Pork meat yield based on live weight. What is the meat yield of pigs - a mechanism for determining and calculating slaughter weight

An adult domestic pig, an animal from the genus Artiodactyla, weighs from 140 to 300 kg. The ancestor of all pigs and boars living on livestock farms is the wild boar, which was domesticated about 7,000 years ago, and according to some sources, even earlier.

A large number of pig breeds bred by humans allows you to have a pig according to your own taste. If the owner of a pig wants to get appetizing lard, then it is better to stop at tallow breeds. Such individuals are distinguished by a special exterior: they have a wide body with a weighted front part and a fleshy ham. The peculiarity of the development of this type of pig is that at the age of six months the growth of muscle fibers in piglets stops and the process of fat deposition accelerates. The raw materials obtained from these breeds are characterized by a high content of adipose tissue. Most often, tallow breeds are bred, such as: Meishan, Mirgorodskaya, Breitovskaya, large black.

An adult pig weighs from 140 to 300 kg.

Meat breeds of boars (bacon), unlike their counterparts with significant fat accumulations, have an elongated body. The depth of the chest is less pronounced compared to the ham part. A distinctive feature of the development of meat breeds is the active growth of muscle tissue and the delayed deposition of adipose tissue. By 7-8 months, bacon pigs can gain up to 100 kg of live weight. The ratio of meat and lard, with proper slaughter, is 70% to 30%. In the livestock ranking, the leading positions are occupied by: Estonian bacon, Landrace, Duroc, Tamworth.

The third type of pig variety in livestock breeding is the low-fat breed. From them they get a sufficient amount of both lard and meat. A feature of such breeds is their high average daily growth rates - up to 980 grams of live weight. The ratio of meat and lard at slaughter is 60 to 40. Representatives of such breeds as large white, northern Siberian, and Ukrainian steppe white have become widespread.

The modern fashion for pigs allows you to have a pig not only in a barn, but also in your own apartment. Decorative pigs (mini pigs) have settled in the homes of celebrities, replacing the usual dogs and cats. The cheerful disposition of these animals captivated man, and their intelligence and intelligence made the pet a pet. Now there are about 30 breeds of such miniature pigs and the popularity of these inhabitants is constantly growing in different countries. It has become a common occurrence to meet on the streets of Tokyo or London a person walking a funny spotted piglet on a leash instead of a dog. The weight of mini pigs is no more than 25 kg, which is comparable to the weight of a boxer or schnauzer dog.

How much do different breeds of pigs weigh?

The variety of pig breeds is not only great, but also amazing in shape, color and other qualities. Below we talk about the unusual varieties of pigs that can be found on a pig farm.

Pigs are able to distinguish the person who feeds them and, grunting joyfully, run towards him when he brings food. No matter how different pigs are in color, shape and body structure, no matter how much they weigh, all breeds of these friendly and active animals are an integral and popular part of any farmstead.

To determine the approximate weight of an animal, a pig weight table is usually used. It was compiled based on the results of body measurements. However, there are tables that determine weight depending on the age of the pig. Of course, this gives approximate values ​​for the mass of the animal. These tables can be adjusted during use, during control measurements of piglets. Data, first of all, is needed to adjust the amount of feed during the growth period of animals and calculate medications in case of their illness.

There are often times when you need to find out the weight of a pig, but there is no appropriate equipment on the farm

There are often times when you need to find out the weight of a pig, but the farm does not have the appropriate equipment. And then the question arises of how to determine the weight of a pig without scales. Many experienced livestock breeders can approximately determine the weight of their piglets “by eye”, with an accuracy of up to 10 kg. This parameter depends on many factors: breed, age, living conditions, diet, etc.

Using practical data from measuring and weighing animals, a table of the dependence of their weight on size was compiled. The results of measuring the chest circumference are plotted horizontally, starting from 60 cm and then after 4 cm, and vertically - the length of the torso from 38 cm with the same interval. To do this, measure the animal's chest circumference along the shoulder blades and the length of the body from the root of the tail to the nape line. To obtain a more accurate result, the animal must keep its head straight. Then, an approximate result is read from the table at the intersection of the obtained values. To make it more accurate, measurements are taken before the animal’s first feeding. This table has an error of 4-11%.

To determine the approximate weight of an animal, a pig weight table is usually used

On some small farms, farmers adjust the live weight values ​​in the table based on the results of control weighing and compile it for each. Before a pig's weight is measured on a scale, it is taken out of the pen and placed on a special area. For an animal, this is a stressful condition, during which it loses 2-2.5% of its live weight. Therefore, this is how the weight of an adult pig is determined before slaughter. In other cases, they use measurement results and tables.

