Grapefruit seeds have medicinal properties. Grapefruit seed extract. Application. The importance of the drug for the digestive system

Once I was looking for an antiseptic for the oral cavity for my parents and came across grapefruit seed extract. Yes, the price certainly didn’t appeal, but since it needs to be diluted in water drop by drop, I thought it would do. And only when the day of first use arrived, I read the instructions for use. ABOUT! This is a necessary thing!) Read for yourself!)

Indications for use of grapefruit seed extract
. Prevention and treatment of bacterial, viral and fungal infections in early stage
. Diseases respiratory tract and ENT organs
. Herpes, herpes zoster
. Candidiasis of the skin and nails
. Oral diseases: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc.
. Acne, skin abscess, boils and carbuncles
. Seborrhea scalp, psoriasis
. Diarrhea, flatulence, helminthiasis
. Rash, urticaria, allergies, nonspecific skin rashes
. Increased level cholesterol, hypertension, atherosclerosis
. For the prevention of myocardial infarction
. To cleanse the body, including during weight loss courses
. For household use- safety food products, disinfection, etc.
. For cosmetic purposes

Directions for use and dosage of grapefruit seed extract: (source )
Under no circumstances, do not take undiluted extract orally, or drop undiluted extract into your nose or eyes! This can cause burns to the mucous membranes!

For diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT:
1.Inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses(sinusitis), colds, flu, runny nose. Dilute 3 drops per 100 ml. boiled water. Instill the resulting solution into the nose 2-3 times a day.
2.Pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, asthma. Dilute 20 drops in 100-200 ml. water or juice, take 2 times a day. For asthma regular intake must last for at least 3 months.
3. Sore throat, inflammation of the throat, tonsils (sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis). Dilute 10 drops in a glass of warm boiled water and gargle with the resulting solution 5-7 times a day.
4. Otitis. Mix 3-6 drops of grapefruit seed extract with 30 ml. glycerin, drop 1-2 drops into the ear 2 times a day or as needed.

At skin diseases, problem skin and mucous membrane:
1. Rash, urticaria, herpes zoster. Dilute 10 drops of extract in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil. Apply the resulting solution cotton swab on the affected areas 2 times a day. At purulent inflammations skin, before applying the solution, you need to dry the affected area of ​​the skin.
2.Scabies. 20 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil, massage into entire body.
3.Dermatitis. 3-5 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil, rub 2-3 times a day onto the affected area.
4. Psoriasis, neurodermatitis, urticaria. Apply 3-5 drops of extract per tablespoon of jojoba oil to irritated skin.
5.Eczema. Add 8-10 drops of extract to 100 ml. boiled chilled water, shake. Dry the affected areas of the skin and moisten with the resulting product. Leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with body temperature water. Then highly diluted aqueous solution extract, rinse the affected areas thoroughly again.
6.Problem skin (pimples, acne, blackheads). Moisturize your skin and use your fingertips to apply 1-4 drops onto problem areas, massage, rinse. It is not recommended to apply Grapefruit Seed Extract for more than 2 minutes or on dry skin. At hypersensitivity Before rubbing into the skin, the extract must be diluted with water. If you squeeze out a pimple, then disinfect the wound with 1 drop of extract on a damp finger.
7.Dandruff, scalp diseases, lice. Add 5-10 drops to a small amount of shampoo and wash your hair with this solution. If there are lice, leave the shampoo on your head for 30 minutes to act, then rinse. Repeat after 3 days.
8.Cuts, scratches, abrasions. Place 1 drop on a damp finger to treat the wound.
9. Sores on the skin. 3 drops per tablespoon of water - moisten the bandage with the solution.
10. Herpes on the lips, cracks on the lips. 4-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil. Lubricate your lips several times a day.
11. Warts. Apply undiluted grapefruit seed extract directly to the wart 2 times a day.
12.Varicose veins veins and trophic ulcers. Dilute 30 drops per 100 ml. water. Soak gauze with the resulting solution and apply to the sore spot (if there is no open wounds).
13.Fungal diseases skin and nails. Lubricate the affected area several times a day with a 10% solution of Grapefruit Seed Extract (in water, oil or glycerin) or pure extract (drop 5 drops on wet palm).
14. Inflammation of the nail bed. Apply 3-4 drops of undiluted extract three times a day to the sore spot with gentle massaging movements. Don't wash it off. Or 5 drops per tablespoon of oil. Apply several times a day.
15.Mastitis. 8 drops per tablespoon massage oil and lubricate the chest.
16.Vaginitis, thrush. 1-3 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract + 2-3 drops oil tea tree for 1/4 l. water, treat with a swab soaked in the solution. Or syringe with a solution: 2 drops of extract per glass warm water.
17.For intimate care. 1-2 drops on a damp cloth.
18.Heavy sweating. 20-25 drops of extract + 100 ml. Pour water into a spray bottle. Can be used as a deodorant. Or put 2 drops on a damp palm and rub into sweating areas (armpits, legs).
19.Diaper dermatitis(in infants). 5 drops of extract per tablespoon of jojoba oil, lubricate the natural folds of the skin.
20. Hemorrhoids. 30-50 drops in a sitz bath with barely hot water- take half a minute.
21.Insect bites. Place 1 drop of pure extract on a wet finger and lubricate the bite area. If you are bitten by a tick, you must first remove it.
22. Calluses. 30 drops per foot bath. After such a bath, calluses are easily removed.

