Okra flower. Growing exotic plants in a summer cottage. Okra. Growing okra in central Russia

Okra in our country is considered an exotic vegetable and has appeared on the market quite recently. Although this vegetable, also known under the names okra, gombo and “lady fingers,” was successfully grown by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov himself on his personal plot.

What is okra?

Okra is a pyramidal plant belonging to the Malvaceae family. Externally, the vegetable is similar to a green chili pepper. Okra is grown and used in cooking in Southern Europe, America and Asia. It is most popular in West Africa and India. The most species of this plant grow here, and these regions are considered the birthplace of the vegetable.

In the photo there are okra fruits and flowers

Benefits of okra

Okra fruits contain:

  • Manganese
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin PP
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Iron

Okra is the leader in fiber content. 100 grams of this vegetable contain 3.5 grams of dietary fiber, that is, 16% daily requirement person. Coarse okra fibers, entering the body, are not absorbed, but, swelling in the stomach, they absorb carcinogens, toxins and other harmful substances and remove them from the body.

Fiber contained in okra improves peristalsis gastrointestinal tract, serves as a good prevention of constipation and flatulence.

Photo of okra plant

Due to its properties and high content of the antioxidant glutathione, which is effective in combating free radicals, in America, okra is considered the most effective among anti-cancer foods. Okra decoction is recommended as a prevention of cancer.
Okra is recommended to be consumed by people who have undergone surgery, as it perfectly restores strength.

Currently, doctors have discovered another property of okra - it helps in the fight against impotence in men.

Okra regulates blood sugar levels and is an ideal vegetable for weight loss, prevention of depression, asthma, atherosclerosis, and stomach ulcers.

The calorie content of okra is only 31 kcal per 100 g of product.

Video "The Benefits of Okra"

Why is okra harmful?

On currently There are no contraindications for consuming okra other than individual intolerance to the vegetable. You just need to be careful when processing the vegetable - large pods may have burning areas that need to be thermally treated. It is also necessary to clean the hairs (they can cause an allergic reaction).

Choosing a quality vegetable

When purchasing okra, pay attention to appearance fetus The length of the pods should be 5-10 cm. Choose shorter vegetables. The fruit should have a bright green color and be firm to the touch. Be sure to check the vegetable for damage and mold spots. A quality vegetable should also break easily when bent.

The photo shows okra fruits

Overripe vegetables have a leathery shell. These are not worth buying as they are not suitable for cooking.


Okra is a perishable product and can only be stored for three days. When storing vegetables in the refrigerator, first wrap them in a paper bag.

Planting and Growing Okra

Okra is an annual herbaceous plant with a thick and branched stem and light green leaves drooping down. The height of an adult plant reaches 40 cm or more.

Okra has large yellow-cream flowers located in the axils of the leaves on stalks. This is also where the fruits are formed.

Okra, like eggplant, is very thermophilic. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow it in open ground.

It requires fertile and well-fertilized soil. Fertilizers for okra are applied in the fall during digging. Compost, humus and superphosphate are used.

Okra is grown through seedlings. Since she does not like picks, the plants are immediately planted in separate containers in early May. Before planting, seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours. The temperature in the room where the seedlings grow should be maintained at 20-25 degrees.

The photo shows okra seedlings

Okra is planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse 45 days after planting the seedlings. When planting, maintain a distance of 30-60 cm between plants (for tall varieties - 50-90 cm).

Okra is harvested from August to November.

Video "Growing Okra"


Plant care activities include:

  • regular watering;
  • weeding and hilling bushes;
  • fertilizing plants;
  • Before the flowering period, okra is fertilized with mineral fertilizers;
  • After the fruits appear, potassium nitrate is used.

The most popular varieties of okra in Russia are:

  • dwarf green;
  • green velvet;
  • white velvet;
  • Lady fingers;
  • white cylindrical.

How is okra used in cooking?

Okra can be eaten raw, but it can be cooked various methods: pickled, salted, fried, stewed, steamed, deep-fried, added to soups and salads. It tastes like eggplant. Frozen okra is also used in dishes, which practically does not lose its properties.

Pictured is okra with vegetables

In the photo there is meat soup with okra

Okra can also be eaten raw.

Young leaves are also used for food - in soups and salads. And from roasted okra seeds, a bitter drink is made that tastes like coffee, but does not contain caffeine.

