Consequences of a violation of the water-salt balance - stroke. Water-salt exchange. Fresh mint drink

The basis of human health is metabolism. In the human body, many chemical reactions of synthesis and breakdown of complex components take place every second with the accumulation of products of these reactions. And all these processes take place in an aquatic environment. The human body consists of water on average 70%. Water-salt metabolism is an important process that largely determines the balanced functioning of the entire body. Water disturbance salt balance can become both a cause and a consequence of a number of systemic diseases. Treatment of water-salt metabolism disorders should be comprehensive and include lifestyle changes.

It is useful to use folk remedies to normalize metabolism and remove deposited salts. Therapy folk remedies does not have negative effects side effects on the human body. Against, healing properties medicinal plants improve health and have a positive effect on all human organ systems.

Water in the human body Disturbances of water-salt balance

  • Violation of water metabolism
  • Acidity disorder
  • Mineral metabolism disorder

Influence of lifestyle Treatment of water-salt imbalance Water in the human body

So, the human body is 70% water. Of this 70%, intracellular fluid accounts for 50%, extracellular fluid (blood plasma, intercellular fluid) accounts for 20%. In terms of its water-salt composition, all intercellular fluid is approximately the same and differs from the intracellular environment. Intracellular contents are separated from extracellular contents by membranes. These membranes regulate ion transport but are freely permeable to water. Moreover, water can freely flow both into and out of the cell. All chemical reactions that provide human metabolism take place inside cells.

Thus, the concentration of salts inside cells and in the intercellular space is approximately the same, but the salt composition differs.

The concentration of ions and the amount of available water is very important for the normal functioning of the human body. The concentration of salts inside cells and in extracellular fluid is a constant value and is maintained, despite the fact that various salts are constantly entering the human body with food. Water-salt balance is supported by the functioning of the kidneys and is regulated by the central nervous system.

The kidneys regulate the excretion or retention of water and ions. This process depends on the concentration of salts in the body. In addition to the kidneys, fluid and electrolytes are excreted through the skin, lungs, and intestines.

Loss of water through skin and lungs occurs during thermoregulation to cool the body. This process is difficult to control. It depends on temperature and humidity external environment, intensity of physical work, psycho-emotional state and other factors.

It is believed that at moderate temperatures, an adult loses up to one and a half liters of water per day through the skin and lungs. If fluid replenishment does not occur (the person does not drink enough), then the loss will decrease to 800 ml, but will not disappear at all. Fluid loss through this route increases during fever.

Water-salt balance disorders

There are several types of water-salt metabolism disorders.

  1. Violation of water metabolism:
    • hypohydration – lack of fluid;
    • overhydration – excessive amount of fluid.
  2. Acid-base balance disorders:
    • acidosis (acidification of the body);
    • alkalosis (alkalinization).
  3. Violation of mineral metabolism.

Violation of water metabolism

Dehydration. At the beginning of the process, only extracellular fluid is lost. In this case, the blood thickens and the concentration of ions in the bloodstream and intercellular space increases. This leads to an increase in the osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid, and to compensate for this condition, some of the water is directed into this space from the cells. Dehydration is becoming global.

Water loss occurs through the lungs, skin, and intestines. The following can lead to dehydration:

  • prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures;
  • hard physical work;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • fever;
  • significant blood loss;
  • burns of a large surface of the body.

Overhydration. This condition develops when there is an increased amount of water in the body. Excess water is deposited in the intercellular space or in the form of ascites in abdominal cavity. The salt concentration is not affected. In this condition, a person experiences peripheral edema and increases body weight. Overhydration causes problems normal operation heart, can cause cerebral edema.

Causes of isotonic overhydration:

  • over-administration saline solution during medical procedures;
  • renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • excessive secretion of hormone from the adrenal cortex;
  • cirrhosis of the liver with ascites in the abdominal cavity.

Acidity disorder

In organism healthy person constantly supported acid-base balance. The acidity of different environments of the body differs, but is maintained within very narrow limits. There is a mutual relationship between metabolism and the maintenance of normal acidity: the accumulation of acidic or alkaline metabolic products depends on metabolic reactions, normal course which, in turn, depends on the acidity of the environment. Disturbances in the acid-base balance can be caused by a number of diseases or simply by an incorrect lifestyle.

Acidosis. This condition is characterized by the accumulation acidic foods reactions and acidification of the body. This condition can occur for a number of reasons:

  • fasting and hypoglycemia (lack of glucose);
  • prolonged vomiting or diarrhea;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • respiratory failure and insufficient removal of carbon dioxide.

Symptoms of this condition:

  • breathing problems, breathing becomes deep and frequent;
  • symptoms of intoxication: nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness.

Alkolosis. This is a change in the acid-base balance of the body towards the accumulation of alkaline cations. This may be due to metabolic disorders of calcium metabolism, some infectious processes, prolonged profuse vomiting. This condition also occurs when breathing is impaired and hyperventilation occurs when increased secretion carbon dioxide.
Alcoholosis symptoms:

  • breathing becomes shallow;
  • increased neuromuscular excitability, spasms;
  • loss of consciousness.

Mineral metabolism disorder

Potassium metabolism. Potassium ions are very important for the normal functioning of the body. With the help of these ions, substances are transported into and out of the cell; potassium participates in the conduction of nerve impulses and neuromuscular regulation.

Potassium deficiency can occur with prolonged vomiting and diarrhea, heart and kidney failure, improper administration of corticosteroids and various metabolic disorders.
Symptoms of hypokalemia:

  • general muscle weakness, paresis;
  • violation of tendon reflexes;
  • Possible suffocation due to disruption of the respiratory muscles;
  • cardiac dysfunction: decreased blood pressure, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • disruption of the process of defecation and urination caused by atony of the smooth muscles of internal organs;
  • depression and loss of consciousness.

Chlorine and sodium.
Sodium chloride or regular kitchen salt is the main substance that is responsible for regulating salt balance. Sodium and chloride ions are the main ions of the intercellular fluid, and the body maintains their concentration within certain limits. These ions are involved in intercellular transport, neuromuscular regulation and conduction of nerve impulses. Human metabolism is capable of maintaining the concentration of chlorine and sodium ions, regardless of the amount of salt consumed in food: excess sodium chloride is excreted by the kidneys and through sweat, and the deficiency is replenished from subcutaneous fatty tissue and other organs.

A lack of sodium and chlorine can occur with prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, as well as in people on long-term diets. salt-free diet. Often, a lack of chlorine and sodium ions is accompanied by severe dehydration.

Hypochloremia. Chlorine is lost during prolonged vomiting along with gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid.

Hyponatremia also develops with vomiting and diarrhea, but can also be caused by renal failure, heart failure, or cirrhosis of the liver.
Symptoms of a lack of chlorine and sodium ions:

  • disturbance of neuromuscular regulation: asthenia, convulsions, paresis and paralysis;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • depression and loss of consciousness.

