What medications are good for lowering fever? Means for treating fever. Cool water bath

Tablets for fever can provide quick and effective action. During the season of slush, dampness and cold, colds await a person at every corner. To cope with the resulting problem it is not always enough traditional medicine. Sometimes, just special medications may have the necessary effect.

Indications for the use of fever tablets

Indications for the use of fever tablets are the elimination of unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Thus, these medications are prescribed in cases of persistent pain of mild to moderate intensity.

The products are intended to eliminate headaches and lower fever. In addition, they are effectively used for migraines, toothache, myalgia, neuralgia, pain from injuries and burns. All fever tablets contain the main component – ​​paracetamol. It is he who provides positive action, relieves pain and reduces temperature.

Tablets for fever have wide range actions. After all, they are capable of not only eliminating unpleasant symptoms colds, but also pain syndromes. Therefore, these medications are often used in different areas. Even after surgical interventions, as painkillers. Tablets for fever can be classified as effective and fast-acting drugs.

Tablets at a temperature of 38

Tablets for temperature 38 are an incomplete description of the problem. After all, in addition to this symptom others must be observed. This temperature is generally typical for inflammatory processes And colds.

To quickly get rid of an elevated temperature, you should learn how to act correctly. Today there are quite a few various drugs, which can have incredible effects. So, these include Paracetamol, Coldrex, Fervex, Panadol, Flukold and many others.

All of them help get rid of unpleasant symptoms literally a day after the start of treatment. Much depends on what caused the temperature. Paracetamol should be taken one tablet 3-4 times a day. If you take Coldrex and Fervex into account, then one sachet every 6-8 hours.

If a child is sick, the dosage should be obtained from a physician. A high temperature in a baby can be dangerous. Therefore, it is advisable to call ambulance. Tablets for fever are effective if taken correctly.

Tablets for temperature 37.5

Do you know what pills you need to take for a temperature of 37.5? In fact, many remedies are good in this matter. But it is necessary to understand why it arose this phenomenon. The fact is that it could be caused by both a common cold and an inflammatory process in the body.

Fortunately, many modern drugs are famous for their versatility. So, in order to quickly and effectively eliminate fever, it is enough to give preference to such drugs as Paracetamol, Flukold, Nimesil, Nimid, Coldrex, Panadol and Fervex. This is far from full list, but just the most basic medications. Amizon also eliminates unpleasant symptoms well. By the way, you can take it in for preventive purposes. Methods of using all medications have been indicated above.

Tablets for temperature 39

Tablets for temperature 39 must be selected wisely. Because an elevated temperature is more likely to indicate an influenza infection. IN in this case you need to act quickly and effectively. It is advisable to call an ambulance and begin treatment according to the doctor’s recommendations.

If it is not possible to seek such help, you should decide everything yourself. Paracetamol, Fervex, Amizon, Coldrex, Theraflu, Panadol, Amiksin, Sumamed and many others have an excellent effect. It is necessary to understand that the last two medications are antibiotics. Therefore, taking them on your own is clearly not recommended.

Other remedies can have a positive effect after the first dose. If a child is sick, it is better to try to call an ambulance. Children's body requires careful handling, any wrong taken pill can leave a bad imprint. You should not use medications yourself, but if there is an urgent need, you should do everything in accordance with the instructions. Fever pills can easily cause harm.


Pharmacodynamics of tablets on temperature - analgesics-antipyretics. They have powerful analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effects.

The main mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, with a predominant effect on the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus.

After the medication is applied, the effect appears within several hours. Much depends on the specific organism. So, just take one tablet or a glass of dissolved powder and lie down. Over time, the person will feel much better.

The effectiveness of the drugs lies not only in the content of a powerful component - paracetamol, but also in excipients. Together, they significantly reduce body temperature and relieve pain. Their main function is to eliminate infection from the body, which contributed to this phenomenon. Tablets for fever of this action are particularly effective.


The pharmacokinetics of temperature tablets is very simple. After the tablet is taken orally, it is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into small intestine. This happens mainly through a passive apparatus. After a single dose in the blood plasma, the maximum amount of the drug is reached after 10-60 minutes. Then it gradually decreases over 6 hours, and approaches 11-12 mcg/ml.

The drugs are widely distributed in tissues and body fluids. Protein binding is less than 10% and increases slightly with overdose

The drug is mainly metabolized in the liver by conjugation with glucuronide, conjugation with sulfate and oxidation with the participation of mixed liver oxidases and cytochrome P450.

In adults, most of the drug binds to glucuronic acid and to a lesser extent to sulfuric acid. Tablets for fever are completely excreted in the urine and only 5% unchanged.

Using fever pills during pregnancy

The use of fever pills during pregnancy is extremely unacceptable. The fact is that many medications in this group are able to penetrate the placental barrier. Naturally, not all pills can adversely affect the fetus. Up to this day special occasions no such phenomenon has been recorded. But this possibility should not be ruled out.

It is also worth noting the fact that fever tablets are released along with breast milk. The maximum content of the drug in it is 0.04-0.23% of dose taken. It is this indicator that can negatively affect the baby’s body.

If there is a persistent need to take similar drugs during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, you should carefully weigh the benefits with possible complications, exerted on the child.

Treatment of colds during this period is carried out using traditional medicine. In some cases, fever pills are also used, but this is done with the consent of the doctor.

Tablets for fever during pregnancy

Tablets for fever during pregnancy constitute a special niche of danger. The fact is that you cannot use many medications, but it is also prohibited to leave the situation to chance. An increase in a woman's temperature during pregnancy indicates the development of an infectious disease in her body.

The reason for this phenomenon may be a sharp change in hormonal levels. In any case, everything must be eliminated, because there is a risk of harming the baby. Under no circumstances should you use Aspirin. This strong remedy, which can cross the placenta and harm a developing baby. Many studies have shown that this particular drug can lead to the development of intrauterine mutation in the fetus. Less aggressive are: Tylenol, Efferalgan, Panadol and Paracet. But they can only be taken if the temperature rises to 38 degrees. It is advisable to visit a doctor and start treatment based on his recommendations. Pregnant women should not take fever pills!

Contraindications to the use of fever tablets

There are contraindications to the use of fever tablets, and this list is quite long. First of all, people who have hypersensitivity to some components of the drugs should not take the medicine.

Patients suffering functional disorders kidneys and liver are also at risk. Uncontrolled and self-administration of medication can lead to aggravation of the situation. The kidneys and liver are the main organs that can be damaged.

Naturally, pregnant women should never use pills that have an antipyretic effect; they can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Similar dynamics apply to the period of breastfeeding. Therefore, special care must be taken.

Some fever pills may not be suitable for a person and thus cause discomfort in the liver area. Therefore, self-administration of funds is strictly prohibited, as this can easily aggravate the situation.

Side effects of fever tablets

Side effects of fever pills can develop due to their uncontrolled use. It is necessary to understand that any medicine has a whole list of contraindications and possible negative effects on the human body.

