Oat decoction: indications, methods of use. Antiulcer oatmeal tea with plantain. Antihypertensive coffee drink made from chicory and cereals

Oats are truly an invaluable gift to humanity; containing many useful substances, they are included in the list of medicinal plants. In turn, oat decoction contains all its beneficial properties. This medicinal infusion was quite widely used in the treatment of various diseases by our ancestors. You can find out more about oat decoction in our article.

Useful and medicinal properties of oats

How to prepare oat decoction
Preparing a decoction of oats is quite simple and does not take much time. To do this, take 250 grams of grains, pour boiling water or milk (1 liter) and cook over low heat for the next 3-4 minutes, then leave the broth to brew for about 30 minutes. After this time, strain the broth and squeeze out the grains. The duration of taking the medicinal brew is at least one month. You need to take the brew every day, half an hour before each meal.

To make the oat broth tastier, add a little honey to it, this will also increase the range of beneficial...

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Oats, which have long appeared in Europe, have gained fame as one of the valuable cereal crops. Many peoples treated a variety of ailments with it. Today, official medicine is happy to use this amazing cereal. Oatmeal, decoctions, jelly - in any form, this unpretentious plant has enormous healing properties. Cereal is one of the best foods to help cleanse the body. First of all, oats are used for the liver. The decoction can quite gently and effectively not only cleanse, but also restore such an important organ.

Natural composition

A unique cereal that has no equal among many other plants. The content of useful substances has made oats a universal remedy. The medicinal properties of cereal are truly great. The composition includes vitamins, organic acids, various essential oils, potassium, gum, magnesium, phosphorus. The cereal is rich in manganese, iron, iodine, zinc, nickel, chromium, fluorine, and silicon. And this is not a complete list of useful substances. However, he...

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December 23, 2012

It is prepared from unrefined oat and barley grains.

This recipe is valuable because it provides the body with an excellent set of nutrients that are absolutely necessary for our health. The set of vitamins and minerals is presented in the most complete volume.

In a short time, the condition of the liver and kidneys radically improves.

Since the liver is the main “laboratory” of our metabolism, and the kidneys are one of the main “filters” that “select” toxic substances from the blood and remove them from the body, this explains significant help with a variety of diseases: constipation, excess weight, frequent colds, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, angina, arrhythmias), chronic inflammatory diseases of various locations (herpes infection, sinusitis, adnexitis, prostatitis,...

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From early childhood, we all hear from parents, educators and teachers about the beneficial properties of oatmeal. And, being parents ourselves, we don’t forget to mention this to our children, but how often do we add products made from oats to our diet? But the benefits of oats are revealed in all the products that can be prepared from it: porridge, jelly, and cookies. The most unique beneficial properties are contained in oat decoction, which is prepared from whole grains.

Oats are a cereal plant. Since ancient times, the fields of Mongolia and northeast China have been sown with it. Currently, oats are grown all over the world, including in our country.

Oats have gained such popularity due to their rich healing composition of elements. Everything that the human body needs for health is contained in this miracle cereal.

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Miracle cereal - pantry of health

Zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, silicon, cobalt, iron, iodine and fluorine, minerals...

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Liver cleansing with oats

One of the mildest and most effective remedies known since ancient times for restoring the liver is an infusion of oats.

In order to prepare a decoction, you do not need Hercules (not flakes), but whole grains - today they are sold in various online stores, and in the health food departments of regular stores, sometimes in pharmacies.

This is a continuation of the topic about the oat drink.

When preparing to cleanse the liver, start with your diet: you need to switch to separate meals, mainly plant foods. It is necessary to increase the consumption of yellow foods (vegetable oil, lemons, honey, cheese, dried apricots, persimmons, nuts, millet, dried bread, etc.). Naturally, it is necessary to give up alcohol, smoked meats, pickles, meat, eggs, fish, and mushrooms.

The functioning of the liver, gallbladder and kidneys is seriously impaired by:

Overeating, especially fatty, fried, pickled and smoked foods; significant doses of alcohol and nicotine make the liver tissue more friable; sedentary image...

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Not many people know that oats are considered a very healthy grain, since they can maintain health and cleanse the entire body. Hippocrates invented drinking tea to strengthen the immune system. And the fact that oats have healing properties and can be used as a medicine was discovered by a French doctor who lived for 120 years. Perhaps it is thanks to this wonderful cereal?

Beneficial healing properties of oats

Along with many grains, oats are distinguished by their beneficial properties. Its use is recommended for inflammatory processes of various organs. Oats are especially useful for diseases of the stomach and intestines. It has a beneficial effect on the absorption of carbohydrates due to the content of a special element - magnesium. The substance improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also promotes metabolism. This cereal increases the immune system, so in the initial stages of hypertension it is the first healer. Preparations containing oats...

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Oat decoction

Many people have already been convinced of the beneficial properties of medicinal oat decoction from their personal experience. It has been actively used in folk medicine for many years, and its popularity continues to this day. It is used as an alternative to chemical medications. So what are the properties of this decoction?


It really has a lot of useful properties. But it is important to remember that the benefits and harms of oat decoction depend on the amount of product consumed and the condition of your body. When receiving, everything is individual. But herbalists recommend it even for use by young children. Starting from the age of six months, you can give the decoction to babies (but in smaller quantities than to an adult; it is worth checking with the pediatrician caring for the child for more details).

Main beneficial properties:

Active restoration of the digestive system can be taken for gastric diseases such as gastritis, peptic ulcers and others. Conclusion...

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Oats. Beneficial features. Treatment 68 Health 08/10/2014 Irina 08/10/2014 Oats. Beneficial features. Treatment

Dear readers, today we will talk to you about the beneficial properties of oats and oat treatment. What associations do we have when we talk about this cereal? Oatmeal is probably the very first. We also probably remember that oats are feed for horses. And the phrase, of course, from the Soviet film about Sherlock Holmes: “Oatmeal, sir!”, with the easy presentation of which we probably began to associate oatmeal with the obligatory breakfast of the British.

Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Foggy Albion were right when they chose this cereal as a regular guest for breakfast. And in our latitudes, oatmeal has always been considered healthy, just look at the recommendations to eat Hercules porridge. Remember this one? It can still be found on store shelves. Its popularity is not surprising. Oats are a very healthy cereal, and it doesn’t hurt to know about its properties. A,...

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Many people do not know how oats are useful and that it is beneficial for the human body to consume this grain as often as possible, not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes and in traditional medicine recipes.

Oats - beneficial properties

If you are interested in the benefits of oats for the human body, you must highlight its general strengthening effect as a whole. It is not for nothing that it is consumed for breakfast in many countries of the world, because it gives a positive effect in the form of:

  • improving complexion;
  • smoothing the skin;
  • reducing kilograms;
  • a charge of vigor and strength for a long time.

People who suffer definitely need to know how oats are beneficial for humans. It perfectly lowers blood sugar levels and normalizes the patient's condition. It can be used without medications, the result will be effective in any case. In addition, oats help in the following cases:

  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • helps get rid of urolithiasis;
  • effectively lowers cholesterol;
  • relieves stress;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • controls the thyroid gland;
  • relieves coughs and boosts immunity.

Oats - chemical composition

It is important what vitamins oats contain. Its chemical composition is full of minerals that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Per hundred grams of product it contains:

  • proteins – 1 g;
  • fats – 6.2 g;
  • dietary fiber – 12 g;
  • carbohydrates – 55.1 g;
  • water – 13.5 g;

In addition to the main elements, the composition contains:

Oats - use for medicinal purposes

Considering the benefits of oats for the body, its wide range of possibilities should be emphasized. They treat almost everything - from headaches to brittle nails. Decoctions and infusions are used more often, ointments and lotions are less often made. Eating whole and ground oats regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and removes waste and toxins. Its advantage is that it is used not only in folk medicine - highly qualified specialists prescribe it in the treatment menu.

Oats – liver treatment

Knowing how oats are good for the liver, you can restore its functionality without resorting to medical help, but this can only be done in unadvanced cases. Since it performs many important functions in the body, it is simply necessary to maintain it, and oat grains cope with this 100%. Before treatment, you need to prepare your body by cleansing the stomach, intestines and rectum. This can be done using a special decoction of the following herbs:

  • lingonberry leaves;
  • birch leaves;
  • plantain seeds.

You should drink it one tablespoon per day, diluted in a glass of water. It is necessary to complete a course of two weeks. You should avoid fried foods, fatty foods, coffee and alcohol. Before the recovery process, the liver must be rested. It is important to know not only what oats are good for, but also how to properly prepare and consume them.


  • water – 1 liter;
  • oat grains – 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Grind the beans; a coffee grinder is perfect for this process.
  2. Pour the flour into a thermos and add a liter of warm water.
  3. Infuse for 24 hours and drink one glass before meals for two months.

Oats – treatment of the pancreas

The plant contains a large number of amino acids that perfectly restore the functioning of the pancreas, so patients with this diagnosis are recommended to consume oatmeal:

  • porridge;
  • jelly;
  • decoctions;
  • milk.

Before treatment, you must refuse food for a day or two; only tea with sugar and rosehip infusion are allowed. Knowing the benefits of steamed oats and using them correctly, a person will recover faster. There are many cooking recipes aimed at healing the body.

Ingredients for porridge:

  • cereal – 0.5 cups;
  • water – 2 glasses.


  1. Boil water and pour the cereal into it.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. Eat without salt and oil for at least two days.

Knowing how to brew oats to treat the pancreas will also help if you do not want to use medications. However, experts advise seeking advice before starting self-medication. In severe and advanced cases, this method will remain ineffective, although it will hide the first signs of complications.

Oats in the treatment of stomach

The starch, proteins and fats that make up oats have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. How to brew oats to treat the entire gastrointestinal tract in order to normalize its functioning and restore it? It’s simple, because knowing the benefits of oats, you can get rid of a lot of problems of the whole body as a whole.


  • water – 1 liter;
  • oats – 1 cup.


  1. Pour the porridge into warm water and leave to steep for 12 hours.
  2. Then, put it on low heat and cook for half an hour.
  3. After the time has passed, remove from the stove and wrap in a warm blanket.
  4. For 30 days, drink the strained broth three times a day before meals.

Oats – bowel treatment

It is recommended not only to know how to properly prepare oats for treatment, but also to purchase the right cereal for this. What is on store shelves has already been heat-treated and has lost most of its carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, so you should look for a natural product, on farms, from private producers, etc.

Recipes for treating the stomach are very similar to intestinal decoctions, except for one thing - in this case it is permissible to add a little sugar or honey to cereals and tinctures. Some basic rules should be followed:

  • Before starting treatment, arrange for yourself.
  • Drink decoctions and tinctures at least three times a day, preferably before meals.
  • Do not interrupt the course earlier than after one month.

Oats for the treatment of candidiasis

There are many reasons for the occurrence of candidiasis. This fungus is very dangerous, because it can cause diseases such as:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes.

It can occur for many reasons:

  • environmental degradation;
  • poor nutrition;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anabolics;
  • pregnancy;
  • age over 50 years.

Decoction for the treatment of candidiasis


  • Water – 30 glasses;
  • Oats – 10 glasses.


  1. Pour the cereal into the water and put it on low heat.
  2. Cook for three hours and remove to cool in a cool place.
  3. Take one hundred grams three times a day.
  4. The course of treatment ranges from two to four months.

