Dairy-free oatmeal porridge from what age. Features of different cereals. Video: a simple recipe for porridge with milk

Oats and cereals contain gluten, which negatively affects digestion. Gluten is difficult to digest and digest. In addition, it often causes an allergic reaction in newborns and older children. Therefore, such porridge is not recommended for the first feeding. Oatmeal is given to babies after the introduction of buckwheat, rice and corn porridge. Let's look at the properties of this cereal and find out how to cook oatmeal as complementary food for an infant.

Properties of oatmeal

Compound oatmeal includes a large number of minerals, vitamins and other useful elements, including calcium, sulfur and potassium, various acids. Such content ensures the full development and growth of the child. Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, oatmeal quickly saturates the body and satisfies hunger. Therefore, oatmeal is considered the most healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Oatmeal performs a number of important functions:

  • Removes toxins, salts, heavy metals and others harmful substances, effectively cleanses the body;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Helps with stress, improves performance nerve cells and calms;
  • Positively affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the heart;
  • Gives vigor and energy;
  • Lowers cholesterol;
  • Regulates hemoglobin and blood sugar levels, is useful for diabetics and prevents the development of anemia;
  • Strengthens teeth and gums;
  • Improves the condition of hair and skin;
  • Develops and strengthens muscles;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure;
  • Normalizes digestion, material metabolism, etc.

However, oatmeal can cause serious harm to infants in the form of a gluten allergy. This is a dangerous protein or gluten that can cause a negative reaction in the body, which has not yet adapted to new conditions. Food allergies can manifest themselves in the form of a rash and irritation on the skin, swelling, indigestion and stool disturbances, deterioration or loss of appetite. The child becomes nervous and capricious, often cries and sleeps poorly. Read more about how to identify and treat food allergies.

How to introduce oatmeal into complementary foods

  • Oatmeal for babies is recommended at the age of 9-10 months, when the diet already contains buckwheat, rice and corn porridge;
  • For the first time, let your baby try half a teaspoon and observe how the baby feels. Food allergies and other disorders take up to two days to appear. If there is no negative reaction, oatmeal can be given to the child;
  • For the first feeding with oatmeal, you need to prepare liquid 5% porridge in a ratio of 5 grams of flakes per 100 ml of water. The consistency should be puree-like and without lumps!;
  • Gradually increase the thickness and portion of the porridge. By the year daily norm the product should be about two hundred grams. At the same time, it is not recommended to give oatmeal to infants more than twice a week;
  • If a child has stool and stomach upsets, food allergies, poisoning or other negative reaction, exclude the dish from the child’s diet and consult a doctor;

  • At first, cook oatmeal only in water, as it is difficult to digest, difficult to digest and often causes allergies. It is better to introduce such dishes after 11-12 months;
  • For children under one year old, porridge is prepared without salt, sugar and other spices. After a year, you can add a little salt and sugar to the recipe;
  • For taste, you can add ready-made milk mixture to the porridge, breast milk, vegetable or butter in not large quantities;
  • After oatmeal is introduced into the diet, you can add vegetables, meat and fish to the cooking recipe. But remember that each ingredient must first be entered into the menu separately;
  • Do not rinse the cereal before cooking, stir the ingredients regularly during cooking, and then wait until the oatmeal has cooled to room temperature and only then feed the baby;
  • Cooked ready-made porridge can be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Before use, the dish is heated in a water bath. However, it is better and healthier to prepare new porridge before each meal.

How to cook oatmeal for babies

Oatmeal with water for complementary feeding

  • Oatmeal – 2 teaspoons. spoons;
  • Water – 200 ml.

Grind oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder to the consistency of flour. Or you can use ready-made oatmeal. Oats are poured into boiling water, stirred and after boiling, cook for five minutes. IN ready dish add some breast milk or formula. After introducing cooked porridge into complementary foods, you can add a small piece of butter to the oatmeal.

To cook oatmeal in a slow cooker, pour cereal into the bowl, for a child over a year old add sugar and salt. Pour in water or milk, you can take both components in half. Prepare porridge using the “Milk porridge”, “Pilaf” or “Rice” mode.

