Is it possible to have boiled fish while breastfeeding? Photo gallery: fish and caviar for nursing mothers. Disadvantages of eating river fish during lactation

Fish is a source of proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. It is better absorbed than meat and, if the mother does not have an allergy, it can be introduced into the diet almost immediately upon returning from the maternity hospital. And yet, not all types of fish, as well as methods of preparing them, are suitable for the diet of the mother of a newborn. What kind of fish can a nursing mother eat?

The benefits of fish

The main value of fish is that its protein composition is balanced, and unlike meat, it is absorbed more fully. For comparison, fish protein is digested in 2-3 hours, and meat in 4-6 hours. Thanks to this, fish normalizes stool and generally has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive system of a nursing mother.

Fatty varieties of sea fish contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. These acids are involved in the synthesis of skin tissue, normalize metabolism, and are necessary for the secretion of hormones and normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. First of all, this applies to commercially available salmon, salmon and herring.

The fish has a rich mineral composition. It contains a lot of calcium, selenium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the formation of skin, vessel walls, and the skeletal system, not only for the mother, but also for the child. Fish, especially sea fish, contains a lot of iodine, which is known to be necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The vitamin composition of fish is also important. It is a source of B vitamins, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobamine. All these biologically active substances are needed for the hematopoietic system and the functioning of nervous tissue. Fish also contains vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium, and vitamins A, C and E, which are involved in the body’s immune defense.

If a mother often ate fish during pregnancy and after childbirth, this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, teeth and skin. The same goes for her baby.

Potential harm to fish

Allergy to fish is not such a common phenomenon, but it cannot be excluded. Fish can indeed cause allergies, and if negative reactions are observed in the mother, then the baby will also have them. So mothers with allergies need to continue to abstain from fish, especially mackerel, red varieties and seafood.

Do not buy fish from hand; it may be caught in polluted waters and contain heavy metal salts, carcinogens and other harmful agents that can pass into breast milk.

Types of fish

What kind of fish can a nursing mother eat? The mother's memo should include the following:

The most suitable varieties of fish that can be included in the diet are hake, cod, pollock, tilapia, pike perch, sole, and pelengas. You can eat herring, flounder or mackerel less often, but introduce them into your diet with caution, since these products are potential allergens. Large ocean fish should not be included in the diet due to their high mercury content. vote)

Fish is a source of protein and Omega-3 acids, which help the child’s brain development. It should be consumed during lactation. What kind of fish can a nursing mother eat?

The benefits of fish for nursing mothers

The product contains such useful substances as:

  1. Unsaturated fatty acids that have a positive effect on the development of the baby’s nervous system. In addition, they regulate metabolism and hormone production.
  2. B vitamins are presented in a complete set - B1, B2, B12, B6. They help with the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Vitamins C, A, E support the immune system and are responsible for skin regeneration processes. Vitamin D helps the child's body absorb calcium completely.
  4. Minerals are contained in large quantities. Calcium and phosphorus participate in the formation of the skeletal system, strengthen blood vessels and capillaries. Iodine ensures proper functioning of the thyroid gland and nervous system.

If during pregnancy a woman regularly consumed fish and other seafood, then the baby is already familiar with the taste of the product. Therefore, most likely, problems will not arise during lactation.

How to introduce it into the diet

However, as a protein product, fish can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is recommended to use familiar varieties when breastfeeding, especially in the first months after childbirth.

If no unpleasant reactions are observed on the part of the baby, you can diversify the menu with new types of seafood. But this should be done carefully.


  • start with small quantities;
  • take a break for several days;
  • if the baby is not allergic, you can re-use the product in the same quantity;
  • monitor the baby’s reaction, since each subsequent intake of food can make negative manifestations more pronounced;
  • If any negative reaction occurs, the product should be immediately excluded from the diet and replaced with another type of fish.

It is advisable to purchase fresh fish, or at least frozen. Pediatricians answer negatively to the question of whether a nursing mother can eat canned, salted or smoked fish. These foods contain chemicals that are harmful to children. In addition, salt tends to accumulate in the ducts of the mammary glands and affect the taste of milk. For this reason, the baby may be unable to eat.

Which one to choose

During the period of breastfeeding, women are recommended to eat low-fat sea fish, such as perch, mullet, tuna, hake, sole, halibut, sea bass, saury, pollock, herring. Eating river species is very beneficial, as they contain a minimal amount of allergens, such as bream, pike, burbot, carp, and lake trout.

During lactation, all types of red fish (for example, river salmon) should be excluded from the diet. Despite the existing benefits and nutritional value, it contains too much unsaturated fatty acids and calories, and this can be harmful to the baby’s health.

It is forbidden for a nursing mother to eat the meat of large ocean fish. Species such as shark and king mackerel contain significantly higher than permitted safe levels of mercury. This carcinogenic substance harms any organism, but for a small child there is a high risk of negative effects on the nervous system.

Cooking methods

To reduce allergenicity, fish should be thawed in cold salted water. It is better to prepare fresh product immediately, as it spoils quite quickly. In the diet of a nursing mother, fish should be boiled, baked or steamed. This way it retains all the beneficial substances in full.