Many people want to get rid of the problem quickly and ignore permissible doses taking medication. All this can provoke serious problems from the outside gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, dysfunction of the liver and kidneys is also possible.

This is why doctors are recalling people from self-treatment. After all, it is quite easy to cause harm through one’s own ignorance. Side effects may also occur in pregnant girls. Thus, many antipyretic medications can negatively affect fetal development.

From the outside digestive system in rare cases occur dyspeptic symptoms. If the drug is taken for a long time - hepa toxic effect.

From the hematopoietic system, in rare cases, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia and agranulocytosis may develop. Tablets for fever can cause and allergic reactions as skin rash, itching and urticaria.

What pills bring down the temperature?

Do you know which pills reduce fever? At the first symptoms of a cold, a person begins to feel overwhelmed. Weakness appears fast fatiguability, sore throat and, most unpleasantly, fever. You need to start fighting it as soon as the mark exceeds 37.3-37.5 degrees. Until then, the body is able to fight off the infection on its own.

As soon as the mark goes beyond the permissible limit, treatment must begin. The most effective and affordable medications of their kind are: Aspirin, Panadol, Paracetamol, Coldrex, Fervex and Theraflu.

The first three drugs are available in tablet form. You can take them 2 times a day after meals, one capsule. Usually the effect is achieved quite quickly. For children there is a dosage and even a “variation” of these drugs. But regarding this issue It's worth talking to a pediatrician.

As for Coldrex, Fervex and Theraflu, these are medicines that come in the form of a powder. They are simply filled with water and consumed after meals or instead of tea. They can be used every 6-8 hours, but no more than 3-4 sachets per day. Basically, tablets for fever provide relief after the first dose.

What pills to take when you have a fever?

What pills can you take when you have a fever and are they effective? At the first symptoms of a cold, you must act immediately. This will significantly shorten the period of “illness” and allow the person to feel great.

When choosing a quality medication, it is recommended to pay attention to Aspirin, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Theraflu, Coldrex and Fervex. All of them are based on the main active ingredient – ​​paracetamol. It is he who relieves pain and reduces temperature.

2 tablets per day or 3-4 sachets are enough for a person to feel significant relief. So, the first 4 medications are available in tablet form. As for Theraflu, Coldrex and Fervex, these are powders that need to be filled with water. When using this or that medication, you must follow all the instructions indicated in the instructions.

If a person has an allergic reaction to such drugs, it is not recommended to take them without consulting a doctor. Moreover, it is not advisable to use tablets for temperature during the period when it is within 37 degrees.

Directions for use and doses

The method of administration and dose is adjusted by the attending physician depending on the disease and its complexity. All drugs in this group are used orally or rectally. One tablet after meals 4 times a day is enough. A certain time interval of 6-8 hours must be observed between doses. If these are not tablets, but powders for dissolution in water, then daily dose is 3-4 sachets every 6-8 hours.

The duration of treatment is usually 5-7 days. If a person does not feel relief and negative symptoms do not retreat in any way, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist.

Children are also allowed to take some antipyretic drugs. But for them a certain dosage must be observed. Basically this is 1-2 tablets per day. Optimal dose prescribed by a pediatrician. Some medications can only be taken from the age of 6. Tablets for fever can have the desired effect quite quickly, the main thing is not to take them uncontrollably.

List of tablets for fever

The list of tablets for fever is very large, so it’s worth considering the main drugs. In general, medications that reduce fever can be easily divided into several groups. The first includes those where the main component paracetamol is contained in pure form. These are Cefekon and Flutabs. These medications should be taken only after meals, one tablet 2-3 times a day.

The second group included paracetamol along with ascorbic acid. These include Theraflu and Coldrex. These are powders that need to be dissolved in water and taken both instead of tea and after food. It is permissible to consume 3-4 sachets per day, with a break of 6-8 hours.

The next group is acetylsalicylic acid. This includes Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ibufen and Advil. The effect turns out to be similar, although the active substance is completely different. It is also necessary to take these medications, 2-3 tablets after meals.

The last group is Metamizole sodium. This includes Analgin and Baralgin. Attribute these tablets from temperature to number effective drugs difficult. They are more focused on solutions simple problems and elimination of moderate pain syndromes. You should take these tablets for fever in the same way, 2-3 per day, before or after meals.


Paracetamol tablets are great for treating fever. This medication eliminates febrile syndrome that occurs against the background of infectious diseases. In addition, pain is effectively removed. In this case we mean myalgia, arthralgia, neuralgia, migraine, dental and headache.

There are also a number of contraindications. So, you should not take Paracetamol if you have hypersensitivity to some components of the drug. It is strictly prohibited to give this medicine to newborns. The medication should be taken with caution in case of renal and hepatic failure, benign hyperbulirubinemia, viral hepatitis, alcohol impairment liver, alcoholism and diabetes mellitus. Pregnancy, lactation and early infancy are also prohibited. Paracetamol is not always allowed for older people.

Dosage. For adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, a single dose is 500 mg (one tablet). The frequency of administration is up to 4 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 4 grams. The duration of treatment is 5-7 days. Children: the maximum daily dose is 1 tablet, under the age of one year, from 1 to 3 – 75 mg, 3-6 years – 1 gram, 6-9 years – 1.5 grams, 9-12 years – 2 grams . You can take these tablets for fever 4 times a day after meals.


Analgin tablets will help you get rid of fever short term. They are able to eliminate mild and moderate pain syndrome. It includes headache, migraine, toothache, myalgia and dysmenorrhea. Take the drug and postoperative period in combination with antispasmodics with renal and biliary colic.

Analgin effectively eliminates fever in infectious and inflammatory diseases. It is widely used as an antipyretic. But it is advisable to do this after the diagnosis of the disease has been established.

There are also contraindications. So, people with hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives and a tendency to bronchospasm. Patients with impaired liver and kidney function should also not use the medication.

Dosage. Orally, adults are prescribed 0.25-0.5 g 2-3 times a day after meals. The maximum daily dose is 3 grams. Children are prescribed 5-10 mg/kg body weight 3-4 times a day. Tablets for fever should be taken strictly according to the instructions.


Nise tablets for fever are very effective. Spectrum of action this drug great It is prescribed for rheumatism, gout with a predominance of articular syndrome in the clinic, various degrees arthritis, muscle pain and headaches. Nise is also used for menstrual pain, as well as in the postoperative period. Medicines can really solve many problems.

The drug is used exclusively internally. For adults, two doses per day of 100 mg are prescribed. In cases of extreme necessity, the dose is increased to 400 mg. Experts recommend taking the product before meals. If discomfort is observed, this procedure can be transferred to the period after the meal.

Nise, available in the form of dispersible tablets, should be dissolved in water (one tablet per teaspoon) and taken after meals. Children over 2-3 years old take the medication in the form of a suspension. Optimal dosage calculated taking into account 3-5 mg per kilogram of weight. Adolescents who have reached a weight of 40 kilograms take 100 mg of the drug 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Tablets for this type of fever are taken with caution.


