Husky training: a general course of study. How to quickly teach a Siberian Husky the “near” command. training methods of various dog training schools for effective training of a husky team nearby Raising a husky puppy 2 months

When starting to educate and train a husky, do not forget that this is a working dog, but not a service dog. There is a myth that huskies are difficult to train. This is not entirely true. Husky training is simple: they are very smart and can pick up commands on the fly. Huskies learn well through play and love praise. But at the same time, these dogs are independent and self-sufficient, and often dominant. Therefore, sometimes they refuse to execute the command. Intelligence and allow representatives of this breed to learn even complex tricks.

In the photo: Siberian Husky dog ​​breed

Raising and training a husky puppy at home

To be successful with a dog of this breed, it must respect you. To do this, it is necessary to gain authority - with reasonable rigor. Which should not be confused with cruelty. Yes, lisping is unacceptable, but if you beat the dog, it will only get embittered and will certainly take revenge at the first opportunity.

Husky training at home begins from the moment the puppy appears in the house. Play, play and play again - then the process will go smoothly. Intonation is of great importance: commands are given in a calm voice, clearly.

You should not be guided by manuals for training service dogs - in the case of a husky, they are useless. This breed requires a different approach.

In the photo: Siberian Husky

After correctly executing the command, do not forget to reward the huskies. The reward can be a treat (you also need to approach the choice of a treat responsibly, find out the details), and later - verbal praise. The voice should be friendly and soft.

The Siberian Laika (Siberian Husky) is a very beautiful breed of dog, its representatives are independent, athletic and intelligent. However, despite the rather noble manners and friendly behavior, they are not very easy to train. Siberian Huskies are draft dogs, so they will challenge your leadership and push the limits. If they are not dealt with, they will become destructive. In order to avoid this, it is first necessary to understand the nature of the Siberian Laika, and then correctly train her behavior in various situations.


Siberian Laika training

    Become the alpha leader. Siberian Huskies are famous for being difficult to train. These are draft dogs with a hierarchical structure of submission, and therefore they are stubborn, determined and independent. Due to the fact that huskies have innate behavioral traits, they can behave destructively (if they are not properly trained). In order to minimize the occurrence of bad behavior and lay the foundation for the formation of a good dog, training must begin as early as possible.

    • It is important to know and understand the temperament of the Siberian Husky. Self-confidence and willpower are important qualities that an owner needs in order to develop obedience in a dog. Likes will respect and execute commands coming exclusively from the "alpha" leader.
    • It is impossible to treat a husky as an equal: after all, huskies are draft dogs with a strong hierarchy of subordination, and they follow only the leader. You must constantly demonstrate your leadership: the first to eat, go through the doors ahead of the dog, force the husky to give way to you; it is very important to be able to establish precisely such hierarchical relationships.
    • Sometimes, in an attempt to establish a hierarchical order by force, huskies are aggressive: they bite, adopt belligerent postures, or display other forms of violent behavior. In this case, it is important to demonstrate the superiority of the "alpha" leader in order to tame such behavior. If you allow the husky to continue like this, then you will only provoke even more aggressive aggression towards other people and dogs.
    • Sometimes Siberian Huskies exhibit behavior that is very natural and characteristic of themselves, but highly undesirable for humans. The position of alpha leader gives you the power to tame bad behavior: jumping, digging, biting and chewing. Likes will only obey the alpha leader.
  1. Reward and reward good behavior. Good manners are the foundation of a well-trained dog. Delicious treats and a friendly voice are an effective combination that will encourage a husky to display good behavior. This is called "positive reinforcement" or "respectful training".