Sorting piglets for fattening (video)

Calculation methods

Sometimes you need to find out the weight of a pig without scales and tables. There are several ways to determine the approximate live weight of a pig. In it, the calculation of weight is carried out depending on the fatness of the pig. There are 3 degrees of fatness, for which their own coefficients are determined:

  • weak - 162;
  • average - 156;
  • good - 142.

To determine live weight, the pig is measured in exactly the same way as in the previous case. Fatness is determined approximately “by eye”. Then the measurement results in centimeters are multiplied and divided by the selected coefficient. The result obtained will be an indicator of the live weight of the pig. This method is the most approximate, but is suitable for determining the mass of both adult and small pigs.

There is a relationship between the weight of a piglet and its age. The data is obtained by practically weighing the animal and entered into a table. It is compiled in approximately the same way as the table given above. The exact weight depends on many factors. This is the breed of pigs, living conditions, the number of heads in the pen, feeding standards, etc.

Determination of live weight is possible with an accuracy of 2-8 kg, depending on the age of the piglets. After repeated data correction, the accuracy of the determination increases significantly.

With good feeding, piglets actively gain weight and at 6 months the average weight of a pig reaches 100-110 kg. If animals are raised for sale or meat, their further maintenance is unprofitable. They will grow more slowly, and gain weight due to the increase in fat, which will increase its yield. If the weight of the pig, determined from the weight table, does not coincide with the data on how much the pig weighs by month, then most likely the problem is in the feed, in its composition or quantity.

In order to find out how much a pig weighs, you can use not only electronic and mechanical floor scales, but also canter scales. Usually they weigh animals up to 3-4 months. This process can be carried out directly in the paddock. When measuring in this way, the pig does not succumb to stress, and the process itself goes much faster.

Weight of Vietnamese piglets (video)

Slaughter yield of meat

This is the ratio of carcass weight after slaughter and processing to live weight before slaughter, expressed as a percentage. Knowing the weight of an adult pig, it is easy to determine how much meat will be produced. This is especially necessary for those farmers who independently sell their products. The weight of a boar before slaughter is a determining indicator of meat yield. When slaughtered, the boar is bled, gutted, cut off at the joints, and in some cases skinned. The remaining meat, lard and bones are slaughter yield. On average, the yield of meat and lard is about 77%, and without by-products - 66%.

There is a relationship between a piglet's weight and its age.

The number of bones in a pork carcass weighing 100 kg is about 10 kg (10%). This is almost 2.5 times less than in beef and lamb carcasses, and there is 20-25% more meat. After slaughter, a pig weighs on average 100-110 kg. There is approximately 3-3.5 times less fat in such a carcass than meat, and the ratio will be 20-23 and 70-73 kg, respectively. By weighing, you can determine the yield of by-products. It usually amounts to:

  • heart - 0.35 kg;
  • light - 0.8 kg;
  • liver - 1.5 kg;
  • kidneys - 0.25 kg

The head of a 100-kilogram carcass will weigh about 8 kg. After slaughter and determination of weight, the carcass is divided into 2 half carcasses of pork. Experienced carvers do this with a sharpened axe, cutting it exactly in the middle of the ridge. You get 2 absolutely identical parts of half a pork carcass. After which they are hung to cool and remove excess moisture. A cold, dark room is used for this. The fully prepared half carcasses can then be transported to market or stored in a cold storage room.

If an animal is slaughtered for its own consumption, then the pork half-carcasses are usually immediately cut into parts. There is no single standard for home butchering, and each butcher does it differently. Next, the meat needs to be weighed and then left to ripen. This way you can determine not only the weight of each cut part, but also the slaughter yield of meat.

It's not difficult to do it yourself. It is necessary to attend this procedure several times, preferably as an assistant. It is advisable to do this with several different butchers, since each of them has its own characteristics in cutting. Gutting the carcass requires special care. If the intestines are damaged and the contents enter the peritoneum, the meat will acquire a characteristic unpleasant odor and, accordingly, its yield will decrease. Therefore, to obtain a product of good presentation, all work on cutting the carcass must be carried out carefully.

Fattening piglets from 4 months of age. When suckling piglets grow up, they enter the age of gilts. The live weight of gilts at 4 months ranges from 15 to 30 kg. The period of fattening begins, which is called growing pigs; pigs must gain weight up to 50 - 60 kg in 3-4 months. During this period, the foundation is laid for a successful fattening period for pigs. The feed for piglets should provide the piglet with all the necessary elements for the complete growth of the pig's bones and muscle tissue, on which fat will be deposited.

