Muscle pain in the legs. Why does pain occur in the leg muscles?

Many people suffer from pain in the leg muscles, often ignoring it. Pain in the leg muscles is not considered threatening. Such manifestations require consultation with a doctor. Feelings may be a symptom serious violations in organism.

  • shins,
  • pelvic girdle,
  • hips,
  • feet.

Sometimes present discomfort in all parts at the same time. Such severe pain can be characterized as:

  • chronic,
  • spicy,
  • sharp pain
  • aching discomfort
  • tingling.

Tingles in the muscles

It is important to distinguish where discomfort is felt. Do not confuse pain in the leg muscles with pain in the bones and joints of the lower limb. Discomfort appears as a result of overwork or uncomfortable shoes, and can be a symptom of a disease. The main thing is to determine the cause of the sensations.

If pain persists, consult a doctor - traumatologist, phlebologist, angiosurgeon, rheumatologist. The doctor will conduct necessary diagnostics, will help get rid of painful sensations.

Not a disease

Pain in the lower extremities is not always a symptom of the disease.

A common cause of pain is stress - not a pathological, not dangerous condition. Such manifestations do not require specialized treatment and go away on their own. If your discomfort is caused by physical activity, don't worry. Inconvenient shoes can also cause discomfort - they affect the feet and lead to pain.

The causes of discomfort may be hidden in work - standing or sitting. Stagnation in blood vessels interferes with blood circulation, leads to oxygen starvation and accumulation of toxins. The lower legs, knees, hips, and feet suffer. This provokes stitching, aching, dull pain. Warm up periodically and let your legs rest.

A common problem for overweight people is that the weight constantly puts pressure on their legs. Such sensations bother people who have had a heart attack or stroke. The lower extremities are swollen, aching and painful. Possible reaction to change weather conditions. After illness, this symptom is common.

These manifestations are not pathological and can be easily eliminated. There are a number of recommendations on how to relieve discomfort in the lower extremities. If these factors are absent, pay attention to your health. Symptoms may result serious illnesses requiring treatment from the very beginning.


Involuntary muscle contractions are called cramps. Manifest in individual muscles and muscle groups. The lower legs and calf muscles suffer. Causes - physical stress, overwork. Occurs in the calf region of the lower limb. Cramps are a common occurrence in pregnant women. Cope with cramps as follows:

  • relax the muscle (change the position of the leg);
  • rub vigorously with your hands;
  • Apply a wet cold towel or stand barefoot on the floor.

Sharp objects (needle, knitting needle, pen) help. Prick the calf muscle. After a few seconds the discomfort will go away. At the first sign of a cramp, sharply pull your feet towards you.

Seizures are a common occurrence. Most people have experienced cramping discomfort, which is not difficult to relieve.

Leg cramps

Myalgia is a symptom of the disease

Often there are no “harmless factors” for discomfort of the lower extremities. Pay attention to diseases. There are many diseases that provoke such sensations:

  1. vascular diseases (after disturbances in the blood supply to the legs)
  • thrombophlebitis (vein blockage with inflammation)
  • atherosclerosis of the arteries (narrowing)
  1. myositis (muscle inflammation of the lower extremities)
  2. spinal diseases
  3. joint diseases
  4. flat feet (feet rest on the entire sole of the foot)
  5. peripheral nerve diseases
  6. osteomyelitis ( infectious inflammation bones)
  7. myoenthesitis (calf muscle fibers are damaged)
  8. paratenonitis (inflammation in the tendon area)
  9. insercitis (inflammation at the bone site)
  10. fibromyalgia ( pain syndrome after the influence of a number of factors)

Foot diseases

The causes of pain and, accordingly, the fight against pain are different.

  • Vessels. Vascular diseases are caused by impaired blood flow (venous). Vascular pressure increases. Stagnation provokes irritation of the nerves. The leg muscles ache, there is a feeling of heaviness, and there is a “dull” pain sensation. Varicose veins cannot be ruled out. Often the solution is surgical treatment.

    Venous disorders in blood vessels

  • Thrombophlebitis. It manifests itself in pulsation in the calves and constant discomfort.
  • Atherosclerosis of the arteries. Seal vascular walls. Calves and shins suffer. Discomfort increases when walking. If symptoms occur, begin immediate treatment. Disturbances lead to improper blood circulation. Cold feet - characteristic symptom diseases.
  • Problems with the spine. Characterized by radiating pain extending to the legs. There may be no pain in the spine. Often this is a manifestation of sciatica.
  • Joints. Joint diseases are characterized by “twisting” pain, which intensifies during weather changes. Pain in the knee area is a symptom of joint destruction.
  • Flat feet. Common foot disorder. The foot rests on the entire sole. Has several degrees. Common among children. Flat feet are treated by doing exercises. An excellent prevention is exercise. Flat feet manifests itself in rapid fatigue of the legs while walking. There is heaviness. Wearing orthopedic shoes reduces discomfort. Treatment begins in childhood. It is difficult to correct the defect later. Incorrect foot position leads to a number of negative consequences.
  • Neuralgia. Nerve diseases provoke this kind of discomfort. Neuralgia is characterized by paroxysmal pain. During breaks, the discomfort disappears. The duration of discomfort is several seconds or minutes.

    Neuralgic pain

    To prevent pain, follow the rules.

    If you have vascular pathologies, watch your diet. Avoid fatty foods rich in cholesterol. Get rid of excess weight. Performing regular exercises to prevent the development of varicose veins - effective prevention. If your work involves constant standing or sitting, it is important to do warm-up exercises, breaks, and change positions more often.

    It is possible to prevent pain in case of pathologies in the spine and joints. Treatment and following doctors' recommendations are preventive measures to prevent pain. Strengthen your abdominal muscles. Massage is useful.

    Pain syndrome of the lower extremities is a common problem. Pain in the leg muscles manifests itself in different ways. The area of ​​pain spread is extensive, affecting all muscles and groups. Due to the stress, the feet suffer. The pelvis and hips are susceptible to muscle damage. The leader in painful sensations is the shins, which are susceptible to various diseases.

    Regular exercise and staying in one position do not pose a threat; treatment is not required in these cases. Often a painful manifestation is a symptom of disease. The range is wide - from flat feet to neuralgia, these diseases require turning to professionals.

    It is easy to relieve discomfort not associated with diseases. You can do this yourself. There are a number preventive measures to prevent discomfort. But treatment depends on the disease. Only a professional can prescribe treatment. First, they determine why the muscles hurt, then begin treatment.

    Take care of your health. Proper treatment will help get rid of painful syndrome lower extremities.

    Everyone experiences unpleasant symptoms in the form of heaviness and pain in the leg muscles sooner or later. They are often perceived as a minor problem that will go away on its own over time. It is not right. Myalgia of the lower limb can be a signal of the onset of a serious illness. What criteria are used to determine the disease and which doctor should you contact?

    Causes of pain

    The lower extremities have a unique anatomical structure and functional features. They experience enormous static and dynamic loads. As long as the physiological resources of the legs correspond to the functions performed, pathological symptoms do not arise. The person does not experience pain or discomfort. But this does not always happen, and there are many reasons for this: physiological (natural) and pathological (pathological). And then the first signal of discrepancy is pain: at rest, while walking, running, or static loads.

    It can be sharp, pulling, aching and shooting. These sensations can be provoked by a number of pathological factors:

    • diseases of the spine and joints;
    • vascular pathology;
    • neurological abnormalities;
    • injuries;
    • diseases of blood vessels and peripheral nerves;
    • chronic metabolic disorders.

    Most diseases cause pain only during physical activity. But as the disease progresses, even a low-intensity load can provoke a severe attack.

