Remove rough scars after surgery. Removal of postoperative scars and scars on the face and body. Timing for suture removal

Vitamin A(axerophthol, retinol) promotes the formation of visual pigment, preserves vision, helps the body fight infections, participates in regulating the processes of cell reproduction and growth, helps maintain the skin and mucous membranes in normal condition. The peculiarity of the vitamin is that it is found only in products of animal origin: fish oil, pork and beef liver, yolks chicken eggs, butter, sour cream, etc.

Some plants contain carotene (provitamin A), which is converted into vitamin A in the human liver and intestines under the influence of the enzyme carotinase. Significant amounts of carotene are found in carrots, sorrel, red peppers, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, pumpkin, green onions, peaches, apricots, rose hips, sea buckthorn, rowan, in many wild plants, etc.

An adult should receive 1.5 mg of vitamin A and 4.5−5 mg of provitamin A per day. It is worth considering that vitamin A accumulates in the human body and can persist for up to 2−3 years.

Vitamin B1(aneurin, thiamine) promotes the absorption of carbohydrates, protein, fat and mineral metabolism, normalizes blood circulation, nervous system functions, secretion gastric juice and gastric peristalsis, increases the body's protective properties.

Vitamin B1 is found in animal products and plant origin: egg yolks, pork meat, liver, kidneys, wholemeal bread, bran, cereal grains, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, etc. It does not accumulate in the body; it must be obtained daily from food.

An adult should receive 2-3 mg of vitamin B1 per day. The need for this vitamin increases during physical and mental stress, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and various diseases.

Vitamin B2(ribo- and lactoflavin) participates in oxidative processes during carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to the normalization of vision and the growth processes of body tissues. Contained in green peas, beans, wheat and rye sprouts, almonds, forest and walnuts, many root vegetables, meat, kidneys, liver, yeast, mushrooms, eggs, cheese, onions, buckwheat, kombucha, pickled vegetables, etc. Daily requirement 2.5−3.5 mg.

Vitamin B6(pyridoxine hydrochloride) is part of enzymes that promote protein and fat metabolism, hematopoiesis, improves liver function, and increases the body's resistance. Contained in wheat, millet, barley, corn, wholemeal flour, buckwheat, millet, brewer's yeast, meat, liver, fish, many vegetables and fruits. It can be formed in the human intestines under the influence of bacterial flora. For an adult, the daily requirement is 1.5−3 mg.

Vitamin B12(cyanocobalamin) is involved in protein and fat metabolism, improves hematopoiesis and oxygen absorption by tissues, helps normalize the functions of the central nervous system. Contained mainly in products of animal origin, in human body accumulates in the liver. The daily requirement is 3 mg.

Vitamin B15(pangamic acid) promotes oxygen exchange in cells and regeneration of liver tissue, normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. Contained in the kernels of stone fruits, sprouted seeds and sprouts of many plants. The daily requirement is 2−3 mg. At certain diseases the need for vitamin increases.

Folic acid(vitamin B9, folacin) promotes the growth and development of the body, the formation of proteins, stimulates hematopoiesis in the bone marrow, and reduces the possibility of developing atherosclerosis. Contained in products of animal and plant origin, but not large quantities and in an inactive form (it is broken down in the intestines and then absorbed). Folic acid can be synthesized in the human intestine under the influence of intestinal bacteria. For certain intestinal diseases, breakdown and absorption folic acid does not occur, its deficiency in the body occurs, which can lead to macrocytic anemia.

Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) regulates redox processes and increases the body’s vitality, resistance to infections, improves the permeability of capillary walls blood vessels and blood clotting, recovery bone tissue, reduces the risk of developing sclerosis, etc. This vitamin is not produced in the body, but is consumed continuously, so the daily requirement of an adult is up to 100 mg. Found mainly in vegetables, fruits, berries, pine needles and many wild plants.

Vitamin E(tocopherol) helps regulate the processes of reproduction, metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Contained in vegetable oils, green beans, green peas, corn, wheat, oats, rose hips, etc. The daily requirement is 20-30 mg. May accumulate in adipose tissue.

