Which lowers the temperature. Some tips on how to lower your temperature at home. Emergency assistance for critical temperatures

An increase in body temperature (in other words, hyperthermia) is a consequence of the protective reaction of the immune system to changes occurring in the human body. Back in the 19th century, doctors were completely confident that when the body temperature increased, the patient would recover faster. His risk of developing complications is reduced. To treat diseases, many doctors artificially raised the body temperature of sick patients.

In 1897, pharmacists discovered the aspirin formula with its unique antipyretic properties. With the advent of this drug, the treatment of hyperthermia has changed dramatically. Aspirin manufacturers actively advertised their own miracle drug, which is still popular among people. You can even say what caused a real temperature phobia. Nowadays, there are people who, if they feel a little unwell, try to bring down their temperature faster. At the same time, they do not think about the fact that they are putting their health at risk.

Causes of fever in adults

According to doctors, body temperature in people can increase without any disease, it is simply associated with certain factors of the person’s condition. These include:
  • drinking hot and alcoholic drinks;
  • ovulation period in women;
  • tiring physical activity;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • the process of digesting food.
Hyperthermia can also indicate the development of many diseases, such as:
  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning with toxic or poisonous compounds;
  • disruption internal organs;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract.
If an adult’s body temperature has increased, do not rush to take antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to give your immune system the opportunity to cope with the infection on its own. By lowering the temperature, people create favorable conditions for the life of the infection in the body and its spread, as well as the development of complications, and you doom your body to take antibiotics. If the thermometer shows less than 38.5 degrees C, then doctors do not advise lowering your body temperature.

If the patient’s condition does not improve, and the mark on the thermometer is 39 degrees C, then it is necessary to normalize the body temperature using any means, be it medications, physical or folk remedies. At a temperature of 40.5 degrees C, it is necessary to call an ambulance to the patient’s home, since this case is serious.

All these recommendations apply to those people who do not have chronic diseases. Some patients are physiologically unable to tolerate high temperatures. They are having frequent fainting and seizures. Such patients should reduce their body temperature if the thermometer shows 37.5 degrees C.

Pregnant women should be especially careful about hyperthermia, as high temperature can harm the unborn newborn. Body hyperthermia in a woman in labor latest dates pregnancy can lead to premature birth. It also disrupts the embryonic development of the baby. Expectant mothers should not allow their body temperature to rise above 38 degrees C

Physical methods of lowering temperature

Physical methods are quite effective and recommended for reducing body temperature. They are based on the processes of heat transfer from the body. Let's look at them in detail.
  • Rubbing the patient's body with water. To do this, take water at room temperature and dilute vodka in it. equal quantities, or dilute a solution of 6% vinegar in a ratio of one to five. You need to wipe your body with a soft sponge special attention in the neck, wrist, joints of the arms and legs. After wiping, body temperature should drop by two degrees, and general state will improve.
  • Cooling compresses. This method can help the patient reduce headaches, or even get rid of them completely, by lowering their body temperature. In this case they take cold water without vodka and vinegar. The napkin is moistened with water and placed on the patient’s forehead.
  • Cleansing cool enema. To carry out this procedure, you need 1.5 liters of water, the temperature of which will range from 15 to 20 degrees C and an Esmarch mug. If you decide to use warm water for this procedure, it will not help lower the temperature, since the water will be absorbed by the intestinal walls. Cleansing will normalize body temperature and remove toxic compounds from the body.
  • Applying Ice. To carry out this procedure, you need to prepare ice cubes and put them in a plastic bag. Then, apply a bag with ice cubes through a towel into the popliteal fossa, inguinal folds, axillary area, to the forehead. Carry out this procedure for 5 minutes.
  • Drink plenty of fluids . Drinking plenty of fluids together with by physical methods, which will remove toxins from the patient and improve his general condition. It is recommended to drink water in small sips so as not to cause vomiting reflex. For heavy drinking, you can prepare antipyretic warm drinks: a drink made from gooseberries or currants, cranberry juice, rosehip decoction, Orange juice, lemon juice.
The main advantages of these temperature reduction methods are the absence of negative medicinal action on the patient’s body and frequent repetition of antipyretic procedures.