Oral care:
1. Inflammation of the gums, bad smell from mouth. 5 drops per glass of water. Rinse for 10 seconds, 1-2 times a day.
2.Caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis. 1-2 drops on wet toothbrush, brush your teeth, then rinse your mouth with a solution containing 10 drops of extract.
3. Yeast infection (thrush) in the mouth of children and infants. 1-10 drops (depending on age) per glass of water - treat with a swab soaked in the solution 2-3 times a day.
4.Aphthous ulcers. 1-10 drops per glass of water (depending on the severity of the disease) - rinse your mouth or treat it with a tampon soaked in the solution 2-3 times a day.
5.Disinfection of toothbrushes. Dissolve 5-10 drops of extract in water, dip toothbrushes in the solution for 15 minutes, rinse.

Use in everyday life:
1. Washing the floors. Dilute 50 drops per 10 liters. water.
2.Destruction of mold on walls and ceilings. 15 drops per glass of water - spray with a spray bottle.
3.Disinfection of premises. Add 20 drops per 1 liter. detergent.
4.Carpet cleaning. 20 drops per 1 liter. water. Clean the carpet with this solution.
5.Destruction of unpleasant odors in the room. Place a few drops on the tile.
6. Disinfection (washing) of food (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, chicken, etc.). Dilute 20 drops per 1 liter. water.
7. Disinfection of dishes (including children's) and kitchen surfaces. Dilute 20 drops per 1 liter. water.
8.Increasing the shelf life of products. Dilute 20 drops per 1 liter. water - place the product in the solution for a few minutes. The shelf life increases by 4-5 times.
9. Rinsing laundry. 20 drops in rinse water.
10. Plant treatment (fighting insect pests, mold, etc.) Dilute 30 drops per 1/2 - 1 liter. water, spray on the required area.
11.Water disinfection. 10 drops per 1 liter of water.
12.Disinfection of swimming pools. 20 ml. per 100 liters of water.
13.Increasing shelf life cosmetics. Drop 1 drop into cream, gel, shampoo, etc.

Precautionary measures:
Grapefruit seed extract is non-toxic and does not cause side effects compared, for example, with the same tea tree oil when taken orally.
To avoid damage to the mucous membrane, you should never take Grapefruit Seed Extract orally undiluted!
When used externally, do not apply Grapefruit Seed Extract to the mucous membrane undiluted!

For more than 6 weeks, grapefruit seed extract can only be taken with a doctor's permission.

I found my must-have must-have!
Until this time, I was not so impressed by Herb's things, even the vaunted colostrum (I did not see any results from it). But grapefruit seed extract is truly powerful!

When we received it, the children caught some kind of virus. Runny nose, sore throat. I read that the extract is used for everything in the world)) And we also just received a dry mixture for rinsing the nose Xlear Inc (Xclear), Sinus Care Solution Sachets, Rapid Relief, 20 Count, 6 g Each
(inside the box there are 20 sachets of xylitol, sea ​​salt and soda and a small sample):

