Is fish oil good for dogs? Fish oil for dogs: can you give it and how much should you give it? What is fish oil made from?

Among food additives, fish oil occupies one of the most honorable places as a storehouse important vitamins and minerals. Many were fed it in childhood, insisting on the usefulness of this product; Doctors often prescribe it to adults who have vitamin deficiency. However, few people know that this mixture is also useful for our little brothers: it helps fight viruses, treats fungus, and... But let’s talk in more detail about the need to give this supplement to barking pets.

Why include it in your dog’s diet: benefits

It turns out that fish oil is somewhat more important for dogs than for people. If for humans this is a source of Omega-3, then dogs receive vital A and D from this substance.

Unlike humans, the skin of our pets is not capable of synthesizing sunshine vitamin D, and their liver is unable to produce retinol (vitamin A) from vegetables.
Therefore for dogs fish fat - the only source of these useful substances , which also solves several other important problems:

  1. Vitamin A, when interacting with D, is responsible for vision, its sharpness, and the ability to see in the dark. Shiny, beautiful wool, healthy skin in a pet are also possible only if there is a sufficient amount of retinol in the body.
  2. Vitamin D is fundamentally important for puppies, as it prevents developmental delays and the occurrence of rickets. In addition, it is involved in the process of calcium absorption and the growth of the skeleton and teeth.
  3. Oleic and palmitic acids stimulate metabolism in the dog’s body and activate the immune system.
  4. Omega 3 and 6 contribute metabolic processes in the body, participating in the production of important elements.
  5. Iodine, bromine and phosphorus affect nervous system, providing better communication at nerve synapses.

Many dog ​​owners note that the effect of the drug becomes noticeable in the very first days after starting to take it. The coat begins to shine, and the pet’s well-being improves: it becomes more active and cheerful.
Veterinarians often prescribe this supplement as part of therapy for allergies when it should not be used. hormonal drugs, with dermatitis.

And although there are no instructions for using fish oil for dogs as such, you still need to know approximate dosage for animals of different ages to prevent overdose.

How and how much to give to your pet

Since it is not advisable to take fish oil on a regular basis, it is usually given in courses with a break for a certain period of time, unless the veterinarian prescribes a different order.

Each owner usually decides for himself how best to give fish oil to his dog, but most often it is added to soup, cottage cheese(dairy products are believed to provide better absorption). Although, unlike people, our pets consume fish oil with much greater enthusiasm, since they are absolutely not bothered by its pungent smell.


Up to six months, puppies need to receive about 200 units of vitamin per 10 kg of weight for 3-4 days. If we translate this figure into the measure of fish oil, we get about 0.5-1 tsp. or 1-1.5 capsules.
People usually start using the supplement from the first month of life, 2-4 drops at a time. During the first doses, carefully monitor your pet to see if he has a rash, diarrhea, or other signs of the body’s rejection of the supplement. If everything is in order, then over the next couple of months give the baby the drug every two weeks with a break of a week, gradually increasing the dosage by six months.

After the sixth month of life for a grown puppy large breed it is necessary to give 2 tsp. fish oil, while representatives small species One will still be enough.

Important!If it is important for puppies to consume fish oil to ensure healthy growth and development, then this is a means of combating problems of the musculoskeletal system, and for older dogs - disease prevention of cardio-vascular system. The latter is possible due to the presence of useful compounds in the drug, the task of which is to prevent blood clots and cholesterol plaques in the animal's blood.

Adult dog

In adults, although the time has ended active growth, however, the need for fish oil decreased slightly. It is given in the amount 1.5-2 tsp. or 2 capsules for 3-4 weeks.

It is enough to take 2-3 courses of similar duration per year, if there is no reason for additional use:

  • period of recovery after illness;
  • pregnancy or nursing puppies;
  • reception in the autumn winter period to strengthen the immune system.

Adult dogs often replace fish oil with multivitamin supplements that come as an addition to natural nutrition. If your pet only eats dry food ( High Quality!), then in additional vitamins he doesn't need it.

For both puppies and adult dogs, not only the dosage of fish oil is important, but also its quality.

