Treatment of kidneys with aspen bark. Aspen bark: medicinal properties and contraindications, recipes. How to prepare aspen bark

Quite a few species of aspen grow in the vast expanses of our homeland. They differ in the color of the bark, its structure and other structural and vegetation features. However, only aspen bark is used as a medicine. It contains sufficient quantities of useful substances that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Using a decoction of aspen bark, it is possible to treat various problems in the bladder and prostate gland, as well as the digestive system. They help cope with neuralgia and radiculitis, feverish conditions and syphilis.

How to properly harvest bark?

The key to successful treatment with aspen bark preparations is its competent collection, which guarantees the preservation of the maximum amount of medicinal components.

  • It is necessary to harvest raw materials at the very beginning of the growing season, when sap flow is most active. This time usually falls in the second half of spring, that is from mid-April to the last days of May.
  • To remove the bark, young trees with a diameter of about 8 cm are selected. A double circular cut is made on the trunk with a sharp tool at intervals of about 30 cm. Then the two circles are connected by a vertical cut, which allows you to separate the layer of bark. This operation is repeated the required number of times.
  • In a similar way, you can remove bark not only from the trunk, but also from branches, which are best cut from the tree first.
  • It is not recommended to trim the bark from the trunk, since as a result of such manipulation, wood particles get into the raw material, which significantly reduces its medicinal value.
  • When preparing future medicine for yourself and your loved ones, do not cause irreparable harm to nature - do not expose the trunk in large quantities. A tree can easily heal a reasonable number of wounds, but with a bare trunk it will die very quickly.
  • Lay out the collected curls or hang them to dry in the shade in a draft: under a canopy or in the attic of the house.
  • You can speed up the process using a stove or oven. In this case, make sure that the temperature does not exceed 50 °C.
  • For more efficient drying, the size of the pieces should not be more than 4 cm. To do this, first cut too large fragments with scissors.
  • It is better to store finished raw materials in wooden or cardboard containers. You can use canvas bags for this purpose.
  • When properly stored, dried bark retains its medicinal value for up to three years.

How to use the bark?

For medicinal purposes, a decoction, infusion or tincture is usually used.

  • The decoction is usually recommended for digestive problems and feverish conditions.
  • Infusions are used for certain types of oncology, skin lesions (lichen, skin tuberculosis), inflammatory pulmonary diseases, disorders of the liver and biliary tract.
  • The tincture is effective for various joint lesions, as well as prostatitis.

The regimen and dosage of medications depends on their form, as well as the type and severity of the disease itself.


The healing abilities of the plant were known in ancient times, and today its chemical composition is studied by pharmacology and is actively used for the manufacture of medicines. Positive reviews about the healing effect of aspen bark are given not only by adherents of traditional medicine, but even by doctors themselves.

This tree is also called trembling poplar. It has a columnar trunk, the maximum height of which reaches 35 meters, and the diameter is up to 100 cm. The plant has rounded leaves with large teeth along the edge. Due to the flattened, long roots, the foliage begins to tremble even in a light wind. Aspen belongs to the category of dioecious plants, which is why entire areas of trees can consist of only male or female individuals.

Flowers on male trees have red or pink earrings, while on female trees they have green earrings. Aspen is a fast-growing species, reaching 20 meters in four decades. The plant is not particularly durable, living only about 90 years (rarely the lifespan reaches 130–150 years).

Where does aspen grow?

Trembling poplar is one of the most important forest-forming species in the Russian Federation. Aspen grows in the Far East, Siberia, and the European part of Russia. There are different types of trees, differing in the structure of the bark and color, the period of leaf bloom, etc. But in folk medicine, only common aspen is used.

Why is it useful?

Aspen buds, bark, foliage and shoots are common medicinal components that have proven themselves in the treatment of various pathologies, including opisthorchiasis and helminthiasis. Plant-based medicines are prescribed for the following ailments:

  • cystitis, urinary incontinence and other pathologies of the bladder;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • burns, difficult-to-heal wounds;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis, etc.

