What are dyspeptic symptoms? What is dyspepsia? Laboratory research methods

Before treatment, it is important to understand dyspeptic symptoms, what kind of diseases they are, what the symptoms are and the causes of their appearance.

This includes a group of disorders digestive system, the appearance of which provokes a lack of enzymes that allow high-quality digestion of food. For this reason it occurs in digestive tract motility failure, and food that enters the stomach is not processed in a timely manner.

The patient has dyspepsia. This has negative reactions on the gastrointestinal mucosa, disrupting intestinal motility. Dyspepsia causes the development of dysbiosis.

Symptoms of dyspepsia

To understand that a patient has dyspepsia, it is important to know what symptoms are characteristic of the disease. Since dyspeptic disorders are a broad group of diseases. The following signs are found:

  • heaviness and discomfort in the stomach;
  • painful sensations, which do not depend on food intake;
  • after eating there is a feeling of fullness of the organ;
  • a person experiences a state of oversaturation after consuming Not large quantity food;
  • the patient often experiences bloating;
  • Possible nausea before and after meals with dyspepsia;
  • due to indigestion, constant belching is observed;
  • burning or severe heartburn in the chest after eating;
  • vomiting may occur;
  • stool disturbance is observed.

These are the main manifestations of dyspepsia in adults and children. The doctor, knowing the symptoms, prescribes treatment to relieve negative manifestations.


The main cause of dyspeptic disorders is an error in nutrition, when a person eats monotonous foods: protein, fat, carbohydrates. Eating from low-quality products can also provoke dyspeptic disorder.

Highlight following reasons dyspepsia:

  • if the patient has gastritis, and occurs increased secretion gastric juice;
  • dyspepsia appears when taking medications of certain groups or when overdosing them;
  • at frequent stress and nervous system disorders;
  • in case of intoxication;
  • Viral, infectious, purulent diseases provoke dyspepsia;
  • disorders of the large intestine;
  • gastrointestinal motility disorders;
  • diseases.

All these factors cause dyspeptic problems.

Types of disorders

In medicine, dyspeptic symptoms have different shapes currents. Therefore, they are classified into types, each of which has its own characteristics, dyspeptic nature of the course and symptoms.

There are two forms of disorders:

  • nutritional dyspepsia;
  • organic dyspepsia.

Alimentary has the following flow forms:

  • fermentative dyspepsia, which appears if a person consumes large amounts of carbohydrates. It can also happen if cabbage, beer, kvass, and beans are constantly consumed;
  • fatty dyspepsia, which provokes frequent use lamb or pork fat and lard;
  • putrefactive dyspepsia, which is characterized by the consumption of large amounts of protein.

Organic dyspepsia has the following subtypes:

  • hepatogenic, when liver function is impaired;
  • gastrogenic, for stomach upset;
  • cholecystogenic, when the amount of bile production decreases;
  • pancreatogenic is observed when the pancreas is not functioning properly;
  • enterogenous, when intestinal function is disrupted;
  • mixed type, when the patient has several pathologies of the digestive system.

Symptoms of organic dyspepsia:

  • unpleasant rumbling in the stomach;
  • release of gases;
  • nausea;
  • taste sensations in the oral cavity;
  • loose stools;
  • food residues in stool;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • insomnia;
  • headache.

Symptoms of fermentative dyspepsia:

  • outgassing;
  • loose or foamy stools.

Symptoms of fatty dyspepsia:

  • 25-30 minutes after eating, pain in the stomach appears;
  • an unpleasant feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • the stool has a greasy sheen.

Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • general malaise;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • diarrhea. Wherein .

Diseases with dyspeptic syndrome

There are a number of diseases whose symptoms resemble dyspeptic syndrome. These include the following violations:

  • GEOB;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • ulcer duodenum;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • benign and malignant formations Gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stenosis;
  • hepatitis;

To distinguish dyspeptic syndrome from other diseases, it is important to undergo a diagnostic examination.

Diagnosis of dyspepsia

To identify a dyspeptic disorder in a patient, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Determining the type of disease will allow you to choose adequate and correct treatment.

  1. The doctor collects a medical history to identify symptoms and causes of discomfort.
  2. To establish a diagnosis and find out whether the disease is dyspeptic in nature, the patient undergoes a biochemical and clinical analysis blood.
  3. To exclude peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum are prescribed a stool test.
  4. A coprogram is performed to determine how well food is digested.
  5. Computed tomography is necessary to rule out malignant tumors.
  6. To identify the cause of dyspeptic symptoms, the patient undergoes tests to identify lambia and worms.
  7. The patient is given a gastric juice test.
  8. Using esophagogastroduodenoscopy, the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum is assessed.
  9. Using impedance pH-metry, acidity is assessed.
  10. An abdominal ultrasound may be prescribed.


Only after diagnostic procedures the patient is prescribed treatment. This will allow you to select necessary medications and exclude adverse reactions if the patient’s disease is dyspeptic in nature.

The main place in treatment is occupied by antacids. They contribute to normalization of hydrochloric acid.

  • Maalox;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Gastal.

Effectively removes dyspeptic syndrome Aktala.

If it is necessary to remove pronounced manifestations and flatulence, Protab is prescribed.

The following will help restore the motility of the stomach and intestines and relieve nausea and vomiting:

  • Metoclopramide;
  • Sulpiride;
  • Domperidone.

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Recipes that help with dyspeptic symptoms traditional medicine. For those with dyspeptic diseases, the following recipes are suitable:

1. The most effective means is raw potato juice. It helps with heartburn, gas accumulation, and reduces pain. To do this, you need to grate peeled potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze the juice out of the mass and take it a teaspoon on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days. After the break, you can repeat the juice intake.

2. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of willow bark and let the broth brew for 30 minutes. Drink liquid three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

3. Prepare a decoction of gentian and drink a glass of the liquid three times a day.

4. If you have severe heartburn, you can eat a couple of sorrel leaves.

5. Dill or anise oil helps with gas accumulation.

Prevention of dyspepsia

Prevention takes important place if dyspeptic syndrome is detected. There are a number of recommendations that must be followed:
properly balance your diet;

  • Avoid taking citrus fruits, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks for dyspepsia;
  • give up spicy, fatty and fried foods;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • wash your hands before eating;
  • Pour boiling water over vegetables and fruits before use;
  • do not overeat;
  • switch to fractional meals.