Ibuklin fever tablets are synthetic combination drug, the action of which is aimed at reducing fever. In addition, the medication performs analgesic and anti-inflammatory “functions”.

Use it for mild to moderate pain of various etiologies. This may be a pain traumatic injury ligaments, muscles and tendons, head and toothache, neuralgia, arthralgia, bursitis, myalgia and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Dosage. For adults and children over 12 years of age, Ibuklin is prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Maximum amount should not exceed 6 pieces. Take orally, before meals or 2-3 hours after administration. If renal or liver dysfunction is observed, the interval between doses should be at least 8 hours. For children, Ibuklin is prescribed at the rate of 20 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. In this case, the dose can be divided into several doses. Tablets for this kind of temperature have fast action, after the first use.


By taking aspirin tablets for fever, you can achieve positive result. So, this medication is prescribed for migraine, toothache, neuralgia, myalgia, arthritis and pain during menstruation.

In addition, the product effectively relieves fever in acute infectious, infectious and inflammatory diseases. He can eliminate rheumatic diseases and arthritis. The drug is used to prevent thrombosis and embolism, as well as strokes.

Dosage. It is necessary to understand that the dosage regimen is purely individual. Typically for adults it is approximately 40 mg – 1 gram. The frequency of use can vary from 2 to 6 times a day. Much depends on the purpose for which the drug is used. If it is necessary to treat pain and fever, then up to 1 gram per day is sufficient. In this case, the dose is divided into several doses. It is not recommended to take these fever pills on your own; there is a risk of harm, especially to children.

Pink fever pills

Pink tablets for fever are Flucold and Paracetamol. Their color has nothing to do with effectiveness. These medications have a wide spectrum of action. So, they are taken not only to eliminate the inflammatory process and colds. They perfectly relieve pain of any degree. Therefore, it is advisable to take them during menstruation, severe headaches and the postoperative period.

Paracetamol contains only this substance in its pure form. It is enough to take 3-4 tablets per day to feel significant relief. Children can also take the product; there is even a special paracetamol for children.

The action of Flukold is similar. The intake is no different from the previous drug. But before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The daily dose is 2-3 tablets after meals. Not many fever pills are universal and can have the same effect.

3 tablets for fever

What are these mythical 3 tablets for fever? There are some medications that you only need to take, very little, to feel relief and even recovery. Typically, these medications are intended to prevent influenza diseases.

Yes, most the best remedy Amiksin can rightfully be considered. It eliminates all the unpleasant symptoms of a cold and reduces the temperature.

To achieve a positive effect, it is not necessary to use it for several days. The course of treatment is only 3 tablets.

Sumamed has a similar effect. But it is worth noting that this strong antibiotic. It is used mainly for influenza and serious inflammatory processes. It is not recommended to use it without consulting a doctor.

In general, you just need to take 3 tablets and feel a positive result.

It should also be noted that such a small package is used in preparations intended for prevention or if they are strong antibiotics. Therefore, in any case, you should not take these tablets for fever on your own.

Tablets for fever for adults

Tablets for fever for adults need to be selected individually. So, at the first symptoms of a cold, a person begins to feel overwhelmed. Headache, nausea and weakness may occur. All this causes a lot of inconvenience, especially when you can’t get sick at all. What to do in this case? Effective means come to the rescue.

When choosing good drug You need to pay attention to Aspirin, Panadol, Paracetamol, Coldrex, Fervex and Theraflu. They contain the main antipyretic component – ​​paracetamol. It is thanks to him that the long-awaited endowment comes. Sometimes, it is enough to take medication for one day in order to feel increased strength the next day.

If the temperature is high and nothing helps, you need to pay attention to Aspirin and Acetaminophen. You need to take one of the medications every 4 hours, 2 tablets. Naturally, it is more advisable to call an ambulance or call a doctor at home. Fever pills do not help everyone; moreover, they can aggravate the situation.

Tablets for fever for children

Tablets for fever should be selected with extreme caution for children. Much depends on the age of the baby. Naturally, it is better to take the child to a pediatric therapist. He will be able to determine the cause of the fever and prescribe high-quality and safe treatment.

It is recommended to give preference to Acetaminophen. It is much safer than Aspirin, but has the same effect. The use of Aspirin can provoke the development of Reye's syndrome, irritant effect on the intestine and the variation in dosage between effectiveness and toxicity. All this is difficult to attribute to positive actions.

Acetaminophen can reduce fever within 30 minutes of administration. The maximum effect is achieved after 2-4 hours. In rare cases, complete normalization of the temperature occurs. The dosage is prescribed exclusively by the doctor! There is no need to resort to self-treatment of the baby. Fever pills can cause serious harm to a growing body.


Drug overdose can also occur. Symptoms generally appear within the first 24 hours after administration. The overdose condition is characterized by pale skin, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In some cases, glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis are observed.

If the problems are serious and liver function is affected, the first signs will appear within 12-48 hours. In case of severe overdose there is liver failure with progressive encephalopathy. Coma and even death are possible. This happens due to severe liver damage up to the development of tubular necrosis.

Antipyretics can reduce the effectiveness of uricosuric drugs. Their use in higher doses can increase the effect of anticoagulant drugs (decreased synthesis of procoagulant factors in the liver).

Inducers of microsomal oxidation in the liver (phenytoin, barbiturates, rifampicin, phenylbutazone, tricyclic antidepressants), ethanol and hepatotoxic drugs can increase the production of hydroxylated active metabolites. First of all, this can cause the development of severe intoxication even with a slight overdose.

Long-term use of barbiturates reduces the effectiveness of antipyretics. Ethanol, in turn, can lead to the development of acute pancreatitis.

Diflunisal, together with antipyretic medications, increases the plasma concentration of the latter by 50% - the risk of developing hepatotoxicity. That is why fever pills should be taken under the supervision of your doctor.

Storage conditions

Storage conditions for fever tablets must be observed. So, for tablets of this type you need a certain temperature regime. Paradoxically, medications responsible for lowering fever require a special temperature. This is actually true. Optimal numbers can fluctuate around 15-30 degrees. You cannot store medications in the refrigerator, as many housewives do. Thus, they are violated beneficial features drug.

It is advisable that the medication does not come into contact with direct Sun rays, and there was no humidity. These two criteria can significantly spoil the product. Naturally, children should not have access to drugs, because there is a risk that the baby will want to try the “candy.”

Optimal storage conditions are in the first aid kit. Therefore, it is necessary to keep fever tablets there. But don't forget one more thing important criterion, this is the expiration date, the drug must be “fresh”.

Best before date

The shelf life of the medicine plays a significant role. The point is not to use the drug for a long time. This will simply allow you not to constantly spend a certain amount on treatment. Because the remedy may remain from last time.

To ensure that the shelf life does not fail, it is worth monitoring the storage conditions. So, humidity, direct sunlight, and low temperature are prohibited. All this can ruin the product. You also need to pay attention to the appearance of the medication. If there is damage to the packaging or blister, it is not recommended to take it.