In addition, in folk medicine, aspen is used to stimulate appetite, relieve fever and eliminate pain. Let's consider the beneficial properties of each part of the tree:

  1. Bark. Thanks to tannins and a huge amount of carbohydrates, it is an effective antimicrobial agent. The component is capable of having an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used to make ointments that accelerate the healing process of tissues, relieving redness and swelling. The bark has also found application in the treatment of hernias, gastrointestinal diseases, scurvy, febrile conditions, radiculitis, etc.
  2. Kidneys. They are used to make antitussive medications that thin sputum, thereby accelerating its removal from the bronchi and relieving cough. Propolis, produced from kidneys, is actively used to treat a variety of pathologies and for cosmetic purposes. This substance has moisturizing, rejuvenating, soothing properties.
  3. Leaves. Compresses and poultices are prepared from this component for hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism, arthrosis, and arthritis. In addition, aspen leaves promote rapid healing of wounds, weeping eczema, and ulcers.

The healing properties of aspen bark

The benefits of this natural component are explained by the content of a number of valuable substances, for example, salicylic, a natural analogue of aspirin. The latter owed its creation to the bark of willows, to which aspen belongs. Due to the presence of salicyl in the composition of the plant component, it has an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. After taking the medicine, its diaphoretic effect is felt. In addition, along with profuse sweating, the blood begins to thin out. Aspen bark contains:

  • fatty and organic acids;
  • phenolcarbon compounds;
  • glycosides;
  • resins;
  • carbohydrates (thanks to them, the medicine is quickly absorbed);
  • tannins;
  • glycine;
  • pectin;
  • carotene;
  • populin;
  • esters (oils);
  • salicin;
  • vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The combination of these useful components helps in the fight against serious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, etc. The healing product normalizes metabolism, helping the gastrointestinal tract, improving intestinal motility and stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. Thanks to stearins and pectins, aspen promotes weight loss by reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and tissues. The component stimulates the elimination of toxins, heavy metals and salts. In addition, aspen bark has the following medicinal properties:

  • anthelmintic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antitussive;
  • secretory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • pain reliever;
  • antioxidant;
  • restorative.

Treatment with aspen bark

Some substances in the product can effectively relieve pain and eliminate the feeling of body aches. The medicinal properties of aspen bark are aimed at improving the digestion process, complex treatment of gastritis and diarrhea. The medicine should be used for diseases such as:

  • bleeding (including internal);
  • fever;
  • skin damage (ulcers, burns, wounds);
  • painful menstruation;
  • skin diseases (lichen, eczema, acne, psoriasis, etc.);
  • toothache, headache;
  • colds, flu;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • joint pathologies (arthritis, rheumatism);
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • infection with helminths (including opisthorchiasis);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (incontinence, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, etc.);
  • kidney diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, dyspepsia, etc.);
  • diabetes.

The healing properties of the plant component can be useful for arthritis, gout, inflammation of the bladder, hemorrhoids, involuntary urination and other unpleasant pathologies. A decoction of aspen bark can be prescribed for various types of gastritis, diarrhea, dyspepsia (the inability of the digestive organs to properly digest food), malaria and fever.

Treatment with aspen can normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, improving appetite. The decoction is consumed 200 ml per day, divided into three doses. To prepare the remedy, 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and put on fire. The resulting product should boil for 10 minutes, then infuse for half an hour.


To prepare the remedy, you will need vodka or alcohol (10 parts) and crushed aspen bark (1 part). The mixture must be left for 4 days, after which it is filtered. Tincture of aspen bark is taken 1 tsp. three times a day before each meal. This medicine is especially effective for dysentery.

There is another recipe according to which a tincture of aspen bark is prepared for internal use, but it is more suitable for the treatment of arthrosis, gout, pain in joints, teeth, and skin problems. The medicinal product is also prepared over the course of 4 days, but the proportions in this case are different: for 1/5 cup of dry raw materials you will need 500 ml of alcohol/vodka.


The medicinal properties of aspen extract have a wide spectrum of action; the extract can be used to treat allergies, anemia, respiratory diseases, immunodeficiencies, pathologies of the hematopoietic organs and nervous system. In addition, the pharmacological effects of the extract are aimed at fighting cancer. You can buy the remedy at the pharmacy, take it in courses of 2 months, and drink the extract three times a day, 15 drops each.