Only healthy image life, compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, timely intake medicines will help avoid dyspepsia or alleviate negative symptoms.

As practice shows, great amount people systematically encounter a variety of disorders in the digestive tract. Such illnesses cause a lot of inconvenience, they disrupt general health and may be accompanied by a number of unpleasant and even painful symptoms. In some cases, such disorders make themselves felt by a whole list of manifestations, in which case doctors can talk about the development of dyspepsia. Let's try to figure out what dyspeptic disorders are, consider the causes and symptoms of such disorders, and figure out what treatment is needed.

Why do dyspeptic disorders occur, what are their causes?

The most basic reason for the development of dyspepsia is a lack of digestive enzymes. This disorder can be caused by malabsorption syndrome or gross errors in nutrition. Dyspepsia, which is provoked by an unhealthy diet, is called nutritional dyspepsia.

Experts say that disorders of this type can be triggered by a lack of eating habits and an unbalanced diet.

IN certain cases dyspepsia is a manifestation of some pathological conditions, among which may be ulcerative lesion stomach or duodenum, inflammation or even stomach cancer.

Sometimes dyspeptic disorders are provoked by increased anxiety and psycho-emotional stress.

In some cases, such disorders are explained by the consumption of certain medications, which may include antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anti-tuberculosis and anti-tumor compounds.

Among other things, dyspepsia can develop against the background viral infections, purulent diseases, as well as professional or household poisoning. It can also be provoked by disturbances in the motility of the stomach, duodenum or large intestine.

How do dyspeptic disorders manifest, what are the symptoms?

Dyspepsia manifests itself as a whole complex of symptoms. In some cases, the patient experiences all of the following manifestations this violation, in other cases, only a few of them bother him.

Dyspeptic disorders make themselves felt by discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach area. The patient may experience periodic painful sensations in the upper abdomen that cannot be associated with food intake. He is bothered by a feeling of fullness in his stomach. Common manifestations of dyspepsia include appetite disturbances and a feeling of early satiety (the patient feels that the stomach is already full just after starting a meal). Also, many patients complain of nausea, bloating and distension in the stomach. They may be bothered by belching, a feeling of heartburn and a burning sensation in the chest after eating.

One of the rare, but nevertheless possible symptoms Dyspepsia is also considered vomiting. Usually it brings short-term relief to the patient.

In addition, patients often complain of a symptom complex that is similar to the manifestations of gastric ulcer. They are worried about hungry (often at night) abdominal pain, combined with heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

How are dyspeptic disorders corrected, what is their treatment?

If symptoms of dyspeptic disorders appear, you can try to cope with them exclusively conservative methods– without the use of medications. So experts advise patients with such ailments to accustom themselves to sleep on a high pillow. In addition, it is strongly recommended to walk for half an hour to an hour after a meal and avoid wearing the belt too tightly.

Do not get carried away with exercises designed to train your abdominal muscles. These include various bends, lifts of the body, as well as twisting.

In addition, doctors recommend changing the approach to building a diet. Patients with dyspepsia should avoid consuming foods that can cause heartburn or significantly limit their consumption. Such foods include citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, coffee and strong tea. This list also includes alcohol, overly salty and sweet dishes, as well as spicy, smoked and fried foods.

Among other things, you should never eat food that is of insufficient quality or that is not fresh. And it is very important to avoid overeating.

Drug treatment

The doctor can choose medications for symptomatic treatment dyspeptic disorders. So, to eliminate constipation, you should take laxatives (until stool normalizes), and to treat diarrhea, take antidiarrheal drugs.

Often, treatment for dyspepsia involves taking antispasmodics designed to eliminate abdominal pain. A specialist can also prescribe hydrogen pump blockers, which are good for reducing stomach acidity and helping to cope with heartburn and sour belching. The drugs of choice are often H2-histamine blockers, which generally act in the same way as hydrogen pump blockers, but have a weaker effect. Many patients are also advised to take enzyme formulations that help normal flow digestive processes in the stomach or duodenum.

An important role is played by appropriate treatment of those ailments that provoked dyspeptic disorders. In some cases, you may need to consult a psychotherapist, conduct psychotherapy and receive psychotropic drugs. Sometimes treatment of dyspepsia involves taking measures to eliminate depression, as well as identifying and correcting traumatic factors.

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P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Dyspeptic symptoms in the stomach develop as a result of insufficient production of digestive enzymes or as a result Not proper nutrition. Dyspeptic symptoms are accompanied by unpleasant clinical manifestations from the intestines and gastrointestinal tract. Often, dyspeptic stomach disorders are diagnosed in early age or in persons with chronic diseases digestive organs.

1 Classification of dyspepsia

Dyspeptic symptoms are divided into 4 types:

  • fermentation;
  • putrefactive;
  • fat;
  • pancreatic.

Fermentation disorders occur as a result of increased activity small intestine. In this case, carbohydrates from the foods consumed are not absorbed properly. Often this reason occurs as a result of frequent consumption of fermented foods and drinks, which create favorable conditions in the intestines for the formation of fermentative flora. Such disorders manifest themselves in the form of accumulation of gases, gurgling in the abdomen, and loose stools with a foul odor.

Putrefactive dyspeptic symptoms arise as a result of food rotting in the intestines. Such disorders appear when digestive secretion and the bactericidal function of hydrochloric acid are disrupted, that is, the level of acid-base balance in gastric juice is significantly reduced. At the same time, in upper section small intestine microflora appears from lower section Gastrointestinal tract. Exactly increased secretion intestinal juice leads to putrefactive disorders. This form of dyspepsia is accompanied by frequent loose stools.

Fatty phenomena appear as a result of consuming poorly digestible fats. The cause of pancreatic disorders is pathology of the pancreas. Patients may complain of pain and rumbling in the abdomen, poor appetite and greasy diarrhea.

In addition, dyspepsia is classified into 2 groups of disorders. The first group includes functional phenomena that appear due to lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. In functional dyspeptic disorders, symptoms do not disappear after defecation.

The second group is associated with organic phenomena in which pathologies of the digestive system are observed. Such pathologies may include damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum or esophagus, ulcers, diseases of the biliary tract, pancreatitis, tumors, intestinal anemia, etc. When the cause of dyspepsia is eliminated, the clinical symptoms disappear.

