How to increase testosterone in a man naturally. How to increase testosterone in men naturally - nutrition, vitamins and exercise

All these phenomena are extremely unpleasant and the question immediately arises: how to increase testosterone in men if the level is low? There are many methods for this that can be used in combination to achieve faster and better results. The main thing is that before increasing testosterone levels, visit a doctor and get examined to rule out the presence of a serious pathology that provoked hormonal disbalance.

Endocrine organs, in particular, the entire hormonal system is one of the most important in the human body. For the normal functioning of the male genital organs, it is important that androgens, especially testosterone, are produced normally. This hormone is very significant for men as it is responsible for sexual development and signs, formation of muscle fibers, etc.

From the age of 26, testosterone levels begin to gradually decline, which is a natural process in the body. If androgen levels drop significantly below normal, internal organs and systems may malfunction (obesity, memory problems, erectile dysfunction, breast growth, etc.). How to increase testosterone in men, read further in the article.

To increase testosterone, special drugs are most often used, which can be found in any pharmacy in the city. These products most often contain a synthetic version of the hormone, which, when released into the body, replenishes the missing amount of androgen.

They should be taken only under the supervision of a specialist, periodically taking tests to monitor the internal organs, in particular the liver, which can suffer greatly during treatment (especially uncontrolled).

Most often, androgen in men is increased with the help of:

  1. Andriola. This drug is one of the safest because it does not have a harmful effect on the liver, does not cause skin problems and does not promote the growth of subcutaneous cells. Once in the body, synthetic androgen accumulates there to the required level, without suppressing the production of natural testosterone. After a course of treatment, erectile function is normalized, in particular, erection, quantity and quality of semen are restored. The drug should be taken strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Andriol tablets are covered with a gelatin shell, which can be damaged in a warm place, so to prolong storage, the drug should be placed in the cold.
  2. Androgel. This product, available in gel form, does not require oral administration. It should be applied to clean and intact skin on the stomach and inner forearms. The drug helps increase the amount of the hormone in the blood several times. Do not apply the gel to the genitals, as there is a high risk of irritation.
  3. Sustanon 250, an injectable drug that contains a certain concentration of androgen. It requires intramuscular administration, usually once every 30 days (the dosage is selected individually by the doctor). The drug has a very low toxic effect, but sometimes side effects can manifest as swelling, changes in the emotional background, as well as burning, pain, and redness at the injection site.
  4. Nebido– an oil solution, which is administered no more than 3 times a year. It ensures the proper level of testosterone in the blood, without accumulating in excess in the body.

Hormonal drugs are considered the best for restoring normal testosterone levels in the male body, however, they have a number of contraindications and side effects, so they must be strictly monitored by a doctor (dosage, dosage regimen and other nuances).

It is prohibited to use products that contain synthetic hormones on your own.

If you have low testosterone levels, how can you increase it without using synthetic drugs? This can be done with the help of vitamins, which will help replenish the missing substances in the body, improve the functioning of internal organs, and improve immunity.

It is better to take them with food or separately, as part of vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies.

You can increase androgen production by:

  1. Ascorbic acid, which will help improve the condition of the body, especially with frequent stress and bad habits. This vitamin can be found in pharmaceutical preparations or in some food products - berries, citrus fruits, herbs, cabbage.
  2. Vitamin E, which acts as a powerful antioxidant, also helps testosterone in the body avoid the destructive effects of insulin. This vitamin is found in vegetable oil, herbs and egg yolk.
  3. Vitamin B, which increases sexual desire and improves erectile function. If there is a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the body, it increases a man’s endurance, improves cardiovascular activity and the functioning of the nervous system. It is found in dairy products, fish, carrots, and nuts.
  4. Vitamin D, which stimulates the production of male sex hormones in the body. It can be found in good quality cheese, eggs, fish oil and cottage cheese.

In addition to vitamins, the male body needs microelements, which are the material for the structure and functioning of all organs. There are several microelements that directly affect hormone production.

This primarily applies to zinc, which converts estrogen into androgen, affects the quantity and quality of semen, and helps improve erection. It is found in oysters, fish, almost all seafood, seeds and nuts.