Vitamin K(phylloquinone) promotes blood clotting, participates in the formation of prothrombin in the liver, affects metabolism and improves activity gastrointestinal tract, increases wall strength blood capillaries, has antibacterial effect, helps reduce pain syndrome. Contained in many vegetables, legumes, grains, berries and wild plants.

Vitamin PP(a nicotinic acid, niacin) helps normalize metabolism and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and is included in enzymes involved in oxidative processes. Contained in vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, mushrooms, and many wild plants. The daily requirement is 10−15 mg.

A deficiency, as well as a significant excess, of certain vitamins in the human body negatively affects health and can lead to serious illnesses. Timely and balanced receipt of the required amount of vitamins contributes to normal life.

Acute vitamin deficiency occurs when a person cannot get out of bed in the morning, gets tired quickly, eats practically nothing and does not want anything. In most cases, it is the lack of vitamins that causes the development of various diseases.

If you are actively involved in sports, you need to take B vitamins and magnesium. Excessive activity may cause overconsumption of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is important to make up for the shortage in time, otherwise at some point one of the systems will simply fail and you will have to spend significant funds on treatment. Remember to regularly consume dairy and legume products, nuts different types, sesame seeds, whole grain and rye bread, bananas. Many people strive to lose weight, but despite significant efforts, nothing works out. It's important to know a few things here. Before losing weight, you need to cleanse your body. If it is heavily polluted, diet and exercise are unlikely to help you, and vitamins simply will not be absorbed. There are many manufacturers that produce high-quality and natural products for the cleaning. Include calcium intake in your diet. Numerous experiments have proven that its lack is the reason for the very slow loss of extra pounds. Don't forget to consume milk, kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese regularly. Surely many of us are familiar with the situation when a cold occurs and does not go away for a long time. This is definitely due to a lack of vitamins and poor nutrition. On the eve of spring or autumn, it is very important to include vitamin C in your diet. If you already have a cold, then this is extremely necessary. Vitamin C protects against destruction immune cells and helps them fight viruses faster. It also significantly relieves cold and flu symptoms. You can add sweet peppers, black currants, citrus fruits, kiwi and sauerkraut to your diet.

If you are a vegetarian, it is very important to supplement your iron. Foods of plant origin contain much less iron, and they also contain substances that interfere with its normal absorption. If you feel tired and unwell, contact your doctor and get a blood test. If you do have an iron deficiency, supplement it. Also take extra B12. Include more legumes, grain breads, leafy vegetables, buckwheat and dried fruits. If you want to protect your skin from premature aging and get rid of other unpleasant things, take vitamin A and B. The latter will be especially useful for dry skin, and vitamin A will help get rid of acne and rashes. For dermatitis, it is important to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins B2, B3 and B6. The most useful vitamin is E. It normalizes hormone levels, which has a beneficial effect on the process of cell regeneration. Include butter, fish, carrots and sour cream in your diet. Vitamins must be taken regularly even healthy people. If you want to look good and stay in shape, regularly take vitamins A, D, E and C. Try to drink more natural juices. Nowadays many complex vitamins are produced. One dosage contains a well-balanced portion that should be taken by every person per day. When choosing a manufacturer, pay attention to naturalness and quality standards.

Try to take a course of vitamins every season. You will have to spend a little money, but in the end you will get much more - good mood and well-being, cheerful appearance, energy, good health and clarity of mind.

Today I decided to write more or less briefly and (I hope) clearly about vitamins in our lives. In the simple daily routine of an ordinary person.

Firstly, I would like to immediately address the question: is it necessary to take vitamins as food supplements? To put it simply, in capsules, tablets, jars, etc. The ones from the pharmacy.

After all, there is an opinion that it’s all bullshit. Nature does not intend for us to different tablets they crammed into themselves. They say you need to live simply and eat a varied diet. Then everything with vitamins and minerals in our body will be fine.

But! There is a very small, but very significant BUT. Nature did not think and could not even imagine nightmare, when we were created, that we would begin to grow GMO products, transport them on planes from Africa to Murmansk, freeze them, and still manage to store all this for several months!

