Recipes for diet 8 tables. Are you obese? Not allowed throughout the diet

According to statistics, every ninth adult inhabitant of the Earth suffers from serious metabolic disorders and obesity. This means that the therapeutic gentle diet “Table 8” firmly occupies a leading place in the ranking of this kind of health-improving nutritional methods. In addition, the nutritional therapy “Diet 8” will help people who have a risky tendency to overeat.

Features of the “Table 8” diet

Indications: Diet 8 is prescribed for people with metabolic disorders, as well as those who are obese and have a tendency to overeat;

Duration: as prescribed by a doctor;

Peculiarities: this is a low-calorie diet with a sharp limitation in the amount of carbohydrates and salt consumed; in addition, animal fats in the diet are also limited; a feeling of satiety with a low-calorie menu is achieved through the consumption of fiber;

Energy value: 1800 - 2000 kK;

Fluid volume per day: 1 - 1.5 l;

Best type of preparation: boiling, stewing, baking and steaming;

Meal frequency on the “Table 8” diet: 4-5 times a day;

Diet "Table 8": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. Dishes containing animal fats should be consumed in moderation - no more than 150 g per day. Allowed: low-calorie meat (beef, veal, rabbit, turkey and chicken). As well as low-fat varieties of fish: cod, haddock, hake, pollock, perch, pike, etc. Meat and fish can be boiled, stewed or baked. In addition, cooking in a double boiler is encouraged.

Eggs. You can have 1-2 pieces per day (“in a bag”, hard-boiled, in the form of omelettes, etc.)

Bread and flour. You can: rye and wheat bread from wholemeal flour, bran. Not allowed: fresh pastries, white bread.

Dairy products. In the Table 8 diet, any low-fat dairy products are allowed. You should treat cheese with special caution (you can eat it, not a small amount and not every day).

Vegetables. In therapeutic nutrition with diet 8, vegetables form the basis of the diet - they can be eaten in any quantity, and partly - always raw (lettuce, radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers, grated carrots and beets, etc.) Pickles, sauerkraut, treatment or squash caviar, as well as Japanese ginger and other spicy and pungent vegetables and vegetable snacks are prohibited.

Cereals. Friable porridges and side dishes made from buckwheat, pearl barley, barley groats. Just follow the rule: if you eat any cereal, then bread and any other foods are excluded from this meal. flour products.

Fruits and desserts. Overly sweet fruits and berries should be avoided, for example: apricots, peaches, grapes, figs and others. Sweet and sour, on the contrary, should be included in daily diet, preferably raw. Desserts are allowed, but preferably without sugar or fat.

Beverages. You can drink on the Table 8 diet still water, unsweetened tea and coffee, any fruit drinks and compotes (without sugar), as well as fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water 1:1. Sweet soda, cocoa, alcohol are prohibited.

Additional prohibitions. First of all, sweet and high-calorie desserts, as well as spicy seasonings and any foods that stimulate appetite. Any smoked and semi-finished products, fast food and milkshakes should be excluded from the menu. You will also have to give up fat cottage cheese and cheeses, from sweet yogurts and cheeses. You can eat rice, oatmeal, semolina, potatoes and legumes infrequently and in small quantities.

Sample menu for the day with the “Table 8” diet

You should eat in small portions – 5-6 times a day. Approximate menu a day might look like this:

  • First breakfast: natural yoghurt, steam omelette of 2 eggs, coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: unsweetened fruit;
  • Dinner: vegetarian borscht, veal cutlets with vegetable puree, salad from leafy vegetables with olive oil (but without vinegar and salt!);
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with berries;
  • 3 hours before bed: a glass of natural yogurt or low-fat kefir;

Healthy recipes for the Table 8 diet will help diversify your diet:

Fresh vegetable salad with cheese

Ingredients: lettuce, fresh basil, olives, radishes, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, 1 onion, several cubes of lightly salted cheese; a slice of lemon and 2 tsp. olive oil;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Wash and dry the greens and lettuce leaves. Then tear it into “shreds” with your hands.
  • 2 Cut tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes into approximately equal pieces (you can add any fresh vegetables of your choice).
  • 3 Add olives and pieces of cheese. Stir gently, but try not to crush the cheese into a mush.
  • 4 Before serving, drizzle over the salad. lemon juice and add olive oil. Let us remind you that with the “Table 8” diet, neither salt nor spices are allowed!