Each package holds approximately 200 ml of water. This, one might say, is 40 jars of aquamaris for ridiculous money. I diluted half a packet in a spray bottle and added 3 drops of extract. We sprayed our throat and nose with this solution several times, I drank the extract internally (with water, of course - it cannot be taken undiluted. And stir well! It settles well at the bottom), and we did not get sick. Then my finger got inflamed. I dropped the extract on it at night, and the next morning my finger no longer hurt. This is rare for me, to be honest. Because once it starts to get inflamed, it will hurt for several days, and you need to apply levomekol... But then it went away. Then somehow I had severe nausea- It is quite possible that she was poisoned. I immediately dropped 15 drops of the extract into a cup of water, and within 15 minutes I felt better. On this day I drank another 15 drops per cup again.
I will give it to the child because he has it in his intestines Staphylococcus aureus V large quantities, and the extract defeats him too.
Grapefruit seed extract - natural antibiotic, struggling with pathogenic bacteria, but does not disrupt the beneficial intestinal microflora. You can even take it against heliobacteria. And disinfect the premises by adding it to the water for washing floors.
I'm honestly very surprised that it works. Because it sounds like some kind of fairy tale - once - and it helped.
I will definitely take it with me on the road, including as an antiseptic. And always keep it in your first aid kit - cool thing!

I found areas and methods of application on the Internet. Grapefruit seed extract is used in the following cases:

Prevention and treatment of bacterial, viral and fungal infections at an early stage;
- diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs: acute sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, otitis;
-herpes, herpes zoster;
- candidiasis of the skin and nails, other localizations;
-oral diseases: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis, etc.;
- acne, skin abscess, boil and carbuncle;
- seborrhea of ​​the head, psoriasis;
-diarrhea, flatulence, helminthiases;
-rash, urticaria, allergies, nonspecific skin rashes;
-high cholesterol, hypertension, atherosclerosis;
- for the prevention of myocardial infarction
-to cleanse the body, including during weight loss courses
- for household use - food preservation, disinfection, etc.
for cosmetic purposes.

Directions for use:

For diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT:
1. Inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), colds, flu, runny nose. Dilute 3 drops per 100 ml of boiled water. Instill the resulting solution into the nose 2-3 times a day. ATTENTION! Do not put undiluted extract into your nose under any circumstances!
2. Pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, asthma. Dilute 20 drops in 100-200 ml of water or juice, take 2 times a day. For asthma, regular use should continue for at least 3 months.
3. Sore throat, inflammation of the throat, tonsils (sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis). Dilute 10 drops in a glass of warm boiled water and gargle with the resulting solution 5-7 times a day.
4. Otitis. Mix 3-6 drops of extract with 30 ml of glycerin, drop 1-2 drops into the ear 2 times a day or as needed.

For skin diseases, problem skin and mucous membranes:
1. Rash, urticaria, herpes zoster, scaly lichen. Dilute 10 drops of extract in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab to the affected areas 2 times a day. In case of purulent inflammation of the skin, the affected area of ​​the skin must be dried before application.
2. Scabies. 20 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil, massage into entire body.
3. Dermatitis. 3-5 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil, rub 2-3 times daily onto affected area.
4. Psoriasis, neurodermatitis, urticaria. Apply 5 drops of extract per tablespoon of jojoba oil to irritated skin.
5. Eczema. Add 8-10 drops of extract to 100 ml of boiled chilled water, shake. Dry the affected areas of the skin and moisten with the resulting product. Leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with body temperature water. Then thoroughly rinse the affected areas with a highly diluted aqueous solution of the extract.
6. Problem skin (pimples, acne, blackheads.) Moisturize the skin, apply 1-4 drops to problem areas with your fingertips, massage, rinse. It is not recommended to apply the ECG for more than 2 minutes or on dry skin. If the skin is hypersensitive, the extract should be diluted with water before rubbing. If you squeeze out a pimple, disinfect the wound with 1 drop of extract on a damp finger.
7. Dandruff, scalp diseases, lice. Add 5-10 drops to a small amount of shampoo and wash your hair with this solution. If there are lice, leave the shampoo on your head for 30 minutes to act, then rinse. Repeat after 3 days.
8. Cuts, scratches, abrasions. Place 1 drop on a damp finger to treat the injury.
9. Skin wounds. 3 drops per tablespoon of water - moisten the bandage with the solution.
10. Herpes on the lips, cracks on the lips. 4-5 drops per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of jojoba oil. Lubricate your lips several times a day.
11. Warts. Apply undiluted extract (1 drop) directly to the wart 2 times a day.
12. Varicose veins and trophic ulcers. Dilute 30 drops per 100 ml of water. Soak gauze with the resulting solution and apply to the sore spot (if there are no open wounds).
13. Fungal diseases of the skin and nails. Lubricate the affected area several times a day with a 10% ECG solution (in water, oil or glycerin) or pure extract (drop 5 drops onto a damp palm).
14. Inflammation of the nail bed. Apply 3-4 drops of undiluted extract three times a day to the sore area with gentle massaging movements. Don't wash it off. Or 5 drops per tablespoon of oil. Apply several times a day.
15. Mastitis. 8 drops per tablespoon of massage oil - lubricate the chest.
16. Vaginitis, thrush. 1-3 drops EHA + 2-3 drops tea tree oil per? l of water, treat with a swab soaked in the solution. Or syringe with a solution: 2 drops of extract per glass of warm water.
17. For intimate care. 1-2 drops on a damp cloth.
18. Heavy sweating. Pour 20-25 drops of extract + 100 ml of water into a spray bottle. Can be used as a deodorant. Or put 2 drops on a damp palm and rub into sweating areas (armpits, legs).
19. Diaper dermatitis (in infants). 5 drops of extract per tablespoon of jojoba oil, lubricate the natural folds of the skin.
20. Hemorrhoids. 30-50 drops in a sitz bath with barely warm water– take half a minute.
21. Insect bites. Place 1 drop of pure extract on a wet finger and lubricate the bite site. When a tick bites, you must first remove it.
22. Calluses. 30 drops per foot bath. After such a bath, calluses are easily removed.

