Combining food products. Additional agreement to the employment contract

What is the principle of correct combination of products? It is believed that if several products enter the stomach at the same time and if they turn out to be incompatible with each other, then the digestion process will proceed poorly, which will lead to contamination of the body, and in particular the intestines, with various toxins and fats. This can be explained by the fact that digesting proteins requires one effort, while digesting carbohydrates requires a completely different effort.

Let's give a few examples.

For example, if you eat an apple on an empty stomach, it will be completely digested after 20 minutes, but if you eat the same apple, but after lunch, it will be poorly digested and may ferment. The same cabbage will rot in your stomach if you eat it with garlic. If you eat any porridge with meat at the same time, it will be very difficult for the stomach to process and assimilate such a meal and the food will remain to rot in the intestines.

In general, it is better for a person to eat plant foods: fruits, vegetables, grains. Our stomach perfectly accepts this kind of separate food. It is easily and quickly digested and well absorbed by the body. Therefore, from all this we can conclude: if you combine foods correctly, you can achieve noticeable results in the functioning of the stomach. These include rapid digestion of food, lack of bloating, lightness and maximum absorption of nutrients in the body.

Whether this theory about the correct combination of foods is true, no one can say one hundred percent, but if you still decide to start eating separately or just want to learn how to combine foods correctly, then there are several important rules for you that will help you successfully create your menu.

First rule.

Meat, eggs and fish are heavy protein foods. It is difficult for our stomach to digest, and therefore it is not recommended to drink liquid or eat sugar while consuming it. It will be healthier to eat vegetables with animal fats. After such a meal, it is better to take a two or three hour break between the next meal. This is important for its good absorption.

Second rule.

Vegetables, nuts, bread and pasta are complex carbohydrates and are therefore very easily digested by the stomach. It is not recommended to eat sugar with them. For better absorption, you need to take a two-hour break before your next meal.

Third rule.

If you want to replenish your energy reserves, then fruits are best for you. They contain enough sugar that we sometimes need. The absorption of fruits occurs much faster than other foods. Fruits should be eaten between large meals. You should not eat other sugar-containing foods with them, such as chocolate and candy.

In addition to these three simple rules for eating, there are several principles of proper nutrition.

  1. Since the condition and quality of the blood depend on our diet, to maintain an optimal acid-base balance in the blood, 50-70 percent of the daily diet should be complex carbohydrates, that is, any vegetables, as well as bread and pasta. This is an important condition for good health and mood.
  2. Many foods contain proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. Such foods must be eaten together, since there is no way to separate proteins from carbohydrates, but “pure” proteins and “pure” carbohydrates should not be mixed. This will bring little benefit to the body.
  3. In order to satisfy all the needs of our body, we need to choose a variety of foods. With animal food we get sulfur and phosphorus. Eating vegetables - magnesium, calcium and potassium.
  4. Sometimes we need extra energy. To do this, we should eat foods containing sugar.

Here are some tips for eating specific foods.

Butter and sour cream should only be eaten fresh and without harmful preservatives.

It is better to eat vegetable oil unrefined, first pressed. And you need to fry food with a minimum amount of oil - overcooked oil contains a large amount of harmful carcinogens.

Sugar and other sugar-containing products should be consumed separately from other foods. Honey is best absorbed by the body - it is a product ready for absorption.

Bread. Bread contains a lot of starch and therefore does not combine well with animal proteins. It is healthier to eat bread made from bran.

Rice. Only unpeeled brown rice is considered healthy.

Potatoes should be eaten boiled and with vegetable salads.

It is better not to eat vegetables such as zucchini, beets, carrots, and pumpkin with sugar - this can cause fermentation in the stomach.

Milk should be consumed separately. It interferes with the digestion of other foods. Adults should not drink more than one glass of milk per day.

Fermented milk products are compatible with milk. They are difficult to digest.

Eggs are poorly digestible and are difficult to digest food. They are best eaten with vegetables.

Nuts are vegetable fats that are easily digestible. Can be added to vegetable salads.

Melon should be eaten separately.

Do not eat fruits with meat, fish, eggs.