Medications to lower fever

To reduce high body temperature, various medications are used, which can be divided into the following groups:
  • Medicines used to treat major diseases: vascular drugs, hormones, antibiotics;
  • Medicines that affect the thermoregulation center in the body. These include medications with an antipyretic effect: Theraflu, Nurofen, Fervex, paracetamol and other non-steroidal drugs;
  • Medicines that help the patient improve their condition are antihistamines and antispasmodics.
To choose yourself antipyretic drug, it is necessary to give preference to single-component drugs that are made on the basis of paracetamol, which has long been known to us: efferalgan, panadol. In case of hyperthermia, it is prohibited to use acetylsalicylic acid or analgin. These drugs have side effects that can lead to disruption of all organs of the patient.

Folk remedies to reduce fever

Folk remedies that are recommended to combat hyperthermia:
  • Diaphoretic drinks and teas. To prepare them, they use honey, berries containing vitamin C, medicinal herbs. The most effective antipyretics are tea with lemon and chamomile, elderberry decoction, tea with viburnum, rosehip infusion, lingonberry and cranberry drink, tansy tea.
  • Linden blossom. To prepare it, you need to take 20 g of dry linden and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for at least 20 minutes. You need to strain the linden infusion and add 1 tablespoon of honey, preferably natural. The high temperature will definitely decrease, because after drinking the drink, the patient will begin to sweat heavily.
  • Apple vinegar. It is used for wiping a patient who is lying with a high fever. To prepare this solution, you need to take 500 ml of water, add 20 ml of 9% apple cider vinegar and stir.
  • Apple cider vinegar and raw potatoes. A compress is prepared from these products, which helps to quickly bring down a high temperature. To prepare a compress, you need to chop 2 raw potatoes and add 20 ml of apple cider vinegar to the resulting mass. Place the resulting mixture on gauze and place it on the patient’s forehead. The compress should remain on the patient's forehead for at least 2 hours.
Now you know how to bring down an adult’s fever, but even after this, he should definitely consult a doctor for further medical instructions.

Often the first sign of an incipient disease is an increase in temperature above its normal indicators. According to the standard, the norm is 36.6 C, but this figure may vary depending on healthy people. So we will consider a temperature above 37C to be elevated. But elevated is not a high temperature yet. However, what should you do if your body temperature rises above this level?

First of all, remember, elevated temperature is a signal from the body about some kind of problem. It could be a cold or viral infection, and the flu. Also, an increase in temperature can signal an exacerbation of rheumatism or inflammatory processes in internal organs.

Another thing is high temperature. There are several cases when high temperature in an adult it is best to immediately call ambulance:

If the temperature is rising complete with convulsions, confusion, severe headache and breathing problems;

If temperature indicator above 39.9C.

At the same time, while the doctor gets to you, you can take some actions on your own. Namely, try to reduce the already high temperature. We will now tell you how and with what you can quickly reduce a very high body temperature in an adult.

At high temperatures, the patient should be put to bed, dressed in linen made from natural fabrics, ensuring the room is well ventilated (but not drafty) and constantly drinking plenty of fluids. It could be tea, compote, still water. Since a person with fever sweats a lot, it is necessary to constantly replenish the fluid balance in the body, otherwise dehydration may occur. The room should be cool and not dry. Wet clothes should be changed to dry ones on time.

You don’t have to lower the temperature to 37.7 - 38.5 - the body is still able to fight on its own. At this time, it is able to secrete interferon, which fights the cause of the disease. An elevated temperature in this case is a sign normal operation immunity.

If the temperature is higher, then it can be brought down by taking the following measures:

Wipe the patient damp towel, room temperature. By evaporating from the body, water will increase heat transfer. For this purpose, you can also use a weak vinegar solution (one tablespoon of 9% vinegar per half liter of water).