Dyspepsia can be toxic, simple and chronic. The toxic form is characterized by acute disorders of the digestive system with clinical signs toxicosis. Simple dyspepsia occurs as a result of poor nutrition. This form is most often observed in people with weakened immune systems or in pregnant women. Chronic dyspeptic symptoms appear more than 5-7 days during the month.

2 Causes of pathology

The cause of intestinal dyspepsia is most often an unhealthy and monotonous diet. Such dyspeptic disorders are called nutritional. Dyspeptic disorders are associated with slow gastric emptying. The cause of this phenomenon may be overeating, long-term use the same product. Stress and constant distraction during meals can lead to disorders.

The causes of functional phenomena are associated with a mismatch of central regulatory mechanisms. Concerning organic disorders, then they can arise as a result of acute or chronic gastritis, formation of benign or malignant tumors, ulcers, gallbladder pathologies.

Taking certain medications, especially antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis and antitumor drugs, hormones can be the root cause of the development of dyspepsia. May cause stomach and intestinal disorders household poisoning, viral diseases and purulent infections.

As a rule, dyspeptic symptoms are a symptom of another disease. Therefore, they can occur with gastroesophageal reflux disease, diaphragmatic hernia, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, viral hepatitis A.

In newborns or children younger age dyspeptic disorders arise due to the fact that they are fed foods that are not appropriate for their age. In this case, children may develop intolerance to some product. A physiological form also develops, which is due to the immaturity of the enzyme production function. This pathology, as a rule, goes away on its own by 10-12 years.

3 Symptomatic manifestations

Clinical manifestations of dyspeptic disorders are very diverse. The nature of the manifestations of the pathology mainly depends on the root cause. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify the main symptoms that are characteristic of dyspepsia.

The patient experiences a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen. In some cases, pain syndromes may appear of different nature. The patient is also tormented frequent belching air, after which the patient’s well-being improves for some time.

Sometimes it may feel unpleasant burning sensation in the upper abdomen and behind the sternum. Heartburn occurs after eating. The symptoms also include bloating, which is complemented by the accumulation of gases.

Patients' appetite worsens and a feeling of rapid satiety appears even after a small meal. Stool disorder also appears.

With enzymatic disorders, nausea and flatulence may appear. TO clinical manifestations may be added bad taste in the mouth and gurgling in the stomach. With enzymatic dyspepsia, stools become frequent and loose. Feces may contain residues undigested food. General state the patient is getting worse. Weakness, lethargy, insomnia, and fatigue appear.

The putrefactive manifestations of the pathology are similar to the symptoms of intoxication of the body. General malaise, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain appear. The stool is liquid with a characteristic odor. Feces take on a dark tint.

Fermentative dyspepsia is accompanied by frequent gases and bloating. Painful sensations may be absent altogether. Diarrhea becomes liquid and foamy with sour smell. Light-colored stool.

Fatty dyspeptic disorders are characterized by strong pain syndrome, belching and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Symptoms tend to worsen after eating. Stool is not frequent, but plentiful. Feces are whitish in color with a characteristic oily sheen.

How does dyspepsia manifest in newborns? Frequent regurgitation and bloating are considered a symptom of dyspeptic symptoms in infants. Feces have green tint with whitish inclusions. The baby's behavior changes dramatically, he becomes very capricious.

4 Treatments

The main component of the treatment of dyspeptic disorders, regardless of the root cause, is nutritional adjustment. Only if you follow proper nutrition can you count on positive result treatment.

You need to eat food often, about 4-5 times a day in fractional portions. Overeating and snacking, especially at night, is strictly prohibited. During treatment you should stop smoking and alcoholic drinks. Preference should be given to low-fat broths, vegetable soups, water-based cereals, dairy products, pasta and liquids. You need to exclude fried and fatty dishes, sweets, strong coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, chocolate, sour fruits and fresh vegetables. Diet is especially important for fatty dyspepsia.

Treatment of dyspepsia is complex. As a medical treatment, doctors prescribe antidiarrheal drugs. The course of treatment is prescribed strictly by the attending physician, in otherwise complications are possible. The patient is also prescribed antispasmodic painkillers, which quickly and permanently relieve pain.

To reduce the acidity of gastric juice, doctors prescribe hydrogen pump blockers or H2-histamine blockers.

Enzyme preparations break down food into microsubstances and thereby help normalize the digestion process.

If the cause of dyspepsia is stress or depression, then drug treatment includes taking antidepressants and sedatives. As non-drug treatment therapeutic measures can be carried out.

Functional disorders are treated with prokitetics. Such drugs allow you to normalize the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In case of ulcer-like manifestations of dyspepsia, doctors prescribe antisecretory drugs and antacids. In this case, eradication therapy can be carried out.

When treating putrefactive phenomena, the patient is prescribed therapeutic fasting for the first 2-3 days. You are allowed to drink only still water, rosehip infusion or jelly. Among the medications, doctors prescribe Pancreatin and sulfonamides.

In addition, the underlying disease that caused dyspepsia is treated. Only in case complex treatment the development of complications and relapse can be avoided.

5 Unconventional methods of therapy

They have proven themselves well in the treatment of dyspeptic disorders. herbal infusions. To prepare one of them you will need 1 tsp. elecampane root and 250 ml of water. Fill the contents with water and place on low heat. Boil for 3-5 minutes. Strain the cooled broth through cheesecloth. Take 1/3 cup three times a day for 12-14 days. This method will help normalize the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

To reduce pain syndrome, take 2 tbsp. mint, chamomile and sage flowers. 1/3 tbsp. crushed herbal collection pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the infusion for 15-20 minutes. Take ½ glass three times a day before meals.

An infusion based on marjoram and cumin will help improve digestion. Take 1 tbsp. spices and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Take the infusion 2 times a day, ½ cup.

A decoction of calamus rhizomes, valerian and fennel fruits will help relieve pain and normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Take 15 g of fennel and 20 g each of calamus root and valerian. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the resulting mixture and put on fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Take the decoction 2 times a day, ¾ cup.

A medicinal decoction based on yarrow helps with flatulence, pharmaceutical chamomile, mint and sage. Take 1-1.5 tbsp. each herb and chop. Pour 1.5 teaspoons of herbal mixture with one glass of boiling water and leave on the stove for 7-10 minutes. Take 2 times a day, ½ cup.