Try to keep dishes simpler. Simple dishes are easily digested by our body.

Do not consume fats (sour cream, cream, butter and vegetable oil) with meat and eggs, fish and any nuts.

Do not eat preserves, jams, syrups with cereals - this causes fermentation in the intestines.

And remember, if you learn to combine foods correctly, it will bring you and your body tangible benefits and always a good mood.

No matter how strong the spirit of camaraderie and mutual assistance is in the company, almost always when asking a colleague for help, an employee formally has the right to say: “This is not my job.” It’s a completely different matter if the expansion of functionality is formalized. In the material you will find step-by-step instructions for completing the combination and a warning about possible problems.

Combining positions often becomes inevitable to replace an important employee who has gone on vacation, especially maternity leave. It can also be useful for survival in difficult times for a company, especially in conditions of labor shortage. How to arrange a combination correctly?

Combination: legal status

Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refers to the combination of performing, during the established duration of the working day (shift), along with the work specified in the employment contract, additional work in another or the same profession (position) for additional pay. This definition, in addition to combination, also includes expanding the service area, increasing the volume of work and fulfilling the duties of a temporarily absent employee. The difference between these phenomena lies largely in the language that will be used in the accompanying documents.

The wording “combining professions” is used for blue-collar professions, and “combining positions” is used for employees, specialists and managers.

What positions can be combined?

As a rule, combining positions is possible within the same category of workers: blue-collar workers, office workers, specialists, etc. But this is rather a tradition, since the current labor legislation does not contain such a rule.

Restrictions on the possibility of combining positions are imposed by other conditions. For example, the employee’s qualifications may not correspond to the new position, or work in the position requires additional documents (for example, medical clearance).

Combination term

The deadline is indicated in each document accompanying the registration procedure of the combination. A prerequisite is the start date of additional work. If the combination is established for a certain period, then the end date is also indicated.

Step-by-step instruction

Position preparation

If we are talking specifically about combining positions as such (as opposed to expanding the service area), then the following conditions must be met:

  1. the position must be included in the staffing table;
  2. the position must be vacant.
The last condition does not directly follow from the requirements of the Labor Code, but is often taken into account by courts and inspectors. Sometimes a new position is introduced into the staffing table specifically for combination purposes.

It is worth remembering that a temporarily unoccupied position is not vacant, that is, if the employee replacing it is on vacation, including maternity leave. To assign additional work for a temporarily unoccupied position, the wording “performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee” is used.

2. Written consent of the employee

In accordance with Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, additional work can be assigned to an employee only with his written consent. Such consent can be obtained in two ways:

  1. At the employee’s request, he writes an application with a request to be assigned, in order to combine duties, for the desired position (Appendix 1). Alternatively: in order to expand the service area or in order to perform the duties of a temporarily absent employee. In the latter case, along with the position, the name of the temporarily absent employee is indicated. Then the head of the organization supplements the statement with his positive resolution, instructing the head of the personnel department to prepare drafts of the relevant documents.
  2. At the suggestion of management, a memorandum from the head of the department is drawn up with a request to assign the employee the duties of a combined position (Appendix 2). In turn, the employee supplements the memo with his written consent with the signature “I agree to combine positions.” Then the manager's resolution is imposed.
The application or memorandum may already contain an indication of the duration of the combination if it is issued for a specific period.

3. Additional agreement to the employment contract

The combination affects the employee’s labor functions, and they are the subject of the employment contract. Therefore, combination requires the conclusion of an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract (Appendix 3). The agreement must include the following parameters:

  1. If the basis for the preparation of an additional agreement was the employee’s statement, it is indicated that the responsibilities are assigned to the employee at his request.
4. Order on personnel

The basis for starting work on combining is the corresponding order for personnel (Appendix 4). It is drawn up on the basis of an additional agreement in free form on the form of orders for personnel. The order must contain a number of elements:

  1. Type of additional work (part-time position, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee or service area).
  2. The position for which the combination is established (if additional work is assigned in the order of combination).
  3. Deadline for additional work.
  4. The content of additional work, that is, additional labor functions.
  5. Pre-agreed amount of remuneration for additional work.
  6. Special conditions (if required).
Special conditions are new responsibilities or new authorities required to perform additional functions. For example, for the position of a cashier - financial responsibility, for a HR specialist - responsibility for maintaining work books, for a managerial position - the right to sign and the right to make management decisions.

