How to choose a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo. How to determine whether an anti-dandruff shampoo is of high quality? Anti-dandruff shampoos for children

Dandruff is difficult to classify as a global problem for humanity, but for an individual it can ruin the life of no less than some medieval plague.

Real panic settles in the soul when, having experienced it in your own skin (in the literal sense of the word) great amount“super-effective” anti-dandruff shampoos in search of the best, and not receiving the desired relief, the sufferer begins to study the problem deeper and learns: dandruff is not just his personal aesthetic punishment from God. This fungal disease who needs treatment.

That’s right: what we are used to thinking cosmetic defect, in fact, is the result of the vital activity of an opportunistic microorganism that works hard on the scalp. Conditional pathogenicity of the fungus means that when in good condition organism (including skin), it is harmless, since its growth is suppressed by other representatives of the skin microflora. But as soon as something goes wrong, the fungus begins to multiply rapidly - it loosens the skin, disrupts normal process division of its cells, and in the end we see what we see: “snowfall” from particles of skin that could not withstand such a life, died and peeled off.

The majority of shampoos marketed as “eliminating dandruff” actually only wash it away without affecting the causes of its appearance. Particularly effective shampoos can remove sebum so well ( main component nutrient medium for the fungus) that you begin to hope that the fungus has been defeated. But 1-2 days pass, and the dandruff returns to your shoulders or mockingly peeks out from the roots of your hair...

So are there any remedies that really help get rid of this crumbling and itchy disaster? Fortunately, yes. You need to look for them at the pharmacy. And this is exactly what we have to figure out: which of the anti-dandruff remedies recommended by dermatologists and cosmetologists can be considered the best.

Nizoral, Sebozol, Dermazol
best anti-dandruff shampoos


The active ingredient in the anti-dandruff shampoo "Nizoral" is Ketoconazole (analogues of "Nizoral" - "Dermazol", "Sebozol"). The cost of a 60ml bottle is about 550 rubles.

Ketoconazole can rightfully be considered the best antifungal agent designed to combat dandruff. His distinguishing feature- “omnivorous”: it affects a wide range of microorganisms that cause fungal infections scalp.

Advantages. Nizoral has a thick and homogeneous consistency, which makes the “do not rinse off for 5 minutes” condition easily fulfilled. Apply to your hair and you can take care of hygiene procedures for other strategically important areas of the body.

Considering the wide spectrum of action of ketoconazole, Nizoral can be used to treat other scalp diseases caused by fungi - pityriasis versicolor, oily and dry seborrhea, etc. Do not rush to draw conclusions if you think Nizoral is something that shoots sparrows from a cannon - after all, you have Just dandruff, not some kind of lichen! The problem is that prolonged activity of the fungus on the scalp weakens local immunity, which makes it easier for the skin to colonize other, less pleasant microorganisms. Therefore, leave Nizoral in home medicine cabinet, even when the dandruff has left you. Until the skin microflora restores its normal indicators, this shampoo may still come in handy.

Flaws. For those who are accustomed to applying shampoo, immediately rinsing it off and forgetting about their hair until the next wash, the method of applying the product will seem inconvenient. But this is nothing compared to the statistics: Nizoral showed its effectiveness in 96% of cases. So, leave shampoo on your hair for 5 minutes, which has this high probability will get rid of dandruff - no problem.

conclusions. Shampoos based on ketoconazole are the best anti-dandruff shampoos with excellent performance indicators. 10 points out of ten.

Reviews. « My dad uses this shampoo all the time, he says it helps well. With Nizoral there is almost no dandruff, but when I switch to another shampoo, dandruff appears again. It’s just not quite as cheap as for shampoo, but it has an effect.”

the best shampoo for treating “complicated” dandruff


The cost of a 200 ml bottle is about 250 rubles.

Basic active ingredients this shampoo is tar and salicylic acid. Both ingredients have a pronounced antifungal effect, and salicylic acid, among other things, perfectly “degreases” the skin and hair, depriving the mushrooms of a nutrient medium.