All these tricks and manipulations of ours have led to the fact that those foods that we have on the table are not nearly as rich in vitamins and minerals as we would like and as our body requires in accordance with nature’s plans. Even if you eat everything exclusively environmentally friendly and non-GMO, then still an eco-orange from Morocco, having flown to Krasnoyarsk and at the same time ripening in flight, cannot provide you the necessary vitamin S. Because as soon as you picked an orange from the tree, the process of reducing the concentration of vitamins in the fruit immediately began. The same goes for all other products. Unfortunately.

Therefore, if you do not live in Brazil or other warm places where everything grows all year round, then I will allow myself to assume that you have a lack of vitamins and minerals in your body. Daily and chronic. Alas! These are the costs of our civilization! Yes, we have access to almost all products year-round.... But these products are not as good as they could be!

That's why the conclusion is this: vitamins and mineral supplements- a great way to support your body. Especially during periods when nothing grows in your (or neighboring) beds (for middle zone Russia - this is November-April).

So, what do I personally have on my vitamin shelf and why exactly this?


This is my favorite vitamin because:

  • It is absolutely safe and almost impossible to overdose on. None of the studies conducted in the world have revealed side effects. Even at doses of 100 GRAMS, which are already considered toxic. Therefore, you can generally drink it for prevention. The only thing is that you need to be more careful with it if you have increased acidity stomach. In this case, you take not 1 gram 3 times a day (for example), but 500 mg 6 times a day.
  • Is powerful antioxidant. With its help (very large dosages intravenously) they successfully fight cancer cells. More about this in English, for example.
  • Resists many viruses. Chief Assistant immunity. I often manage to prevent colds with the help of vitamin C. As soon as I feel a little unwell, I immediately increase the dosage to 4-6 grams per day, and, as a rule, the illness subsides before it even starts.
  • Vitamin C improves blood flow, which means the full functioning of all our organs.
  • Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen and elastin. Therefore, it is necessary in order to stay young and beautiful longer :-).

Rose hip - best source vitamin C. Low acidity- to irritate the stomach less.

Which vitamins to choose?

2.Multivitamin complex from the series "1 capsule per day". At the same time I in advance I made sure everything was there necessary elements and there is NO increased content of vitamin A (it can be harmful in large quantities. And if I notice a deficiency from the symptoms, I’ll buy a separate jar with it.)


I want to make sure that I throw the minimum amount into the “furnace” required amount"firewood" per day. Most in a simple way- 1 capsule in the morning. Since my set is not limited to multivitamins, it is inconvenient for me to take multivitamins that require 2 or more capsules per day.


It's spring now, vitamin deficiency. Plus, I noticed signs of OMEGA-3 deficiency in myself and my husband, namely dry skin, and he has a red rash on back side upper arm. These are signs of a lack of fat. Fish fat We don't always have it in the house. I buy it 2 times a year, and we drink it in courses. And so we eat a lot oily fish and avocado, and I also often add flaxseed oil and walnut oil to my food. Therefore, we mostly do without capsules. I also buy a liter from time to time. linseed oil- specifically for use as a dietary supplement, I put it in the refrigerator and drink 1 tablespoon per day in the morning after breakfast. Great replacement fish oil!

4. Magnesium 300 mg for adults.


Live vitamins

Magnesium is involved in many processes in the body! Without it, there’s simply nowhere, and its consumption in our body is colossal. Therefore, it is easy to assume that there may be a shortage of it.

I noticed signs of a lack of this vitamin, namely leg cramps. This is a direct sign of magnesium deficiency. That's why I take it additionally. In addition, magnesium helps us sleep better at night, because... it relaxes all the muscles. Therefore, it is important: you need to take magnesium supplements BEFORE going to bed, and not in the morning before work!


We travel often, so we change water and food, which means our body and our intestinal microflora must rebuild. Therefore, it is better to help her by taking probiotics.