Oats in the treatment of joints

Knowing the benefits of oats, you can relieve joint pain without visiting a specialist. A decoction of a bucket of water and a bunch of oat straw perfectly relaxes and relieves stress when taking a bath, and the infusion restores bones from the inside. How to prepare oats for treatment so that the result is noticeable after a week of use?


  • grains in husks - 2 cups;
  • water – 1 liter;
  • honey – 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. The cereal is filled with water and placed in a water bath until half of the liquid has evaporated.
  2. The rest of the broth is cooled and filtered through a strainer.
  3. Add honey to the strained water, mix and drink 150 ml. every day, warm.

Oats – treatment of the thyroid gland

Experts say that in order to remove toxins from the body, you need to brew oats like tea and drink it daily. The activity of the thyroid gland can be reduced with the help of tincture, but you need to know how to cook oats for treatment. It perfectly removes poisons from the body and restores natural processes. Using one approach, two drugs can be prepared:

  1. Drink 100 ml of decoction of water and cereal before meals every day for at least two months.
  2. Place the remaining grains from the broth on a paper towel and apply to your throat in your free time.

The thyroid gland requires a lot of attention, so applying oat seeds for prevention will be an effective method for maintaining it in “sleep mode.” Tinctures and decoctions have no contraindications, except for personal intolerance, but such cases are practically absent. It is worth remembering that even if you want to treat yourself, consultation with a specialist is simply necessary.

Oats in the treatment of bronchitis

Is it easy to steam oats for treatment - the process is simple, considering that it is the most popular grain in folk remedies for getting rid of illness. A decoction with the addition of milk helps get rid of bronchitis. Such a remedy may well replace many pharmacy cough syrups without being inferior in effectiveness.


  • clean oats, in husks – 1 cup;
  • milk – 1 liter;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon.


  1. Pour milk over oats and cook over very low heat for one hour.
  2. After cooling, strain well and add honey to the resulting cocktail.
  3. Drink half a glass daily, preheating.
  4. Store leftover milk on oats only in the refrigerator.

Tell me, what do you associate the word “oats” with? I will not be mistaken that for ladies who are losing extra pounds, this is first of all tasty, nutritious oatmeal, for others it is the first thought about horse feed.

And only not many people know that this plant is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements so necessary for humans.

Oats contain many beneficial substances for the body.

And what specific medicinal properties and contraindications oats have, what oats help with, and methods for brewing them, read further in our article.

a brief description of

To understand how oats are beneficial for the human body, first of all, you need to study the chemical composition of this plant. In percentage terms, this cereal plant consists of: starch (60%), proteins (14%), fats (5 - 9%).

Oats, which contain amino acids such as lysine and tryptophan, as well as essential oils and nicotinic acid, are an indispensable component for well-being and good health.

Also, this cereal plant is rich in vitamins (retinol, B6, B1, K), magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron, phosphorus, chromium, manganese, zinc, iodine, cobalt are present.
Oats are an indispensable component for well-being and good health.

If we consider other cereals, then, for example, the composition of barley and oats does not differ much; only the percentage of carbohydrates and proteins differs. Compared to barley, oats have more protein and less starch.

What is useful in this plant?

Due to its unique composition, the benefits of oats for the human body are often equated to highly effective medications.
So what are the beneficial properties of oats:

  • restorative. By using the decoction in the autumn and winter, you can help your body fight viral infections and strengthen your immune system;
  • It will also help support immunity. It so uniquely combines various beneficial components that it can alleviate the condition of almost any ailment.

  • anti-inflammatory. This property allows the cereal to be used in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • cleansing. The use of cereal allows you to remove excess fluid, waste, and toxins from the body;
  • They will also help cleanse the body. Corn silk also benefits from the presence of selenium. It helps rid the body of toxins, increase immunity, and improve metabolic processes.

  • calming.

You will learn all the details about the benefits of oats from the video:

It is worth noting that all parts of the plant are used. The beneficial properties of green oats are similar to the properties of grain or the beneficial properties of milky ripe oats. Oats are used in the form of infusion, decoction, kvass and jelly.

Who shouldn't

Due to the fact that the cereal has a strong effect on the body, it must be used with caution, strictly adhering to the recipe and acceptable standards.
Oats, infusion or decoction of them are prohibited for the following categories of citizens:

  • having gallbladder disease;
  • with increased stomach acidity;
  • in case of high blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

Please note that contraindications relate exclusively to treatment with this plant, and not to consumption!

Oatmeal broth

Oatmeal decoction is a way to quickly and easily replenish vitamin deficiency, as well as put the body in order. So what are the beneficial properties of oat decoction?
Oat decoction will give you excellent health

While taking the decoction you:

  • strengthen the immune and nervous systems;
  • when combined with onions, remove mucus from diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • “bring down” the high temperature;
  • cleanse the body and normalize the functioning of the body as a whole;
  • normalize blood sugar levels;
  • strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure;
  • lose extra pounds. Using oat decoction for weight loss allows you to be full without extra calories;
  • get rid of nicotine and alcohol addiction;
  • tidy up the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, oats for pancreatitis are the best assistant to drug treatment.

Please note that it is best to use unrefined whole grains, since most of the nutrients are contained in the grain shell!

So how do you make oat decoction to get the most benefits? There are several ways to prepare oatmeal broth: brew the grains, infuse (steam) in a thermos, use a water bath, simmer in the oven. Let's look at each type separately and learn how to drink oats correctly.

Classic decoction

To prepare a classic version of the decoction, take 1 liter of grains (unrefined), add 5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Then simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Be sure to eat the broth before drinking. You can take up to 2 liters of decoction per day. Drink no more than 1 glass at a time.

