A method for determining the functional state of the cardiovascular system. Assessment of cardiovascular function

2.3. Study of the functional state of the cardiovascular vascular system The circulatory system largely determines the body’s adaptation to physical activity, therefore monitoring its functional state is very important in the practice of physical education. For this purpose, simple and complex study methods, including instrumental ones, are used. The study is preceded by an anamnesis, which specifies the presence of cardiovascular pathology, acquired and hereditary (angina, rheumatism, heart defects, hyper- or hypotension).

The most accessible for teachers physical education are the following indicators: heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), stroke value (SV) and minute volume of blood circulation (MCV).
It should be emphasized that for a more complete description of the activity of any system of the body, it is necessary to compare the studied indicators at rest, as well as before and after performing physical activity (standard, additional or special). It is also necessary to determine the duration of restoration of these indicators to the values ​​​​preceding the study.

Algorithm for completing tasks: students, teaming up in pairs, perform the following tasks on each other, the results obtained are compared with the normative ones.

Task No. 1. Take an anamnesis.

1. Availability cardiovascular diseases in the family (hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, varicose veins veins, heart defects, stroke, myocardial infarction).
2. Previous diseases (rheumatism, sore throat, frequent colds, ARVI) throughout life, their outcome.
3. Drinking alcohol.
4. Smoking.
5. The nature of the load in the previous day.
6. Complaints at the time of the study: shortness of breath, palpitations, a feeling of “interruptions” of the heart, pain or discomfort in the heart area or behind the sternum (character, time and conditions of occurrence), fatigue, swelling of the legs.
Anamnesis data helps to indirectly determine the functional usefulness of the system, the permissible amount of muscle activity, they help explain certain deviations from the standards of system testing indicators.

Task No. 2. Study of the frequency and nature of the pulse.

Goal: to master the technique of measuring heart rate, determining the rhythm of the pulse and be able to analyze the results obtained.
Objectives: determine the frequency, rhythm of the pulse, the degree of filling of the vessel with blood and its tension.
Necessary equipment: stopwatch, diagram of the location of the human circulatory system.
Guidelines: the pulse is determined, most often in the temporal, carotid, radial, femoral arteries and by the cardiac impulse.
To determine your heart rate, you need a stopwatch. The pulse is calculated in a minute, but it is possible to determine it in 10, 15, 20 or 30 seconds, followed by recalculation for 1 minute.
Theoretical justification of the task. Normal frequency The resting heart rate of an adult is 60...89 beats per minute.
Pulse less than 60 beats/min. (bradycardia) can be detected at rest in athletes training for endurance, as an indicator of economization of circulatory function (in good health).
A pulse rate of more than 89 beats per minute at rest (tachycardia) occurs in athletes in a state of overfatigue, overexertion, or overtraining. Resting heart rate is affected by gender, health status, emotional status, time of day, intake of alcohol, coffee and other stimulating drinks, smoking and other factors. The change in heart rate during the load depends on the nature and intensity of the work performed, sports specialization and level, qualifications of the subject, and his health.
The rhythm of the pulse is determined as follows: it is necessary to count the pulse rate 2-3 times at 10-second intervals and compare them with each other. Indicators can differ by no more than 1 hit or completely coincide. In this case, they speak of a rhythmic pulse, which corresponds to healthy heart. With a difference of more than 1 beat, the pulse is considered non-rhythmic. The rhythm of the pulse is disrupted due to various pathological changes in the myocardium.
The most accurate pulse rhythm is determined by the electrocardiogram (ECG). To do this, it is enough to have a record of cardiac biocurrents in 1 lead (3-4 cycles) and measure the distance between adjacent R waves (R-R).
The uniformity of the intervals indicates the rhythm of the pulse.
It is necessary to establish the filling and tension of the pulse by means of some finger resistance to the blood flow, which are largely determined by the state of the heart muscle, the elasticity of the blood vessels, the amount of circulating blood, and its physical and chemical state. Pulse healthy person It can be complete, in case of pathology - weak filling and tension, or even thread-like - in critical condition.

Task No. 3. Blood pressure (BP) study.

Goal: to master the technique of measuring blood pressure using the Korotkov method, to analyze the results obtained.
Instruments: phonendoscope, sphygmomanometer.
Blood pressure is measured at the ulnar artery. The cuff of the device is placed on the bare shoulder, and air is inflated using a bulb to approximately 150-160 mm. rt. Art. Slowly release air and listen for tones. The appearance of sounds corresponds to the maximum pressure, the disappearance - to the minimum. The difference between them is called pulse pressure. It is known that the maximum pressure is determined to a large extent by the force of cardiac contraction, and the minimum pressure is determined by the tone of the blood vessels.
Theoretical justification of the task. The value of blood pressure is greatly influenced by the psycho-emotional state of the body, the amount of physical activity performed, neuroendocrine changes in the body, the condition water-salt metabolism, change in body position in space, time of day, age, smoking, intake strong tea, coffee.
At rest in an adult, the maximum blood pressure ranges from 100 to 120 mm. rt. Art., minimum - 60...80 mm. rt. Art. A blood pressure of more than 129/70 is defined as hypertension, and a blood pressure of less than 100/60 is hypotension. When performing physical activity, the indicators change evenly.

Task No. 4. Calculate hemodynamic parameters: mean blood pressure, systolic (or stroke) volume of blood circulation (SV), minute volume of blood circulation (MCV), volume of circulating blood.

1. One of the informative indicators of hemodynamics is mean arterial pressure (MAP):

SBP = diastole blood pressure. + blood pressure pulse/ 2

With physical fatigue it increases by 10-30 mm. rt. Art.
2. Systolic (S) and minute (M) circulatory volume are calculated using the Lilienistrand and Zander formula:

S = (Pd/P) 100

where Pd is pulse pressure, P is average pressure.

Average pressure = (BP max + BP min) / 2
M = S P,

where S is systolic volume, P is heart rate.
Average pressure (Pav.) can also be calculated using the formula (B. Folkov et al., 1976):

Rsr. = P diast. + (P syst. - P diast.) / 3,

where P is pressure.
3. Circulating blood volume (CBV) is one of the leading indicators of hemodynamics.
Normally, BCC in men is 7% of body weight, in women - 6.5%. Per 1 kg of body weight in men, the bcc is 70 ml/kg, in women - 65 ml/kg.
4. Determination of the circulatory efficiency coefficient (CEC).

KEC = (BP max. - BP min.) · Heart rate.

Normally, EEC = 2600. With fatigue, it increases.
Determination of endurance coefficient (EF). This parameter is determined by the Kvass formula; it characterizes the functional state of cardio-vascular system. The CV indicator is calculated using the formula:

KV = (H · SS · 10) / Pulse. pressure ,

where H is heart rate,
SS - systolic pressure.
Result evaluation: normal value indicator - 16, an increase in the indicator indicates a weakening of the function of the cardiovascular system, a decrease - an increase in function.

Task No. 5. Study of the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity.