Advantages. The shampoo has a strong antimycotic and antibacterial effect. It is effective when there is a risk of secondary infection or problems of this kind that have already arisen. Every time you scratch your head when itching, you slightly damage the skin. For you, these are microscopic scratches, invisible and imperceptible. For bacteria this is great silk road, through which they freely penetrate the skin, becoming the cause of new “joys”, among which the most innocent are pustular infections.

Algopix has proven itself best as a treatment for dandruff of various origins, as one of the components complex therapy. This means that in difficult cases when dandruff is complicated or accompanied by other pathologies, treatment with special drugs+ Algopix is ​​the most shortcut to recovery.

Flaws. Those who complained about the need to leave Nizoral on their hair for 5 minutes have nothing to do with Algopix. The manufacturer promises that best effect you will achieve by leaving the shampoo on for a full 10 minutes.

You should also not use shampoo on wounds on the scalp - if you feel a burning sensation when washing your hair, wash off the shampoo and do not use it until full recovery skin integrity.

And so that this does not come as a surprise to you, let us remind you of the fly in the ointment. More precisely, in a bottle of shampoo. The smell, frankly speaking, is not for everyone. Therefore, if you combine a course of dandruff treatment with Algopix with a vacation, which you will spend in splendid solitude, you will not go wrong.

Conclusions. One of the best means against dandruff, full of natural and useful components, but not everyone will put up with its overly natural smell. Rating 9 out of 10.

Reviews. « I bought it on advice and, to be honest, I doubted its effectiveness, but it met all my expectations, after the second wash the dandruff almost disappeared, my head stopped itching, it foams well, it’s kind of slippery, which is probably why it distributes well throughout the hair.” .

Instant Clearfrom L'Oreal Professionnel
best shampoo to prevent dandruff


Cost of a 250ml bottle. is about 700 rubles.

The main ingredient of this shampoo is zinc pyrithione, which regulates the activity sebaceous glands. In addition, the Instant Clear composition includes a vitamin-protein complex, lipids and biologically active substances that normalize hair growth and condition.

Advantages. Yes, this shampoo does not contain antifungal substances that will get rid of dandruff once and for all. But, given the ability of this product to normalize production and excretion sebum, we can say: with Instant Clear, the fungus will have to go on a strict diet, since thanks to zinc pyrithione, the nutrient medium becomes not so nutritious. Therefore, using Instant Clear in combination with an antifungal agent will speed up the healing process, and at the end of treatment will help prevent relapse. An additional bonus is the improvement in the appearance of hair, which rarely remains attractive and shiny after a dandruff invasion.

Flaws. Instant Clear is not a medicinal product, so it is not suitable for completely getting rid of dandruff. Perhaps, as a temporary measure, when with a choice medicinal shampoo you haven’t decided yet, but the reflection in the mirror is already insistently demanding that you do something with your hair to give it a more neat look.

conclusions. One of the best professional means to improve hair quality and prevent dandruff, which occurs due to excessive oiliness of the scalp. But Instant Clear will not cure existing dandruff. 8 points out of ten.

Now in transport or in public place It is rare to find people whose jacket or dress is covered with dirty white scales in the shoulder area. But this does not mean that dandruff has disappeared somewhere, and humanity has gotten rid of this unpleasant phenomenon.

Modern effective anti-dandruff shampoos actively combat the problem and help cure scalp diseases. The result is that the unsightly phenomenon becomes noticeably less and less common. Why do scales appear? Which medicated shampoo for dandruff to choose? The pharmacy has many active compounds from famous companies. A review of popular tools will help you make a choice.

Causes of dandruff

Under certain conditions, the fungus begins to multiply and the cells die, bypassing the dehydration process. Result:

  • Sticky whitish scales appear.

The addition of an infection provokes the development of seborrhea. Added to dandruff:

  • constant itching;
  • irritation, redness of the scalp.

Factors that provoke the development of fungus:

  • weakened immune system;
  • incorrectly selected masks, hair shampoos;
  • often coloring, especially with cheap compounds, irritates the epidermis on the head;
  • stressful situations;
  • addiction to salty, fatty, spicy foods;
  • vitamin deficiency (dandruff often appears in the spring).