For more information on how to prepare oat decoction, watch the video:

So what is the benefit of oat decoction? Helps strengthen the immune system, overcome chronic loss of strength, activates brain function, rejuvenates the body by cleansing it of waste, toxins, cholesterol plaques and deposited salts.

Many people are interested in how to properly make oat decoction in a thermos? Take 8 tablespoons of grains and rinse them thoroughly. Pour 1 liter of water over them, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Then pour the broth along with the grains into a thermos and leave for 7-8 hours. This brewing method will be an excellent way to use oats for weight loss.

Cleaning the body

Thanks to its multicomponent composition and unique properties, oats, which cleanse the body very gently but effectively, are often used in folk medicine to cleanse the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and diabetes.
There are several ways to brew oats to treat the liver:

  • Firstly, liver cleansing with oats can be done as classic decoction and an alternative option when brewing grains occurs in milk. To do this, pour 1 glass of grains with a liter of boiling milk, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, and then leave in a “fur coat” for 2 hours. This milk is drunk throughout the day. The minimum period of treatment with this decoction is 10-12 days, maximum – 20 days;
  • You can also cleanse the liver with oatmeal jelly. To do this, you need to pour 300 g of grains into 100 ml of kefir, with the addition of 1 tablespoon of methane. The mixture is poured with water (2 liters) and fermented. After three days, decant, boil and take 100 ml before meals.

For more information about cleansing the liver using oats, watch the video:

To cleanse the kidneys take 2 cups of grains and 3 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 3 hours. After which the grains are ground in a meat grinder, added back to the broth and another liter of water is added. You need to take this decoction 3 times a day, half a glass. It works great to remove sand.
Do not forget that the use of oats for medicinal purposes should be under the supervision of a doctor!

What about sprouted grains?

Oats are good for use in any form, but sprouted oat grains will bring the greatest benefit to your body. The fact is that the composition of sprouts, compared to dry grain, is several times richer, and the absorption of vitamins and other microelements is much easier.

As for the benefits and harms of sprouted oats, the sprouts have the same effect on humans as dry grain, only in greater concentration and strength.

As for harm, the high concentration of fiber makes sprouted grain undesirable for use by people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcers. In addition, they should not be used if there are problems in the urinary system.

How to germinate oats at home?

First, rinse the grains thoroughly with cold water. You can safely throw away those images that float to the surface; they definitely won’t sprout. The finished grains are poured onto a dish in a layer of no more than 1 cm. The grains are covered with a cloth on top and filled with warm water. The water should just cover the oats. The first shoots will appear in 1-2 days. They can already be used for food. Before doing this, rinse the sprouts under running water, first warm, then cold. The water should become absolutely clear.

Watch detailed video instructions on growing oats:

We hope that our article allowed you to study oats, their benefits and harms for the body, understand what oats treat and how to treat them, as well as warnings and contraindications for the use of this unique cereal.

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Health 08/10/2014

Dear readers, today we will talk to you about the beneficial properties of oats and oat treatment. What associations do we have when we talk about this cereal? Oatmeal is probably the very first. We also probably remember that oats are feed for horses. And the phrase, of course, from the Soviet film about Sherlock Holmes: “Oatmeal, sir!”, with the easy presentation of which we probably began to associate oatmeal with the obligatory breakfast of the British.

Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Foggy Albion were right when they chose this cereal as a regular guest for breakfast. And in our latitudes, oatmeal has always been considered healthy, just look at the recommendations to eat Hercules porridge. Remember this one? It can still be found on store shelves. Its popularity is not surprising. Oats are a very healthy cereal, and it doesn’t hurt to know about its properties. Or perhaps this information will help you solve certain health problems? So let’s follow the opinion: “Aware is forearmed.” Let's learn about oats that may be useful to us.

This is not the first time I have addressed the topic of oats on my blog. I have already shared many useful recipes on the use and treatment of oats with you. I have seen from my own experience their effectiveness and I will be glad if they also help someone. Don't miss my recipe for treating coughs with oats. My daughter and I cured a protracted cough that could not be cured. And we also talked. This article also contains many healthy and easy recipes. I invite you to read it if you haven’t already gotten acquainted with it.

Today we will get acquainted with oats in more detail and, in addition to recipes, we will study the medicinal beneficial properties of oats and contraindications. The first oat seedlings are emerging from under the melting snow. No other cereal makes it through, by the way. Therefore, can you imagine what kind of power lies in it?

Oat grain. Compound. Beneficial features

Oat grains contain:

  • Up to 60% starch
  • Up to 14% protein
  • Up to 9% fat

Oats. Beneficial properties of oats and contraindications

  • Oats have a general strengthening effect for the whole body.
  • It contains a large group of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins B, A, K, as well as copper, selenium, silicon, iron, zinc, fluorine and some others. Vitamins A, E (useful for the beauty and growth of hair, nails, skin elasticity), vitamins B, F (promote the proper functioning of the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, convert complex carbohydrates into glucose)
  • Reduces blood sugar levels, so it is a must for those who suffer from diabetes.
  • The beneficial properties of oats are that they remove excess fluid from the body, and harmful substances also go away along with the swelling. From this point of view, oats are good to consume after long-term drug treatment.
  • It also helps fight urolithiasis.
  • Helps lower cholesterol.
  • Oats have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: it soothes and normalizes the entire digestive system. Benefits of oats for the intestines - fights constipation.
  • Strengthens the nervous system, helps with depression.
  • A decoction and infusion of oats is an antipyretic and diaphoretic.
  • Oats have beneficial properties for the liver. As you know, the liver is our hematopoietic organ. All toxins and impurities accumulate in it. By cleaning the liver, we give new strength to our body.
  • Oats are great for treating coughs. On the blog I gave a recipe for how my daughter and I dealt with this problem. Nothing helped. All sorts of doctors looked at us and prescribed us, but oats saved us then.
  • Oats are also used as a means to improve immunity.
  • Oats are also good for the thyroid gland.
  • Oat grains contain amino acids similar in composition to muscle protein.
  • Oats contain beneficial enzymes and organic compounds.

