Why does heart rate increase after exercise? What pulse is considered normal during exercise. What does it depend on

As you know, in the process of heart contractions, the walls of the arteries oscillate, this phenomenon is called the pulse. In other words, we can say that this is the reaction of blood vessels to the level of their blood supply and pressure during one cardiac cycle. It should be noted that the pulse of a healthy person per minute is different, because it depends on various concomitant factors, so sometimes deviations from the norm do not indicate any disease. To some extent, it is he who is one of the main indicators of the general condition of a particular organism.

What is a normal pulse?

If we take the average, then the pulse of a healthy person for a minute should be 70 beats, it would be more correct to clarify that this indicator fluctuates between 60 and 80 beats. Do not miss the fact that for each adult this indicator is individual.

Interesting! When a person's age reaches 60-80 years, there is an increase in fluctuations. In old age, he reaches 80 strokes for a certain period of time, which is also the norm.

The heart rate tends to change when exposed to certain factors, it can be:

  • plentiful food;
  • a state of nervous excitement;
  • excess weight;
  • increased body temperature and blood pressure;
  • anemia, asthma;
  • burst of adrenaline, etc.
  • Many athletes know that during training, you need to control your heart rate. Before you get acquainted with how to calculate it correctly, you need to understand what the pulse of a healthy person should be during exercise, because this is very important. It should be borne in mind that this indicator also depends on the age of the person. For example, up to 22 years old with physical activity, the limit is 110-150 beats, and already at 29-39 the range will be 105-140, and so on. As a rule, the pulse of a healthy person per minute after exercise should decrease and gradually return to normal within a maximum of 5 minutes. Therefore, by measuring it after exercise, you can immediately understand the state of your cardiovascular system.

    Important! The pulse of a healthy person per minute decreases significantly at night and can reach 40-50 beats. This is due to the fact that vagotonia of the vagus nerve predominates in us at night. This circumstance negatively affects the work of the heart muscle, but this is not a sign of any pathological process.

    Measurement method

    In some life situations under certain circumstances, it is very important to control the frequency of contractions of blood vessels. However, you need to understand that the accuracy of the result directly depends on the ability to do it correctly. For example, what do you think, why count the pulse of a healthy person for a minute during exercise? In fact, thanks to the readings received, you can understand how suitable this or that type of load is, in addition, by monitoring these data, you can constantly train in the fat burning zone. Many experts believe that it is easier to focus not on well-being, but on heart rate.

    If you decide to assess the state of your body, then it is better to do this between breakfast and lunch, because then the heartbeats are more rhythmic.

    Important! The indicators obtained on the wrist of the right and left hands will differ from each other, so it makes sense to measure them on both limbs.

    In the process of determining the degree of pulsation, it is necessary to use only the index, middle, ring fingers (you can get by with two) and in no case the big one.

    You need to press lightly, but at the same time achieve a distinct feeling. In addition to the wrist, the following arteries can become a measurement site:

    1. sleepy;
    2. popliteal;
    3. femoral;
    4. shoulder;
    5. temporal.

    There are a number of situations where you shouldn't do this because the result will be inaccurate. So, if you want to determine the rate of contractions of your heart, then it is not advisable to do this after:

    • eating;
    • physical activity;
    • mental work;
    • baths;
    • sex or massage.

    Also, the data obtained will not be accurate during menstruation or when you are overcome by a feeling of hunger. By adhering to these principles, you can accurately determine your characteristic pulse, as for a healthy person per minute.

    What diseases can be hidden

    As already mentioned, the pulse of a healthy person per minute while walking can increase.

    To calculate the optimal indicator, you can use a special formula (subtract age from 220). However, you need to distinguish standard indications from uncharacteristic ones. This may be due to functional abnormalities in the heart or its organic lesions, in addition, damage to the body of a toxic and traumatic nature is reflected. Malfunctions of potassium metabolic processes and magnesium, endocrine diseases, and age-related changes can also be expressed by similar disorders. The same happens in cases where the body requires an increased blood supply.

    Causes for concern

    Knowing what the optimal pulse per minute of an average person should be (from 60 to 80 beats), everyone should understand that it is necessary to be alert and think about going to the doctor if.