Calcium. Calcium ions are necessary for muscle contraction. This mineral is also the main component bone tissue. Hypocalcemia can occur due to insufficient intake of this mineral from food, disruption of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, vitamin D deficiency (rare sun exposure). With a lack of calcium, seizures occur. Prolonged hypocalcemia, especially in childhood, leads to disruption of the formation of the skeleton, a tendency to fractures.

Excess calcium is rare condition, which occurs when excessive administration calcium or vitamin D supplements during medical procedures or hypersensitivity to this vitamin. Symptoms of this condition: fever, vomiting, extreme thirst, V in rare cases– convulsions.

Vitamin D is a vitamin whose presence is necessary for the process of absorption of calcium from food in the intestines. The concentration of this substance largely determines the saturation of the body with calcium.

Lifestyle influence

Disturbances in water-salt balance can arise not only due to various diseases, but also with in the wrong way life and nutrition. After all, the rate of metabolism and the accumulation of certain substances depend on a person’s nutrition and lifestyle.

Reasons for violations:

  • inactive, sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • lack of playing sports or performing active physical exercises;
  • bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use;
  • unbalanced diet: excessive consumption of protein foods, salt, fats, lack of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • nervous tension, stress, depression;
  • disorderly workday, absence good rest and sleep, chronic fatigue.

A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise lead to a person’s metabolism slowing down, and reaction by-products are not eliminated, but accumulate in organs and tissues in the form of salts and waste. An unbalanced diet leads to an excess or deficiency of certain minerals. In addition, when breaking down, for example, protein foods, a large amount of acidic products are formed, which cause a shift in the acid-base balance.

In any case, a person’s lifestyle has a direct impact on his health. Probability of development metabolic disorders and systemic diseases are much lower in people who lead healthy image life, eat well and exercise.

Treatment of water-salt imbalance

Disturbances in the water-salt balance most often manifest themselves in the form of changes in the normal acidity of the body and the accumulation of salts. These processes occur slowly, symptoms increase gradually, often a person does not even notice how his condition is worsening. Treatment of water-salt metabolism disorders is a complex treatment: in addition to taking medications, it is necessary to change your lifestyle and adhere to a diet.

Medicinal products are aimed at removing excess salts from the body. Salts are deposited mainly in the joints or in the kidneys and gall bladder in the form of stones. Traditional treatment salt deposits have a mild effect on the body. This therapy does not provide side effects and promotes comprehensive health restoration. However, taking medications should be long-term and systematic. Only in this case can you get changes. Improvements will increase gradually, but as the body cleanses itself of salt deposits and normalizes metabolism, the person will feel better and better.

Traditional recipes:

  1. Wild carrots. The “umbrella” inflorescence of this plant is used in therapy. One inflorescence is cut and steamed in 1 glass of boiling water, left for an hour, then filtered. Take ¼ cup twice a day. The treatment combats alkalization of the body and normalizes the water-salt balance.
  2. Grape. Young shoots (“tendrils”) of this plant are used. Steam 1 tsp in 200 ml of boiling water. shoots, leave for 30 minutes and filter. Take ¼ cup 4 times a day. Treatment lasts a month. This product helps remove oxalates.
  3. Lemon and garlic. Grind three lemons along with the peel and 150 g of garlic, mix everything, add 500 ml of cold boiled water and insist for a day. After this, filter and squeeze out the juice. Store the drug in the refrigerator and take ¼ glass once a day in the morning before breakfast. The drug removes excess salts.
  4. Herbal collection No. 1. Cut and mix 1 part knotweed grass and 2 parts each of strawberry and currant leaves. Steam 1 tbsp in 1 glass of boiling water. l. such a collection, leave for half an hour, then filter. Take half a glass three times a day. Treatment lasts a month. This remedy helps remove urate salts and helps treat urolithiasis.
  5. Herbal collection No. 2. Mix 2 g of dill seeds, horsetail and Chernobyl herbs, and 3 g of carrot seeds and bearberry leaves. All plant materials are poured with half a liter of water and left overnight in a warm place, then brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, cooled and filtered. Add 4 tbsp to the drug. l. juice from aloe leaves. Drink half a glass of this drug 4 times a day.

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In order for our body to function normally, a complex set of internal processes is involved. Maintaining normal water-salt metabolism is one of them. When it is in order, a person does not experience health problems, but its violation leads to complex and noticeable deviations. So what is water-salt balance? The disorder and its symptoms will also be considered.

general information

Water-salt balance is considered to be the interacting processes of water and salts entering the body, their absorption and distribution in internal organs and tissues, as well as methods of their elimination.

Everyone knows that more than half of a person consists of water, the amount of which in the body can vary. This depends on many factors, such as fat mass and age. A newborn is 77% water; in adult men this figure is 61%, and in women it is 54%. Such a small amount of liquid in female body due to the presence of numerous fat cells. As you get older, this figure becomes even lower.

How is water distributed in the human body?

The liquid distribution is carried out as follows:

  • 2/3 of total number accounts for intracellular fluid;
  • 1/3 of the total is represented by extracellular fluid.

In the human body, water is in a free state, it is retained by colloids or it participates in the formation and breakdown of molecules of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Compared to the intercellular fluid and blood plasma, the tissue fluid in the cells is characterized by a higher concentration of magnesium, potassium and phosphate ions and a low content of chlorine, sodium, calcium and bicarbonate ions. This difference is explained by the fact that the capillary wall for proteins has low permeability. A normal water-salt balance in a healthy person helps maintain not only a constant composition, but also the volume of fluid.

Regulation of water-salt balance by the kidneys and urinary system

Kidneys are necessary to maintain ongoing processes. They are responsible for ion exchange, remove excess cations and anions from the body through reabsorption and excretion of sodium, potassium and water. The role of the kidneys is extremely important, since thanks to them the required volume of intercellular fluid and the optimal amount of substances dissolved in it are maintained.

A person should consume 2.5 liters of fluid per day. About 2 liters comes through drinking and eating, and the rest is formed in the body due to metabolic processes. 1.5 liters are excreted by the kidneys, 100 ml by the intestines, and 900 ml by the skin and lungs. Thus, it is not just one organ that regulates the water-salt balance, but a combination of them.

The volume of fluid excreted by the kidneys depends on the needs and condition of the body. Maximum amount urine, which this organ is able to excrete per day is 15 liters of liquid, and with antidiuresis it is equal to 250 ml.

Such different indicators depend on the nature and intensity of tubular reabsorption.

Why is the balance of water and salt in the body disrupted?

Violation of the water-salt balance occurs in the following cases:

  • Accumulation of fluid in the body large quantities and slowing down its elimination. It accumulates in the intercellular space, its volume inside the cells increases, resulting in swelling of the cells. If the process involves nerve cells, nerve centers are excited, contributing to the occurrence of seizures.
  • Also, completely opposite processes can occur in the body. Due to excessive removal of fluid from the body, the blood begins to thicken, the risk of blood clots increases, and blood flow in organs and tissues is disrupted. If the water deficit is more than 20%, the person dies.