You can increase androgen with selenium. Experts advise taking this microelement to all men over 38 years of age. It can be taken as part of pharmaceutical preparations or by eating enough garlic.

To increase testosterone, you need to replenish your body's reserves of arginine and Omega-3 fatty acids.

The benefits of harmless fats for the male body are colossal, so they should be present in the body in normal quantities. They are found in vegetable oil, olives, some types of fish, etc.

Products to increase testosterone should be on the table of every man who wants to maintain his health and strength for many years.

You can normalize hormonal levels by regularly consuming:

  1. Meat which contains protein. By consuming this product, beloved by many, you can not only increase androgen, but also develop strong muscles. It is better to prepare dishes from lean beef and poultry meat, which should be subjected to proper heat treatment.
  2. Fish and seafood, which contain zinc. The most useful foods that increase testosterone in men from this group are oysters, salmon, shellfish, etc.
  3. Fruit, orange, green and yellow. They have a rich vitamin composition, which has a productive effect on the amount of testosterone. The most vitamins are found in citrus fruits, peaches, apricots, pears, etc.
  4. Vegetables, which are rich in easily digestible organic minerals and vitamins. To do this, it is useful to eat cabbage (has a preventive effect against prostate cancer), tomatoes, celery and exotic avocado.
  5. Spice– natural additives that not only improve the taste of the food consumed, but also increase its nutritional value. You can raise the level of the hormone with the help of turmeric, cardamom, coriander, red pepper, ground garlic and onions.
  6. Greenery, especially parsley, spinach, dill, cilantro, arugula.
  7. Nuts (almonds, walnuts).
  8. Fiber and grains, that is, porridges beloved by many men, such as buckwheat, pearl barley, and millet. Cereals improve blood circulation in the genital area, thereby eliminating possible problems with potency.
  9. Herbs– ginseng, golden root, eleutherococcus.
  10. Red wine, which should be drunk no more than 50 ml per day.
  11. Healthy cholesterol, which is found in milk, sour cream or eggs.

The androgen level may be disrupted if the diet is incorrect and unbalanced.

To prevent this from happening, in addition to the above products, you must have a certain amount of fermented milk products, legumes, berries and dried fruits in your daily diet.

Blocks the production of androgen by bad cholesterol, fast carbohydrates, foods with which should be completely excluded from the diet or their consumption should be minimized. This applies to pastries, buns, white bread, chocolate, and sweets. You should remove soda, unnatural juices, fast food products, as well as chips, alcohol, mayonnaise, etc. from your diet.

Useful exercises

Ways to increase the male hormone testosterone are impossible without physical exercise. The best effect on the production of male sex hormones is strength exercises, namely their correct and systematic implementation.

You can increase testosterone by:

  1. Bench press in a lying position.
  2. Deadlift.
  3. Squats with kettlebells or dumbbells.
  4. Various types of push-ups.
  5. Pull-ups on the bar.
  6. Exercises with dumbbells.
  7. Barbell lifts.

Exercises to increase androgen can be dynamic, aimed at distributing the hormone throughout the body, and static, which will help increase testosterone production testicles.

The simplest set of exercises consists of jumping squats, a bicycle, translational movements of the pelvis, rotational movements, and Kegel exercises. The number of repetitions is at least 8 per 1 approach.

Every training session should begin with a warm-up, which will help warm up and prepare the muscles and joints so that pain does not arise during the exercise. You need to perform the exercises at least every 1-2 days, each time increasing the number of approaches. You can do a little warm-up every morning, practice slow running for short distances.

In your free time, at least once a day, it is important to perform Kegel exercises. They will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles at a young age, increase erection, and make it possible to control the process of ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

In older men, such exercises will help prevent urinary incontinence and the development of premature erectile dysfunction.

During training, it is important to monitor your breathing and general well-being. If you have health problems, in particular heart or vascular disease, it would be better to conduct classes under the supervision of a specialist. A comprehensive diet along with proper exercise will help increase testosterone levels, improve a man's physical fitness, and make him more confident, attractive and sexy.