    To determine the exercise heart rate at which you will achieve the maximum result, use the three steps described below. Using simple formulas, you will calculate your heart rate and understand what degree of load you have at the moment. This one is suitable for any kind of training, such as running, cardio training, etc.

    1. Determine your resting heart rate (Rest Pulse, RP)

    Count your pulse in the morning as soon as you wake up, before you start doing anything. It can be right in bed. Count your pulse beats for 60 seconds. This will be your resting pulse.

    2. Determine your approximate maximum heart rate (MP)

    The average and simplified formula is this: subtract your current age in years from 220. A more precise formula looks like this:

    Remember, this is just an approximate pulse.

    3. Determine the heart rate during exercise using the Karvonen formula

    The table below shows the average percentage of your maximum heart rate for various loads, or training intensities.

    Since exercise heart rate is often between 60-80% of your maximum heart rate, use one or the other value in the Karvonen formula below. This will be your heart rate during exercise, at which you should train.

    So, let's collect all the data together in a single formula and calculate the pulse during loads according to the Karvonen formula:

    Exercise heart rate = ((Estimated maximum heart rate - Resting heart rate) * Intensity) + Resting heart rate


    Age: 27
    Gender: woman
    Rest Pulse: 70
    Beginner: medium load (60-65% of the maximum heart rate)

    1. Calculate first the approximate maximum heart rate (MP)

    Women: maximum heart rate = 209 - (age in years * 0.9)
    Men: maximum heart rate = 214 - (age in years * 0.8)

    MP \u003d 209 - (27 * 0.9) \u003d 185 beats per minute

    2. Now let's calculate MP - PP (maximum pulse minus resting pulse) This will make further calculations easier for us.

    MP - PP \u003d 185 - 70 \u003d 115

    3. Multiply the resulting number by% of the maximum load at which we want to train and add the resting heart rate

    (115 * 60%) + 70 = 139 bpm

    (115 * 65%) + 70 = 145 bpm

    Therefore, we calculated that the pulse at loads of 60-65% should be 139-145 beats per minute. Substituting any load level from the table above into this formula, it is easy to determine the heart rate for any load.

    The pulse of a person depends on age, the work of the heart muscle and the degree of physical activity. While exercising, you need to monitor your heart rate. Deviations from the norm indicate a malfunction in the body. Therefore, you should monitor the heart rate during physical exertion.

    Pulse zone

    The number of heartbeats in a minute is called the pulse. Experts determine from a state of rest to the maximum load of the body. When playing sports, information about the zones is useful. With a heart rate in one zone, a person loses weight, in another increases endurance or may get a heart attack. The boundaries of the zones are determined by special laboratory tests that athletes undergo, but approximate indicators can also be calculated at home.

    The maximum allowable heartbeat is calculated by the formula Pmax = 220 - age. Depending on the larger indicator, the remaining zones are calculated as follows:

    Pulse rate

    If the pulse rate is in the range of 60-80 beats per minute, then they say that the heart rate is within the normal range. The increase and decrease in the number of strokes may depend on the activity of the person. The normal heart rate during exercise reaches 100 beats per minute. This is not dangerous if the heartbeat quickly recovered. Causes that cause an increase or decrease in the pulse:

    • sports training, cardio load increase heart muscle contractions;
    • in athletes, the heart beats more slowly in a calm state than in an ordinary person;
    • during sleep and in the supine position, the frequency of contractions is lower;
    • increased heart rate occurs with fear, joy, a stressful situation;
    • changes occur during the day, in the morning the rhythm is less than in the evening;
    • with an increase in body temperature to 37 ° C or in a hot environment, the heart works faster;
    • with age, the frequency of strokes decreases;
    • hormonal changes affect the contraction of the heart muscle.

    Pulse and age

    Contraction of the heart muscle is an indicator of human health. The heartbeat is determined in a child inside the mother. With the help of ultrasound, the heart rate is determined from the first weeks of fetal life. Depending on age and size, these rates can vary from 75 to 150 beats per minute.

    A decrease in indicators indicates an oxygen deficiency and may have a negative effect on the fetus.