    • The dog should receive its reward quickly, so the husky can quickly learn which behavior to repeat. Waiting too long will confuse the like. After the husky begins to confidently obey the command, the treat will no longer be needed.
    • Redirect bad dog behavior in a good direction. Switch your dog's attention from pranks to good manners. This will give the dog an idea of ​​what can and cannot be done without further punishment.
    • The system of rewards and rewards is safe because it does not cause fear, aggression, or stress from abuse in the Huskies. Instead of abusing the like, just don't give it a reward that it didn't deserve.
    • Training should be simple and purposeful. Your husky, like any other animal, has its own learning curve. Start with a minimum number of commands and gradually develop to more complex ones, rewarding the dog at all stages of training.
  2. Discipline the husky without resorting to violence. Along with rewards and praise, likes should also receive punishments for bad behavior. As with praise, corrective action must be taken immediately, be consistent, and aim to encourage good behaviour. You should not resort to physical or humiliating punishment of the dog, otherwise you can lose the willingness of the husky to obey, it is better to just control aspects of the life of the husky such as treats, toys, games and affection until the dog demonstrates the correct behavior.

    • Be firm in establishing discipline. Use words like "no" or "stop" with strong conviction but without anger in your voice.
    • Always make sure that your alpha leadership is based on confident and firm control of the training process, as well as demonstrated through the use of authoritative commands.
    • The received command must be executed. If your like refuses, then walk away and ignore her without giving her what she wants. After a few minutes, give the command again - be persistent and patient until she obeys.
    • If your husky continues to be stubborn and refuses to obey after a few attempts, then put her in a "time out" zone where she will stay away from people until she calms down.
  3. Develop a list of useful like commands. Just like when communicating with another person, useful and correct vocabulary is the basis for understanding and building a good relationship with a husky. A strong vocabulary will help your husky become a smart and well-behaved dog, but the most important thing is that the husky will get the opportunity to understand what you want from him.

    • Simple words like yes, no, sit, stand, come to me or other short phrases are best for communicating with a husky.
    • Familiar words and phrases help establish trust - this is how the husky better understands who her leader is and what they want from her.
    • A good vocabulary gives the husky that understanding that ultimately builds the ability to put words and phrases together in order to complete complex tasks.
  4. Be consistent and balanced during training. Although likes are famous for their intelligence, good behavior is the result of consistent repetition of certain conditions. Repetitive actions are the best way to achieve consistency in command execution. Repetitive activities are beneficial for both the dog and the owner because a regular training schedule, games, walks, and exercise maximize the time spent together and reduce the stress of expectation.

    Develop certain rules and try to stick to them. Although likes are famous for their intelligence, good behavior is the result of consistent repetition of certain conditions. Thus, it is important to establish rules that you will adhere to (they need to be communicated to all family members who will be in contact with the husky). Most likely, a husky will not execute commands that do not meet her expectations or confuse her.

    • Decide which rooms the dog is allowed to enter, what furniture can or cannot be used for lounging, and where the bed will be located.
    • Someday the time will come to leave the husky alone in the house. In this case, you need to make sure that boundaries are set that will protect your property from playing out or getting bored. It is possible that the kitchen will be a place where it will be easier to clean, where there will be a low risk of destructive behavior, and where the dog will be closer to the place where the family gathers and will be less lonely.
  5. Get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day to burn off excess energy in addition to playing time. Remember that Siberian Laikas have been trained for hundreds (if not thousands) of years to be hardy sled dogs. Lack of exercise will not only make the husky fat and lazy, but will also give rise to mischievous behavior, running away from home, howling, chewing furniture, whining and digging.

    • "A simple walk with the dog" is not enough for the Siberian Husky. They were bred to run several miles a day and therefore need more exercise. You should at least be prepared for a good daily jog, or at least a walk that will tire your husky.
    • Siberian Huskies prefer to howl rather than bark. Excessive howling can disturb the neighbors, they may start to complain. Exercise will help release the accumulated energy and minimize excessive howls.
    • Siberian Huskies have a reputation as "escape artists". When it comes to finding a way to leave the yard, huskies get creative. In most cases, your husky will only try to “break out” when she gets bored or tired from the exercise.
    • Other outdoor activities such as bikejoring, hiking or throwaway games, flyball or frisbee will help tire the husky and are a good alternative to jogging.

Dog cage training

  1. Let your husky feel comfortable in the cage. The cage should never be used as a prison-like punishment or as a timeout zone after failing to follow a command. It is better to give your husky the opportunity to get used to the cage and do not close the door. Always use a gentle voice and kind words when your husky is near the cage so he doesn't develop fear. Do not use force or deceive a husky in order to place it in a cage.