Our great-grandfathers knew how to increase the production of the hormone testosterone using folk remedies, the recipes of which have survived to this day and have not lost their relevance.

Natural ingredients are often not inferior in effectiveness to medications, but they are much safer for the body, do not require medical prescription and are low cost.

Most often, testosterone and potency are increased with the help of honey and nuts. To prepare the mixture, you need to chop the walnut kernels, mix with honey so that you get a thick mass and use 1 tsp. morning, afternoon and evening.

With the help of ginger, which is included in many dietary supplements, you can normalize androgen levels. To do this, you need to take the root of the plant, grind it and brew it in a proportion of 10 g of product per 150 ml of liquid. The finished decoction is infused for about 4–6 hours, after which 50 ml is taken 3 times a day.

You can increase testosterone with the help of dried herbs such as St. John's wort. It is brewed with boiling water and then taken instead of tea. In addition to having a good effect on the hormonal system, this component improves the functioning of the digestive organs, removes toxins.

Lovage is ideal for increasing hormones (people used to say that lovage was used to make “girls love”). You can bathe in this herb, brew it as a steep decoction, or drink 1 tsp. every 3–4 hours throughout the day.

Eleutherococcus has a tonic effect and a positive effect on the nervous system. To normalize hormonal levels, 2.5 tbsp. l. dry plant, pour 250 ml of alcohol and leave for 3 weeks. You need to take the prepared infusion 25 drops daily for 4 weeks. Before use, the infusion is diluted in clean water.

Pour boiling water over the hop cones and boil for 8 minutes over low heat. After cooling, the finished product should be taken 0.5 tbsp. in the morning and in the evening.

The use of traditional medicine will help normalize testosterone levels in a man’s body, strengthen the immune system and generally influence the regulation metabolic processes.

If such means are used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, high-quality and proper nutrition, adequate physical activity, and regular sexual intercourse, then the result will not be long in coming.

Testosterone is part of the androgen group and is considered a male hormone. Its level in the male body is 40-60 times higher than in the female body. Testosterone is responsible for the formation of the genital organs of the future man, when he is still in the form of a fetus in the womb. Thanks to testosterone, men have hair where women lack it, and it is this hormone that is responsible for more developed male muscles. Thus, it is fair to say that testosterone makes a man a man. Reduced testosterone levels lead to sad consequences: weight gain, depression, heart and musculoskeletal diseases, erectile dysfunction and decreased libido.

All men over 30 years of age are at risk. Starting from this period, concomitant factors can lead to a sharp decrease in testosterone levels: testicular injuries, disorders of the pituitary gland, and even certain types of medications. After 40 years, the process of age-related decline in testosterone levels begins. On average, its output decreases by 1 percent per year. A decline that seems harmless at first glance, but it can be greatly enhanced by various factors: excess weight, physical inactivity, stress, poor nutrition and other “benefits” of civilization.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone Levels
Everything in the body is interconnected and there is nothing superfluous or random in it. You should think about your male hormone levels and check them at the first opportunity if you observe the following signs:

  • decreased sex drive;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • feeling of prolonged physical or mental fatigue;
  • long-term depression;
  • lack of vitality and energy;
  • increased irritability;
  • increase in the amount of adipose tissue.
Ironically, the main male hormone is capricious in a female way. If you just get nervous, experience significant stress, overexert yourself, get sick, or disrupt your work and rest schedule, this may be followed by a temporary deficiency of testosterone in the body. But the word temporary does not mean that this phenomenon is harmless; you should not pay attention to it and it will pass.

Recent studies have shown that one of the main causes of early heart attacks in young men is a temporary decrease in testosterone levels in the body. Yes, you yourself can easily remember many famous people who passed away too early in recent years.

Therefore, if you observe the above signs in yourself, be sure to get tested for free testosterone and, if its level is reduced, take measures to increase testosterone levels.

How to increase testosterone levels in the body

We looked at natural ways to increase testosterone levels and recommend them as the safest and most certainly beneficial. You may not be able to apply them all together right away, as this will require significant changes in your usual lifestyle. But be sure to start small and don't stop there. We wish you to always remain Men in the full sense of the word.

