How to freeze green onions for the winter at home in the freezer and is it possible? Harvesting green onions for the winter: methods. How to properly dry, freeze, salt and pickle green onions for the winter

Dill, parsley, celery, onion... What kind of greens are not used in the summer to improve the taste and nutritional qualities of dishes! But autumn comes, then winter, and one can only dream about the abundance of greenery.

But far-sighted housewives, foreseeing a shortage of vitamins in winter, are trying to prepare greens in every way available to them. They dry it, salt it and freeze it.

Green onions also undergo this harvesting principle. After all, when frozen, onions retain all the beneficial substances and phytoncides, which help fight colds and simply improve appetite.

There are several quite affordable ways to freeze green onions.

For any of these freezing methods, freshly cut green onions are suitable. Its feathers should be juicy, dark green in color, without signs of rot or disease.

The green onions are sorted, the wilted ends are removed, and the roots are cut off.

The onions are washed well in cold running water and placed on a cotton towel to dry.

Completely dried onions are ready for further processing.

Prepared green onions are cut into pieces 1 cm long or as usual.

Place in small plastic bags, release air from them as much as possible, giving them a flat shape, and tie well or close with a reusable fastener.

Since any frozen product cannot be re-frozen, you need to put as much greens in bags as you may need at one time.

Green onions prepared in this way are placed in the freezer and frozen. In this form, onions can be stored for six months.

To flavor soups or main courses, add onions without defrosting at the end of cooking.

The prepared green onions are chopped very finely and placed in molds for freezing ice.

Pour cold water over the onion and place it in the freezer.

Once the cubes with green onions are well frozen, they are transferred to plastic bags and stored in the freezer. These cubes are very easy to use. Five minutes before the dish is ready, one or more frozen cubes of green onions are added to the dish, and then this dish takes on a “summer” taste.

Prepared onion feathers are cut into pieces, placed in a colander, dipped in boiling water and blanched for one to two minutes.

The onions are then quickly cooled in cold water.

The onions are left in a colander to drain the water and then compacted tightly into small plastic containers. Then cover with lids and put in the freezer.

When you need green onions to add to some dish, it will be enough to cut off the required piece from the briquette and put it in the pan at the end of cooking.

The prepared dried onion is cut into pieces and fried in oil for 5 minutes. Then the onions are cooled, tightly placed in small containers or portioned bags and frozen. Use such onions as needed, adding them, without defrosting, to the dish at the end of cooking.

How to freeze green onions for the winter: 4 ways to properly freeze onions

How to freeze green onions for the winter Dill, parsley, celery, onions... What kind of greens are not used in the summer to improve the taste and nutritional qualities of dishes! But autumn comes, then winter, and

Is it possible to freeze green onions, how?

Of course it is possible. And because of this, its beneficial properties are not lost.

I do it very simply: I take onion feathers, wash them, dry them a little, cut them with a knife or cut them with scissors and put them in a bag or pour them into a small container. The whole thing can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

I use frozen green onions to make soups and add them to vegetable stews. Of course, it won’t go into a salad, but I don’t need it, because I only eat thermally processed onions.

I also freeze dill and parsley, green peas, green beans - everything survives well until spring and gives me vitamins.

Of course, you can freeze green onions for the winter; this is the most profitable option and does not present any difficulties.

By freezing any greens for the winter, we save money by not buying seasonings in the store, and besides, you will have fresh greens all winter long, which we can add to any dishes (first and second).

I even add frozen greens to Olivier salad and vinaigrette, and the taste does not change.

Wash and dry the green onions so that the moisture disappears, chop them finely and put them in bags, then put them in the freezer.

Green onions, compared to lettuce or sorrel, are stronger in structure and do not suffer as much from freezing.

Therefore, it can be frozen, but only for hot dishes. You cannot put such onions in salads, as they will be soft and slimy after defrosting. You should not defrost it before throwing it into hot broth or gravy, otherwise it will no longer be what you need.

We break off a piece of finely chopped frozen onion and immediately throw it into the hot dish.

Then both taste and vitamins are preserved.

You can throw a piece into a hot frying pan for frying (for some dishes), but the taste and appearance are not the same as fresh.