    Physiological causes of muscle pain

    Myalgia- the most common type, which can be temporary or pathological. Develops after prolonged walking, running, or injury. The most common provoking factor for pain in the leg muscles is sitting for a long time in one position. Due to compressed blood vessels, muscle tissue does not receive the required volume of blood, and after the initial numbness, tingling and aching pain begins. Unpleasant symptoms go away after blood circulation normalizes.

    Myalgia of the lower extremities is also closely associated with excessive physical activity. It affects athletes and working people. The disease causes the production of large amounts of lactic acid, which results in persistent pain for two to three days, combined with burning and discomfort.

    It can appear from uncomfortable shoes, unusual loads, and in women from walking in high heels. Therefore, it is not always a symptom of a disease and does not require specific treatment.

    Main characteristics of pain:

    • localized on the posterior surface of the limb;
    • gives moderate intensity;
    • superficial, above the affected muscle;
    • accompanied by leg cramps;
    • It intensifies with physical activity and subsides with rest.

    Muscle pain in the legs bothers overweight people and those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack. In such patients it is accompanied by sensitivity to changes in weather conditions.

    Myalgia of the lower extremities often accompanies women during pregnancy, especially in the later stages. The causes of the disease are mainly physiological: increased weight, redistribution of the center of gravity and pressure from the fetal head put additional stress on the lower parts of the spine and the vessels of the lower extremities.

    Pathological causes of muscle pain

    Diseases whose main symptom is myalgia include:

    • Fibromyalgia. Affects all muscle groups of the lower limb. Characterized by dull, wandering pain.
    • Convulsive syndrome. Develops from a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium in the blood, due to dehydration. Weak spot: calf muscles. Accompanied by severe stiffness, “aching” increasing pain.
    • Myositis. Most often develops as a complication after undergoing viral infection, after physical exercise that is unusual for the legs. Characterized by dull, increasing pain in the muscles below the knee joint.
    • Osteomyelitis. For infection bone structures purulent formations spread to muscle tissue. The patient experiences unbearable pain.
    • Neuralgia. If pinched nerve endings piercing, shooting pains occur. An attack begins from careless or sudden movements of a limb. Localization – quadriceps femoris.
    • Intervertebral hernia. The attack from the lower back spreads to the hips. Accompanied by partial or complete numbness of the limb.

    Patients with myalgia of the lower extremities, regardless of the cause, should be examined by specialists: phlebologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist. On initial stage it is important to exclude conditions that may threaten human life and health: neoplasms, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, vertebral hernia.

    Characteristics and localization of leg pain

    According to the characteristics of pain, it is possible to differentiate its muscular origin from articular, bone, neurogenic, and vascular.

    Joint pain Develops with osteoporosis, arthrosis, arthritis, gout - diseases that lead to changes and destruction of articular cartilage.

    Main characteristics:

    • localized at the site of the affected joint;
    • spreads from the joint to nearby tissues;
    • worsens when walking, running;
    • combined with crunching, stiffness, limited joint function;
    • does not occur suddenly.

    Bone pain Occurs with closed and open injuries of the lower limb. Often accompanies chronic diseases and old injuries. The severity depends on the type and location of the damage.

    Main characteristics:

    • precisely localized at the site of bone damage;
    • may spread to nearby areas;
    • in places of fractures it is combined with limited swelling, redness, subcutaneous hemorrhages;
    • combined with limited or complete absence of mobility in the limb.

    In addition to injuries, an attack can be provoked by:

    • osteomyelitis;
    • osteoporosis;
    • leukemia;
    • benign and malignant bone tumors.

    Neurogenic pain Accompanies osteochondrosis, spinal hernia and other vertebrogenic pathologies. Deformation of the vertebrae, curvature of the column and pinched nerves causes an attack that spreads to all parts of the limb: muscles, bones, joints, skin.

    Main characteristics:

    • often combined with lumbar and sacral pain;
    • does not decrease at rest;
    • accompanied by numbness, cramps and tingling in the limbs;
    • intensity from aching to burning, shooting, dagger-like;
    • in severe cases it becomes constant and unbearable.

    Key diagnoses in which an attack occurs in the lower extremities:

    • sciatica;
    • neuropathy;
    • chronic pathologies ( endocrine disorders, tumors, alcohol intoxication);
    • intervertebral hernias of the lower spine.

    Vascular pain The origin of this species involves two disorders: pathology of the veins or arteries.

    Main characteristics:

    • most often localized below the knee joint;
    • subsides at rest, intensifies with fast walking or running;
    • occurs more often in evening time;
    • accompanies varicose veins and swelling;
    • observed with hypotrophy of the lower leg;
    • combined with sudden onset of cramps while walking;
    • intensifies after prolonged static loads;
    • retreats when lying down with legs elevated;
    • accompanied by specific symptom"cold foot"

    An attack in vascular diseases develops due to the fact that the lumens of blood vessels narrow and blood flow to the muscles decreases.

    Vascular pathologies most often affect smokers, hypertensive patients, patients with diabetes mellitus, stroke and heart attack.

    Key diagnoses that cause severe pain in the lower extremities:

    • deep vein thrombosis;
    • arterial embolism;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • thrombophlebitis, phlebitis;
    • obliterating endarteritis;
    • atherosclerosis of the lower extremities.


    Medical care for myalgia of the lower extremities can be provided on an outpatient basis. If the attack is unbearable and lasts quite a long time, the doctor will inpatient conditions can stop it with a blockade with an anesthetic. Muscle relaxants, analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

    Externally for home treatment ointments and gels with a warming and distracting effect are indicated:

    • "Finalgon"
    • "Nicoflex"
    • "Nurofen"
    • "Menovazin"
    • "Apizartron"
    • "Diclofenac"

    For myalgia overexertion, a massage course, contrast baths, and thermal physiotherapy are indicated.

    Classic foot massage (video)

    How to properly massage your feet for muscle pain. Basic massage techniques, technique and stages of the procedure.


    In order to eliminate myalgia in the future, dosed and regular physical activity is necessary. It is important to eat well and drink enough fluids.

    People actively involved in sports should be especially careful when choosing shoes, and during training, increase the load gradually, after a good warm-up of the muscles (see also - why muscles hurt after training).

    If pain in the leg muscles occurs periodically, from time to time, it is recommended to use relaxing massage techniques. When myalgia frequently bothers you, it is better to consult a specialist. After a thorough examination, he will select specific therapy for the disease.

    Sudden pain in leg muscles is common among people engaged in physical work, but also constantly sitting at their workplace. Legs can bother you at all ages, from adolescence to old age. Most brightly pronounced syndrome problems with leg muscles is their pain. Depending on the cause of concern, muscle pain in the legs has its own typical character. Having correctly identified possible disturbances in the muscles of the lower extremities based on the symptoms, it is possible to prescribe optimal treatment and a subsequent course of rehabilitation.

    Why do my leg muscles hurt? There are reasons for this, which can be divided into two groups: temporary and pathological.

    General reasons

    Legs can “achieve” not only due to some pathology, but also due to quite common “everyday problems”.
    The most common cause of pain is prolonged sitting in one position. At this moment, blood flow in the leg muscles is disrupted due to some compression of the blood arteries responsible for full support muscles of the lower extremities with the required blood volume. Getting up from your favorite place, a person feels an initial numbness, and then a violent tingling in the stiff muscles. This pain It is unpleasant and goes away as soon as the blood flow in the muscles normalizes.
    Pain in the leg muscles can be caused by physical overexertion. Similar cases common among athletes working at the limit of strength, workers engaged in loading/unloading operations. The pain is caused by the production of a huge concentration of lactic acid, which does not have time to dissolve. IN in this case pain in the calf muscles, quadriceps, and back of the thighs.
    Watch a video about muscle pain after exercise

    In addition, your feet can hurt from improperly selected shoes.