Okra seeds also produce an oil with a mild flavor similar to olive oil and rich in Omega-6 unsaturated fats. And the unripe seeds are canned; they taste like green peas.

The exotic vegetable okra appeared on Russian shelves relatively recently, although in recipes Southern Europe, Asia and America, it has been present since the 13th century. In modern America, okra has received the status of a leader among anti-cancer natural products. But what other possibilities does this amazing fruit contain?

What is okra?

The okra plant belongs to and looks like green pod chili pepper, but pyramidal in shape. Its cross section looks like five-pointed star. Someone saw in okra a resemblance to part female body and gave romantic name"Lady fingers". Perhaps it was A.P. Chekhov, who quite successfully grew this crop on his estate in the Moscow region.

It is believed that gombo, or okra (another name for okra), comes from West Africa or India, since this is where the largest number of varieties of this vegetable crop is found. Okra was brought to Europe by the Arabs in the 13th century and has since become an active ingredient in various recipes.

Okra: beneficial properties and contraindications

Okra has extremely diverse properties, but first of all, it is a leader in fiber content. In 100 g okra alimentary fiber occupy 3.2 g, which is 16% daily dose their consumption. Benefit coarse fibers is that they are not absorbed by the body, but, on the contrary, swell, accumulating toxins and carcinogens, and together with this unpleasant baggage are removed out, cleansing the body. The increased volume of fiber also helps improve intestinal motility, combat constipation and flatulence.

Okra is useful for people suffering from problems respiratory tract, leading sedentary image life, having difficult physical exercise, as well as those who have undergone surgery and require restoration of vitality. Okra helps well with diabetes mellitus and prevents the development of cataracts. Okra researchers say it can bring tangible effect and for problems with potency.

Okra is highly prized by devotees healthy eating, vegetarians and people who fight for normal weight, because 100 grams of lady fingers contain only 31 kcal.

But you need to use okra carefully, since okra has allergenic properties. More precisely, strong allergen are the hairs covering the fruit. Therefore, they must be removed before cooking.

Okra is America's #1 Anti-Cancer Food

According to American doctors, okra can help in the fight against cancer cells, so in America okra, beneficial features and whose contraindications are determined by high content useful substances, placed on a pedestal of natural anti-carcinogenic products. To prevent cancer, you should drink one glass of okra decoction every day.

Anti-cancer properties of okra explained high concentration in it powerful antioxidant glutathione, which not only fights free radicals that cause cell mutations, but also suppresses the effect on DNA structure different Research showed that taking large doses of glutathione reduces the likelihood of cancer by 2 times.

Chemical composition of okra

The chemical composition of okra is very extensive, which gives reason to say that the okra plant is a storehouse of useful substances.

Rating of biologically significant chemical elements(nutrients) of okra


Percentage of daily nutrient requirements per 100 g / Amount per 100 g

Biological role


Promotes growth, blood formation, proper functioning of the gonads

Vitamin K

Performs key role in the processes of blood clotting and bone metabolism

Vitamin C

Increases the body's resistance to infections and promotes tissue regeneration

Vitamin B 9 (Folic acid)

Indispensable for the growth and development of immune and circulatory systems, especially for a growing organism

Helps normalize functions nervous system and heart muscles, cholesterol removal, bile secretion

Vitamin B 1

Plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates

Helps normalize water and acid-base balance

Vitamin B 6

Participates in hemoglobin synthesis and its normal functioning

In addition to the above nutrients, okra contains copper (9%), calcium and phosphorus (8% each), vitamin B2 (6%), vitamin PP and zinc (5% each), vitamin B5 and iron (4% each). and others.

The given indicators of the content of useful substances should be taken into account when compiling a complete diet nutrition, in order to prevent both deficiency and excess.

What do you eat okra with?

Kitchens different countries give preference in various ways its heat treatment. For example, Iranian and Egyptian cuisines are replete with meat dishes and stews with the addition of okra; in India, fried or pickled okra pods are preferred; the Japanese fry okra in tempura and serve it with soy sauce; in Thailand it is added to seafood soups. Okra can also be eaten raw and added to salads.

The taste of fresh okra in salads is most pronounced when combined with tomatoes, red peppers, onions, garlic and cilantro. A good side dish Okra will serve poultry and seafood.

Cooking: how to cook okra?