    In newborns, the pulse remains high and decreases with age. At the same time, physical activity in a child causes a greater increase in heart rate than in an adult. This is due to the rapid growth of the body and the smaller size of the heart. in a calm state, the following: newborns 110-170 beats, as they grow older, the pulse decreases every year. By the age of 15, it reaches the pulse of an adult - 60-80 beats. After 60 years, the heart rate increases again and reaches 90 beats.

    For each age there is a range of heart rate when playing sports. It is not recommended to bring to the maximum values. Permissible heart rate during exercise should be from 50 to 80% of the maximum heart rate. That is why it is so important to monitor your pulse. Norm by age during physical activity:

    Change in heart rate during exercise

    When exercising, the heart rate increases and the body requires additional energy. To obtain it, it is necessary to deliver oxygen to all tissues. It does this by increasing circulation, heart rate, and blood pressure.

    The rate of heart rate during physical exertion, as a rule, increases. But sometimes there are situations in which the heart rate becomes less frequent and bradycardia appears. The symptom occurs in athletes or people who have a malfunction in the cardiovascular system.

    After exercise indicates sinus arrhythmia. The heartbeat is within the normal range or accelerated. This is not a pathology and usually does not require the abolition of physical activity.

    The pulse rate during physical exertion in men differs from the norm for women. The heartbeat during the day depends on the degree of activity of the man. The degree of fitness of a man has a special effect on the heart rate. For athletes, the norm will be 20-30% lower than for untrained people.

    The pulse at rest in a man is 60-80 beats per minute. At the same time, at least 20-40 minutes should pass after the last workout. The time will depend on the degree of stress on the man.

    With active walking, the heart rate is up to 90 beats per minute. In men who are overweight and lack daily walks, the frequency reaches 120 strokes.

    To calculate the maximum heart rate, a man should use the formula Pmax \u003d 220 - age. To maintain health and physical activity, it is necessary to train with a heart rate in the range of 60-80% of the maximum number of contractions.

    A man's heart rate reaches its lowest at night during sleep. But it is worth noting that the heart rate depends on the activity of the brain and during the REM phase it can increase.

    Pulse in women

    The pulse rate in women in childhood, adolescence and in an adult is different. The heart rate in women depends on the following factors:

    • hormonal changes in the body;
    • weight gain;
    • pregnancy;
    • menopause;
    • menstrual cycle;
    • binge eating;
    • diets;
    • strong coffee or tea;
    • smoking;
    • alcohol;
    • fear, joy and other emotions.

    The pulse rate in women during physical exertion depends on age. At the age of 20, the heart rate reaches 110-150 beats per minute during sports. At 30-40 years old, this figure decreases and reaches 105-140. Normally, heart beats should recover within 20 minutes. When training aimed at endurance, the time increases to 40 minutes.

    During pregnancy, the heart beat speeds up to supply oxygen to both mother and baby. In a calm state in the first trimester, the heart rate is 75-90 beats per minute. In the third trimester already 90-110. The pulse drops to normal levels 1.5-2 months after birth.

    The pulse after exercise (the norm during pregnancy) reaches 130-150 beats per minute. The increase occurs with fast walking, climbing stairs, emotions.

    How to measure the pulse?

    To measure the pulse at home, you need to find the points where it is best felt. To do this, put a hand on the arteries:

    • sleepy;
    • temporal;
    • ray;
    • brachial;
    • popliteal;
    • femoral;
    • brachial.

    The most popular way to determine heart rate is by measuring the radial artery, which is located on the wrist. To do this, you need to put three fingers on the radial artery, feel the pulsation and use a stopwatch to determine the number of beats per minute. For daily monitoring, measurement is carried out under equal conditions. To determine the rate of heart rate during physical exertion, the measurement is taken at the end of the workout and after 20 minutes.

    Cause of increased heart rate

    With an increase in heart rate, the following symptoms may appear: confusion, fainting, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, increased sweating, tremor. In this case, the help of a doctor is required. There may be several reasons for this condition:

    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • oncology;
    • poisoning;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • failure of the CNS.

    Such symptoms should not appear even after exercise. Within 20 minutes, the pulse should recover after exercise. The norm is its alignment within 40 minutes.

    Deviation of the heart rate from the norm should alert and become a reason to see a doctor. In case of failure in cardiac activity, it is necessary for a person to ensure peace, unbutton the shirt collar, wash with cold water and take a deep breath. An infusion of valerian or motherwort will help to reduce the pulse. After an attack, you should visit a cardiologist.