When fried under high temperature, it loses most of its vitamins and fatty acids. Fish stewed with vegetables will be tasty and healthy. You can diversify the menu with steamed cutlets or minced meatballs.

Fish broth is a nutritious and tasty product. In addition, it enhances lactation. To prepare soup based on it, it is recommended to pour cold water over the fish, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. This broth is discarded because it contains many extractive substances that are unnecessary for the body of the mother and child.

A secondary decoction should be used. You can prepare meatball soup by seasoning it with a small amount of vegetable oil or butter.

According to pediatricians, fish should be included in the diet no more than 2-3 times a week. It is not advisable to eat dishes made from it in the first month after childbirth. For some time, the baby’s body must adapt to the environment, and fish, as an allergenic product, can manifest itself in a negative way.

During a period of a woman’s life such as breastfeeding, many products cause controversy regarding their safety for the baby, and for the nursing mother herself.

River fish is no exception when breastfeeding, because some doctors and nutritionists call for abandoning this species due to its high allergenicity. At the same time, other experts insist on the need to use this product, arguing for its rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Representatives of river fish live in fresh water bodies. The low salt content in rivers and lakes provides differences between river and sea fish.

  • River fish, in comparison with sea fish, has a lower calorie content (about 80 kcal / 100 g of product). This is a pleasant factor for women seeking to get back into shape after childbirth.
  • River fish is used in medicinal nutrition. It is indicated for people with problems of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition, such fish is an excellent assistant in restoring the body after illness, as well as after childbirth in women.
  • River fish is also useful for the musculoskeletal system. The vitamins in its composition promote the growth and strengthening of bones, muscles, and teeth. There is a beneficial effect of river fish on the condition of the skin, even with dermatological diseases.
  • The vitamin content in it is much lower, but it is believed that they are absorbed better than from sea fish.
  • There is an improvement in vision with regular moderate use of this product. In addition, it strengthens the body's immune system. It is considered an assistant in the prevention of cancer and diabetes.
  • Easy and quick digestion of river fish helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It also helps remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Unlike sea fish, river fish has virtually no medical contraindications for consumption in moderation.

Disadvantages of eating river fish during lactation

The disadvantage of river fish is the large number of bones. In this regard, sea fish wins.

River fish live in a polluted environment, so they contain a large number of bacteria, worms and harmful chemicals. In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to subject the fish to sufficient heat treatment and bring it to a state of complete readiness.

River fish is a perishable product, especially if stored improperly. It is recommended to purchase and cook fresh fish, since frozen fish contains much less nutrients.

You should also not lean too heavily on river fish. Excessive consumption is fraught with the appearance of constipation, diarrhea and colic in the baby.

Sufficient consumption of river fish is about 30 – 40 g per week.

Severe kidney disease and high blood pressure may limit the consumption of river fish.

Which river fish to choose during breastfeeding

Is it possible to have river fish while breastfeeding? Of course, if you choose and prepare it correctly.

It is better to purchase fish according to the season.

The most famous representatives of river fish that can be consumed during breastfeeding are:

  • Zander;
  • crucian carp;
  • Carp;
  • Trout;
  • White amur.

When purchased, river fish should have a pleasant appearance and a specific fishy smell. The fish should not have too white or yellow areas. If it is packaged, then it is important to pay attention to the expiration dates and the manufacturer of the fish.

How to cook river fish and when to introduce it into the diet during lactation

Whatever river fish you choose, it is important to cook it correctly and safely. It is necessary to wash the fish thoroughly.

The safest methods for the breastfeeding period are boiling river fish, as well as baking and steaming it.

Eating raw fish is not allowed. After cooking, hands, cutting board and work surface must be washed thoroughly.

The first preparations of river fish should be carried out according to the simplest recipes.

You should avoid a large number of different ingredients so as not to harm the baby.

If the fish is frozen, you need to defrost it in cold salted water. The required cooking time varies for different types of fish. Therefore, during the cooking process you should be guided by the recipe. The average cooking time for river fish is 10 – 30 minutes.

River fish is no less important during breastfeeding than sea fish. It has its advantages and disadvantages. However, doctors recommend regular consumption of it, alternating river fish with sea fish. By following all the recommendations for choosing and preparing river fish, it can be consumed with maximum benefit for the body from the first month of a child’s life.

Fish is one of the healthiest foods for humans, as it contains a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Fish does not lose its value during breastfeeding and is also very useful. Many mothers often wonder what kind of fish can be consumed so that it does not harm the child? This question is very important, but you should also know in what form it can be consumed so that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.

Eating fish dishes by a nursing mother is very beneficial for the baby, since, thanks to vitamin D, the calcium entering the child’s body is absorbed in full. This process is very important for the proper development of a strong skeletal system and the growth of good teeth in a child.

It is easier for any body to digest fish than meat, so this product helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system and intestinal tract of both mother and child.

Thanks to Omega 3 acid, the cardiovascular system becomes stronger. This element has a beneficial effect on the mother’s body, and is also given to the baby with milk. Fish is endowed with protein, which is easily digestible, which creates a barrier to the formation of lactic and uric acid in a woman’s body. This process protects the kidneys of the woman who has given birth, whose body is weakened and adapts to the previous functioning observed before pregnancy.