When preparing dishes, unripe (3-4 days) okra pods, dense and bright green, are most often used. The “more mature” the fruit, the more fibrous and tough it is and the less suitable for consumption. The optimal pod length is from 5 to 10 cm. A high-quality vegetable should be elastic and easily break when bent. Okra tastes like asparagus or eggplant. And the methods for preparing it are similar to cooking green beans.

Before cooking okra, to avoid allergic reactions, it is necessary to remove all hairs from its surface and rinse thoroughly.

Since okra is 90% water, sautéing and boiling the vegetable will cause it to secrete. large quantity mucus. For making soups and stews, this property is just a godsend. If this effect is undesirable, then first the “lady fingers” should be fried in acidic environment, for example, with lemon or tomato juice.

Okra pods cook very quickly, so to prevent it from losing its shape when preparing a multi-ingredient dish, it is better to add okra last.

Unconventional uses of okra

Okra is not only used in soups and stews. The beneficial properties and contraindications of okra encourage the full use of all its components: both pulp and seeds.

Unripe okra seeds are canned and eaten instead of green peas. Thanks to its 20 percent oil content, okra seeds are very aroma oil, similar to olive oil and rich in unsaturated fats such as Omega-6, which is often used for pharmacological purposes.

Ripe okra seeds are used to prepare the coffee substitute “Gombo”. First, they are roasted until the coffee aroma begins to be felt. Then it is cooled, ground in a coffee grinder, and the resulting powder is brewed like coffee. The advantage of this drink is the absence of caffeine, and both children and the elderly will feel the benefits.

Preparing okra for future use

Okra can be stored in the refrigerator in fresh no more than 2-3 days. In a dark, dry place, okra can last up to 6 days. If dried or preserved, then in a hermetically sealed glass jar their shelf life increases to 3 years.

When preparing dishes, frozen okra is often used. How to cook frozen okra? First of all, you need to immerse the fresh pods in boiling water for a minute. Next, remove the skin, cool in cold water and dry. Divide each pod lengthwise into two parts, put in bags and place in the freezer.

Preparing okra for future use is the only way to have a possibility all year round pamper yourself with it.

Okra, whose beneficial properties and contraindications have made it famous all over the world, is rapidly gaining popularity in our country. Various methods of its preparation and the possibility of preparation allow you to enrich daily menu each family with not only tasty, but also extremely healthy dishes.

Okra (Latin name - Bamya) is a unique edible vegetable that has a large number of different names. Every person who comes across this product at least once knows that this is a very valuable vegetable crop that belongs to the Malvaceae family.

Other names: gombo, okra, abelmosh edible, lady's finger, abelmoschus edible

Where does it grow

Not much is known about its homeland, so it is generally accepted that okra appeared in Africa, and after that it began to be grown in India. North America and the tropics. It must be said that in all these countries you can find many types and varieties of okra. Now lady's finger can be found in Europe - it was brought here by the Arabs. However, it is worth noting that not everyone is ready to take on the task of growing such an unusual exotic crop.


Okra is an annual herbaceous plant that can grow up to 40 cm in height. However, there were also cases when the vegetable could reach a height of 2 meters. Okra has a very thick branched stem, and the leaves are slightly drooping and light green in color. The leaves are either five-lobed or seven-lobed. Okra flowers are quite large and have a yellow-cream color. They are often located on stalks in the axils of the leaves and this is where fruit formation occurs. The fruits are popularly called capsules, as they have an 8-sided shape and contain seeds inside. There are also pods here.

Many people compare okra to eggplants. This plant really needs similar care. Okra requires heat, so it has gained great popularity in the southern regions. However, currently the situation has changed somewhat and now it can be grown in any country. Okra can be found on store shelves fresh or frozen. The fruit is also found in markets. Harvesting most often occurs between August and November.

Features of selection and storage

In the process of choosing okra, sufficient attention should be paid to its appearance. The pods of the plant should be long. They can have a bright green color without damage, mold spots or dry areas. It is worth giving preference to young and tender fruits that are pleasant to the touch.
IN in some cases There are also those that have a dark or reddish color. It is very easy to identify fruit that is overripe. Just look at its leathery shell. Such a vegetable will be tougher due to the large amount of fiber, so it can only spoil the taste of a particular dish, rather than improve it.