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There are many legends about this tree, there are interesting rumors, and there are mysterious myths. They say that Judas Iscariot hanged himself on it, the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ was made from it, with the help of it people in ancient times drove away evil spirits and from it they made a stake that was used to kill vampires. All this is nothing more than beliefs and “traditions of deep antiquity.” True facts indicate that aspen has long been valued among the people for its medicinal abilities. Decoctions from the buds of this tree, infusions of leaves - everything is still used in herbal medicine to cure all kinds of ailments. However, aspen bark is considered the most valuable: its medicinal properties are due to its chemical composition, rich in useful substances. Modern medicine has revived folk remedies based on it and uses it in the treatment of many diseases.

Use of aspen bark in medicine

Aspen bark turns out to be incredibly beneficial for human health: its use as a medicine is a consequence of its unique chemical composition. It contains a lot of carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose), aromatic acids, tannins, phenol glycosides, higher fatty acids (capric, lauric, arachidic, behenic), bitter glycosides (salicin, populin). Recent studies have revealed that it contains a substance that is a natural and safer substitute for aspirin. The properties of these biologically active substances make it possible to widely use aspen bark in medicine. She:

In addition to all this, the medicinal properties of aspen bark are used in pharmacology: based on it, drugs are produced that perfectly help with a wide variety of skin diseases: boils, burns, eczema.

Contraindications for the use of aspen bark

Aspen bark has contraindications, as it contains biologically active components that are quite powerful in their action. The astringent effect of tannins is especially dangerous. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that before treatment you consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo an appropriate examination. There are few contraindications, but if they are violated, the consequences and side effects will be very harmful to health:

  • constipation will worsen;
  • With individual intolerance, allergies and gastric disorders may occur.

The last contraindication is quite rare, but, nevertheless, treatment with aspen bark should be started very carefully, with the most minimal dosages.

Recipes for folk remedies

Aspen bark has been used in folk medicine for a long time, and as a result, there is no shortage of recipes. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the indicated dosages. It is also advisable to follow the medication schedule very strictly.

  • 1. Soothing decoction + against diabetes + for treating joints

Pour a glass of crushed bark into three glasses of boiling water, put on medium heat for half an hour, wrap, and leave for six hours. Take three tablespoons orally 30 minutes before meals three times a day. You can drink it daily for two months in a row, but after that you must take a break for at least a month, and then repeat the course.

  • 2. Cream for the treatment of skin diseases

Add three tablespoons of crushed bark to a mixture of dry crushed leaves and buds of aspen (taken one tablespoon at a time). Pour a glass of boiling water over everything, leave and cool. Without straining, mix with regular baby cream to a mushy consistency and apply to the affected area for half an hour. Do it twice a day.

  • 2. Decoction against prostatitis

Pour two cups of boiling water over fresh, crushed young aspen bark in the amount of one glass, and keep on fire for no more than 10 minutes. Remove, strain, drink three times a day.

  • 3. General strengthening tincture

Grind the dry bark, pour (200 g) into a glass jar, pour vodka (500 ml). Close tightly and place in a dark place for at least two weeks. 20 drops of the resulting medicine are mixed with a tablespoon of water and consumed three times a day before meals. Prerequisite: regular office hours. The course of treatment is at least three months. As a result of this treatment, the immune system is strengthened, off-season illnesses recede, and mood improves. For women, this tincture will be especially useful, as it triggers the processes of renewal and rejuvenation in the body. This has a positive effect on appearance: the condition of the skin, hair, nails improves, and the menstrual cycle is normalized.

  • 4. Cosmetics

A decoction and infusion of aspen bark can be used for daily washing of problem skin with inflammatory rashes in the form of pimples and blackheads. It will perfectly help teenagers survive the hormonal surge during puberty and avoid skin problems. The same products can be used as a basis for preparing masks for hair and facial skin (instead of water). When rinsing your hair after washing, you can also use a decoction that will make your hair shiny and stronger. Alcohol tincture from aspen bark is best used to care for oily skin as a lotion (wipe your face twice a day).