The hormone testosterone is the main androgenic male hormone. This hormone is responsible for reproductive functions, increasing muscle mass, and increasing endurance. Testosterone allows you to resist stress. With a lack of this hormone, serious disorders occur in the body. Therefore, it is very important to know and understand how you can increase testosterone in men.

The hormone is produced (synthesized) from cholesterol in the testicles, as well as in the adrenal cortex in amounts from 11 to 33 nanomol/l. This is an indicator of the norm for a healthy man. Everyone knows that testosterone is very important for men's health. To make it clear how important it is, let’s look at how testosterone affects the male body and why it is needed.

This is what testosterone is responsible for in a man:

  1. The hormone regulates the development of the reproductive system. This direction is called androgenic. For example, boys begin to develop sexual characteristics thanks to testosterone.
  2. An increase in muscle mass, the production of insulin and endorphin, and proteins also occurs without the participation of testosterone. This direction is called anabolic.

What else regulates the hormone testosterone:

  • shapes a man's body;
  • participates in the regulation of body weight;
  • affects metabolism;
  • helps resist stress;
  • decreases or increases sexual activity (libido).

How does testosterone affect the body?

Testosterone has synthetic analogues. They are not as safe for the body as natural hormones. By the age of 18, a guy reaches his maximum testosterone level. This level remains at high levels up to 26 years. After 26, the concentration of the hormone begins to gradually decrease. After age 34, the body's production of testosterone decreases by 2 percent annually. This is an absolutely normal natural process; with age, beauty and strength leave a person.

Below is a table of the influence of testosterone by development time:

Table of the influence of testosterone on the body at different stages of male development.

What can interfere with normal hormone production:

  1. A sedentary lifestyle, in this case, the concentration of testosterone begins to decrease faster.
  2. Alcohol and cigarettes also reduce the hormone.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. Taking medications.
  5. Hidden and chronic diseases.
  6. Stress.
  7. Presence of obesity.

Obesity is a symptom of low testosterone.

Normal testosterone levels

By age 60, testosterone levels may have dropped to half their original peak levels at age 18. Let's start with the normal indicator. To read the readings correctly, you need to understand the general composition of testosterone. The hormone itself consists of 2 parts. The first part is approximately 2% of the total mass - this is the so-called free part. The second part of testosterone is the part that is associated with proteins and this is already 98% of the total mass. Now let's move on to normal indicators.

Normal testosterone levels for age.

If there is a deviation from the norm in the amount of the hormone in the body, and such a deviation reaches at least 6-12%, symptoms begin to appear.

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men:

  1. Memory problems may begin.
  2. Erectile dysfunction.
  3. Overweight and obesity.
  4. Premature ejaculation.
  5. Pulling and aching in the joints.
  6. Muscle mass decreases.
  7. Libido decreases.
  8. Insomnia appears.
  9. Enlargement of the mammary glands.
  10. Hair falls out, hair growth becomes thinner.

Natural decrease in testosterone with age.

Increased testosterone levels

Here are the main signs of elevated hormones in a man:

  • severe hairiness;
  • very developed muscles;
  • unnaturally strong sex drive;
  • excessive impulsiveness and aggression;
  • bald patches on the head, the rest of the body with abundant hair.

Consequences of a high value

If testosterone levels are too high, above 33 nanomol/liter, bad consequences can occur. One of these consequences may be male infertility and testicular tumors.

Why is the figure higher than normal?

There are several reasons for high testosterone levels, here are the main ones:

  1. Long-term course of taking hormonal drugs.
  2. Prostate diseases.
  3. Bad heredity.
  4. Disturbance in the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  5. Tumors in the testicles.
  6. Too much physical activity.

Why might it be declining?

There are two reasons for decreased testosterone. The primary cause is testicular damage. The secondary cause is diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. These days, the phenomenon of premature decline and deficiency of testosterone is quite common.

Lack of the hormone leads to obesity. A man becomes depressed more often and experiences stress more difficult. With testosterone deficiency, a man becomes very irritable. Due to low concentrations of the hormone, other diseases may develop.