Stewed veal with carrots and sour cream

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of dietary veal, 1 large carrot, 1 onion, 1 tsp. olive oil, half a glass of low-fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. flour, herbs as spices, vegetables for garnish;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Finely chop the onion and fry it lightly in olive oil. Add diced carrots, a little water and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  • 2 Pieces of veal lightly beat with a hammer, sprinkle herbs and add to the pan with the onions and carrots.
  • 3 As soon as the meat turns white, transfer everything to a saucepan or frying pan with high sides, add boiling water (so that the water covers the meat). After 10 minutes, add sour cream to the dish, reduce heat and simmer for 60 minutes.
  • 4 Finally, add flour to the dish and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. Then turn off the heat and simmer the veal under the lid for 10-15 minutes.
  • 5 Serve with fresh vegetables and greens.

Banana cheesecake with cherry jelly

Ingredients:½ pack low-fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 2 tbsp. l. condensed milk, 5-6 very ripe, soft bananas, cherry jelly without sugar (fructose or honey), piece butter;

Cooking method:

  • 1 Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve twice, then add eggs, condensed milk and flour to it, mix everything thoroughly. Ideally, mix in a blender.
  • 2 Grind the bananas into a soft puree and add to the curd mass.
  • 3 Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with butter.
  • 4 Place the banana-curd mixture in the pan and bake for 15 minutes until golden brown. Then cover the pan with foil and continue baking for another 20 minutes.
  • 5 Before serving, cool and top with cherry jelly.

The psychological state of people is currently subjected to stressful situations. As a result, due to unsolvable difficulties, people most often seek reassurance through consumption. large quantity food.

The second supposed reason for the appearance of excess weight is a decrease in physical activity At work. The technology industry has developed so much that most jobs are offered in offices and companies. Also, due to the pace of life, people do not have time to prepare a full meal, but use ready-made high-calorie products in cafes and restaurants.

Features and advantages of diet No. 8

Created special diet No. 8, which is able to optimize calorie content, metabolic rate, hormonal background and metabolism. By adhering to the simple rules of this diet, a business person will be able to maintain his health and physical fitness fine.

Diet No. 8 helps to adjust the menu so as to cure physiological abnormalities from the rules. People who gain weight quickly and are morbidly obese may benefit from trying this diet.

The basis of the diet is the consumption of fiber and liquid. The main requirement is the following: drink 200g of water half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition to activating metabolism, thanks to this diet, consistent digestion of foods, relaxation and timely bowel movements occur. The absence of salt guarantees the absence of swelling.

The provided menu gives free rein to your imagination, a minimum of time is spent and, subsequently, a positive result is obtained.

Menu for the week


  • Breakfast: vinaigrette, fish fillet boiled, pomegranate juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: fresh pear puree.
  • Dinner : broccoli and tomato soup, cabbage salad, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: apple-raspberry jelly.
  • Dinner: carrot casserole, boiled beef, unsweetened herbal tea.


  • Breakfast: milk soup with pearl barley porridge, cottage cheese, blackberry juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: gooseberries, 1 tbsp. low-fat sour milk.
  • Lunch: puree of pumpkin, potatoes (limited quantity) and cabbage, meatballs from chicken fillet.
  • Afternoon snack: carrot salad with breadcrumbs, egg and sour cream.
  • Dinner: apple and cottage cheese casserole, omelet, sea buckthorn compote.