Home treatment with aspen bark is an effective remedy for many diseases and pathological conditions. If you have the opportunity to stock up on these medicinal raw materials (buy, collect yourself), you must definitely take advantage of this unique chance given by nature itself for the rejuvenation and healing of the human body.

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Aspen bark is a remedy for many ailments, but few people know about it, right? The tree is inconspicuous, but it brings a lot of good. What is surprising about aspen bark, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are not disputed by official medicine?

What does an aspen tree look like?

Aspen was long ago noted by our ancestors as a special tree. She is both revered and disliked, associated with an otherworldly force. In some parts of the country they believe that its wood is special and has the power to ward off evil spirits. That’s why they take an aspen stake as the best remedy for witches, stick aspen twigs into the fence so that the evil spirit does not enter the yard, and aspen “tiles” can be found on the roofs of old churches. And in some places the aspen tree is cursed, considered a tree of Judas and disliked because, according to legend, its rustling betrayed the Virgin Mary, who was hiding from pursuit. They believe that if an aspen log is placed in the frame of a house, the whole family will become ill.

Meanwhile, aspen on an industrial scale has shown itself to be very worthy: its wood is suitable for making plywood, paper and matches, and as a fuel, firewood is inexpensive, burns well and has the ability to clean chimneys. In construction, however, it is of little use, since wood is susceptible to disease. Foresters know that aspen saves animals from hunger: young shoots and bark are used as food for moose, hares and small rodents.

It is not difficult to recognize aspen among other trees. Its trunk is greenish, like that of a young poplar, but thinner and slimmer. Aspen trees can extend their crown upward to more than 30 meters. Its leaves are round and constantly rustle, even in windless weather. And in autumn they delight the eye with the richest bright colors - from gold to crimson.

Aspen can hardly be called long-lived; on average, a tree lives 80 years.

Places of growth

Wherever you can find aspen! In Russia, it is widespread almost everywhere: in the forest-tundra zone, in forest-steppes, and on the edges, in pure aspen forests and as part of a mixed forest, on wet soils along the banks of reservoirs, in swamp areas, and in parks. Aspen is actively used for urban plantings: in autumn, variegated foliage gives streets and squares an unusually bright appearance. Beekeepers also love aspen trees, which is why you can find aspen trees near apiaries. In the spring, bees collect nectar from aspen flowers, and when the buds bloom, they collect viscous glue, which is used to produce propolis.

Preparation and storage

Harvesting aspen bark is not difficult. The main thing is to do it correctly, without destroying healthy trees. Spring is the best time when it is advisable to harvest aspen bark. At this time of year, sap flow begins in the tree, and all the benefits are maximized.

For harvesting, young trees or thick branches of older plants are chosen. The raw materials that are removed from aspens planned for felling are also suitable.

The best bark is no more than half a centimeter thick. It is cut in small pieces from strong and durable trees capable of restoration. Then it is cut into small pieces and dried in places where it is dry, warm, and there is a possibility of ventilation. You can grind the raw materials into powder or leave them as shavings. When ready, it is suitable under proper storage conditions for up to 3 years.

If it’s not the season to collect, but you urgently need aspen bark, you can also buy it at the pharmacy. The raw materials are sold packaged and completely ready for use at home. Another convenient form of drug release is aspen bark extract; in terms of pharmacological properties, it is practically not inferior to unprocessed bark.

Aspen bark: chemical composition

What is special about aspen bark, for which it is valued not only by forest dwellers, but also by people?

In addition, aspen bark contains a lot of higher fatty acids. Among them:

  • arachine rich;
  • decan's;
  • lauric, etc.

Aspen bark: beneficial properties

Aspen raw materials have many beneficial properties. They have been used since ancient times. Thanks to the active components, the bark exhibits therapeutic effects:

In addition, the bark helps strengthen the immune system, improve the function of internal organs, and nourish the body with valuable vitamins and minerals.

What does aspen bark treat?

The animals in the forest, of course, do not think about what the aspen bark helps with: simply instinct drives them to the gray-green tree trunk in winter, when the lack of food is especially noticeable. The bitter pasture allows you not only to get enough food, but also to restore strength and survive the cold winter. Here, it’s not a sin for us, people, to learn from animals and have a “forest first aid kit” at home. In what cases can bark be treated?