Review of popular brands of pharmacy shampoos

Pharmacy chains and cosmetics stores offer several types of products for the treatment of dandruff, dry and oily seborrhea. Some good dandruff shampoos also fight pityriasis versicolor.

Which anti-dandruff shampoo is best? Each composition has its own advantages. a brief description of medicinal and cosmetic shampoos will help you find “your” drug.


This is not the first year that this product has been popular on the market. Many people use this particular shampoo.

General information:

  • active substance - ketoconazole has a strong antifungal effect;
  • the drug is recommended for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases;
  • at seborrheic crusts, an abundance of dead skin flakes, the product is applied to washed hair, distributed on the skin and strands. After 5 minutes, rinse off the product;
  • after just a couple of treatments, itching decreases and flaking decreases;
  • lubricate for treatment scalp heads twice a week, for prevention – once every 12–14 days;
  • side effects are rare;
  • The average price of Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo (60 ml bottle) is 400 rubles.


The drug appeared relatively recently, but quickly became popular. Causes:

  • active fight against fungal diseases, seborrheic psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor;
  • reasonable price.

General information:

  • The active ingredient is ketoconazole. Present lemon acid and glycerin;
  • the product has a detrimental effect on fungi and bacteria, removes dead scales, eliminates seborrheic manifestations;
  • the drug normalizes skin sensitivity;
  • Apply Sebozol anti-dandruff shampoo to clean, lightly wet hair, lather up. After five minutes, rinse your hair well;
  • during treatment, use Sebozol for a month. Treat the scalp a couple of times throughout the week. Prevention is carried out once every 7–14 days;
  • Sometimes shampoo causes itching, drying or, conversely, increased fat content hairline;
  • the price of a 100 ml bottle is 230 rubles.


Pharmacies have been selling the well-known anti-dandruff remedy for several years now. Before the advent of newfangled cosmetic compositions and modern medicinal shampoos, many people bought Sulsena. There is a paste with the same name for the treatment of dermatological diseases. The drug has earned a lot of positive reviews.

General information:

  • active component – ​​selenium disulfide. The substance specifically affects the “culprit” of the appearance of scales, irritation, itching;
  • a molecule of the active substance is introduced into cell wall fungus, disrupts the process of division and reproduction;
  • SeS2 molecules are fixed on the scalp, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent dandruff;
  • the medicinal composition has a fungicidal, cytostatic, keratolytic effect;
  • Wash your hair, distribute a little Sulsen anti-dandruff shampoo, and lather. After 3 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Immediately repeat the treatment, rinse your hair and skin well again;
  • Use Sulsena once a week. A combination of shampoo and paste of concentration 1 and 2% gives an excellent effect;
  • the average price of a 150 ml PET bottle is 270 rubles, Sulsen Forte paste is 70 rubles.

Keto plus

A modern drug with an active effect on the affected skin. Quickly restores balance on the scalp, normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands, has a detrimental effect on yeast mushrooms and dermatophytes.

General information:

  • active ingredient – ​​ketoconazole, neutralizing pathogenic flora. Another active component is zinc pyrithione. The substance relieves irritation and relieves itching;
  • goes away with regular use seborrheic dermatitis, the number of crumbling scales decreases sharply;
  • Apply the composition to clean, damp hair, lather well, remove after 3–5 minutes with warm water;
  • use Keto Plus twice a week to treat dermatological diseases. For prevention, once a month is enough;
  • The average price of a 60 ml bottle is 400–550 rubles.


Shampoo contains active ingredients and herbal extracts for scalp treatment. The product is recommended for seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, and psoriasis of the scalp.

General information:

  • active ingredients – light ichthyol, tar, climbazole. The substances have a noticeable antiseborrheic effect;
  • extracts of rosemary and mountain arnica relieve inflammation, improve blood microcirculation in upper layers epidermis on the head;
  • panthenol softens the effect chemical components as part of shampoo;
  • Apply the product to washed, damp hair and massage the scalp well. Hold the foamy mass for 3 minutes, remove Fitoval under running water. Re-processing is recommended;
  • use the composition once or twice a week;
  • for seborrhea, use Fitoval shampoo for 4–16 weeks, for psoriasis – from 8 to 12 weeks. Fitoval anti-dandruff lotion will help enhance the effect;
  • the average price is 300 rubles.