Since gumbo is a perishable product, it can only be stored for about three days. If you decide to store the vegetable in the refrigerator, you should wrap it in newspaper or a bag.

Planting and caring for okra

If you are going to grow okra, you should know that the growing process will not be too simple, since this plant has its own characteristics. Okra seedlings are planted in early summer, when the soil is already sufficiently warm.

It is better to sow seeds in April. To plant planting material, you should pay attention to peat pots or disposable cups. This container is perfect for okra roots, since they grow very long, and it is important not to damage them during the transplanting process.

Okra: how to grow?

Okra is grown in fertile soil. It needs to be mixed with humus and minerals. The seeds are planted to a depth of 4 cm. And after planting, the seeds need to be watered, but this must be done very carefully so that a crust does not form on the soil and there is not a large amount of moisture.

In two weeks the first shoots should appear. To do this, you need to provide the seedlings temperature regime, which is within 15 degrees. If the temperature drops, the seeds will germinate slowly and the seedlings will be weak. This is why it is so important to give your okra proper care.

Okra: how to cook?

Okra is most often used in cooking. It can be fried, stewed and boiled. It tastes somewhat like eggplant and asparagus. Many people use this vegetable in recipes vegetable salads, it can also be canned. It is suitable for soups and meat dishes, and for snacks, as well as vegetables. As a side dish, this product goes especially well with meat and fish.

At heat treatment this vegetable produces a lot of mucus. So to give it a more savory taste, simply fry the okra on high heat and add a little tomato and lemon juice.

Okra seeds are also worth considering as they can be cooked in place of coffee. They are also often pressed to produce an oil with a particularly pleasant aroma.

Okra: beneficial properties

Very often, okra is called a vegetarian's dream, since the vegetable contains a large amount nutrients. These include protein, iron, vitamins A, K, C, B6, potassium, calcium. Okra is especially recommended for pregnant women. With its help, the neural tube can form in the first trimester of pregnancy.

This vegetable is able to regulate blood sugar levels. It will also be very useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. They especially need to eat dishes with high content okra.

It must be said that this vegetable is great for weight loss, and it does not harm human health. Okra is a great helper in reducing asthma attacks. Also, this vegetable will play an excellent role in dietary nutrition people who suffer from atherosclerosis.
In addition, Abelmosh can also strengthen the walls of capillaries. It will cleanse the body of cholesterol and also help with constipation or stomach ulcers.

There have been many studies done on okra that have shown that this vegetable helps prevent colorectal cancer. It is also able to solve many problems related to potency. This vegetable will also help you recover after heavy operations. It can help reduce the risk of cataracts and diabetes.


If we talk about contraindications, it is worth noting that okra is a vegetable that does not cause any problems when consumed. The only thing that needs to be mentioned is individual intolerance. But in most cases, there are also areas of okra that can be neutralized through heat treatment. If this is not done, this plant can cause itchy skin. When preparing a vegetable or when adding it to any dish, be sure to remove all hairs - this will help avoid an allergic reaction and discomfort.

Now you know everything about this vegetable crop, which means that, if necessary, you can diversify your dishes with it, and maybe even grow it in your garden. It will pleasantly surprise you with a large amount of vitamins and original taste.

If you nevertheless decide to grow okra in your garden, you will need a little effort and attention. And the result will exceed your expectations.

I would like to start getting acquainted with this plant with the fact that it has many names. However, the most famous are gombo and okra. It is also often called lady fingers, which is quite logical, considering oblong shape this plant.

Therefore, when you hear any of these names, know that we are talking about okra. It is a member of the malvaceae family and has many beneficial properties.

Characteristic description of the okra plant

Until now, it has not been possible to obtain reliable data about the homeland of this vegetable. However, more often it can be found in Africa and North America, India, as well as tropical and hot latitudes.

In search of an answer to this question, scientists cited okra as one of the likely places of origin West Africa and Indian spaces. They were prompted to this idea by the fact that it was in these places that the vegetable was presented in the greatest number. However, okra can also be found in European countries.

Its spread to this region was facilitated by the Arabs, thanks to whose efforts the plant came here. Considering that in last years The climate in our country has become warmer, every gardener has the opportunity grow okra in your backyard.

Many residents of Ukraine have already been able to gain their first experience of growing this plant. She feels especially good in the southern regions of the country. All these facts only clearly show that interest in okra is only increasing.