As for vodka, its effect is ambiguous. When evaporating from the skin, its vapors can cause poisoning, a toxic reaction, and will also irritate already inflamed Airways. But if you decide to use vodka for wiping - remember - wiping does not mean rubbing!

It is also advisable to dilute vodka in half with water and avoid contact with mucous membranes when wiping. When wiping with vinegar or vodka solution pay attention to the bends of your knees, elbows, and wrists. If the temperature approaches 39, the patient can be briefly wrapped in a damp sheet, or even allowed to take cool shower. In European countries, it is customary to wrap the calf area with damp, cold towels or sheets at high temperatures.

You can also lower the temperature by using cold compresses. For this plastic bottles With cold water Place under your armpits and under your legs.

Nowadays there are a lot of antipyretic drugs in pharmacies. Paracetamol can be used. By the way, it is one of the components of Coldrex, Fervex, etc. If you cannot wait for the effect of the tablets, use paracetamol in suppositories.

You can also use Ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid. When purchasing any antipyretics, consult your pharmacist. Contraindications are possible, so tell him about his age, illness, possible chronic diseases, allergies.

An enema will help bring down a high temperature. Half a glass boiled water and antipyretic powder (you can use any crushed antipyretic tablet hard object). Although this procedure may be somewhat unpleasant, it is nevertheless fast-acting, since the medicine will enter the bloodstream through the intestinal walls faster than through the stomach.

In order to quickly lower the high temperature, the so-called “lytic mixture” is also used. This is a mixture of drugs used to relieve pain and/or reduce fever. To do this, take analgin, no-shpa (papaverine), diphenhydramine (suprastin). In a ratio of 1:1:1, it is administered intramuscularly.

As for folk remedies for lowering high temperatures, these include various compotes, infusions and decoctions. This could be cranberry juice, tea made from linden and raspberry flowers, or from willow bark - they are excellent diaphoretics.

Juice from red currants or lingonberries normalizes the temperature of an adult and, in addition to this, also has antimicrobial effect. An infusion of rose hips also helps the body cope with high fever. Fruits containing vitamin C - grapefruits, oranges, lemons - can lower the temperature by half a degree.

It must be remembered that an increase in temperature above 38 for a period of more than three days without visible symptoms illness - cough, runny nose, etc. – requires an immediate call to a doctor and a thorough examination. You should also remember that for some people, even a slight increase in temperature can be dangerous.

This applies to people with heart disease, asthma, diseases of the central nervous system(epilepsy, encephalopathy). Also, pregnant women should be especially careful at the slightest increase in temperature, as this can threaten the health of the child.

The normal temperature for a healthy adult ranges from 36-37 degrees. Exceeding these indicators indicates the presence pathological process in organism. The temperature does not drop around 38-38.5: this is a sign that the immune system trying to fight inflammation. But if the thermometer is already 39, you need to reduce the fever as soon as possible. Against the background of a febrile state, accompanying complications quickly appear, including convulsions, headache, nausea or vomiting.

First aid for temperature 39C

If it is impossible to call a doctor or take medication, it is necessary to create conditions favorable for cooling the body. You can start with the room in which the patient is: the air in the room should be fresh. It is worth considering the time of year: winter time Prolonged cooling of the room can aggravate the condition.

  • Cold compresses, which are applied to the forehead, chest, back of the head or calf area. The easiest way is to soak a clean towel in ice water. You can also use a heating pad with cold water. To prevent additional hypothermia of the body, it should be wrapped in cloth.
  • Table vinegar Suitable for rubbing or lotions. Use of liquid in pure form is fraught with burns, so 1 tbsp. l. vinegar should be diluted with a glass of water. Afterwards, rub the body or make a compress that is placed on the chest or calves.
  • Drink plenty of fluids facilitates the condition of the body. The bet is placed on natural drinks: berry teas with honey and linden, rosehip infusion, compotes or fruit drinks. It is recommended to drink a glass of liquid at least once an hour.