Tar 911

The product has a detrimental effect on yeast fungi and has an anti-inflammatory and sebostatic effect. The functioning of the sebaceous glands improves, and the epidermis is disinfected.

General information:

  • the main component is tar. Organic acids, resins, and toluene are present;
  • The product smells quite unpleasant, but the smell quickly disappears from the hair;
  • there is not much foam during processing due to the high percentage of natural ingredients;
  • the consistency is quite liquid, the drug is not used very economically;
  • cover wet hair tar shampoo, distribute the composition over the entire length, massage the skin, leave for 3 minutes;
  • rinse your hair with non-hot water;
  • the composition carefully cleanses the hair and epidermis, the curls become soft and manageable;
  • course – 21 days. Use the product a couple of times a week;
  • The average price of a 150 ml bottle is 130 rubles.

Clear Vita ABE

The popular anti-dandruff shampoo is available in several variations. There are products for women and men.

General information:

  • The product contains a unique formula that nourishes the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • suitable for frequent use, gently cleanses hair and skin, gently cares;
  • the skin on the scalp becomes healthier, the prerequisites for the appearance of a large number of dead particles of the epidermis disappear;

Dandruff is a condition that most people experience. It is accompanied by itching, irritation, excessive dryness or oily skin. A properly selected anti-dandruff shampoo will help cure it and restore health to the scalp, the main assistant in the fight against an unpleasant problem.

Types of anti-dandruff shampoos

From exposure various factors (poor nutrition, stress, improper hygiene, vitamin deficiency) a fungus is activated on the scalp - main reason appearance of the disease. To treat it, it is necessary to use products that contain ingredients that destroy the fungus and prevent its spread.

To choose the right product, you need to determine your hair type (oily, dry, combination or normal) and the nature of dandruff (oily or dry), then you will understand which shampoo you need to choose.

Main active ingredients:

  • for fungus – ketoconazole, ciclopirox, selenium disulfate, zinc pyrithione, climbazole, clotrimazole;
  • for exfoliating skin scales - salicylic acid, tar, sulfur;
  • to normalize cellular metabolism of the scalp - ichthyol, tar.

Please note: it is recommended to use all anti-dandruff products strictly according to the instructions to obtain therapeutic effect. Visible result does not appear immediately, it is necessary to follow a course of treatment. It is very important to wash your hair properly to remove shampoo residue from your scalp.

Watch the video tutorial on proper washing heads:

Professional shampoos

Professional products are different narrow specialization and actively influences the problem. It cleanses the scalp well, but the hair also requires the use of conditioner. The price of effective anti-dandruff shampoos from professional brands (Schwarzkopf, Kerastaz) is from RUB 500. They contain more expensive ingredients than popular products in the mass market (Dove, Shamtu, Head n Shoulders - up to RUB 300). However, they contain more flavors and dyes than medicated shampoos. ­­

Some low-quality products do not fight the problem, but mask its presence by covering the scalp with a film and preventing the scales from peeling off. Choosing effective shampoo, you need to carefully study the composition. If it contains aggressive sulfates (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate), synthetic flavors (DEA, TEA, MEA), mineral oils, it is better to refrain from purchasing.

Dry hair shampoo

Dry shampoos are available in an aerosol bottle or in a package of powder and are not intended for frequent use. Their function is to absorb oil from the hair and scalp using talc, corn starch and other absorbents. The use of such drugs is not recommended in the fight against the disease. By drying out your hair and scalp, it can cause additional itching and irritation.

Natural shampoos

Natural shampoo- This is a product made without chemical components. The “naturalness” of products offered to customers in stores or on the Internet is a commercial move. They may contain natural ingredients V large quantities, but will not be entirely organic, at least due to preservatives that extend shelf life.

This all-natural dandruff remedy is easy to make with your own hands. Organic nettle shampoo helps fight it well.