Features and type of okra plant

Okra is a classic annual that can grow up to 40 cm. However, there are also larger specimens, the height of which can reach two m. During its development, okra forms a thick and branched stem.

It is decorated with green, light green leaves, which are located downwards and directed towards the ground. Usually in okra large leaves grow heptagonal in shape, but there are also varieties in which the leaves have a pentagonal shape.

This plant transforms when it enters the flowering phase: at this time, yellow or cream flowers open. They grow at the junction of the leaf and the stem.

Then, after flowering, fruits begin to form, presented in the form of boxes with seeds. Moreover, they can differ greatly in shape: it can be four or octagonal.

Okra is accustomed to warm climates, so only at stable positive temperatures will it grow well. The most suitable place for cultivating okra are southern regions of the country. However, in colder regions you can grow it if you build greenhouses.

A photo of a plant can make many people want to try it. If you want to buy fruits good quality, the first thing you need to pay attention to is on their appearance.

The fact is that you will be purchasing an exotic plant that has traveled many kilometers, so it is possible that it could be grown using special means.

  1. When examining a plant, you need to pay attention to its pods, which should be approximately 10 cm long. This is how they grow into natural conditions. For planting, it is best to choose shorter, bright green fruits that should not have external damage.
  2. You should make sure that there are no mold spots or dried areas on the surface of the fruit.
  3. If you are looking for the most delicious fruits, it is recommended to choose young specimens. They not only have a delicate taste, but also a pleasant texture. It will be easier for you to identify them if you look at the peel, which should be dense.
  4. It is also useful to take them in your hands before buying: holding juicy fruits, you will feel their roughness. Although in some cases you may be offered less common varieties on the market that may have a different color. The flower may be darker with a reddish tint.
  5. If you come across hard and overly fibrous fruits, it means that you are being offered overripe fruits. It is not recommended to buy them under any circumstances, as you will only spoil the taste of the dish you are going to add them to.

Composition and beneficial properties of okra

Beneficial properties and contraindications were known to man at the beginning of the last century. In those days, this vegetable was grown almost everywhere. Among bright personalities who were familiar with this vegetable, it is worth highlighting Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

The information available at that time described okra as a vegetable that had not only beneficial properties. Even then she was recognized low calorie dietary product . This is confirmed by the following data: per 100 grams of this vegetable there are 31 kcal, 2 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 3.8 grams of carbohydrates, 0.7 grams of ash, 90.1 grams of water.

This once again proves that it is no coincidence that people who try to keep themselves in good shape regularly consume okra.

In addition to this, the vegetable is rich in many valuable vitamins and microelements. And today he has few worthy competitors in composition.

Most of us probably don’t know that okra has another name - “a vegetarian’s dream.” It is explained very simply. The plant contains many useful and nutritious substances:

  • Iron.
  • Protein.
  • Vitamins C, A, K, B6.
  • Calcium.

Health Benefits of Okra

Okra, according to doctors, must be included in your diet. pregnant women. The fact is that the product is very rich in folic acid, which is necessary for correct formation nervous system of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy.

At regular use fruits can be restored blood sugar level. The plant mucus and dietary fiber present in it are an excellent nutritional medium for the human body.

This plant is of greatest interest to people who are concerned about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is explained by the fact that the vegetable is perfectly absorbed by the body, removes toxins from it and harmful deposits and is absorbed without residue by the small intestine.

Okra will appeal to those who try it various diets. Being low-calorie product, this is a plant in a positive way affects health, helping the body quickly cope with sore throat, depression and chronic fatigue.

There is evidence that the vegetable is effective in treating asthma attacks, preventing atherosclerosis, strengthening the walls of capillaries. Fruits quite effectively remove harmful substances from the body:

  • cholesterol;
  • toxins;
  • other negative elements.

What makes okra valuable is healing properties, because thanks to it you can avoid such unpleasant phenomena as bloating, constipation and cure stomach ulcers.

The results of studies conducted with okra are encouraging: as it turned out, eating the fruit allows avoid developing cancer rectum.

Okra contains special substances in large quantities that can reduce the risk of developing cataracts and diabetes. This vegetable can also help men who have difficulty with potency. Often okra fruits doctors recommend for preventive purposes, as well as after complex operations.

Who should not eat okra?