Aspen bark for prostate adenoma

How many men know that aspen bark and the prostate are a wonderful duo. Restoring the health of the genitourinary system means prolonging youth and remaining sexually active for many years. Prostate adenoma is a very insidious disease for men, especially after 40-50 years. It develops gradually, remaining unnoticed for a long time or disguised as other ailments. What awaits a man who does not pay attention to the disease and its symptoms? At first, problems with urination are felt, then urolithiasis may develop against this background. Compression in the rectum provokes the development of hemorrhoids. Sexual function also deteriorates, gradually leading to impotence. And all because a benign formation begins to grow in the prostate, usually a tiny nodule at first. With a certain predisposition, prostate cancer can develop.

How can aspen bark help against prostatitis? The therapeutic treatment recipe is based on the diuretic and antimicrobial properties of aspen bark. For treatment, you need to prepare a decoction: the crushed raw materials are steamed with boiling water (the proportion is 1 tablespoon per half liter of water) and kept in a water bath for about half an hour. Every day for 2-4 weeks the decoction is taken half a glass three times a day. Of course, you cannot expect visible results from infusion alone. You can’t do it without consulting a specialist! However, an infusion of aspen bark for prostate adenoma gives a good supportive therapeutic effect.

Aspen bark for type 2 diabetes

For those who are faced with diabetes, it will not be superfluous to know the benefits of aspen bark. Thanks to this remedy, you can lower blood sugar levels, correct the functioning of the endocrine system, and normalize metabolism. Before use, you should consult your doctor!

How to brew aspen bark

Properly prepared water tincture is already half the success of treatment. According to all the rules, it is done like this:

  1. take dry crushed or fresh aspen bark;
  2. if necessary, wash (for fresh bark);
  3. put in a thermos;
  4. pour boiling water;
  5. the proportions of water and raw materials are as follows: for each glass of liquid - a tablespoon of dry bark or 2 tablespoons - fresh;
  6. insist overnight.

You can make the infusion differently. Pour boiling water over the bark: add a tablespoon of dried raw material to a glass of water. Place the container on low heat and keep for 15 minutes. Then let it brew under the lid for a couple of hours. Before use, the broth should be filtered through a sieve or gauze.

Another effective recipe using aspen bark is a vodka tincture. With this option for making medicine, aspen retains its valuable active substances to the maximum, since they are not destroyed by heat exposure, and alcohol absorbs them well. Dry bark is poured with vodka (for half a liter of alcohol base - 2 tablespoons of raw material). Cork the bottle and leave it out of direct sunlight for 2 weeks, shaking the bottle from time to time. After a couple of weeks, the tincture is ready. It can be used both internally and externally.

How to drink aspen bark

For joint diseases, longer treatment is required. The infusion is taken for up to six months, and is allowed in courses with short breaks.

To strengthen the immune system, it is good to take alcoholic aspen tincture. It is enough to drink a tablespoon of the product daily. And if you have a cold, you can add the tincture to tea.

Contraindications and possible harm

No matter how useful aspen bark may seem, it is not recommended for use by everyone. The ban on ingesting alcohol and water tinctures applies to pregnant women; it is also relevant for women who are breastfeeding. In addition, aspen bark is not recommended:

  • with a tendency to constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • children under 7 years old;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the raw material and a tendency to allergic reactions to its active components.

Excessive consumption of the infusion can cause constipation, as the bark contains a lot of tannins. Symptoms such as dry mouth, thirst, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting are also possible.

Aspen bark: reviews, who cured what

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews about the properties of aspen bark. For example, network users note that thanks to the tool they were able to:

However, before using any, even seemingly harmless, herbal remedy for medicinal purposes, you should definitely consult with a specialist. Aspen bark, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which may vary individually, is a good dietary supplement in addition to traditional treatment, an excellent way to strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with valuable vitamins and microelements.