A bath with linden helps relieve pain. Brew 150-200 g of dry linden in one liter of water. Boil the linden infusion for 5-7 minutes and pour the contents into the bath. You can take a bath for no more than 15-20 minutes. This bath has an antibacterial effect.

At loose stools It is recommended to take an infusion of nettle, which has a strengthening effect for fermentation disorders, and an anti-inflammatory effect for all forms of dyspepsia. Pour 15-20 g of dry nettle with one glass of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. infusion 3 times a day.

An infusion of common chicory relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 20 g of chicory. Take the infusion 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

An infusion of centaury increases the appetite. To prepare it, you will need to pour 10 g of herb with one glass of boiling water. Leave for 20-25 minutes. Take 1 tbsp 30-40 minutes before meals.

Dyspeptic disorders occur in most people. It's complicated pathological condition, which accompanies many gastrointestinal diseases, and can also manifest itself due to errors in diet and emotional overload. It is very important to diagnose the disease in time in order to properly approach its treatment.

What is dyspepsia

Dyspepsia is a complex of painful symptoms in the stomach, which is often accompanied by indigestion. This disease is acid-dependent and occurs in most people with increased secretory function digestive glands. Dyspeptic syndrome may indicate the presence of a certain gastrointestinal pathology or be an independent disease. A sharp release of hydrochloric acid into the stomach occurs due to various reasons. Dyspepsia can occur in both adults and children. In the first case, the symptoms are especially acute, while in the second they may be periodic and not appear so clearly.

The structure of the digestive system shows the close proximity of all organs. Dyspepsia is often caused by pathology near the organs located near the stomach.

What is dyspepsia - video

Classification of pathology

Dyspeptic syndrome is divided into functional and organic. The first type is characterized by the presence of certain symptoms in almost healthy people. The second type of disease appears against the background of other gastrointestinal pathologies. Functional dyspepsia has the following classification:

  1. Ulcer-like syndrome. In its manifestations, this type is similar to gastric ulcer, but does not have characteristic defects of the mucous membrane.
  2. Dyskinetic. Symptoms occur immediately after eating. And are often accompanied by intestinal manifestations: flatulence, false urges to defecation.
  3. Non-specific. Has mixed symptoms of the forms listed above. Practically does not occur in children.

There is also the following classification of dyspeptic syndrome:

  1. Alimentary species. It develops against the background of errors in the diet and the predominance of one or another product in the diet. This type is divided into:
    • fermentative form - occurs when there is a significant amount of carbohydrate food in the diet;
    • putrefactive - develops when consuming large amounts of protein, especially stale protein;
    • soapy or fatty - occurs when there is a predominance of fats in the menu.
  2. Toxic. Arises against the background of various food poisoning, as well as in case of intoxication toxic substances. Divided into the following subtypes:
    • intoxication - manifested by both stomach pain and intestinal upset;
    • intestinal toxicosis - develops against the background of suppression of normal microflora and the introduction of pathogenic ones.
  3. Neurotic. It manifests itself against a background of increased anxiety and other psychological disorders.
  4. Simple. May have mixed symptoms of several types. However, it does not manifest itself too sharply. There are mild symptoms.
  5. Biliary. Associated with the release of bile into the stomach. This process causes characteristic symptoms. Accompanied by gallbladder dysfunction.
  6. Enzymatic. Develops due to insufficient amounts of digestive enzymes. Divided into:
    • gastrogenic type - occurs when the production of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach is disrupted;
    • enterogenous - develops as a result of a violation of secretion in the intestine;
    • pancreatogenic - is a consequence of a lack of pancreatic enzymes;
    • hepatogenic - occurs when the production of bile by the liver is impaired.

Causes and development factors

Dyspeptic syndrome may have the following causes:

  • infections that enter the stomach when eating poor quality food;
  • chronic gastritis with increased secretory function;
  • chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic enterocolitis and sigmoiditis;
  • taking certain medications: antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal contraceptives and acetylsalicylic acid.

A provoking factor can be foods that increase the acidity of gastric juice and promote hypersecretion, causing heartburn, pain and burning in the epigastrium. These primarily include sour, fatty and fried foods, as well as fast food.

Main symptoms of the disease

The distinctive signs of pathology directly depend on its form. The alimentary species is characterized by:

  • flatulence;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • belching;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach.

The toxic type has the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • burning in the epigastrium;
  • diarrhea;
  • increase in body temperature.

Neurotic dyspepsia manifests itself:

  • increased nervousness;
  • burning in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • lump in throat;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation.

The biliary type is characterized by:

  • burning in the epigastrium;
  • change in stool color;
  • morning sickness;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • diarrhea.

Enzymatic dyspepsia manifests itself:

  • nausea;
  • heaviness in the stomach and a feeling of fullness;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea with the remains of undigested food.

Differences in symptoms of organic and functional dyspepsia - table

Type of diseaseCharacteristic symptoms
Organic dyspepsia
  • pain in the epigastrium that is constant;
  • burning in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • recurrent diarrhea;
  • general unsatisfactory condition;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • change in stool color;
  • the presence of undigested food residues in the stool;
  • pain on palpation of the abdominal organs;
  • flatulence.
Functional dyspepsia
  • emotional instability;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • nausea that occurs during increased anxiety levels;
  • vomiting immediately after eating;
  • ineffective urge to defecate;
  • abdominal pain that worsens after emotional stress;
  • burning in the stomach.

Diagnostic tests

In the presence of dyspeptic manifestations, a whole range of diagnostic studies is prescribed:

  1. FGDS. It is a method of examining the gastrointestinal tract using a special endoscope - a thin tube with a camera that is placed through oral cavity into the esophagus and stomach to obtain a detailed picture of the mucous membrane. This reveals microscopic changes, as well as ulcers, erosions and polyps.
  2. Colonoscopy. This method is similar to the previous one, however, with it, an endoscope is inserted through the rectum and thus any changes in the mucous membrane are diagnosed. In this case, it is possible to differentiate dyspepsia from intestinal cancer and other functional diseases.
  3. Biochemical blood test. By using this method The level of liver parameters is determined, as well as the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the blood.
  4. Irrigoscopy. By using x-ray examination stomach and intestines, the condition of these organs is determined. The procedure is performed using liquid barium, which the patient must first swallow. It is this substance that is radiopaque and, enveloping the mucous membranes, allows one to obtain a detailed picture of the organs.
  5. Ultrasound. Ultrasonography allows you to identify chronic pancreatitis, liver changes and the condition of the gallbladder.
  6. Stool examination. It is carried out to determine hidden blood and microorganisms that can cause dyspeptic disorders.