So, the most effective are: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Amizon, Sumamed, Fervex, Theraflu, Coldrex, Aspirin and Acetaminophen. Some of these drugs are antibiotics, so you shouldn't take them yourself.

The effect of these medications is the same, they reduce pain and eliminate fever. Moreover, the range of their “work” is wide. They not only fight colds, but also have a positive effect during inflammatory processes and in the postoperative period.

Significant relief occurs within a few hours after taking any medication. If a person also feels unwell, you need to call an ambulance. Most likely, the problem is much more serious. Choosing pills for fever is not difficult, but it is much more difficult to remove the consequences of incorrect use later. Therefore, there should be no independent treatment.

Inexpensive tablets for fever

Inexpensive fever pills are an ambiguous concept. After all, every person understands this expression due to their financial security. But, despite such a difference of opinions, it is still worth announcing the list of the most available drugs.

Paracetamol is the leader in its effectiveness and moderation in price. Firstly, one plate is enough to cure a common cold. And the cost is really cheap.

In second place are three medications: Coldrex, Theraflu and Fervex. These powders for dissolution are in approximately the same price category and have the same effect on the body. It is enough to drink one sachet to feel significant relief. But for full course They will need 10-15 treatments.

In third place are Aspirin, Amizon and Ibuprofen. They are not so accessible, but they have a positive effect. Therefore, you need to choose tablets for fever not based on price, but on effectiveness.

How to reduce fever without pills?

Do you know how to bring down a fever without pills using traditional medicine? So, you can add a tablespoon of cognac or vodka to hot tea, drink it all and lie down in a hot bed. It is worth understanding that such a drink can cause vomiting, so you need to take it slowly. Then you should get some sleep.

It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids. Preference should be given to hot tea with honey and lemon. You can simply eat lemon, orange and grapefruit. Vitamin C can normalize temperature. In addition, it relieves cold symptoms and destroys the inflammatory process. In the morning, it is recommended to constantly ventilate the room while the patient is not in it. The body always needs oxygen.

Doctors are still arguing about vodka and vinegar. It is difficult to say whether these two products can be mixed with each other. So, you should do this in a 1:1 ratio and soak a swab in the resulting “medicine”, then wipe the person’s body. Under no circumstances should you rub in vodka!

You can try chamomile, hawthorn, cucumber and motherwort flowers. All these components are taken in equal quantities. Then one tablespoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water. The collection should be allowed to brew for some time and only then treatment should begin. The resulting tincture is drunk in small portions throughout the day. Temperature pills are not always able to give positive effect, so it’s worth resorting to traditional medicine.

Normal temperature values human body fluctuate from 35 to 37C. Anything above the top number is hyperthermia or fever.

Depending on the severity, it can be subfebrile (37 - 37.9C), febrile (38 - 38.9C), pyretic (39 - 40.9C) and hyperpyretic - over 41C.

Fever is a non-specific symptom and is observed in many pathological conditions.

Most often, the temperature rises in response to the introduction of infectious agents into the body - bacteria and viruses. The physiological meaning of the increase in temperature in this case is as follows - in organs and tissues with high temperature Pathogenic microorganisms multiply more slowly and die faster.

The list of tablets for fever is very large, so it’s worth considering the main drugs. In general, medications that reduce fever can be easily divided into several groups. The first includes those where the main component paracetamol is contained in its pure form. These are Cefekon and Flutabs. These medications should be taken only after meals, one tablet 2-3 times a day.

The second group included paracetamol along with ascorbic acid. These include Theraflu and Coldrex. These are powders that need to be dissolved in water and taken both instead of tea and after food. It is permissible to consume 3-4 sachets per day, with a break of 6-8 hours.

The next group is acetylsalicylic acid. This includes Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ibufen and Advil. The effect turns out to be similar, although the active substance is completely different. It is also necessary to take these medications, 2-3 tablets after meals.

The last group is Metamizole sodium. This includes Analgin and Baralgin. It is difficult to classify these tablets for fever as effective drugs. They are rather aimed at solving simple problems and eliminating moderate pain syndromes. You should take these tablets for fever in the same way, 2-3 per day, before or after meals.

Nise tablets

Diclofenac tablets

Acetylsalicylic acid tablets

Ibuprofen tablets

Paracetamol tablets

Ibuklin tablets

Aspirin tablets

Folk remedies

As already noted, medications, although they reduce temperature well, they still have unwanted effects, therefore not always shown. These negative traits missing from most folk recipes to reduce the temperature. Folk remedies have virtually no effect on the course biochemical reactions, temperature reduction is achieved in a slightly different way - by increasing heat transfer through sweating and evaporation from the skin medicinal compositions. Natural remedies They are used in the form of drinks, compresses and lotions.

Below are the most effective traditional methods to reduce temperature:

1. Black currant - mix the buds and berries of this plant in a ratio of 2:1 and pour 1 liter. boiling water Leave for about 2 hours, and then take 150 grams orally. during the whole day.

2. Rubbing with vinegar is a simple but proven method. Mix table vinegar with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting mixture is moistened with clean gauze pad and rub the patient's skin

3. Wraps hot water– moisten a towel in water heated to 40 – 420C and wrap it around the torso around the abdomen. The evaporation of hot water will help lower body temperature.

4. Melt a teaspoon of honey. While warm, rub honey into the sternum area and between the shoulder blades.

5. Mix equal quantities(100 ml each) lemon, orange and apple juice. Add 75 ml to the mixture. tomato juice and 25 ml. beet juice. Take as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

6. Take 1 part of oregano herb, and 2 parts of coltsfoot leaves and raspberries. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Strain the resulting decoction and take at elevated temperature.

Undoubtedly folk remedies good for relieving fever. However, eliminating fever from flu, colds, and pneumonia is far from the only goal. It should be here complex treatment using antibiotics, expectorants, restoratives. And in most cases it is impossible to do without medications. Ignoring medical care and self-medication can be costly.

What pills bring down the temperature?

Do you know which pills reduce fever? At the first symptoms of a cold, a person begins to feel overwhelmed. Weakness, fatigue, sore throat and, most unpleasantly, fever appear. You need to start fighting it as soon as the mark exceeds 37.3-37.5 degrees. Until then, the body is able to fight off the infection on its own.

As soon as the mark goes beyond the permissible limit, treatment must begin. The most effective and affordable medications of their kind are: Aspirin, Panadol, Paracetamol, Coldrex, Fervex and Theraflu.

The first three drugs are available in tablet form. You can take them 2 times a day after meals, one capsule. Usually the effect is achieved quite quickly. For children there is a dosage and even a “variation” of these drugs. But regarding this issue it is worth talking with a pediatric therapist.

As for Coldrex, Fervex and Theraflu, these are medicines that come in the form of a powder. They are simply filled with water and consumed after meals or instead of tea. They can be used every 6-8 hours, but no more than 3-4 sachets per day. Basically, tablets for fever provide relief after the first dose.