    It's no secret that in order to get rid of extra centimeters and fat in your body, you should train a lot. However, how do you know if you are training correctly or not? Have you put in enough effort to make your efforts worthwhile? Do I need to train hard? Or do you need to exercise in a gentle mode so that there is rest for the body?

    How to calculate the heart rate?

    It is believed that the normal heart rate of a healthy person is 70-90 beats per minute, but how to calculate the only correct heart rate at which the optimal amount of fat in your body will be burned? And here comes the first problem - since there are two interchangeable theories regarding this issue, you will have to choose one of them. It remains for us only to acquaint you with each of them.

    Regarding the first theory, the correct pulse is a low pulse, since it burns much more fat. Nutritionists are the adherents of this theory. And in some ways they are definitely right, since there is quite adequate evidence that at a low pulse the body begins to feed on its own fats. And there is also a miracle tablet, which you just need to familiarize yourself with.

    Pulse rate Carbs used,% Fats used,%
    Up to 80 About 20 Around 80
    124 65 35
    142 74 26
    159 90 10

    If we decipher our table, we will clearly and clearly see that with a pulse rate of only 80 beats, the body uses as much as 80 percent of fats, burns them, and only 20 percent of carbohydrates that are valuable to us. But with a maximum number of 159 strokes, we have a not so positive result, it turns out that the body burns only 10 percent of fats, and 90 percent of useful carbohydrates. to get the lowest heart rate during training.

    But even here there is one BUT - what about this famous formula for measuring heart rate, according to which 220-age * 70? What does she mean? Or has science gone far ahead and left it far behind?

    Here we move on to the second controversial theory. This formula gained fame thanks to its famous creator, in honor of which he received his name - the Karvonen formula. In fact, it is not so simple, because it has as many as three versions:

    The so-called simple - as we already mentioned (220 minus age) - is maximum heart rate during exercise(MCHP)

    The so-called gender - (220 minus age) - MCHP for men and (220 minus age minus 6) - MCHP for women.

    And the last (so-called difficult) - (220 minus age minus resting heart rate)

    So, in order to start burning fat, the optimal heart rate should be 60-80% of the highest. So, if we translate this into the language of our formula, we get the result that you need to keep the optimal heart rate between (220 minus age) * 0.6 and (220 minus age) * 0.8. So we get that for a lady of thirty years, the optimal heart rate will be the one that is between (220-30) * 0.6 and (220-30) * 0.8. If we make simple mathematical calculations, we will get the numbers 114 and 152. Finding the arithmetic mean is not difficult - it will be 135 beats per minute.

    So, the problem that confronts us is: if we train with a calculation of 135 beats per minute (after all, this is the result that Karvonen's formula showed us), then the greatest amount of fat will be burned. But if you trust nutritionists, then with such an intensity of the load, we will burn a huge amount of carbohydrates, and almost all fats will remain in their places, except for the ill-fated 30 percent. And how do you know who is worth believing and who is not? Who to consult?

    And here is the answer. If we are being extremely honest with you, then with all responsibility we declare to you that neither one nor the other can be trusted. Of course, somewhere in the depths of their souls, both of them have some kind of common sense, but the result is simple. If you trust nutritionists, then even the simplest walk should bring stunning results. Although according to our calculations, to get rid of half a kilo of fat at a normal walking speed of 3.2 kilometers per hour, you will have to walk 232 kilometers! So, in order to get real results, one way or another, you have to sweat a lot.

    And if you look closely at our formula, then there is no need to be smart, the author himself sometimes doubts its plausibility, and constantly focuses on its conventionality. One way or another, this formula has sunk into the head of the population, and it is now used quite widely, in particular for calculating the MCHP, although here it is clear to the hedgehog that the result of this MCHP should not be the result of subtracting age, but the result of the training of the individual himself (or untrainedness). The maximum heart rate will depend only on your physical fitness, because all this is the result of your work. So only specialized cardiological tests can help you determine this frequency, which will tell you the optimal frequency of your pulse, and not the pulse of a man or woman. And by the way, this result will constantly change, it is not a given for life, so if you once did it, but decided to repeat your training results, we advise you to start by re-checking with cardio tests.