Violation of the water-salt balance of the body leads to weight loss, dry skin and cornea. In case of severe moisture deficiency, subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to resemble dough in consistency, the eyes become sunken, and the volume of circulating blood decreases. In addition, facial features become sharp, cyanosis of the nails and lips occurs, kidney hypofunction occurs, blood pressure decreases, the pulse quickens and weakens, and due to a disorder in protein metabolism, the concentration of nitrogenous bases increases. A person's hands and feet begin to freeze.

In addition, imbalance may occur due to equal loss of water and salts. This usually occurs in acute poisoning, when fluid and electrolytes are lost through vomiting and diarrhea.

Why does there be a lack and excess of water in the body?

Most often this pathological process occurs due to external loss of fluid and its redistribution in the body.

A decrease in calcium levels in the blood occurs:

  • for diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • when using radioactive iodine preparations;
  • with pseudohypoparathyroidism.

Sodium decreases as a result of long-term diseases in which urine excretion is very poor; after operation; due to self-medication and uncontrolled use of diuretics.

A decrease in potassium is caused by:

  • its movement within cells;
  • alkalosis;
  • corticosteroid therapy;
  • liver pathologies;
  • insulin injections;
  • aldosteronism;
  • alcoholism;
  • surgery on small intestine;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of imbalance of water and salt in the body

If the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed, then symptoms such as vomiting, severe thirst, swelling, and diarrhea occur. The acid-base balance begins to change, blood pressure decreases, and arrhythmia appears. Such symptoms should never be ignored, since progressive pathology can lead to cardiac arrest and death.

Calcium deficiency is dangerous due to the occurrence of smooth muscle spasms, especially if a spasm of the larynx occurs. If, on the contrary, there is a lot of this element in the body, severe thirst, stomach pain, vomiting, poor blood circulation, and frequent urination appear.

With potassium deficiency, alkalosis, chronic renal failure, atony, intestinal obstruction, ventricular fibrillation, and brain pathology occur. When it increases, vomiting, nausea, and ascending paralysis appear. This condition is dangerous because ventricular fibrillation occurs very quickly, leading to atrial arrest.

Excessive amounts of magnesium appear due to kidney dysfunction and antacid abuse. In this case, nausea occurs, leading to vomiting, body temperature rises, and slows down. heartbeat.

How to restore water-salt balance in the body?

It is quite difficult to independently determine the presence of such a pathology, and if suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. He can offer following methods treatment in order to restore the water-salt balance:

  • medicinal;
  • outpatient;
  • chemical;
  • diet.

Drug treatment

This method consists in the fact that the patient must take mineral or vitamin-mineral complexes containing calcium, sodium, silicon, magnesium, potassium, i.e., elements that are responsible for the water-salt balance in the body.

Such drugs include:

  • "Duovit";
  • "Vitrum";
  • "Biotech Vitabolic"

The course of treatment lasts a month, then take a break of several weeks.

Chemical method of treatment

In this case, it is necessary to take a special solution. At any pharmacy you can purchase special packages containing various salts. Similar remedies were previously used for poisoning, cholera, dysentery, which are accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, resulting in rapid dehydration of the body, and such a saline solution promotes water retention in the body.

Before using this product, you should consult your doctor, because it is contraindicated if:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • renal failure;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • liver diseases.

How to restore the water-salt balance in this way? To do this, you need to take a week’s course of this remedy. Accept brine should be one hour after meals, and next appointment carried out no earlier than after 1.5 hours. During treatment, you should avoid eating salt.

Outpatient treatment

It is very rare, but such a situation does occur that the patient has to be hospitalized due to a violation of the water-salt balance. In this case, the patient takes saline solutions and special mineral preparations under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, a strict drinking regime is recommended, and meals are prepared according to the patient’s needs. IN extreme cases droppers with an isotonic solution are prescribed.


To normalize the water-salt balance, it is not necessary to take medications. In this case, the patient is prescribed a special diet with the amount of salt calculated. It should be limited to 7 g per day.

  • instead of table salt it is better to use sea water, as it contains more content useful minerals;
  • if it is not possible to use sea salt, you can add iodized table salt to your dishes;
  • You should not salt “by eye”, but use a spoon for this (5 g of salt is placed in a teaspoon, and 7 g in a tablespoon).

In addition, you need to drink water depending on your body weight. There are 30 g of water per 1 kg of mass.


Thus, the water-salt balance can be brought back to normal on your own, but before that you still need to see a doctor and get everything checked. necessary tests. You should not prescribe various mineral and vitamin complexes or salt packs to yourself; it is better to adhere to a special diet and useful recommendations.

Restoring water-salt balance

Have you ever experienced sudden muscle cramps or weakness during strenuous activity?

Do you experience skin rashes or dry mouth during intense exercise?

If yes, then these are signs of a violation water-salt balance(lack of electrolyte salts), which, contrary to popular belief, affects not only marathon and triathletes (swimming, cycling and road running), but also outdoor enthusiasts, as well as those who turn into binge drinkers on weekends.

What causes water-salt imbalance?

This disorder is usually the result poor nutrition or insufficient fluid intake before physical activity and/or insufficient replenishment of the body with essential nutrients (electrolytes) during prolonged physical activity.

What are electrolytes and why are they so important?

Electrolyte is the scientific term for salts. These substances are electrically charged ions that carry out electrical impulses across the cell membranes of nerves and muscles, including those in the heart, and control blood pH (acidity). The kidneys and adrenal glands are responsible for maintaining proper levels of electrolytes in the blood.

When you exercise vigorously, you lose electrolytes through sweat, especially sodium and potassium. Deficiencies of other electrolytes, such as calcium and magnesium, as well as related chlorides and bicarbonates, arise from causes such as malnutrition, thyroid imbalance, use of certain medicines(eg, diuretics and hypertension medications), excessive vomiting and diarrhea, excessive consumption of distilled water.

So, without necessary for the body If you don't get enough electrolytes, your health can suffer, to say the least.

How to ensure that the body does not suffer from electrolyte deficiency?

First of all, eat a nutritionally balanced diet consisting of plenty of green leafy vegetables, eggs, lean meats, fish, grains and legumes, raw nuts and seeds. But even if you eat the foods listed, but your activity involves intense physical activity, which in one way or another causes sweating, it is recommended to replenish the body with good electrolytes during and after such exercise.

The problem is that the nutritional electrolyte market is flooded with countless "sports drinks" containing high content sugar, with various additives and preservatives. Let's name some of them.

What sports drinks should you not drink?

Gatorade and Powerade are market leaders but are actually some of the poorest drinks in the category. They are manufactured using PepsiCo and Coca-Cola technology, respectively, and contain artificial flavors and colors, as well as denatured (brominated) vegetable oils, lots of refined sugar and artificial sweeteners. Despite this composition, they are still used by many athletes.

Vitaminwater (Coca-Cola Company). A bottle of water with such a misleading name (vitamin water) contains 32 grams of sugar and synthetic vitamins, most of which the body cannot absorb.

Accelerade. Contains genetically modified soy protein and large amounts of fructose.

Cytomax. Contains sweeteners derived from genetically modified corn derivatives, as well as artificial flavors.

What “sports” drinks can you drink?