For compresses Vodka is often used, but this cannot be done to reduce the temperature: alcohol-containing liquids dilate blood vessels, which contributes to an increase in temperature, general deterioration condition and may aggravate inflammatory process in the throat or lungs.

Medicines to lower fever

If you cannot reduce your temperature without medication, you will have to go to the pharmacy. You must first carefully study the instructions. An overdose of any drug is fraught with allergic reactions and side effects.

To reduce high temperatures, use:

Troychatka Combination of drugs: No-Shpa, Paracetamol and Analgin. Maximum single dosage is 500 mg. You can use it 3 times a day, but the interval between uses should be up to 4 hours. The duration of the “course” is no more than 5 days. Suitable for almost any disease, from bronchitis to sore throat.
Nurofen It can be used both for fever and to get rid of pain, which can be accompanied by an elevated temperature. Take one tablet after meals, 3-4 times a day. Take the pills big amount liquids.
Aspirin Indications for use include pain or fever. You can take the product only after meals. The drug has a strong effect on the stomach, so it is advisable to crush the tablet - this way Aspirin is absorbed faster. You need to drink plenty of clean water.
Analgin Lowers temperature and slows down the process of inflammation in the body. There are several forms of release: tablets, injection solution and suppositories. Analgin injections are administered up to three times a day, rectal or internal reception 2-3 times are allowed.
Ibuprofen A safe drug that can be used by children and pregnant women. The product quickly relieves fever and also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The dosage is determined by the patient’s age and the thermometer readings.
Suprastin An antihistamine is also used to reduce fever. It is part of lytic mixture, adding to Analgin and Papaverine. A mixture for injection is prepared from the drugs. Suprastin's task is to reduce the risk allergic reaction and eliminate swelling.
Nimulid Non-steroidal medicinal product, is available in the form of gel, suspension, powder and tablets. The syrup is suitable for the youngest patients, and the tablets are suitable for children over 12 years of age and adults. The dosage depends on age; before use, you should read the instructions.
Ibuklin There are two types of the drug: for adults and for children (special Ibuklin Junior). Available in tablet form, it has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended to use it for sore throat or inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs.
Viferon Available in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels, suitable for children. The drug inhibits viruses, primarily affecting the cause of the fever. The dosage depends on the age of the baby; when purchasing the product, you need to pay attention to the dosage form.
Nimesil A non-steroidal drug with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Available in the form of granules or powder. The medicine is diluted in warm water, the finished drink has a pleasant citrus flavor and bright aroma. The list of contraindications includes problems with the gastrointestinal tract, heart and diabetes.
Diclofenac Typically used by adults to treat muscle damage, arthrosis and arthritis, but can be used to reduce fever in children. The drug reduces the number of substances formed during the inflammatory process. From the age of six, gel, ointment and tablets are suitable, from 11 years - injections, from 15 - suppositories and tablets with a higher dosage.
Extraplast Cooling patch to reduce body temperature during heatstroke. The base is impregnated with paraben gel, which upon contact with the skin releases active substances. The concentrate is released gradually, overdose is excluded.
Acetylsalicylic acid Another name is ether acetic acid. This substance is included in Citramon and Aspirin, but is also available separately in tablet form. The drug quickly reduces high fever and reduces painful sensations. The product can only be used by adults.

When choosing any drug It is advisable to first consult with your doctor. If this is not possible, study contraindications to medications. Also pay attention to the causes of high temperature: for poisoning you need one remedy, for rotavirus - another.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes allow you to prepare a harmless “medicine” at home. Plants, vegetables, fruits and berries are used. The main thing when choosing a “remedy” is to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, since any component can be a strong allergen.