Milk oatmeal for a 1 year old child

  • Oatmeal – 2 tables. spoons;
  • Water – 1 glass;
  • Low-fat milk – 1 glass.

Add salt and sugar to taste to boiling water, add the flakes and cook until fully cooked, stirring the porridge regularly. The milk is heated separately. The finished oats are rubbed through a sieve and then hot milk is slowly poured into the dish and the mass is thoroughly mixed. Add a few drops of vegetable oil or a piece of butter to the finished porridge.

Oatmeal pancakes with fruit

  • Oatmeal – 1⁄2 cup;
  • Low-fat milk – 200 ml;
  • Green apple or pear – 1 fruit;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece (or 3 quail);
  • Flour – 1.5 tables. spoons;
  • Baking powder for dough – 1⁄2 teaspoon. spoons;
  • Sugar – 1 table. spoons;
  • Salt – 1⁄2 teaspoon spoons.

Prepare milk oatmeal separately. Add sugar and salt, mix. Peel, cut and grate an apple or pear. Place in cooled porridge, break the egg and add flour and baking powder. Knead the dough and spoon the pancakes into a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Remember that fried foods are not recommended. For a younger baby, you can simply remove the fried crust. In the future, you can use both a pear and an apple for the recipe, taking half the fruit each.

Oatmeal with dried fruits

  • Oatmeal or flakes – 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Water – 100 ml;
  • Low-fat milk – 100 ml;
  • Dried fruit mixture – 100 gr.

Raisins, dried apricots and/or prunes are perfect as dried fruits. The ingredients are pre-washed and soaked in cold water for half an hour. After this, the prunes and dried apricots are chopped, the raisins are left in the same form. Flakes or cereals are mixed with dried fruits, poured with water and cooked over medium heat for about six minutes. Then pour in the milk, add salt and sugar to taste, mix and cook for another five to seven minutes.

Oatmeal with pumpkin

  • Oatmeal – 150 g;
  • Pumpkin – 400 grams of pulp;
  • Low-fat milk – 100 ml;
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon. spoon.

Cut the pumpkin and place in a bowl with thick walls and bottom. A cauldron would be a suitable option. Pour boiling water over the vegetable and cook covered until soft. Grind the flakes and add to the pumpkin, add sugar and milk, add water if necessary. Cook until done for 10-15 minutes. The result is dietary and very hearty dish, which can be given to a child over 1-1.5 years old.

Meat puree with oatmeal for babies

  • Minced beef – 200 gr;
  • Whole oats – 2 cups;
  • Onion – 1 head.

Peel and chop the onion, mix with minced meat and oats. Grease a baking dish with butter and place the resulting mixture. Pour boiling water over the mixture so that the water covers the ingredients by 2-2.5 centimeters. Close the container with a lid and bake for an hour at 180 degrees. This dish is suitable for children over 1.5-2 years old. Even more recipes for two year old child you will find it at the link.

Porridge occupies a special place in the diet of young children, so any mother should know at what age she should start feeding her baby porridge, what cereals to choose for them and how to prepare this cereal dish for babies.


  • Porridges provide carbohydrates, vegetable proteins, vitamins, fats, alimentary fiber and minerals. All these substances are important for a growing child's body.
  • With the help of porridges, mom can easily diversify children's menu.
  • For kids with allergies, intestinal diseases, lack of enzymes and other problems there are dairy-free porridges.

Some ready-made cereals have added probiotics for intestinal microflora baby, as well as prebiotics to improve digestion of the product.

Introducing cereals into the diet will help the baby’s body develop fully.


Oatmeal, as well as wheat- and barley-based cereals, contains the protein gluten, which many young children have difficulty digesting. In addition, such cereals are contraindicated for celiac disease.