  • Breakfast: fermented baked milk with strawberries, cheese, ham, coffee drink.
  • 2nd breakfast: pear, low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner : fish cutlets, barley porridge, slightly carbonated water.
  • Afternoon snack: leaf salad with cucumbers, broccoli, celery and egg.
  • Dinner: rice and pumpkin porridge, currant tea.


  • Breakfast: salad of meat, cucumber and herbs, currant juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: salad with orange, kiwi and pumpkin.
  • Lunch: borscht, buckwheat, chicken soufflé.
  • Afternoon snack: raspberry yogurt.
  • Dinner: curd mousse, vegetables, tea with milk.


  • Breakfast: cheesecakes, currant juice.
  • 2nd breakfast: steamed vegetables, apple.
  • Lunch: baked fish with vegetables, tea with cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert.
  • Dinner: beef cutlets, rye bread, strawberry compote.


  • Breakfast: omelet with herbs and cheese, tomato salad, grapefruit.
  • 2nd breakfast: yogurt with lingonberries.
  • Dinner : buckwheat soup, vinaigrette with mushrooms, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: sweet and sour berries.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, tea with a sandwich.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat with kefir, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with raisins and currants.
  • Lunch: puree soup, chicken stew in sour cream, herbal decoction.
  • Afternoon snack: baked apples with honey.
  • Dinner : potato casserole , tea, sandwich.


Broccoli and tomato soup

  • 250g broccoli;
  • small carrots;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 potato;
  • bulb;
  • olive oil 1 tsp. l.;
  • parsley dill.

First, peel the vegetables and cut into cubes. Boil potatoes, onions and carrots until tender. Wash the broccoli and peel into florets. Cook with prepared vegetables about 3-5 minutes. At the end, throw in the tomato, herbs and olive oil and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Carrot salad with breadcrumbs, egg and sour cream

  • medium carrot;
  • egg;
  • cubes of dried black bread (50g);
  • if desired, add 50g of hard cheese;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • greenery.

Wash the carrots, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater. Boil the egg, peel and grate. Place the ingredients in a bowl, mix carrots, eggs, crackers and grated cheese with sour cream. Decorate with greens on top.

Chicken soufflé

  • minced chicken 200g;
  • yolk;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • sour cream 1 tbsp. l.

Prepare minced meat at home by grinding chicken fillet in a blender. Add egg, butter, sour cream, beaten yolk and flour to it. After mixing everything well, place the mixture in a mold and bake in a preheated oven (200 o C) for about half an hour. Delicate soufflé ready!

Vinaigrette with mushrooms

  • beet;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • sauerkraut 100 g;
  • canned mushrooms 100 g;
  • olive oil 2-3 tbsp. l.

Wash, boil and peel vegetables. Cut beets, potatoes and carrots into small squares. Pour into a bowl and mix vegetables along with mushrooms, cabbage, and onions. Fill everything with oil.

Potato casserole with vegetables

  • potatoes 2 pcs.;
  • small eggplant;
  • Bell pepper;
  • tomato;
  • cauliflower 150g;
  • carrot;
  • sour cream;

Wash and peel all vegetables. Cut potatoes, eggplant into thin slices, and cauliflower break into inflorescences. Bell pepper, onion, carrot and tomato, chop finely. Place on a baking sheet one by one: potatoes, onions, eggplant and all other vegetables. Pour sour cream on top. Place in a hot oven for 30-40 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, grate cheese on top.

Diet 8 is considered very effective for obesity; the weekly menu with recipes is quite simple. Soviet professor M.I. Pevzner, taking an active part in the development of dietetics and gastroenterology, created more than 15 nutrition programs. A diet for stage 1 obesity is prescribed in one of these programs. Each of the Pevzner diets is intended for people suffering from certain diseases. These diets are also called dietary tables, each of which is recommended as therapeutic nutrition for illness.

Table 8 is intended for people with overweight, whose health is deteriorating due to excess fatty tissue. Obesity happens different stages, so nutritional adjustments are necessary. The diet for obesity of the 3rd degree is based on the 8th table menu.