  2. Get ready to close the cage door. At the end of the day, put a familiar treat in the cage, and after your husky enters it, close the door. In order to minimize the dog's anxiety, put an interesting new toy inside in order to draw the attention of the husky from the closed door. Do not leave the cage until it stops howling or whining. Keep the husky in the cage for at least 30 to 60 seconds of silence. Resist the temptation to let the husky out of the cage until silence has been established for the specified minimum time, or correct her behavior with words and commands so that she becomes silent.

    • Always have extra toys on hand in case the treat and the original toy don't stop the husky from whining or howling. It is important to divert attention from the closed door.
    • A good strategy in this case is to keep the husky busy with exercises and games until she gets tired, and when she wants to sleep, then put her in a cage. If your husky falls asleep in a cage, then leave it there for the night.
    • Be careful: do not provoke or entertain the husky in the morning while she lies quietly in the cage. Otherwise, the dog will have the illusion that it is better for her to be outside the cage. Do not pay much attention to your like in the first moments after leaving the cage - this way you can veil this illusion.
  3. If your husky is afraid of loneliness, then place a cage in your bedroom. Siberian Huskies are sled dogs and they want to be close to their "alpha" leader, this will also give them extra confidence that they have not been abandoned. Calm your dog down with kind words or petting. Keep the door closed for at least four hours until your dog wants to use the toilet.

    • Comfort is key. Therefore, if your husky empties in a cage, then do not scold or punish her.
    • Let the cage sit in the bedroom for a few nights until the husky gets used to it. After your husky stops howling, whining, or peeing in the cage, you can place the cage somewhere else in your home.
  4. Leave the house, leaving the husky alone. Don't treat it like it's something special; it is better not to draw attention to your care so that your husky does not worry.

    • Practice first until it becomes a habit. Gradually increase the period during which you pretend to leave the house for training purposes until you reach two hours. Remember that if you have a puppy, then he will need to defecate every four hours. Thus, it is necessary to take appropriate measures during training: either return home yourself, or ask the neighbors to temporarily release the puppy from their cage.
    • It would be correct to inform the neighbors that you are leaving the husky in the cage: the husky tends to linger "howl" when she feels alone.
    • Siberian Huskies are masters of escape. When you leave the house, make sure that all dangerous toys, collars and leashes are not accessible from the cage, so that the dog will not harm himself with them.

Acquaintance of huskies with children

  1. Establish mutual respect between children and dog. The Siberian Husky is generally friendly towards children, but it still does not hurt to set social boundaries (no jumping, no grabbing, no chasing, no running and no pulling). Children also need to respect boundaries: do not tease; don't be rude; do not pursue; do not pull on the coat, tail or ears, and do not engage in a fight.

    • Children should help train the husky under adult supervision, so the husky will be happy to get to know all family members.
    • Teaching children to treat the husky gently and affectionately (instead of hitting and pulling the fur) helps to establish a trusting friendship for each other.
  2. Identify potential risk factors. Besides the case when you bring a puppy into the house, you must always take into account the unknown past of the husky in relation to children. Before bringing a husky into the house, find out if she has known children before. Check if the husky has undergone any training for contact with children. Visually observe the husky next to the children in order to determine the presence of irritability, nervousness, and to notice the growl in time.

    • The Siberian Husky has an innate instinct to chase small animals and sometimes even children. Due to the fact that huskies see small animals such as cats as a source of food, they may mistakenly attack infants or toddlers (mistaking them for strangers who do not belong to the team (family)).
    • If there are children around, always keep your new dog on a leash so you can control the situation and prevent possible injury.