Features of different cereals

  • Rice porridge is introduced first in the menu of toddlers prone to allergies and stool disorders. This porridge will provide your baby with healthy carbohydrates.
  • Buckwheat porridge called the most the best option for children who have anemia or problems with weight gain, since such cereals contain a lot of iron and protein.
  • Feature corn porridge is great content starch, as well as iron. Since such cereals are digested worse than rice and buckwheat, and also contain little phosphorus and calcium, corn porridge is recommended for children older than 9-10 months.
  • Oatmeal has high nutritional value, high content proteins, vegetable fats, magnesium and other minerals. Its use improves peristalsis, so it is indicated for babies with constipation.
  • At the semolina porridge content minerals and there is very little fiber, so it is inferior to other types of cereals in nutritional value. In addition, due to the presence of ricketogenic effects, such porridge is generally not recommended for babies in the first year of life.
  • In millet, pearl barley and barley there is a lot of fiber, B vitamins and proteins.

At what age is it best to give?

Gluten-free cereals should be given to your baby first. They are advised to be included in the diet healthy children one month after administration vegetable complementary foods, usually this is 7 months of age. You can start feeding your baby porridge earlier if the child is underweight.

Porridges that contain gluten are given to children older than 8 months, and if the baby has a tendency to food allergies, then introduction to these types of cereals is postponed until the age of one. Porridge from barley groats They begin to give to children at 1.5-2 years old, and pearl barley porridge - after 3 years.

Some cereals may not be harmless for babies, so before introducing them into the diet, read the recommendations

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2 019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

Opinion of E. Komarovsky

Famous doctor believes optimal age for introducing porridge into the children's menu for 7 months. He advises introducing the baby to porridge after introducing fermented milk complementary foods into the diet. Komarovsky recommends giving porridge during the last feeding of the day, which is done before bedtime.

Introduction to the diet

Like all other foods that are fed to babies, porridge begins with a small portion - one spoon. Gradually, the volume of porridge in the toddler’s menu is increased to the appropriate amount for his age - 100-200 g. The first thing the child is prepared is gluten-free porridge, which includes buckwheat, rice and corn.

First, the baby must get used to single-ingredient porridge, and then you can offer the child dishes made from several grains. By mixing several grains, you will enrich finished product useful substances. You can also add it to porridge different types vegetables and fruits. Oil is added to the porridge in an amount of 3 to 5 grams.

After the baby gets used to one porridge, offer him another or mix it with the already familiar one.

In what form can it be given?

Porridges offered to babies can be dairy-free or contain milk. In addition, they can be presented as an industrial product (porridge from boxes) or prepared by the mother herself from cereals.

To dilute the finished porridge for the first tests, use baby formula or breast milk. If the purchased porridge is dairy, you just need to add water to it according to the instructions.

Recipes for cooking at home

Before one year of age, cereals for porridge are ground into flour, and for children over one year old, liquid porridge from whole cereals begins to be cooked. It is recommended to cook the first milk porridges with milk diluted by half, and if it is well tolerated, after a few weeks you can start preparing the porridge with whole milk.

To prepare the first porridge for your baby, take 5 grams of flour (one teaspoon) and 100 ml of water (you can also use vegetable broth). Rice or buckwheat flour should be immersed in cold water, and oatmeal flour should be immersed in hot water. Stirring constantly, the porridge should be cooked for about 30 minutes. You can add breast milk or the baby’s usual formula in an amount of 15 to 30 ml to the finished porridge.

IN next video Dr. Komarovsky talks about whether it is worth buying ready-made baby food.

Oatmeal is considered the second most healthy porridge after buckwheat. The British and Scots are crazy about it, consuming this cereal for breakfast every day. Oatmeal for babies provides complete physical and mental development child. What is the secret of the benefits of oats for our body?

Properties of oatmeal


Benefit oatmeal for children is a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates that provide energy, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Oatmeal contains almost the entire periodic table.