Properties and composition of aspen bark

The unique properties of some plants sometimes baffle even those types of people who are well acquainted with many representatives of the green pharmacy. Aspen, which is easy to find in any mixed or deciduous forest in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and other European countries, is simply a storehouse in its composition of substances. It is the combination of a dozen microelements and vitamins in one plant that makes this inconspicuous tree irreplaceable for pharmaceuticals and traditional healers. Of particular value is the bark of the tree, used for the preparation of various medicinal preparations.

The healing properties of aspen bark have been noticed for a very long time; the first mention of the use of the plant for the treatment of diseases goes back to the distant past. Surprisingly, even animals do not ignore the plant: as soon as the aspen falls, almost all herbivores and predatory forest animals immediately appear.

Aspen owes its rich and unique composition to its well-developed rhizome, which, in relation to the tree itself, often exceeds the length of the plant trunk. Decoctions from aspen bark are particularly bitter and have an unpleasant aftertaste, but, nevertheless, this is a very useful medicine in its properties, and this is not the only way the plant is used: healers prepare tinctures, ointments, compresses and other preparations from the raw materials.

Medicinal properties

What is valuable is that almost all aspen is used for the preparation of medicines, from the buds and leaves to the rhizome. The most valuable raw material is considered to be tree bark; it is from it that the main means for treatment are prepared. What can be treated with aspen bark:

  • Radiculitis and other neurological diseases.
  • Hernia.
  • Syphilis.
  • Digestive problems and gastrointestinal tract organs.
  • Diseases of the bladder and urinary system.
  • Hypertrophic condition of the prostate gland.
  • Scurvy.
  • Fever.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Sciatica.

If we take the whole plant as a whole, then aspen is suitable for treating a number of complex diseases:

The list of diseases that are successfully treated with drugs made from aspen can be listed for a long time; it’s easier to say that the plant in its own way is a panacea for a dozen, if not hundreds of different diseases and their symptoms.

Chemical composition

The most valuable substance found in aspen is salicyl (aspirin), which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. In combination with other useful components, medicinal preparations made from the plant are particularly effective in curing complex diseases. The composition of aspen bark includes:

  • Phenolglycosides.
  • Fatty acid. One of the most complex and rare in nature.
  • Tannins.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Natural flavors.
  • Sterols.
  • Squirrels.
  • Wax.
  • Coumarin.
  • Resins.
  • Pectins.
  • Mineral salts.
  • Phenol carbonates.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Anthocyanins.
  • Fatty oil.
  • Bitterness.
  • Carotene, vitamins A, C.

In combination, the plant has powerful anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, with high cell regenerability, strengthening the immune system and other especially valuable properties necessary for the treatment of a number of difficult-to-treat diseases.


A huge advantage of preparations prepared from aspen bark is the fact that the substance has practically no contraindications, if you do not take into account individual intolerance. You also need to carefully use preparations made from aspen bark for that category of people who have an increased allergic reaction.

Experts warn: an overdose of any medications can negatively affect the functioning of the body, the same rule applies to drugs prepared from aspen bark, whether the medicine is purchased or made at home.

Questions about preparation and storage

The preparation, drying and storage of raw materials of medicinal plants can have serious differences. In the case of aspen, harvesting can begin in March, using the wood of the plant to extract the juice. Then, with the appearance of buds, they continue to harvest buds, then leaves, and only then tree bark.

Which aspen bark should I use?

A special feature of harvesting aspen bark is the age of the tree: old plants are considered inferior in this regard, since the surface of the raw material has flaws and is subject to various diseases during the growth process.

Healthy trees with a layer of material at least 5 mm thick are suitable for harvesting bark. Bark is removed only from healthy trees, and the place where the collection of raw materials is planned must be in an ecologically clean area.

If harvesting is done from mature trees, the bark is removed not from the trunk, but from young branches, where the raw materials will be of the highest quality.

What time of year should I start harvesting?

Many novice herbalists naively believe that raw materials such as bark can be collected throughout the year, which is a grave mistake. Each plant has its own time factor, during which the raw material acquires all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

The formation of aspen bark after the winter period begins in February and continues until the end of April. Starting in May, you can begin harvesting raw materials, selecting sunny or simply dry days, continuing to collect until the end of June. Before the start of harvesting, an important factor is the end of the aspen flowering period; it is from this moment that harvesting can begin. With the onset of heat, the bark loses some properties under the influence of heat, so further collection is considered inappropriate.