Payment for additional work

Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation emphasizes that combination work is paid additionally. The amount of additional payment, in accordance with Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is established by agreement of the parties. The additional payment is accrued in accordance with the actual time worked, that is, if the employee did not combine positions for a full month, then the additional payment is accrued only for the period of combination. By the way, claims for the recovery of additional payments for combining positions account for a considerable percentage of labor disputes.


"B. V.A. filed a lawsuit against the limited liability company [data removed] for the recovery of additional payment for combining positions, declaring the dismissal illegal and compensation for moral damage.

The plaintiff worked for the company as a manager. Along with the work specified in the employment contract, the defendant entrusted her with additional work in another profession - cashier-operator. In total, in November-December 2011, the plaintiff worked on a part-time basis for 13 days. She was entitled to an additional payment in the amount of 3,900 rubles, but the defendant did not pay the specified funds to her. Moreover, under pressure from management, she was forced to write a letter of resignation of her own free will.

The court did not satisfy the plaintiff’s demands for recognition of the dismissal as illegal: she did not provide any evidence that this statement was written by her under pressure and coercion from the defendant’s management. In confirmation of the fact of working under the conditions of combining positions, the plaintiff presented the work schedules of order acceptance employees for November and December 2011, where, according to the plaintiff’s explanations, the time of work under the conditions of combining the positions of manager and cashier-operator is indicated by the symbol “NK”. The plaintiff also presented written evidence to the court, including an additional agreement to the employment contract. The court considered the plaintiff’s demands to collect additional payment from the defendant for work on the basis of combining positions to be satisfied.”

Decision of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow dated July 17, 2012 in case No. 2-1309/12

Examples of judicial practice are provided by the RosPravosudie portal.

Payment can be set in both absolute and relative units. For example - 6,000 rubles. per month or 40% of the employee’s salary in accordance with the staffing table.

In accordance with Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, additional payment for combining positions is considered wages. This means that compensation premiums are applied to her. For example, for work in the Far North (Articles 315-317 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or for work on a rotational basis (Article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The need to calculate coefficients for additional payments for combinations is confirmed by judicial practice.


"B. N.A. filed a lawsuit against her employer to recover additional payment for holding multiple positions. In support of the stated claims, the plaintiff indicated that since December 7, 2009 she has been working in the defendant’s company in the position of [data removed]. From 03/01/2011, with her consent, she was assigned additional responsibilities for the vacant position [data taken] with an additional payment of 4,100 rubles. The specified compensatory additional payment in accordance with Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is a salary on which, according to Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 2008 No. 555, a percentage bonus for work in the Far North and a regional coefficient are subject to accrual.

The defendant argued that the orders indicated specific amounts of additional payments; the application of an allowance for work in the Far North and a regional coefficient was not provided for them.

The court recalled that remuneration of an employee for part-time work, taking into account the provisions of the current legislation, Articles 60.2 and 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is the responsibility of the employer due to the direct instructions of the law on this. Also, in accordance with Art. 315,316 and 317 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas are carried out using regional coefficients and percentage increases in wages. The amounts of these expenses relate to labor costs in full.

Based on this, the court satisfied the plaintiff’s demands in full.”

How to combine products correctly

Digestion through the eyes of naturopaths

Almost 1000 years ago, in the 9th century, the great physician Avicenna stated that “digestion of different types of food does not occur simultaneously and mixing incompatible products is dangerous to health.” In such cases, food is not completely digested and the body’s need for nutrition increases sharply. Nowadays, the food industry is influenced by the outdated theory of a balanced diet. Following this theory has led humanity to devastating results. The time has come when a person, if he wants to live actively and not suffer from illness, must believe in the wisdom of his body.