Table - Composition of oatmeal per 100 g

Vitamin H20 mgPotassium360 mg
Vitamin B929 mgCalcium65 mg
Vitamin E3 mgMagnesium115 mg
Vitamin PP1 mgSodium35 mg
B vitamins1.8 mIron4 mg
Phosphorus350 mg
Chlorine70 mg
Sulfur80 mg
Silicon43 mg
Zinc2.5 mg
Aluminum0.7 mg
Manganese5 mg
Fluorine0.85 mg
Nickel0.5 mg
Iodine0.04 mg


The beneficial properties of oatmeal have been known since the 12th century, and modern science proved their presence experimentally. Cadiff University in the UK conducted the experiment. A group of volunteers ranging in age from 30 to 80 people was selected for it. For a month these people were fed oatmeal. Within a week it became noticeable general improvement conditions: increased performance, including mental performance, increased vigor and good mood. However, this is not all the advantages of cereals. The British value oatmeal for other properties:

  • B vitamins contained in oats have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calm, and promote good sleep. In this regard, oatmeal is recommended for children with nervous disorders;
  • strengthens hair, cleanses skin;
  • improves brain function;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • satisfying, quickly digested and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time;
  • removes toxins and heavy metal salts;
  • improves performance of cardio-vascular system, eliminates plaques in blood vessels;
  • favorable for gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis;
  • displays excess liquid from the body, eliminates swelling;
  • strengthens teeth and bones;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.


Despite nutritional value oatmeal, it must be consumed with caution. Excessive passion oatmeal can harm the body.

  • Removes calcium. Frequent use oatmeal leads to the leaching of calcium salts from the bones. Cereals contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium.
  • Oatmeal contains gluten. An allergy to oatmeal in a child can be caused by gluten, which is part of it. There is also such a thing as gluten intolerance, which is determined at the genetic level. There are various degrees intolerance, the most severe is celiac disease. It disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
  • Very high in calories. The starch contained in oatmeal is converted into sugar in the body and increases glucose levels. In large quantities, oatmeal can lead to the development of diabetes.

Oatmeal is healthy if consumed in small quantities no more than 2-3 times a week. Newborns should be introduced to oatmeal at 10.5 months for children at artificial feeding and at 11 months for infants only after buckwheat and rice porridge. In more early age Oatmeal can cause flatulence. You can start complementary feeding with liquid dairy-free porridge, giving it half a teaspoon. If the baby has allergic reaction, set the oatmeal aside for a while.

How to choose the right cereal

The quality of the porridge that you cook for your baby at home directly depends on the choice of the type of oatmeal and the method of storing it. There are several types of oatmeal depending on the method of processing the grains.

Table - Types of oatmeal

NameProcessing methodCharacteristicCooking timeCalorie content in 100 g of dry cereal
Uncrushed cerealRepresents oat grains from which the shell has been removedContains less starch and many mucous substances. Most useful for therapeutic nutrition2 hours303 kcal
Grits, flattened and polishedThese are oat grains that have undergone double mechanical processing.The benefits are high, but contain less fiber40 minutes340 kcal
Cereals "Hercules"Of all types of flakes, they are the least susceptible to flattening and retain the grain structureContains a lot of fiber and can be consumed in medicinal purposes 20 minutes352 kcal
Cereals "Extra"There are three types. The largest ones come from whole grains, the smallest from crushed grains.They contain a lot of starch and little fiber. Glycemic index highest5-15 minutes.
“Extra 3” does not require cooking and is poured with boiling water
385 kcal
OatmealBarley and oat grains are steamed, dried, peeled and pounded into flour.Contains more B vitamins, lecithin, amino acids. Useful for anemia, stomach diseases, for children and nursing women2-3 minutes120 kcal
FlourHulled and crushed grainsUsed to make scones and oatmeal cookies 369 kcal
  1. Choose Hercules. For baby food Porridge is best instant cooking, which are produced specifically for children. However, oatmeal for newborns can be made at home. Hercules flakes, ground in a blender, are best suited for this purpose. They store large quantity vitamins than in “Extra” flakes, but they will also have to be cooked less than whole grains.
  2. Pay attention to appearance cereals Quality product cream or yellowish color with a light oat aroma.
  3. Buy cereal in tightly closed plastic packaging. In cardboard boxes, it quickly absorbs moisture and becomes rancid.
  4. Keep refrigerated. Oatmeal is the only cereal that needs to be stored at a temperature of 8-10 degrees, otherwise it will lose beneficial features. Keep oatmeal in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Oatmeal recipes