In addition, probiotics are indispensable if you have a cold or have intestinal problems, constipation or diarrhea. In principle, they can cause harm extremely rarely - to persons with special sensitivity to bifidobacteria. As a rule, these are people with ALREADY existing SERIOUS illnesses digestive system. But you will immediately feel if probiotics are contraindicated for you (until you cure the underlying problem): after taking them, your stool may begin to worsen. This means that it is better for you to stop taking them for a while.

But! I want to repeat myself because this is important: probiotics are indispensable FOR ANY DISEASE because they support the necessary microflora intestines and thereby support the immune system in its difficult work.

6. A preparation based on pineapple and papaya extract for better absorption of fats and proteins.


Because I see all the signs of non-digestion of proteins in myself. Namely: brittle nails, hair falling out, fatigue despite a normal night's sleep... all this is a lack of B vitamins, and they are extracted by our body mainly from protein foods. There are also a lot of signs of the body not absorbing proteins, but we will talk about that separately :-)

7. Dietary supplement with vitamin B complex in MEGA dosage.


Read point 6. Actually, I drank half a jar of these vitamins, but I didn’t notice any improvements. Then I decided to switch to the drug from point 6. After all, I eat enough protein foods! This means that the lack of B vitamins is not due to diet, but due to their inability to be absorbed by the body. If drug 6 does not produce noticeable results after a 6-week course, then I will try a combination of points 6 and 7.

Although I am a supporter of nutritional supplements, I believe that everything is good in moderation!

Live vitamins
I try to diversify my diet as much as possible.And I won’t take “vitamins” just for prevention. I first listen to the body, look at the symptoms. I study the table of signs of a lack of something, and then I take action :-). Or if I get sick, I also look at the encyclopedia of treatment without drugs, study (if there is something new), and then make a decision: what and how much to drink.

Everyone has been familiar with the letter designations of these substances since childhood. And here scientific names The vitamins that ensure the vital functions of the body are known to few. To fill this gap, as well as get all the information about what vitamins are contained in what foods, and why a person needs them, read this review.

What B vitamins are there and what foods contain them?

The story about what types of vitamins there are should start with the most numerous group B.

Vitamin B1(thiamine) is part of many enzymes, plays an important role in water, protein and carbohydrate metabolism substances that regulate the activity of the brain and other internal organs human, participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in the heart muscle. Most of this vitamin is found in grain shells, cereal sprouts, wholemeal bread, cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley and wheat), bread kvass, spinach, green peas, peas, potatoes, soybeans, nuts, cauliflower, white beans, low-fat pork, offal and yeast.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) participates in all metabolisms of our body, stimulates the activity of the central nervous system and the formation of glycogen in the liver, increases the tone of blood capillaries, and promotes the removal of carcinogenic substances from the body. Most of this vitamin is found in yeast, egg yolk, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, buckwheat, meat, poultry, fish, offal, green peas, soybeans, cabbage (broccoli and Brussels sprouts).

What other B vitamins are there, what are their properties, and what are their scientific names?

Vitamin B3 (pantothenic acid) regulates fat metabolism in the liver and hematopoiesis, the synthesis of steroids, hemoglobin and acetylcholine, the activity of the nervous system, adrenal function, carbohydrate and salt metabolism substances, is part of some enzymes, takes part in various processes to neutralize toxic substances (alcohol, poisons, medicines). This acid is widespread in foods of both animal and plant origin.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) participates in various metabolisms of the human body, promotes the formation of hemoglobin and maintains its level in the blood. Also, the benefit of this vitamin for the human body is that it regulates cholesterol levels in the blood and the activity of the nervous system. This vitamin is rich in: potatoes, peas, beans, sweet green peppers, bananas, milk, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, liver and yeast.

Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid)(H1) is necessary for cell growth, stimulates the production of vitamins by intestinal bacteria, regulates the activity of certain hormones, is part of enzymes, and stimulates the activity of the pancreas. When there is a lack of it in the body, they develop various diseases. Most of this vitamin is found in yeast, wheat and rice.