Huskies were bred as a breed of sled dogs, distinguished by endurance and excellent working qualities. They pulled teams in Siberia and the Far East, from there they were brought to Alaska and conquered the North of America, where they quickly overtook local sled dogs in popularity. These hard-working animals are still indispensable in harsh conditions, but they have spread around the world as companion dogs. American breeders worked on the exterior of the husky and today it is a very attractive outwardly breed - a muscular and graceful dog of medium size, has a thick coat, erect triangular ears and incredibly beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

The most common eye color is blue, but brown is common, eyes of different colors are acceptable. By nature, the dogs are friendly and energetic, they are completely human-oriented, good-natured, suitable for a family with a child. They will find a common language with large animals, but small ones - cats, rodents, are considered as prey. A dog can be kept in an apartment, the absence of a smell from wool and drooling simplifies maintenance, but regular physical activity is necessary, otherwise unspent energy is spent on destroying the house.

How to toilet train a Husky?

1. Toilet in the house

Puppies up to 6-7 months old cannot control physiological processes, their mother takes care of them, and in the house these responsibilities fall on the owner. Until the end of quarantine after vaccination, babies are not taken out into the street, so they are taught to walk on a diaper or a newspaper. During the puppyhood of the dog, it is better to remove all carpets from the floor, otherwise it will be a favorite place for "wet things". It is better to place the tray or newspapers in a place that the Husky has chosen himself, if it is a toilet, then you will have to leave the door open, providing free access. If the puppy regularly walks in a place where it is strictly forbidden, try spraying a special spray there that repels the smell or put a bowl, the dog will not shit near his food. Bed newspapers should be changed regularly, the puppy would rather make a puddle on the floor than go to a dirty toilet. If the puppy is unfamiliar with the diaper, he will not immediately understand its purpose. You can train a dog by limiting its space to a room or a fence, completely covered with diapers. It is worth releasing a pet after he went to the toilet, be sure to praise him and give him a treat. Gradually reduce the number of diapers to one, by which time the puppy will understand where to do his business, and he does not need to be locked up anymore.

2. Outside toilet

When it comes time to walk a puppy, the owners are faced with such a problem - he walks for an hour or two, but he still goes to the toilet at home.

There are several tips on how to deal with this, something will definitely suit you:

Take a scented newspaper from the house to encourage the puppy to pee.
Bring him to the place where other dogs have made a toilet so that he understands what is expected of him.
To endure the baby immediately after eating or sleeping, he will not be able to endure for a long time and goes outside.
Always praise and give treats, but do this after the process has been successfully completed, otherwise you will scare away.
Do not punish the puppy for puddles at home, because he is small, huskies up to 8 months old can go to the toilet at home if there is a large interval between walks.

How to train a Husky?

Simple commands: “Come to me”, “Search”, “Sit”, “Walk”, etc. can be practiced at an early age, in the form of a game. When calling your pet, say "Come", hide a toy or treat, and practice the "Search" command. Do not rely on instant understanding, repeat the lesson several times a day, achieve fulfillment. We must not forget about encouragement and change words, for example, “Search” - “Find”, “Sit” - “Sit down”, this will confuse the puppy. Training surrounded by other dogs will benefit the pet, because huskies are used to working in a pack. If you could not cope with the stubborn temper of your dog on your own, contact professional trainers.

Every owner has a dream to make his four-legged friend become smart and well-mannered, able to carry out a variety of commands. Training dogs of a breed like Husky requires not only patience, but also assertiveness.

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Features of training

There is an opinion that pets are very difficult to educate. However, this is absolutely not the case. The Husky is smart, but it also has a unique character. To find an approach to the dog, you will have to look at it, at its behavior. Husky training should begin at an early age. And first of all, it is recommended to study the command - “Come to me”.

Self-education of a puppy should be based on rewards. In this situation, the young pet should receive a treat for the correct execution of the command. This will help fix the dog's reflex to a certain word.

There are training grounds near the clubs, which are usually allowed to visit with your pet for training. Husky education can be carried out with the help of an experienced instructor, useful advice from him. In some situations, the dog can be given to the club for the care of cynologists.

Raising a Husky puppy is complicated by the fact that this breed of dog has a freedom-loving disposition. In addition, the pet simply loves to move a lot. If he does not have such an opportunity, he will simply get bored. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly load the animal with different teams, jogs and walks.