But you need to know that in addition to beneficial properties, oats also have contraindications.

Oats. Contraindications

Use oats with caution if you have gallbladder diseases or kidney failure. It is always better to consult with your doctor and clarify all the nuances specifically for you. Individual intolerance to oats.

Let's see what Nikolai Drozdov says about the beneficial properties of oats and its use in food so that it is as beneficial as possible for health.

Oats. Application. Treatment. Recipes

Treatment of cough with oats. Recipe

In an article about the healing and medicinal properties of oats, I shared with you a personally tested cough recipe. It helped my daughter and I then. So I can confidently recommend this recipe.

Pour half a glass of thoroughly sorted and washed oat grains into 2 liters of milk and simmer in the oven over very low heat for about 1.5 - 2 hours. It will turn a nice golden brown color. Take a glass at night. But we took a long course. I gave it little by little throughout the day. But the recipe said that it should only be taken at night. The cough went away without a trace. When I told our doctor what I treated my daughter with, she was very surprised.

Oat decoction. Beneficial features. Treatment

I must say that there are several recipes for oat decoction. But they are all similar and useful in many ways. After all, in this form all the beneficial properties of oats are preserved, which has a positive effect on our body.

For what diseases can oat decoction be treated and used?

This decoction is useful for improving metabolic processes in the body, helps with peptic ulcers, chronic gastritis, insomnia, for the liver and even against smoking.

How to brew oats? How to prepare oat decoction?

Recipe for oat decoction as tea from Hippocrates.

He advised drinking it simply as tea. To do this, grind the raw oats in a coffee grinder and use a thermos. The proportions are as follows: 1 tablespoon of oats per 1 glass of boiling water. Leave it this way overnight and drink it like tea during the day.

Another recipe for making oat decoction:

Take a glass of washed oats and fill it with one liter of water, preferably distilled, at room temperature. Let it sit for 10-12 hours, then bring everything to a boil and simmer over low heat for half an hour without opening the lid on the pan. Wrap the broth and let it brew for another 12 hours. Then we filter and add more water to the resulting liquid to a total volume of 1 liter. You need to take this decoction half an hour before meals, 100-150 ml three times a day. The course is one month.

Oats. Beneficial properties for the liver. Infusion of oat grains

This is the so-called classic recipe for a decoction that helps to “return” the liver to function. Pour 1-2 cups of oat grains with 1 liter of boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes. Take half a glass of infusion three times a day. Or you can use Hippocrates' recipe. See recipe above.

Kvass from oats. Beneficial features

Kvass made from oats? What beneficial properties does it have?

  • This tasty and healthy drink is good for increasing vitality,
  • Oat kvass is useful for strengthening the nervous system.
  • It increases the body's resistance during the cold season
  • Removes waste and toxins.
  • Helps with vitamin deficiency, poor appetite, lethargy.

Kvass from oats. Recipe.

Let's take 500 grams of oats (ordinary Hercules can be used), but it is better to take unrefined oats. Fill it with 5 liters of cold water and boil for 30 minutes. Let cool and infuse for 3 hours. Now add one tablespoon of sugar and 15 g of yeast to the liquid. Mix everything well and leave to ferment for a day in a warm place. We store the prepared kvass in a cool place, but no longer than two days.

Dr. Izotov's oat jelly. Recipe. Beneficial features. Oat cleanse

How is this oat jelly useful? For what diseases can and should it be used?

It will help with diseases of the liver, gall bladder, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and hypertension. It is also known as “Doctor Izotov’s jelly”, and the basis for the recipe was the ancient recipes of our ancestors, monastery recipes and even recipes from the Soviet book “Domostroy”. Preparing it is not entirely easy, but the result from using oatmeal jelly is worth any effort.

Doctor Izotov's jelly. Recipe

  1. Pour 500 g of oatmeal (“Hercules”) and another 300 g of oat grains ground in a coffee grinder into a three-liter jar. Pour in all 400 ml of kefir or sour milk, the main thing is that the product is as natural as possible, since it will serve as a source of lactic acid bacteria for our jelly. Pour in another 1-1.5 liters of warm water (room temperature to activate the future fermentation process). The liquid in the jar should not reach the very top, but so that there should be about 5 centimeters along the walls of the jar to the neck. Gently mix everything in the jar with a wooden spoon or spatula and close tightly with a regular lid. Next, cover the jar with a towel and place it in a dark and warm place for 2 days.
  2. After 2 days, strain the mixture, separating it into liquid and grounds using a regular colander. Pour the liquid that was drained first (filtrate) into one jar (about 2 liters). We wash the remaining grounds with water, and do not pour out the water that drains during washing, but also pour it into a jar, this will be a filtrate of lower acidity. It will yield approximately 800 ml. We leave the filtrate to infuse in the jars for 16 hours.
  3. After the allotted time, we will find that the filtrate has separated. A thick suspension has formed at the bottom, which will serve as the basis for oatmeal jelly. The upper, more transparent part is the same oat kvass, which is fashionable to use immediately or to make, for example, okroshka based on it.
  4. Place the concentrate obtained and separated from the kvass into a glass jar and store it closed in the refrigerator for up to 21 days.
  5. Now, in fact, we prepare the jelly itself. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of concentrate and stir in a glass of water. Let it boil over low heat, stirring well, and cook for about 5 minutes. Then you can add honey, dried fruits and jam to the jelly - to your taste and discretion. Such a nutritious and healthy breakfast will give you strength, fill you up and improve your health. You don’t need to eat anything after it for 3-4 hours, and you won’t even want to. This portion is enough per day - 200 ml, the course is one month, then a break for 3 weeks and you can repeat the course if necessary and desired.