You can freeze a lot of things for the winter and in almost 100% of cases, the plant will not lose its beneficial properties. But the taste and appearance often suffer from freezing.

I would not freeze green onions; after defrosting, their appearance leaves much to be desired, the structure of the plant disintegrates, it becomes sluggish and slippery. You can, of course, use it for first or second courses, but is it worth it?

Green onions grow very quickly, even in winter they grow well on a windowsill, you can plant the onion in a glass of soil, in sawdust, in sand, in the end, just put the roots in water, this will not cause any difficulties, but you can eat fresh, healthy greens at least every day. And leave the freezer for other greens - dill, parsley, spinach.

Is it possible to freeze green onions, how?

Of course it is possible. And because of this, its beneficial properties are not lost. I do it very simply: I take onion feathers, wash them, dry them a little, cut them with a knife or cut them with scissors and put them in a bag or pour them into a small container


  • Green onion feathers, without damage or other flaws.

How to prepare green onions for freezing and how to properly freeze green onions in the freezer

Cut the green onions into small segments. To do this, we use a knife with a thin and sharp blade. Also, the white part is frozen along with the feathers, but only if these are very young root vegetables.

Place the chopped greens in a special freezer bag, trying to distribute them evenly.

Close the bag, carefully releasing excess air from it. To do this, we can use a simple cocktail straw. Insert it into the bag, close it and move the edge of your palm from bottom to top. Then quickly remove the tube and close the sealed valve.

We send the workpiece to the freezer of the refrigerator.

Sometimes inexperienced housewives wonder whether it is possible to freeze green onions in the freezer without a special bag. It is not advisable to do this; its aroma will be absorbed into other products. In addition, high humidity will reduce the shelf life of the product. You can use special containers for freezing, but then there is a chance that the greens will harden into an inconvenient lump for use.

A few more tips on how to properly freeze green onions and other greens in the freezer:

  • if possible, use the “shock freezing” function, it allows you to avoid the formation of large crystals in the product;
  • greens for freezing must be dried and ready to use;
  • Store frozen food in airtight containers.

How to defrost green onions:

  • for pie fillings, onions do not need to be defrosted;
  • take out the required amount of greens and put them in the refrigerator, in a closed container;
  • when the workpiece becomes soft, it can be taken out and defrosted at room temperature;
  • Do not defrost greens in the microwave or under hot water, after which they will lose color, aroma and beneficial properties;
  • in soup and other hot dishes, you can put half-thawed onions, or even add them ice-cold;
  • In salads and cold dishes, add only completely defrosted product.

The shelf life of green onions in the freezer depends on many parameters. Well dried, clean, undamaged and in a sealed bag - it will retain freshness and aroma for up to two years. In an unsealed container, shelf life is greatly reduced.

How to freeze green onions for the winter

Perhaps someone will think that freezing green onions for the winter is not the most necessary preparation. But my personal opinion is that nothing will be superfluous in winter, so today I will show you how to freeze green onions in different ways: chopped in bulk, in ice cubes and with butter. You can use it in the same way as any frozen greens: add to soups, main courses, fill zrazy, make filling for pies and even okroshka. By the way, very soon there will be a recipe for freezing vegetables for okroshka - don’t miss it!

Freezing green onions for the winter at home

  • Several bunches of green onions;
  • butter;
  • bags for freezing food or regular thick ones;
  • molds for ice or candy;
  • cold boiled water.

How to freeze green onions in the freezer

First of all, we sort out the onions, leaving only elastic, fresh feathers. Whether they are thin or already ripe is not important, the main thing for us is that the onions are not limp, withered, or yellowed. We cut off the dried ends. After sorting, wash it in several waters, then cut off the white part along with the roots. Resist the urge to do the opposite - the onion feathers are hollow inside, water will get into them and they will stick together when frozen.

Place the bunches on a towel and blot the top with a paper or cloth napkin, collecting moisture. Do not crush the greens; it is important to keep them whole.

Let it dry for ten minutes. The greens must be dry before cutting. We cut into rings the same way as if you were cutting for salad, okroshka or soup.