IN Soviet times the program under this number had subnumbers, these were No. 8a, No. 8o, they differed in energy value. Now they are combined into one program; this diet is used for hypertension, obesity of 1, 2 and 3 degrees, as well as for other concomitant diseases. 8 table therapeutic nutrition aims to reduce the level of energy value of consumed products that led to the disease. Basically, the consumption of carbohydrates, fats, salt and other foods that increase appetite is limited.

Diet number eight, unlike other programs, also imposes restrictions on the consumption of free liquid.

Since this diet is used for hypertension, it is very important how much fluid a person consumes and how it is eliminated. Salt is not used in this program, as it retains fluid in the body. This program increases biological value food intake that promotes weight loss and obesity prevention.

Acceptable foods on the diet

Diet number 8 allows you to eat the following foods:

All other foods are prohibited; you cannot eat pickled, canned, smoked, fatty, or sweet foods. The list of excluded products is much larger than those allowed. This diet for hypertension and excess weight has clear rules and requirements regarding the heat treatment of food. Food mainly goes through boiling, stewing, baking or steaming. Cooking oils are used in limited quantities. Do not use salt, other spices or sugar during cooking.

Diet 8 for obesity is designed in such a way that the body receives all the necessary useful material from food, thus improving work digestive system, metabolism accelerates and metabolism in the body is normalized. This diet is indispensable for hypertension.

What foods should you not eat?

Principle treatment table No. 8 is to adjust the diet by excluding all “ballast” products from it. Like the vast majority of systems developed in the last century, the diet ignores a person’s psychological attachments to a particular type of food, simply offering to “say goodbye” by force of will with fatty, carbohydrate-rich and high-calorie foods. If you are prescribed diet 8, you are prohibited from eating sausages, lamb, beef sausages, lard, fatty pork, or any sausages (with the exception of doctor's sausage). In addition, the diet forces you to give up puff pastry and butter dough, semolina porridge, baked goods made from white flour, pasta and “white” rice, any porridges cooked in milk with the addition of a large amount of butter, as well as dumplings, “semi-finished” soups, semi-finished cutlets. This list includes ready-made dairy desserts, cheese and fatty cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, any confectionery, raisins, chocolate (including diabetic), ice cream, sweet yogurt, honey, sugar.

Mikhail Pevzner believed that spices can only whet the appetite, so, in his opinion, only parsley, basil and dill are allowed, but it is better to completely exclude curry, red pepper and turmeric from the diet. Modern nutritionists believe otherwise, arguing that if the diet contains an adequate amount of protein, without special risk You can eat any spices. If there is something that needs to be completely eliminated while losing weight, it is alcohol.

Menu for the week

Since the meals in this program are fractional and amount to 5-6 meals per day, two breakfasts are provided. Therapeutic nutrition program No. 8 of the weekly menu suggests the following:

Recipes for cooking mainly involve stewing or baking in the oven. Nowadays, most people resort to cooking in a slow cooker or double boiler. For this table, the recipes are very diverse, the main thing is to use acceptable products. For example, the following omelet recipe is simple and useful:

  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 30 g;
  • greenery.

The eggs are beaten with a whisk, then milk and grated cheese, herbs are added, everything goes into a double boiler. This recipe can be varied to suit your taste by adding zucchini, pumpkin or boiled meat.

According to experts, a 20% increase in body weight is already obesity. Doctors recommend stick to therapeutic diet for obesity (table No. 8) people who are inclined to do this, because big set weight is not only aesthetically unattractive, but also serious problems with health.

First of all, excess weight increases the load on cardiovascular system, which increases the risk:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke.

There is a disruption in the functioning of the respiratory system, increasing the likelihood of diseases:

  • gallbladder;
  • arthritis;
  • gout

Such people are more susceptible oncological diseases(liver, kidney, gall bladder cancer).