    Another important indicator is the frequency of your workouts. American scientists conducted studies and showed that the most optimal frequency of training is from three to five times a week, it is during this time that your body has time to work well and have plenty of rest. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

    What are the goals of a person who decides to go in for fitness? Firstly, to make your figure more slender, and secondly, to improve your own health.

    But in order to make training as effective as possible and at the same time not cause harm to health, it is necessary to control the pulse during physical exertion.
    Why control pulse during exercise and how to do it correctly?
    In many fitness clubs, beginners are offered to undergo fitness testing before starting classes. This is necessary in order to determine the initial level of physical fitness of a person, as well as to correctly draw up a lesson plan that would take into account the individual pulse beginner zone.

    But what if the fitness club of your choice does not provide such services? You can learn to independently determine the degree of cardio load.

    Why is heart rate control necessary?

    Each person is individual. The optimal mode of physical activity should be selected taking into account age, gender, weight, health status, emotions, and physical fitness. To avoid excessively high stress on the heart and at the same time achieve maximum results, control is necessary. pulse.
    With the right training regimen and constant measurement pulse You can not only lose extra pounds, strengthen muscles, but also improve your health.

    Normal heart rate

    For an adult who is in a calm state, a heart rate of 60-100 beats per minute is considered the norm. 100 beats per minute is the upper limit. The lower the heart rate, the better the physical form. In people who play sports professionally, the heart muscle is so trained that at rest pulse can be equal to 40-50 beats per minute. This means that the heart muscle of a person who exercises regularly needs fewer contractions to provide the body with oxygen.

    How to determine your physical condition by controlling pulse?

    Pulse control can be carried out at home, being in a calm state. This allows you to evaluate the real physical form. It is necessary to measure the heart rate in the morning, after waking up.
    Waking up, a person must count the number of beats for one minute and write down or remember this indicator. After that, you need to rise sharply, count the number of beats in 10 seconds and multiply the result by 10. This will be the heart rate during physical exertion.
    Now you can compare both results. The difference between them should be about 12–22 units. The smaller it is, the better physical performance you have.
    It is customary to measure the pulse on the wrist. But this is not a prerequisite. You can measure the pulse on other large vessels: on the temples, on the carotid artery, at the elbow or in the groin.
    Now there are special electronic gadgets called heart rate monitors. These devices are useful to have with you and use during physical exertion.

    Maximum heart rate

    Knowing the maximum value of the heart rate is necessary in order to determine the optimal individual heart rate during physical exertion and set your own “training zone”. It is impossible to sharply go beyond its borders, this can negatively affect the state of health.
    The maximum heart rate is measured immediately after a three-minute exercise.
    There is another way to determine the maximum heart rate. This so-called age formula. To determine the maximum heart rate, you need to subtract your age from 220. Experts advise using both methods. This will help determine if a person's individual heart rate is in line with the average for their age. This difference is useful to consider when drawing up an individual training plan.

    Permissible physical activity

    After receiving information about your heart rate and evaluating your own initial physical form, you can begin to determine the training zone. It should be between 50% and 90% of your maximum heart rate. For example, when doing fitness, the heart rate should be about 65-85% of the maximum heart rate.
    Training zone
    Experts know that there are four main training zones. One or another zone is selected depending on the physical form of a person and his goals.
    wellness area, or low load zone. Your heart rate should be 50-60% of your maximum heart rate. This zone is recommended for beginners, people who return to training after injuries, as well as those who have problems with the state of the cardiovascular system.
    Moderate load zone. It is this zone that is enough to burn fat. Your heart rate should be 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. For training, a fast pace is chosen, which helps to quickly burn calories. This training area is suitable for people who do not have health problems.
    aerobic zone, or high load area. Heart rate - 70-80% of the maximum heart rate. Training takes place at a high pace, but since muscle glycogen is the main source of energy in this zone, the goal of training is not to burn fat. Work in the aerobic zone is recommended for professional athletes.
    Anaerobic threshold zone. The heart rate is equal to 80-90% of the maximum heart rate. This zone is different in that the athlete's body works to the limit. This is only possible for experienced professional athletes. For beginners, such loads are dangerous undermining health.
    If you learn to control your heart rate and work in your training zone, you can find a great figure and excellent health.