Oral care:
1. Inflammation of the gums, bad breath. 5 drops per glass of water. Rinse for 10 seconds 1-2 times a day.
2. Caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis. 1-2 drops on a damp toothbrush, brush your teeth, then rinse your mouth with a solution of water with 10 drops of extract.
3. Yeast infection (thrush) in the mouth of children and infants. 1-10 drops (depending on age) per glass of water - treat with a swab soaked in the solution 2-3 times a day.
4. Aphthous ulcers. 1-10 drops (depending on the degree of the disease) per glass of water - rinse your mouth or treat 2-3 times a day with a tampon soaked in the solution.
5. Disinfection of toothbrushes. Dissolve 5-10 drops of extract in water, dip toothbrushes in the solution for 15 minutes, rinse.

(Lavender body gel, Innisfree foam cleanser, Queen Helene rejuvenating gel mask, Neutrogena water anti-aging gel, E.L.F. Cosmetics mascara, EcoTools hair brush, etc.)
I share my cart and impressions of shopping at iHerb

Neutrogena, Hydroboost Water Gel (48 g)
Light in texture and quickly absorbed, Hydro Boost gel, pale blue in color, with a pleasant fresh sea aroma is simply a godsend for dry and aging skin prone to irritation and allergies. After using it, the skin feels great all day long, ideal for summer. Due to its light Oil-Free texture, it goes well under makeup, instantly absorbing - eliminates the feeling of tightness and irritation, restores elasticity and firmness, the complexion becomes fresh, wrinkles are smoothed out. I recommend the cream very, very much!

Jason Natural, Powersmile toothpaste (100 g)
Whitening, quite thick toothpaste with a non-aggressive mint aroma, non-chemical composition, with constant use- whitening effect. Very economical consumption - a tiny drop is enough for complete cleansing oral cavity. Cleans, disinfects and refreshes for a long time.

Jason Natural, Sea Fresh toothpaste (100 g)
Good paste, we just took it to “finish off” the package, after trying it we decided that it was definitely worth taking it again. Pleasant taste, cleans and whitens teeth well, foams moderately when used, strengthens gums, refreshes the oral cavity for a long time, has a chemical-free composition, convenient volume.

Desert Essence shower gel with Bulgarian lavender (237 ml)
Wonderful in composition and effective gel for the shower - an unobtrusive aroma of lavender, the foam is not high, but it washes the body efficiently and most importantly - after washing there are no irritations or allergic manifestations, there will definitely be a repeat purchase.

Desert Essence conditioner with extra. red grapes (237 ml)
Wonderful conditioner for the weakened and fine hair with Italian red grape extract - natural composition, wonderful aroma, reasonable price, good volume of the tube - after it your hair becomes smooth, silky and manageable. The consumption is very economical.

Innisfree, Green Tea Facial Cleansing Foam (150 ml)
An effective cream for cleansing the skin of the face, when applied it turns into a persistent foam, after washing it off, the skin becomes lighter, cleaner, pores noticeably narrow, the face simply glows - it is easily washed off, the skin does not dry out or tighten after use. Ideal for combination skin prone to acne (PMS), blackheads, enlarged pores, irritation and allergic manifestations and those who don’t shy away from using Korean skincare products. Hardly suitable for those with dry and thin skin.