How not to harm a tree?

For the workpiece, use a special knife with a long and sharp blade, which will be convenient for making cuts. To properly remove the raw material, the bark is trimmed from all edges, carefully lifting it from underneath, making sure that it is peeled off correctly from the wood.

To avoid the death of the tree, you do not need to remove a lot of bark from one trunk at a time. Experienced herbalists take two or three cuts from each tree, then the areas will be completely restored by winter and the tree will not begin to dry out. The correct harvesting technique is considered to be two cuts of bark from the trunk and several from branches of suitable thickness, then minimal damage will be caused to the tree, and it will not suffer from heat and pests during the growth process.

How to dry aspen bark correctly?

The harvested raw materials are cut into narrow strips (5-7 cm) and laid out on any surface with the condition that at the time of drying the raw materials will not be exposed to direct sunlight: ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on many microelements.

Summer sheds with good air circulation are ideal for drying. During drying, the raw materials are turned over from time to time, ensuring uniform drying of moisture from the layers of bark.

How long can you store?

Like any raw material from which medicines are made, aspen bark has an expiration date. Provided that the room temperature is stable and the percentage of humidity does not exceed normal standards, the bark can be stored in paper bags or fabric bags. In this case, the raw materials can be stored for 2.5-3 years, but if there is high humidity in the room, or vice versa dryness, the shelf life of the bark is reduced by about six months, provided that the structure of the material has not become unusable (rotting).

Treatments made from aspen bark

Aspen bark can be used in a variety of ways, with the most popular forms of medicine being infusions, ointments, decoctions and compresses. Preparation recipes differ based on the composition of the ingredients involved and the form of the medicinal product.

In addition to the listed types of medicines, juice is also extracted from aspen. This substance is particularly beneficial, but it is extracted only from tree wood.

Tincture of aspen bark

The crushed raw materials (1 tablespoon) are poured with moonshine (can be slightly diluted alcohol), in a ratio of 1:10, and the mixture is poured into a glass container and tightly closed (can be rolled up). The substance is infused for 21 days, in a room where it is relatively dark and cool (you can use a closet or pantry). During this period, from time to time (every two days), the mixture is thoroughly shaken. At the end, filter the tincture and take 1 tsp per day. three times, an hour before meals, with a small amount of cold water.

Decoction of aspen bark

A decoction is practically the same type of tincture, with the difference that it is prepared faster, and the remedy itself is not so strong. You will need a tablespoon of crushed raw materials, which must be brewed with boiling water and continue to cook over low heat for 8-10 minutes, after which it will take another 20 minutes for the medicine to gain strength (infuse).

Before use, filter the decoction and warm it slightly, drink the medicine during the day, three to four times. The substance has proven itself in the treatment of infectious diseases, colds, problems with digestion and the gastrointestinal tract.


Infusion refers to drugs that can be used both externally and internally. The raw materials need to be crushed and poured with boiling water, brewing the mixture like tea. A tablespoon of raw materials will require a little more than a glass of boiling water; it is better to brew the mixture itself in a porcelain or enamel bowl, which must be covered and left for at least an hour.

An infusion of aspen helps solve problems of skin diseases, dysentery, pneumonia, it is an excellent remedy for removing gallstones, and also in dentistry, as a prophylactic remedy after tooth extraction.


Aspen ointment is an excellent remedy for treating skin diseases, wounds, bruises, and burns. Even such a serious disease as eczema can be treated under the influence of the substances that the medicine possesses. The material for making ointment from aspen bark is tree ash, which must be mixed as follows:

  • 1 tsp. ash (you can finely grind the substance).
  • 50 gr. Vaseline.

After thoroughly mixing both substances, the medicine is considered ready for use. In addition to ointments, you can make an oil extract at home, substances that can also be used to treat a number of diseases.

  • Olive oil – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered bark - 1 tbsp. l.

Having mixed both substances, you need to additionally cover the container with a tight lid, leave the product for 12 days, then strain the liquid using gauze. As with the ointment, the extract perfectly treats complex skin diseases, allergic reactions, wounds, and bruises.