Vitamin B7 (biotin)(H) participates in fat metabolism, neurotrophic processes, and is necessary for tissue growth. Most of this vitamin is found in liver, kidneys, milk, yeast, egg white, tomatoes and peas.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) participates in fat metabolism and formation bone marrow, the exchange of methionine and choline, regulates hematopoiesis and the formation of red blood cells. With a lack of this acid in the body, various diseases develop, immunity decreases, including cancer diseases. The main foods that contain this vitamin are yeast, liver, kidneys and soy. There is also a lot of folic acid in peas, beans, chicory, spinach, potatoes, mushrooms, oatmeal, parsley, dill, lettuce, cauliflower, horseradish, eggplant, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets, strawberries, cherries, raspberries and apples.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) as a catalyst, it participates in the processes of protein metabolism, synthesis of nucleic acids, hemoglobin, regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels, prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, and promotes the removal of various toxic substances from the body. There is a lot of it in meat, liver, kidneys, fish, milk and eggs.

Vitamin B15 (pangamic acid) regulates the body's redox processes, stimulates the activity of respiratory enzymes, the functioning of the brain, heart, liver and respiratory organs. Yeast, seeds of many plants, rice and animal liver are rich in this vitamin.

What other vitamins are there and what are their benefits for the human body?

What other vitamins are there, where are they found and what function do they perform in the body?

Vitamin PP (a nicotinic acid) acts on the body's enzyme system, participates in all metabolisms, stimulates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, increases the number of leukocytes in the blood, regulates blood clotting, the activity of the brain, stomach and intestines, stimulates the detoxifying function of the liver, increases immunity, including to colds and respiratory diseases. IN large quantities it is found in yeast, wholemeal bread, cereals, spinach, peas, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, carrots, meat, fish and eggs.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) plays an important role in carbohydrate and protein metabolism substances, redox processes of the body, regulates the level of cholesterol and hemoglobin in the blood, promotes the regeneration of tissues and organs, including the respiratory system. Why else do you need this vitamin, and where are they found? Ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of the adrenal hormone and in the processes of hematopoiesis, stimulates the detoxic function of the liver, increases the body's resistance to infections (including influenza, ARVI, etc.), improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels, has an antioxidant effect (binds free radicals ). Most of this vitamin is found in kiwi, rose hips, sweet peppers, lemons, black currants, oranges, dill and parsley, in all types of cabbage (including sauerkraut), celery, sorrel, tarragon, sea buckthorn, red rowan, unabi, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes and turnips.

Vitamin K (vicasol, phylloquinone) regulates coagulation, composition and condition of the blood, as well as the permeability and elasticity of blood capillaries, regeneration processes in tissues and organs (including in the lungs and bronchi), intracellular metabolism, liver and muscle function, increases immunity and body resistance various infections. This vitamin accumulates in green vegetables (lettuce, spinach, nettle, various types of cabbage), less of it - in rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, rowan berries, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, oranges, tangerines, liver, eggs and milk.

Vitamin P (rutin) regulates the permeability of blood vessels, the functioning of the adrenal glands, and promotes the absorption of vitamin C by the body. Rutin performs its functions only in the presence of vitamin C. The lack of this vitamin in the body leads to internal bleeding. Rich in vitamin P: rose hips, green tea, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, red sweet peppers, aronia and red rowan, black currants, potatoes, different kinds cabbage, carrots and tomatoes.

Vitamin U This vitamin is considered anti-ulcer. Why does a person need this vitamin, and what foods should he eat to replenish its supply? It regulates the secretion of gastric juice and promotes the healing of ulcers (including gastric and duodenal ulcers), prevents the development of gastritis and atherosclerosis. Most of it is contained in white cabbage, parsley and asparagus.

Why do people need vitamins A, D, E and F?

Properties and benefits are described below vitamins A, D, E and F, and also lists food products, where these organic compounds most.