We set aside about a third (or more or less, depending on what purpose you are freezing for), scatter the rest on trays or wooden boards, flat plates in one layer. To prevent the onion from sticking, cover the surface with cling film. Then it will be very convenient to collect it; you just need to lift it by the edges and the greens will be collected in a slide. Place the trays in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Place frozen green onions in bags or plastic containers and put them back into storage. If you don’t care how crumbly it turns out, you can pack it into containers after cutting and freeze it in them.

How else can you freeze green onions?

Now about other methods: freezing in molds with water and butter. For the first method, we will need small silicone muffin molds or cut plastic cups. Fill with chopped green onions, pour cold boiled water to the top of the containers. Place in the freezer and freeze until solid. After a few hours, remove from the molds and transfer to bags. We make sure to mark exactly what we froze and when.

How to properly freeze green onions with butter

We will need good butter, unsalted, preferably homemade or with a high percentage of fat content. It should be softened and at room temperature. Gently mix with finely chopped green onions.

Then there are two options for freezing: in molds, in small portions, or in sausages, wrapped in cling film. The first is convenient because you can easily get as much as you need, the butter will soften faster (if for a sandwich). The good thing about the second one is that you don’t need any equipment – ​​you just form a sausage, wrap it and freeze it. The disadvantage of this method is that frozen butter is difficult to cut. But there is a solution - freeze it until it hardens slightly, and cut it into discs, placing cling film between them. I freeze them in silicone molds, fill them to the top, and put them in the freezer. Once it has hardened, I put it in a bag. Cubes with water and oil can be made with the addition of other herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro, celery.

There is also a way to freeze green onions in a plastic bottle. I haven’t tried it, maybe this is also a good option. But I think that what is important here is how well the onions are dried before freezing, otherwise they will stick together in clumps in the bottle and will be problematic to get out.

Stocks can be made throughout the summer, in small portions, buying one or two bunches more. Or immediately prepare as much as you need. I hope that my tips on how to freeze green onions for the winter will be useful to you.

What can you cook with frozen green onions?

You can cook everything the same as from fresh, with the exception of salads - greens after freezing are not suitable for them. Maybe in a vinaigrette or with sauerkraut.

The filling for the pies is prepared in the same way as fresh: you need to simmer it in oil until soft and mix with chopped eggs.

For omelettes, vinaigrettes, sauces, pates, snack pancakes and muffins, bulk freezing is best. There is no need to defrost, add immediately to the rest of the ingredients.

Freezing in molds, cubes with water or oil is suitable for seasoning first and second courses. Added at the end of cooking.

Frozen green onions with butter are ideal for boiled potatoes, fried or baked fish, meat, chicken, and for sandwich spreads.

How to freeze green onions - three ways to freeze for the winter

A detailed recipe with photos and useful tips on how to freeze green onions for the winter in three ways: in ice cubes, with butter and cut into rings.

Freezing for the winter - recipes with photos

Freezing green onions is good in all respects, and any housewife is simply obliged to do this for the health of loved ones. Try our winter freezing recipes...

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You need to choose completely healthy whole feathers, without farts or visible damage. I choose the most powerful and strong onion feathers - they are juicy and rich. I prepare it somewhere in the middle of summer, before the onions dry out. You need to focus on the upper ends, which are starting to dry out - this is a sign.

Preparing for freezing

To freeze properly, a number of conditions must be met. Then the onions will be tasty and healthy, just like from the garden.


  • separate feathers from bulbs;
  • cut off yellow dried ends;
  • choose the most beautiful-looking feathers, without yellowed areas;
  • rinse the onion thoroughly and let it dry from the water;
  • chop the onion into equal parts no larger than 1 cm in size.

I will share the freezing recipes that I like best. Moreover, each of the recipes is convenient in its own way for different cases.