The closest two drinks to the required electrolyte formula for restoring water-salt balance are Emergen Lite-C and raw coconut juice. Emergen Lite-C is an effective and relatively harmless choice. It actually contains the following nutritional supplements: vitamin B6 for improved nutrient absorption, vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid for additional antioxidant protection.

Coconut juice, when taken directly from the coconut, is chock-full of natural sugars and valuable nutrients for the body, including electrolytes. But the trouble is that this juice usually goes through a fair amount of processing before it is sold, and unfortunately many of the wonderful nutrients are lost. The exception is unprocessed coconut juice, which is much more expensive, but contains all the electrolytes that are needed to restore water-salt balance.

If you're looking for more cost-effective alternatives, make your own homemade drinks for compensation for lost electrolytes.

Below are five different homemade drink recipes you can try to restore your hydration. Please note that where the word “water” is mentioned, it means either filtered water, from which impurities found in tap water have been removed, or distilled water. When you see the words "sea salt" in a recipe, it is better to use Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt or Celtic Sea Salt as they contain trace minerals that make the water more easily absorbed by the body's cells.

Recipes for homemade drinks to compensate for water-salt balance

Fast and easy

2 liters clean water(filtered or distilled)

¾ cup fresh lemon juice

¼ - ½ teaspoon natural sea salt (ideally Himalayan or Celtic)

¼ cup natural sweetener (honey, maple syrup, sorghum)


¼ cup fresh lemon juice

¼ cup fresh juice lime

1 orange - juiced (or one can of frozen orange juice)

Mix in a blender

3 cups coconut juice or 2 cups strawberries or watermelon

1 glass of ice water

1 teaspoon natural sea salt

½ lemon - juice

A strong beat

1 liter of water

¼ teaspoon natural sea salt

½ teaspoon mixed ascorbates powder (Vit. C)

¼ cup juice (lemon, lime, watermelon or orange)

½ -1 tsp. stevia

On my way

2 cups coconut juice

½ teaspoon natural sea salt

½ teaspoon honey or stevia

To Home Page…

As you know, a stable pH balance (acid-base balance) in the blood helps us stay healthy.

Any changes in this balance affect our body. Medical specialists They believe that if the pH balance of the blood is less than 7.35, this indicates oxidation of the human body.

This leads to increased sensitivity of the nervous system, the risk of contracting various diseases increases, and we begin to feel tired for no apparent reason.

We are sure that you will appreciate these recipes.

1. Fresh mint drink

This delicious, refreshing drink perfectly combines beneficial features water and fresh mint. If you drink without pleasure plain water, this recipe will help you avoid dehydration, because not all of us are able to drink the recommended 2 liters of water daily.

What exactly are the benefits of mint drink?

  • Fresh mint leaves contain enzymes that have a beneficial effect on digestion.
  • Regular consumption of this drink helps to better absorb nutrients that enter our body with food.
  • Mint water will allow you to quickly restore the acid-base balance without harm to your health.
  • This drink helps relieve gas and bloating.

It is very simple to prepare - mash and add fresh mint leaves and sprigs to drinking water.

2. Honey drink

Do you know how beneficial it is to start your morning with a glass of water with honey (1 tbsp or 25 g)? Thanks to the honey drink, your well-being will improve. In just a few weeks you will notice the first results:

  • sweet honey helps you cope with nervous tension and brings a feeling of satiety, which is very important if you want to lose weight;
  • A honey drink will help soothe arthritis pain. As you know, honey is an excellent natural antibiotic, stimulates the cleansing of our body from toxins and strengthens the immune system;
  • Regular consumption of this drink will relieve you of inflammatory processes, which cause a lot of trouble;
  • Honey dissolved in water will fill you with energy and strength. In addition, the drink will help restore the pH balance of your body.

3. Warm water with lemon

A glass of water with the juice of half a lemon, without sugar or other additives, works real miracles for our health. It is recommended to drink it daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Why is it so useful?

  • This natural remedy helps restore the natural pH balance of our body and fights increased acidity.
  • Normalizes digestion and promotes better absorption of nutrients.
  • It is a natural diuretic.
  • Strengthens our immune system.
  • Allows you to cope with bad breath.
  • Fills us with energy and is a rich source of vitamins.

4. Apple cider vinegar water

You may find the taste of this drink a little strange. But it’s worth being patient a little, believe me, because after this you will feel much better. The recipe for this drink is very simple: dissolve a little apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Water with apple cider vinegar has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Thanks to the acids it contains, it promotes the digestion of food. As a rule, at a certain age the composition gastric juice changes a little, and we begin to experience difficulties with digestion.
  • Drinking a glass of water with apple cider vinegar 15 minutes after eating will make food easier to digest.
  • This drink will restore the acid-base balance and improve your health.

5. Water with baking soda

Another simple one home remedy which will help improve health - 2 g of baking soda and a little lemon juice, dissolved in 1 glass of water (200 ml.). It is recommended to drink it 3 times a week.

  • This is one of the most effective ways to neutralize our body's pH.
  • Drinking this drink is believed to reduce the risk of certain types of tumors. Although there is no scientific evidence that this hypothesis is true, one can hardly deny the benefits for our health of such a simple and available means, like baking soda. Therefore, it is recommended to consume this drink on a regular basis.
  • This remedy improves kidney function, making our blood better cleansed.
  • Water with baking soda has a beneficial effect on our digestion.

6. Cinnamon water

One glass of water with 3 g of cinnamon helps lower blood sugar levels.

You can drink cinnamon infusion in the morning with the addition of a small amount bee honey. You'll see how much you like this drink.

Another option is to take a one and a half liter bottle of water and put a cinnamon stick in it and leave it for a while so that the spice releases its taste and beneficial properties.

7. Water with cloves

Cloves can be purchased both in supermarkets and in stores natural products. Not only is it an excellent spice to use in cooking various dishes, but also healing agent, helping to improve our overall health.

What are the beneficial properties of cloves?

  • Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Is a natural pain reliever.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
  • It is considered an excellent aphrodisiac.
  • Soothes pain.
  • Has a stimulating effect.
  • A good remedy for spasms.

How to prepare this drink? This is quite easy to do. Pour five units of cloves into 1.5 liters. water and let it brew.

Also interesting: This ruby ​​drink cleanses the kidneys, liver and gallbladder!

Detox for 30 days: best drinks, cleansing the body

Today we introduced you to several simple recipes. healthy drinks, which will not only protect your body from dehydration, but also normalize the acid-base balance of your body.

It's time to choose one of them. But do you really need to choose? Maybe you will please yourself with each of them in turn? Try it today! published by

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

How to remove odor from a kitchen sink using folk remedies? How to remove foot odor at home using folk remedies?

The normal functioning of our body is an incredibly complex set of internal processes. One of them is maintaining water-salt metabolism. When it is normal, we are in no hurry to feel own health, as soon as disturbances occur, complex and quite noticeable deviations occur in the body. What is it and why is it so important to control it and maintain it normal?

What is water-salt metabolism?