Queen Helene face mask-gel with extra grapes (170 g)
Remarkably cleanses and tightens pores, removes blackheads, gets rid of acne, refreshes and brightens the skin after use. Nice price, good tube size, fairly economical consumption (you shouldn’t use it more than twice a week) - for the skin mixed type and summer season - ideal for cleansing. Apply to clean face(except for the area around the eyes) in a thin layer, leave for 10-15 minutes, after which the frozen mask is simply removed with your hands (like a second skin), after which rinse your face with warm water and apply moisturizer. I really like the feeling after this mask.

E.L.F. Cosmetics, Studio, lengthening mascara black (6.2 g)
An aesthetic container made of matte plastic, a very comfortable silicone brush with elongated bristles, thanks to which you can perfectly separate and evenly paint the lashes, does not fall off during the day, and is easily removed at the end of the day. cosmetic oil applied on a cotton pad, it is easily washed off with washbasins (without streaks). Ridiculous price, good product - minus not very little mascara itself in the tube.

Crystal deodorant body spray with lavender and white tea (118 ml)
The solid crystal has been living in our house for a long time and is used with success by all family members - each has their own, this time we decided to take it for testing in the form of a spray. The result is wonderful, we will definitely get different scents for the summer. The composition is natural, the smell is unobtrusive, pleasant, does not leave marks on clothes or the body, does not irritate the surface of the skin, does not cause allergies, works effectively as a deodorant - it does not interfere with sweating, but stops the proliferation of bacteria that cause the smell of sweat - a wonderful product. The volume is small, but the spray dispenser is quite economical.

EcoTools, Best Air Drying Brush
The comb is unusual and cool! Thanks to its donut shape (hole inside), it dries and styles hair very quickly and efficiently. Lightweight, fits comfortably in the hand - it performs its functions perfectly - it dries and styles hair efficiently, and wonderfully massages the scalp.

Grapefruit Seed Extract- amazing natural remedy with antibiotic properties. Thanks to the use of grapefruit grain extract, it is possible to treat many diseases without the use of synthetic antibiotics.

Grapefruit Seed Extract effective against large number various pathogenic microorganisms. Does not violate natural microflora intestines, vagina and oral cavity.
Grapefruit Seed Extract strengthens and stimulates protective forces body. At correct dosage grapefruit seed extract has no side effects. In some cases, mild intestinal irritation is possible, which immediately goes away when you temporarily stop taking the drug or reduce the dosage.
Grapefruit Seed Extract does not lose its properties even when diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1000, so it can be used even by people with very sensitive skin.
Grapefruit Seed Extract has powerful antioxidant properties, protects the human body from free radicals.
Grapefruit Seed Extract- a very caustic liquid. For therapeutic use it must be diluted with water. If you accidentally get the concentrated extract into your eyes, mucous membranes or skin, wash it off big amount warm water and consult your doctor.

Active ingredients of grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit Seed Extract contains various bioflavonoids and glycosides. The effect of this natural medicine based on synergy, i.e. the interaction of various constituent substances optimally selected by nature.
Bioflavonoids - substances very similar in composition to vitamins. Sometimes they are referred to as vitamin P. However, in a strict sense, these compounds cannot be classified as vitamins. Bioflavonoids have versatile properties: hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, vascular strengthening, antiallergic, etc. Today, more than 20,000 different bioflavonoids with various properties. Bioflavonoids contained in grapefruit seed extract, are strong antioxidants.
Group glycosides is also quite extensive. There are glycosides that act directly on the heart, liver and other organs, as well as glycosides with strong anti-infective properties, such as senfol glycosides.

Making a drug from grapefruit seed extract

It is almost impossible to make grapefruit seed extract at home. In order to obtain the required connection, it is necessary to process great amount grapefruit grains on special equipment. Grapefruit Seed Extract- a thick, concentrated liquid that is usually diluted with vegetable glycerin. Finished preparations contain on average 40% pure extract. In lower concentrations, the extract is included in shower gels, ear drops, nasal drops, disinfectants, deodorants and other cosmetic products.