Purpose: to evaluate the response of heart rate and blood pressure to varying loads in intensity and direction.
Required: stopwatch, blood pressure measuring device, metronome.
Methodical instructions: measure heart rate and blood pressure at rest. Then physical activity is performed in different options: either the Martinet test (20 squats in 30 seconds), or a 15-second run in place at a maximum pace with a high hip lift, or a three-minute run in place at a pace of 180 steps per minute. (Kotov-Deshin test), or 60 jumps in 30 seconds. (sample by V.V. Gorinevsky). After the completed load, heart rate and blood pressure are recorded for 3-5 minutes, and in the first 10 seconds. Heart rate is measured every minute, and for the remaining 50 seconds. - HELL. Analyze the magnitude of changes in indicators immediately after work in comparison with rest, the duration and nature of recovery.
Evaluation of the result. With a good functional state of the cardiovascular system, the change in heart rate and pulse pressure to the Martinet test does not exceed 50...80% of the resting values, after the 2nd and 3rd loads - by 120...150% and 100... 120% respectively. Recovery lasts no more than 3-5 minutes. At the same time, a trained organism shows signs of economization of the activity of the cardiovascular system both at rest and under load.

Task No. 6. Functional test of Querg.

The degree of adaptation of the body to varying loads is determined. Perform 30 squats in 30 seconds, maximum running in place for 30 seconds, 3-minute running in place with a frequency of 150 steps per minute and jumping rope for 1 minute. Total time load - 5 min.
While sitting, heart rate (P1) is measured immediately after the load for 30 seconds, again after 2 minutes. (P2) and 4 min. (P3). The result is calculated using the formula:

(Working time in sec. 100) /

Evaluation of the result. If the indicator value is more than 105, adaptation to load is considered very good, 99...104 - good, 93...98 - satisfactory, less than 92 - weak.

Task No. 7. Determination of the Skibinskaya index to assess adaptation to load of the cardiorespiratory system.

Vital capacity is measured in ml, breath holding in seconds. while inhaling.
The cardiorespiratory system is assessed using the formula:
(VC / 100º breath holding) / heart rate (per 1 min.).
Result rating: less than 5 - very bad, 5...10 - unsatisfactory, 30...60 - good, more than 60 - very good. For highly qualified athletes, the index reaches 80.

Task No. 8. Determination of the Ruffier index.

Used to determine load adaptation. Widely used in mass examinations of schoolchildren.
Heart rate is measured while sitting (P1), then 30 deep squats are performed in 30 seconds. Count the heart rate while standing (P2), and another heart rate after 1 minute. rest (P3).

Ir = [(P1 + P2 + P3) - 200] / 10

Result assessment: IR less than 0 - excellent result, 1...5 - good, 6...10 - satisfactory, 11...15 - weak, over 15 - unsatisfactory.

Task No. 9. Three-moment combined Letunov test.

Purpose: to determine the nature of the body’s adaptation to multidirectional load according to the characteristics of the recovery period.
Necessary equipment: sphygmomanometer, phonendoscope, stopwatch, metronome.
Methodical instructions. The test consists of three loads performed in a certain order with short rest intervals:
1. 20 squats in 30 seconds. The load is equivalent to a warm-up.
2. 15-second run in place at the maximum pace, simulating high-speed running.
3. 3-minute (for women - 2-minute) run on. place at a pace of 180 steps per minute, imitation of endurance work.
Research begins with an anamnesis, which specifies the mode of physical activity on the previous day, complaints on the day of the study, and well-being.
A research protocol is drawn up, where all the results obtained are recorded.
Methodology: heart rate and blood pressure are determined at rest. Then the subject performs the first load, after which, in the prescribed manner, during a three-minute recovery period, pulse and blood pressure are again recorded every minute. Then the second load is performed. Recovery period- 4 min. (measurement of heart rate and blood pressure) and then the third load, after which for 5 minutes. pulse and blood pressure are examined.
The test results are assessed by the type of response: (normotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, dystonic and reaction with a stepwise increase in maximum blood pressure), as well as by the time to the nature of the recovery of pulse and blood pressure.
The normotonic type of reaction is characterized by parallelism in changes in heart rate and pulse pressure due to an adequate increase in maximum blood pressure and a decrease in minimum blood pressure. This reaction indicates the correct adaptability of the cardiovascular system to stress and is observed in a state of good preparedness. Sometimes in initial periods training, there may be a slowdown in the recovery of heart rate and blood pressure.
The asthenic or hypotonic type is characterized by an excessive increase in heart rate with a slight increase in blood pressure and is assessed as unfavorable. This reaction is observed during a break in training due to illness or injury.
Hypertensive type characterized by an excessive increase in heart rate and blood pressure during exercise. Isolated increase in minimum blood pressure over 90 mm. rt. Art. should also be regarded as a hypertensive reaction.
The recovery period is prolonged. Hypertensive reaction occurs in hyperreactors, or in persons with hypertension, or due to fatigue and overstrain.
The dystonic type of reaction or the “endless tone” phenomenon is characterized by the fact that it is practically impossible to determine the minimum blood pressure.
If the “endless tone” phenomenon is detected only after a 15-second maximum run and the minimum blood pressure is restored within three minutes, then its negative assessment should be treated with great caution.
A reaction with a stepwise rise in maximum blood pressure - when it is higher in the second and third minutes of the recovery period than in the first minute, in most cases indicates pathological changes in the circulatory system.
Recommendations for work design:
1. Record the results of the study in the protocol.
2. Draw the type of response.
3. Give a conclusion about the functional state of the cardiovascular system and recommendations for improving adaptation to stress.

Functional test - 20 squats in 30 seconds. After a 5-minute rest, while sitting, the pulse is counted in 10-second intervals until three identical numbers, then blood pressure is measured. After 20 squats with arms raised forward, the sitting pulse is immediately calculated and blood pressure is measured.

A favorable reaction is considered to be an increase in heart rate after the test by 6-7 beats per 10 seconds, an increase in maximum blood pressure by 12-22 mm, and a decrease in minimum blood pressure by 0-6 mm. Recovery period from 1 min. up to 2 min. 30 sec.

Harvard step test. Step height 43-50 cm, execution time – 5 minutes. The frequency of ascents is 30 ascents per minute under a metronome (tempo – 120 beats/min). Climbing the steps and lowering to the floor is done with the same leg. On the step, the position is vertical with straightened legs.

After the load, the pulse is calculated while sitting at the table for the first 30 seconds. at 2, 3, 4 minutes of recovery. IGST is calculated using the formula:

IGST= 100/(1+2+3)*2 ,

where 1, 2, 3 – heart rate, for the first 30 seconds. for 2, 3, 4 min. recovery - ascent time in seconds, if IGST is less than 55 - physical performance is weak, 55-64 - below average, 65-79 - average, 80-89 - good, 90 or more - excellent.

Ruffier index. The Ruffier index is calculated after 30 squats for men and 24 squats in 30 seconds. for women.

JR= (f1+f2+f3-200)/10,

where f1 – heart rate per minute. before exercise, in a sitting position after 5 minutes. recreation,

f2 – heart rate per minute. immediately after standing exercise,

f3 – heart rate per minute. 1 minute after standing exercise.

An index of 5 or less is rated excellent, 5-10 is good, 11-15 is satisfactory, and over 15 is unsatisfactory.

JR (Ruffier index), reflecting the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system in response to dosed load, simultaneously characterizes the level general endurance and quite correctly correlates with indicators of general endurance according to the Cooper test (12 minute run).

Breath-holding tests reflect the state respiratory systems s.