Drug treatment of dyspeptic disorders and first aid

First aid for acute manifestation dyspeptic syndrome is to eliminate symptoms. This is especially important if there is an infection. IN in this case you should take adsorbents that will help remove pathogens from the body toxic dyspepsia, as well as excessive amounts of hydrochloric acid. These drugs include Enterosgel and activated carbon. If diarrhea occurs, then you can take Smecta.

Drug treatment of dyspeptic disorders depends on the manifestation of characteristic symptoms. The following groups of drugs are most often used:

  1. Intestinal antibiotics and antidiarrheals. Among the antiseptics that are used for toxic dyspepsia are Alpha Normix, which acts directly in the stomach and intestines. Antidiarrheal drugs are used for prolonged diarrhea. Most often these are Loperamide and Smecta.
  2. Antiemetic drugs. Used for constant nausea and vomiting. These drugs block the vomiting center in the brain and eliminate unpleasant manifestations. These include: Cerucal and Motilium.
  3. Remedies for heartburn and burning in the stomach. Antacids help neutralize the aggressive components of hydrochloric acid and have an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. The most commonly prescribed are Maalox, Rennie and Gastal.
  4. Antispasmodics and motor stimulants. They help eliminate pain in the abdomen and accelerate the movement of food through all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing fermentation processes. These include Trimedat.
  5. Prebiotics and probiotics. Stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora and regulate intestinal function. The most popular of this line of products are: Linex and Hilak Forte.
  6. Blockers proton pump. Used for hypersecretion of the digestive glands. These medications block the release of hydrochloric acid, lowering the acidity of the stomach. Most often prescribed: Omez and Nolpaza.
  7. Enzymes. Promotes high-quality digestion of food in case of insufficient pancreas function. Pancreatin, Mezim and Creon are used.

Medicines used for dyspepsia - gallery

Alpha Normix is ​​an intestinal antibiotic
Smecta eliminates diarrhea and dyspeptic symptoms in the stomach. Motilium blocks the vomiting center in the brain.

Gastal envelops the gastric mucosa, relieving burning sensation Trimedat eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines Hilak Forte restores intestinal microflora
Omez blocks the release of hydrochloric acid Mezim improves the quality of digestion

Diet food and list of prohibited foods

Dietary nutrition in the presence of dyspepsia helps regulate digestion and prevents the occurrence of pain and flatulence. To do this, exclude all foods that can cause hypersecretion and fermentation processes in the intestines. These include:

  • fresh fruits, especially apples, grapes and citrus fruits;
  • fresh vegetables: eggplants, tomatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, legumes and onions;
  • spices;
  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • semi-finished products;
  • baking;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • fast food;
  • ice cream;
  • sauces.

List of prohibited products - gallery

Fruits enhance fermentation processes in the intestines Vegetables have a negative effect on the irritated gastric mucosa Spices increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid
Alcohol is harmful to the digestive organs. Convenience foods increase secretion and fermentation. Baking contributes to heartburn and flatulence.
Confectionery products cause a burning sensation in the stomach Fatty dishes increase dyspepsia Fast food negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Ice cream is not consumed due to its low temperature Sauces provoke increased secretion Lemonades irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • porridge from buckwheat, millet and oats;
  • vegetable stew of zucchini and potatoes;
  • steamed fish cutlets;
  • bananas and persimmons;
  • jelly;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • vegetarian cabbage soup;
  • noodle soups;
  • pasta.

Dairy products help eliminate burning and pain in the stomach Cereal porridges improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract Vegetable stew is well digested
Steamed cutlets are very healthy Bananas promote bowel function
Persimmon renders astringent action, eliminating heartburn
Kissel coats the stomach Rosehip decoction reduces inflammation Mashed potatoes are not a secretion stimulant
You can add chicken to cabbage soup. Vermicelli soup can be seasoned with herbs.
Pasta does not provide negative influence on the gastrointestinal tract

Traditional methods of treatment

Traditional medicine methods are often used to treat dyspeptic disorders. The most effective recipes:

  1. Anti-inflammatory collection that has an antispasmodic effect. To prepare the decoction you will need the following herbs: chamomile, mint, calamus and licorice. They should be taken to equal quantities and stir. 1 tbsp. l. The mixture must be poured with 350 ml of boiling water and put on low heat. After boiling for 10 minutes, cool and filter. Then take a quarter glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 10–14 days.
  2. Remedy for stomach pain. To prepare it you will need 1 medium potato. It must be peeled and grated, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth into a glass. Add 0.5 tsp to it. honey and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and heat slightly. Take 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals, warm, for a week.
  3. A collection that regulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines. To prepare it you will need mint, chamomile and St. John's wort. They should be mixed in equal quantities. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture and pour 300 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let stand for about 30 minutes. Then filter and take a quarter glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, for 10 days.

Chewing flax seeds is very beneficial for the stomach and intestines. During this process, beneficial mucus is formed, which, when swallowed, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane. digestive organs. Eliminates pain, burning and others unpleasant symptoms. To do this, you should consume 1 tsp of flax seeds on an empty stomach. within a month. They need to be chewed thoroughly.

Calamus has a mild choleretic effect Lemon reduces nausea

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

When determining the cause and type of dyspeptic disorder, as a rule, the prognosis is favorable if you approach treatment comprehensively and follow all the doctor’s instructions. Consequences can only occur if the cause of the syndrome is a stomach ulcer, which, when untimely therapy may lead to bleeding. The same applies to pancreatitis and cholecystitis. In the first case, there is a risk of self-digestion of the organ, as a result of which you can end up on the operating table. Similar condition may be fatal.

Cholecystitis accompanied cholelithiasis, is also fraught with danger. The pathological process may cause blockage bile duct, as a result of which the organ will have to be removed.