Uses of Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit Seed Extract- a universal drug that can be used for any bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. It is well suited for disinfecting skin lesions and contaminated wounds. To clean a bread bin or refrigerator from mold, just ten drops of extract diluted in 1/2 liter of water are enough. Effective application grapefruit seed extract during treatment infectious diseases oral cavity, larynx, genitals. For rinsing and washing, it is recommended to use 10 drops of extract per glass of water.
Daily rinsing with a solution of grapefruit seed extract is indicated for gingivitis and after tooth extraction. You can also take this solution internally. For the treatment of herpes, grapefruit seed extract should be mixed with 9 parts of water (nine drops of water per drop of extract). The solution must be applied using cotton swab directly to the affected areas. This procedure is also effective for acne, skin mycoses, fungal infections of the fingers and toes. In case of difficult to treat fungal infection For nails, it is recommended to apply undiluted grapefruit seed extract to the affected areas several times a day.
Uses of Grapefruit Seed Extract indicated for all types of skin diseases, including psoriasis. Many patients using this drug experienced positive effect.
Features of the use of grapefruit grain extract. Before using internally or externally, a solution of grapefruit grain extract with water should be mixed or shaken well, as the extract quickly precipitates and the ratio of the mixed components is disrupted.
Grapefruit Seed Extract is effective means for the treatment of candidiasis - lesions of the body yeast-like fungus Candidaalbicans. These diseases are usually difficult to treat. Fungus Candidaalbicans quickly multiplies in disturbed intestinal flora and can spread throughout the body through the blood. Extensive candidiasis can cause allergies, neurodermatitis, asthma, headaches and possibly even cancer.
Grapefruit Seed Extract- an effective, side-effect-free remedy for suspected candidiasis. Candidiasis is diagnosed using a stool test. Such studies should be carried out several times, since traces of the fungus cannot always be identified immediately. Colon cleansing, colon hydrotherapy and diet are important additional measures fight against pathogenic fungus.
Grapefruit Seed Extract can be used to prevent and relieve symptoms of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. The vessels will become more elastic and will conduct blood better. Preventive measures with the help of natural antibiotics are especially relevant today, since according to data latest research One of the causes of atherosclerosis may be pathogenic bacteria ( Chlamydiapneumoniae).

Emergence of resistance to grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit Seed Extract is a powerful natural antibiotic, which, like chemical antibiotics, should be used only in serious cases. IN Lately There have been increasing reports that grapefruit seed extract is losing its effectiveness despite the fact that this remedy appeared recently. Do not overuse grapefruit seed extract to avoid the formation of resistant microbes.

Properties of grapefruit

High content vitamins A, B, D, P, C and, unique to grapefruit, various biogenic chemical compounds give this fruit excellent dietary and medicinal properties. Modern medicine recommends consuming the original fruit for those who are weakened from long and debilitating illness, and those who are healthy but feel overworked. The tonic substances contained increase the vital activity of the body and help restore vigor...>>

Grapefruit is promising in the treatment of diabetes

08/27/2010. An antioxidant isolated from grapefruit and other citrus fruits, naringenin, may improve insulin sensitivity. Action is based on destruction fatty acids, which is also observed when a person observes long-term fasts... in the blood compared to patients who did not eat grapefruit...>>

Avoid grapefruit juice while taking certain medications

08/20/2008 It is known that grapefruit juice can increase absorption certain drugs. Clinical researches showed that you should not drink grapefruit juice and others fruit juices while taking certain medications, including those prescribed for heart disease, cancer, organ transplants, and infections...>>

About grapefruit on Fitopedia

Grapefruit has high dietary and medicinal qualities. The fruits improve appetite, help normalize digestion processes and reduce functional disorders liver, lower arterial pressure, helps restore strength in case of fatigue. Glycosides contained in grapefruit fruits have anti-sclerotic properties. Peeled fruits are eaten in fresh, dried, used to make jam, juices, thirst-quenching drinks, and also used to make liqueurs and wines...

My experience with GSE: gave it to my 2-year-old baby when she had the flu, she held on heat 5 days, my throat was crimson, I dripped 5 drops directly into the bottle 3-4 times a day. On the 6th day everything ended abruptly without coughing or any consequences.
At common cold, if given immediately, recovery will take 2-3 days. My son, 6 years old, often turns white due to intestinal infections; recovery occurs on the 2nd day. I recommend that all mothers take it with them on the road.