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Today on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies you can find fish oil in various forms and from large quantity suppliers. They will help you not to get lost in this diversity. several landmarks:

  1. Choose products made from northern species sea ​​fish: mackerel, herring, salmon - they contain more vitamins.
  2. Check for salmon oil, which is needed for better absorption.
  3. It is also advisable to ensure that the product was obtained from muscle mass fish, and not from the liver, since the liver extract is supersaturated with vitamin A, which is large quantities may be toxic.
  4. Before purchasing, please ensure that the product has been stored in right place. For fat, a long stay in a warm, bright room is detrimental - in such conditions the process of decomposition begins. Therefore, it must be stored in a dark, cool and dry place.

Important!Buy fish oil only of a high degree of purification and without additives in the form of lemon, rosemary - their presence indicates violations in the production process.

As for the form of the drug, here you need to proceed from preferences pet: capsules or liquid. The first option is more convenient in dosage, the smell is not so strong, and the shelf life is longer, but the additive is cheaper in liquid form.

Many people doubt whether a dog can take fish oil in capsules. In fact, there are no problems with taking the capsules, unless the pet is allergic to the gelatin in the shell. If there is an allergy, but the owner still prefers the capsule form, then before taking the drug, you can open the shell and pour the liquid into the pet’s food.

Can there be harm?

Yes, like any medicine, fish oil can have health risks.

Its effect is detrimental in the following cases:

  • exceeding the dosage;
  • violation of storage conditions and periods;
  • acceptance of low-quality products;
  • consumption of liver fat.

Individual intolerance to the additive in animals often occurs: in this case, digestive disorders and vomiting immediately begin.

If the dog is not allergic to fish oil, the product is of high quality and is made from the right raw materials, then it is important that the owner does not forget about the norms and timing of the course of taking the drug, otherwise this may lead to harmful consequences:

  1. Oversaturation with vitamin A is fraught with dizziness, deterioration of the skin and coat, loss of appetite, and disruptions in the reproductive system.
  2. Excess vitamin D leads to problems with blood vessels, increased urine production, calcium deposition in soft tissues and osteoporosis in the future.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Thinning the blood and increasing the likelihood of bleeding.
  5. Poisoning with heavy metals, the amount of which has increased in fish tissues due to environmental degradation. Unfortunately, it is not profitable to farm fish for fat production, so the state of the world's oceans affects the production.

Therefore, do not be afraid of not giving your pet vitamins. Believe me, if he consumes fish oil in principle, then his body does not suffer from a critical lack of nutrients. In this case, shortage is better than excess.

Fish fat - useful supplement, both for people and dogs. It's difficult to replace natural analogues, and artificial ones often cost an order of magnitude more. However, it is worth remembering that the immunity of pets is still weaker than that of humans, so the dosage and duration of use of the drug should be approached with greater caution.

They have a beneficial effect on proper development skeleton, improve the quality of wool, promote proper calcium metabolism and provide bone strengthening. Fish oil contains vitamins A and D. In fact, this is the only source of vitamin A for a dog, since the predator’s body cannot absorb it from carrots.

It is important to note that the smallest puppies should only be given fat from fish carcasses (preferably from the northern seas), and not from the liver. The fat must be highly purified and preferably contained in capsules - this way it is better preserved. It should not contain any additives, including rosemary or lemon.

Cod liver oil contains too much vitamin A. Therefore, it is best to give it to puppies no younger than three months of age, starting literally drop by drop and by six months of age, increasing the dose to just one teaspoon (for a large dog).

How to give fish oil to a puppy?

For puppies of different ages Different amounts of fish oil are given. Babies weaned from their mother from the age of one month are given half a teaspoon or one capsule. Fat can simply be added to soup. IN for preventive purposes(especially in the autumn-winter period) fish oil should be given daily, starting with three to five drops and increasing the dose, which should reach two teaspoons or two capsules by six months.

If your puppy has an upset stomach due to fish oil, you should stop taking it for a couple of days. Also, when taking fish oil, you need to take breaks periodically. After taking this remedy for two weeks, you should take a week break.

And then continue taking it again, gradually increasing the dose depending on age. Fish oil should be given to the puppy at least until one year old. Although this natural dietary supplement will not harm adult dog. And the reception can be continued throughout life, especially in the autumn-winter period, as well as during periods of weakening of the dog’s body and recovery.