MeansCooking method
Chamomile Fresh decoction is used for enema. The recipe can only be used by people who do not suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract. 4 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and heated for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. When the liquid has cooled, it must be strained using gauze and diluted boiled water up to a volume of 200 ml.
Apple, onion, natural honey You need 150 grams of each component (in proportions 1:1:1). The mass is thoroughly mixed, eat a tablespoon every 4-6 hours. The product is not stored for longer than a day; if necessary, the mixture is prepared again.
Raspberries Dry shoots with berries and leaves are needed. Everything is crushed into 2 tbsp. l. dry mixture needs 250 ml of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then cool and pour into a thermos. You need to drink the infusion a day before.
Linden 2 tbsp. l. Dried linden flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, everything is thoroughly stirred. After half an hour, the resulting liquid is filtered and ready for use. A spoon will help enhance the effect natural honey. You can drink the remedy up to four times a day until the fever goes away.

Video: how to relieve fever

Fever is white and red, and each requires special approach. In the first case, heat comes to the rescue, in the second - cold. But it is not always necessary to lower the temperature: sometimes the body needs time to fight the disease. Indications for urgent intervention are chronic pathologies and severe malaise.

A sharp rise in temperature may not always be a reason to panic and call an ambulance, but when temperature 39 in an adult, what to do you won’t understand right away. You can really call an ambulance; such indicators are a sufficient reason for the team to arrive quickly enough.

How and why does the temperature rise?

The body reacts to any external influences and changes in the internal environment:

  • The thermoregulation center is located in the brain;
  • It is affected by prostaglandins synthesized from fatty acids;
  • The appearance of these substances indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • The original value is changed normal temperature in the center of thermoregulation and the body makes every effort to maintain elevated temperature;
  • After eliminating the pathological process in the body, the biochemical blood parameters return to normal, and the center in the brain sets the coveted 36.6 degrees.

On the one side, elevated temperature helps fight infection. All living organisms have a certain optimum, a small range of indicators within which these same organisms can exist.

For some pathogenic bacteria deviation from the optimal numbers by a few degrees is already fatal. There is only one problem - a person is also a living organism and the blood temperature limits are strictly standardized. Overwhelming majority will not be able to survive temperatures of 42 degrees Celsius.

How to reduce a high temperature at home?

If a person’s temperature suddenly rises to critical levels, call an ambulance:

  1. She will arrive within an hour;
  2. The patient will be given a couple of injections so that as quickly as possible bring down the temperature;
  3. After this, they will offer to hospitalize you in a hospital;
  4. Most likely they will take you to the nearest infectious diseases department, you need to be prepared for this;
  5. Everything will be carried out at the medical institution necessary research and make a final diagnosis;
  6. After completing the course of treatment, you will be discharged from the department and your sick leave will be closed.

It sounds quite simple, but it is not always possible to seek qualified help or spend a week on recovery. The position is not the most sensible, but it has a right to exist.

If necessary as quickly as possible bring down the temperature, it is better to resort to medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- a whole class of antipyretic tablets that can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • Paracetamol refers to NSAIDs, the effect is achieved by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • differs in that it is prescribed even to children. In terms of minimum side effects and contraindications this is an ideal option;
  • Analgin- the most powerful and popular drug for lowering fever that can only be obtained without a prescription.

Folk remedies for lowering fever

If the patient is fundamentally against all this “chemistry”, you can resort to folk remedies:

  1. Make the person drink as much as possible to recover water balance. When the temperature rises, the body loses water too quickly, and the decrease in water leads to an increase in temperature. A vicious circle that needs to be broken;
  2. Reduce the room temperature to 20 degrees. This is quite enough for normal life, according to all hygienic standards. But at the same time, a heated case will transfer heat to a colder environment much faster;
  3. If it is possible to humidify the air to 60%, do it;
  4. Rubdowns cool water will help to have a reflex effect on superficial vessels;
  5. Alcohol and vodka rubdowns and compresses are effective;
  6. If the patient is wrapped up, he should be “uncovered” and allowed to lie in this state, even after wiping. It may not be pleasant due to the cold, but the temperature is guaranteed to drop.

How to bring down a child's temperature of 39?

With children everything is always more complicated. At elevated temperatures there can be two absolute different types fever:

In parallel with this, the cause of the disease will be determined in order to prescribe antiviral or antibacterial treatment.