Dairy-free oatmeal for children is considered the healthiest. It is easier to digest and has less calories. With the addition of milk to porridge, its calorie content increases, and the stomach has to digest not only the vegetable proteins of the oatmeal, but also the animal protein of the milk. Thus, it is recommended to prepare oatmeal for children under one year old with water (you can add a little breast or adapted baby milk to the finished dish), and offer cow or goat milk, diluted in half with water, to babies after one year. Grinding cereal is not necessary for older children.

Made from whole grains

  1. Pre-soak a glass of Hercules flakes in a glass of water. If you cook without soaking, then pour 2 cups of liquid into a glass of flakes.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Cool the finished porridge. For babies under one year of age, grind in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

From ground flakes

  1. Pre-grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  2. Place 2-3 tablespoons of crushed cereal in a bowl and add water or milk.
  3. Mix well and put on fire.
  4. When the porridge boils, cook for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Cool.

Oatmeal porridge

  1. Dilute 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in 100 ml of chilled boiled water.
  2. Boil 100 ml of milk or water (if you are preparing dairy-free porridge).
  3. Place the diluted oatmeal into the boiling liquid and cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes.
  4. You can add butter or a slice of banana to porridge for children after one year.

Oatmeal broth

Oatmeal decoction for infants is offered in the following cases:

  • for constipation;
  • with underweight;
  • for malnutrition mother's milk only for children after 2 months on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Use it like separate species food should not be given: the newborn’s stomach is not able to cope with such a difficult product to digest. Excessive use of the decoction can cause diarrhea. Prepare a decoction for a child natural feeding up to a year it is best on the water, after a year - on an adapted baby milk with the addition of mother, and for artificial - based on the mixture. Goat's milk is also suitable for preparing a decoction if the baby is not allergic to it.

Cooking method

  1. Boil 150 ml of water.
  2. Add a tablespoon of Hercules flakes to boiling water and boil for 15-30 minutes.
  3. Add 50 ml of milk to the resulting mixture and boil for another 5-7 minutes.
  4. Leave the broth until it cools down.
  5. Strain the mixture through a sieve or blend in a blender.

If the decoction is prepared exclusively with water, then instead of 50 ml of milk you should add 50 ml of water. To prepare a decoction for goat milk it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, the flakes are thrown into a boiling liquid and cooked for 20 minutes.

Oatmeal for newborns is very useful, but it should be used carefully, taking into account contraindications. Any food is good in moderation, and oatmeal is no exception.


Which night goes by without sleep... The child wakes up every hour and with a pitifully hungry cry reports that he wants to eat again. I tried to make a more concentrated mixture - zero effect. One good friend gave advice: “Brew him rolled oats flakes. The baby will eat them and sleep well.” She gave some advice, but didn’t say what “Hercules” was and how to cook it.

Hearty rolled oats will satisfy your baby’s hunger for a long time and give you a restful sleep.

Searching for the truth

Concerned with this question, I decided to find the answer in reliable sources. It turned out that “Hercules” is the oatmeal known to everyone, only specially steamed and flattened. Due to this processing of grain, the time required for its preparation is reduced, and useful material and the properties remain.

Thanks to the special processing of the flakes, the cooking time for oatmeal is significantly reduced.

I remembered how I didn’t like eating oatmeal soup with milk in kindergarten and wondered: what exactly is the benefit of this cereal for an infant?

About useful qualities

Here, I found some cereal:

  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Improves kidney and liver function;
  • Stimulate brain activity;

Little geniuses often treat themselves to delicious rolled oats.

  • Fights inflammation of the stomach and intestines;
  • Removes waste and toxins;
  • Maintains immunity at a normal level;
  • Reduces blood sugar (against diabetes).

Who can be fed with the decoction?

Considering all the benefits of consuming them, most pediatricians recommend boiling hercules decoction for babies. However, the recommendations do not apply to all children. In what cases do doctors recommend using this cereal?