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For the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is very important to follow the rules of combining foods. They must be performed especially carefully if we are talking about a child. When a number of incompatible products enter the stomach, the digestion process begins to malfunction, and the body becomes contaminated with toxins and fatty deposits. From a chemical point of view, incompatible products are substances with different degrees of energy intensity. For example, our body will require different efforts to process proteins and carbohydrates. A separate plant-based diet is optimal. Such food is quickly digested and perfectly absorbed by the body.

How to combine products correctly

1. Meat, fish and eggs are protein-rich foods. It is difficult for the stomach to digest it, so it is not recommended to drink when eating such food. The optimal combination is vegetables and animal fats. The break before the next meal is at least three hours.

2. Bread, pasta, nuts are saturated with easily digestible complex carbohydrates and are easily digested by the stomach. Their combination with sugar is undesirable. The break before the next meal is two hours.

3. The most easily digestible food is fruit. It can be eaten between main meals. Do not combine well with sugar-based foods.

Principles of nutrition

Up to 70 percent of the daily diet should be complex carbohydrates. This is an important condition for maintaining the acid and alkaline balance of the blood. Many products contain both proteins and carbohydrates. It is necessary to distinguish between “pure” proteins and carbohydrates. To fully meet the needs of our body, we need to eat a variety of foods. If a person needs additional energy, he needs to eat foods high in sugar.

1. Buy homemade butter and sour cream, as they do not contain preservatives.

2. Use virgin vegetable oil. You should not fry food using large amounts of oil - it produces harmful carcinogens.

3. Replace sugar with honey. It is much better absorbed.

4. Bread contains a large amount of starch and is not suitable for consumption with animal proteins. Eat bran bread.

5. Only brown rice is healthy.

6. Boiled potatoes go well with vegetables.

7. Sugar should not be combined with beets, zucchini, pumpkin and carrots - this causes fermentation in the stomach.

8. Milk is not compatible with fermented milk products.

9. Eggs are best digested with vegetables.

10. Nuts consist of vegetable fats, they are perfectly digestible and are suitable for adding to vegetable salads.

11. Melon cannot be combined with any products and is always consumed separately.

12. Try not to prepare complex dishes, they are more difficult for our body to digest.

13. Foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates should not be combined with acidic fruits and vegetables.

14. Try not to combine cream, sour cream, butter and vegetable oil with protein foods and nuts.

Proper combination of foods will allow your body to function properly.

The most important thing is the combination of products in the children's menu, since their body, like no other, requires a large amount of useful substances. Know that the correct combination of foods is the key to the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole.

Compatibility of different products

Experts say that when several products that are incompatible with each other enter the body at the same time, the process of digesting these products will not be carried out in the fastest way. All this can lead to intestinal contamination with a variety of waste, toxins and fats. The incompatibility of this lies in the fact that certain substances are needed to convert proteins, and completely different substances are needed to digest carbohydrates.

Nutritionists say that plant foods (fruits, vegetables, grains) are best absorbed. These products are easily digested, and at the same time our body receives maximum benefits. If you learn to combine foods correctly, you can achieve fast and high-quality digestion of food and forget about bloating forever.

Secrets of combining products

For those who have decided to eat separately, it will be useful to remember a few secrets that will help you correctly and rationally create your menu.

Firstly, products that are very difficult to digest in our body include protein products such as, and. Animal fats are also useful in combination. In order for all this to be absorbed well, you need to take a two-hour break before your next meal.

Fast absorption products include those that are rich in carbohydrates -, and. At this point, too, do not forget about the two-hour break before the next meal.

If you need to replenish your energy reserves, then you need to eat, they contain a lot of vitamins, which our body sometimes needs. These products are absorbed quite quickly. They should be eaten between large meals. It is not recommended to use foods such as sweets in combination with them.

We also recommend that you take note of a couple more tips on proper nutrition. If you want to achieve optimal acid-base balance in the blood, it is necessary that more than 50% of your menu consists of carbohydrates - and, as well. This rule is the key to a good mood and excellent health.

In order for your body to be fully provided with useful substances, you need to eat a variety of foods. and enter our body with food of animal origin,