In order for a piglet to eat well on cheap feed, it must be taught from an early month. To do this, give the gilts as much young grass as possible, quinoa and nettle are especially useful, you can give weeds from weeding the garden and plants from thinning the crops. Piglets aged gilts are excellent at eating food waste, which significantly reduces the cost of feeding pigs. Depending on the quality of kitchen waste, the amount of concentrate is increased or decreased. For one piglet for the growing period (3-4 months) you will need to purchase 100-110 kilograms of concentrates. The rest of the feed will be kitchen food scraps and plant feed.

The table shows the approximate composition of the pig's feed during the growing period; this is the most economical set of feed for 4 months. With this food, the gilt should give an average daily gain of 300 to 500 grams and gain weight up to 60 kg.

Pigs cannot eat whole bushes of grass, so plant food for animals must be prepared in advance. Chop or grind the herb in any way and pour boiling water over it, let stand for 1.5-2.0 hours until the herb is steamed. Part of the grass, but in small quantities, is useful to give to piglets fresh, between feedings. Piglets grow well, having the opportunity to graze freely on the lawn, at least for a short time. In the meadow they eat grass, which is very useful for obtaining good weight gain.

Piglets give good weight gain on boiled potatoes, however, just like . Boil potatoes, carrots or beets and mix with steamed plant food, add concentrate, and flavor the piglet feed with skim milk or whey to improve the taste. This way they will be more willing to eat any mess.

Grass and hay, as already mentioned, are excellent feed for piglets and pigs. But the hay must first be prepared. It is cut with a special straw cutter or chopped into dust with an ax. Then they are steamed with boiling water, kept for 2-3 hours and then fed to the piglets.

Hay dust is a better feed for piglets than chopped hay. Trash is the upper parts of plants, their leaves and inflorescences, so trash is more nutritious and useful.

The chaff is also steamed for 2-3 hours before being given to the pigs, then mixed with potatoes or beets and given to the pigs.

When the pigs gain the required weight, their rearing begins the fattening period.

Pigs are distinguished by their fertility and rapid growth. Their rapid growth makes it possible to obtain a pig weighing up to 120 kg by 8-9 months, and with good fattening in adulthood, pigs weigh up to 250 kg. Piglets and gilts are ready for slaughter at the age of 5-6 months.

Every pig farmer needs to know what the meat yield of pigs is, because they are raised to produce precisely this product. This indicator will also be important for sales, it will allow you to evaluate the profitability of cultivation and calculate the feeding standards for pigs. The ratio of live weight of a piglet or boar to slaughter weight, the amount of pork produced is determined as a percentage equivalent. The calculation is made using formulas and is not very difficult.

It is important to be able to determine slaughter weight

Average pig weight

The weight of a grown pig depends on the chosen breed and proper feeding. The heaviest pigs are the Large White breed, the most common in Russia. The weight of the boar reaches 300-350 kg. The average weight of a boar of the Mirgorod breed is about 230-260 kg. For a pig, the normal average weight is 200-250 kg. However, a small Vietnamese pig can reach a weight of 140 kg, and a large white breed sow weighs twice as much, up to 330-350 kg.

Increasing the weight of piglets primarily depends on proper, high-quality feeding. Having a weight of 50-60 kg at the age of 3-4 months, when fed ad libitum, the piglet reaches a weight of 90 kg or more in 3 months.

Determination of live weight without scales

Not every household has suitable scales, but the weight of a pig can be determined quite accurately without them. There are several proven methods. To be on the safe side, you can use them all at once.

To calculate, you will need to measure the chest circumference and body length of the animal. Chest girth is determined by placing a measuring tape behind the front legs at the corners of the shoulder blades. Body length is measured from the middle of the back of the head to the root of the tail. To avoid errors in calculations, the pig should not raise or lower its head when measuring.

Simplified formula

Formula based on fat content

The body condition index for fatty pigs is 142, for medium-fat meat-fat breeds it is 156, and for lean animals it is 162.

Multiply chest circumference with torso length and divide the result by the specified constant.

Definition from the table

The mass is determined at the intersection of the same measurements.

Pig weight determination table

The biomass of a fattened piglet may change during the day. Net weight is the body weight of an animal without the contents of the stomach, intestines and bladder. Therefore, the animal is weighed several hours before feeding.