While inhaling (Stange test). In a sitting position, a deep, but not maximum, breath is taken. After this, you pinch your nose with your fingers and use a stopwatch to record the time you hold your breath.

On exhalation (Genchi test). The same is done after normal exhalation.

The functional state of the nervous system can be determined by the reaction of the autonomic nervous system to the gravity factor.

Test with a change in body position (orthostatic). The pulse rate is calculated in the supine position (lying for at least 10 minutes) and standing after 1 minute. The difference between the pulse rate in a horizontal and vertical position should not exceed 20 beats per minute. In the assessment, what is important is not so much the level of the “OP” indicator (orthostatic test) as its dynamics. How less difference, all the better. But much more important is the stability of the indicator, reflecting the resistance of the ANS (autonomic nervous system) to various factors(fluctuations in the external environment, emotional state, fatigue, overtraining, etc.).

As mentioned above, students, based on data on their health status, physical development and preparedness, are assigned to practical classes according to the physical education program into three groups.

The main group includes persons without deviations in health, as well as persons with minor deviations in health, with sufficient physical development and preparedness. TO preparatory group include persons without deviations in health status or with minor deviations, with insufficient physical development and preparedness.

In both preparatory and main groups, classes are conducted according to the curriculum, but in the preparatory department the condition of gradual development of a complex of motor skills and abilities is observed.

Students with permanent or temporary health problems are enrolled in a special group. Physical education classes are carried out according to special educational programs.

During training and physical exercise, pre-pathological conditions may arise in the body of those involved. We are talking about such conditions when diseases, pathologies do not yet exist, but have been created in the body. favorable conditions for its occurrence. These conditions include overfatigue, overtraining, and overexertion.

Overfatigue is a condition that occurs after a large, prolonged load, either single or long-term. It can be experienced by anyone involved in physical exercise, characterized by general fatigue, lethargy, and a feeling of the need to rest. Functional tests during fatigue are unsatisfactory. After sufficient rest, all of these phenomena disappear. Functional changes are normalized.

The state of overtraining occurs only in a trained athlete and is currently regarded as a neurosis. A person becomes irritable, touchy, sleep and appetite are disturbed, and an aversion to training arises. This condition requires, in addition to temporary cessation of training, treatment of the nervous system.

During this period, the condition of other organs and systems may be quite high level. The cause of the state of overtraining is not only excessive, but also very monotonous frequent training, carried out without taking into account emotional state athlete. Violations of the regime also matter. All this leads to a lack of coordination between the central nervous system, internal organs And musculoskeletal system. Various diseases often occur in this condition.

With excessive physical exertion in classes and competitions, with irrationally conducted training and non-compliance with the regime, acute and chronic overstrain of the athlete’s body can occur.

Acute overvoltage is pathological condition of the body, arising as a result of excessive physical activity (usually one-time) during competitions or training, which is inadequate to the functional capabilities and degree of preparedness of the body. Work practice shows that acute overstrain that occurs as a result of a single load is more often observed in unprepared individuals during intense competitions and less often during intense training.

Novice athletes or novices, when participating in competitions, sometimes try at great cost physical effort achieve victory. Not having enough physical fitness and a poorly trained athlete experiences enormous physical stress in this case, resulting in a sharp pathological reaction. Acute overexertion can also be observed in highly qualified athletes who participate in competitions without preparation and are out of shape. However, high moral and volitional qualities and well-preserved motor skills allow such athletes to continue intense competition, and sometimes even end in victory. In such cases, after finishing, a state of acute overexertion may appear, sometimes fainting, and more often severe weakness, unsteady, unsteady gait, shortness of breath, dizziness, pallor skin, nausea, vomiting, indifferent attitude towards others. This condition is observed in athletes performing in painful condition or immediately after illness, in a state of fatigue or overwork, if there is chronic infections and intoxications, after a major weight loss and other reasons. Acute overexertion can occur during physical activity or immediately after it. It can occur as a collapse, acute heart failure, hypoglycemic shock, disorders cerebral circulation. At sharp spasm vessels, death is possible. (Some of the listed conditions accompanying overvoltage will be discussed in more detail below.)

As a result of acute overvoltage, pronounced changes: vegetative dystonia, deterioration of myocardial contractility, increase in heart size, increase blood pressure, persistent enlargement of the liver. There are complaints of fatigue, lethargy, shortness of breath and palpitations with little physical exertion, pain in the heart and liver. As a result of acute overstrain, a person’s performance is sharply reduced for a long period.

After applying in-depth clinical trials course of therapy and physical therapy classes such as general physical training with a constant increase in load are used. Sports training begins only after the function of the cardiovascular system is completely restored.

Chronic overexertion comes down mainly to changes in the heart. Chronic cardiac overstrain in athletes occurs when there is a long-term discrepancy between the demands placed on the body by physical activity and the readiness to perform it. The occurrence of this pathology can be facilitated by chronic foci of infection or insufficient recovery after suffering acute diseases, unfavorable conditions for playing sports (high or low air temperature, high humidity, low barometric pressure and decreased partial pressure of oxygen, in the absence of sufficient adaptation to them), negative factors that reduce protective forces body (physical and mental injuries, violations of work, rest, sleep, nutrition, etc.).

For a more complete understanding negative phenomena, which can arise both during sports training and during physical education classes according to general physical training programs, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on such concepts as acute vascular insufficiency and violation carbohydrate metabolism, often occurring with inadequate physical activity.

Acute vascular insufficiency includes fainting, collapse and shock.

Fainting is a short-term loss of consciousness caused by an acute insufficiency of blood supply to the brain due to a drop in vascular tone of central origin. Such a sharp drop in vascular tone can be caused by various emotions (excitement, fear), severe pain. At the same time, blood pressure drops sharply, the sense of balance is lost, and sometimes nausea and vomiting appear.

In persons prone to fainting states, they can be observed during a sudden transition from a horizontal to a vertical position, the so-called orthostatic collapse, as well as during prolonged immobility (at a parade, etc.). Blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities and abdominal cavity, as a result of which little blood flows to the heart and insufficient blood supply to the brain occurs. Fainting states observed in athletes include gravitational shock, i.e. sudden loss consciousness that occurs after running medium and long distances, if the athlete immediately stops after running the distance and remains motionless. The mechanism of fainting in this case is explained by the fact that during running there is a significant redistribution of blood, a significant dilation of blood vessels lower limbs and their abundant supply of arterial blood. At sudden stop one of the main factors in the movement of blood through the veins in the heart is switched off - the so-called “muscle pump” and blood from the dilated vessels of the lower extremities enters the heart in insufficient quantities, this impairs the blood supply to the brain and fainting occurs.

Collapse differs from fainting in that it lasts longer and is more severe. The state of shock occurs as a result of the same reasons and there is no fundamental difference between collapse and shock. However, with shock, all phenomena are expressed even more sharply.

During physical activity, carbohydrate metabolism disorders most often occur in athletes. Intense physical activity can cause a decrease in blood sugar levels - hypoglycemia, sometimes reaching 40 mg instead of 100-120 mg% normally. Hypoglycemia reaching low levels can cause a pathological condition called hypoglycemic shock. This condition usually occurs during prolonged running and swimming, long-distance skiing and cycling.