What tablets to take at fever

What pills can you take when you have a fever and are they effective? At the first symptoms of a cold, you must act immediately. This will significantly shorten the period of “illness” and allow the person to feel great.

When choosing a quality medication, it is recommended to pay attention to Aspirin, Panadol, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Theraflu, Coldrex and Fervex. All of them are based on the main active ingredient – ​​paracetamol. It is he who relieves pain and reduces temperature.

2 tablets per day or 3-4 sachets are enough for a person to feel significant relief. So, the first 4 medications are available in tablet form. As for Theraflu, Coldrex and Fervex, these are powders that need to be filled with water. When using this or that medication, you must follow all the instructions indicated in the instructions.

If a person has an allergic reaction to such drugs, it is not recommended to take them without consulting a doctor. Moreover, it is not advisable to use tablets for temperature during the period when it is within 37 degrees.

Indications for the use of fever tablets

Indications for the use of fever tablets are the elimination of unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Thus, these medications are prescribed in cases of persistent pain of mild to moderate intensity.

The products are intended to eliminate headaches and lower fever. In addition, they are effectively used for migraines, toothache, myalgia, neuralgia, pain from injuries and burns. All fever tablets contain the main component – ​​paracetamol. It is this that has a positive effect, relieves pain and reduces temperature.

Tablets for fever have a wide spectrum of action. After all, they can not only eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of a cold, but also pain syndromes. Therefore, these medications are often used in different areas. Including, even after surgical interventions, as painkillers. Tablets for fever can be classified as effective and fast-acting drugs.

Tablets at a temperature of 38

Tablets for temperature 38 are an incomplete description of the problem. Indeed, in addition to this symptom, others should be observed. Basically, this temperature is characteristic of inflammatory processes and colds.

To quickly get rid of an elevated temperature, you should learn how to act correctly. Today, there are quite a few different drugs that can have incredible effects. So, these include Paracetamol, Coldrex, Fervex, Panadol, Flukold and many others.

All of them help get rid of unpleasant symptoms literally a day after the start of treatment. Much depends on what caused the temperature. Paracetamol should be taken one tablet 3-4 times a day. If you take Coldrex and Fervex into account, then one sachet every 6-8 hours.

If a child is sick, the dosage should be obtained from a physician. A high temperature in a baby can be dangerous. Therefore, it is advisable to call an ambulance. Tablets for fever are effective if taken correctly.

Tablets for temperature 37.5

Do you know what pills you need to take for a temperature of 37.5? In fact, many remedies are good in this matter. But it is necessary to understand why this phenomenon arose. The fact is that it could be caused by both a common cold and an inflammatory process in the body.

Fortunately, many modern drugs are famous for their versatility. So, in order to quickly and effectively eliminate fever, it is enough to give preference to such drugs as Paracetamol, Flukold, Nimesil, Nimid, Coldrex, Panadol and Fervex. This is not a complete list, but simply the most basic medications. Amizon also eliminates unpleasant symptoms well. By the way, you can take it for preventive purposes. Methods of using all medications have been indicated above.

Tablets for temperature 39

Tablets for temperature 39 must be selected wisely. Because an elevated temperature is more likely to indicate an influenza infection. In this case, you need to act quickly and effectively. It is advisable to call an ambulance and begin treatment according to the doctor’s recommendations.

If it is not possible to seek such help, you should decide everything yourself. Paracetamol, Fervex, Amizon, Coldrex, Theraflu, Panadol, Amiksin, Sumamed and many others have an excellent effect. It is necessary to understand that the last two medications are antibiotics. Therefore, taking them on your own is clearly not recommended.

Other remedies can have a positive effect after the first dose. If a child is sick, it is better to try to call an ambulance. A child's body requires careful treatment; any pill taken incorrectly can leave a bad imprint. You should not use medications yourself, but if there is an urgent need, you should do everything in accordance with the instructions. Fever pills can easily cause harm.

Tablets for fever during pregnancy

The use of fever pills during pregnancy is extremely unacceptable. The fact is that many medications in this group are able to penetrate the placental barrier. Naturally, not all pills can adversely affect the fetus. Until today, no special cases of this phenomenon have been recorded. But this possibility should not be ruled out.

It is also worth noting the fact that fever pills are excreted in breast milk. The maximum content of the drug in it is 0.04-0.23% of the dose taken. It is this indicator that can negatively affect the baby’s body.

If there is a persistent need to take such drugs during pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is worth carefully weighing the benefits with the possible complications for the child.

Treatment of colds during this period is carried out using traditional medicine. In some cases, fever pills are also used, but this is done with the consent of the doctor.

Contraindications to the use of fever tablets

There are contraindications to the use of fever tablets, and this list is quite long. First of all, people who have hypersensitivity to some components of the drugs should not take the medicine.

Patients suffering from functional disorders of the kidneys and liver are also at risk. Uncontrolled and self-administration of medication can lead to aggravation of the situation. The kidneys and liver are the main organs that can be damaged.

Naturally, pregnant women should never use pills that have an antipyretic effect; they can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Similar dynamics apply to the period of breastfeeding. Therefore, special care must be taken.

Some fever pills may not be suitable for a person and thereby cause discomfort in the liver area. Therefore, self-administration of funds is strictly prohibited, as this can easily aggravate the situation.

Side effects of fever tablets

Side effects of fever pills can develop due to their uncontrolled use. It is necessary to understand that any medicine has a whole list of contraindications and possible negative effects on the human body.

Many people want to get rid of the problem faster and ignore the permissible doses of medication. All this can cause serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, dysfunction of the liver and kidneys is also possible.

This is why doctors are telling people not to self-treat. After all, it is quite easy to cause harm through one’s own ignorance. Side effects may also occur in pregnant girls. Thus, many antipyretic medications can negatively affect fetal development.

In rare cases, dyspepsia occurs in the digestive system. If the drug is taken for a long time, it has a hepatoxic effect.

From the hematopoietic system, in rare cases, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia and agranulocytosis may develop. Tablets for fever can also cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, itching and hives.

Directions for use and doses

The method of administration and dose is adjusted by the attending physician depending on the disease and its complexity. All drugs in this group are used orally or rectally. One tablet after meals 4 times a day is enough. A certain time interval of 6-8 hours must be observed between doses. If these are not tablets, but powders for dissolution in water, then the daily dose is 3-4 sachets every 6-8 hours.

The duration of treatment is usually 5-7 days. If a person does not feel relief and negative symptoms do not subside, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist.

Children are also allowed to take some antipyretic drugs. But for them a certain dosage must be observed. Basically this is 1-2 tablets per day. The optimal dose is prescribed by the pediatrician. Some medications can only be taken from the age of 6. Tablets for fever can have the desired effect quite quickly, the main thing is not to take them uncontrollably.


Drug overdose can also occur. Symptoms generally appear within the first 24 hours after administration. The overdose condition is characterized by pale skin, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In some cases, glucose metabolism and metabolic acidosis are observed.