Killer exit

This is the percentage of carcass weight after processing to the live weight of the pig before slaughter. During slaughter, the animal is bled, gutted, cut off at the hock and carpal joints of the leg, head, and skinned. The remaining amount of meat, bones and fat is called slaughter yield. This indicator depends on the breed, age, sex, type of fattening and degree of fatness.

The slaughter yield of meat and lard averages 70-85%. With a live weight of a pig of 100 kg, the pork yield is 72-75%, 120-150 kg - 77-80%, over 180 kg - 80-85%. The average yield of meat and lard is 77%, without by-products - 66%.

You can determine how much meat you can get from a pig with a live weight of 110 kg by subtracting approximately 2.5-3 kg of waste and about 10 kg of bones. The lard will account for approximately 23 kg. As a result, we get a yield of pure pork - 73 kg.

The slaughter yield of meat and lard averages 70-85%

The head of a 100-kilogram carcass weighs about 8-9 kg, the liver - 1.6 kg, the heart - 320 g, the kidneys - 260 g, the lungs - 800 g.

Factors influencing meat yield

Before slaughter, pigs are given food no later than 8-12 hours in advance and try to expose them to the least amount of stress. List of factors according to which meat yield can be determined:

  • Accurate weighing before and after slaughter provides the most accurate data on pork yield per animal.
  • Keeping piglets on slatted floors increases weight compared to rearing them on straw bedding.
  • Carcasses are heavier in meat breeds. A Landrace or Pietrain pig produces more pork than a large white pig.
  • A castrated boar is 1% less in slaughter weight than an uncastrated boar, and 1.5% lower than a pig due to the difference in the weight of the genitals.
  • Diet composition, feed quality and feeding level also affect production yield. Eating diets high in fiber results in less weight gain than diets rich in nutrient dense foods.
  • Prolonged deprivation of nutrition mobilizes the body to perform vital functions. During a day without feeding, an animal can lose up to 3.5-3.8% of body weight and up to 2% of carcass weight, respectively.
  • When slaughtered at a slaughterhouse, transporting animals reduces slaughter weight by up to 2%. As a result of stress, pigs lose a kilogram of live weight every quarter of the day.
  • The experience of the slaughterer and cutter of pigs also influences the yield of meat products.

In terms of output for consumption, pig farming is more profitable than raising cattle and sheep. Compared to other types of animals, the pork yield is 20-25% higher. There is 2.5 times less in pork carcasses and bones. The content of the highest percentage of edible solids in meat, the chemical composition and characteristic taste are valued by consumers and increase the profitability of raising pigs for fattening.

The best way to find out the weight of a pig is to weigh it using a special electronic scale.

Scales for weighing large animals are a cage with two doors. The animal enters one and exits the other. Under its platform there are four sensors that convert the amount of deformation into weight indicators.

Small piglets can be weighed on a household scale by placing them in a bag or sack. But as they grow, you will still have to look for alternative options or still buy special scales. And you can’t do without weighing. Especially if you experiment with feed, vitamins and constantly monitor changes in the weight of animals.

Accurate information about weight is also necessary when determining the dosage of drugs for an animal illness or veterinary measures. And also for formulating the selling price.

If accuracy is not important, then approximate methods can be used. That is, calculate it using formulas and tables.

Or use grandma's old method.

Measuring weight in quarters

A quarter is the distance between the widely spaced index and thumb fingers.

The essence of the method is that the length of the piglet's back is measured in quarters from the back of the head to the tail. It is believed that one quarter is equal to a pound of meat. Therefore, multiplying the number of quarters by 16 kilograms, we get the weight of a live pig. That is, the formula looks like this:

L.H=Chx16 kg,

Zh.V. - live weight of the pig,

H - number of quarters,

16 kg - one pound of weight.

This method is very approximate. It does not take into account many factors: breed, age, fatness. Therefore, it can only be used in extreme cases.

A more accurate way is to determine the weight using a table.

Using tables

To determine the weight using this method, two parameters are already taken into account - the length of the body and the circumference of the chest at the level of the shoulder blades. The same as with . Measurements are taken using an ordinary measuring tape.

It is difficult to take measurements alone. Since it is necessary to ensure the pig’s immobility, and also to ensure that its head does not hang down. Otherwise, the measurements will be inaccurate, and, as a result, the weight will be determined incorrectly.

The figure shows how to take measurements correctly. Check the obtained data with the table. At the intersection of the lines corresponding to the length of the torso and the circumference of the chest, obtain the desired weight.