You will need:

  • 100 grams of dry or fresh nettle
  • half a liter of vinegar


  • Pour a liter of water over the nettle and add vinegar.
  • Put on fire, after boiling, keep for another half an hour.
  • Add two or three glasses of the resulting broth to a container of water and rinse your hair with the product.
  • Additionally, it is useful to rinse with chamomile and tansy tinctures several times a week.

Tip for restoring dry hair ends: an hour before washing, apply cosmetic olive oil, wrap your hair in a towel. By structure cosmetic oil lighter than usual, washes off better, moisturizes well and adds shine.


Medicinal shampoos for dandruff can be found in pharmacies - in fact, they are medicine. Along with professional ones, these products are highly intense. Their composition is dominated by an active substance that fights the disease. They contain almost no aggressive components, flavors, or dyes.

Popular medicinal shampoos with various active substances:

  • “Sulsena” (~150 rub.). It contains selenium disulfide. It normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, promotes exfoliation of dead skin particles, and suppresses the growth of yeast fungi.
  • “Nizoral” (~500 rub.), “Perhotal” (~300 rub.) and “ Horsepower"(~500 rub.). The main active ingredient is ketoconazole. It is highly effective in combating fungus.
  • Keto plus (~400 RUR). The product contains ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. Fights fungus, treats excess skin peeling, itching and irritation.
  • Tar. Contain Birch tar, which strengthens hair roots, removes excess sebum and skin flakes.

For oily hair

To combat the disease with oily hair ah, the best shampoos are those that work comprehensively - they should include good cleansing agents for effective removal oil from the scalp and hair, antifungal (ketoconazole, ciclopirox, selenium disulfate, zinc pyrithione, climbazole, clotrimazole) and exfoliant (tar, sulfur, salicylic acid). Shampoos containing tar and ichthyol are good for oily hair.

Tip for improving oily hair: tincture alcohol calendula(pour one tablespoon with 200 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days) rub into the scalp twice a week. Perform the procedure within a month.

Children's anti-dandruff shampoos

Dandruff in children is much less common than in adults, so it is necessary to accurately identify its cause by a dermatologist ( poor nutrition, fungus, lack of vitamins, violation of hygiene rules, etc.), determine the type of scalp. The child’s body is prone to allergic reactions, so baby anti-dandruff shampoos consist of more gentle ingredients (glycerin in small quantity, herbal extracts, zinc pyrithione, coal tar).

How to identify a good shampoo

To determine good remedy, you need to pay attention to whether the following characteristics are typical for it:

  • The consistency is thick and viscous.
  • The composition does not include synthetic flavors (DEA, TEA, MEA), aggressive sulfates (Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate), mineral oils.
  • It has comprehensive care (contains antifungal, exfoliating, substances that normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands).
  • Contains essential oils.
  • Contains plant extracts.
  • Doesn't foam well.
  • Odorless or has a slight unpleasant odor.

The more points your dandruff remedy matches, the better.


To prevent dandruff, your lifestyle must include:

  • Balanced diet.
  • Careful hygiene.
  • Periodic change or treatment of hats and hair tools (combs, hairpins).
  • Identification and treatment of internal dandruff problems.
  • No stress.
  • Fresh air.
  • Scalp massage. ­­

Photo instructions for self-massage of the head are presented in the photo below.

Shampoo rating

  1. Nizoral. One of the most strong means to combat dandruff - eliminates the fungus, the root cause of its appearance. Helps get rid of itching and flaking. Noticeable results after several uses.
  2. Sulsena. A drug complex action for the treatment of dandruff. Normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, cleanses the scalp well, and removes dandruff.
  3. Keto Plus. Contains two active ingredients for effective fight with fungus. Treats itching, flaking.
  4. Home Institut against dandruff with nettle. The product contains 15% nettle extract. Gently removes scales, relieves itching, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Suitable for treatment and prevention.
  5. Instant Clear from L'OrealProfessionnel. Contains zinc pyrithione, vitamins, proteins. Treats hair roots, fights fungus, eliminates skin manifestations.

When choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo, pay attention to its composition. Remember that it should best suit your hair type, contain not only active substances, but also healthy supplements– herbs and essential oils. If you are not sure about your hair type, consult a trichologist or dermatologist. If you have encountered the problem of dandruff and have experience in using special means, write about it in the comments.