In case of hypoglycemic shock, it is necessary to introduce sugar into the body. Prevention of hypoglycemic conditions consists of ensuring that a sufficient amount of carbohydrates is taken with food or drinking a special drink before competitions. It should, however, be noted that carbohydrates, such as glucose, taken orally long before the competition can have a negative effect on the body, in particular on the heart because. As a result, the exchange of electrolytes is disrupted and much-needed potassium is removed from the body.

In progress sports training, exercise great importance gains self-control of the athlete. Self-control is a series simple techniques, used for independent monitoring of changes in the state of one’s health and physical development under the influence of physical exercise. Thanks to self-control, the athlete has the opportunity to independently control the training process. In addition, self-control accustoms the athlete to active observation and assessment of the condition, to the analysis of the training methods and means used.

Self-monitoring data allows the teacher and coach to regulate the training process, volume and nature of the load.

One of the main points in self-control is keeping a diary. The form of keeping a diary can be very diverse; the data entered in the diary should reflect the nature and volume of the load, as well as a number of subjective and objective indicators to assess the adequacy of the applied load.

The group of subjective indicators includes well-being, performance assessment, attitude towards training, activities, sleep, appetite, etc.

Well-being is an assessment of your condition. It consists of the sum of signs: the presence or absence of any unusual sensations, pain with one or another localization, a feeling of cheerfulness, or vice versa lethargy, mood, etc. Well-being is designated as poor, satisfactory and good. When any unusual sensations appear, note their nature, indicate after which they arose (for example, the appearance muscle pain after classes, etc.). Muscle pain usually occurs when training after a break or when the load increases very quickly. When running, an athlete may experience pain in the right (due to overfilling of the liver with blood) or left (due to overfilling of the spleen with blood) hypochondrium.

Deep breathing, by improving blood flow to the right ventricle of the heart, reduces these pains. Pain in the right hypochondrium can also occur with diseases of the liver and gallbladder, and cardiac dysfunction. Sometimes those who exercise may experience pain in the heart area. If heart pain occurs during work, the athlete should immediately consult a doctor. When tired and overworked, headaches and dizziness may occur, the occurrence of which the athlete should note in the self-monitoring diary.

Sometimes shortness of breath may occur during physical exercise, i.e. difficulty breathing with disturbance of the rhythm of respiratory movements and a feeling of lack of air. It is necessary to pay attention to this sign and register its occurrence only if shortness of breath occurs after physical exercise with a small load that has not previously caused it.

Fatigue is a subjective feeling of tiredness, which is manifested in the inability to perform normal workload, work or physical. During self-monitoring, it is noted whether fatigue depends on the activities being carried out or on something else, and how quickly it passes. The athlete should note the feeling of fatigue after exercise: “not tired,” “a little tired,” “overtired,” and the next day after exercise: “I don’t feel tired,” “no fatigue,” “I feel cheerful,” “I still feel tired.” ”, “completely rested”, “feeling tired.” You can note the mood: normal, tired, stable, depressed, depressed, desire to be alone, excessive excitement.

Performance depends on general condition body, mood, overwork from previous work (professional and sports). Performance is assessed as increased, normal and decreased. The desire to engage in physical exercise and sports may depend both on the reasons listed above and on interest in achieving high results in the chosen sport, from the qualifications and pedagogical experience of the coach, teacher, from the variety and emotional richness of educational and training sessions. A lack of desire to train and compete can be a sign of overtraining. Normal sleep, restoring the functionality of the central nervous system, provides vigor. After it, a person feels full of strength and energy. In case of overwork, insomnia or increased drowsiness, restless sleep. After such a dream, you feel overwhelmed. The athlete should record the number of hours of sleep (remembering that night sleep should be at least 7-8 hours, with heavy physical activity 9-10 hours) and its quality, and in case of sleep disorders - their manifestations: poor falling asleep, frequent or early awakening, dreams, insomnia, etc.

Appetite is noted as normal, decreased or increased. If there are digestive disorders (for example, constipation or diarrhea), this makes it easier to find out the reasons for changes in appetite. Its absence or worsening often indicates fatigue or illness.

When interpreting subjective signs, you need sufficient caution and the ability to approach their assessment critically. It is known that well-being does not always correctly reflect the actual physical state of the body, although it is undoubtedly an important indicator.

On the other hand, health may be poor due to a depressed mood, despite a favorable state of health.

The assessment of the listed signs of self-control should be carried out taking into account the fact that the appearance of each of them may be caused by one or another deviation in the state of health, not at all or directly related to physical exercise. For example, feeling unwell, fatigue, loss of appetite is sometimes a sign of excessive physical activity, but at the same time it is one of the most constant symptoms of diseases gastrointestinal tract and so on.

The correct interpretation of emerging deviations in the state of the body is greatly facilitated by analyzing them taking into account the content of the load and the physical exercise regime, as well as analyzing the dynamics of sports and technical results. In some cases, a final assessment of the signs of self-control can only be given by a doctor based on their comparison with the data of medical control. However, no matter what causes this or that unfavorable symptom, recording it in the self-monitoring diary is of great importance for the timely elimination of the moments that caused it.

Of the objective signs during self-monitoring, the most frequently recorded are pulse rate, weight, sweating, spirometry data, dynamometry data, in addition to Lately protozoa are becoming increasingly common functional tests, as an informational objective indicator of the condition various systems body. In the self-monitoring system, the simplest, but at the same time informative test that determines the state of the cardiovascular system is the Ruffier index (JR). To characterize the nervous system, you can use an orthostatic test, which reflects the reaction of the autonomic nervous system to the gravity factor. The state of the respiratory system in self-control can be objectified using breath tests Stange and Genchi, as a reaction of the respiratory system to hypoxia (lack of oxygen)

Self-control in physical education in universities, if properly organized, occupies a special place. The student, examining the state of his health, according to the methods proposed by the teacher, learns to control the manifestation of deviations, shifts in the functional state associated with inadequate loads. At the same time, the characteristics of subjective sensations widely used in self-control are clearly not enough. The theoretical course of physical education programs provides for introducing students to simple, accessible methods studies of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. But this material is without practical use, only expands the boundaries of the student’s general culture.

The teacher’s task is to introduce the use of various, objective methods of self-control, introducing information from medical and pedagogical control, into the systematic practice of the discipline “physical culture”. Each training session must be carried out with mandatory independent control of students when assessing the tasks being solved (adequacy of the volume and intensity of loads in terms of heart rate, the nature of subjective sensations in urgent and delayed time, correlation of indicators of various functional systems and their correspondence to subjective sensations). Subjective sensations also need to be systematized using psychodiagnostic tests. The most acceptable tests for pedagogical and self-control are tests of the SAN type (“well-being”, “activity”, “mood”, Ch. Spielberg, V.G. Kukes, etc.).

The most informative and accessible method of urgent objectification of the effectiveness and adequacy of the loads used in classes for self-control is the study by students of the dynamics of heart rate. This information is especially necessary in aerobic classes for timely correlation by the teacher of the volume and intensity of physical activity and its individualization.

Students must know how to independently calculate their pulse, preferably using carotid artery. In educational practice, it is preferable to measure pulse over a 15-second interval. To obtain urgent information, heart rate characteristics are required immediately after the load, determining its intensity and correlating with the time indicator for completing tasks, and after 1 minute of rest, corresponding to the adequacy of the impact of the load. The same load causes different responses in those involved, depending on the levels of physical and functional readiness, individual characteristics of ANSP and many other factors of a constant and episodic nature.