    This problem occurs mainly among women who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes. Moreover, the higher the heel, the faster the pain comes. Pain sensations are concentrated both in the area of ​​the feet, knees, and calf muscles.
    The identified problems are temporary, you just need to change your lifestyle, type of shoes, etc. On the other hand, there are a number pathological reasons why leg muscles hurt.

    Pain in the leg muscles: causes due to possible pathologies

    Muscle pain in the legs can be triggered by the development of certain pathologies. By paying attention to pain in the legs in time, you can determine the development of a particular disease.


    Description of the disease
    This disease affects soft tissues. The disease is mainly characteristic of the female sex.

    Localization of pain Touching the area with pain, you can note all the main muscle groups (calves, quadriceps, etc.).

    Nature of pain Painful sensations begin to appear upon awakening. Character pain"dull", wandering.

    Which doctor treats If your legs are bothering you due to this ailment, you should contact one of two specialists: a neurologist or a rheumatologist.

    Diagnosis of the disease Only direct manual examination by a highly qualified specialist can reveal the presence of this problem.

    Treatment methods The use of tricyclic antidepressants can relieve a tense psychological state, and therefore have a beneficial effect on the physical tone of the leg muscles. "Amitriptyline", "Venlafaxine", "Duloxetine" are the most effective drugs for the disease.

    As an additional therapeutic effect, sets of therapeutic exercises have been developed.


    Description of the problem
    Convulsive state inherent in the muscles of the lower extremities. This problem occurs due to a decrease in the body’s concentration of microelements such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, cramps are possible during physical overexertion, when dehydration occurs.

    Localization of pain The most vulnerable places during cramps are the calf muscles.

    During an attack, a person cannot move, completely switching to pain in the muscles of the thigh or lower leg.

    Nature of pain Severe stiffness alternates with “aching” pain, which has an increasing effect if medical care is not taken.

    Which doctor should I contact? A therapist can help resolve the problem. Among the highly specialized specialists, the surgeon is the most authoritative.

    Diagnosis Seizures are determined by external signs. Muscle begins to contract spontaneously and convulsively.

    Treatment An effective approach to eliminating seizures is to take vitamin complexes, including "B1", "B6", "E".

    It is advisable to include in the diet the consumption of fish, baked goods made from wholemeal flour, beans, beans, peas, and milk.

    In parallel with taking vitamin complexes, it is necessary to periodically perform specialized exercises that reduce the risk of recurrence of seizures.

    Inflammatory processes (myositis)

    Myositis occurs in soft tissues, provoking a characteristic pain syndrome. The sources of the disease can be a complication after the flu, exercise that is uncharacteristic for the legs.
    Localization of pain

    With myositis, pain is felt in the leg muscles below the knee.

    Nature of pain The painful sensation is characterized by a “dull” pain with an increasing effect. This is due to the response of the calf muscles, which spontaneously contract, as if counteracting the pain in the soft tissues. At such moments, take at least one step - real problem. If you don't take action, the foot gets the same painful effect.

    Which specialist should I contact? The first specialist to see a patient at the clinic is the therapist. After the examination, the doctor will redirect you to a surgeon for more effective treatment if the problem is serious.

    Diagnostic methods For a 100% accurate determination of myositis, it is necessary to undergo two types of diagnostics:

    Laboratory tests (blood sampling);
    - instrumental (fluorographic image, electromyographic scanning).

    Treatment What to do if a diagnosis of myositis is made? Non-steroidal medications are prescribed:

    1. "Reoperine";
    2. "Nurofen";
    3. "Ketanov";
    4. "Diclofenac".

    In addition, warming creams “Finalgon”, “Nikoflex”, “Apizartron” effectively relieve pain. For unexpected pain, you can use Menovazin.

    For speedy recovery a course of physiotherapy and a set of therapeutic exercises are prescribed.
    During the cold off-season, it is advisable to keep your feet warm. When going outside, wear extra warm socks. It is the cold that provokes the manifestation of myositis.


    Description of the disease
    Excessive body weight is another source of leg pain. Excessive body fat is caused by constant overeating, lack of culture and proper diet.

    When walking, the legs experience the greatest load. In this case, not only pain in the leg muscles occurs. The knee joint experiences enormous loads from body weight, which leads to serious consequences, expressed in severe pain in the hamstrings and semitendinosus muscles. The syndrome affects large areas of the muscles, as well as the hip joint.

    Nature of pain The painful sensations have an internal “aching” character, since the muscle fibers have microdamages. How more people is on the legs, the higher the degree of pain intensification becomes.

    Obesity specialist The only specialist who can help you lose excess weight, and therefore eliminate pain, is a nutritionist.

    Diagnostics The problem of excess weight and its detrimental effect on the soft tissues and bones of the lower extremities is determined visually.

    For a more detailed study of the condition of the joints, fluorography is prescribed.

    What treatment is effective You are required to adhere to a strict diet. Flour products are excluded. You should lean more on protein food, which will displace the fat layer from the body, strengthening the muscles.

    Be sure to give physical activity, which can start with light walks, then move on to a short jog. After which, after achieving some weight loss, you can begin a set of physical exercises with weights.


    Description of the disease
    Problem accompanied by purulent formations in the bone tissues of the legs, flowing onto the muscles.

    Localization of pain syndrome
    Extensive thigh and calf areas. The pain intensifies when walking.

    Nature of pain During the first 48 hours, pain in the soft tissues is observed. Patients with a low pain threshold have great difficulty tolerating this symptom. Because of this, there is stiffness in the range of movements. In addition, there is a headache. A gag reflex often occurs.

    Attending doctor One of two specialists will help identify and treat osteomyelitis: a surgeon or a traumatologist.

    Diagnostic measures To accurately diagnose osteomyelitis, the following studies are used:

    • blood sampling;
    • X-ray.

    Treatment course
    In the event of purulent fistulas, as well as significant dysfunction of the limbs, can't be done without surgery.
    In other cases, when osteomyelitis has not seriously developed, you should take a course of specialized antibiotics (Gentamicin, Ceftriaxone).

    In addition, it is necessary to take drugs that strengthen the immune system (Polyoxidonium).

    Nervous system diseases


    Pinched nerve endings provoke the development of neuralgia, which provides Negative influence on your feet.

    Localization of pain With neuralgia, muscle pain in the legs is concentrated in the quadriceps area.

    Nature of pain Piercing pain that can occur with careless and sudden movements. The syndrome is passing, which lasts from 10 seconds to 15 minutes, depending on the degree of development of neuralgia.

    Treating specialist At indicated symptoms You can avoid wasting time in line to see a therapist and go straight to a neurologist.


    As diagnostic measures the following options are used:

    1. blood and urine tests;
    2. external manual examination;

    Treatment options
    Analgesics and painkillers are used (Ketanov, Diclofenac). The course of treatment with these medications is determined by the attending physician.
    Physiotherapy is indicated to improve the condition.

    A relaxing massage that reduces spontaneous muscle contraction is not excluded.

    Spinal diseases

    Intervertebral hernia

    The disease is characterized by bulging of the disc nucleus located between the discs. The more the nucleus protrudes, the greater the friction against the discs, which leads to irritation of the nerve endings.

    Localization of pain Except lumbar region, the pain spreads to the hips. The more severe the degree of development of the disease, the lower the pain syndrome, i.e. the calves begin to hurt.

    Nature of pain During attacks of intervertebral hernia, it is felt pulling condition in the hips. There may be numbness in part or the entire leg. At such moments the patient cannot take a single step.