The problem of dandruff is known to everyone - some people rarely experience this problem, while others suffer constantly. And it’s not just that white flakes on the hair are unsightly. Dandruff often accompanies increased greasiness hair and itching, in which you can scratch the skin until sores and inflammation appear. If this process is left to chance and not treated, then you can make money serious illnesses scalp, which are fraught, for example, with baldness.

For the most part, ignorance and ubiquitous advertising lead to people resorting to mass-market cosmetic products - in this case positive result will appear in a minimal size.

Because dandruff is not easy cosmetic problem, but disturbances in the functioning of the body, the causes of which may be different. Therefore, they are more suitable for use pharmaceutical products, in particular, shampoos that have specialized therapeutic effect. Below is a review of, in our opinion, the best anti-dandruff shampoos, based on manufacturers’ statements and reviews from real customers, as well as specialist trichologists.

Review of pharmaceutical anti-dandruff shampoos

  • Sulsena

Composition: The active ingredient is selenium sulfide.

Efficiency. It directly affects the cause of dandruff – a yeast-like fungus – and is therefore extremely effective in combating this nuisance. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and accelerates the restoration of the epidermis. Can be used as prophylaxis.

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to the components. Avoid contact with eyes.

According to reviews, it is highly effective; the condition may improve after the first use, but many do not like the smell.

  • "911" Degtyarny

Composition: the active substance is birch tar.

Efficiency: cleanses the scalp and fights fungus, which causes dandruff, while eliminating itching and flaking. Suitable for regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, seborrhea and as a prophylactic.

Besides effective disposal against dandruff, makes hair more voluminous and reduces oiliness of the scalp, which allows you to wash your hair less often. Despite the tar in the composition, the effect of the shampoo is mild and does not damage the hair. It is recommended to use 2 times a week, and less often for prevention.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, childhood up to 2 years.

Estimated cost: up to 180 rubles.

According to reviews, some symptoms, such as itching, are relieved from the first use. The disadvantage is that it is not available in all pharmacies, as well as the specific smell of tar.

  • Mycozoral

Composition: active ingredient ketoconazole 2%.

Efficacy: has proven itself in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff and pityriasis versicolor. By eliminating these diseases, Mycozoral relieves itching, irritation and redness on the scalp. The course of treatment is 1 month, and it is recommended to use shampoo 2 times a week.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components. Use during pregnancy and lactation is possible, since the substances in the composition are not absorbed.

Estimated cost: up to 150 rubles.

According to reviews from most patients, the shampoo worked well and relieved them of discomfort and symptoms, but for another part, unexpected reactions occurred in the form of peeling, itching, changes in the level of oiliness or dryness of the hair.

Composition: the active ingredient is aminexil, which is used to treat alopecia, tightens collagen around the hair root, which prevents hair loss.

Efficiency: high effectiveness is noted for dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and elimination of its symptoms - itching, etc. In addition to the main therapeutic effects, it also has a cosmetic effect, nourishes the roots and imparts. Can be used continuously as it is not addictive.

According to reviews it is noted quick effect and relief of itching, as well as a pleasant sensation and smell during use.

  • Panthenol

Ingredients: vitamin B5 – 5%, which is famous for its restorative and healing ability.

Efficacy: actively used for dandruff, itching, seborrhea, hair loss, etc. It restores the hair structure, stimulates the growth of dormant hair, and helps increase volume and nutrition along the entire length of the curls. Visible effect noticeable within a week after starting use, and the recommended course is 1 month.

Estimated cost: up to 400 rubles.

According to reviews, in addition to the main action to eliminate dandruff, noticeable qualitative changes hair structure and appearance. The disadvantage is the price of the drug.

  • Seborin

Refers to professional cosmetics, but can be used on an ongoing basis.

Ingredients: the active ingredients are salicylic acid and climbazole, which will effectively destroy the fungus and skin infections causing dandruff and itching; allantoin – has a moisturizing and regenerating effect on the hair structure and scalp. In addition, it contains a lot excipients in the form of vitamins and caffeine.

