer, every owner wants to diversify their pet’s diet with fresh herbs. What grass do hamsters eat? These are clover and nettle, plantain leaves and parsley, dill and tender chickweed.

Drinking water

This necessary element food, each cage should have a cup of fresh water. The need for fluid is determined by the diet; if it consists of dry grain, then access to water should not be limited in any case. If you give him a lot of greens, vegetables and fruits, he will come to the drinking bowl extremely rarely. However, you should still wash the drinking bowl daily and change its contents.

Compliance with all feeding rules will allow your pet to always remain beautiful, fluffy and active, as well as live a long and long life. happy life. The last question remains about what hamsters eat, besides food. Indeed, furry animals will actively chew all the wooden elements of their cage, so it is better to replace them with plastic in advance. In order for pets to be able to grind down their constantly growing teeth, wooden crossbars should be installed directly into the cage. Make sure that they do not interfere with the movement of animals and are within reach.

Pets become members of our family, they delight us with their funny behavior, help us calm down and give us companionship. And, in order for your four-legged friend lived and lived as long as possible, he needs a full healthy eating. Many people forget what hamsters eat in their natural habitat and feed them everything they have in the house. Ah, this can lead to undesirable consequences.

Natural diet of a hamster

First, let's look at what hamsters eat in nature. This will help us establish what hamsters can eat at home. The natural habitat of hamsters is fields and steppes. There they dig deep holes, in which there are a lot of winding passages and, of course, a storage room. Therefore, the basis of the diet is cereals - oats, wheat, millet, corn, and so on.

In the spring, when hamsters come out of hibernation, all reserves have been eaten up, and new grains have not yet had time to grow, 60% of their food consists of animal protein. They can eat worms, butterflies, beetles, insects, and some, especially large species, even prey on smaller animals.

Like any other organism, a hamster needs vitamins. Therefore in his natural diet There are vegetables and fruits such as apples, pears, beets, carrots and so on.

From all this we can conclude that hamsters are omnivores, and you can feed them a little bit of everything. Now let's take a closer look at pet food.

Food for pet hamsters

You can understand what pet hamsters eat from their natural diet - mostly cereals, with fruits and vegetables in second place, but you also need protein food. It is this sequence that you will need to follow and try to recreate for your pet.

Now you can find it in any pet store special mixture for hamsters. It includes wheat and oats, as well as corn seeds, millet, peanuts, peas and sunflower seeds. You yourself will notice that nuts and cereals will fly away first, because hamsters love them the most.

In addition, the mixture may also include granulated greens, mixed feed, and fortified mixtures. If your food does not contain this, then you can buy them separately and periodically feed your pet with them.

It is best to use the same type of food that your animal is used to.


As we have already decided, hamsters can eat vegetables. But, here it should be borne in mind that there is a list of permitted and prohibited products.

  • beets;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin (dry pumpkin seeds work especially well);
  • orc;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley);
  • herbs (dandelions, clover);
  • lettuce leaves.
  • garlic;
  • cabbage;
  • sorrel;
  • eggplant;
  • potato;
  • pepper.


Fruits should also be given under strict control. Can:

  • apples;
  • bananas;
  • peaches;
  • raspberries;
  • pitted cherries;
  • currants;
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • pears.
  • kiwi;
  • persimmon;
  • citrus.

All of these fruits are highly acidic, which can significantly damage your hamster's stomach.

Species feeding habits

As a rule, what Djungarian hamsters eat and what other species (Siberian, Campbell's) eat are not particularly different. Unless it should be taken into account that Djungarian hamsters are accustomed to living in the desert, and therefore drink quite a bit of water. But this does not mean that you can change it once a month. Like other animals, they need clean water.

It should also be noted that Djungarians should not eat almonds. But they happily eat peanuts, cashews, sesame seeds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

You can also feed your pet grain sticks, which are sold in pet stores. It's delicious and will help sharpen their teeth. And hamsters' teeth grow constantly, so throw them pieces of wood or chalk stones for good measure.

A special treat for Djungarian hamsters will be sprouted wheat or oats. You can also treat them separately to bamboo or alfalfa shoots.


When thinking about what Djungarian hamsters eat, do not forget that protein is also very important in their diet. In order to maintain its balance, give them boiled chicken meat without salt about two to three times a week, boiled eggs or cottage cheese. Just remember that any spices are harmful to your pet’s body!


If you want to pamper your pet, give him a piece of dry food - he will go with a bang. Also, these rodents will happily eat rose petals and home-made popcorn - without butter or salt.

Health to you and your pet!