As you can see, oats, the beneficial properties of which are useful for the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and liver, can be taken in different forms. The main thing is to still try this method of dealing with existing problems.

Sprouted oats. Beneficial features

The greatest benefit of oats is in its sprouted form. I blog a lot about sprouted grains. It is in the sprouts of cereals that all the power is found. Moreover, do not germinate anything for a long time. The most valuable sprouts are 2-3 mm. And even less.

The sprout is the most active phase of the grain, in which all its beneficial substances are concentrated. But besides this, the protein sprouted from grains, including oats, is broken down during the germination period, forming amino acids, which are very useful for us and are building materials. For those who have problems with blood vessels, this is simply an irreplaceable remedy. Sprouted grains contain silicon, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

On the blog I wrote about how... The germination process itself is described in great detail. And there are also recipes with sprouted wheat. You can do the same with oat grains using the same recommendations.

I want to tell you once again how to distinguish high-quality cereals; can any cereals that you bought in a store be germinated? Just fill them with water and see. Anything that floats to the surface must be thrown away. I'm sure there won't be many such grains. We buy a lot of everything for germination, however, a few grains float. If there are few such grains, then the grain is suitable for sprouting and will be good for health.

I would like to point out that you still need to try to ensure that sprouted oats retain their beneficial properties. To do this, it is necessary that the grains do not come into contact with metal, and the oxidation process does not begin - try, if possible, not to grind them in a coffee grinder or meat grinder. It is better to eat them as is, bringing maximum benefit to your body.

I also suggest watching the video for those who don’t quite understand the process of germinating oats.

Sprouted oats. Contraindications

Exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases for those who are allergic to gluten.

Oats. Useful properties for weight loss

Oats can become not just a medicine, but also a diet. Yes, a healthy grain is good for everything. Moreover, there are several options for losing weight with the help of oats - these are the already familiar oatmeal jelly and broth, and even ordinary oatmeal. I won’t reveal all my cards in advance. Since the next article about oats will be just for those who want to lose weight. At first glance, the oat diet is a mono-diet, because the main food product is oats. But, given that this cereal contains almost all the substances we need, we don’t have to worry that our body will become depleted during the diet. In addition, oat products are nutritious, which means you won’t feel hungry. The advantages of such a diet can be considered not only the lost kilograms, but also the opportunity to improve the health of the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system. How to take oats for weight loss? We will talk about this in the next article.

Where to buy oats for sprouting? Price

Of course, for medicinal purposes, and even for regular nutrition, you need to use only high-quality oats, such that they have not been subjected to chemical treatment. You can buy it in pharmacies, and now you can also find it on supermarket shelves in the health food departments. That's where we buy everything. And wheat and oats for germination. The price of oats for germination in our stores is about 40 - 50 rubles per 500 gram briquette.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/4.jpg" alt="Oat decoction medicinal properties and contraindications" width="300" height="287" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C287&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Сегодня расскажу, !} how an oat decoction saved me from pancreatitis after the holidays and allowed the body to quickly return to normal.

A decoction of oats whose medicinal properties and contraindications will help many - often instead of medicine for any ailment.

I share my experience and knowledge, tell you what harm and benefits this drink can bring, and how to prepare it correctly.

After the New Year and Christmas holidays, during which the food was fattier than I take every day, and there was much more of it and I wanted to try everything, my body sent me hello in the form of an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

The first call was a month ago, when I severely twisted my leg, but I ignored it and simply relieved the pain and swelling, and then it was necessary to help my pancreas return to normal functioning.

Now it was necessary to take emergency measures, since all the delights of exacerbation of pancreatic functions were evident.

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Therefore, I would like to immediately warn everyone:

If you have twisted your ankle, especially in the left ankle— we immediately begin to work on our pancreas, so as not to aggravate the process. This is one of the sure signs of a disruption in its functioning.

What did I do? I’ll tell you below where I’ll describe my personal experience. Oat decoction was a huge help to me. That's why I'll sing a song to him now!

Medicinal properties and contraindications of oat decoction, how to properly prepare oat decoction, benefits and harms

Oat decoction has excellent medicinal properties and minor contraindications. But it can also harm the body...
I want to immediately emphasize - If you prepare the oat decoction incorrectly, it will not be beneficial- at best, and at worst - will harm the body. And although many say that there are no contraindications or harm in using aqueous oat extracts, I beg to differ and will give specific arguments in this article.


There are practically no obvious and strict contraindications. You just need to be careful when using it if you experience:

  • presence of gallstones
  • removed gallbladder
  • cardiovascular failure
  • renal failure
  • increased stomach acidity
  • individual intolerance to components
  • serious liver diseases

It is necessary to refrain from using the decoction until consulting a specialist. Infusion or decoction in these cases can only be used in recommended doses by a herbalist or gastroenterologist. The risk of self-medication is high.

Harm of oat drink due to phytin content

The greatest harm to the body comes from the presence of phytin in grain. Most people don't know about him at all. This growth inhibitors, which prevent grain from growing under unfavorable conditions. They are represented by phytic acid and its salts - phytates.

Phytin is found in grains (especially bran), nuts, legumes, and seeds.
What harm do phytates and phytic acid cause?

  • phytic acid binds and removes important microelements from the body- calcium, zinc, copper and iron, which enter the body with food, that is, it can cause mineral deficiency
  • she inhibits the action of enzymes, food is poorly digested or not digested at all. This is especially true for pepsin and trypsin, that is, enzymes for the breakdown of proteins.
  • prevents the absorption of phosphorus, so necessary for the construction of bone tissue, which is in a bound state and is part of phytic acid in large quantities

Phytic acid is a store of phosphorus in plants, which is only absorbed by ruminants. A person cannot absorb phosphorus from plants without first treating phytic acid with the enzyme phytase, which breaks it down. That is, in order for any grain, including oats, to bring benefit and not harm, it is necessary to create all the conditions for the activation of the phytase enzyme.