Water-salt metabolism refers to the combined processes of the entry of liquid (water) and electrolytes (salts) into the body, the features of their absorption by the body, distribution in internal organs, tissues, environments, as well as the processes of their removal from the body.

We know from school textbooks that half or more of a person consists of water. Interestingly, the amount of fluid in the human body varies and is determined by factors such as age, fat mass and the amount of the same electrolytes. If a newborn consists of 77% water, then adult men are 61%, and women are 54%. Such a low amount of water in the female body is explained by big amount fat cells in their structure. With old age, the amount of water in the body decreases even below these levels.

The total amount of water in the human body is distributed as follows:

  • 2/3 of the total is allocated to intracellular fluid; associated with potassium and phosphate, which are a cation and an anion, respectively;
  • 1/3 of the total is extracellular fluid; a smaller part of it resides in the vascular bed, and a large part (over 90%) is contained in the vascular bed, and also represents interstitial or tissue fluid; The cation of extracellular water is sodium, and the anion is chlorides and bicarbonates.

In addition, water in the human body is in a free state, retained by colloids (swelling water or bound water) or involved in the formation/disintegration of molecules of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (constitutional or intramolecular water). Different tissues are characterized by different ratios of free, bound and constitutional water.

Compared to blood plasma and intercellular fluid, tissue fluid in cells has a higher content of potassium, magnesium, phosphate ions and a low concentration of sodium, calcium, chlorine and bicarbonate ions. The difference is explained by the low permeability of the capillary wall to proteins. Precise regulation of water-salt metabolism in a healthy person makes it possible to maintain not only a constant composition, but also a constant volume of body fluids, maintaining almost the same concentration of osmotically active substances and acid-base balance .

Regulation water-salt metabolism organism occurs with the participation of several physiological systems. Special receptors respond to changes in the concentration of osmotically active substances, electrolytes, ions and fluid volume. Such signals are transmitted to the central nervous system and only then do changes occur in the consumption or excretion of water and salts.

The excretion of water, ions and electrolytes by the kidneys is controlled by the nervous system and a number of hormones . In regulation water-salt metabolism Physiologically active substances produced in the kidney are also involved - vitamin D derivatives, renin, kinins, etc.

Regulation of potassium metabolism in the body is carried out by the central nervous system with the participation of a number of hormones, corticosteroids, in particular aldosterone and insulin.

Regulation of chlorine metabolism depends on the functioning of the kidneys. Chlorine ions are excreted from the body mainly through urine. The amount of excreted sodium chloride depends on the diet, the activity of sodium reabsorption, the state of the renal tubular apparatus, the acid-base state, etc. The exchange of chlorides is closely related to the exchange of water.

What is considered the normal water-salt balance?

A bunch of physiological processes in the body depends on the ratio of the amount of liquid and salts in it. It is known that per 1 kilogram of weight a person should receive 30 ml of water per day. This amount will be enough to supply the body with minerals, spread with them through the vessels, cells, tissues, joints of our body, as well as dissolve and flush out waste products. On average, the amount of liquid consumed per day rarely exceeds 2.5 liters; such a volume can be formed approximately as follows:

  • from food - up to 1 liter,
  • by drinking plain water - 1.5 liters,
  • formation of oxidative water (due to the oxidation of mainly fats) - 0.3-0.4 liters.

Internal fluid exchange is determined by the balance between the amount of fluid received and released over a certain period of time. If the body requires up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day, then approximately the same amount is excreted from the body:

  • through the kidneys - 1.5 liters,
  • by sweating - 0.6 liters,
  • exhaled with air - 0.4 liters,
  • excreted in feces - 0.1 liters.

Regulation water-salt metabolism carried out by a complex of neuroendocrine reactions aimed at maintaining the stability of the volume and osmotic pressure of the extracellular sector and, most importantly, the blood plasma. Although the mechanisms for correcting these parameters are autonomous, both of them are extremely important.

As a result of this regulation, a stable level of concentration of electrolytes and ions in the intracellular and extracellular fluid is maintained. The main cations of the body are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium; anions - chlorine, bicarbonate, phosphate, sulfate. Their normal number in blood plasma is presented as follows:

  • sodium - 130-156 mmol/l,
  • potassium - 3.4-5.3 mmol/l,
  • calcium - 2.3-2.75 mmol/l,
  • magnesium - 0.7-1.2 mmol/l,
  • chlorine - 97-108 mmol/l,
  • bicarbonates - 27 mmol/l,
  • sulfates - 1.0 mmol/l,
  • phosphates - 1-2 mmol/l.

Disturbances of water-salt metabolism

Violations water-salt metabolism appear:

  • accumulation of fluid in the body or its deficiency,
  • the formation of edema,
  • decrease or increase in blood osmotic pressure,
  • violation electrolyte balance,
  • a decrease or increase in the concentration of individual ions,
  • changes in acid-base status (acidosis or alkalosis) .

The water balance in the body is completely determined by the intake and removal of water from the body. Disorders of water metabolism are closely related to electrolyte balance and are manifested by dehydration (dehydration) and hydration (increasing the amount of water in the body), the extreme expression of which is edema:

  • edema- excess fluid content in body tissues and serous cavities, in intercellular spaces, usually accompanied by an imbalance in the electrolyte balance in cells;
  • dehydration, being a lack of water in the body, is divided into:
    • dehydration without an equivalent amount of cations, then thirst is felt, and water from the cells enters the interstitial space;
    • dehydration with loss of sodium occurs from extracellular fluid and thirst is usually not felt.

Violations water balance occur when the volume of circulating fluid decreases (hypovolemia) or increases (hypervolemia). The latter often occurs due to hydremia, an increase in water content in the blood.

Knowledge of pathological conditions in which the ionic composition of the blood plasma or the concentration of individual ions in it changes is important for the differential diagnosis of various diseases.

Disorders of sodium metabolism in the body are represented by its deficiency (hyponatremia), excess (hypernatremia) or changes in distribution throughout the body. The latter, in turn, can occur with normal or altered amounts of sodium in the body.

Sodium deficiency divided into:

  • true - associated with the loss of both sodium and water, which occurs with insufficient intake of table salt, excessive sweating, extensive burns, polyuria (for example, with chronic renal failure), intestinal obstruction and other processes;
  • relative - develops against the background of excessive administration aqueous solutions at a rate exceeding the excretion of water by the kidneys.

Excess sodium distinguished in a similar way:

  • true - occurs when patients are given saline solutions, increased consumption of table salt, delayed excretion of sodium by the kidneys, excess production or prolonged administration of external minerals and glucocorticoids;
  • relative - observed during dehydration and entails overhydration and the development of edema.

Disorders of potassium metabolism, which is 98% in the intracellular and 2% in the extracellular fluid, are represented by hypo- and hyperkalemia.

Hypokalemia observed with excess production or external introduction of aldosterone, glucocorticoids, which cause excessive secretion of potassium in the kidneys, with intravenous administration of solutions, insufficient intake of potassium into the body with food. The same condition is likely with vomiting or diarrhea, since potassium is excreted in secretions gastrointestinal tract. Against the background of this pathology, dysfunction of the nervous system develops (drowsiness and fatigue, slurred speech), muscle tone decreases, and motor skills weaken digestive tract, blood pressure and pulse.