Here are a number of reasons leading to a decrease in testosterone:

  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • improper, unbalanced diet;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • inactive, sedentary lifestyle;
  • taking certain types of drugs;
  • lack of regular sex;
  • damage (trauma) to the genital organs;
  • bad ecology.

You definitely need to know how you can increase testosterone levels in a man. There are medications that can do this. However, only a doctor can prescribe them after examination and tests. You can also increase your levels of this hormone naturally.

How to increase testosterone levels without drugs?

The synthesis of a hormone such as testosterone requires coordinated work of the whole organism. Therefore, you can increase the concentration of the male hormone in the body by putting your lifestyle, routine and nutrition in order. We present to your attention the TOP 9 ways to increase testosterone without using drugs.

Proper nutrition

A healthy and proper diet will help normalize the level of male hormones.

You need to figure out which foods can increase testosterone in a man. Switching to proper nutrition will ensure the intake of nutrients. These beneficial substances can stimulate the production of androgenic hormones.

Proper nutrition for men with testosterone deficiency.

  1. Dried fruits (contain lutein).
  2. Greens (dill, parsley, green onions, spinach). Greens contain plant testosterone.
  3. It is recommended to exclude soy products.
  4. You can't drink beer or soda.
  5. Don't eat fast food.
  6. Don't overuse drinks like coffee. You can drink no more than one cup per day. In this case, you can only drink natural coffee.
  7. Avoid baking.
  8. Avoid sweets.
  9. Salt intake needs to be reduced.

It is also very important to drink enough water daily, at least 2 liters of clean water for an adult.

Fighting excess weight

Remember, all products must be natural. If the products are unnatural, eating them can cause the opposite effect. For example, to quickly gain weight, animals are fed feed with a high content of female hormones. Estrogens (female hormones) are added to feed for poultry, pigs, and cattle.

The bird is fed with female growth hormones.

Did you know that at a poultry farm, a chicken grows in just 32 days? Birds are fed female growth hormones and antibiotics.

With an increase in the female hormone in a man’s body, his chest enlarges and sags, and his sides droop. An excess of female hormone in a man’s body causes hormonal imbalance and testosterone decreases.

We need to fight excess weight.

Fighting excess weight is how you can significantly increase testosterone production in men. It is imperative to get rid of excess weight. If a man is overweight, testosterone production is greatly reduced. This happens because testosterone is converted into a female hormone in adipose tissue.

Sport is life, proper nutrition is health. That’s why it’s so important to lead a sports lifestyle and eat right.

Physical education for men

The man must be in good physical shape. For normal testosterone production, you need to exercise regularly. Here are the basic rules of training:

  • do two to three workouts per week;
  • training duration is at least one hour;
  • train your chest muscles, as well as your legs and back;
  • the number of repetitions is from 7 to 12, the last one with some effort. Don't stress yourself out. Repeat the exercise in several approaches.

If you play sports, testosterone will be normal.

Bad habits

With alcohol abuse, testosterone in a man’s body can be converted into the female hormone estrogen. Moreover, any alcohol affects the production of male hormones. For example, beer contains a lot of estrogen. However, the strength of the phytohormone (plant hormone) is much less than that of the animal. Their ratio is approximately 1 to 5000. This does not mean that beer can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Abuse is the main danger.

Give up bad habits.

If you want to drink, drink red wine. It must be of high quality. Just don't abuse it. Red wine is beneficial in small quantities.

Less sugar

If there is increased sugar in a man’s body, this will lead to a decrease in testosterone due to a decrease in its production. Sugar is a high-calorie food product, the abuse of which leads to rapid weight gain. That's why it's so important to control your intake of sweet foods.

Proper sleep

Proper and healthy sleep is the key to good health. If you didn’t know, the most significant amount of hormones is produced when a person sleeps. Moreover, he is not just sleeping, but is in the deep sleep phase. This leads to the conclusion that adequate sleep is extremely important for the full production of testosterone. Lack of sleep is very dangerous.

You need to sleep at least 8 hours, and only in the dark.