The enzyme is activated in three cases:

  1. soak with or without further fermentation
  2. roasting(this is how phytates are removed from coffee and chocolate beans)
  3. germination- the most effective way

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Why am I writing so many letters?
So that you understand that many recipes that are on the Internet recommend Soak whole oat grains in water(that is, those that contain phytin) for several hours and then cook them in the same liquid. The right thing to do is drain this liquid and rinse the grains! And for cooking and simmering refill with new water.

Medicinal properties and benefits of the decoction

The decoction and jelly prepared from it were used back in Viking times. The effect on the body is very versatile and the benefits are beyond doubt. I will briefly list the benefits of using the decoction and for which diseases its therapeutic effect is most pronounced:

  1. Enveloping properties. Oat broth contains beta glucan or soluble fiber. After the decoction enters the stomach, it changes its structure and turns into a jelly-like substance that covers the mucous membrane with a thin layer, easing the condition of patients with gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  2. Prevents sugar spikes in diabetic patients. Contains inulin- a substance that replaces sugar in diabetes.
  3. Reduces drug addiction thanks to the content scopoletina. The benefit is manifested in the fact that using the decoction for a long time, it helps to quit smoking, drinking and freeing oneself from drug addiction, causing disgust for them.
  4. Calms the nervous system and improves sleep due to the high content of B vitamins. Relieves depression.
  5. Restores muscles. The presence of tryptophan in the decoction helps in building muscle tissue and thanks to this, oatmeal decoction is included in the nutrition of athletes.
  6. Diaphoretic and antipyretic action against acute respiratory infections and colds, pneumonia and cough. In this case, the decoction is prepared not with water, but with milk, and honey and raisins are added to it.
  7. Cleanses the body Thanks to soluble fiber, it removes heavy metal salts and any toxins. The cleansing function of the drink is used for many diseases:
    • with food and other poisoning of the body
    • when restoring functions weakened by liver and pancreas toxins glands
    • for oncology, especially after chemotherapy - to restore normal functioning of almost all organ systems poisoned by chemicals in large doses

    There are reports on the Internet about studying the influence beta glucan to inhibit the development of cancer cells.

  8. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Thanks to beta-glucan (soluble fiber), oat decoction removes low-density cholesterol from the body, improving the condition of blood vessels and heart function.
  9. Relieves swelling. The decoction is useful for edema and urolithiasis - it removes excess fluid from the body.
  10. Oats are gluten free(unlike all grains), and therefore it can be introduced into the diet by those people who avoid foods containing gluten in their diet.
  11. Actively rejuvenates the body, stimulating tissue regeneration. Oatmeal broth is called the elixir of youth - there is a fact in history that it was the regular use of this drink that helped the French doctor Jean de Saint-Catherine live to be 120 years old.
  12. Good for weight loss. The oat drink contains all the substances necessary for the body - even soluble proteins with rare amino acids - lysine and tryptophan, vitamins and minerals. Oatmeal drink nourishes cells with necessary substances and thanks to this, cellular starvation during diets is relieved, which means - reduces appetite. I hope you understand that it is included in diets to reduce appetite, not to burn fat. To burn fat, you will have to give your body physical activity, and if someone promises you something different, don’t believe it!
  13. Source of protein for vegetarians. An oat drink with a vegetarian diet supplies the body with vegetable proteins soluble in the broth.

We have reviewed the main beneficial properties of oat decoction and its benefits. Now let's move on to preparing the drink itself.

How to make a decoction, recipes

The most important thing we need to do in order to prepare a decoction is break down phytin. This is possible through soaking, fermentation or prolonged heat treatment - simmering. For many grains Soaking in water for two hours is enough to activate phytase- an enzyme that breaks down phytin and releases bound phosphorus in phytic acid for its further absorption.

But there are two cereals that contain a certain amount of phytase and she's wearing them almost not activated when soaked in water- these are oats and corn. The graph shows that after 12 hours of soaking corn and oats, the phytin content is 75% of the amount of phytin before soaking, while wheat and rye do not contain phytin after two hours of soaking. That is, soaking oats and corn in water does not remove phytin.

What should we do with oats so that they get rid of phytin before preparing the decoction? There are several ways:

  • fermentation in whey overnight
  • sprouting oat grains

Oat decoction recipes

1. Ordinary recipe, which is described everywhere (it contains phytin). Soak 1 cup of whole oat grains with husks overnight. After 12 hours of soaking, oats will lose 25% of their phytin. In the morning, drain the liquid, rinse the oats well and add 1 liter of water. Place on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer the oats for 4-6 hours (I left it overnight). With prolonged simmering, part of the phytin will also disintegrate. Turn off the heat and leave the broth to steep until it cools completely. After this, drain the liquid and add water to a volume of 1 liter. Bring to a boil again and drink the prepared amount of the drink over two days.

2. Fermented oat decoction. In the evening, pour 1 glass of oats with whey husks after boiling the cottage cheese so that it covers it well. It is necessary to take into account that the grain will swell and increase in volume, so the whey should always be twice as much in volume as the grain. If there is no whey, make a weak solution with apple cider vinegar (one teaspoon per liter of water) or lemon juice. Place in a warm place overnight or for 12-14 hours. An indicator that you can start making a decoction is swollen grain.

In the morning, drain the liquid and rinse the grains through a strainer so as not to wash off the husks. Fill with 1 liter of water and place on the stove for 2 hours to simmer. After cooling separate the brewed drink from the oat grains, add water to a volume of 1 liter and drink 100 ml 4-5 times before meals. Let's drink to two days.