Hyperkalemia turns out to be a consequence of starvation (when protein molecules disintegrate), injuries, a decrease in circulating blood volume (with oligo- or anuria), and excessive administration of potassium solutions. Reports itself with muscle weakness and hypotension, bradycardia up to cardiac arrest.

Violations in the ratio of magnesium in the body are dangerous, since the mineral activates many enzyme processes, ensures muscle contraction and the passage of nerve impulses through the fibers.

Magnesium deficiency occurs in the body during fasting and decreased absorption of magnesium, with fistulas, diarrhea, resection of the gastrointestinal tract, when magnesium leaves with the secretions of the gastrointestinal tract. Another circumstance is excessive secretion of magnesium due to the entry of sodium lactate into the body. In health, this condition is determined by weakness and apathy, often combined with a deficiency of potassium and calcium.

Excess magnesium is considered a manifestation of impaired secretion by the kidneys, increased cell breakdown in chronic renal failure, diabetes, hypothyroidism. The disorder manifests itself as a decrease in blood pressure, drowsiness, depression respiratory function and tendon reflexes.

Disorders of calcium metabolism are represented by hyper- and hypocalcemia:

  • hypercalcemia- a typical consequence of excessive administration of vitamin D into the body, probably due to increased secretion into the blood of somatotropic hormone, hormones of the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland in Itsenko-Cushing's disease, thyrotoxicosis;
  • hypocalcemia observed in kidney diseases (chronic renal failure, nephritis), with limited secretion of parathyroid hormones into the blood, a decrease in plasma albumin, diarrhea, vitamin D deficiency, rickets and spasmophilia.

Restoration of water-salt metabolism

Normalization water-salt metabolism held pharmaceuticals, designed to correct the content of water, electrolytes and hydrogen ions (determining acid alkalinity). These main factors of homeostasis are maintained and regulated by the interconnected work of the respiratory, excretory and endocrine systems and in turn determine the same work. Any changes in water or electrolyte levels, even minor ones, can lead to serious, life-threatening consequences. Applicable:

  • - prescribed in addition to the main therapy for heart failure, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias (including arrhythmias caused by an overdose of cardiac glycosides), hypomagnesemia and hypokalemia; easily absorbed when taken orally, excreted by the kidneys, transports potassium and magnesium ions, promotes their penetration into the intracellular space, where it is actively involved in metabolic processes.
  • - prescribed for gastritis with high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, metabolic acidosis, which occurs during infections, intoxications, diabetes mellitus and postoperative period; justified prescription for stone formation in the kidneys, with inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract, oral cavity; quickly neutralizes hydrochloric acid of gastric juice and has a rapid antacid effect, enhances the release of gastrin with secondary activation of secretion.
  • - indicated for large losses of extracellular fluid or insufficient supply (in the case of toxic dyspepsia, cholera, diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, extensive burns) for hypochloremia and hyponatremia with dehydration, intestinal obstruction, intoxication; has a detoxifying and rehydrating effect, and compensates for sodium deficiency in various pathological conditions.
  • - used to stabilize blood counts; binds calcium and inhibits hemocoagulation; increases sodium content in the body, increases alkaline blood reserves.
  • (ReoHES) - used during operations, acute blood loss, injuries, burns, infectious diseases as a prophylaxis against hypovolemia and shock; appropriate for microcirculation disorders; promotes the delivery and consumption of oxygen by organs and tissues, restoration of capillary walls.

A person consists of water on average 70%. With age, this percentage decreases slightly. For older people, this figure is only 55%. A balanced intake and release of fluids in the human body indicates a complete internal exchange. The daily fluid requirement is approximately 2.5 liters. About half of the fluid enters the body with food. The "waste fluid" is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Violation of water-salt metabolism

Violation of water-salt metabolism may be associated with hypohydration. Disturbances in the flow of water into the body lead to this disease. It may also be due to loss of water from the body. In advanced cases it develops into exicosis. It means severe dehydration.

A stable concentration of salts in the body, as well as its correct regulation, is very important for proper operation the whole organism as a harmonious system. If the natural regulation system fails, this leads to problems in other organs of the body. Fluid exchange can also maintain acid-base balance. Content also plays an important role sodium in the body. Regulation occurs with the participation of the central nervous system (central nervous system). The exchange of sodium and potassium ions is responsible for the processes of excitation and inhibition. Also, a very important role belongs to chlorine ions, the work of which depends on the exchange of water in the body, as they are excreted along with urine.

Causes of impaired water-salt metabolism:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • abundant consumption of meat, legumes, spicy foods;
  • binge eating;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • hormonal changes in the body.

Blood loss, which means a decrease in the volume of blood circulating in the organs, leads to an increase in fluids in the body. This is exactly how the regulatory compensation mechanism works. In addition, it leads to an increase in the amount of water in the body renal failure(because the kidneys help remove fluid from the body).

Excess fluids in the body can cause physiological hydremia, but, as a rule, the regulation mechanism is turned on and excess fluid be displayed. It should also be noted that drinking excessive amounts of fluid can also cause physiological hydremia.

Severe vomiting profuse sweating and reducing swelling also leads to a decrease in fluid in the body. This leads to the loss of chlorine and sodium ions. Self-medication should be avoided diuretics. The fact is that they have a significant impact on the exchange of fluids in the body.

Possible causes of increased chlorine concentration in the body:

  • kidney stone disease;
  • pulmonary hyperventilation syndrome;
  • excessive salt intake;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Possible causes of increased sodium concentration in the body:

Possible causes of increased potassium concentration in the body:

  • diabetes;
  • traumatic toxicosis;
  • hemolysis of red blood cells.

Also, with kidney diseases and disruption of their functioning (removal of potassium from the body), a disease such as hyperkalemia. The risk of developing the disease increases with high concentration potassium in plasma (from 5 mmol/l). Symptoms of the disease usually include muscle pain and severe drowsiness. Low blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, and intestinal muscle paralysis may also occur. Bladder.

Symptoms of impaired water-salt metabolism

When there is an excessive concentration of salts in the body, the patient develops strong feeling thirst. Edema or dehydration are one of the most important factors in metabolic disorders. You should also monitor the following indicators:

  • change in blood osmotic pressure;
  • changes in electrolyte concentrations;
  • acid-base balance of the body.

Edema indicate an excess of fluids in the body. Associated symptoms may also occur: drowsiness, headache, convulsions. In general, edema quite often occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body. There are several factors for their development:

  • Oncotic. The development of edema as a result of decreased blood pressure. A decrease in protein levels plays an important role in this process. Oxygen starvation also occurs due to certain kidney diseases. Disturbances in albumin synthesis can also lead to edema.
  • Osmotic. Associated with a decrease in blood pressure or, conversely, an increase in the intercellular fluid.
  • Tissue hyperosmia. It may occur as a consequence of microcirculation disorders. Edema develops at the site of inflammation.
  • Membranogenic. Due to increased permeability vascular wall swelling forms.