The simplest commands, which will be discussed below, can be learned without the help of an instructor. In this case, you should give your pet treats, praise him. It is necessary to train when the four-legged friend feels good. It is not recommended to conduct classes too early or, conversely, late.

You can teach a puppy of this breed of dog commands quickly enough. And numerous videos serve as proof of this. But at the same time, training should be carried out regularly. You can't stop half way. This is the only way to achieve positive results in the shortest possible time.

Team training

It is recommended to teach a variety of commands not only for performances. With their help, the owner will be able to set up contact with a four-legged friend. It must be remembered that it is extremely difficult to achieve 100% results. And if you want to educate your friend, it is recommended to repeat the same commands over and over again, periodically encouraging the pet.

The video will show how the pet performs the simplest actions at the very beginning of its training.

Learning to approach

First of all, it is necessary to accustom the pet to the command "Come to me!". Say it constantly when you call your puppy to you. As soon as he completes the actions required of him, give a treat and praise. And so repeat until the dog starts to execute the command instantly.

Command "Sit!"

Teaching a puppy is not as difficult as it might seem. It is necessary to start pronouncing it when the pet is already sitting. It is important to make sure that the animal is aware of what you feed him and praise him for. It is recommended to train constantly, not forgetting about rewards.


In order to teach a dog the “Search!” command, you must first show a treat. After that, hold it with your palm or hide it behind your back. Then say the command. Over time, you can find more secluded places in order to hide any thing.

Basic skill training

The phrase "No!" belongs to the main category. In the event that the pet grabbed something, come up and pull out an unnecessary object from its mouth. At the same time, clearly and strictly pronounce the command. It is allowed to slightly pat the puppy or scold.

It is necessary to consistently subordinate the will of the puppy constantly, in all matters. Even innocent pranks can lead to quite serious problems later. If you decide to train a dog at home, listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced dog handlers. First of all, it is necessary to show who is the leader.

Constant education, taking into account rewards, should be carried out not only on training grounds, but also at home. If you decide to get a dog of this breed, you should think about visiting special clubs that regularly hold competitions and training.

Basic principles to follow

  1. When accustoming a puppy to commands, you should not punish him physically. The stick and carrot method does not work in this situation. Only sweets, which are fed to dogs of this breed for the correct execution of commands, contribute to a positive result. Try to praise the dog constantly, encourage food. If he starts behaving badly, distract him with a toy.
  2. It is necessary to repeat over and over what has already been done. In numerous training videos, you can see how experienced cynologists often utter the same command phrase even if the pet unquestioningly performs them. Due to this, it will be possible to fix the necessary reflex.

Video "How to educate and educate"

The video will talk in sufficient detail about such a breed of dog as the Husky. Much attention is paid to the process of education. Therefore, it is a must to watch it.

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Today we will talk about how to quickly teach the Siberian Husky the “near” command. We will also consider the training methods of various cynological schools for the effective training of a husky dog ​​in the NEXT team.

Our task is to teach the husky puppy to stand next to the left foot and follow the left side of the owner on the “next” command. At the same time, do not pull the leash, do not tear to the sides, calmly follow us from the left side. The “close” command is not only necessary for a normal husky life in the city, but it is the basis of all training. Those. Teaching your dog the “near” command is a necessary and one of the most important things to do.

How to teach a husky puppy the “near” command?

One of the old school methods is the "pull" method.The jerk technique is that a person must perfectly master two things: the ability to make the right jerk and command in time. The jerk should be as sharp and short as possible. The command must be pronounced a moment before the jerk, in a confident and clear voice. Next immediately follows a jerk with a leash.

The ultimate goal of such a jerk is to apply an unexpected "blow", "pressure" to the dog's neck. This is how your husky develops a conditioned reflex to the voice command, and gradually, when the reflex is formed, she will execute the “next” command calmly and naturally.

In practice, this is how it is done. Give the voice command “near”, make a jerk and immediately immediately start moving. The leash is in your left hand, for convenience you can hold the leash between your fingers at a height of 30-40 cm from the carabiner. Keep moving. While the husky is following the command, do not interfere, go straight, you can also change direction.