Weight calculation formula

The measured parameters do not always fall within the values ​​presented in the table. But if you know the formula by which it was calculated, you can always determine the weight of your animal.

Here is the formula:


  • Zh.V. - live weight of the pig;
  • OG - chest circumference;
  • DT - body length.

Formula for calculating weight taking into account the correction factor

When determining weight using this formula, one more parameter is added - the pig's fatness, which is characterized by correction factors.

The breeds of pigs are:

  • greasy;
  • meat and greasy;
  • meat.

Each of them is assigned its own correction factor. Its value is respectively: 142;156;162.

Therefore, the formulas will look like:

  • for fatty pigs - (OG x DF)/142;
  • for pigs of average fatness - (OG x DT)/156;
  • for thin people - (OG x DT)/162

Determining the weight of piglets

If there are no scales, then the piglet’s weight can be determined according to the average statistical data of their development by week and month. This information is presented in the table below.


Weight, kg.


One month

2÷3 months

3÷4 months

4÷6 months

6÷7 months

9÷10 months

It is recommended not to feed or water the animal for two or three hours before measuring and weighing. Then the resulting live weight value will be as reliable as possible and close to its useful weight. But still, the calculation error will be quite high (about twenty kilograms). Therefore, when adjusting feed or buying and selling an animal, it is better to use electronic scales.

Determination of slaughter weight

The concept of “slaughter weight” does not include the entire mass of the killed carcass. It does not take into account the weight of the hooves, tail, entrails and head. It can be calculated in advance with a small error, based on live weight, the value of which is obtained by weighing or measuring the animal before slaughter. Slaughter weight is calculated using the formula:

U.V.= (V.T.)/(L.V.) x 100%,

U.V. - slaughter weight,

V.T. - carcass weight,

Zh.V. - live weight

As you can see, the slaughter yield is determined as a percentage. Thus, the slaughter yield of pig meat is 70 - 85%. It depends on the fatness of the animal.

  • For pigs from 80 to 100 kg - 70÷75%.
  • From 150 to 180 kg - 80÷82%.
  • Above 180 kg - 83÷85%.

The slaughter yield of pigs exceeds that of other large domestic animals. For example,

  • in cows it is 50÷60%;
  • in goats and sheep - 44÷52%.

When selling a whole pork carcass, the price for it is set at an average price. That is, all parts are sold at the same price. Now it is about 200 rubles for any kilogram of carcass. Old and high-fat animals are sold cheaper. Their meat is of lower quality - tougher and more watery.

Features of weight gain

The popularity of pig farming in homestead farming is explained by many factors. Namely,

  • short period of gestation (pregnancy) of the uterus - 114 days;
  • numerous offspring;
  • rapid weight gain;
  • undemanding to feed and low cost;
  • high slaughter input in comparison with other domestic animals;
  • tasty and nutritious meat.

When pigs are raised for meat, they are kept for approximately nine months. In a year they may have their first farrow. During the year, the queen produces two farrows.

The piglet will gain weight faster if it is not alone. He needs the company of his peers. Then, seeing competitors, he will eat food more actively. This is explained by the fact that pigs are small herd animals.

Typically, the average daily gain of a pig is about 800 grams. If such growth is maintained, by six months the piglet will reach a weight of one hundred kilograms.

Why you need to monitor changes in pig live weight

Weight is an important indicator in animal husbandry. From its dynamics one can judge:

  • about the health of the piglet;
  • about daily weight gain;
  • about the sufficiency of feed, and accordingly adjust the norm in a timely manner;
  • about the required amount of medications when vaccinating or treating an animal.

And also, without knowing the live weight of the animal and the approximate yield of meat products after slaughter, it is impossible to profitably sell a pig. And, as a result, recoup the costs of growing it. It is profitable to sell pork not in bulk, but in parts in accordance with the category of meat.

Meat categories

Pork meat comes in five categories.

  • The first category is meat obtained from an eight-month-old meat breed pig, whose weight is 80÷100 kilograms.
  • The second category is meat from piglets weighing 50÷150 kg, with lard of insufficient thickness.
  • The third category - the fat layer of a pig is less than four centimeters.
  • The fourth category is the meat of large hogs.
  • The fifth category is meat from dairy pigs.

As you can see, you can find out the weight of a pig in different ways. For example,

  • weigh on scales;
  • measure the length of her torso in quarters;
  • determine from the table;
  • calculate using formulas.

It all depends on the purpose of this event. So the choice is yours.