Preventive actions

Prevention of dyspeptic disorders is as follows:

  1. IN early diagnosis Gastrointestinal diseases: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis.
  2. Reducing the level of anxiety, stress and emotional overload.
  3. A balanced diet excluding foods that increase acidity.
  4. Avoiding snacking and quick food on the run.

Dyspeptic disorders respond well to treatment, especially with initial stage. An important point It is considered that the provoking factor is identified, after which the patient’s condition improves. Compliance with prevention helps normal operation gastrointestinal tract.

Dyspeptic symptoms - what is it?

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Dyspeptic symptoms - what are these symptoms?

Dyspepsia is a digestive disorder. This term can be used for one as well as multiple symptoms. They may include a feeling of heartburn, fullness in the stomach after eating, as well as pain in the abdomen. All these manifestations are associated with a disorder of the digestive process.

Dyspeptic symptoms are quite common in adults. They are sometimes observed rarely, and sometimes they bother you many times over several days.

Causes of dyspepsia

Pathological phenomena are caused by the most various disorders in the functioning of the digestive system. They may be a sign of ulcerative processes or gastroesophageal reflux. Symptoms of dyspepsia occur due to dysfunction of the pancreas or bile ducts. If the disease that caused the discomfort is properly treated, then these symptoms, as a rule, cease to bother the person.

There may be cases where the cause of dyspepsia could not be determined. Then the disease becomes functional.

Dyspeptic symptoms are caused by dysfunction of the muscles of the esophagus, which must ensure the normal movement of food entering the body into the small intestine.

Signs of pathology

Dyspeptic symptoms often occur in adults. What are these symptoms? The most common of them include the following:

- a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and a feeling of fullness (even if you have taken small portion food);

- epigastric minor or intense pain between the navel and the chest;

There are also less common dyspeptic symptoms. What are these symptoms? These include nausea and bloating, which occur due to indigestion. It is worth remembering that these manifestations may indicate other disorders.

In some cases, a sign serious illnesses There may be dyspeptic symptoms. What are these symptoms? IN this list include frequent vomiting with the presence of blood, loss of appetite and weight, difficulty swallowing food, increased sweating, shortness of breath, pain when chewing in the jaw, arms and neck, as well as discomfort in the abdomen that occurs outside the epigastric zone. The occurrence of these symptoms is a reason to visit a doctor.

Elimination of pathology

If dyspeptic manifestations are episodic in nature, then it is possible to alleviate the signs of digestive system disorders without the use of medicines. At the same time, from daily ration Tonic drinks, coffee and alcohol should be excluded. Meals should be taken in small portions. Food should be chewed thoroughly and slowly. During this period, you should stop smoking and the use of medications that irritate the gastric mucosa, such as Aspirin, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. At the same time, you need to devote more time to rest.

Medicines are prescribed by a specialist when the patient complains of more severe dyspeptic symptoms. What kind of drugs are these? These are drugs belonging to the group of antacids that reduce acid production. For dyspepsia, medications are recommended to help normalize intestinal peristalsis. Your doctor may prescribe H2 blockers. These are drugs that reduce the level of acid in the stomach, but do so more slowly than antacids. Such medications include Nimetidine, Nizatidine, Famotidine and others.

More than one can be purchased only with a doctor's prescription. powerful drugs, reducing acidity. These are Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Esomeprazole and others. These drugs are most effective for gastroesophageal reflux.

In the case where the symptoms of dyspepsia are a consequence of a slowdown in the digestion of food, prokinetics are used. They help stimulate the muscular activity of the digestive tract. Such drugs, in particular, include Metoclopramide.

Source: http://fb.ru/article/131300/dispepsicheskie-yavleniya—chto-eto-za-simptomyi

Main signs and treatment of dyspeptic disorders

1 Classification of dyspepsia

Dyspeptic symptoms are divided into 4 types:

Fermentation disorders occur as a result of increased activity of the small intestine. In this case, carbohydrates from the foods consumed are not absorbed properly. Often this reason occurs as a result of frequent consumption of fermented foods and drinks, which create favorable conditions in the intestines for the formation of fermentable flora. Such disorders manifest themselves in the form of accumulation of gases, gurgling in the abdomen, and loose stools with a foul odor.

Putrefactive dyspeptic symptoms arise as a result of food rotting in the intestines. Such disorders appear when digestive secretion and the bactericidal function of hydrochloric acid are disrupted, that is, the level of acid-base balance in gastric juice is significantly reduced. In this case, microflora from the lower gastrointestinal tract appears in the upper part of the small intestine. It is the increased secretion of intestinal juice that leads to the appearance of putrefactive disorders. This form of dyspepsia is accompanied by frequent loose stools.

Fatty phenomena appear as a result of consuming poorly digestible fats. The cause of pancreatic disorders is pathology of the pancreas. Patients may complain of pain and rumbling in the abdomen, poor appetite and greasy diarrhea.

In addition, dyspepsia is classified into 2 groups of disorders. The first group includes functional phenomena that appear due to lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. In functional dyspeptic disorders, symptoms do not disappear after defecation.

The second group is associated with organic phenomena in which pathologies of the digestive system are observed. Such pathologies may include damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum or esophagus, ulcers, diseases of the biliary tract, pancreatitis, tumors, intestinal anemia, etc. When the cause of dyspepsia is eliminated, the clinical symptoms disappear.

Dyspepsia can be toxic, simple and chronic. The toxic form is characterized by acute disorders of the digestive system with clinical signs of toxicosis. Simple dyspepsia occurs as a result of poor nutrition. This form is most often observed in people with weakened immune systems or in pregnant women. Chronic dyspeptic symptoms appear more than 5-7 days during the month.

2 Causes of pathology

The cause of intestinal dyspepsia is most often an unhealthy and monotonous diet. Such dyspeptic disorders are called nutritional. Dyspeptic disorders are associated with slow gastric emptying. The cause of this phenomenon may be overeating or prolonged use of the same product. Stress and constant distraction during meals can lead to disorders.

The causes of functional phenomena are associated with a mismatch of central regulatory mechanisms. As for organic disorders, they can arise as a result of acute or chronic gastritis, the formation of benign or malignant tumors, ulcers, and gallbladder pathologies.

Taking certain medications, especially antibiotics, antituberculosis and antitumor drugs, and hormones can be the root cause of the development of dyspepsia. Stomach and intestinal disorders can be caused by household poisoning, viral diseases and purulent infections.