The main indicator of the adequacy of the applied loads is the heart rate at the end of the task being performed, which is equal to (or less than) the individual maximum permissible heart rate. The maximum permissible heart rate is the heart rate value after such a load that causes a heart rate value after a minute of rest equal to 140 beats per minute and does not exceed 180 beats per minute immediately after performing the load, calculated by the formula:

F max =f1+(140-f2),

where F max is the calculated maximum allowable heart rate for 1 minute, f1 is the heart rate at the finish line for 1 minute, f2 is the heart rate after one minute of rest (in the second minute of recovery). For the convenience of calculations during training, F max is calculated in a 15-second interval, without conversion to minute calculation, according to the formula:

F max =f1+(35-f2) hits / 15 seconds.

All participants, having mastered the calculation of the individual maximum permissible heart rate, must Special attention pay attention to the development of a “sense of load”, i.e. the ability to predict the value of the pulse immediately after work and the minute of recovery based on subjective sensations, fatigue and severity of the load. The teacher regularly monitors the students’ ability to predict the heart rate at the end of work and its recovery after a minute of rest (f1 and f2) and adjusts the amount of physical activity according to the F max indicator for a given amount of work. The heart rate at the end of the physical activity should be lower than F max by 4-12 beats per minute or 1-3 beats in 15 seconds.

It is advisable to use special control tests and tasks in classes that reveal the degree of students’ mastery of the methodology for predicting load intensity, calculating real heart rate values ​​and, as a result, the ability to independently model individual training that corresponds to the basis of the lesson concept. Here there is a fusion of tasks solved in self-control and pedagogical observations of the trainer and teacher.

It is extremely important to systematically study physical fitness indicators, recorded both in self-observations and in pedagogical control. The student’s ability to correctly interpret the results of sports achievements, to associate the improvement/deterioration of indicators with the data of functional observations, will allow the teacher to timely adjust physical activity, achieving optimal performance. sports result without harming the health of the practitioner.

Physical fitness in self-observations is tested according to indicators reflecting the development of flexibility, strength, endurance, speed, etc.

Particularly important (mandatory) tests in universities are indicators of endurance, speed and strength.

A severe test (especially for unprepared students) is the endurance standard. The inclusion of a simple functional test (for example, the Ruffier index) in self-control, independent performance of the Cooper test (12’run) with mandatory recording of heart rate, reflecting the adequacy of the load, allows the student to objectively assess his functional and physical abilities and prepare for final testing in competitive conditions.

Twelve-minute test for the age group 20-29 years.

Distances (km) running, walking, covered in 12 minutes.

Swimming distance (m) covered in 12 minutes.

Very bad



It should be noted that the results of the Cooper test do not determine the tension of the functional systems of the body. Thus, in some cases, the result can be achieved due to the extreme, often inadequate, mobilization of functions, in others while maintaining functional reserves.

To eliminate this contradiction, you can use various modifications of the Cooper test, taking into account the tension of the cardiovascular system.

The modified Cooper test, developed by T. Yurimäe and E. Viru (1982), takes into account heart rate during the first 30 seconds at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th minute of recovery, the index of the modified Cooper test is expressed by the index value:


where S is the result of a 12-minute run (m); f1, f2, f3 – heart rate values ​​at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th minute of recovery in 30 seconds.

Modified Cooper Test standards for men and women.

Physical performance assessment

Modified Cooper Test Index

Very bad


Most students, when performing the Cooper test, exceed the adequate level of load in terms of heart rate. Studies have shown that f2 (pulse at the 2nd minute of recovery in 15 seconds) fluctuates in the range of 42-36, the average value is 39 beats/15 seconds.

The Cooper test index, developed by A. Volkov, T. Volkova (2000), takes into account the intensity of the functioning of the cardiovascular system when performing the test and is based on the numerical values ​​of the maximum permissible heart rate, which determines the adequacy of the impact of the load according to the characteristics of the proper and actual recovery of heart rate.

Cooper test index = 35S/f2,

where S is the result of a twelve-minute run (m), 35 should be the heart rate for 15 seconds in the 2nd minute of recovery, corresponding to the adequate impact of the load (characterized by the intensity of 40-44 beats in 15 seconds) performed in the aerobic mode (PANO).

f 2 – actual heart rate for 15 seconds in the 2nd minute of recovery, characterizing the degree of tension of functional systems during the test. Cooper's test index this option allows you to assess the ability of students to perform exercise in an aerobic mode under conditions of individual adequacy, which is especially important for students with health problems.

Cooper test index scores (m)

Pedagogical control solves the problem proper organization and training and teaching methods based on the principles of didactics and strict individualization of the load.

During pedagogical control, various research methods discussed above can be used. Let me dwell on the simplest ones in terms of accessibility, but with sufficient information content. These include: analysis and observation results (survey about subjective feelings during the lesson and observation external signs fatigue), measuring body weight, determining heart rate, measuring blood pressure, determining respiratory rate, etc.

In the process of pedagogical control, determining the pulse rate (heart rate - HR) is one of the most common methods due to its accessibility and information content. Heart rate is determined before exercise, after warming up, after performing individual exercises, after rest or periods of reduced intensity of exercise. Studying changes in heart rate allows you to assess the correctness of load distribution during exercise, i.e. the rationality of its construction and the intensity of the load based on the so-called physiological curve.

Recently, psychodiagnostic methods have become increasingly widespread in pedagogical control. These methods are aimed at studying three main objects of psychodiagnostics: the athlete’s personality, his sports activity and interaction.

The personality of a person involved in physical exercises and sports is diagnosed according to three aspects: personal processes, states and personality traits. Sports activity is considered from the perspective of teaching skills and abilities. Interaction is studied from an interpersonal perspective. According to the form of application, this can be observation, questionnaires and questionnaires, sociometric techniques, blank tests, hardware tests, examinations on simulators and training devices, special controls physical exercise(for studying speed, attention, working memory, coordination and accuracy of movements, etc.).

Analysis of medical and pedagogical control data, the results of psychodiagnostics and self-control allow timely adjustments to be made to the educational and training process, contributing to its improvement.


  1. Objectives and content of medical examination in universities.
  2. Methods for studying and assessing human physical development.
  3. Basic methods for studying the state of the cardiovascular system during physical exercise.
  4. The content of the concepts of bradycardia and tachycardia, the significance of their assessment in sports activities.
  5. Functional tests and tests used in sports practice.
  6. Breath-hold tests. Interpretation of indicators.
  7. Orthostatic test and its evaluation.
  8. Contents and assessment of the Harvard Step Test.
  9. Contents and evaluation of the Ruffier index.
  10. The main pre-pathological conditions that arise during sports (concepts: overwork, overtraining, overexertion).

Increasing the productivity of animals and increasing physical activity on their body is accompanied by increased function of the cardiovascular system. So, when 1 liter of milk is produced, about 600 liters of blood are filtered through the mammary gland. This is associated with physiological hypertrophy of the heart and an increase in the capacity of the vascular network. (In lactating cows, heart weight can increase by more than 40% compared to non-lactating cows). With physiological (tonogenic, working) dilatation of the heart, its systolic volume increases. This dilation should be distinguished from myogenic dilatation associated with circulatory decompensation.