The child has a red throat and fever

A high temperature indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. More likely we're talking about about infections. The presence of redness indicates that the inflammatory process is localized in the pharynx:

  • Given the high body temperature, it could even be the flu if the virus entered the body through the throat;
  • The problem may be a sore throat, which gives complications to all systems, including the cardiovascular;
  • An equally formidable disease, scarlet fever, is not detected so often, but can cause a sad outcome.

If you see a child with a red throat and a high fever, consult a doctor as soon as possible. You should not try to help yourself if you are infected with the same swine flu pneumonia can develop within 24 hours. Within 24 hours after the start, the baby will need artificial ventilation , if everything goes a little wrong.

For young children, especially those with a high temperature, an ambulance will arrive immediately. In some regions, there are enough children's teams, but most likely you will be visited by an adult therapist or an ordinary paramedic. So you shouldn’t refuse hospitalization; pediatricians know their job better when dealing with infections.

How to deal with fever?

When an adult has a high temperature, do not immediately panic:

  • See what's in home medicine cabinet. Will do paracetamol, analgin or .
  • Find vinegar, vodka or alcohol in the kitchen. Dilute and make a compress or rub;
  • After this, the patient must leave in an “opened” state, even if he starts complaining about the cold;
  • Better indoors lower the temperature up to 20 degrees, and increase humidity to 60%;
  • Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids.

But it is best to immediately call specialists who will lower the temperature and make a preliminary diagnosis.

Afterwards it will be necessary to take action, but before the ambulance arrives, it is better not to lower the temperature on your own.

Video: what should an adult do at a temperature of 39?

In this video, doctor Elena Malykh will tell you how to bring down the temperature of 39 degrees in an adult (not a child), what remedies and medicines are the most effective:

If the body temperature has increased, it means that the body has responded to inflammation: this is how the immune system fights the infection that has arisen. Knowing how to lower an adult's temperature and when it is necessary can help get rid of this symptom. The instructions below will help you determine when to combat a fever and what to use to combat it.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature of an adult?

Before you grab medications, you should find out from an adult. There are some tips about this:

  1. If the high temperature is without symptoms and does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees, then there is no need to reduce it, it is not dangerous. This is the process of the body fighting microbes, and by knocking down, you do not give your body a chance to cope on its own, and pathogens penetrate more and more inside. For severe headaches, use a cold compress.
  2. If the temperature has reached 39°C or higher, or 38°C, but is accompanied by more serious symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, convulsions, this is a reason to take measures to reduce the fever.
  3. The temperature of 38 degrees Celsius must be reduced for those who have thyroid diseases, blood pathologies, or heart problems.
  4. Those who do not tolerate temperature well due to individual characteristics body.

How to reduce a high temperature at home

It is necessary to use everything that can cool and not heat the body. To do this, use using the following methods How to bring down a high fever in an adult:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Drink warm tea, adding currants, raspberries or honey - it will increase sweating, and the heat will go away with sweat. Then just drink plenty of water.
  2. vodka, vinegar or alcohol. Get rid of excess clothing, wipe your body with these products, especially paying attention to the armpits, feet, elbows and knees. Lie without a blanket for several minutes to allow the liquid to evaporate from the surface of the body and the fever to decrease. If you feel very cold, this is normal, just be patient.
  3. Cooling compresses. Take a basin, fill it with water, always cool, or use a decoction of yarrow. Soak a cotton towel in the liquid and apply it to your wrists, forehead, inguinal folds, temples. Change compresses more often.
  4. Hypertonic solution. Drink 700-800 ml next remedy- for 1 tbsp. slightly cooled boiling water for 2 tsp. salt. The solution prevents water from being absorbed, so it is removed from the body.
  5. Enema based on chamomile decoction. Prepare chamomile infusion, pour 4 tbsp. l. dry flowers with a glass of boiling water and heat the solution in a water bath. After cooling, strain it, dilute with water to obtain a volume of 200 ml. Do an enema with it.