What diseases does aspen bark help with?

Experienced healers and doctors speak only with respect of preparations made from aspen bark, since nature, with the help of this plant, helps people cure the most serious diseases without any additional medications. The list of serious diseases includes:

The list of diseases that can be cured with the help of aspen bark is far from complete; ointments and tinctures perfectly solve the problems of inflammation, cure skin diseases, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment recipes

For each disease there is a separate formulation of medicinal drugs, although some of them practically do not differ either in the method of preparation or in the composition of the substances involved in it.

Aspen bark for diabetes

Aspen can be used to treat both types of diabetes. You will need a tablespoon of medium-ground bark, pour a glass of boiling water over it and continue boiling for no more than 10 minutes, after which the substance is allowed to cool arbitrarily and strain. The medicine, divided into two parts, is taken on an empty stomach, in the morning and in the late afternoon. The substance found in the bark helps the body independently produce the required amount of insulin, simultaneously regulating blood sugar levels.

Aspen bark for prostate adenoma

Pour 2 tbsp into a glass of water. l. crushed raw materials, and after it boils, immediately remove from heat. Some healers advise brewing the bark as tea and letting it brew, due to the fact that heat treatment destroys most of the beneficial microelements. The “tea” should be infused for at least 2 hours, after which the sediment is decanted, and the liquid itself is divided into three equal proportions and drunk per day. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease and usually lasts 2-3 months, after which a break is taken (depending on the complexity of the disease) and continued again.

Aspen bark for opisthorchiasis

2 tbsp. l. bark (you don’t have to chop it) pour a glass of boiling water and continue to simmer over low heat for 12-15 minutes, drain the cooled liquid. The medicine is taken on an empty stomach, 3-4 times a day an hour before meals for at least 3 weeks, after which a week-long break is taken and repeated again.

Aspen bark for tuberculosis

Even such a complex disease as tuberculosis is treated with decoctions and tinctures from aspen. This method of treatment is very popular in the Eastern and central parts of Siberia and Transbaikalia. The product is prepared according to the principle that is popularly referred to as “steaming”. You will need a thermos, into which you pour a spoonful of chopped bark and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.

The infusion should be kept in a thermos for at least 12 hours, after which it is decanted and, divided into two parts, drunk twice: morning and evening, in small sips, provided that the potion is warm, but not hot.

For hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids with aspen bark has two options for use: in the first case, it is steam inhalation, when using an ordinary basin into which a previously prepared hot decoction is first poured, the affected area is treated by sitting on the vessel. The procedure is performed infrequently to avoid disruption of the mucosal surface.

The second method is to prepare a medicine that is taken orally. For a glass of boiling water, you will need a tablespoon of crushed cheese, which you continue to simmer with the brew for up to 5 minutes, after which it is decanted when cooled down. Take the decoction three times a day an hour before meals, 50 ml at a time. People suffering from constipation are not recommended to use the remedy due to the presence of strong tannins in the decoction.

From Giardia

2 tbsp. l. bark (with a slide) pour 300 ml of moonshine, or alcohol diluted to 60%, after which it is allowed to brew for 12 days. The substance needs to be shaken from time to time. After straining, the tincture is considered ready. Take the medicine with a small amount of water, a tablespoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Treatment takes from 2 to 3 weeks, during which a strict diet regarding fatty, salty and spicy foods is followed.

For pancreatitis

1 tbsp. l. crushed bark is poured into 0.5 liters of water, which must be boiled and cooked for at least 30 minutes, after which the substance is allowed to brew for at least 3-4 hours, using a regular thermos. The filtered tincture is consumed in 50 ml, three times a day, 40 minutes before meals (half an hour is not enough, an hour is a lot).

For herniated spine

You will need two glasses of coarsely chopped bark, which pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and continue to cook for 3-5 minutes. The resulting mixture must be infused, wrapped in a warm blanket for at least 3 hours. Shortly before bedtime, the bath is filled with warm water, and the infusion is allowed to dissolve completely (5 minutes). The treatment procedure lasts from 15 minutes to half an hour, after which it is recommended to lie down in bed and wrap yourself tightly in a blanket.