Changes in hemocirculation depend both on dosed loads and on the individual characteristics of animals, the type of their nervous activity, training, etc. Therefore, it is not possible to establish strictly defined relationships between the amount of functional load and the response to it from the cardiovascular system, and their results must be assessed taking into account the specific conditions and characteristics of the animal.

Test with a 10-minute run (according to Domrachev). In horses at rest, the pulse is counted for 1 minute. Then a 10-minute walk at an easy trot is prescribed. Immediately after the run, the pulse rate and the time it takes to return to its original values ​​are determined. In healthy horses, the pulse increases to 50-65 beats/min and returns to its previous value after 3-7 minutes. With insufficiency of the cardiovascular system, the pulse increases to 80-90 beats/min or more, returning to the original value after 10-30 minutes. In acute myocarditis, the test is contraindicated.

Excitability test (according to Opperman - Sinev). The horse's pulse is counted at rest for 30 s, recording the number of pulse beats every 5 s. Then the animal is given a 100-meter trot, after which the pulse rate is determined for 30 s, also recording it every 5 s. In healthy animals, the 5-second pulse rhythm before the run is usually 4-4-3-3-4-4, and after the run it changes within the range of 7-6-4-4-3-3. With anemia, after the run the pulse increases sharply, and the 5-second rhythm before the run is at least 4-4-4-4-4-4, and after the run it increases to 17-15-12-6-4-4. The cardiac excitability index (the ratio of the number of pulse beats after the exercise to the number of beats before the exercise) is 2.5 or higher, and in healthy animals it is about 1.5. With increased excitability, the heartbeat and sounds intensify, and the pulse increases to 90-120 beats/min. This test is contraindicated in severe heart failure. In healthy animals, the increase in heart rate is relatively small; its frequency quickly returns to its original values.

Auscultation test with apnea (according to Sharabrin). In an animal at rest, the strength of the second tone in the aorta and pulmonary artery is determined by auscultation. Then a breath hold is caused for 30-45 s and the heart is auscultated immediately after apnea. In healthy animals, the pulse increases somewhat; an accent of the second tone is noted on the aorta and pulmonary artery. In case of heart failure, a sharp tachycardia is established, weakening of the second tone in the aorta, as well as the pulmonary artery. In the stage of decompensation, ADC decreases.

For more complete control over the function of the cardiovascular system, you can use the radiotelemetric method of taking an ECG. It is based on radio reception and recording of heart impulses transmitted by sensors mounted on the body of animals.

Determination of blood flow speed and volume. The time during which blood flows through a certain segment of the cardiovascular bed characterizes the speed of blood flow. It depends mainly on the contractility of the myocardium and the condition of the peripheral vessels.

Determination of blood flow speed. To determine the speed of blood flow, substances are used that have a short-term targeted effect on individual body functions and are easily detected in the blood. They shouldn't have toxic properties and change the speed of blood flow.

For horses, a lobeline test is used, and for cattle, a cytisine test is used.

Within 1-2 seconds, 5-8 ml of a 1% solution of lobeline hydrochloride is injected intravenously at the rate of 1.2 ml per 100 kg of weight or a 0.15% solution of cytisine at the rate of 1 ml per 100 kg of animal weight. Then note the time of the appearance of a cough reaction and a deep breath.

Lobelia and cytisine, injected into the jugular vein, enter the bloodstream into right heart, pulmonary circulation, left heart and affect the carotid sinus. By the time spent on this path, the speed of blood flow is determined. Normally, it is 14-21 s in cattle, 15-31 s in horses, 17-29 s in camels, 13-26 s in dogs, 7 s in rabbits. It is believed that during 27 systoles the blood completes one complete circuit. With cardiac weakness, the blood flow time in horses increases to 35 s, with decompensation - up to 56 s, with chronic emphysema - up to 31-44 s.

Determination of blood flow volume. Clinical significance has a definition of systolic and cardiac output.

Systolic heart volume for a horse is about 500 ml, for a cow - 600, for a sheep - 70 ml and depends on the strength of heart contractions, the capacity of the heart cavities, blood pressure and the amount of blood flowing to the heart. Systolic volume multiplied by the number of heart contractions in 1 minute serves as an expression of cardiac output. In a horse at rest it is 20-30 liters, in cattle - 40-50 liters.

Minute volume of the heart in animals is determined by the method of dosed inspiration of indifferent gas (acetylene mixed with air). Based on the loss of gas from exhaled air and the coefficient of its solubility in the blood, the volume of blood passing through the lungs, and therefore through the heart, is calculated in 1 minute.

Determination of circulating blood mass. The relative amount of blood (to body weight) in animals is as follows: large and small cattle - 1/12-1/13, pig -1/21-1/23, horse - 1/14-1/16, camel - 1/ 14, dog-1/12-1/14, rabbit-1/10-1/22, chicken-1/10-1/13, goose, duck-1/12. The most accurate colorful and radioisotope methods for determining the mass of circulating blood.

The colorful method consists of intravenously injecting 5-10 ml of a 1% solution of Evans blue, which is evenly distributed in the blood plasma without penetrating into red blood cells. After 3-6 minutes, blood is taken, in which the concentration of dye in the plasma is determined colorimetrically. Knowing the amount of injected dye and its content in the taken volume of plasma, the amount of plasma in the bloodstream is calculated. The hematocrit is used to determine the entire volume of circulating blood.

The radioisotope method consists of introducing group zero erythrocytes labeled with P 32, Cs 151 or I 131 isotopes into the blood. The mass of circulating blood is determined by the degree of dilution of labeled red blood cells.

The electromagnetic blood flow meter RKE-3 is designed to determine the volumetric flow rate and the amount of blood flowing over a certain time interval in unopened blood vessels.

The device provides direct digital reading of blood flow parameters and automatic setting of measurement limits.

The degree of physical development allows us to some extent judge the functional state of organs and, conversely, a violation of the functional ability of organs entails changes in physical development. /7/

Research and assessment of the functional state of the cardiovascular system

Study of the functional state of organs and systems involved in training physical culture Usually they start with the cardiovascular system. This is explained as follows. Firstly, the level of performance depends on the functional state of the cardiovascular system, which, together with the respiratory and blood systems, provides nutrition to the working muscles. muscular system. Secondly, the cardiovascular system, together with other organs and systems of the body, ensures the constancy of the internal environment of the body - homeostasis, without which the existence of the body in general is impossible. Thirdly, the cardiovascular system reacts most sensitively to all changes in both the external and internal environment.

The study of the cardiovascular system has great value to resolve the issue of the “dose” of physical activity for the muscles involved in physical education.

Identifying possible pathological changes in the cardiovascular system is not an easy task. It requires high medical qualifications and the use of various instrumental methods research.