  1. "Summer Bow". Sliced ​​onions are placed in plastic bags and the air is released from them so that they are flat. Each bag should contain as many onions as you need for one time, since they cannot be frozen again. Shelf life is 3-6 months. The good thing about this method is that the onion retains its taste. It truly looks like onions from the garden. I use the product frozen using this method for salads, which are no different from summer ones.
  2. Ice molds. The onion is chopped very finely and placed in molds for freezing ice. After freezing, they are packaged in bags and placed in the freezer. The shelf life reaches up to six months. I use this method to freeze onions for soups, a friend recommended it.
  3. Blanched onions. Blanch the chopped onion in a colander in boiling water for 2 minutes and remove. Then immediately place in cold water and dry. The resulting raw materials are compacted into a container and placed in the freezer. It turns out a ready-made seasoning for salads and soups, which is convenient to use - take it out, cut off a piece and put it back. There is no need to defrost and disrupt technology. The shelf life is long - enough for the whole winter.
  4. Onions with butter. My mother-in-law suggested the recipe, and I liked it. It is necessary to soften the butter and cover it with chopped onions, mix thoroughly and place on foil. Then roll into a “sausage” and wrap tightly, bending the ends. The method is very convenient - I cut off a piece from the “sausage” and put it back. I still add butter to the soup, but here it comes straight with onions.

  • must be defrosted at room temperature;
  • Do not use a microwave or hot water, as the onions will lose their taste and will look like porridge;
  • You can immediately add frozen product to soups, pies and other hot dishes;
  • for cold dishes, such as salads, only carefully thawed onions are suitable;
  • Onions are stored longest in sealed packages; in this case, you can achieve a shelf life of up to 2 years if you do not remove them and do not defrost them.

Fresh onions are almost no different from frozen ones, so they are also used. I cook any soup or salad with onions and don’t notice the difference. The whole family is happy, especially the husband, who is obsessed with healthy eating. Freezing onions is good from all sides, and any housewife is simply obliged to do this for the health of her loved ones.

In contact with

After all, everyone will want to add a piece of summer to the soup in winter and feel its aroma.

In addition, during freezing, vegetables and fruits retain 90% of vitamins and microelements.

Procurement process

Everything is very simple and fast.


Green onion feathers - any quantity.

Pick it from the garden or buy it at the market.

It needs to be sorted out and the yellowed parts of the feathers removed. Wash. Remove from the water. Place in a colander; when most of the water has drained, place on a towel and let the onions dry completely.

I put it on the windowsill, on the sunny side. It dries out for me in a short time.

Chop very finely.

Place everything in a regular clean plastic bag and tie it. Place in the freezer for further storage. You can, of course, also use freezer bags. If you have one, you can put it in them. I didn’t have them at that time. And there was no time to run to the store.

other methods

Can be frozen in trays. Place in a tray. Cover with a lid and place in the freezer.

If you want it not to stick together, and each onion ring to be separate. Distribute evenly over a surface, such as a plate, lid, cutting board, and place in the freezer as is. When the green onions are frozen. Just put it in a bag.

Can be made in batches in ice cube trays or silicone muffin tins.

Place the green onions as tightly as possible into the mold.

Pour boiled (cold) water and put it in the freezer. When it freezes, put it in a bag and tie it.

How long do frozen green onions last?

This workpiece is stored at a temperature of minus 18 degrees. Its shelf life is from 2 to 6 months. At this time, the most vitamins are retained, and that wonderful spring aroma remains.

You can store it without any problems until the next harvest; this will not affect the taste. It is not recommended to store for several years. If you have a little of this preparation left, it is better to throw it away and prepare a fresh one.

  1. If possible, use blast freezing.
  2. The greens for harvesting must be completely dry.
  3. Use only young feathers, they are tastier, juicier and contain more vitamins.
  4. Place in bags in small portions.
  5. To prevent the contents of the freezer (for example, berries) from absorbing the smell of onions, place the onions in several plastic bags. Wrap it in foil, it doesn't let in odors.

How to defrost green onions

  • For hot dishes, there is no need to defrost. Throw the frozen piece directly into a pot of hot soup or potatoes.
  • If such a need arises, take out the required amount of the workpiece and put it in a tray with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. In a few hours it will open up on its own.
  • No need to defrost in water.
  • I categorically do not recommend using it in the microwave, because all the vitamins will be lost, for the sake of which we made this preparation in the first place.

What can you cook with frozen green onions?

All those dishes that you are used to cooking with fresh onions: soup, potatoes, borscht, fillings for pancakes and pies, omelet, casserole.

The only thing is that it is not suitable for salads.

Now you know how to freeze green onions for the winter in the freezer, how to store them and what to cook, don’t miss the opportunity to stock up on vitamins for future use.

Information on ways to prepare green onions for the winter.