Basic principles of the diet

The “diet, table number 8” nutrition system, developed by nutritionist Pevzner, is the most effective; it helps patients suffering from obesity to recover. Its task is not to reduce food intake, it is a properly balanced nutritional system. By limiting the foods consumed, the calorie content is reduced to 1600-1800 kcal per day.

List of products for the “table No. 8” diet: what you can and cannot eat


  1. Fruits containing a small amount of Sahara.
  2. Cereals (in this case, bread is excluded).
  3. Vegetables, except those that are spicy.
  4. Dairy products, no fat.
  5. Cheese (a little and not all the time).
  6. Meat and fish (low-fat), but not more than 150 g per day.
  7. Vegetable fats.

Products whose consumption is prohibited:

  1. Products made from premium flour.
  2. Rice, semolina, pasta.
  3. Fruits containing a lot of sugar.
  4. Pickled, fermented products.
  5. High-calorie desserts.
  6. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

Nutrition for obesity (table No. 8)

Depending on the physical condition patient, obesity is divided into several categories.

On initial stage a person does not consider gaining extra pounds a deviation, he is active, nothing bothers him. At this stage, the weight is 20-30% higher than normal. But if you don’t watch your diet, this will lead to various diseases:

  • hypofunction of the ovaries.

To avoid such consequences, doctors advise:

Diet for obesity 1st degree

A diet for stage 1 obesity should include:

  • 60% plant and animal proteins;
  • 25% fat;
  • salt less than 8 g;
  • 1.2 liters of liquid.

Consumption of sugar is prohibited; salt is added only after cooking. Take food in small portions in 6 meals.

Diet for 2nd degree obesity

Stage 2 obesity is characterized by the gain of a large number of extra pounds, body weight exceeds the norm from 30 to 50%. The weight gained can only be lost if integrated approach- control over diet and sports loads. The diet for obesity of the 2nd degree is similar to the diet for the 1st degree - the same proportions, in the same ratios. None fried foods, only:

  • raw (vegetables, fruits);
  • boiled;
  • baked.

Diet for 3rd degree obesity

Stage 3 obesity is very typical big amount fat deposits resulting from:

  • overeating;
  • sedentary lifestyle, excess of the norm reaches 100%.

The person’s performance is reduced, shortness of breath appears even in calm state. Complications arise in the form of various diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • pancreatitis and many others.

In such cases, a strict diet is prescribed for grade 3 obesity, the main components of which are:

  • proteins - 70%;
  • fats and carbohydrates - 30%;
  • calorie content cannot exceed 1300 kcal.

The main thing at this level is not to bring the body’s condition to the point of obesity of the internal organs, otherwise the consequences will be catastrophic for health.
Diet table No. 8 according to Pevzner

Approximate food intake for a week

Indications for the use of the diet can be not only excess weight, it can be used to prevent obesity. Taking advantage various recipes, you can prepare a variety of dishes from permitted products.

Positive results during treatment are achieved with strict adherence to a diet for obesity. Sample menu for a week:


  1. Omelette or vegetable salad, sandwich rye bread and cheese, unsweetened coffee.
  2. Fruits or low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Vegetable soup, meat or fish and baked potatoes, unsweetened compote.
  4. Vegetable casserole, herbal decoction(rose hip).
  5. Fish, vegetable salad, tea.


  1. Low-fat cottage cheese, Herb tea.
  2. Fruit jelly or fruit drink, bran bread.
  3. Beetroot soup, fish or meat, buckwheat or stewed vegetables, juice.
  4. Diet yogurt or cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Steam cutlet or fish, vegetable stew, compote.


What is table 8 in dietary nutrition

Indications for use:

Dietary table No. 8 is recommended for obese people. The basis of this disease is a metabolic disorder. Obesity develops when the energy supplied from food calories exceeds the body's energy expenditure. Simply put, a person suffers from overeating. And if this is added sedentary lifestyle life, then obesity is inevitable. And against its background develop hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, diabetes and other diseases. Treatment of obesity is always comprehensive, including diet – table No. 8.