Vitamin A (retinol), its provitamin is carotene. This vitamin takes an active part in various metabolisms of the body, regulates the functioning of internal organs, nourishes the heart muscle and skin cells, increases the level of glycogen in the heart and liver, and normalizes activity respiratory system, maintains optimal levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, provides normal condition cornea and retina, mucous membranes, stimulates tissue regeneration. Rich in vitamin A: fish fat, liver, eggs, milk, butter and cheeses, and carotene - apricots, peaches, oranges, tangerines, mangoes, melon, pumpkin, carrots, watercress, bell peppers, parsley, sorrel, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, chervil, rose hips, red rowan, sea buckthorn, dried apricots, green onions, salad and green peas.

Vitamin D is an antirachitic vitamin. It has several provitamins: ergosterol, cholecalciferol, etc. This vitamin is involved in various metabolisms of the body (carbohydrate, phosphorus, calcium, etc.), ensures the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, participates in the formation of bone tissue, affects fat, steroid and water exchanges, promotes tissue regeneration and wound healing, regulates the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Vitamin D accumulates in egg yolk, butter, milk, cream, sour cream, fish, caviar, mushrooms, yeast, spinach and cereal sprouts.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) prevents vascular sclerosis and muscle dystrophy, regulates hematopoiesis and reproductive function, enhances the activity of vitamin A, regulates fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, nervous and cardiovascular systems, warns early aging body. This vitamin is found in abundance in grain sprouts, vegetable oils, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, chocolate, egg yolks, milk, meat, liver, sea buckthorn, nuts, legumes (peas, beans, etc.), corn and fish.

Vitamin F- a mixture of linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids fatty acids. Why does the body need this vitamin and what function does it perform? The above acids are involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, help remove excess cholesterol from the body, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. One of the functions of vitamin F is the regulation of blood and lymph circulation; it also plays a significant role in enhancing immunity. Particularly rich in vitamin F vegetable oils(sunflower, soy, flaxseed and walnut) and nuts.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Very often people underestimate the role of vitamins in their lives. Many people do not consider it necessary to monitor their diet and take additional essential vitamins and minerals. After all, they do not add energy to us and do not become building material for the body.

But the consequences of vitamin deficiency will not keep you waiting. and as a result, exacerbation chronic diseases, fatigue and lack of performance, premature aging, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, wrinkles and age spots appear.

Women will definitely be upset by such changes in their body and appearance. And to avoid this, you need to know: what vitamins are needed for each organ of our body to function properly (heart, blood vessels, etc.).

Without vision, a person's life is devoid of bright colors. Our eyes often get tired, watery, and red. But we usually don't attach much importance to this.

Human life in modern world unthinkable without gadgets: computers, phones, tablets. And in the evenings, obligatory viewing of TV shows in front of the TV. It can be difficult for the eyes to bear such stress.

If in the evening the clarity of vision disappears, the eyes are watery and sore - they urgently need rest. And, most likely, it will only be beneficial.

What vitamins do you need to take for visual acuity?

  1. Vitamin A. It just prevents eye fatigue and redness. Prevents the development of cataracts in adulthood. If in the evening the clarity of the images is lost and your eyes begin to hurt, then you should add to your diet: liver, dairy products, tomatoes, rose hips, oats, green vegetables, raspberries.
  2. Vitamin B1. Stops the process of vision deterioration, affecting work nerve tissue. This vitamin is present in meat products, liver, kidneys, honey, buckwheat.
  3. Vitamin B2. Its other name is riboflavin. Its deficiency is indicated by frequent bursting of blood vessels, as well as discomfort reminiscent of “sand in the eyes.” There is a lot of this vitamin in dairy products, eggs, apples, and nuts.
  4. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid . If there is a lack of “ascorbic acid” in the body, then it signals this by a decrease in immunity and fatigue. Your eyes often begin to hurt towards the end of the day, and you quickly get tired when working on the computer. Just add to your diet following products so that the condition returns to normal: kiwi, lemon, cabbage, rose hips, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

Of course, vitamins can be obtained from food, but provided that you organize the correct and balanced diet. What, alas, in modern conditions, extremely difficult. Therefore, it is best to give preference to supplements. You can take vitamins separately, but it is much more convenient and safer to choose a vitamin complex. They can be purchased both at local pharmacies and in specialized online stores. Special attention, we recommend visiting the iHerb website, where high-quality and certified products from the best manufacturers are presented.