The duration of sleep should be at least 8-9 hours. The sleep hormone melatonin is produced most actively from 12 am to 02:00. Melatonin is produced only in the dark, so you need to sleep in the dark. When a person tries to “get his 8-hour norm” during the day, the production of the sleep hormone does not occur. Thus, sleep is not complete.

Regular sexual relations

Regular sex promotes testosterone production in a man. An active sex life has a beneficial effect on men's health; testosterone production increases significantly.

Don't forget about safety. If a man does not have a regular sexual partner, it is imperative to use protection. Infections that are transmitted sexually are very dangerous and can significantly reduce the concentration of testosterone.

It has been proven that even simple communication with a woman can have a beneficial effect on the production of male hormones.

A tan

Vitamin D and testosterone concentrations reach their maximum levels in the summer. Accordingly, in winter these figures decrease. Studies have shown that sunlight has a positive effect on testosterone production in men by stimulating the endocrine glands.

Ultraviolet rays help produce testosterone and vitamin D.

Sunlight is extremely beneficial for the body - sunbathe, but in moderation. For fair-skinned people, 15 minutes of exposure to the sun is enough. If the skin is darker, then the time of solar treatments should be increased.


You shouldn't be sad all the time. You need to be able to enjoy life and enjoy it. Reach new heights in life, rejoice in your achievements, strive for new ones. Remember testosterone is the hormone of winners.

Be sure to watch this video

The problem of male impotence has many causes, among which it is worth highlighting the decrease in the volume of the main sex hormone. Find out how to increase testosterone in men with medication to completely improve the quality of your sex life.

The fact is that if the levels of the corresponding androgen in the blood are low, it is important to take measures to correct the current situation. At the moment, medicine offers a large list of medicinal developments to increase male androgen in the blood.

What is dangerous about a decrease in male hormone levels?

Before you start studying medications that can increase testosterone medically, it is important to familiarize yourself with why you are doing this in the first place.

Under no circumstances should the properties of the relevant substance be underestimated. It plays a vital role in maintaining the general and reproductive health of every man.

If there is a lack of testosterone in the body, the following symptoms of deficiency are noted:

  • Weakening libido. Men's interest in women is lost.
  • . The extent of manifestation will depend on the level of deficiency.
  • Increasing the percentage of adipose tissue in a man's body.
  • Decreased muscle strength. The muscles become flabby and saggy.
  • Fatigue, apathy and sleep disturbance.
  • Decreased immunity and general deterioration of well-being.
  • Depression.

Accordingly, a lack of testosterone is fraught with many negative consequences for a person. The drug method of correcting the problem is the simplest. You can increase the male hormone only after consultation with a specialist. Otherwise, you may not calculate the dose and either worsen the condition or not achieve the desired final effect.

Medicines to increase testosterone in men

Medicines intended to increase testosterone have a significant number of trade names that an ordinary person without a medical education may not understand on their own.

All medications for increasing testosterone in men can be divided into two types, differing in their mechanism of action on the body:

  • For hormone replacement therapy. The drug approach in this option is aimed at replenishing the lack of testosterone through its exogenous synthetic or natural analogues. Thus, it is possible to solve the problem relatively quickly and efficiently, however, in most situations, a man will have to continue to use artificial testosterone analogues to maintain the results obtained.
  • To stimulate endogenous testosterone secretion. We are talking about medications that activate the work of your own endocrine glands, ensuring the flow of testosterone into the blood. Such treatment often takes longer, but allows you to independently produce the required amount of such an important substance for men. Such medications are especially relevant for restoring the necessary hormone at a young age.

Depending on the type of dosage form, they are divided into:

  1. Injection medicinal media (solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration).
  2. Oral medications (, capsules).
  3. Transdermal medications (various gels, ointments, etc.).

Depending on the circumstances, the doctor selects the optimal remedy to increase the concentration of the hormone in the body. The dose and route of administration may vary in each individual episode.

All people are individual and what is good for some is unacceptable for others. For this reason, self-medication is prohibited (due to the high chance of aggravating the situation).


A medicinal method of increasing the described substance involves the use of different solutions to replenish the deficiency.

Today there are many different drugs that deserve the attention of doctors and their patients.