NutriBiotic, GSE Liquid Concentrate, Grapefruit Seed Extract, 59 ml

So let's continue. Grapefruit seed extract Well activates the body's defenses during periods of particular susceptibility to ARVI and influenza. It is important to use at the first symptoms. See my additional recommendations on how to avoid getting sick in the post: First aid for ARVI, COLDS and FLU.
Excellent for mouth rinsing - treats bleeding gums, periodontal disease, discomfort in the throat during a cold, removes bad breath. An indispensable tool in every mother's medicine cabinet. By diluting it with water, you can disinfect everything and take it internally as an antibiotic. It is used in the early stages of candidiasis (thrush), nail and foot fungus, viral diseases, flu, herpes, solves all oral problems, especially stomatitis. In the treatment of helminths and for their prevention. Lichen, seborrhea, psoriasis, dermatitis of various origins. Each bottle has a recipe for each occasion.

On iHerb there are also options based on grapefruit seed extract that I have tested, only with a more narrowly targeted effect:
  • Nasal spray NutriBiotic, Nasal Spray, with Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Spray for the throat NutriBiotic Throat Spray
  • Ear drops NutriBiotic, Ear Drops with Grapefruit Seed Extract + Tea Tree Oil, effectively remove chronic pain and sensitivity to cold in the ears, a godsend for swimmers.

Directions for use and dosage of grapefruit seed extract:

Under no circumstances, do not take undiluted extract orally, or drop undiluted extract into your nose or eyes! This can cause burns to the mucous membranes!

For diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT:

1. Inflammation of the nose and paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), colds, flu, runny nose. Dilute 3 drops per 100 ml. boiled water. Instill the resulting solution into the nose 2-3 times a day.
2.Pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, asthma. Dilute 20 drops in 100-200 ml. water or juice, take 2 times a day. For asthma, regular use should continue for at least 3 months.
3. Sore throat, inflammation of the throat, tonsils (sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis). Dilute 10 drops in a glass of warm boiled water and gargle with the resulting solution 5-7 times a day.
4. Otitis. Mix 3-6 drops of grapefruit seed extract with 30 ml. glycerin, drop 1-2 drops into the ear 2 times a day or as needed.
5. For conjunctivitis. 1 drop of grapefruit seed extract per 30 ml of water. In the acute phase, drop two drops into each eye every 2 hours, then 4 times a day.

For diseases of the digestive system:

For skin diseases, problem skin and mucous membranes:

1. Rash, urticaria, herpes zoster. Dilute 10 drops of extract in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Apply the resulting solution with a cotton swab to the affected areas 2 times a day. For purulent inflammation of the skin, before applying the solution, you need to dry the affected area of ​​the skin.
2.Scabies. 20 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil, massage into entire body.
3.Dermatitis. 3-5 drops per tablespoon of carrier oil, rub 2-3 times a day onto the affected area.
4. Psoriasis, neurodermatitis, urticaria. Apply 3-5 drops of extract per tablespoon of jojoba oil to irritated skin.
5.Eczema. Add 8-10 drops of extract to 100 ml. boiled chilled water, shake. Dry the affected areas of the skin and moisten with the resulting product. Leave for 3-5 minutes and rinse with body temperature water. Then thoroughly rinse the affected areas with a highly diluted aqueous solution of the extract.
6.Problem skin (pimples, acne, blackheads). Moisturize the skin, apply 1-4 drops to problem areas with your fingertips, massage, rinse. It is not recommended to apply Grapefruit Seed Extract for more than 2 minutes or on dry skin. If the skin is hypersensitive, the extract should be diluted with water before rubbing. If you squeeze out a pimple, then disinfect the wound with 1 drop of extract on a damp finger.
7.Dandruff, scalp diseases, lice. Add 5-10 drops to a small amount of shampoo and wash your hair with this solution. If there are lice, leave the shampoo on your head for 30 minutes to act, then rinse. Repeat after 3 days.
8.Cuts, scratches, abrasions. Place 1 drop on a damp finger to treat the wound.
9. Sores on the skin. 3 drops per tablespoon of water - moisten the bandage with the solution.
10. Herpes on the lips, cracks on the lips. 4-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil. Lubricate your lips several times a day.
11. Warts. Apply undiluted grapefruit seed extract directly to the wart 2 times a day.
12. Varicose veins and trophic ulcers. Dilute 30 drops per 100 ml. water. Soak gauze with the resulting solution and apply to the sore spot (if there are no open wounds) overnight.
13. Fungal diseases of the skin and nails. Lubricate the affected area several times a day with a 10% solution of Grapefruit Seed Extract (in water, oil or glycerin) or pure extract (drop 5 drops onto a damp palm).
14. Inflammation of the nail bed. Apply 3-4 drops of undiluted extract three times a day to the sore spot with gentle massaging movements. Don't wash it off. Or 5 drops per tablespoon of oil. Apply several times a day.
15.Mastitis. 8 drops per tablespoon of massage oil and lubricate the chest.
16.Vaginitis, thrush. 1-3 drops of grapefruit seed extract + 2-3 drops of tea tree oil per 1/4 liter. water, treat with a swab soaked in the solution. Or syringe with a solution: 2 drops of extract per glass of warm water.
17.For intimate care. 1-2 drops on a damp cloth.
18.Heavy sweating . 20-25 drops of extract + 100 ml. Pour water into a spray bottle. Can be used as a deodorant. Or put 2 drops on a damp palm and rub into sweating areas (armpits, legs).
19. Diaper dermatitis (in infants). 5 drops of extract per tablespoon of jojoba oil, lubricate the natural folds of the skin.
20. Hemorrhoids. 30-50 drops in a sitz bath with barely hot water - take half a minute.
21.Insect bites. Place 1 drop of pure extract on a wet finger and lubricate the bite area. If you are bitten by a tick, you must first remove it.
22. Calluses. 30 drops per foot bath. After such a bath, calluses are easily removed.