    Which doctor will help? For the above symptoms, you can safely go to a neurologist, bypassing the therapist. Only this specialist will provide qualified assistance for intervertebral hernia.

    Diagnostic measures The most effective way to determine the severity of a herniated disc is to undergo an MRI.

    The study will show the exact location of the problem, as well as give the exact size of the inflammation.

    Treatment Painful attacks are relieved through Diclofenac injections. For direct treatment, you must take the following medications:

    • "Actovegin";
    • "Xeomin";
    • "Pentoxifylline";
    • "Mydocalm."

    Improve structure cartilage tissue it is possible through “Chondroxid”, “Alflutop”.
    In addition, a course of manual therapy is advisable in the form of the use of special devices designed to stretch the vertebrae, reducing their friction on the hernia.

    Atherosclerosis of the arteries

    The disease is characterized by the formation of numerous atherosclerotic plaques in the arterial cavity.

    Place of pain With this disease, the muscles in the legs hurt in the area of ​​the calf muscles.

    Nature of pain When walking, a compressive effect is felt in the calf muscle. Among the accompanying symptoms, cold feet are noted, due to a deterioration in their blood supply.

    Which doctor should I go to? A surgeon will help identify the presence of atherosclerosis of the arteries. After appropriate research and examination, the specialist will give the optimal course of necessary medications.

    Diagnosis There are several methods for determining the degree of development of arterial atherosclerosis, in particular:

    • taking a lipid profile;
    • ultrasonography;
    • capillaroscopy;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging.

    Methods of healing
    A combination of a course of taking special medications and a specialized diet provides the necessary positive effect. As for medications, you should take a course of statins (Simvastatin, Atorvastatin).

    The diet should include the exclusion of fatty foods, buns and other dough derivatives. Consumption of fish, vegetables, juices, green tea is beneficial.


    The disease is expressed in lesions of the veins. In this case, the disease is characterized by stagnation of blood in the lower extremities.

    Where is the pain concentrated? Painful sensations are observed in the calves. Increased pain occurs during prolonged standing or walking.

    Nature of pain The patient feels a certain pulsation in the calves and feet.

    There is visible swelling of the feet.

    Attending doctor In case of this disease, the therapist redirects the patient to a surgeon or phlebologist. Specialists conduct specialized examination and research.

    Diagnostic measures Produced primary analysis blood to establish inflammatory reactions. In addition, hardware research is performed:

    1. ultrasound diagnostics;
    2. phlebography;

    Treatment process
    Treatment consists of taking non-steroidal medications that counteract the inflammatory process (Ibuprofen, Aspirin). For quick removal pain, if your legs hurt, ointments (Diclofenac, Voltaren) are relevant. The use of thrombolytic medications, which shorten recovery, is extremely helpful.

    Wearing specialized underwear in the form of stockings and bandages with slight tightening is recommended.

    Vascular diseases


    The most striking example of vascular malaise, whose symptoms radiate to the lower extremities. A clear sign of this disease is periodic lameness due to dilation of the superficial veins.

    Localization of pain Pain manifests itself in the areas of the affected veins - the inner thighs, calves and feet.

    Painful sensations The patient periodically feels some distension of the calves with an aching effect. Heaviness in the legs and rapid fatigue appear. In the evening, after a day of work, the patient may experience swelling of the feet.

    Which specialist will help? The surgeon specializes in the treatment of endarteritis. The doctor will conduct a professional examination and prescribe the optimal course of treatment with appropriate medications.

    Diagnostic measures The surgeon may prescribe the following diagnostic options:

    • infrared tomography;
    • arterial oscillography;
    • echography;
    • angiography.

    The course of treatment consists of a combination of medications and physical therapy. Among the medications, drugs that help thin the blood and relieve seizures are effective. Will be useful vitamin supplements containing ascorbic and nicotinic acid.

    At the same time, procedures are carried out based on thermal baths, electrotherapy, and massage.

    Flat feet

    Illness due to incorrect foot placement, in which a characteristic gait is formed. It is this foot defect that causes muscle pain in the legs.

    Where the pain is felt With flat feet, a person feels pain in the calf muscles. The pain intensifies with prolonged walking.

    How does pain feel? There is nagging pain in the area of ​​the feet and calves. By the end of the day, you may notice swelling of the feet, as well as aching aches in the knee joints.

    Which doctor will help? A specialized doctor for flat feet is an orthopedist.

    The specialist will give required course treatment.

    Diagnosis To determine flat feet, a visual examination by an orthopedist is sufficient to determine the degree of development of the foot disease.

    Treatment process Correcting the situation with curvature of the feet is difficult, but possible. For this purpose, a complex of therapeutic exercises is prescribed.

    Shoes should be worn with low heels. Shoes must be equipped with special insoles.
    It is important to carry out a specialized foot massage.

    In what case should you see a doctor immediately?

    With severe convulsions, it is quite difficult to cope with the problem, so the help of a doctor is necessary immediately.

    Otherwise, powerful muscle contractions can have a detrimental effect on ligaments and soft tissues.

    First aid: how to relieve pain?

    A simple option to reduce pain is to apply a compress from Menovazin. The compress soothes the pain. In the future, you should take painkillers in the form of “Analgin”, “Ketanov”, “Pentalgin”.

    In some cases, a compression bandage should be applied.


    Painful sensations can manifest not only banal leg fatigue, but also become the main symptom of various pathologies. In this regard, you should be more sensitive to pain in the legs.

    How to forget about pain in the joints and spine?

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    Read doctors' opinions on this issue

    Most often, tension and pain in the leg muscles are caused by uncharacteristic physical stress on the legs, long walks, incl. and high heels. As a result, lactic acid accumulates in the calf muscles, the excess of which causes pain. Fortunately, such pain is short-lived and disappears without a trace after rest. However, there are much more serious reasons pain in the leg muscles. Let's look at them in more detail.

    Causes of pain in the muscles of the lower extremities

    Disturbance of normal blood circulation

    Most common for people employed in sedentary or standing work. Because of long stay in the same position with a load on the legs, blood stagnation occurs in the body, organs and tissues lack oxygen, and waste and toxins begin to accumulate in the lower extremities.

    As a result, the patient begins to experience dull, aching or stabbing pain, often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and even cramps.

    Cramps are contractions of a muscle or muscle group that cause severe pain.

    They most often occur in the calf area, and the reason for this is muscle overstrain, prolonged exposure to the cold, and uncomfortable body position.

    To get rid of pain in the calf muscles of the legs, experts advise trying to relax the muscles affected by the cramp, stretching the painful area with a massage, and then applying a cold compress.

    Spinal diseases

    If there are problems with the spine, for example, in the intervertebral discs, pain often appears, radiating to the legs. Moreover, the spine itself may not bother you. TO this species pain refers to inflammation sciatic nerve(sciatica), in which pain travels from the spine along the sciatic nerve to the legs.

    Flat feet - a change in the shape of the foot, namely the drooping of its arches

    It becomes difficult for a person with flat feet to walk, a feeling of “lead heaviness” appears, and muscle pain can spread from the foot to the knee.

    If you have this disease, important attention should be paid to a set of daily exercises specially developed by your doctor. Special orthopedic shoes or insoles will also help reduce pain.

    Myositis is an inflammation of the skeletal muscles that causes very severe pain in the legs

    This disease usually develops as a result of complications of various infectious diseases, lesions connective tissue, as well as traumatic situations and uncharacteristic physical activity.

    Myositis is characterized by aching pain in the legs, intensifying during movement, while dense nodules can be felt in the muscles.