As a rule, dyspeptic symptoms are a symptom of another disease. Therefore, they can occur with gastroesophageal reflux disease, diaphragmatic hernia, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and viral hepatitis A.

In newborns or young children, dyspeptic disorders occur due to the fact that they are fed foods that are not appropriate for their age. In this case, children may develop intolerance to some product. A physiological form also develops, which is due to the immaturity of the enzyme production function. This pathology, as a rule, goes away on its own by 10-12 years.

3 Symptomatic manifestations

Clinical manifestations of dyspeptic disorders are very diverse. The nature of the manifestations of the pathology mainly depends on the root cause. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify the main symptoms that are characteristic of dyspepsia.

The patient experiences a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen. In some cases, pain syndromes of different types may appear. The patient is also tormented by frequent belching of air, after which the patient’s well-being improves for a while.

Sometimes you may feel an unpleasant burning sensation in the upper abdomen and behind the sternum. Heartburn occurs after eating. The symptoms also include bloating, which is complemented by the accumulation of gases.

Patients' appetite worsens and a feeling of rapid satiety appears even after a small meal. Stool disorder also appears.

With enzymatic disorders, nausea and flatulence may appear. Clinical manifestations may include an unpleasant taste in the mouth and gurgling in the stomach. With enzymatic dyspepsia, stools become frequent and loose. The stool may contain remnants of undigested food. The patient's general condition worsens. Weakness, lethargy, insomnia, and fatigue appear.

The putrefactive manifestations of the pathology are similar to the symptoms of intoxication of the body. General malaise, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain appear. The stool is liquid with a characteristic odor. The stool takes on a dark hue.

Fermentative dyspepsia is accompanied by frequent gases and bloating. There may be no pain at all. The diarrhea becomes thin and foamy with a sour odor. Light-colored stool.

Fatty dyspeptic disorders are characterized by severe pain, belching and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Symptoms tend to worsen after eating. Stool is not frequent, but plentiful. Feces are whitish in color with a characteristic oily sheen.

How does dyspepsia manifest in newborns? Frequent regurgitation and bloating are considered a symptom of dyspeptic symptoms in infants. Feces have a green tint with whitish patches. The baby's behavior changes dramatically, he becomes very capricious.

4 Treatments

The main component of the treatment of dyspeptic disorders, regardless of the root cause, is nutritional adjustment. Only if you follow proper nutrition can you count on a positive treatment result.

You need to eat food often, about 4-5 times a day in fractional portions. Overeating and snacking, especially at night, is strictly prohibited. During treatment you should stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Preference should be given to low-fat broths, vegetable soups, water-based cereals, dairy products, pasta and liquids. You need to exclude fried and fatty foods, sweets, strong coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, chocolate, sour fruits and fresh vegetables. Diet is especially important for fatty dyspepsia.

Treatment of dyspepsia is complex. Doctors prescribe antidiarrheal drugs as medical treatment. The course of treatment is prescribed strictly by the attending physician, otherwise complications are possible. The patient is also prescribed antispasmodic painkillers, which quickly and permanently relieve pain.

To reduce the acidity of gastric juice, doctors prescribe hydrogen pump blockers or H2-histamine blockers.

Enzyme preparations break down food into microsubstances and thereby help normalize the digestion process.

If the cause of dyspepsia is stress or depression, drug treatment includes taking antidepressants and sedatives. Therapeutic measures can be carried out as a non-drug treatment.

Functional disorders are treated with prokitetics. Such drugs allow you to normalize the functional activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In case of ulcer-like manifestations of dyspepsia, doctors prescribe antisecretory drugs and antacids. In this case, eradication therapy can be carried out.

When treating putrefactive phenomena, the patient is prescribed therapeutic fasting for the first 2-3 days. You are allowed to drink only still water, rosehip infusion or jelly. Among the medications, doctors prescribe Pancreatin and sulfonamides.

In addition, the underlying disease that caused dyspepsia is treated. Only with complex treatment can the development of complications and relapse be avoided.

5 Unconventional methods of therapy

Herbal decoctions have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of dyspeptic disorders. To prepare one of them you will need 1 tsp. elecampane root and 250 ml of water. Fill the contents with water and place on low heat. Boil for 3-5 minutes. Strain the cooled broth through cheesecloth. Take 1/3 cup three times a day for 12-14 days. This method will help normalize the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

To reduce pain syndrome, take 2 tbsp. mint, chamomile and sage flowers. 1/3 tbsp. crushed herbal mixture pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the infusion for 15-20 minutes. Take ½ glass three times a day before meals.

An infusion based on marjoram and cumin will help improve digestion. Take 1 tbsp. spices and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Take the infusion 2 times a day, ½ cup.

A decoction of calamus rhizomes, valerian and fennel fruits will help relieve pain and normalize the gastrointestinal tract. Take 15 g of fennel and 20 g each of calamus root and valerian. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the resulting mixture and put on fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Take the decoction 2 times a day, ¾ cup.

A medicinal decoction based on yarrow, chamomile, mint and sage helps with flatulence. Take 1-1.5 tbsp. each herb and chop. Pour 1.5 teaspoons of herbal mixture with one glass of boiling water and leave on the stove for 7-10 minutes. Take 2 times a day, ½ cup.

A bath with linden helps relieve pain. Brew 150-200 g of dry linden in one liter of water. Boil the linden infusion for 5-7 minutes and pour the contents into the bath. You can take a bath for no more than 15-20 minutes. This bath has an antibacterial effect.

For loose stools, it is recommended to take nettle infusion, which has a strengthening effect in fermentation disorders and an anti-inflammatory effect in all forms of dyspepsia. Pour 15-20 g of dry nettle with one glass of boiling water. Take 1 tbsp. infusion 3 times a day.

An infusion of common chicory relieves inflammation and reduces pain. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 20 g of chicory. Take the infusion 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

An infusion of centaury increases the appetite. To prepare it, you will need to pour 10 g of herb with one glass of boiling water. Leave for 20-25 minutes. Take 1 tbsp 30-40 minutes before meals.

Source: http://gastri.ru/dispepticheskie-yavleniya.html

What are dyspeptic symptoms? Diagnosis and treatment

Before treatment, it is important to understand dyspeptic symptoms, what kind of diseases they are, what the symptoms are and the causes of their appearance.