If the problems are serious and liver function is affected, the first signs will appear within 12-48 hours. In case of severe overdose, liver failure with progressive encephalopathy is observed. Coma and even death are possible. This happens due to severe liver damage up to the development of tubular necrosis.

With more optimistic forecasts, unpleasant symptoms can be removed by administering SH-group donors and precursors for the synthesis of glutathione - methionine within 8-9 hours after an overdose and acetylcysteine ​​- within 8 hours. Depending on the concentration of the drug in the blood, further treatments are prescribed therapeutic measures. This is why taking fever pills is strictly prohibited.

Antipyretic medications for fever are now widely available in pharmacies. Currently, there are many options for reducing fever and getting rid of respiratory diseases.

However, you should find out which one is the safest and most effective to drink.

It is important to understand what suppositories and fever tablets actually are, designed to reduce fever during colds and flu.

It is important to indicate the temperature periods at which antipyretic drugs are needed. If an adult has a cold or flu, then medications should be taken at temperatures above 38 degrees.

A few things will help an adult with fever: simple techniques who are part of the group physical methods symptomatic treatment. With these methods there is no need to give antipyretic drugs with chemical composition, we're talking about only about warming up the body.

The human body should be wiped cool water, which can be diluted first in half with vodka or add 6% table vinegar at the rate of: 1 large spoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

The body of a sick person is wiped with a clean sponge using prepared solutions. As a rule, the effect is noticeable immediately - there is a decrease in temperature by about one degree per hour.

In most cases, the temperature returns over time, and the procedure should be repeated again. You can also achieve elimination of high fever if you wipe not only the body, but also the head of a sick person.

You can place a napkin or rag on your forehead, pre-moistened in water at room, not high, temperature. You need to do the procedure for a long time, periodically updating the bandage, while simultaneously taking pills for fever.

All of the above procedures cannot be done in a draft. It is necessary to close the window or balcony, wipe the sick person, then wait a while and ventilate the room, after covering the person with a blanket.

You should not overly insulate a sick person by covering him with rugs and blankets. Clothing should be made of natural materials, light and well absorbs sweat. The patient’s blanket is standard, thin, since the body needs complete heat exchange with the environment.

At temperatures above 38 degrees, you should not drink too hot raspberry tea. Such a drink greatly warms up the already hot body, so the sick person’s well-being worsens even more.

What pharmaceutical drugs should I take to reduce fever?

Paracetamol is a drug that has antipyretic effects with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. These fever pills indirectly affect the body through the centers of pain and temperature regulation.

This product does not contain harmful chemical preservatives or dyes, so it can be drunk by almost everyone. When purchasing Paracetamol, you will not have to overpay for additional components in the product, which often do not provide much benefit.

It is best to use the drug in tablets; suppositories are also always effective. Adults can be given the drug 500 mg at a time.

Paracetamol can be taken per day in an amount of up to 4 grams, otherwise there is a risk of toxic damage to the liver.

Ibuklin is a combination drug of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Due to its good tolerance by many people and tangible therapeutic effects in terms of lowering temperature, the drug can be recommended to a wide circle patients.

Ibuklin is produced in the form of tablets. These tablets for fever should be taken by adults, one piece 3 times a day.

What contraindications does Ibuklin have:

  1. ulcers and gastritis,
  2. lactation and pregnancy,
  3. kidney and liver diseases,
  4. alcoholism.

Panadol is one of the most popular drugs in the form of coated tablets. To reduce the temperature above 38 degrees, children should be given another form of Panadol - a suspension for oral administration.

Koldakt are capsules of prolonged administration. You can also use candles. The medicine is included in the group symptomatic drugs against colds, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. The fever tablet eliminates:

  • fever,
  • pain syndrome,
  • rhinorrhea.

For fever, an adult can take one capsule every 12 hours for 3-5 days.

List of Koldakt components:

  1. 200 mg paracetamol,
  2. 25 mg phenylephrine hydrochloride 25 mg,
  3. 8 mg chlorphenamine (chlorpheniramine) maleate,

Tylenol is regular Paracetamol, which has the same indications, contraindications and effects in branded packaging:

  • syrup,
  • capsules,
  • effervescent powder for the preparation of oral solution,
  • candles.

Efferalgan is a regular Paracetamol, but it has whole list excipients. The medicine is available in the following forms:

  • syrup,
  • candles,
  • tablets for preparing a solution.

Theraflu is a drug that is often confused with Tamiflu, although it is completely different means. Theraflu is used against the symptoms of colds and flu. The drug fights against:

  1. temperature more than 38 degrees,
  2. chills,
  3. headache and muscle pain,
  4. sneezing,
  5. runny nose,
  6. cough.

Theraflu contains the following substances:

  • 325 mg paracetamol,
  • 20 mg pheniramine maleate,
  • 10 mg phenylephrine hydrochloride,
  • 50 mg ascorbic acid,
  • sweeteners, Excipients and dyes.

Tamiflu comes in powder form, which must be dissolved in warm water. It is better to give the contents of the package to the patient immediately after opening the package. If the temperature is more than 38 degrees, then the patient can take Tamiflu every four hours, but no more than three doses per day.

Rinzasip and Rinza. The drugs differ from each other in the form of release and the amount of active ingredients in the composition.

Rinza is a drug against colds and flu in tablet form. The product effectively combats pain, fever and rhinorrhea. Rinza contains:

  1. 500 mg paracetamol,
  2. 30 mg caffeine,
  3. 10 mg phenylephrine hydrochloride,
  4. 2 mg chlorphenamine maleate,
  5. weight aids.

Aspirin or, in other words, acetylsalicylic acid is part of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has antipyretic, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Aspirin inhibits platelet aggregation - reduces blood clotting.

It is strictly forbidden to take Aspirin as a symptomatic medicine for the flu. Due to increased vascular permeability in this disease, bleeding may occur due to taking aspirin.

Taking Aspirin for the flu is prohibited for patients of all ages. Often, taking salicylates can cause Reye's syndrome, this dangerous complication, which is accompanied by encephalopathy, as well as fatty infiltration of the liver.

Nurofen contains 200 mg of Ibuprofen as the main active remedy. The drug also contains certain excipients. There is also a temperature tablet that needs to be dissolved in water.

Nurofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dosage for adults: 200 mg 4 times a day. The maximum initial dose is up to 400 mg several times a day. You need to take 1200 mg of the drug per day.

There is a list of contraindications:

  1. hemorrhagic diathesis,
  2. leukopenia,
  3. heart failure,
  4. glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency,
  5. hemophilia,
  6. hypocoagulable state,
  7. age up to 6 years,
  8. hearing loss, vestibular system disorders,
  9. lactation,
  10. 3rd trimester of pregnancy,
  11. high sensitivity to the components of the product and Ibuprofen,
  12. severe pathology of the kidneys or liver,
  13. severe form of arterial hypertension,
  14. erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form: stomach ulcer and duodenum, Crohn's disease, peptic ulcer, ulcerative colitis.