    Myositis, which develops as a result of infection, is purulent and is manifested by chills, fever, increased pain, thickening and swelling of the muscle, as well as redness of the skin. It must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, since this disease is quite serious.

    Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic disease in which pathology of the soft tissues surrounding the joints develops.

    Mainly affects the occipital area, neck, shoulders, chest, lower section back and hip area knee joints. Fibromyalgia is more common in women In addition, it is often inherited through the female line.

    Its development is also facilitated by injuries, physical or mental overload, sleep disturbances, prolonged exposure to damp or cold, etc.

    Vascular diseases are one of the most common causes pain in leg muscles

    In case of outflow disturbance venous blood appears on the vessels high blood pressure, and stagnant blood, irritating the nerve endings, is the cause of pain in the legs.

    The pain in this case is mostly dull or nagging, often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the legs. The result of a violation of venous outflow without proper treatment can be varicose veins.- a disease in which the veins in the legs dilate and lose their elasticity.


    This disease is accompanied by sharp pain in the leg muscle, usually throbbing. Patients with thrombophlebitis may complain of a burning sensation in the veins.

    The painful sensations are constant, most intensely expressed in the area of ​​the calf muscle. If thrombophlebitis is not treated, it can lead to the development of gangrene.

    Often those who complain of pain in their lower extremities have pain in their heels when walking; for them, we have written an article which we advise you to read.

    Atherosclerosis of the arteries

    A disease in which the walls of blood vessels thicken, the lumen of the artery narrows, and atherosclerotic plaques appear.

    Patients feel severe squeezing pain in the calf muscles, which intensifies when walking. Typical symptom atherosclerosis - constantly freezing feet.

    Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuralgia)

    With neuralgia, periodic attacks last from several seconds to several minutes, and the pain is localized in the area where the nerve fiber passes. Moreover, in the period between attacks there is no pain in the legs.

    Inflammatory process in tendons

    It usually occurs as a result of prolonged and heavy physical stress on the muscles, which is accompanied by microtrauma to the tendons. Cooling, general fatigue, and chronic diseases etc.

    Reducing leg pain

    Pain in the leg muscles can be reduced by finding out the cause of its occurrence. To do this, you need to visit a therapist, conduct an examination and identify a diagnosis.

    So, If you have problems with blood vessels, you should stick to a diet, regularly engage in special physical exercise, do not gain excess weight.

    If the cause of pain is problems with the joints or spine, regular massage will help reduce pain. Regular ice is an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

    Under the influence of cold blood vessels narrow, and the pain dulls, as a result, muscle spasms are relieved.

    Which doctor should I contact if I have pain in my leg muscles?

    Be healthy!

    Hello, dear site visitors. My name is Alexey, I am a doctor highest category. My task is to help people return to full healthy life. Rate this article:

    Pain in the leg muscles appears various reasons, including not only a sedentary lifestyle, serious physical activity or incorrectly selected shoes. If an unpleasant symptom goes away on its own after a short rest, then there is no reason to worry. A person just needs to add regularity to his sports activities to get rid of the problem. Those who are constantly plagued by such symptoms should be seriously concerned. With the help of pain signals, the body can try to warn the owner about a developing pathology.

    The main causes of pain in the leg muscles

    There are many reasons for pain in the leg muscles; experts divide them all into two groups:

    Spinal diseases

    Spinal pathologies, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis deformans, affect the nerve fibers leading from spinal column to the muscles of the lower extremities. Often in the back area with such diseases, pain may not appear. It is issued by:

    • Shooting in the back of the leg when trying to lift a light weight. A sharp pain that makes it impossible to move for several minutes goes away on its own. It will be replaced by a dull, pulling one for a long time.
    • Constant sharp pain that gets worse with movement. In many cases, it turns out to be resistant to painkillers.

    Diseases of joints and ligaments

    Inflammatory diseases of the joints or tendons affect the leg muscles in the form of aching and twisting pain. They are characterized by:

    • localization in close proximity to the damaged joint;
    • reaction to weather changes, dampness.

    The causes of the development of pathologies are not necessarily injuries. Hypothermia leads to them, poor nutrition, failures in metabolic processes body.

    Vascular pathologies

    Impaired blood circulation in the vessels of the calf muscles leads to nagging pain. Another symptom of vascular problems is a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Even walking is difficult for the patient; he has to stop periodically to rest a little and wait for the pain to ease. The most common diseases in this group are:

    • Thrombophlebitis. The pain is constant, accompanied by a burning sensation under the skin. The main location is the calf muscles. The disease is characterized by a pulsating nature of pain.
    • Atherosclerosis of the arteries. A constant dull pain that intensifies with movement may be accompanied by a feeling of squeezing in the calf muscles.

    Muscle diseases

    Muscle overload as a result active occupation sports or heavy physical work can lead to damage to the muscle tissue itself in the form of ruptures with the subsequent onset of the inflammatory process in the affected area.

    It is typical that in order to acquire muscle pathologies, regular exposure to excessive physical activity is necessary.

    Bone injuries also lead to diseases of the muscles of the lower extremities. A fracture is never limited to breaking the integrity of just the bone. Timely appeal to a specialist ensures the speedy restoration of normal blood circulation in soft tissues and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

    Warns about muscle pathology:

    • sharp increase in pain when squeezing;
    • redness skin in this area.

    The pain is pronounced and can bother you at night when there is a sudden change in weather or temperature.

    Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the leg muscles

    When pain in the legs appears that refuses to disappear at rest, a person needs to make an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible. In order to allow the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, you should listen to yourself and draw up a kind of report with clarification:

    1. nature of pain;
    2. reasons that increase discomfort;
    3. past diseases with mention of treatment features;
    4. lifestyle, nutrition, work.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    The appearance of pain in the leg muscles immediately after a limb injury requires seeking help from a traumatologist.

    For other cases, the initial step towards cure is a consultation with a therapist. After a preliminary examination, the attending physician may refer the patient to a rheumatologist or phlebologist.

    First aid

    For pain not associated with the inflammatory process, first aid is muscle massage and painkillers.

    Painful sensations during inflammation recede under the influence of cold. It is enough to apply a small piece of ice to the problem area to cause immediate contraction of the blood vessels.

    Pain in the leg muscles can affect the quality of a person’s entire life, so at the first symptoms it is recommended to seek qualified help. Experts recommend giving up imaginary beauty in favor of health, because preventing a disease is easier than coping with it.

    The rules for preventing the occurrence of pathologies leading to muscle pain are simple:

    • reduce consumption of fatty foods;
    • do small warm-ups every hour while sitting or standing;
    • be outdoors every day and take walks;
    • once a week, actively engage in sports (jogging, outdoor games);
    • reduce weight in case of obesity and balance your diet.

    Everything in the body is interconnected, so a failure in one of the systems will certainly affect many departments. You should not wait for the disease to come into full force if its presence is signaled by pain in the leg muscles. Diagnosis is simple, and treatment will not take much effort, but will preserve or return all the joys of life.

The muscles of the pelvic girdle and the muscles of the thigh, lower leg and foot are responsible for the motor functions of the lower extremities. Pain can appear both in the upper and lower parts of the leg, or spread throughout the entire limb at once.

Muscle fatigue, which causes pain in the legs, occurs mainly due to increased physical activity. Muscle pain may indicate problems with tendons, joints, bone tissue, blood vessels or the spine.

Muscle pain can be of physiological origin. Prolonged exercise during sports exercises, fast walking, running, lifting weights, etc. In a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle, during physical activity, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which is not excreted and thereby causes aching pain. The source of pain depends on the muscle group that participated in the exercise. Excessive stress on the limbs can lead to spasms and cramps.