Green onions appear on our daily menu in the spring and do not leave our tables throughout the summer. But what about in winter?

Is it possible to freeze green onions for the winter and how to do it correctly?

If you want green onions on your table all year round, then you have two options:

  • set up an onion greenhouse in a city apartment
  • choose a method of preparing onions for the winter that is acceptable to you

For freezing, you need to choose juicy fresh greens.

The first method will provide the whole family with fresh onion greens, and the second will provide freshly frozen portioned bags of greens.

In the second case, greens can only be added during cooking (for soup, stew, roast).

Did you choose the second method? Let's start freezing.

The process of preparing onion greens for freezing includes several stages:

  • washing the onion greens and removing feathers that have lost their bright green color or have yellow tips (it is preferable to cut the onion before it shoots arrows)
  • root pruning
  • placing onions on paper towels to drain
  • chopping onion feathers (if you prefer pre-chopped frozen product) and white onion roots (these can be frozen in separate containers)
  • if desired, blanching the greens (pour boiled water over the onion and boil for 2-3 minutes, after which the water must be drained, leave the onion to cool for a while)
  • compact packaging of greens in small bags or plastic containers (to use up the defrosted bag in one meal preparation)
  • squeezing the air out of the bags as much as possible, signing them and placing them in the freezer

How long do frozen onions last? Depending on what temperature was used during freezing, greens can be stored from three months (if the temperature did not exceed 8 degrees) and up to six (if freezing took place at a lower temperature).

Freezing will not take much time, and you will preserve the vitamins and microelements necessary for your body.

Is it possible to dry green onions for the winter and how to do it correctly

Drying onions is a great opportunity to prepare vitamin-rich greens for future use if you managed to grow a large harvest of onions at your dacha in the summer. Don’t throw away a useful product that can be used in full all year round!

How to dry onion greens? There are several ways to dry greens:

  • natural air drying
  • in the oven
  • in a convection oven

Dried onions retain more beneficial microelements than frozen products. In addition, during the preparation of various dishes, dried onions better reveal their taste, preserving their inherent pungency and piquant “acridity”.

Dry onion mixture is included in freeze-dried soups, seasonings, and is one of the ingredients for gravy.

Dried onions retain all the beneficial properties of fresh ones.

Advantages of dried onions over frozen:

  • There are no germs in dried onion feathers. By adding spicy hot seasoning to soup or gravy, you provide reliable protection for your household from pathogenic bacteria during the cold season
  • Onion greens increase saliva production. But this feature is so important for better digestion of food and metabolism.
  • Vitamin C is completely preserved in dried onions (it was not for nothing that ancient sailors stocked up on dried green onions before a long journey, which saved them from scurvy)

The first way to dry vitamin green onions is in air

If you have time, and at your dacha there is a place in the shade and even with a draft, then the outdoor drying method is ideal for you. Have you decided to dry it not at the dacha, but in a city apartment? Then lay out the onions to dry on the loggia

Drying process

  • Rinse the onion feathers under running water. Cut off yellowed tips, remove wilted greens and rough parts of feathers
  • Grind the prepared onion feathers into 2-5 cm pieces
  • Place a layer of gauze on a large sieve or wooden board and place the greens evenly and in a thin layer. Cover the top with white paper
  • Periodically shake the surface on which the greens are drying and mix its contents. Dry greens for 5-7 days
  • Ready-made dried greens are brittle. It is easy to crumble in your hands. Place dried herbs in a jar on a regular cabinet shelf and store at room temperature

The second way to dry onion feathers is in an air fryer.

According to housewives who have been using the air fryer for cooking dishes for a long time, drying onion feathers in it is also convenient.

  • Place the prepared and chopped onion feathers on the top grill of the device
  • Set the temperature to 70° and within half an hour the process of harvesting greens will be completed

The third method is drying onion feathers in the oven

Everything is very simple here! Lay out the prepared onions and set the required temperature (it should be 40-50°). Drying in the oven will take 2-3 hours

Video: drying onions

Pickled onions for the winter, how to pickle?