Injectable hormonal medications used:

  • Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate. They have an almost identical effect on humans, promoting an increase in androgen levels. They are administered at 200-400 mg once a month. In this case, a kind of depot of active testosterone is created in the injection area, from where the hormone gradually spreads through the bloodstream.
  • Testosterone in the form of a mixture of its own esters (Sustanon or Omnadren). Used at a dose of 250 mg once every two to three weeks, depending on the doctor’s recommendations. Such medications work on the principle of the medications mentioned above.
  • Testosterone Undecanoate (Nebido). Long-acting agent. One injection allows you to not worry about the level of testosterone in the body for 3 months. It is produced in the form of an oil solution for intramuscular injections. The dosage is 1000 mg.

There is a relatively wide choice of how to carry out drug-based testosterone increases. The main thing in this matter is to choose exactly what will be the most effective and affordable. There are episodes when the same medical product affects men differently.

Testosterone boosting pills

Injections can often be an inconvenient type of drug therapy. Not all men are eager to be regularly exposed. In this case, testosterone-boosting pills will come in handy.

They have a number of features that are worth remembering:

  • More convenient way to use.
  • Needs to be used every day.
  • Effectiveness is maintained only with regular use and compliance with doctor's recommendations.
  • Large list.

Despite the above nuances, most men prefer this type of medicine. The drug effect develops quickly, which contributes to a noticeable improvement in potency in particular and sexual function in general.

The most popular and in demand among this group of therapeutic agents remain:

  • Halotestin. Take from 5 to 20 mg every day, depending on the severity of the corresponding pathology.
  • Metadren. Dose: 10-30 mg per day.
  • Andriol. One of the most used drugs to increase testosterone. Used in a daily dose of 120-200 mg.
  • Proviron, Vistinon, Vistimon. Three similar products with different names. They work on the same principle. The average dosage ranges from 25-75 mg per day.

The selection of a specific type of medication is carried out by a doctor based on the collected medical history, and most importantly, laboratory test data. The lower the concentration of free androgen in the blood, the higher the dose of drugs.

Transdermal medicines

A very common method of increasing testosterone in men recently is the use of a variety of means that are used externally.

Most Popular:

  • Androgel.
  • Andromen.
  • Andractim.
  • Special patches with a hormone in their composition - Androderm and Testoderm.

To achieve the desired end result, you simply need to apply the medication to the skin and leave to dry. The patches have the property of creating a small “channel” of biologically active substances, which smoothly and regularly enters the bloodstream, causing a general improvement in a person’s condition.

Separately, it is necessary to say about this type of drug-induced increase in testosterone concentration, such as implants with the hormone inside. They are injected under the skin, where the active molecules are gradually released. Despite the large number of positive aspects of such therapy, not many men agree to such manipulations.

Testosterone stimulants

Replacement therapy is used to treat various forms of erectile dysfunction, which are characterized by testosterone deficiency.

Indications for such an intervention:

  • Eunuchoidism.
  • Infertility.
  • Endocrine impotence.
  • Menopausal changes.

However, there are situations when the body of a male representative can independently produce a specific substance, but he does not have enough internal reserves to start the process.

In this case, it would be justified to use testosterone stimulants, which activate the corresponding processes and allow the body to independently begin to produce the necessary hormone. It must be said right away that such an approach is not always effective. Much depends on the characteristics of each individual man and the reserves of his body.

Types of funds:

  • Injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The hormone has an activating effect on the male gonads, increasing the synthesis of testosterone. The dosage is up to 3000 units two to three times a week for a month. After such a course of treatment, you must take a break.
  • ZMA and other similar nutritional supplements that contain vitamin B6, magnesium and zinc. These components help improve the functioning of the male genital organs with the stabilization of spermatogenesis and the general normalization of well-being.
  • or other analogues containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. They should be consumed in the form of nutritional supplements. Thus, it will be possible to carry out high-quality prevention of a number of diseases and to some extent normalize.
  • Tinctures of natural stimulants. Here it is necessary to remember about eleutherococcus and other similar plants, which naturally help normalize the sexual function of almost any man.