Treatment and prevention

Treatment of water-salt balance disorders can be carried out (depending on the causes of the disease) by an anesthesiologist, therapist and resuscitator. In most cases, the patient is prescribed a special diet, limiting or eliminating the consumption of certain foods. Patients are also prescribed special therapeutic exercises.

It is also important to know about prevention diseases. It is very important to comply rational system nutrition, avoid overeating, alcohol abuse. It is important to lead an active lifestyle. We recommend several preventative exercises:

Exercise 1

Starting position - legs bent at the knees, arms down. Raise your arms up through your sides - inhale, lower - exhale. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times at a slow pace.

Exercise 2
Bend your arms, hands to your shoulders. Circular movements in shoulder joints(involving the shoulder blades and collarbones) clockwise and counterclockwise. 6-8 times in each direction. The pace is slow, breathing is free.

Exercise 3
Hands on the belt, head down, chin touching the chest. Raise your head back and up - inhale; return to the starting position - exhale. Perform the exercise non-stop. Repeat 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

Exercise 4
Starting position - arms up, head tilted back. Turn your torso to the right, bend down, lower your arms, trying to touch the floor with your fingers; return to the starting position. Same with turning left. When bending, the chin is raised up. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times at a slow pace.

Exercise 5
Sit on a chair, arms down. Squeezing and unclenching your fingers, perform outward and inward movements in the shoulder joints; then raise your hands up and down. Repeat the exercises 6-7 times.

Exercise 6
Starting position - lying down. Perform push-ups from the floor, straightening and bending your arms at the elbows. Raise your head while performing the exercise. Repeat at a slow pace up to 7 times.

Exercise 7
Lower your arms along your body. Raise and lower your hands in front of you, simultaneously clenching your fingers into fists and unclenching them. Repeat at a slow pace 4-6 times. Breathing is free.

It is also very useful for the prevention of water-salt metabolism disorders race walking.

The human body is two-thirds water. Water is the main component of blood (92%), gastric juice (99%) and other biological fluids in the human body. It is also part of our muscles (75%), bones (20-30%) and even our brain (80%). That is why water and electrolyte balance can affect a person’s memory, thinking and physical characteristics. A decrease in the volume of water in the body by 2% causes problems with concentrating and performing even the simplest logical tasks; a person feels very thirsty. When the body is dehydrated, the metabolism slows down. A lack of 8% water leads to a semi-fainting state; with a deficiency of 10%, the human body begins to collapse, and with a loss of 20% of fluid, a person dies.

During the hot season, our body loses half a liter of water per day just through breathing. With sweating, up to 3 liters of liquid come out. That is why it is very important to constantly replenish water reserves in the body and ensure that water balance always remained optimal.

Human water balance

Maintaining water balance involves balancing the flow of water into the body with its release. A person's daily fluid requirement is 40 grams for every kilogram of weight. That is, a person with average weight needs to consume 2.5-3 liters of water per day. If you don’t drink enough, the body’s water balance becomes negative, metabolism slows down significantly, the blood becomes more viscous and no longer carries enough oxygen to the organs, body temperature rises, and the pulse quickens. As a result, the load on the body increases and its performance decreases.

If a person drinks too much water, the water balance becomes positive. This leads to blood thinning and overload in cardiovascular system. There is also dilution of gastric juice and disruption of digestion. The load on the kidneys increases, and urine production and sweating increase. Large amounts are washed out of the body through sweat and urine. useful microelements. As a result, the water-salt balance is disrupted and the body weakens.

Drinking a lot of water during exercise can lead to fatigue muscles and possibly even cramps. You've probably seen that athletes don't drink during a long race, but only rinse their mouths with water. You can also use this technique during runs or intense workouts.

Water imbalance

When there is an imbalance of water in the body, urine becomes more dark color. A person experiences dry and irritated skin. Pimples and clogged pores appear on skin that is very sensitive to lack of fluid. In addition, with insufficient water consumption, swelling appears as the body stops removing it. Possible indigestion, nausea, joint pain, and bladder infections. Headaches occur very often.

Impaired water balance also affects mental activity- fatigue, absent-mindedness appear, anxiety increases, and depression is possible. In addition, there is a significant decrease in immunity, which leads to frequent colds.

To avoid negative consequences for the body, it is necessary to consume at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily (but not more than 3 liters per day). For obese people, the norm should be increased at the rate of 1 glass per 10 kg of excess weight. Also, the rate of fluid intake should be increased during the hot period in the summer and when visiting a bathhouse or sauna in the winter, during intense physical activity And active activities sports.

If at some point you are not able to drink enough water, do not worry, in addition to drinking, the body gets water from liquid food and drinks, vegetables and fruits, water is contained even in meat, porridge and bread. Water is also formed directly in the human body. Therefore, short-term thirst will not bring any negative consequences. The main thing is to always remember about the drinking regime and during the day, whenever possible, drink a glass of clean water.

At the same time, do not forget that tap water must be boiled. And it’s better not to get carried away with it, since its chemical composition usually always leaves much to be desired. It does not contain enough potassium salts, sodium and other useful trace elements, but instead various purifiers are added to the water. You can cook with this water, but for drinking it is better to buy water from natural sources.

Mineral watercan be very useful in cases of disruption of various physiological processes in the body. But it can also upset the existing balance. Therefore, you should not drink a lot of mineral water. If you want to use it as a medicinal or prophylactic, it is better to discuss the amount of consumption with your doctor.

The effect of the water you drink will be better if you drink it often, but little by little. It is also very beneficial to drink a glass of water at room temperature on an empty stomach. This jump-starts your digestive system, helping you better absorb food throughout the day. If you feel hungry, drink a glass of water and your hunger will go away. And if it's really time for a snack, water will help avoid overeating. Try to drink 20 minutes before meals and no earlier than an hour after meals. Then the food will be digested normally and will not be stored as fat.

Compliance drinking regime allows:

  • reduce hunger and speed up energy production
  • activate the body's work, as well as stimulate
  • improve metabolism and regulate body temperature, maintaining salt levels in the body
  • restore muscle function and prevent fatigue at the end of the working day
  • activate the liver, which is responsible for the absorption of fats, and also normalize kidney function
  • make the skin more elastic and elastic, and also prevent its premature aging

0 9129 1 year ago

Water-salt balance plays an important role in the normal functioning of the human body. Its violation can lead to a deterioration in a person’s well-being and the appearance of various diseases.

What is water-salt balance?

Water-salt balance is the interaction between the processes of entry and removal of salts and water into the human body, as well as their distribution in tissues and internal organs.

The basis of the human body is water, the amount of which can vary. Age, the number of fat cells and other factors determine this indicator. The comparison table shows that all more water contains the body of a newborn baby. A smaller amount of water is contained in the female body, due to the replacement of fluid by fat cells.