Physical education classes cause certain positive changes in both the morphology and function of the cardiovascular system associated with its adaptation to large physical stress. This determines the characteristics of the cardiovascular system’s response to physical activity. By the nature of this reaction one can get an idea of ​​the level of functional state of the cardiovascular system. /6/

Age-related anatomical changes in the parameters of the cardiovascular system in children are closely related to changes in functional indicators, the main of which are heart rate (pulse), arterial and venous pressure, stroke and minute volumes, the amount of circulating blood, and blood flow velocity. /5/

To assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the body of preschool children as a whole, it is necessary to determine the pulse rate. If there are no serious rhythm disturbances and a decrease in heart rate with age is observed, we can assume that the motor mode does not exceed the child’s functional capabilities. To assess the functional state of the child’s body, along with the pulse rate, blood pressure is measured using the sound method of N. S. Korotkov. /7/

Blood pressure (BP) in children depends on age, gender, biological maturity and other indicators. /5/ In this case, systolic (SD) and diastolic (DD) pressure is determined.

Systolic pressure is the pressure that occurs in arterial system at the moment of left ventricular systole, diastolic - during diastole, during the decline of the pulse wave./7/

Measuring blood pressure is a mandatory method for studying the cardiovascular system. /14/

PD = SD - DD

Avg = 0.5 PD + DD

Based on the values ​​of pulse and blood pressure, their derivatives can be calculated: the external work of the heart and the endurance coefficient.

External cardiac work (EC) is an indicator recommended for assessing myocardial contractility:

BP = P (pulse) x SD (conventional units)

The endurance coefficient (EF) reflects the functional state of the cardiovascular system, its readiness to perform long-term physical activity.

With an optimal motor mode, a tendency is revealed towards a decrease in the numerical values ​​of P, SD, DD, BP, CV with an increase in PP. /14/

In addition, in children preschool age maximum blood pressure can be calculated using the formula

SD = 100 + N,

where N is the number of years, with fluctuations of ± 15 mm Hg permissible. Art. (I.M. Vorontsov). /7/

The average values ​​of indicators of the functional state of children are presented in Appendix D.

However, the study of indicators of the cardiovascular system that characterize its function is of great importance, i.e., assessing changes in the heart and blood pressure after a particular dosed load and determining the duration of the recovery period. This study is carried out using various functional tests. /6/

To study the functional state of a child’s body, it is necessary to determine the body’s response to physical activity. It is considered normal to increase the heart rate by 25-30% in deviation from the initial value, the respiratory rate by 4-6 per minute, and the increase in blood pressure within 15 mm Hg. Art. with unchanged or reduced by 5-10 mm Hg. Art. DD. After 2-3 minutes, all indicators should reach their original values. /7/

When determining a medical group for physical education, as well as when admitting to physical education after illness, it is necessary to conduct a functional test: the Martinet-Kushelevsky test (10-20 squats in 15-30 seconds).

Children are first taught this movement so that they squat rhythmically, deeply, with a straight back. Children 3-4 years old can hold the hand of an adult, who regulates their movements in depth and rhythm; they are recommended to do 10 squats.

The test is carried out as follows: the child sits on a chair at the children's table, a cuff is put on him to measure blood pressure, after 1-1.5 minutes. (when the reflex and excitement caused by the application of the cuff disappear) every 10 seconds. determine the heart rate until 2-3 similar indicators are obtained and take the average from them and write it down in the “before load” column. At the same time, the nature of the pulse is determined (smooth, arrhythmia, etc.).

After this, blood pressure is measured. This data is also recorded as initial data before the load. Then, without removing the cuff (the rubber tube is disconnected from the device and secured to the cuff), the child is asked to do squats. The child does squats under the strict supervision of an adult.

After the end of the dosed load, the child is immediately seated and within the first 10 seconds. determine the heart rate, then quickly measure blood pressure and continue counting the heart rate for 10 seconds. interval until it returns to the original one. After this, blood pressure is measured a second time. The frequency and pattern of breathing measurements are visually monitored.

A sample recording of the results of a functional test is presented in Table 2.

physical preschooler health respiratory

table 2

With a favorable reaction of the body to the load, the pulse increases by 25-50%, returning to its original values ​​after 3 minutes. An acceptable reaction is an increase in heart rate up to 75%, a return to baseline after 3-6 minutes, an increase in maximum blood pressure by 30-40 mmHg. Art., decrease in minimum - by 20 mm Hg. Art. and more. If the body reacts unfavorably, the pulse increases by 100% or more and returns to its original level after 7 minutes. /13/

Research and assessment of the functional state of the respiratory system

The functional usefulness of respiration is determined by how sufficiently and timely the need for oxygen in the cells and tissues of the body is satisfied and the oxygen generated during oxidation processes is removed from them. carbon dioxide. /6/

A person’s health, physical and mental activity largely depend on the full function of breathing. /3/

To monitor physical development healthy children the method of determining the vital capacity of the lungs (VC) is often used - the amount of air (ml) that can be exhaled by taking the deepest possible breath, and then the maximum deep exhalation. /15/

Vital capacity (VC) is determined by maximal exhalation into a spirometer or dry gas clock after maximal exhalation. It allows you to indirectly estimate the area of ​​the respiratory surface of the lungs on which gas exchange occurs between the alveolar air and the blood of the capillaries of the lungs. In other words, the more vital capacity, the larger the respiratory surface of the lungs. In addition, the greater the vital capacity, the greater the depth of breathing can be and the easier it is to increase the volume of ventilation.

Thus, vital capacity determines the ability of the body to adapt to physical activity and to the lack of oxygen in the inhaled air.

A decrease in vital capacity always indicates some kind of pathology. /6/

The level of vital capacity is also determined by body size and the degree of physical development.

The breathing rate is determined by the number of movements chest or abdominal muscles per minute and depends on physiological need body in oxygen. Due to increased metabolism, children have a slightly greater oxygen requirement than adults. Therefore, their breathing rate is higher. How older child, the lower the breathing rate. /18/

Average values ​​of vital capacity and respiratory rate are presented in Appendix D.

Laboratory work No. 2

Topic: “Assessment of the functional state of the cardiovascular system”

Functional research methods make it possible to assess the adaptive capabilities of the body, judge the functional ability of the body, and facilitate the choice of methods and dosage of physical culture means. The magnitude of adaptation of any system or the entire organism as a whole cannot be assessed by studies only at rest. This requires functional tests with physical activity.

Functional tests of the cardiovascular system are divided into:

Single-stage, in which the load is used once (for example, 20 squats or a 2-minute run);

Two-stage, in which two identical or different loads with a certain interval between them;

Combined, in which more than two different types of loads are used.

Purpose of the work: to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system of students based on data from functional tests.

Eq uipment: apparatus for measuring blood pressure, phonendoscope, metronome, stopwatch.

Method of executing the work.

Before performing a functional test, assess the state of the cardiovascular system at rest.

1. Test with 20 squats. The subject sits at the edge of the table. A blood pressure cuff is attached to his left shoulder, and left hand he places it on the table, palm up. After a 5-10 minute rest, the pulse is counted in ten-second intervals until stable data are obtained. Then blood pressure is measured. After this, the subject, without removing the cuff (the tonometer turns off), rhythmically performs 20 deep squats in 30 seconds under a metronome, raising both arms forward with each squat, after which he quickly sits down in his place. At the end of the load, the pulse is counted for the first 10 seconds, and then the blood pressure is measured, which takes 30 - 40 seconds. Starting from the fiftieth second, the pulse rate is again calculated in ten-second intervals until it returns to the original data. After this, blood pressure is measured again. The test results are recorded in table form.