Hercules decoction for a newborn baby is not used as food. This is explained by the fact that the newborn is not yet completely adapted to such heavy food. Excessively early complementary feeding, even for medicinal purposes, can cause significant harm to the baby. The decoction can be offered starting from the age of 2 months and only on the recommendation of the child’s leading pediatrician.

Milk or decoction?

Why is oatmeal decoction used to replace feeding with milk? If we talk about cow's milk, then it is not suitable for feeding a baby until the end of the first year of life (even diluted with water), however, in dairy kitchens mothers are given adapted cow's milk or kefir, diluted in a certain proportion with decoctions of rolled oats, buckwheat or rice. They make such a “talker” to regulate the activity of the baby’s intestines. Mother's milk is replaced in cases where (or does not add at all).

The Hercules diet will help you gain the missing kilograms.

We do everything ourselves at home

Dairy kitchens are great, but I don’t have one in my city right now, and besides, a friend said “brew” - which meant that I could prepare a decoction of Hercules on my own. Yeah, great! How to prepare hercules decoction? Everything turned out to be very simple. The main thing is to take into account the age and type of nutrition of the baby: if he eats mother’s milk, this is mixed type, if it’s a mixture, then it’s artificial.

How to cook a decoction of Hercules in cow's milk

This recipe is designed for one feeding of a baby. If you wish, you can cook a double portion at once. It is not recommended to cook a large dose of the decoction at once.

The delicate decoction will appeal to little gourmets.

How to cook a decoction of Hercules in water: the sequence is exactly the same as when cooking nutritional mixture from “Hercules” using milk, but the latter is replaced with 50 grams of water.

How to cook a decoction of “Hercules” in goat milk

These three recipes are given for different children:

can become a serious problem for mother and baby. The baby is not gaining weight well and is not getting enough nutrients and nutrients, feels bad and is capricious. Fortunately, there are ways to diagnose the problem and begin fixing it in a timely manner.

Some young parents are worried about the fontanel on the crown of their newborn baby. will dispel all fears and give answers to many questions.

Watch your reaction and listen to your heart

In all three cases of preparation, the flakes can be passed through a meat grinder. As with any other complementary foods, you need to monitor your baby’s reactions to a new product.

Healthy active child- joy for parents.

The optimal food product for infants is breast milk. It is perfectly digestible, does not irritate the intestines, contains everything necessary for the baby components (vitamins, minerals, fats), as well as antibodies that immature the immune system newborn But as the body grows, it begins to need additional food. In order for the child’s development to proceed harmoniously, at 4-5 months he is offered to try new foods. Complementary feeding is introduced gradually, starting, as a rule, with vegetable and fruit purees, and later porridge is given - buckwheat, rice, corn and oatmeal (it is also called " rolled oats porridge"). In this article we will tell you why oatmeal is good for babies, when to include it in your child’s menu, and how to cook it properly.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oats, from which oatmeal is made, are very rich in minerals, especially magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, fluorine and iron. Contains such essential amino acids, like tryptophan, valine, arginine.

Oats are rich in vitamins B, E, PP and H

Such chemical composition determines the great usefulness of this cereal for children, adults and the elderly. Regular use This porridge promotes:

  • strengthening nervous system and stabilization of the emotional background;
  • improving memory, activating brain activity;
  • slowing down the absorption of “bad” cholesterol;
  • removal of toxins from the body, including salts of heavy metals;
  • healing the gastric mucosa, improving digestion;
  • weight loss, since with a calorie content of 86 Kcal it gives a feeling of fullness for 3-4 hours;
  • development of the muscular system, which is especially important for children under one year old.

Oatmeal is a hypoallergenic product, so babies are almost never allergic to oatmeal, which is especially important when planning a menu for newborns

Possible harm

Oatmeal for infants is dangerous only if the child suffers from congenital intolerance to the gluten protein. This pathology is called celiac disease, characterized by diarrhea, sharp pains in the stomach, colic, severe regurgitation. But these symptoms also occur with other pathological conditions, That's why final diagnosis Only a doctor can diagnose.