However, if a woman is susceptible to an allergic reaction to this or another product, she should refrain from eating fish dishes. You can start introducing fish into the mother’s diet only when the allergy goes away completely, and 6-8 months after the birth of the baby. But you should not eat more than 30 g of this product at one time.

Types of preparation

If it is possible to purchase only a frozen carcass, it should be properly defrosted.

To do this, place the fish in lightly salted water. Thanks to such gentle defrosting, beneficial substances will remain in the product.

Types of fish

Many people love herring, and breastfeeding women are no exception. There is no strict ban on herring during lactation. But you need to eat it with great caution, since very often the baby becomes allergic to the milk of the mother who ate the herring. Most often, in the first three months of breastfeeding, herring is prohibited, since the baby’s stomach has not yet developed and become strong enough. It is worth remembering that herring should not be consumed daily.

You can start introducing this product into the mother’s diet with only 1 piece per day, constantly monitoring the baby’s reaction to milk. If the baby has not reacted to herring in any way, then you can eat it. But it should be remembered that herring can be present on the menu of a nursing woman only 1-2 times in seven days. The best option to choose would be fish that has white meat and medium fat content.

Since during the feeding period a woman has to simplify her menu as much as possible, her body experiences an acute shortage of vitamins and microelements. Due to its composition, fish during breastfeeding can make up for these losses, but it must be consumed 2 times a week.

What kind of fish a mother will choose that is safe for her baby is a matter of her taste, but do not forget that you need to focus only on those species that are not allergens. Also try to eat fish dishes on days when the baby is feeling well, does not suffer from colic, and there is no diathesis on the skin.

Because if you eat fish dishes when you have an allergic reaction, it can only worsen. If the baby is allergic from birth, the mother’s diet can be changed with great care, selecting products based on special tests. Individual information about the choice of fish in a specific situation can be obtained at an appointment with a doctor.

Can a nursing mother fish or not? This is a question asked by many families who have just had a newborn. But, probably, there is no person who has not heard about the benefits of eating fish. A nursing mother is also no exception.
Fish meat is very rich in fats, which are well absorbed in the body, amino acids, vitamins and complete proteins. Eating fish 3-4 times a week is as beneficial as meat. Doctors note that people who often eat fish have less heart disease and endocrine system disorders. But, even taking into account all the positive aspects of eating fish, mothers who are breastfeeding are not recommended to eat it indiscriminately. Let’s take a closer look at what kind of fish can be eaten when feeding a baby.

When a woman thinks about whether a nursing mother can eat fish, first of all I would like to say that fish must be consumed during breastfeeding, since it contains many vitamins that the baby needs for good growth and development of his skeleton. The second thing you need to pay attention to is whether the woman, while pregnant, consumed fish, and in what quantity.

If fish was constantly present in a pregnant woman’s diet, then after the birth of the child there should be no problems with this product. The only thing you need to pay attention to is proper preparation and choice of fish type.

If a woman abstains from fish dishes during pregnancy, this does not mean that she should not continue to eat them. Only in this case, fish must be introduced into the nursing diet very carefully, in small portions, constantly monitoring the reaction of the child’s body.
A complete refusal of fish dishes can only be done if the baby is prone to allergic reactions. But even here, doctors recommend the gradual introduction of fish into the child’s diet only a little later, when complementary feeding begins.

Healthy types of fish

Whether a nursing mother can fish is not the only question regarding this topic. It is important to choose the right type of fish and method of preparation. A woman who is breastfeeding must approach its preparation with all responsibility so that such food does not harm either her or her child, who through the mother’s milk receives everything that the mother herself eats.
In order for the fish to retain as many useful substances as possible during its defrosting, it should be kept for a while in a salted solution. Boiled, stewed or steamed fish is considered to be the most healthy.
Types of fish that should be preferred:

Fish with white meat - pollock, hake, pike perch, cod, sea bass, carp and herring. These types of fish have moderate fat content.
River fish that contain a minimum of allergens are river trout, bream, river perch, burbot and pike.
Some people ask whether a nursing mother can have fried white fish. This question can be answered like this. Any fish is fried for 15 minutes. and during this time all beneficial properties are destroyed. So why eat food that will not benefit either the nursing mother or her baby?

What should a breastfeeding woman avoid?

A woman who breastfeeds a child is responsible to the child for the food she eats. Therefore, so that the baby does not suffer from the mother’s momentary weaknesses, a nursing woman should give up some seafood for 6-8 months:

It is better to refrain from eating fish that contains excess Omega-3 fatty acids. These varieties include mackerel, red fish and herring;
seafood that contains allergens, namely: crabs, mussels, shrimp;
dried, smoked and dried fish also fall into the group of undesirable foods. Very often, manufacturers sell already damaged goods in this way;
Let’s not forget about raw fish, which has become fashionable recently in the form of sushi. The organisms that may be present in it are harmful not only to the nursing woman, but also to her child.
All of the above products are undesirable for consumption by both nursing mothers and pregnant women.