When positive results no, you need to take antipyretics for high fever in adults from next list:

  1. " ". Available in the form of tablets, powder or blister. Indications for use are pain syndromes, feverish conditions. Before taking the pill, you must eat; you cannot do this on an empty stomach. It is recommended to crush the tablet so that the gastric mucosa is less irritated. Drink plenty of water. Maximum per day – 500 mg on the first day of treatment and 300 mg on subsequent days. Price from 2 rub.
  2. " ". In its own way chemical structure tablets are sulfonanilides with a weak anti-inflammatory effect. They are often used for emergency temperature reduction together with the drug “No-Shpa” and analgin as a remedy called triad. Dosage forms– tablets, suspension, suppositories, syrup. For fever, it is necessary to take 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4 hours for a course of 5 days. Internal or rectal single dose should not exceed 500 mg. Price from 3 rub.
  3. " ". Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Other forms of release are injection solution or suppositories. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously at 250-500 mg per day up to 3 times. A single dose is limited to 1 g, daily - 2 g. Internal or rectal administration should be a dose of 250-500 mg up to 2-3 times daily. The price of tablets is from 24 rubles, solution – from 100 rubles.
  4. " ". , covered with a white shell. Indications for use are headaches or toothaches, back pain, neuralgia and fever due to ARVI or influenza. 200 mg each, i.e. one tablet, up to 3-4 times daily after meals. Drink plenty of liquid. The maximum daily dosage at temperature is 1.2 g, i.e. 6 tablets. After 3 days without improvement, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Price from 80 rub.

Effective folk remedies for fever

ethnoscience helps bring down the temperature without medications in the form of tablets, injections or suppositories. Use one of effective recipes reduce fever:

  1. Linden decoction. Take 2 tbsp. l. dry linden flowers and a glass of boiling water, mix. Let the broth sit for about half an hour and strain it. If desired, add a spoonful of honey to the solution. Drink up to 4 times a day to increase sweating and reduce fever.
  2. Compresses based on apple cider vinegar and potatoes. Grate 2 raw potatoes, dilute the mixture with 20 ml of vinegar. Place the mixture on gauze and apply it to your forehead for at least 2 hours.
  3. Raspberry infusion. Take dry raspberry shoots with leaves and berries, chop them until you get 2 tbsp. l. Bay 1 tbsp. boiling water, heat in a water bath for about 15 minutes, strain and place in a thermos. Drink small sips throughout the day.
  4. Onion, honey and apple. Prepare 0.5 tbsp. honey and a mass of apples grated with onions. Stir, consume 1 tbsp twice a day. l.
  5. Onion recipe. Take one onion, peel it, give it a mushy state, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water Wrap the product in a warm cloth, leave it overnight, and then take 2 tsp every hour.

What not to do at high temperatures

High fever requires compliance with several points describing what is not recommended:

  1. Do not reduce the temperature, which does not exceed 38-38.5 degrees Celsius, with tablets or other methods. Let your body fight the infection on its own.
  2. Do not start with using antibiotics, because they have no effect on the temperature. Only anti-inflammatory and antipyretic medications can reduce fever. In addition, an infection can be treated with antibiotics only after consultation with a doctor.
  3. Do not wrap yourself in several blankets when the temperature is hot, let you sweat naturally evaporate from the surface of the skin so that the temperature drops.
  4. Do not humidify the air in the room, because you risk getting a consequence in the form of pneumonia and slowing down the process of sweat evaporation.
  5. Do not resort to mustard plasters, heating pads, or hot baths - they will only increase the temperature.

Video: how to quickly reduce temperature 39 for flu and colds

The severity of the condition, when the body temperature is elevated, was felt by every person. Not knowing what degree threshold is the cause of concern, people often make mistakes, and because of this the body cannot eliminate the problem on its own. If you don’t quite understand how to bring down a fever in an adult, then watch a useful video with a description quick methods reducing fever.