To improve your vision, be sure to try:

Vitamins a person needs to strengthen bones and joints

Of course, the main macronutrient for our skeleton is calcium. But other vitamins are also needed for its absorption. You need to take care of it constantly: and during active growth body and in old age.

The most essential vitamins for strengthening bones and joints:

  1. Vitamin D Its main merit is to help calcium and phosphorus be better absorbed in the intestines. It is especially important for children. The vitamin also controls the amount of calcium necessary for the strength of our bones. Insufficient intake of vitamin D in human food is fraught with fractures and damage to the vertebrae. To avoid this, you need to eat fatty varieties fish (herring, mackerel, trout, salmon), dairy products, eggs, liver.
  2. Vitamin C. With prolonged deficiency ascorbic acid a person's teeth are destroyed, bones do not heal well when fractures occur. The fact is that vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of collagen, which forms fibers so necessary for our bones and joints. Lemon, bell pepper, kiwi daily use in food will reduce the risk of bone deformities.
  3. Vitamin A. Just like vitamin D, it helps calcium and phosphorus to be better absorbed. Prevents the development of osteoporosis, strengthens bone walls. You should diversify your diet with green vegetables, rowan berries, and rose hips.
  4. Vitamin B6. They also help strengthen bone walls. There is a lot of it in sunflower seeds, walnuts, seafood, meat products, bananas, potatoes, etc.

Also supplement your diet biologically active additives to strengthen bones and joints with iHerb:

Few can boast beautiful hair. For some, they are brittle and dry or, conversely, greasy at the roots. Someone suffers from dandruff or hair loss. Everyone's problems are different, but the essence is the same - hair doesn't get .

It turns out that it is not enough just to have quality shampoo or conditioner. Even weekly hair masks will not save the situation if the hair is deprived of the vitamins and microelements it needs.

What vitamins do our hair need:

  1. B vitamins.
    • Vitamin B2 Provides hair smoothness and shine. Its deficiency affects high fat content at the roots and dryness at the ends of the hair. Sufficient amounts of the vitamin are present in dairy products, meat, and eggs.
    • Vitamin B6. Eliminates dry hair, itching, dandruff. Found in nuts, fish, cereals, and liver.
    • Vitamin B7. Provides voluminous hairstyle, as well as smoothness and healthy appearance of hair.
    • Vitamin B9 promotes hair growth. Its deficiency can lead to dire consequences - partial or complete loss hair. To prevent this from happening, eat fish, nutritional yeast, cottage cheese, and cheese.
  2. Vitamin A. The lack of this vitamin immediately affects the hair. They become lifeless, dry, dandruff appears, and hair loss is noticed. This can be avoided if you set up proper nutrition with green onions, spinach, lettuce and fatty fish. Your hair will change right before your eyes: it will become silky and shiny.
  3. Vitamin C enhances hair growth and promotes hair strength. In addition, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which leads to saturation of hair follicles with blood. Kiwi contains the most vitamin C, bell pepper, lemon, apples.
  4. Vitamin E. Known as the "beauty vitamin". It also affects the beauty of hair. Nourishes hair follicles and contributes to their strength. Relieves itching of the head, ensures rapid healing of wounds. To avoid hair loss, you need to add to your diet: sea ​​fish, liver, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, egg yolk, etc.

Vitamins and substances necessary for the body for beautiful and youthful skin

The need to take care of your skin is not even worth talking about. After all, it is she who reveals the true age of a person. The skin has many functions, including the role of a kind of “filter” for the entire body.

Appearance skin can signal all kinds of diseases of internal organs. Beauty is not added by numerous skin diseases, such as acne, furunculosis, psoriasis, etc. To prevent this, you need to properly care for it. And this care should not be limited to external means only.