Even against the backdrop of all our positive qualities okra can harm certain categories of people. Usually, troubles when eating this vegetable arise due to individual intolerance of the body, as well as allergic reactions that are found in small quantity of people.

Often okra pods contain areas that may seem very sharp. However, this can be avoided discomfort, if okra fruits are subjected to heat treatment.

IN otherwise a person may have complaints about itchy skin and irritation of the skin surface. Because of this, the heat treatment of the fruits of this plant requires the use of rubber gloves.

Before you start preparing okra fruits for consumption, you must remove hair from them, which are present on okra fruits. If you leave them, then nothing will save you from an allergic reaction of the body.

How to cook okra

If you decide to cook the fruits of this vegetable, keep in mind that during heat treatment, a large amount of slippery substance may form. Don't worry about this mucus if you're making soup.

However, if you decide to stew the fruits, then too much liquid will not be advisable. Therefore, before stewing a vegetable, it is necessary to add lemon or tomato juice to the container where it will be fried.

Often okra seeds serve as a coffee substitute. To do this, you need to fry them thoroughly - then they acquire the same taste and aroma as a traditional invigorating drink.

From it you can also prepare butter, thinning pleasant aroma. To do this, the prepared seeds are added to the oil extraction device and the raw materials begin to be squeezed out.

Okra is one of those exotic plants that only a few have heard of. However, despite the fact that even experienced gardeners cannot say what it is about okra, it doesn’t hurt to get to know it better.

This vegetable is very healthy, so it will be of interest to many who are watching their weight. You can use it to prepare dishes that are incredible in their taste. However, before using this product for cooking, you need to understand that it may be contraindicated for some people.

This is usually due to individual intolerance and allergic reactions problems that can arise not only when consuming this vegetable, but also when preparing it.

Nowadays, many gardeners often have questions when encountering unfamiliar and exotic plants. Okra - what is it? A very unusual plant for our regions, which is already cultivated in the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories. However, it cannot be said that they are not trying to grow it elsewhere. This vegetable is heat-loving, but will this stop lovers of dachas and vegetable gardens? Okra is a plant that is eaten and used in cosmetology. So let's talk about this unusual innovation in our area.

What kind of exotic is this?

Okra, the photo of which is presented in this article, is a herbaceous annual plant belonging to the mallow family. Initially, it grew in the vastness of Africa, but today it can be found in many parts of the planet. Okra first came to Europe (thanks to the Arabs). By the 18th century, it was successfully used in the preparation of culinary masterpieces in America, Europe and Asia. But in Russia it has taken root a very long time ago. It’s just that this plant has not become particularly widespread.

What does okra look like?

Okra - what is it? There is nothing unusual in the appearance of this plant. It can reach a height of two meters. Although there are also dwarf varieties that grow no more than 50 centimeters. The size of the fruit also depends on the type of plant. It can reach a maximum of 25 centimeters, and minimum indicators- 10 centimeters. The okra stem is very thick and can have several branches at the base (up to 7 stems). The leaves of the plant are large, colored in light or dark green. Okra flowers are large, yellowish-cream. They are arranged in single order. The most important advantage of this plant is its fruits. They resemble bean pods or green peppers and are slightly pyramidal in shape. Covered with fine hairs. This is the appearance that okra has. What kind of plant this is and what it looks like, we have decided.

What is okra made of?

Now let’s answer the question of whether okra is healthy. This plant, of course, has a certain chemical composition. Okra contains many nutrients. It contains compounds of calcium, iron, folic acid, potassium, large amount ascorbic acid and vitamins. But dietary fiber and protein compounds are of particular value. Therefore, okra is bred not only for its taste qualities, but also for its beneficial properties.

Benefits of okra

This vegetable can be called very healing. Firstly, the fiber found in large quantities, improves digestion. Eating okra helps remove cholesterol and toxins from the body. The work of the heart is normalized. This plant allows you to get rid of pulmonary diseases, symptoms of flu, bronchitis and sore throat. Dishes made from okra are considered rejuvenating and tonic. Due to the presence of folic acid, they are beneficial for pregnant and lactating women.

With all this, okra contains only 30 calories for every 100 grams of product. Therefore, it is successfully used in diets. Latest Research showed that the plant counteracts the formation of certain species malignant tumors. Eating okra reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis. There are no contraindications for the use of this plant. Today it is being studied comprehensively by scientists. Okra is a plant that is unique in its characteristics.