With prolonged immobility of the legs, for example, sitting at a desk or standing at a machine, blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities, and blood flow in the lower extremities is disrupted. Oxygen stops flowing into muscle tissue, endotoxins accumulate, and pain receptors in the veins awaken. An aching, dull and stabbing pain in the legs. Usually the painful sensations go away after a long rest and raising the legs up.

If we are not talking about the physiological origin of the pain, then the probable cause is some kind of disease. Compression of fibers spinal cord one of the main causes of muscle soreness. The pain becomes stronger with every movement of the leg, spasms may appear, even to the point of immobilization of the body.

Any dysfunction of the spinal column, including problems in intervertebral discs (intervertebral hernia) or pathology of the lumbar region, affects the appearance of pain in muscle tissue. This pain increases with every movement of the body and is chronic. Brief attacks of pain in the legs are characteristic of diseases nervous system.

Joint pain is often disguised as muscle pain, although the cause may be diseases: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and osteoparosis.

Constant complaints of severe and prolonged pain are due to inflammation skeletal muscles(myositis) or inflammatory process of striated muscles and skin (polymyositis). These diseases require constant medical monitoring.

Other causes of pain:

  • radiculitis, osteochondrosis;
  • atherosclerosis of arteries;
  • arthrosis, myositis;
  • bursitis;
  • tendinitis;
  • injuries and damage to the legs;
  • tendon inflammation;
  • venous insufficiency, thrombosis, phlebitis;
  • muscle invasions;
  • flat feet;
  • neuralgia, stress;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • cancerous tumors.
  • Bone infection (osteomyelitis) causes acute and prolonged muscle pain.

Taking certain hormonal and narcotic drugs may cause side effects, including leg pain. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • pain occurs for no apparent reason, worries constantly and for quite a long time;
  • severe muscle pain does not go away even after rest, and is accompanied by tingling;
  • the pain arose after a leg injury and does not go away for several days;
  • Pain in the leg muscles resulted in a rash, fever, severe headache, nausea, and breathing problems.

Treatment and preventive measures

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the origin of muscle pain. If the pain is physiological in nature, then it goes away on its own over time, but if the pain arose as a result of an illness, then the disease itself must be treated. Only a doctor conducts the necessary examination and prescribes drug therapy. Surgery may be necessary, for example for vein thrombosis or a tumor.

To relieve pain during treatment, take pain-relieving ointments and tablets. Ointments: Voltaren, Fastum gel, Diclak, Nimulid have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve pain. Tablets: Analgin, Nurofen. Relieves muscle pain and warms ointment with snake venom. Vipraktos contains camphor and bee venom, which anesthetizes and relieves inflammation. At infectious diseases antibiotics are prescribed.

In hospital settings, muscle relaxants are administered to help relieve reflex muscle spasms. Prescribed drugs to improve blood circulation: Actovegin, Cavinton. The course of treatment includes B vitamins.

Manual therapy helps relieve pain in the leg muscles, releases nerve fibers from a compressed state, and helps restore the correct position of the vertebrae. Physiotherapy, together with therapeutic exercises and massage, strengthens the leg muscles. Mud therapy and acupuncture gives positive result in the treatment of muscle pain.

Traditional recipes are used in conjunction with drug treatment

Baths with chamomile and sea ​​salt relieve inflammation and pain in the legs. Pour two tablespoons of herbs into 200 ml of water, bring to a boil, let it brew, add a spoon of salt. Dilute the solution warm water and place the sore leg in it for 15 minutes. Brew mint: a glass of boiling water per spoon of herb. Soak the cloth in the broth and apply to the sore area of ​​the leg.

Spread honey on a cabbage leaf and apply to the sore spot on the leg for half an hour, cover with a warm scarf. Gently rub melted warm honey into problem areas on the lower extremities.

To prevent muscle pain from bothering you, you need to monitor proper diet nutrition: exclude fatty, salty and spicy food, eat cereals, vegetables and fruits. Monitor your weight, do morning exercises regularly, including for your legs. During sedentary work, take breaks for a ten-minute warm-up.

If your leg muscles hurt for no reason, no matter how trivial it may sound, you should start looking for the cause. In most cases, the cause will be found in the form of lifestyle habits and physical activity. However, in some cases, illness may be to blame.

What to do if your leg muscles hurt for no reason

In some cases, you should consult a doctor immediately. Especially if the pain in the leg muscles is aching, pulling, or cramping in nature. Also, it should not be ignored if pain in the leg muscles is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

  • swelling or redness in the area of ​​pain
  • convulsions
  • the pain is paroxysmal or persists for several days
  • if the pain intensifies
  • feeling of "cold feet"
  • enlarged veins in the legs
  • swelling

Also, many people do not know which specialist they should contact if their leg muscles hurt for no reason. Most often, a traumatologist or rheumatologist can solve the problem of muscle pain. If you suspect that the pain may be caused by vascular disease, then consult an angiosurgeon. Women need to be examined by a phlebologist.

Causes of pain in leg muscles

Even if it seems to you that your leg muscles hurt for no reason, there is still a reason, and perhaps one of the following diseases or conditions is to blame:

  1. Flat feet can cause pain in the leg muscles, as when incorrect position foot, the load increases, pain spreads from the foot to the knee. In order to reduce pain, you should choose a special, comfortable, orthopedic shoes, and engage in physical therapy.
  2. The reason may be vascular diseases. At first it is invisible to the eye, but quite noticeable. The outflow of blood in the vessels is disrupted, the blood stagnates, the nerve endings are affected, and as a result, aching or dull pain appears. Often a person feels heaviness in his legs.
  3. Pain in the leg muscles can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle. At long standing or sitting, blood circulation in the legs worsens, the blood stagnates, toxins are no longer eliminated, resulting in pain. You may also feel numbness or heaviness in your legs. To avoid this condition, do regular warm-ups, when working on your feet, sit down regularly and rest.
  4. When you think your muscles are hurting for no reason, it could be dangerous disease thrombophlebitis. The main symptom of this disease is throbbing pain in the leg muscles, especially concentrated in the calf area. Also, the person feels a burning sensation.
  5. Myositis, or inflammation of the skeletal muscles, also causes severe pain in the leg muscles. Typically, this disease is a complication of infectious diseases. Muscle pain can spread throughout the body, but it is especially concentrated in the legs.
  6. If the leg muscles hurt for no reason, diseases of the nervous system (peripheral) may be to blame. In this case, the pain occurs suddenly, the attack lasts only a few seconds and then everything goes away. Outside of an attack, the leg muscles do not hurt.
  7. Cramps are a fairly common cause of pain in the leg muscles. During an attack, the muscle contracts, causing pain.
  8. And lastly, pay attention to your weight. Perhaps the cause of pain in the leg muscles is obesity or a sharp increase in weight with small feet. The legs are subjected to enormous stress as a result of which pain occurs.

If your leg muscles hurt for no reason, you should consult a doctor, and also pay attention to your lifestyle and shoes. If you spend the entire working day in high-heeled shoes, then the cause of pain in the leg muscles is quite obvious.

Pain in the leg muscles above and below the knee can be caused not only by fatigue, but also by various diseases. Sometimes the problem is directly related to the muscles and blood vessels of the lower extremities, but such reactions can also occur due to diseases of the spine or joints. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. He will appoint necessary medications and recommend a course of special exercises to the patient.

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    Vascular pathologies

    Very often, muscle pain in the legs is caused by vascular diseases. This occurs due to the fact that the outflow of venous blood is disrupted, and at the same time the pressure in the vessels increases. Muscle nutrition deteriorates, due to venous stagnation, irritation of nerve endings occurs, and as a result, pain syndrome develops. More often, vascular diseases cause dull pain and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.