3. . The most useful and correct preparation of a drink from sprouted oats. It is not boiled. The process will be lengthy:
Soak oat grains in water for 12 hours. Drain the water. Place the swollen grains on filter paper or gauze in a thin ball and keep warm until most of them hatch (no need to wait for sprouts!).

We collect the grains from the gauze into a blender, add water so that it covers the grains. You can add 1 tablespoon of honey. Grind the mixture thoroughly. It turns out to be a smoothie-type drink. We drink half a glass of the drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The rest is done throughout the day. We don’t leave it on the second day. There is no need to boil anything here.

The main thing is that enzymatic hydrolysis (splitting) of all nutrients occurs in the swollen whole grain so that the embryo has the strength and building material for rapid germination. AND we use this power and a huge amount of biologically active substances for our body.

In terms of nutritional value (especially with honey), it has no equal. Fast restores strength, improves immunity seriously ill patients in the postoperative, postpartum periods, after nervous and physical exhaustion, after chemotherapy.

Personally, I find it too lazy to sprout every day. I did this during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. And for every day I use sprouted grains of oats, barley, wheat and corn, prepared according to a special method developed by Ukrainian scientists. I think that my parents lived to such an age with their sores due to their fantastic effect on cell regeneration and rejuvenation.

Any of the listed basic recipes can be improved by adding other medicinal plants or their fruits.

For example, adding raisins in the same quantity as oat grain, we get an excellent remedy against colds, ARVI or flu. For children, replace boiling water with milk.

You can strengthen the oat decoction by mixing it with rosehip infusion in a thermos and enriched with a high content of vitamin C. How Right To make a rosehip infusion in a thermos, see the article “” and don’t think that you are doing it correctly - I also poured boiling water over it... Useful to drink during a flu epidemic to improve immunity.

For heart diseases can be prepared separately decoction of elecampane and oats roots and combine the ready-made infused liquids about add a spoon of honey. Or you can pour crushed elecampane root (a tablespoon) into 0.5 liters of oatmeal broth and bring to a boil, turn it off, wrap for 2 hours or pour into a thermos, strain after steeping and add honey to the not hot mixture. Drink 0.5 cups in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

When mixing infusion of hawthorn and oat drink take the mixture at high blood pressure.

If you do decoction of a mixture of grains of oats, rye, barley and millet and take it regularly - craving for tobacco decreases and it's easier to quit smoking. The ready-made set of sprouted cereals, which I mentioned above, also works, despite its slightly different composition. At least he helped me get rid of this habit. By the way, so does my brother.

How to take oat decoction

If the decoction is prepared correctly and there is no special dosage from your doctor for certain diseases, then the question of how to drink the decoction can be calmly answered - like tea or instead of tea. In most cases, it is recommended to drink 100 ml of decoction half an hour before meals. If there is no special scheme - until complete recovery.

Oats are healthy and children, especially with constant colds, it can also cope with allergies and childhood diathesis.

Children should consume the decoction for a month in the following quantities (depending on age):

  • from 6 months to one year, one teaspoon in the morning and evening
  • from one to two years - one dining room in the morning and evening
  • from two years to five years, 1/3 cup once a day (divide the portion into two doses)
  • from 5 years to 10 from 1/2 glass once a day (divided into two doses)

There is no way for the body to become accustomed to natural preparations!

It is believed that at this time it is necessary to reduce or completely abandon black coffee and tea, since they do not allow many substances from the decoction to be absorbed.

There is no point in consuming alcohol and oatmeal broth at the same time, since then the cleansing function and support of the liver and pancreas do not make sense. That is, during the period of treatment or prevention with oat decoction, it is necessary to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

The decoction is taken warm. It must be stored in the refrigerator. The decoction is prepared for a maximum of two days, as it quickly spoils.

How I managed to stop the exacerbation of pancreatitis. Personal experience

In the article about I promised to tell my personal experience with exacerbation of pancreatitis. And now I’m sharing it - what I did and in what order.
I had to immediately apply a fairly large complex of folk remedies and food restrictions. I'll tell you in order.

  1. I didn’t eat at all for one day—my body simply didn’t want to.
  2. I drank a lot of water - warm.
  3. In the morning, at lunch and in the evening I took decoction of oat grains and cold infusion of flax grains.
  4. I made an herbal infusion in a thermos St. John's wort and drank instead of tea (1 teaspoon of St. John's wort per 1 liter of boiling water). Sugarless. With a little honey.
  5. On the second and third days I ate only oatmeal porridge mixed with flax infusion.
  6. All days I took the F.Activ phytocomplex to support the pancreas, which relieved bloating (there was a lot of gas) and heaviness in the abdomen, as well as pain just above the navel. Now I continue to take it, although everything has already recovered since the course is 30 days.

Three days later, thanks to the above measures, the feeling of bitterness in the throat in the morning and slight nausea disappeared, stool formed and appetite appeared. Now I eat small and often. I continue to drink oatmeal and flaxseed drinks - I liked them and the minimum intake is 10 days, and for complete stabilization - 60.

So I can confirm from my own experience that if you immediately help the body and take all the measures recommended above, you can relieve an exacerbation of pancreatitis using folk methods.

If the pain is sharp and severe, you do not know your diagnoses - do not self-medicate, consult a doctor so as not to lead to an attack of acute pancreatitis.

In the article we looked at:

healing and beneficial properties of oat drink
learned what benefits and harm it can bring
what are the contraindications for its use?
how to cook it correctly
how to take the decoction
found out my personal experience of using it

Watch the video, How to prepare a decoction of oats like most people - the phytins are preserved in it, the oats are not subjected to fermentation, soaking and simmering, and you already know that this must be done:

I wish you to be healthy, but also preventively strengthen your body with this wonderful drink!