Khodyrev Yuri

We will try to answer an important question about the benefits of fish oil and how to use it.
There is no consensus on the benefits of fish oil, but today we will give our answer to this question, based on all possible aspects and pitfalls.

Fish oil is valuable primarily due to the presence of polyunsaturated compounds in it. fatty acids Omega 3. They are difficult to find in other products. These acids are very useful for almost all systems of the canine body:

They have a beneficial effect on the proper development of the skeleton and give a healthy shine to the coat.
Fish oil contains vitamins A and D. In fact, this is the only source of vitamin A for a dog, not counting tablets or liquid form vitamin, since the carnivore’s body cannot absorb it from carrots.

Please note for selection of this product It is advisable to study all these points:

1). It must be fat from fish carcasses (salmon, menhaden, herring), and NEVER FROM LIVER! Liver fat contains great amount vitamin A, which is extremely dangerous.
2). There must be fat good quality(highly purified), preferably from fish carcasses from the northern seas - and now, unfortunately, a huge amount of low-quality fish oil is produced (from warm southern seas, in unsanitary conditions, often rancid already at the packaging stage, etc.). Therefore, choose the manufacturer carefully, seek, if possible, an assessment from independent laboratories, etc.
3). In any case, no matter what manufacturer you choose, use fat ONLY IN CAPSULES (directly from the capsule into food), and not in bottles (!) - this way it is better preserved; in bottles it quickly deteriorates.
4) Useful acids should be more than 15%
5). And lastly, carefully look at the composition of the fat - no additives like lemon, rosemary, etc. it shouldn't be!

However, fish oil must be given in a strictly defined amount, since an oversaturation with it can harm your pet.
Prophylactic dosage is 250 mg for every 20 kg of your pet's weight.

If your puppy has an upset stomach due to fish oil, you should stop taking it for a couple of days. Also, when taking fish oil, you need to take breaks periodically. After taking this medication for two weeks, you should take a week break and then continue taking it again, gradually increasing the dose depending on age. Fish oil can be given to a puppy until at least one year of age. Although this natural food supplement will not harm an adult dog. And you can continue taking it all your life, but not all year round, and in the winter, as well as during periods of weakening of the dog’s body and recovery.

Fish oil is not recommended for dogs with weak digestion, as well as for problems and diseases of the liver. When consuming large amounts of fish oil, gastritis can develop.
I can also say that giving fish oil along with vitamins A, D, E is not recommended. It is better to conduct a separate course fat soluble vitamin, in order to avoid their excess in the body.
So, how can we answer the question “can I give fish oil?”
Absolutely yes, even necessary! Only in correct proportions regarding your pet's age, weight and health. And the product must be of high quality!

At natural diet, especially during periods of active growth, it is necessary to give fish oil to the dog, this is an unshakable rule! In the USSR, this “product”, hated by many children (and adults too), was prescribed for all diseases; in kindergartens it was “forced” onto children; it even acted as a “scarecrow” and a lever of pressure: “If you run through puddles, you’ll have to drink.” fish fat!". This is how the negative reputation of something terrible has become attached to a very useful product and many owners do not consider it as vitamin supplement based on your own emotions.

The very name “Fish Oil” evokes rather mixed associations. A fish appears in the imagination with a decent overweight, which is cut up, the fat is collected, crushed, processed and poured into jars. In fact, the “extract” is obtained exclusively from the liver or carcasses of ocean fish (cod, mackerel, herring). Naturally, the product has a specific smell and consistency/

This is interesting! Today, the bulk of such a popular “product” in the USSR is exported from the USA and Norway.

Vitamins A, D and fatty acids have a positive effect on the immune system, even when the body is severely weakened. Fish oil for animals of all types is prescribed as an inexpensive immunostimulant. For example, the supplement is indicated for kittens of any age with viral diseases, it is even given to birds affected by fungi or other pathogenic bacteria. This source of fatty acids is adored by all rodents, even those who have never seen fish in their lives. Dogs naturally also love fish oil and, to the surprise of many owners, take it readily.

The benefits of fish oil for dogs are due to the production of fatty, polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3. The usual diet of tailed animals rarely includes fish, and if it is present, it small quantity. Moreover, it is not recommended to frequently feed your dog fish, especially fatty fish. It turns out vicious circle– you need a lot of fish, but you can’t have it.