Analgin - a remedy for fever with active substance Metamizole sodium, which is a pyrazolone derivative. The temperature tablet has:

  • painkiller,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antipyretic effect.

Analgin can be used against pain of various origins, as well as fever caused by infectious diseases. The fever tablet may also be called Trialgin and Baralgin. The main active ingredient in these products is Metamizole sodium.

Adults need to take Analgin 250-500 mg several times a day. The maximum single dose is 1 g, and the daily dose is 3 g. Single dosages for children:

  1. for 2-3 years - 50-100 mg,
  2. for 4-5 years - 100-200 mg,
  3. for 6-7 years - 200 mg,
  4. for 8-14 years - 250-300 mg.

The drug can be taken two to four times a day. At the same time, you can learn and use this folk recipe.

For fever, adults are given intramuscular or intravenous injections in the amount of 250-500 mg of the drug 2-3 times a day.

The maximum dose at a time is 1 g; the amount per day should not exceed 2 g.

Candles that reduce temperature

People often wonder what candles can be used to reduce fever. Suppositories have a high degree of absorption by the intestines, so they can give the best effect.

The following candles are suitable for temperature control:

  • Voltaren,
  • Meloxicam,
  • Indomethacin.

If the infection has entered the body, then the suppositories will be ineffective and it is better to consult a doctor about which antibiotic to take. And in the video in this article, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in detail about antipyretic drugs.

A sharp rise in temperature may not always be a reason to panic and call an ambulance, but when temperature 39 in an adult, what to do you won’t understand right away. You can really call an ambulance; such indicators are a sufficient reason for the team to arrive quickly enough.

How and why does the temperature rise?

The body reacts to any external influences and changes in the internal environment:

  • The thermoregulation center is located in the brain;
  • It is affected by prostaglandins synthesized from fatty acids;
  • The appearance of these substances indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • The initial value of the normal temperature in the thermoregulation center changes and the body makes every effort to maintain an elevated temperature;
  • After elimination pathological process in the body, biochemical blood parameters return to normal, and the center in the brain sets the cherished 36.6 degrees.

On the one side, elevated temperature helps fight infection. All living organisms have a certain optimum, a small range of indicators within which these same organisms can exist.

For some pathogenic bacteria deviation from the optimal numbers by a few degrees is already fatal. There is only one problem - a person is also a living organism and the blood temperature limits are strictly standardized. Overwhelming majority will not be able to survive temperatures of 42 degrees Celsius.

How to reduce a high temperature at home?

If a person suddenly has a fever critical indicators- call an ambulance:

  1. She will arrive within an hour;
  2. The patient will be given a couple of injections so that as quickly as possible bring down the temperature;
  3. After this, they will offer to hospitalize you in a hospital;
  4. Most likely they will take you to the nearest infectious diseases department, you need to be prepared for this;
  5. Everything will be carried out at the medical institution necessary research and make a final diagnosis;
  6. After completing the course of treatment, you will be discharged from the department and your sick leave will be closed.

It sounds quite simple, but it is not always possible to seek qualified help or spend a week on recovery. The position is not the most sensible, but it has a right to exist.

If necessary as quickly as possible bring down the temperature, it is better to resort to medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- a whole class of antipyretic tablets that can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • Paracetamol refers to NSAIDs, the effect is achieved by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • differs in that it is prescribed even to children. In terms of minimum side effects and contraindications this is an ideal option;
  • Analgin- the most powerful and popular drug for lowering fever that can only be obtained without a prescription.

Folk remedies for lowering fever

If the patient is fundamentally against all this “chemistry”, you can resort to folk remedies:

  1. Make the person drink as much as possible to restore water balance. When the temperature rises, the body loses water too quickly, and the decrease in water leads to an increase in temperature. A vicious circle that needs to be broken;
  2. Reduce the room temperature to 20 degrees. This is quite enough for normal life, according to all hygienic standards. But at the same time, a heated case will transfer heat to a colder environment much faster;
  3. If it is possible to humidify the air to 60%, do it;
  4. Rubbing with cool water will help have a reflex effect on superficial vessels;
  5. Alcohol and vodka rubdowns and compresses are effective;
  6. If the patient is wrapped up, he should be “uncovered” and allowed to lie in this state, even after wiping. It may not be pleasant due to the cold, but the temperature is guaranteed to drop.

How to bring down a child's temperature of 39?

With children everything is always more complicated. At elevated temperatures, there can be two completely different types of fever:

In parallel with this, the cause of the disease will be determined in order to prescribe antiviral or antibacterial treatment.

The child has a red throat and fever

A high temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. Most likely we are talking about infections. The presence of redness indicates that the inflammatory process is localized in the pharynx:

  • Given the high body temperature, it could even be the flu if the virus entered the body through the throat;
  • The problem may be a sore throat, which gives complications to all systems, including the cardiovascular;
  • An equally formidable disease, scarlet fever, is not detected so often, but can cause a sad outcome.

If you see a child with a red throat and a high fever, consult a doctor as soon as possible. You should not try to help yourself if you are infected with the same swine flu pneumonia can develop within 24 hours. Within 24 hours after the start, the baby will need artificial ventilation , if everything goes a little wrong.

For young children, especially those with a high temperature, an ambulance will arrive immediately. In some regions, there are enough children's teams, but most likely you will be visited by an adult therapist or an ordinary paramedic. So you shouldn’t refuse hospitalization; pediatricians know their job better when dealing with infections.

How to deal with fever?

When an adult has a high temperature, do not immediately panic:

  • See what's in home medicine cabinet. Will do paracetamol, analgin or .
  • Find vinegar, vodka or alcohol in the kitchen. Dilute and make a compress or rub;
  • After this, the patient must leave in an “opened” state, even if he starts complaining about the cold;
  • Better indoors lower the temperature up to 20 degrees, and increase humidity to 60%;
  • Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids.

But it is best to immediately call specialists who will lower the temperature and make a preliminary diagnosis.

Afterwards it will be necessary to take action, but before the ambulance arrives, it is better not to lower the temperature on your own.

Video: what should an adult do at a temperature of 39?

In this video, doctor Elena Malykh will tell you how to bring down the temperature of 39 degrees in an adult (not a child), what remedies and medicines are the most effective:

Normal values ​​of human body temperature range from 35 to 37 0 C. Anything above the upper figure is hyperthermia or fever.

Depending on the severity, it can be subfebrile (37.0 - 37.9 0 C), febrile (38.0 - 38.9 0 C), pyretic (39.0 - 40.9 0 C) and hyperpyretic - above 41 0 C.

Fever is a non-specific symptom and is observed in many pathological conditions.

Most often, the temperature rises in response to the introduction of infectious agents into the body - bacteria and viruses. The physiological meaning of an increase in temperature in this case is the following - in organs and tissues with a high temperature, pathogenic microorganisms multiply more slowly and die faster.