    Often the causes of vascular diseases are associated with venous stagnation, which occurs due to sedentary or standing work. In such cases, normal venous and arterial circulation, arises oxygen starvation. Sometimes the pain is aching or stabbing in nature, and convulsions occur.


    Treatment of varicose veins involves both conservative and surgical methods. The latter are used only with severe progression of the disease. At the initial stage, the use of venotonic drugs is sufficient. They are produced both for topical use in the form of ointments and gels, and for internal use in the form of capsules and tablets. Among local preparations, heparin ointment and its various derivatives have proven themselves well. Home remedies are also used, for example, infusing horse chestnut flowers (1 tbsp per glass of alcohol). Compresses are made based on this tincture.

    It is recommended to wear compression tights with a supportive function that distribute pressure evenly along the leg. Thanks to them, the blood rises freely, the veins do not experience additional stress. The degree of compression is selected based on individual indicators. When treating the disease, proper physical activity is important. At the initial stage, you can engage in almost all types of sports, except aerobic training on the treadmill. It is recommended to spend more time stretching and warming up to warm up the muscles and reduce stress on the veins. If varicose veins progress, you will have to give up exercise bikes, treadmills and strength sports. But swimming and water aerobics remain the best types of exercise. Yoga is very useful, since most of the exercises in it are designed to work the internal muscles and are performed slowly, which reduces the load on the blood vessels.


    Endarteritis also causes muscle pain. This is an inflammation of the inner lining of the arteries. In addition to pain when walking, which occurs literally after the first 50-100 steps, there are other symptoms - numbness. These sensations may go away with a short rest, but after some time they return. Sometimes the pain bothers you when a person is just lying down, and if you lower your leg down, the intensity of the sensation decreases.

    This disease is diagnosed by a vascular surgeon based on a series of studies, including MRI, vascular ultrasound, and angiography. Conducted various tests blood. But in case of sudden severe pain, you need to call an ambulance, since the problem is a blockage of a large artery. Treatment of endarteritis can be either surgical (vascular plastic surgery) or conservative.

    Atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis

    Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities – another cause of muscle pain in the legs. These sensations are of a compressive nature. Convulsions occur frequently. Pain occurs when walking, running, or climbing. This disease is characterized by cold feet, both in winter and summer. In this case, it is also necessary to contact a vascular surgeon. Treatment will be the same as for atherosclerosis of other vessels, including taking medications to lower cholesterol levels. Surgical treatment is performed only in extreme cases.

    Another vascular disease is thrombophlebitis. It causes throbbing pain. There is often a burning sensation under the skin. The pain becomes constant. The calf muscles suffer from them.

    Diseases of the spine and joints

    Pathologies of the intervertebral discs are in no way associated with the appearance of muscle pain in the lower extremities. But this is a common cause of pain. When intervertebral discs shift, radiating pain appears. That is, they radiate to the lower extremities, and the affected area itself may not hurt.

    Inflammation of the sciatic nerve

    Pain in the legs is typical for sciatica, that is, inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The latter is pinched in the area of ​​the spine, but the pain along the nerve itself is transmitted to the legs. Most often, such sensations occur above the knee. They may be accompanied by numbness or tingling.

    Such inflammation can be caused by lumbar osteochondrosis, hernia or protrusion intervertebral disc. If you have such symptoms, you should consult a neurologist. The diagnosis is usually made based on MRI findings. Pain in such cases is relieved with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen or Diclofenac). Muscle relaxants are used to relieve muscle tension. During the period of exacerbation, no other measures are taken. After the attack passes, you need to do special gymnastics.

    Arthritis and gout

    Leg pain can be caused by joint diseases. There is a feeling that your legs are being “twisted”. There are about a dozen joints at the base of the foot. Under the influence of infections or other causes, their destruction and inflammation begin. This disease is called arthritis. Gradually the pain becomes constant. They occur when walking, and their character changes. When moving, they are strong, sharp pains. When standing for a long time, the feet seem to twist. The joint itself swells, the skin in this place turns red and becomes hot. Arthritis occurs more often in women than in men.

    In such cases, you need to contact a rheumatologist. He will direct to additional examinations– you need to take an x-ray and submit general analysis blood. An informative diagnostic method is arthroscopy. Treatment of arthritis can only be complex. In addition to taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as Chondroitin and Glucosamine, methods of physiotherapy and exercise therapy are used. You need to follow a certain diet and it is recommended to wear special orthopedic devices for some time. Surgical intervention is required only if there is significant deformation of the foot.

    Gout is another joint disease that can cause severe pain in the legs. In this case, in addition to the remedies already listed, it is important to exclude foods rich in purines from the diet. This mainly applies to fatty meats. But there are other foods that contain purines or contribute to the accumulation of these substances in the body. Your attending physician will help you create an approximate diet plan based on your specific clinical picture diseases.

    Other causes of muscle pain

    Often the leg muscles hurt with flat feet. Pain accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue when walking (because the muscles are tense) and a feeling of severe heaviness in the legs. If you have flat feet, you need to do special gymnastics. This set of exercises is developed by a doctor, and can only be performed under the supervision of a medical professional. But some other types of physical activity are prohibited (various jumps are completely contraindicated). Special orthopedic insoles will help relieve pain with flat feet.

    In overweight people, muscle pain can be caused by increased loads. This symptom is also characteristic of diabetes mellitus. In this case, pain in the legs is often accompanied by cramps. Weight loss, compliance special diet will important step in solving the problem in both cases.

    The treatment strategy for myositis depends on its form. Apply:

    • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (usually ointments based on Ibuprofen and Diclofenac);
    • medicines to relieve muscle spasms containing snake venom (Viprosal and its analogues).

    Electrical muscle stimulation and acupuncture are sometimes prescribed.

    Another cause of pain is myoenthesitis, the result of chronic muscle strain, which is often combined with any chronic diseases and other unfavorable factors. His treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Methods such as novocaine blockades and the application of oil-balsamic dressings are used. Physiotherapy methods have become widespread. UHF helps relieve tissue inflammation. Vitamin therapy is important.

Leg muscles hurt in many diseases, since this symptom can be caused not only by compression of the nerve fiber. Pain can be a consequence of intoxication of the body, disruption of blood circulation in certain areas of the muscle fiber, the development of hematomas and tumors, rheumatoid inflammatory processes, and disruption of tissue integrity.

If your leg muscles hurt, you should start treatment by visiting an orthopedic doctor. The doctor must conduct an examination and rule out mechanical deformations, the consequences of various injuries, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. After production preliminary diagnosis Comprehensive treatment can be started. You can make an appointment for a free appointment with an orthopedic doctor right now. In our manual therapy clinic, the first consultation with a doctor for each patient is provided completely free of charge. Take advantage of this great opportunity and find out the real reason why your leg muscles hurt.

Pain syndrome is a distress signal that the body sends to the structures of the brain. Pain is a way to immobilize a limb and create favorable conditions for it to restore damaged tissue. With the help of pain impulses in the body, it ensures the regeneration process at the cellular level

Pain occurs in areas that are exposed pathological changes as a result of injury, compression, swelling, inflammation, tumor growth, infection, development of inflammatory or allergic reaction. As a result of the action of the listed pathogenic factors, compression of the sensory (sensitive type) nerve fibers occurs. Through their network, a signal about trouble in a certain place is transmitted to cerebral structures human body. With the help of another, motor (motor) neural network the brain, through the autonomic nervous system, transmits a signal that the muscles should go into static tension in order to provide additional protection to the damaged area. Clonic or tonic pain occurs from excessive muscle strain. It is impossible to relax the muscles by force of will in this situation. Therefore, pharmaceuticals suggest using special drugs- muscle relaxants.