Nutrition Features:

Diet food No. 8 is distinguished, first of all, by its low calorie content. The diet significantly limits carbohydrates, which quickly turn into fat in the human body. The restriction also applies to fats of animal origin, and preference is given vegetable fats. Since the diet is low in calories, the feeling of satiety is created due to the volume of food, for example, raw vegetables and fruits. Foods that stimulate the appetite, such as savory snacks and spices are excluded. The amount of salt in food and liquid is significantly limited - up to 1–1.5 liters per day, which leads to normal water-salt balance. Plus, the diet is complemented by regular fasting days.

Thus, chemical and energy composition Diet No. 8 looks like this: daily ration contains 100 g of proteins, 80 g of fats, 250 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the diet is 2000 kcal.

The temperature of the food should be normal.

Dos and don'ts:

It is a mistake to think that diet No. 8 contains a lot of prohibited foods, or rather, more than permitted ones. This is wrong. Even dietary nutrition for obesity can be varied and rich. Here are the foods that are allowed when following dietary table No. 8.

Bread and flour products: rye and wheat bread made from wholemeal flour, protein-wheat and protein-bran bread in the amount of 100–150 g per day.

Soups should be 250–300 g per serving. First courses of various vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or cereals are allowed; cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot soup. Two or three times a week it is permissible to eat soups in weak low-fat meat or fish broth with vegetables and meatballs.

Meat and poultry are allowed in the amount of 150 g per day. This should be low fatness beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey. In strictly limited quantities - lean pork and lamb, which should be mainly boiled, stewed or baked in large and small pieces. Fry the meat only after boiling. You can also eat beef jelly and sausages.

Only fish are acceptable low-fat types up to 150–200 g per day. It should be boiled, baked or Fried fish, as well as seafood.

Milk and fermented milk drinks you need to choose only low fat content. Sour cream is added to dishes. Cottage cheese is allowed low-fat and 9% fat (100–200 g per day). It can be natural and in the form of cheesecakes and puddings. Low-fat varieties Cheese should be consumed in limited quantities.

Eggs are allowed 1-2 per day: hard-boiled, egg white omelettes, omelettes with vegetables.

As for cereals, the diet should include crumbly porridges made from buckwheat, pearl barley, and barley due to the reduction of bread.

Vegetables are used especially widely in diet No. 8, in all forms, some of them always raw. It is advisable to diversify your diet with all types of cabbage and include fresh cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, turnips. Sauerkraut is recommended only after washing.

Snacks for dietary table No. 8 – these are salads from raw and pickled vegetables, vinaigrettes, vegetable salads with boiled meat and fish, seafood. Jellied fish or meat and low-fat ham are also allowed.

Fruits and sweets are represented in the diet by fruits and berries of sweet and sour varieties. They must be raw and cooked. Jelly and mousses containing methylcellulose, xylitol, and sorbitol are also allowed. You can drink unsweetened compotes.

Of the fats, butter is allowed in very limited quantities; vegetable oils should be predominantly in the diet - in dishes.

Sauces and spices – tomato, red, white with vegetables, mild mushroom; vinegar.

Allowed drinks are tea, black coffee and coffee with milk, as well as low-sweet juices of all types: fruit, berry, vegetable.

Further information about what is prohibited to eat while observing dietary nutrition No. 8. Bread and flour products from premium and 1st grade wheat flour, butter and puff pastry. Soups exclude dairy, potato, cereal, legume, and pasta soups. Meat and poultry fatty varieties should also not be in the diet, namely: goose, duck, ham, sausages, boiled and smoked sausages, canned food. Fatty fish, salted, smoked, canned fish in butter, caviar - this is also not in the diet of diet No. 8. As for dairy products, you will have to give up fatty cottage cheese, sweet cheeses, cream, sweet yoghurts, fermented baked milk, baked milk, fatty and salty cheeses. Prohibited fried eggs. Rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, and legumes are excluded from cereals. Vegetables are limited to dishes made from potatoes, beets, green peas, carrots, rutabaga (a total of up to 200 g per day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables. If you are obese, you should not eat fatty and spicy snacks. Forbidden fruits and sweets are grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, ice cream, jelly. Fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, and all spices are also unacceptable dishes. Grape and other sweet juices, as well as cocoa, are excluded from drinks.