As soon as the dog begins to pull on the leash, as soon as the leash begins to take a horizontal position, immediately give a short voice command and make a jerk, as described above. After that, as soon as the dog has taken the right position, immediately praise.

Gradually, the husky will learn the “close” command and the need to jerk the leash will disappear. But at the training stage, it is important to follow the instructions and follow the sequence.

Further. There are some special points here that need and are important to consider, since the psychology of the Husky is very different from other breeds. The fact is that it is very important that the attention of the dog is “yours”. Those. Husky should not be distracted or care about what is happening.

It should be "in the subject", "in the game"! To do this, it is often recommended to hold in the right hand either a croquet, or a toy, such as a squeaky one. For temperamental huskies, this is a toy, a ball, a rattle or a piece of treat, a croquet, some kind of yummy - the owner, as a rule, knows what attracts the attention of his dog the most.

Food Reinforcement Method for Teaching Huskies to Command Nearby:

Put a leash on the husky puppy, calmly, with an affectionate voice, praise, call, draw the attention of the puppy to the hand. Distract attention from the leash if he does not want to and resists immediately. Hide the leash from sight, bring it behind your back so that the puppy does not see the leash.

Further. A leash in the left hand, something tasty in the right. The husky puppy still does not know what a leash is, why he pulls, and does not know what to follow you. Help him. Call him to follow the hand. While the puppy goes to the smell of delicious in his hand - praise! Make it clear that this is exactly what you wanted, that it is exactly right! what needs to be done now. Bend over to the puppy, be close to him. Say the command "close!".

Before bringing a husky into the house, it must be remembered that this breed requires constant attention and care, and the dog must undergo an initial training course without fail, otherwise the owner simply will not be able to control it.
Before you teach your Husky the “near” command, you need to make sure that she learns a few basic commands - sit, lie down and others. Once these commands are mastered, you can begin to learn the "near" command.

It is very important that training takes place in a quiet and calm place where the husky will not be distracted and can fully concentrate on the lesson. Cars passing by, cats running by, people passing by can interfere with training.

Of course, in the future, when the command is mastered, these stimuli will not interfere, because thanks to them endurance will be developed in the dog.
First you need to walk the Husky well in order to slightly reduce the level of physical activity. Immediately after the walk, it is necessary to start training, while it is worth remembering that today there are quite a large number of the most diverse ways of teaching the dog the “near” command.

A very effective way of learning with the help of a stimulus according to the Swedish method, a sharp jerk of the leash acts as a stimulus. A clear command “near” is given, a clap is made on one’s left thigh and a sharp jerk of the leash, as an encouragement it is said “good, close”. Do not forget about stroking and delicacy, as a praise for a correctly executed command.

As soon as the husky walks to its heart's content, you need to take a leash, preferably a short one, after which the animal sits down near the left leg. The leash is taken in the left hand, the loop of the leash is put on the right, while the part of the leash between the left and right hand should sag.
Before the start of the movement, the husky is called by his nickname, the command “near” is given and a small jerk of the leash is made forward, after which the movement begins. In the event that the animal runs forward, a sharp jerk of the leash is made back and slows down a little, as soon as the animal takes the correct position, it must be praised, stroked and given a treat.


Reception "Nearby" is fundamental in the entire system of training the Siberian Husky. The position of the dog relative to the trainer is the starting position for all other techniques. That is why, given the outward simplicity of the technique itself and the uncomplicated staging of it, it is of decisive importance and needs careful, painstaking staging.
Husky should be at the handler's left leg. When stopping, sit so that her paws are in line with the toes of the trainer's shoes. In motion, walk side by side so that the dog's shoulder is at the level of the handler's left knee. In this case, parallelism is unacceptable, i.e. movement parallel to the trainer with a large gap (more than the width of the dog itself) between them..

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There are many ways to set up this technique for a husky, but in general they can be classified into three groups:

1. "German school" - the dog is punished for moving away from the trainer. These are jerks with a leash, the use of a parfort or a choke collar, various devices that cause pain to the dog when trying to deviate, etc.