Okra in cooking

This plant is especially often used in cooking. The unopened fruits, which resemble green beans, are eaten. They usually ripen in 4-5 days. The fruiting period lasts all summer until late autumn. The young leaves of the okra plant are also eaten. What is this - culinary research, a tribute to fashion, or perhaps the reason lies in something else? It's all a matter of taste. The fruits resemble asparagus or eggplant. After processing, they secrete some mucus. This property is used when preparing soups or vegetable dishes. Okra is stewed, frozen and even canned.

This vegetable cooks very quickly. Its delicate fruits do not need to be subjected to prolonged heat treatment. Okra is combined with tomatoes, onions, ginger, garlic, pepper, various spices and lemon juice. If possible, season dishes with butter. Lamb, fish and poultry dishes will become more expressive if you add this vegetable. Young leaves of the plant are used in fresh salads. Okra, whose properties are known to many nationalities, is used in different cuisines around the world.

Okra and beauty

According to historical data, many ancient beauties (for example, Cleopatra) loved okra very much. They ate dishes from this plant, and also made decoctions and hair masks from it.

In India, face creams were prepared with okra extracts, which relieved acne and prevented their appearance. Therefore, this plant can be used in folk medicine. Products based on it help improve the hair structure, and therefore will be very useful.

Varieties of okra

There are several varieties of this plant. Among them are Lady Fingers, White Velvet and White Cylindrical Okra. These varieties are most often grown in our country. It should be noted that this culture is becoming increasingly popular among summer residents. This is explained by its taste and, of course, beneficial properties. Several new varieties have also been developed that can be recommended for cultivation in our regions. This is Bombay and Juno.

Features of cultivation

It should be noted that growing okra is not an easy task. This is due to the climatic characteristics of some regions. Okra is a heat-loving and light-loving plant. Therefore, it will not be possible to grow it in central Russia in open ground. But cultivating okra is possible in an indoor environment. In such conditions it develops well and produces rich harvests.

It is better to use peat pots for germination. Okra loves light and fertile soil. It is also recommended to use plenty of organic fertilizers. If the climate allows, then the seedlings are subsequently planted in open ground or to the greenhouse.

Growing seedlings

Okra, whose seeds germinate very slowly, requires a lot of heat. Therefore, we need to create everything for her the necessary conditions. To speed up the emergence of seedlings, you need to soak the seeds before planting in warm water for a day. For seedlings we use peat pots. You can take ready-made soil or garden soil. An important point is the presence of a large amount of organic and mineral fertilizers. Seeds begin to germinate when minimum temperature at 18 degrees. Three or four seeds are placed in each pot. The planting depth should be no more than 3 centimeters. In two weeks the first shoots will appear. Thinning seedlings is simply necessary.

It will make good okra in the future. Growing from seeds does not require any special effort. The main thing is warmth (20-22 degrees). Naturally, the plant requires watering as the soil dries out. But you shouldn't overdo it. Okra does not like excess moisture. This is a drought-resistant plant. It will be useful to feed the seedlings with phosphorus fertilizers.

Planting a plant

After a month and a half, you can transplant the seedlings to permanent place. In warm regions this may be open ground. The main thing when planting is a little density. To get a good harvest, plants should be planted at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from each other.

There should be at least 60 centimeters between rows. Planting takes place in the first half of June. If okra is cultivated in a greenhouse, adequate ventilation must be provided. The plant does not like high humidity and extreme heat. Okra, the most common method of growing from seeds, develops well in room conditions. Used for planting large capacity and place it on the south side.

Plant care

Okra (the photo allows you to get a certain idea about the plant) will delight you with its fruits if all the conditions for its growth are met. Wherever this vegetable is cultivated, it needs warmth. But you shouldn’t allow overheating either. Watering is carried out as the soil dries. The soil should not be moistened too much. Okra loves light soils. Therefore, loosening the soil is vital for it. You also need to monitor the appearance of weeds and remove them in time. The plant also needs feeding. To do this, use organic fertilizers, which are best applied to the soil before planting. You can also use mineral products. Okra grows very quickly. Already 2 months after planting the seeds, you can get the first fruits. Harvesting must be done regularly. Only unripe fruits are eaten. To collect the seeds, you need to leave a few pods and allow them to fully ripen.