Percentage water in the body

Newborn 77
Man 61
Woman 54

Normally, a balance or equilibrium must be maintained in the volumes of fluid received and removed from the body during the day. The intake of salts and water is associated with food intake, and the excretion is associated with urine, feces, sweat and exhaled air. In numerical terms, the process looks like this:

  • fluid intake is the norm per day 2.5 liters (2 liters of which are water and food, the rest is due to metabolic processes in the body);
  • excretion – 2.5 liters (1.5 liters are excreted by the kidneys, 100 ml by the intestines, 900 ml by the lungs).

Violation of water-salt balance

The water-salt balance may be disturbed due to:

  1. With the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the body and its slow elimination.
  2. With water deficiency and excessive release.

Both extreme situations are extremely dangerous. In the first case, fluid accumulates in the intercellular space, causing the cells to swell. And, if nerve cells are also included in the process, then the nerve centers are excited and convulsions occur. The opposite situation provokes blood thickening, increasing the risk of blood clots and disrupting blood flow in tissues and organs. Water deficiency of more than 20% leads to fatal outcome.

Changes in some indicators may occur for a number of reasons. And, if there is a short-term imbalance due to temperature changes environment If changes in the level of physical activity or diet can only slightly worsen your well-being, then a constant water-salt imbalance is fraught with dangerous consequences.

Why can there be an excess and lack of water in the body?

Excess body water or hydration may be associated with:

  • with a failure in hormonal system;
  • with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • with excess salt in the body.

In addition, insufficient fluid intake can also lead to excess fluid in the body. A lack of fluid intake from the outside provokes an excess of water in the tissues, which leads to edema.

Lack of water in the body is associated with insufficient fluid intake or excessive excretion. The main causes of dehydration are:

  • intensive training;
  • taking diuretics;
  • lack of fluid intake from food;
  • varied diets.

Excess and lack of fluid in the body are also directly related to the deficiency or excess of individual ions in the blood plasma.


A deficiency or excess of sodium in the body can be true or relative. True deficiency is associated with insufficient salt intake, increased sweating, intestinal obstruction, extensive burns and other processes. Relative develops as a result of excessive introduction of aqueous solutions into the body at a rate exceeding the excretion of water by the kidneys. True excess occurs as a result of the administration of saline solutions or increased consumption table salt. The cause of the problem may also be a delay in sodium excretion by the kidneys. A relative excess occurs when the body is dehydrated.


Potassium deficiency is associated with insufficient intake, liver pathology, corticosteroid therapy, insulin injections, surgery on the small intestine, or hypothyroidism. A decrease in potassium can also result from vomiting and loose stools, since the component is excreted in the secretions of the gastrointestinal tract. Excess potassium can result from fasting, decreased circulating blood volume, injury, or excessive administration of potassium solutions.


A deficiency of the element develops during fasting and a decrease in its absorption. Fistulas, diarrhea, resection of the gastrointestinal tract are also reasons for a decrease in the concentration of magnesium in the body.

Excess magnesium is associated with impaired magnesium secretion by the kidneys, increased cell breakdown in renal failure, hypothyroidism, and diabetes.


In addition to excess or lack of water in the body, water-salt imbalance can occur as a result of equal loss of salts and water. The reason for this state of affairs may be acute poisoning, in which electrolytes and fluid are lost with diarrhea and vomiting.

Symptoms of disorders

When the water-salt balance is disturbed, a person develops following symptoms:

  • weight loss;
  • dry skin, hair and cornea;
  • sunken eyes;
  • sharp facial features.

In addition, a person is worried about low blood pressure, hypofunction of the kidneys, increased and weakened pulse, chills in the extremities, vomiting, diarrhea, and severe thirst. All this leads to deterioration general well-being and decreased performance. Progressive pathology can lead to death, so symptoms cannot be ignored.

As for the imbalance of ions in the blood, the symptoms may be as follows:

  1. Potassium. A deficiency of the element is manifested by intestinal obstruction and renal failure, and an excess is manifested by nausea and vomiting.
  2. Magnesium. With an excess of magnesium, nausea leading to vomiting, elevated body temperature, and slow heart rate occur. A deficiency of the element is manifested by apathy and weakness.
  3. Calcium. Deficiency is dangerous due to the manifestation of smooth muscle spasms. Excess symptoms include thirst, vomiting, stomach pain, and frequent urination.

How to restore water-salt balance in the body?

Restoring the water-salt balance can occur in the following areas:

At the same time, it is quite problematic to independently determine the pathology. Therefore, in case of any suspicious symptoms, it is better to contact a specialist, who will decide for himself how to normalize the water-salt balance.

Taking medications

Therapy consists of taking mineral and vitamin-mineral complexes containing all the elements responsible for water-salt balance. Treatment lasts a month, then a break of several weeks is taken and the restored imbalance is maintained through another course of medication. Besides vitamin complexes The patient is prescribed saline solutions that retain water in the body.

Chemical method of treatment

IN in this case treatment consists of weekly use of a special saline solution. You can purchase packages containing salts at any pharmacy. They should be taken an hour after meals. Moreover, the period between doses should not be less than one and a half hours. During therapy you need to avoid salt.

Saline solutions are very effective in reducing fluid loss in the body. They are used for poisoning and dysentery. Before using the product to restore the water-salt balance, you should consult a specialist. The drug is contraindicated in:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • infections of the genitourinary system.

Outpatient method

Another treatment method involves hospitalization of the patient. It is applicable when continuous monitoring of the patient’s condition and administration is necessary. water-salt solutions through droppers. The patient is also prescribed a strict drinking regime and a special diet.


Not only taking medications will restore the water-salt balance. Nutritional adjustments that involve consuming food based on its salt content can help. You need to consume up to 7 grams of salt per day. In addition, the consumption of ordinary clean water is shown at the rate of 2-3 liters per day. In this case, the specified volume includes only water. Neither juices, nor tea, nor soups are included here. You can only dilute the water with salt, regular, sea or iodized. But there are restrictions: per liter of water there should be no more than 1.5 grams of salt.

IN daily diet when restoring the water-salt balance, products containing essential microelements: potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, cycle. They are found in large quantities in dried fruits and apricots.

There are some restrictions on water consumption for patients whose water-salt balance is impaired as a result of heart failure. In this case, you can drink no more than one hundred milliliters of water at a time, and there is no need to add salt to it. In addition, it is necessary to take diuretics.

Restoring water-salt balance using folk remedies

Any pathology can be alleviated or cured with the help of a home first aid kit. Violation of water-salt balance is no exception. Recovery at home is as follows:

  1. Preparation of special cocktails. The following cocktail will help replenish lost electrolytes: mix two bananas, two glasses of strawberries or watermelon pulp, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of salt in a blender. Blend the resulting mass in a blender with a glass of ice.
  2. Saline solution at home. To prepare it you will need: a liter of water, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt. Every 15-20 minutes you need to drink up to two tablespoons of solution. There should be 200 ml per day.
  3. Juices, compotes. If you don’t have time to cook, grapefruit and orange juice, as well as dried fruit compote.

Summing up

Violation of the water-salt balance cannot be ignored. But you shouldn’t self-medicate either. Specialist consultation and delivery necessary tests will help you choose the right treatment method and get your body into shape without any problems.