  1. Vitamin E. If we talk about skin, then it is impossible to forget about it. Keeps the skin youthful and promotes its hydration. Protects against free radicals. Lack of vitamin leads to premature aging and sagging skin of the face and body.
  2. Vitamin A. Reduces fine wrinkles, restores damaged skin short time. If there is a deficiency, the skin becomes dry, flaky, and acne and age spots may appear.
  3. Vitamin C. A lack of vitamin affects not only the skin, but the entire body as a whole. Are escalating allergic reactions, itching, redness appears on the skin. General form person speaks of fatigue. Vitamin C speeds up healing faster purulent diseases and prevents bruising.
  4. Vitamin K Swelling, pallor, pigmentation signal a lack of this vitamin.
  5. B vitamins. Provides skin cell renewal. Moisturizes, treats skin diseases, dilates blood vessels. Vitamin deficiency affects the skin in the form of allergic red spots, pimples, acne, dermatitis.

It is impossible to get a beautiful manicure if... This can be a huge disappointment for any woman. But proper nutrition with the addition of essential vitamins will solve this problem.

What vitamins do the body need to strengthen nails:

  1. Vitamin C. Do your nails peel, break, or have white spots and indentations visible on them? This signals a lack of vitamin C.
  2. Vitamins B3 and B5. Their insufficient amount in food becomes noticeable on the nail plate. Nails are thin with gray tint and strong convexity.
  3. Vitamin A. Protects our nails from external influences. Such as: cleaning products, abrupt change weather, lack of gloves in extreme cold.

iHerb offers combination vitamin complexes, which will help restore and maintain the health of hair, nails and skin. Efficiency and effectiveness stand out among others:

Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system

We often test the strength of the nervous system. Stress at work, traffic jams, family problems, inappropriately naughty children... All this throws you off balance. Appear alarming symptoms: depression, deterioration of health, fatigue, anxiety. The required amount of vitamins per day can solve this problem.

Vitamins to strengthen the nervous system:

  1. B vitamins(B1, B6, B12):
    • Vitamin B1. Counts excellent antidepressant. Eliminates stress depressive state. Focuses attention on important details.
    • Vitamin B6. Promotes memory concentration, eliminates fatigue and sleep disturbances.
    • Vitamin B12. First aid in strengthening the nervous system. Normalizes many disorders: apathy, deterioration of memory and concentration, premature aging, weakness and lethargy.
  2. Vitamin E. Prescribed when constant fatigue and high physical activity.
  3. Vitamin D Eliminates depression and depression.
  4. Vitamin C. Eliminates symptoms: anxiety, stress, depression. Increases thirst for life and interest in work.
  5. Vitamin A. Doesn't allow nerve cells"wear". Prevents insomnia and adds calmness.

Strengthen nervous system and help you find balance:

Popular pharmacy vitamin complexes

Taking multivitamins is not always justified. If you live in locality with fresh air, eat homemade products - no vitamins are needed. In other cases, they may be useful, especially during the period of traditional spring vitamin deficiency.

What vitamin complexes have earned people's trust?

  • Vitrum. Production - USA. The complex is balanced and designed to strengthen the entire body. Suitable for pregnant women and athletes with tall physical activity. There are different release forms: Beauty, Beauty Lusk, Beauty Elite, Antioxidant.
  • Alphabet Cosmetics. The developers assure us that for better absorption, certain groups of vitamins must be taken in different time. For this purpose, the tablets differ in color. You need to take them 3 times a day.
  • Supradin. Available in the form chewing candies and tablets. Children especially loved it because of the delicious gummy bears. The course of taking Supradin is 1 month. Manufacturers do not recommend treatment more than twice a year.
  • Complement "Shine". Course of administration: one tablet per day for 1 month. The complex contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Designed to save female beauty and health.

Let's draw conclusions!

Of course, this list can be continued indefinitely. Pharmaceutical companies are ready to introduce new vitamin complexes every month. These same additives are selected based on the ratio: price - quality. A positive effect its use has been noticed by millions of people.

Of course, it is better to take vitamins and minerals in natural form, but if this cannot be done, then pharmacy products will serve you greatly, will put all your organs and systems in order, improve your well-being and increase your immunity!
Be healthy and happy!