  • For pickling, you should select fresh and juicy onion feathers. Yellow feathers are not suitable for pickling
  • Trim the ends
  • Before pickling hot onions, they must be doused with boiling water to remove excessive bitterness. You can also place the onion in a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

Pickled onion recipe - classic:


1 kg green onions
200 g dill
salt and vinegar to taste

Cooking method:

  • Sort the onion greens and rinse. Chop the onion, dried on a paper towel. Prepare a brine from 120 g of salt and a liter of water. Pour brine over the chopped onions and leave for 2 days. Drain the brine
  • Prepare the dill: blanch 200 g of dill in boiling water for several minutes. Mix onion with dill and prepare marinade. To do this, take 80 ml of 6% vinegar, two grams of dill seeds, 4-5 peppercorns, sugar and salt
  • Wash the jars thoroughly and place the onion and dill in them. Pour the hot marinade over the onion and sterilize for 10 minutes. Then everything is as usual: roll up the lids and under the blanket!

You can also cook unusual pickled onions with wild garlic, which tastes like garlic, but is not as spicy.

Recipe for pickled onions with wild garlic

  • Onion feathers and wild garlic you need to finely chop and pour in a pre-prepared marinade (sweet and sour or prepared to taste)
  • After boiling the greens a little, you need to put them in jars and place them in the refrigerator for storage.

Pickled onions are an excellent addition to meat or stewed meat and vegetable dishes. A significant disadvantage of pickled onions is that they cannot be stored for a long time (only two weeks).

How to pickle green onions for the winter?

Pickled onions will enrich the taste of any dish, be it a salad, stewed vegetables as a side dish or soup.

Ingredients for pickling green onions:

1 kg green onions
200 g salt

Cooking method:

  • After preparation (washing the onion greens, removing the ends and drying on a paper towel), chop the greens and toss with salt
  • Place tightly in jars and compact until the juice releases. Pour in vegetable oil and cover with lids. A cold place is suitable for storing pickled onions.

Green onions for the winter in vegetable oil

Onion feathers in vegetable oil will retain their juiciness and aroma. In winter, you only need to open the jar to season your favorite salad or other dish.

Ingredients for green onions in vegetable oil:

onion feathers (freshly cut only)
vegetable oil
table vinegar

Cooking method:

  • Prepare half a liter jars: wash with soda, rinse with boiled water. Sterilize the jars in the usual way for you: in the oven for 10-15 minutes or hold for 3-5 minutes on the spout of a kettle with boiling water. Boil the lids in a separate bowl
  • Prepare onion feathers: wash and remove excess damaged or limp stems, cut off the tips, place on a dry towel
  • Chop the onion. Add 1/3 teaspoon of salt to each jar. The second layer after salt will be onion layer 1.5 - 2 cm thick. And again add 1/3 tsp. salt
  • Periodically compact the onion with a masher until the juice begins to release. So fill the jar up to the hanger
  • For filling you need 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon (9%) vinegar. Pour all ingredients into a container and place on low heat.
  • Keep on the stove until the contents begin to boil, and add vinegar. Stir and remove from stove. Pour oil into jars and immediately roll up the lids.

Green onion paste for the winter

Making green onion paste is not difficult. The main thing is to have time and desire. Winter is just around the corner, and it’s better to welcome it with a variety of preserves.

Ingredients for Green Onion Paste:

water 300 ml
8% vinegar - tbsp. l.
2 tbsp. l. salt,
50 g sunflower oil

Cooking method

  • Grind the washed onion greens (you can add other greens for a richer taste) with a blender or meat grinder until it becomes a paste. Transfer the resulting mass into jars
  • Pour sunflower oil on top. Shake the jar well to distribute the oil evenly. Add more oil (the layer should be about a finger thick)
  • Close the jar with a lid and place the paste in the refrigerator. The shelf life of this paste is several months.

How to use the paste? Add aromatic green pasta to your favorite dishes and sauces.

Preparing green onions for the winter

  • We take fresh, not limp onions with medium-sized arrows, rinse and remove the ends. If there is rough skin at the lower end, then cut it off too
  • Having immersed the greens in a colander, they are blanched in boiling salted water (250 g of salt per liter of water) over maximum heat. After 3 minutes, remove the onion arrows from the water and cool under running cold water
  • After the water has drained, place the onions in small jars, for example, liter jars. Add spices to taste: bay leaf, pepper mixture
  • Place the jars filled up to the hangers into a large saucepan of water (water temperature - 85 degrees). Pasteurize for 15-20 minutes, roll up the lids and place upside down under a warm blanket

Video: how to preserve onion greens for the winter?