Efficiency: most patients note high efficiency, but it didn’t help everyone.

Contraindications: practically does not cause allergic reactions. Can be used daily long time until complete recovery.

Estimated cost: up to 200 rubles.

According to reviews, most customers are completely satisfied with the result, but not everyone had a positive result, so in some cases the price is considered unreasonably high. In addition to the effect on dandruff, it is noted positive influence on appearance hair, in particular, reducing oiliness.

  • Sebozol

Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​ketoconazole.

Efficiency extends to seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, fungal infections, pityriasis versicolor, ticks. Due to the expressed therapeutic effects is improving general state hair. Treatment for dandruff is carried out in a course lasting a month, when used twice a week.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and lactation.

Estimated cost: from 270 rubles.

Most reviews are positive, which is justified wide range application and high efficiency.

  • Bioderma

Ingredients: a complex of antifungal components, as well as oatmeal amino acids, caprylyl glycol, manitol, prebiotics. Vitamin B6 prevents relapse.

Efficacy: normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and destroys fungi that cause dandruff. In addition, it cares for the hair itself, giving it additional volume and shine. Use when strong manifestations symptoms and dandruff can be treated up to 4 times a week for a month. Suitable for frequent use and as a preventive measure.

Estimated cost: from 1350 rubles.

According to reviews, high performance is noted, but among the negative aspects, the price is too high.

  • Libriderm

Ingredients: the active ingredients are allantoin and zinc, which regulate oily scalp, treat psoriasis and dermatitis, strengthen hair, eliminate dandruff.

The effectiveness in the fight against dandruff and hair loss is very high, which primarily indicates the therapeutic function of the shampoo, so its constant use is not recommended.

The duration of the course is 1 – 1.5 months, while in the first 2 weeks it is used 2 times every 7 days, and then once a week.

Estimated cost: 400 rubles.

According to reviews, the result is noticeable after just a few uses. The advantages also include a composition in which there are no substances of artificial origin, but the disadvantage is the high price and not very good foaming.

  • Dermazol

Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​ketoconazole, which successfully fights fungi and, accordingly, dandruff.

Efficiency: shampoo is a medicinal, not a cosmetic product. Relieves dandruff caused by fungi, pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis and eczema. The course of treatment is from 3 to 5 days. In the future, it is used as a prophylactic agent once a week.

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation.

Estimated cost: from 180 rubles depending on volume.

Reviews: most of those who used the shampoo were satisfied, but a small part of them noted the occurrence of negative reactions - itching, hair loss.

  • Biocon

Composition: the active ingredient is ketoconazole, which gets rid of fungus, and as excipients there is a large complex of natural extracts.

Efficacy: eliminates seborrhea, prevents hair loss and stimulates new growth. Suitable for regular use.

Estimated cost: from 100 rubles.

Most customers noted the low effectiveness of the product, and after stopping its use, all problems returned in full. Among the advantages are its ability to moisturize and low cost.

  • Nizoral

Ingredients: ketoconazole 2% and imidomourea get rid of fungus on the scalp; in addition, collagen is present, which strengthens the hair structure.

Efficiency: eliminates the cause of dandruff, accompanying itching, irritation, peeling and pigmentation of the scalp, acting directly on seborrheic dermatitis, fungus and pityriasis versicolor. The treatment regimen will depend on the diagnosis and ranges from 5 days to a month; in the future it can be used for prevention.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to components, rarely - allergic reactions in the form of a rash, dizziness, itching, etc.

Estimated cost: 600 rubles.

Most reviews are positive, but for some, dandruff returned after stopping the drug. Among the disadvantages were also rare negative reactions– irritation, increased dryness or oily hair.

  • Cynovitis

Ingredients: active active substance- zinc pyrithione, which is a complex component to combat dandruff.

Efficacy: the shampoo is medicinal and has an antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the epidermis of the scalp, and also heals inflammation and irritation. At the same time, dandruff and all its manifestations disappear. The approximate treatment time is about a month, with a frequency of 3 times a week.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the ingredients.

Estimated cost: from 250 rubles.