Fish oil is a dietary supplement typically obtained from cold-water fish such as menhaden, salmon and trout. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids.

These two fatty acids can have a significant impact on reducing inflammation. The fish, in turn, obtain these acids from algae, which are alternative sources essential fatty acids. Algae could become a major source of omega-3 fatty acids in the future as fish populations in the world's oceans continue to decline.

Fish oil supplements may be helpful for pets suffering from inflammatory diseases including allergies, arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease and many types of cancer. The fatty acids in fish oil reduce the likelihood of developing inflammation. Unfortunately, many commercial pet supplements and foods, and for dogs in particular, are very low in omega-3 fatty acids, but some manufacturers have begun to correct this situation.

Clinical trials conducted in humans have shown significant benefits of fish oil supplements over placebo tablets in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, lupus erythematosus, migraines and multiple sclerosis. The use of fish oil in most cases led to a decrease in disease activity and even a decrease in the need for anti-inflammatory drugs.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may also have other positive effects, not associated with an effect on inflammation. For example, polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish oil can help treat cardiac arrhythmias as well as seizures. The calming effects of fatty acids in the treatment of schizophrenia have also been noted, including reducing the need for antipsychotic drugs and improving mental function in patients.

To others interesting effect benefit of fish oil is its ability to inhibit tumor growth. Fish oil's ability to inhibit cell proliferation through neoplasms also has enormous potential in treatment coronary disease hearts. Fish oil is also able to prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, thus being a good preventive and remedy from cardiovascular diseases.

How long have fish oil supplements been used in pets?

Fish oil supplements are among the most commonly used in all veterinary medicine and can also be used as a supplement. medicine, and as the main thing. Extensive studies have been conducted on the use of fish oil in dogs and cats, which have shown positive results, especially when treating allergies in animals. Fish oil supplements are also used for:

  • prevention of diabetic neuropathy
  • therapy in the fight against idiopathic epilepsy
  • prevention and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias
  • prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases

Pets with any type of inflammatory disease may benefit from fish oil supplements. Overall, more serious illnesses require higher doses than mild ones. In cases of severe inflammatory diseases, fish oil will not be enough, but it can increase the effect of other therapeutic agents.

How successful is fish oil?

Fish oil is well absorbed as food additives. An increase in the content of omega-3 fatty acids in tissues is observed after just a week of supplementation. Zicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, as the most active ones, remain for high level in tissues for one to two months after stopping the supplement.

Fish oil showed high efficiency in some pets in treatment allergic diseases skin. The supplement has also shown varying success in other diseases, such as kidney inflammation. There are reports that fish oil supplements may slow growth cancerous tumors in many animals, including cats and dogs. Although further research is needed with various types cancer, adding fish oil to your pet's diet is general recommendation for all animals with cancer.

How safe is fish oil?

Although fish oil supplements are recommended for all animals with inflammatory diseases, the reality is that some animals respond better than others. In some cases, fish oil may have no effect at all. Interestingly, traditional Chinese medicine provides a reliable indication of whether fatty acid supplementation will be clinically beneficial. Animals that have blood-related diagnoses or yin deficiency tend to respond to these supplements much better than animals with moisture buildup in the body, i.e. with excess yin.

WITH medical point However, some animals that take fish oil supplements tend to develop large flakes of dander and oily wool. This condition is known as oily seborrhea, goes away within one to two weeks after stopping the supplement.

When taken in recommended doses, fish oil is one of the safest supplements available. Most common by-effect- This is an odor from the mouth or skin. Fish oil is also not thought to raise blood sugar levels in people and pets with diabetes mellitus, contrary to an earlier report. Fish oil in in rare cases may delay blood clotting, but if used in recommended doses, this side effect is extremely rare.

Where can I buy fish oil and do I need a prescription?

Fish oil supplements are widely available in many pharmacies, however, when purchasing, you should consider their quality as it can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer. In addition, many supplements may be stored under improper conditions. A prescription is not required to purchase fish oil supplements. Consult your veterinarian, he should recommend the supplements that he prefers.