This includes a group of digestive system disorders, the appearance of which provokes a lack of enzymes that allow high-quality digestion of food. For this reason, motility failure occurs in the digestive tract, and food that enters the stomach is not processed in a timely manner.

The patient has dyspepsia. This has a negative reaction on the gastrointestinal mucosa, disrupting intestinal motility. Dyspepsia causes the development of dysbiosis.

Symptoms of dyspepsia

To understand that a patient has dyspepsia, it is important to know what symptoms are characteristic of the disease. Since dyspeptic disorders are a broad group of diseases. The following signs are found:

  • heaviness and discomfort in the stomach;
  • painful sensations that do not depend on food intake;
  • after eating there is a feeling of fullness of the organ;
  • a person experiences a state of oversaturation after eating a small amount of food;
  • the patient often experiences bloating;
  • Possible nausea before and after meals with dyspepsia;
  • due to indigestion, constant belching is observed;
  • burning or severe heartburn in the chest after eating;
  • vomiting may occur;
  • stool disturbance is observed.

These are the main manifestations of dyspepsia in adults and children. The doctor, knowing the symptoms, prescribes treatment to relieve negative manifestations.

The main cause of dyspeptic disorders is an error in nutrition, when a person eats monotonous foods: protein, fat, carbohydrates. Eating from low-quality products can also provoke dyspeptic disorder.

The following causes of dyspepsia are distinguished:

  • if the patient has gastritis and increased secretion of gastric juice occurs;
  • dyspepsia appears when taking medications of certain groups or when overdosing them;
  • with frequent stress and nervous system disorders;
  • in case of intoxication;
  • Viral, infectious, purulent diseases provoke dyspepsia;
  • disorders of the large intestine;
  • gastrointestinal motility disorders;
  • diseases of the duodenum.

All these factors cause dyspeptic problems.

Types of disorders

In medicine, dyspeptic symptoms have different forms of progression. Therefore, they are classified into types, each of which has its own characteristics, dyspeptic nature of the course and symptoms.

There are two forms of disorders:

  • nutritional dyspepsia;
  • organic dyspepsia.

Alimentary has the following flow forms:

  • fermentative dyspepsia, which appears if a person consumes large amounts of carbohydrates. It can also happen if cabbage, beer, kvass, and beans are constantly consumed;
  • fatty dyspepsia, which is provoked by frequent consumption of lamb or pork fat and lard;
  • putrefactive dyspepsia, which is characterized by the consumption of large amounts of protein.

Organic dyspepsia has the following subtypes:

  • hepatogenic, when liver function is impaired;
  • gastrogenic, for stomach upset;
  • cholecystogenic, when the amount of bile production decreases;
  • pancreatogenic is observed when the pancreas is not functioning properly;
  • enterogenous, when intestinal function is disrupted;
  • mixed type, when the patient has several pathologies of the digestive system.

Symptoms of organic dyspepsia:

  • unpleasant rumbling in the stomach;
  • release of gases;
  • nausea;
  • taste sensations in the oral cavity;
  • loose stools;
  • food residues in stool;
  • increased fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • insomnia;
  • headache.

Symptoms of fermentative dyspepsia:

Symptoms of fatty dyspepsia:

  • 25-30 minutes after eating, pain in the stomach appears;
  • an unpleasant feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach;
  • flatulence;
  • the stool has a greasy sheen.

Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • general malaise;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • diarrhea. At the same time, the chair has Strong smell and dark shade.

Diseases with dyspeptic syndrome

There are a number of diseases whose symptoms resemble dyspeptic syndrome. These include the following violations:

  • GEOB;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • reflux;
  • benign and malignant formations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stenosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction.

To distinguish dyspeptic syndrome from other diseases, it is important to undergo a diagnostic examination.

Diagnosis of dyspepsia

To identify a dyspeptic disorder in a patient, it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis. Determining the type of disease will allow you to choose adequate and correct treatment.

  1. The doctor collects a medical history to identify symptoms and causes of discomfort.
  2. To establish a diagnosis and find out whether the disease is dyspeptic in nature, the patient undergoes a biochemical and clinical blood test.
  3. To exclude peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, a stool test is prescribed.
  4. A coprogram is performed to determine how well food is digested.
  5. Computed tomography is necessary to exclude malignant tumors.
  6. To identify the cause of dyspeptic symptoms, the patient undergoes tests to identify lambia and worms.
  7. The patient is given a gastric juice test.
  8. Using esophagogastroduodenoscopy, the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum is assessed.
  9. Using impedance pH-metry, acidity is assessed.
  10. An abdominal ultrasound may be prescribed.

Only after diagnostic procedures is the patient prescribed treatment. This will allow you to select the necessary medications and eliminate adverse reactions if the patient’s disease is dyspeptic in nature.

The main place in treatment is occupied by antacid drugs. They help normalize hydrochloric acid.

Effectively removes dyspeptic syndrome Aktala.

If it is necessary to remove pronounced manifestations of gas formation and flatulence, Protab is prescribed.

The following will help restore the motility of the stomach and intestines and relieve nausea and vomiting:

Video - Variance


Traditional medicine recipes help well with dyspeptic symptoms. For those with dyspeptic diseases, the following recipes are suitable:

1. The most effective remedy is raw potato juice. It helps with heartburn, gas accumulation, and reduces pain. To do this, you need to grate peeled potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze the juice out of the mass and take it a teaspoon on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10 days. After the break, you can repeat the juice intake.

2. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of willow bark and let the broth brew for 30 minutes. Drink liquid three times a day, one tablespoon at a time.

3. Prepare a decoction of gentian and drink a glass of the liquid three times a day.

4. If you have severe heartburn, you can eat a couple of sorrel leaves.

5. Dill or anise oil helps with gas accumulation.

Prevention of dyspepsia

Prevention plays an important role if dyspeptic syndrome is detected. There are a number of recommendations that must be followed:

properly balance your diet;

  • Avoid taking citrus fruits, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks for dyspepsia;
  • give up spicy, fatty and fried foods;
  • quit smoking and alcohol;
  • wash your hands before eating;
  • Pour boiling water over vegetables and fruits before use;
  • do not overeat;
  • switch to fractional meals.

Only a healthy lifestyle, compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, and timely intake of medications will help avoid dyspepsia or alleviate negative symptoms.

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