For all its non-specificity, hyperthermia is a rather complex physiological process. To ensure this process, a whole cascade of biochemical reactions occurs in the body with the participation nervous system, blood cells, fabric elements.

The most optimal way to fight infection is low-grade fever.

Temperature rises to febrile levels from physiological point vision is inappropriate, and pyretic and hyperpyretic fever poses a threat not only to health, but also to life. So-called prostaglandins play an important role in increasing temperature - biologically active substances, formed during complex enzymatic processes.

Types of NSAIDs

Used in medical practice antipyretics are mainly represented non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs). Antipyretic action of NSAIDs This is precisely due to the fact that they inhibit the formation of prostaglandins and thus interrupt the pathological enzymatic chain.

The first NSAID was synthesized in the middle of the nineteenth century from aspen bark. This is good old aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid, which is still used today. Pharmaceutical science does not stand still, and since then many NSAIDs have been synthesized. Depending on your chemical structure they are combined into groups:

  • Salicylates – acetylsalicylic acid, sodium salicylate
  • Pyrazolone derivatives – analgin, butadione
  • Indoleacetic acid derivatives – indomethacin, ketanov, ketorolac
  • Propionic acid derivatives – ibuprofen, naproxen
  • Phenylacetic acid derivatives - ortofen, voltaren, diclofenac
  • Sulfonanilides – nimesil, nimesulide, nise, paracetamol

Action provided

As the very name of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) suggests, they have not only antipyretic, but also anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It is noteworthy that for any drug or group of drugs, certain effects are not expressed equally.

For example, analgin relieves pain well and reduces fever, but its anti-inflammatory effect is weak.

Nise and paracetamol are also great at reducing fever, but have virtually no effect on the course of inflammatory processes. Salicylates are good at reducing fever and inhibiting inflammation, but have a weak analgesic effect.

To solve this problem, some NSAIDs are available in combination form. Everyone is famous citramon– these are aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine. The 3-in-1 ingredients mutually enhance each other.

No less famous baralgin And spasmalgon combine analgin with antispasmodics. Previously widely used, reopyrine is a combination of amidopyrine and butadione.

Many NSAIDs come in different dosage forms– tablets, ampoules, ointments and gels for external use, and even in rectal suppositories. The peculiarities of the action of these drugs are that normal temperature They don't lower their bodies. It is also inadvisable to use them for low-grade fever, but for febrile fever it is desirable, and for pyretic fever it is mandatory.

Medicines most often used to reduce fever:

Nimesulide, nise

Excellent antipyretics. The temperature drops right before our eyes. However, long-term use has a toxic effect on the liver. Available in tablets and suspensions for oral administration.


Tablets for oral administration, gel for external use. It reduces fever well and eliminates inflammation. In this regard, it is used to treat inflammatory processes in the joints. Irritates the gastric mucosa and is contraindicated for gastritis and stomach ulcers. At frequent use affects the liver.


An effective anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. An analogue of diclofenac, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Reliability is time-tested. Also contraindicated for diseases of the digestive system, bronchial asthma and bleeding tendency.


Tablets, capsules, rectal suppositories. Excellently reduces temperature and inhibits inflammation, and therefore is in demand for the treatment of rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, it has all the disadvantages of NSAIDs - it disrupts the functioning of the digestive system and increases the risk of bleeding.

Analgin and its derivatives

Renalgan, dexalgin. To reduce the temperature, use it as an injection in combination with diphenhydramine, possibly in one syringe.


Tablets for oral administration. Side effects of indomethacin and its derivatives are minimal, and therefore these drugs are indicated for use in children.


Ibuprofen analogue - syrup, tablets, gel and cream. An effective antipyretic for adults and children.


Tablets, capsules, syrup. It is most preferable for reducing fever in children.


Suppositories for rectal use with paracetamol. It can be used even in small children to reduce fever.


Despite their effectiveness in reducing fever, NSAIDs are not without side effects and contraindications.

The main limitation is stomach diseases, gastritis and ulcers. At long-term use NSAIDs themselves can cause these diseases. In addition, these medications thin the blood and are therefore not indicated if you are prone to bleeding. They have a toxic effect on the liver, kidneys, and can provoke an attack bronchial asthma. NSAIDs are prescribed with caution to small children, pregnant and lactating women.

Other drugs

The effect of NSAIDs can be enhanced by drugs from other groups. Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are hormones of the adrenal cortex and their derivatives - dexamethasone, prednisolone, hydrocortisone. They do not have a direct antipyretic effect. And they have more side effects than NSAIDs. However, with long-term use they inhibit inflammation and indirectly help normalize temperature.

Another group of drugs that lower body temperature and enhance the effect of NSAIDs are antihistamines. In our body there are so-called mast cells, containing biologically active substances, including histamine.

At various diseases these cells are destroyed, histamine is released into the tissues, causing itching, swelling, redness, and fever. Antihistamines block specific receptors and thereby interfere with the action of histamine. TO antihistamines refers to the well-known diphenhydramine. Other drugs in this group are diazolin, pipolfen, suprastin, tavegil. These drugs are used simultaneously with NSAIDs, as they enhance their effect.

Previously, it was believed that calcium supplements strengthen the cell membrane and interrupt the course of inflammatory reactions. Patients of yesteryear remember “hot” injections with calcium chloride. Currently, the role of calcium has been revised, and it is not used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

Folk remedies

As already noted, medications, although they are good at reducing fever, still have undesirable effects and are therefore not always indicated. These negative features are absent from most folk recipes for reducing fever. Folk remedies have virtually no effect on the course of biochemical reactions; temperature reduction is achieved in a slightly different way - by increasing heat transfer through sweating and evaporation of medicinal compounds from the skin. Natural remedies are used in the form of drinks, compresses and lotions.

Below are the most effective folk methods for reducing fever:

  1. Black currant– mix the buds and berries of this plant in a ratio of 2:1 and pour 1 liter. boiling water Leave for about 2 hours, and then take 150 grams orally. during the whole day.
  2. Rubbing with vinegar- a simple but proven method. Mix table vinegar with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. Moisten a clean gauze cloth in the resulting mixture and rub the patient’s skin.
  3. ABOUT hot water soaking– in a heated to 40 – 42 0 water, moisten a towel and wrap it around the torso around the stomach. The evaporation of hot water will help lower body temperature.
  4. Melt a teaspoon of honey. While warm, rub honey into the sternum area and between the shoulder blades.
  5. Mix equal amounts (100 ml each) of lemon, orange and apple juice. Add 75 ml to the mixture. tomato juice and 25 ml. beet juice. Take as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.
  6. Take 1 part oregano herb, and 2 parts each of coltsfoot leaves and raspberries. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and take at elevated temperature.

Undoubtedly, folk remedies are good for relieving fever. However, eliminating fever from flu, colds, and pneumonia is far from the only goal. There should be a comprehensive treatment with the use of antibiotics, expectorants, and restoratives. And in most cases it is impossible to do without medications. Ignoring medical help and self-medicating can be costly.