Also, you should not give infants rolled oats from sachets with flavorings and additives. Such a product contains a lot of chemicals, so instead of the expected benefit it will only bring harm, it will give " green light» allergic reactions.

Rules for introducing oatmeal into complementary foods

Each child has its own characteristics of growth and development, so it’s important to say exactly at what age to introduce complementary foods. next product, maybe a pediatrician observing the baby. But there are general rules, based on which, parents can determine for themselves when to give oatmeal to their child.

Today, almost all pediatricians agree that the first complementary foods for a baby, regardless of the type of feeding (HF or an adapted formula), should be introduced no earlier than 5-6 months. Moreover, the lower the child’s weight, the later it is necessary to introduce complementary foods.

In babies born weighing less than 2 kg, immature intestines and enzyme deficiency are observed up to 7 months. But you should not delay with complementary feeding, since from 6 months the growing body of a newborn needs additional doses of minerals and vitamins. Therefore, they begin to give oatmeal to infants taking into account the following rules:

  • a child can be given oatmeal after he has become comfortable with vegetables and fruit purees, as well as with gluten-free cereals, that is, from about 7.5-8 months;
  • the first time the child should be given ½ teaspoon of porridge. Offer before main feeding;
  • Monitor the baby’s condition for two days: if after oatmeal his stool is not disrupted or allergies appear, then the child tolerates rolled oats well. The dose can be gradually increased;
  • oatmeal porridge, like any other new complementary food, is introduced during full health baby. A week before and within a week after introducing a new product to the menu, you should not vaccinate your baby;
  • there is no need to insist if the baby categorically does not like the taste of oatmeal, he spits it out, turns away and is capricious. Offer this porridge in a month;
  • Children under one year of age are fed only fresh, just-cooked rolled oats. It is not recommended to reheat the porridge!

Oatmeal recipes for babies

Now that you know when you can try introducing rolled oats into your baby’s diet, let’s figure out how to prepare oatmeal for babies.

Choice of cereals. You need to buy oatmeal marked “for children”, “for children from ... year/years”, “allowed for children”, etc. Products with such markings are given more attention in production.

Preparation of raw materials. Rinse the cereal in cold water, dry it (can be done in the oven on low heat with the door open), grind in a coffee grinder or blender until it becomes flour.

Basic recipe for first feeding. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, measure out ¼ cup of ground cereal and carefully pour it into still cold water, stirring the contents continuously. Continuing to stir the cereal without stopping, bring the water to a boil and simmer, covered, over low heat for 20 minutes, checking that the porridge gurgles quietly in the saucepan.

You can also cook rolled oats for babies in a different way: pour 3 tablespoons into a small container cold water, add a teaspoon of ground cereal, mix thoroughly. Pour 100-150 ml of water into a saucepan, let it boil and add the diluted cereal there. Cook over low heat for at least 20 minutes.

Don't do the opposite. Some mothers first cook oatmeal, and then grind the finished porridge with a blender. This is a bad idea because the porridge will become very viscous and dense, making it difficult for the child to swallow and digest it.

The prepared oatmeal should be poured into a plate and left for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the porridge will have time to swell and cool. Now you can offer it to the baby.

Pediatricians allow cooking instant porridge for children. The crushed cereal is poured into a container and filled with boiling water or milk. In 5-7 minutes the food is ready!

  • For the first feeding we prepare oatmeal for infants with water, after a month - with milk diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio, and only when the child turns 1.5 years old can he be offered porridge with whole milk.
  • For the first time, you don’t need to add butter, sugar or salt to the plate. Only a month after the baby has become accustomed to the new dish, you can add a little salt or sweeten it, using just a pinch of seasoning. Flavor the porridge with butter on the tip of a knife when the baby is 9-10 months old.
  • If the baby categorically refuses to eat rolled oats, do not insist. Offer your child this dish again in a month.

As a rule, all children tolerate rolled oats well. Possible negative reaction occurs only when the child congenital intolerance gluten free