All of the above remedies are purely auxiliary in the treatment of a problem that is accompanied by testosterone deficiency. Most often they are combined with other drugs, but only after appropriate consultation with a doctor.

Additional Methods

Despite the abundance of various medicinal tablets, ointments, tinctures and other medicinal “lotions”, it is possible to increase a man’s testosterone level in a more natural way.

Of course, you shouldn’t completely give up medications, but you can improve their effectiveness using the following simple methods:

  • Proper nutrition. There should be enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Physical activity. Keeping the body toned also helps normalize androgens. It has long been known that strength training gradually increases testosterone.
  • Regular sex. Frequent sexual intercourse contributes to the activation of the testicles with an increase in testosterone in the blood.

Testosterone is a male hormone that affects muscle growth and more. With normal testosterone levels, a person feels energetic and full of strength, has increased libido and excellent athletic results in training. Therefore, every guy needs to maintain his testosterone levels, even if building muscle mass is not his main goal. Well, if the main goal of your sports activities is precisely to increase muscle mass, then to achieve the expected result, the testosterone in your body must be at its maximum level.

The problem of low testosterone levels in men in adulthood is especially pressing.

Testosterone levels can be increased naturally without resorting to anabolic drugs. For example, by exercise, nutrition and other easy ways that we will now tell you about.

1) Training with heavy weights

Performing strength exercises with heavy weights stimulates the growth of muscle tissue, which in turn is associated with an increase in the male hormone in the body. Testosterone reaches its maximum level immediately after physical activity and lasts throughout the day.

To increase testosterone levels in the body, you need to train 4-5 times a week for 60-75 minutes. Exercises are especially effective with a small number of repetitions (5-8 times), but with the maximum possible weight. Rest time should be no more than 2 minutes between sets.

2) Moderate cardio exercise

Cardio exercise is essential for good heart function. But you should not spend a lot of time on aerobic exercise, because it can have a lowering effect on testosterone levels. This doesn't mean you should give them up altogether. The optimal duration of cardio training is 30-45 minutes, no more than 4 times a week.

3) Protein foods

To increase testosterone levels in the body, eat foods high in protein, such as dairy products, eggs, meat (pork, lean beef, poultry), which will also have a beneficial effect on muscle growth. Consume protein foods at a rate of 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

4) Vegetables

Everyone knows that eating vegetables is important for health and muscle growth, but scientists recently discovered that there are a number of vegetables that can affect the level of male hormones in the body. These include all types of cabbage - broccoli, kohlrabi, Chinese and Brussels sprouts, as well as watercress. These foods contain enzymes such as indoles and phytonutrients that lower estrogen levels while increasing the amount of testosterone in the body.

5) Fats

To increase testosterone levels in the body, it is recommended to consume foods containing omega-3 fats. These include, first of all, fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, perch, herring, trout, sardines) and vegetable oils, such as olive and rapeseed.

6) Eliminate alcohol

Doctors sometimes advise taking a glass of red wine before meals to boost immunity. But frequent consumption of alcohol in large doses negatively affects the male hormone, contributing to its decrease.

7) Herbs that stimulate testosterone production

The herb fenugreek has a positive effect on testosterone levels in the human body; in addition, fenugreek helps lower blood sugar, which in turn helps to increase muscle mass after strength training. Include the herb fenugreek in your diet, for example, you can brew it as tea.

Ginseng root is one of the most powerful means for stimulating many physiological functions in the body and, first of all, has the ability to increase potency and testosterone levels in a man’s body.

8) Get a good night's sleep

Your night's sleep should last 8-10 hours. During this period of time, the body and muscles can relax and fully recover after training. Good rest makes you feel alert and energetic, which is important for the productivity and results of your workouts, as well as the amount of testosterone in the body.

9) Rest from training

To get the most effective results from sports, strength training should occur 4-5 times a week, but no more times. This training schedule not only provides you with maximum muscle growth, but also helps increase the male hormone at the highest level.

10) Regular sex

Regular sex is closely associated with an increase in luteinizing hormone. In men, this hormone activates interstitial Leydig cells, which directly produce the hormone testosterone.

But long-term abstinence, on the contrary, reduces the level of testosterone in the male body.