Currently, they are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the spinal column and large joints lower extremities. They allow you to stop an attack of spastic muscle strain. But the consequences of this treatment can be very negative. Muscles that were negatively affected pharmacological effects, in the future they turn out to be incapable of coordinated work. Myofascial pain syndromes arise, triggers appear pain points, there is a violation of the tone of the vascular bed.

Excess spastic tension in the leg muscles can be eliminated using manual therapy methods. Special massage and osteopathic techniques effectively relax overstrained muscles, thereby relieving pain. Therefore, if you have severe pain in your leg muscles, you may want to seek medical help at our chiropractic clinic. Here you will receive effective, but completely safe assistance.

Reasons why leg muscles hurt

The answer to the question of why leg muscles hurt without visible negative effects can be obtained naturally after 12 - 36 hours. It is the severe aching legs and muscle pain that manifests itself in the prodromal period of most viral respiratory diseases (influenza, ARVI). After the end of the prodrome period, the patient’s body temperature rises, headache, dry mouth, rhinorrhea and others appear. clinical symptoms, which leave no doubt when making a final diagnosis.

If there are no signs of intoxication or helminthic infestation, there has been no injury or excessive physical activity, then you should begin differential diagnosis diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Potential causes of leg muscle pain may include the following:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine;
  • radiculopathy and compression of the radicular nerves responsible for the innervation of the lower extremities, including cauda equina syndrome;
  • tunnel syndromes, expressed in compression of the nerve fiber in groin area, popliteal fossa, ankle joint, inner arch of the foot;
  • destruction of cartilage and bone tissue of large joints of the lower extremities (hip, knee, ankle), leading to disruption of nerve fiber conduction;
  • joint deformation;
  • pathologies of the menisci, ligaments and tendons;
  • flat feet, clubfoot and other types of improper foot placement, leading to overstrain of the muscles of the lower leg and thigh;
  • divergence of the pelvic bones.

There are also subjective risk factors that are likely to sooner or later cause the formation of such diseases. These include the following aspects:

  • conducting sedentary lifestyle life, in which the muscle fiber does not receive sufficient, adequate and regular exercise;
  • overweight the patient’s body, creating increased mechanical and static shock-absorbing loads on the lower limbs;
  • improper organization of workers and sleeping place;
  • incorrect choice of shoes and clothing, including for sports;
  • heavy physical work;
  • inadequate nutrition in terms of protein and vitamins (in this case, the muscles do not have the physical ability to restore their potential, since protein is the only one available for this building material, and B vitamins are involved in the active process of innervation of myocytes);
  • poor posture;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco - negatively affects the condition of the bloodstream; obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, atherosclerosis, etc. can form.

It is impossible to exclude all possible causes of pain in the leg muscles. As a rule, one patient can simultaneously detect up to 15 negative factors influence, no modern doctor can say with accuracy which of them can provoke the development of the disease.

Therefore, before starting treatment, it is important to eliminate all suspected causes from your daily life. This will not only restore the full functioning of the leg muscles, but will also restore health to the musculoskeletal system.

Why do the calf muscles of the legs hurt?

Many patients wonder why the calf muscles of the legs hurt, since this symptom appears suddenly when performing the same functions as before. It indicates that the innervation and performance of the lower leg muscles are impaired. There is no complete blood supply to the tissue, so the muscles of the calf of the legs ache, numbness is felt, and in the evening slight swelling may occur around the ankle joint.

Many doctors attribute the appearance of such a symptom to a manifestation of cardiac or vascular failure. In general they are right. Indeed, there is a lack of tone in the blood wall of the arterioles that supply blood to the leg muscles. But this condition does not occur due to heart failure. This is a direct consequence of carpal tunnel syndrome. Nerve fiber is subjected to compression under the maple on the back side of the leg. Here the sciatic nerve bifurcates: it splits into the peroneal and tibial branches.

If the work chair is not chosen correctly and the seat cushion cuts into the space behind the knees, severe compression of the tibial or peroneal nerve can occur because they are located so close to the skin.

To treat such a disease, you should contact an experienced neurologist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct an examination, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will quickly and safely restore all impaired innervation processes.

Leg muscles hurt very much when walking and running

Another common complaint from patients is that their leg muscles ache very much during serious physical exertion and after training. Here we can give only one practical advice - to correctly distribute physical activity and increase its pace gradually, as the muscle tissue is ready for it.

At the very beginning of the training process, the muscles do not have the necessary circulatory and lymphatic network. It will develop along with the growth of muscle fiber. Therefore, if the load was heavy, then the leg muscles hurt when walking, running, jumping and performing other gymnastic exercises.

More often, with an improperly organized training process, the leg muscles from the thigh hurt, since they bear the bulk of the physical load. Metabolites (lactic acid) accumulate in the thickness of muscle tissue. They do not have time to oxidize due to the fact that little oxygen is supplied. When lactic acid accumulates, it begins to irritate muscle tissue. Here the inflammatory process is provoked and muscle swelling begins.

A chiropractor or osteopath can help in this condition. Special massage, osteopathy and reflexology will speed up the process of removing metabolites from myocytes. Then they will start the process of tissue regeneration and speed up its preparation for serious physical activity.

Leg muscles hurt from hip to knee

If the muscles of the legs above the knees hurt, then a differential diagnosis of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints should be carried out. Coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis are the two most common reasons why the leg muscles above the knee hurt, since they bear the entire shock-absorbing and compensatory load.

To diagnose these diseases, it is enough for an experienced doctor to conduct a series of functional tests and visual inspection joints with their deep palpation. An X-ray or MRI scan will help confirm the diagnosis.

Clinical symptoms similar conditions In addition to muscle pain, the following manifestations occur:

  1. increased fatigue of the lower extremities when walking;
  2. change in approach;
  3. shortening the length of the limb on the affected side;
  4. inability to sit down and return to the starting position on your own (with gonarthrosis);
  5. inability to sit facing the back of a chair with knees spread in different directions (with coxarthrosis);
  6. visible deformation articular surfaces;
  7. creaking, clicking, crunching when performing flexion and extension movements.

What to do if the muscles in your legs hurt a lot

The first thing to do if the muscles in your legs hurt is to stop putting any physical stress on them. This may not be safe, since after certain types of traumatic exposure (sprains, ruptures, fractures), the patient retains some activity due to a hormonal compensatory reaction. You should not try to move independently if you are injured or pain in your legs occurs spontaneously. It is better to call an ambulance team.

If your leg muscles hurt badly for a long time, the first thing to do is consult an orthopedic doctor. This doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriately effective treatment.

Treatment of diseases that cause leg muscle pain

As noted above, pain in the leg muscles can be associated with wrong process organizing training and sports activities. In this case, it is enough to regularly attend sports massage sessions for treatment. It is advisable to do this in between workouts. This will be enough to relieve pain and make the training process more comfortable.

If, during the examination, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are discovered, causing pain in the leg muscles, comprehensive treatment will need to be carried out. It includes the mandatory elimination of the cause of the disease. The orthopedist then individually develops a course of therapy for each patient. May be assigned:

  • traction traction of the spinal column for effective treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis;
  • manual therapy to improve the condition of large joints of the lower extremities;
  • massage and osteopathy to restore microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid;
  • reflexology to launch natural tissue regeneration processes;
  • therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy;
  • laser treatment and other methods of physiotherapy.

If you need advice from a chiropractor, vertebrologist, neurologist or orthopedist, call us and make an appointment. Your initial consultation will be provided completely free of charge.