Oral care:

1. Inflammation of the gums, bad breath. 5 drops per glass of water. Rinse for 10 seconds, 1-2 times a day.
2.Caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis. 1-2 drops onto a damp toothbrush, brush your teeth, then rinse your mouth with a solution containing 10 drops of extract.
3. Yeast infection (thrush) in the mouth of children and infants. 1-10 drops (depending on age) per glass of water - treat with a swab soaked in the solution 2-3 times a day.
4.Aphthous ulcers. 1-10 drops per glass of water (depending on the severity of the disease) - rinse your mouth or treat it with a tampon soaked in the solution 2-3 times a day.
5.Disinfection of toothbrushes. Dissolve 5-10 drops of extract in water, dip toothbrushes in the solution for 15 minutes, rinse.

Use in everyday life:

1. Washing the floors. Dilute 50 drops per 10 liters. water.
2.Destruction of mold on walls and ceilings. 15 drops per glass of water - spray with a spray bottle.
3.Disinfection of premises. Add 20 drops per 1 liter. detergent.
4.Carpet cleaning. 20 drops per 1 liter. water. Clean the carpet with this solution.
5.Destruction of unpleasant odors in the room. Place a few drops on the tile.
6.Disinfection (washing) of food (fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, chicken, etc.). Dilute 20 drops per 1 liter. water.
7.Disinfection of dishes (including children's) and kitchen surfaces. Dilute 20 drops per 1 liter. water.
8.Increasing the shelf life of products. Dilute 20 drops per 1 liter. water - place the product in the solution for a few minutes. The shelf life increases by 4-5 times.
9. Rinsing laundry. 20 drops in rinse water.
10.Plant treatment (fighting insect pests, mold, etc.) Dilute 30 drops per 1/2 - 1 liter. water, spray on the required area.
11.Water disinfection. 10 drops per 1 liter of water.
12.Disinfection of swimming pools. 20 ml. per 100 liters of water.
13.Increasing the shelf life of cosmetics. Drop 1 drop into cream, gel, shampoo, etc.

Precautionary measures:

Grapefruit seed extract is non-toxic and does not cause side effects compared, for example, with the same tea tree oil when taken orally.
To avoid damage to the mucous membrane, you should never take Grapefruit Seed Extract orally undiluted!
For more than 6 weeks, grapefruit seed extract can only be taken with a doctor's permission.

Contraindications for the use of grapefruit seeds

Many scientists believe that overindulgence this citrus is dangerous for postmenopausal women, it may cause cancer mammary gland. It is not recommended to consume grapefruit if you have liver diseases, since the substance furanocoumarin contained in this fruit promotes blood concentration. Women taking hormonal hormones should be wary of excessive consumption of grapefruit. birth control pills, because the juice of this citrus will reduce the effectiveness of their action. It is contraindicated to eat grapefruit for people suffering from gastritis with increased content acidity of gastric juice.

About 50 cannot be combined with GSE medicines: immunosuppressants, antibiotic erythromycin, antihistamines, cardiac, hormonal, antitumor. This is due to the fact that grapefruit contains special substances that inhibit the functioning of the liver, which leads to a slowdown in output. medicines from the body.

Information: where is the best place to buy grapefruit seed extract? presented in the form of a comparison of all analogues on the market.

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