2. Test running in place at a pace of 180 steps per minute performed under a metronome with the hip flexed at 70°, the shin flexed to an angle with the hips 45 - 50° and free movements of the arms bent at the elbow joints, as in normal running. The methodology for studying and recording pulse and blood pressure data is the same as for the previous test, however, blood pressure is measured at every minute of the recovery period.

3. Combined Letunov test. The first moment of the test is 20 squats in 30 seconds, after which the pulse and blood pressure are examined for 3 minutes, the second is a 15-second run in place at maximum pace, after which the subject’s pulse and blood pressure are examined for 4 minutes, the third is 2 or 3 minutes running in place (depending on age and gender) at a pace of 180 steps per minute, followed by observation for 5 minutes.

In this test, 20 squats serve as a warm-up, the reaction of heart rate and blood pressure to a 15-second run at maximum pace reflects the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to speed loads, and to a 2- or 3-minute run to endurance loads.

To assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system of students in sports schools and involved in sports sections, it is recommended to use the combined Letunov test.

Evaluation of the results of functional tests of the cardiovascular system is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the immediate response of the pulse and changes in maximum, minimum and pulse pressure to the load, as well as the nature and time of their recovery to the original level.

To assess the increase in heart rate, determine the degree of its increase as a percentage compared to the initial value. A proportion is drawn up in which the resting heart rate is taken as 100%, and the difference in heart rate before and after exercise is taken as X.

Example: at rest, the heart rate was 76 beats per minute. After a test with physical activity - 92 beats per minute. The difference is: 92 – 76 = 16. The proportion is: 76 – 100%

The increase in heart rate is 21% (16 * 100: 76 = 21).

In assessing the reaction of the circulatory system, it is very important to compare changes in pulse and blood pressure, to find out whether the increase in heart rate corresponds to an increase in pulse pressure, which helps to identify the mechanisms through which adaptation to physical activity occurs. It should be emphasized that in children, more often than in adults, increased cardiac activity during physical activity occurs mainly due to increased heart rate, and not an increase in systolic output, i.e., less rational. Based on the nature of changes in pulse and blood pressure and the duration of the recovery period after functional tests, five types of reaction of the cardiovascular system are distinguished: normotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic, dystonic and stepwise.

Normotonic type reaction to a functional test with 20 squats is considered to be an increase in heart rate by 50-70% (after a 2-minute run in place, with a favorable reaction, an increase in heart rate by 80-100% is observed, after a 15-second run at maximum pace, by 100-120% .) A more significant increase in heart rate indicates an irrational reaction of the circulatory system to stress, since the increase in its activity during physical activity occurs more due to increased heart rate than due to an increase in systolic blood output. The higher the functional potential of the heart, the more perfect the activity of its regulatory mechanisms, the less the pulse quickens in response to dosed, standard physical activity.

When assessing the blood pressure response, changes in maximum, minimum and pulse pressure are taken into account. With a favorable reaction to a test with 20 squats, the maximum pressure increases by 10–40 mmHg, and the minimum pressure decreases by 10–20 mmHg.

With an increase in the maximum and a decrease in the minimum, pulse pressure increases by 30–50%. The percentage of its increase is calculated in the same way as the percentage of heart rate increase. A decrease in pulse pressure after the test indicates an irrational response of blood pressure to physical activity. At higher loads, the increase in pulse pressure is usually more pronounced.

With this type of reaction to the load, all indicators are restored to the original level before the third minute. This reaction indicates that the increase in minute blood volume during muscle load occurs both due to increased heart rate and due to an increase in systolic blood output. A moderate increase in maximum pressure, reflecting increased left ventricular systole, an increase in pulse pressure within normal limits, reflecting an increase in systolic blood volume, a slight decrease in minimum pressure, reflecting a decrease in arteriolar tone, promoting better blood access to the periphery, a short recovery period - all this indicates a sufficient the level of regulatory mechanisms of all parts of the circulatory system, ensuring its rational adaptation to physical activity.

Hypotonic type reactions are characterized by an increase in heart rate of more than 150%, stability or an increase in pulse pressure by 10 - 25%. In this case, the maximum pressure increases slightly (from 5 to 10 mm Hg), sometimes does not change, and the minimum pressure often does not change or may slightly increase or decrease (from 5 to 10 mm Hg). Thus, increased blood circulation during muscle load is achieved in these cases more by increasing heart rate rather than increasing systolic blood volume. The recovery period for the hypotonic type of reaction is significantly longer (from 5 to 10 minutes). This reaction is a reflection of the functional inferiority of the heart and the mechanisms regulating its activity. It is typical for people who have suffered from illnesses and who experience “motor hunger.”

Hypertensive type reaction is characterized by a sharp increase (not so much due to an increase in systolic blood ejection, but due to an increase in vascular tone) of maximum pressure (by 60 - 100 mm Hg), a significant increase in heart rate (80 - 140%) and an increase in maximum pressure by 10 - 20 mm RT Art. The recovery period for this type of reaction is slow. The hypertensive type of reaction is an excessive reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity and is not rational. More often it occurs with overwork and increased reactivity of the cardiovascular system. It is often observed in young athletes with symptoms of physical overexertion or overtraining.

Dystonic type reaction is characterized by a significant increase in maximum pressure and a sharp decrease minimum pressure. The pulse increases significantly, and the recovery period lengthens. After a small physical activity (20 squats), such a reaction is regarded as unfavorable. It indicates the inadequacy of the reaction of the circulatory system to the amount of physical activity performed and is most often observed with pronounced instability of vascular tone, with autonomic neuroses, overwork, and after illness.

Reaction with stepwise rise maximum blood pressure is characterized by the fact that at the 2nd and 3rd minutes of the recovery period the maximum pressure is higher than at the 1st minute. Such a reaction reflects a weakening of the functional adaptability of the circulatory system to physical activity and the functional inferiority of the mechanisms regulating it. It is regarded as unfavorable and is observed after infectious diseases, with fatigue, a sedentary lifestyle, and in athletes - with insufficient training.

Considering that pulse pressure is directly dependent on systolic blood volume, the response of the circulatory system to a functional test can be assessed by using various formulas that indirectly characterize the integral indicator of circulatory function - minute blood volume. The most common formula is B.P. Kushelevsky, which he called the reaction quality indicator (RQR).

RD2 – RD1

where РР1 is pulse pressure before the load, РР2 is the pulse pressure after the load, Р1 is the heart rate before the load (in 1 min), Р2 is the heart rate before after the load.

RCC ranging from 0.5 to 1 is an indicator of good functional state of the circulatory system. Deviations in one direction or another indicate a deterioration in the functional state of the cardiovascular system.


Recovery period

Control questions

    What is blood pressure?

    What ensures the movement of blood through the vessels?

    What is maximum blood pressure?

    What is minimum blood pressure?

    Why is the speed of blood movement in arterioles, venules and capillaries different and what biological significance does this have?

    What is blood pressure in different parts of the vascular bed and why is it different in them?

    What is maximum blood pressure?

    What is minimum blood pressure?

    What is pulse pressure?

    What reaction of the cardiovascular system to stress is called normotonic?

    What reaction of the cardiovascular system to stress is called hypertensive?

    What reaction of the cardiovascular system to stress is called hypotonic?