2. "English school" - the dog is rewarded for the correct position, and its mistakes are ignored: exposure to treats, the sight of a toy or fetch in the hand, etc.

3. "American school" - the dog is placed in a position where no other position is possible: passing close to the fence, etc.

Of course, a combination of techniques is optimal, but in order to achieve optimality, it is necessary to clearly isolate the reasons for the dog's deviation so that their actions do not aggravate their manifestation.

1) Husky pulls forward, pulling on the leash.
Reasons: the dog feels like a leader who must go ahead; the dog is excited by a smell or a moving object, a dog, a person, etc.; huskies with a developed orienting instinct i.e. "scout"; the dog is afraid of something behind and seeks to leave the dangerous or unpleasant place as quickly as possible.

2) Husky is lagging behind the trainer.
Reasons: the dog occupies an emphatically subordinate position, yielding the right of primacy to the person; the movement itself or its direction is unpleasant for the dog, she seeks to avoid it.

3) The Husky moves parallel to the trainer at a great distance.
Reasons: dogs do not trust the trainer, expecting pain or other troubles; poor contact with the trainer.

4) Husky moves side by side, but at an angle, as if running ahead and looking at the trainer and interfering with his movements.
Reasons: the dog is too excited or playful, too close contact with the trainer.

All actions of the trainer are accompanied only by the voice command "Next", since any additional commands such as "Get better", "Sit" (when stopping), clicks, whistles and pats create future problems when the Husky will have to be practically retrained to a new complex.
For a husky, any number of words and other sounds make up one command. As a rule, "nearby" is the first trick that a husky puppy begins to learn, and that is why it is necessary to carefully work out all the subtleties and nuances so as not to create difficulties for yourself in the future. Usually start with the initial position of the dog next to the "immobile" trainer.

Initial position.
Husky hands (soft mechanics) give the desired pose and fix it with encouragement, without exciting physical activity. When attempting to change posture, the dog is held with the simultaneous command "close". You can only release the dog from the starting position by any other command. Exposure is increased very gradually.

It is advisable not to make long pauses between the execution phases, making the Husky unite the entire reception in one movement. Huskies often have a non-parallel landing due to lack of coordination. For them, the work of the trainer with his hands is especially important, preventing the skidding of the croup and landing diagonally. The dog receives a treat only by fixing in the correct starting position.

Repeated repetition achieve automation of reception. Causing the Husky pain (too much jerking, pinching, hitting, etc.) during setting may cause the dog to move away from the trainer, the landing becomes loose and non-parallel. A treat or toy in the right hand (near the chest) can cause the dog to turn half to the right when landing - a non-parallel landing. Turns should be done clearly, in one movement, taking into account the dimensions of the husky and varying the strength and method of influence according to the breed of the dog and the characteristics of its psyche. For a strong, dominant dog, a jerk is acceptable, for a weak, prone to submission - the impact of treats and soft mechanics.

Transition from starting position to movement.

Order of execution:
a.Voice command
b. trainer movement
c. dog movement

Strictly follow the order of execution! Having given the command "close", the trainer starts moving, prompting the husky to follow him. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not lag behind the trainer at the beginning of the movement. The gap between the beginning of his and her movement should be minimal. But it is just as unacceptable for the dog to be ahead of the trainer at the start of the movement.
Movement in a straight line.

The “near” command is given when the dog deviates in any direction and precedes the impact on the dog (jerks with a leash, showing treats or toys, etc.). After making sure that the position next to the trainer is the safest and most pleasant position, the dog begins to occupy it even when moving without command. Of course, this method takes more time. The command should not sound harsh or intimidating to your husky. Changes in the pace of movement are gradually introduced. The team must anticipate any changes!

It is necessary to ensure that there is no pause between the stop and landing of the husky, which is then very difficult to remove. Therefore, when you stop, you need to immediately put the dog with your hands, without waiting for it to sit down by itself. The movement nearby should be worked out to full automatism by repeated repetition, since the features of the motor skill are very difficult to correct.