In the summer, when there is an abundance of seasonal greens, many housewives wonder how to properly prepare green onions for the winter, and whether they can be frozen at home. Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! Recipes with photos for beginners from an experienced housewife with useful tips will be a reliable answer and visual help.

It is important to take into account that greens grown in greenhouse conditions in cold and less sunny seasons are poor in the nutrients and vitamins that are inherent in a seasonal harvest. And the price issue is not always in last place. Profitable and economical: collect feathers on the plot, buy and store green onions for the winter at the beginning of summer.
Fortunately, today it is not at all difficult to do this, and if the space in the freezer allows you to place supplies there, then why not preserve the fruits of the summer harvest by stocking up for future use.

One of the simple, quick and universal ways to prepare greens (not only green onions, but also dill or parsley) is the freezing method. Due to the fact that the product cannot be cooked, fermented, or salted, but is prepared in its natural form, all useful components are preserved in it.

To prepare fresh green onions for the coming winter by freezing them in the freezer of the refrigerator, you only need to know the three best recipes and simple techniques.

You can freeze either whole or sliced. For liquid dishes, it is best to chop the onion arrows in advance and put them in the freezer. In winter, all you have to do is get a bag, take the required amount of chopped herbs for hot dishes and a jar of sorrel.
But for salads, it is best to save green onions for future use in their whole form, without chopping them.

Let's take a closer look and look at the intricacies of each method.

For this we need:

  • Large bunch of green onions
  • Small plastic cups - 4 pcs.
  • Cling film or thick cellophane
  • Packages - T-shirt - 1 pc.
  • Plastic bottle - 500 ml
  • Paper napkins - 10-15 pcs. You can also use a hairdryer to dry the greens.
  • Water.

Yield of the finished product: from one and a half kg of green onions, taking into account the fact that the white part of the arrow is cut for freezing, you get one package of chopped onions, 4 plastic cups with a preparation, one full plastic bottle and five onion preparations as a whole, stored in cling film .

Sort the onions, rinse thoroughly under running cold water and shake off any remaining water or remove excess liquid using paper napkins. Separate 5-7 onion arrows for further slicing.

The first recipe with a photo will show ways to preserve a feather for future use in a bag, cellophane, or in the freezer:

How can you freeze green onions for the winter, whole and sliced?

The second method is even more practical and does not require much time from the housewife.

  1. Bow arrows washed under running water are laid out on cellophane or cling film and rolled up into a tube.
  2. The excess film is cut off, and its edges are moistened with water and fixed.
  3. These blanks of bow feathers with arrows in their entirety are obtained at home, as in the photo below.

Another option, which is more time-consuming and space-consuming in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, but at the same time very convenient, is how to prepare green onions for the winter in plastic cups.

Preparation in this way is perfect for further use in soups or borscht. Just take out the frozen mold of onions with ice and put them in the boiling broth a couple of minutes before it is ready.
Chopped green onions are placed in plastic cups.

Fill with cold water to the edge and cover with cling film so that the greens do not absorb and transfer the smell to other nearby products.

Transfer to the freezer until the water is completely frozen.

When ready, that is, frozen, the cups are removed from the cold and placed under running warm water for half a minute. After this reception, the contents of the ice and onions are easily removed from the plastic glass. Such portioned preparations can be put into a bag and sent back to the freezer.

We also share one simple, but requiring compliance with certain rules, method of preparation -

freeze green onions for the winter in a plastic bottle

  1. Before chopping the onion, you need to rinse it well and dry it using thick napkins. You can dry the bow arrows in the sun for at least half an hour or direct the cold air of a hairdryer onto the greens.
  2. The cuttings and bottle must be completely dry - this is the most important rule for this method of preserving greens. Only in this form will frozen onions spill out of the bottle without any problems, and not turn into a wet mixture that will have no use.
  3. The bottle is filled with chopped onions and closed with a lid.

That's all the secrets of home recipes: how you can quickly and easily prepare green onions by freezing, preserving their freshness and aroma throughout the winter.

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