Diet, table 8, menu for every day

Sample menu:

  • First breakfast: boiled meat (100 g) with green peas, sauerkraut or other vegetables; black coffee.
  • Second breakfast: stew boiled meat– 150 g; low-fat cottage cheese – 100 g; fruit jelly on xylitol.
  • Lunch: vegetarian borscht – 1/2 serving; beef stroganoff (100 g) with stewed carrots; apple compote (xylitol).
  • Dinner: boiled fish (100 g) with boiled potatoes; tea.
  • At night: kefir – 1 glass.

Useful recipes:

Beet and bean salad with pear. 2 tbsp. tablespoons hazelnuts, 500 g beets, 100 g green beans, 2 small leeks, 1 pear, 100 g canned beans. For dressing: 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped dill, 1 crushed clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, 60 ml olive oil.

Preheat the oven to 20°C and roast the hazelnuts until golden brown for 6-8 minutes. Then cool the nuts slightly and chop them. Boil the beets, peel, cut into cubes and place in a large bowl. Blanch green beans in boiling water until soft for 1–2 minutes, then rinse cold water, dry and cut. Wash the leek and chop into thin rings. Cut the pear into four parts, remove the core and cut into slices. Place blanched beets in a bowl with green beans, leeks, beans and pear slices. To prepare the dressing, grind dill, garlic, mustard seeds, vinegar and olive oil well. Season the salad and leave for 1 hour. Decorate the dish with nuts and serve.

Salad with tongue. 80 g beef tongue, 30 g carrots, 35 g potatoes, 15 g celery, 25 g pickles, 5 ml vinegar, 15 ml vegetable oil, pepper, parsley, salt.

Boil the tongue and cut into strips. Boiled carrots and peel and cut potatoes into cubes average size. Also chop the celery root and peeled pickles. Mix the products, add pepper, salt, vinegar and season vegetable oil. Before serving, add salt to the prepared dish. You can decorate with pieces of tongue, cucumbers and parsley.

Fish in green sauce. 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 4 pieces of hake (or cod) 170 each, butter, 4 pieces of hake (or cod) 170 each, 1/2 finely chopped onion, 3 finely chopped cloves of garlic, 100 ml fish broth, 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley, 100 g of toasted almonds, salt and freshly ground black pepper, sprigs of dill.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the fish and fry it for 2 minutes on each side. Then transfer the fish to a heated dish, cover with a lid and keep warm. Place the onion in the remaining oil in the pan and fry for 3 minutes. Then pour in the broth, add parsley and almonds. Simmer until slightly thickened, another 3 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a mixer and beat until smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste. Place the fish back into the pan, pour over the sauce and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Before serving, garnish with dill.

Diet cabbage rolls. 180 g white cabbage, 40 g carrots, 10 g white roots, 15 g pumpkin, 10 g onions, 1/2 egg, 10 g butter, 50 g rice, 4 g dill (or parsley), 90 g sauce.

Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water over it. Stew it with butter, adding diced carrots, white roots and pumpkin. Vegetable stew mix with cooked rice, boiled egg(or one protein) and greens. Cut the stalk from the peeled head of cabbage. Boil the cabbage until half cooked. Then remove it from the water, disassemble it into leaves, lightly beat the petioles with a hammer or cut off the thickenings. Place the filling on the prepared leaves and wrap them in the form of an envelope. Place cabbage rolls in a frying pan, season sour cream sauce and bake. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill.

Based on the book by A. Sinelnikova “Dietary nutrition. Cooking recipes for Your health".