How to wean a dog from sleeping on the bed with its owner: simple methods. How to wean a dog from sleeping on the bed with its owner: the easiest ways Requirements for a pet’s sleeping place

A little puppy, who has found himself in a new home, misses his pack and his mother. Therefore, he tries to be closer to his new family around the clock. Owners often take a whining puppy to bed with them to calm it down. However, it is then very difficult to get an older dog out of bed. How to wean a dog from sleeping on the bed with its owner?

The reasons why dogs want to get into a person's bed lie in the nature of pack animals. The ancestors of domestic pets lived in large packs, and modern dogs are also pack animals. They felt a sense of security and warmth by clinging closely to each other while sleeping. Only the outcasts were forced to sleep separately from the pack. Therefore, puppies strive to be closer to those from whom they expect protection.

Animal psychologists say that by the pet’s posture you can determine how much it trusts the members of its “pack”. If the dog turns its most unprotected part - its back, then it trusts the person, feels protection and comfort. Such close contacts, however, do not contribute to building the correct hierarchy. Highly organized animals require a hierarchical structure.

Puppies are immediately born dominant, subdominant and low-ranking, so from the very beginning alphas strive to occupy the corresponding position. The leader of the pack is always higher on the social ladder than his relatives. This also applies to location in space. The dog's bed is located one level below the owner's bed or sofa. So he understands that the owner is the leader, and the dog must obey him.

Trying to get into bed with its owner, the dog tries to compete for leadership. It is more difficult to train such a dog and more difficult to demand obedience from him. The dog strives to sleep in a person’s bed, but he himself does not allow anyone to encroach on his sleeping place - this is the right of the leader of the pack. The man himself gives up part of his leadership, and the dog knows how to manipulate the man in order to achieve his own.

There are also more “prosaic” reasons that are not related to the psychology and nature of the pet. For example:

  • the apartment is too cold, and the pet is looking for a warm place;
  • the dog needs attention, close contact allows you to compensate for this;
  • The dog in the owners’ bed “hides” from the excessive attention of small children or other inhabitants of the home.

A feeling of fear, lack of security, the need for a “family,” stress are factors that force a dog to seek comfortable mental and physical conditions in a person’s bed.

Reasons to keep pets out of bed

Leading dog experts advise not to allow a puppy, even the smallest breed, to sleep in the owner’s bed from the first day. This affects not only the pet’s character and family relationships, but can also pose a danger to human health.

Many owners of dogs who are used to sleeping in a bed admit that they cannot get a full night's sleep. The dog sniffles, sighs loudly, and turns from side to side. She can jump out of bed to drink some water, walk around, clicking her claws, and jump up again to continue sleeping. It is difficult to get a good night's sleep in such a “busy” environment.

Zoonotic diseases are difficult to treat and can have complications. Children are especially at risk, since their immunity is not yet perfect, and the body is not able to withstand many serious pathologies. Animal fur is an allergen that can cause an allergic reaction with skin manifestations or breathing problems.

How to wean an animal from sleeping in the master's bed

The most difficult thing to wean a pet is if it has already formed certain habits. In order to succeed, you will need:

  • patience;
  • subsequence;
  • persistence;
  • support of all family members.

It will not be possible to wean a dog in 1-2 times. The pet will ask to go to bed, whine, look with a pleading look, and stubbornly jump into its usual place. If you give in, the previous attempts will be completely neutralized.

It is necessary to expel the pet gently but persistently, using prohibitory commands: “Ugh!”, “You can’t!”, “Place!”. The dog should be taken by the collar, taken to the bed, commanded “Place”, and when the dog lies down on the bed, give him a treat. Positive reinforcement will soften a conflict situation and help the pet get comfortable in its sleeping place.

You should not use force (beating, screaming) as punishment. Some dog owners use a spray bottle of water to spray when the dog jumps on the bed. Alternating punishment and reward helps you get results faster.

For adult dogs and teenage puppies, you can use a leash to get your pet out of bed. A stubborn dog can be punished for disobedience - a light slap on the back, holding it with your hand - that's the maximum that can be allowed in relation to a pet.

It is best to immediately teach the dog to sleep only on its own bed and to enter the owner’s bedroom only with permission. A closed door will help get rid of temptation. If there are other animals in the apartment, the ban on sleeping in the owners’ bed should also apply to them, otherwise jealousy will encourage the dog to break the bans.

In very difficult cases, an innovative product called “scat mat” can help. This is a special training electric mat, safe for the health of the animal, but indispensable for weaning off jumping on furniture, tables, and attempts to “relieve need” in the wrong place. It has 3 modes, and when the animal stands with its paws on the mat, it experiences a weak current discharge that does not cause pain, but only discomfort.

A rustling polyethylene film or a layer of newspaper can replace an expensive slope mat. An unexpected noise heard when landing on a favorite bed or sofa is unpleasant for the pet and will irritate it, making it want to avoid discomfort.

It is necessary to require compliance regularly. If you put your pet on a bed one day and take it to your side the next, this will not only not make training easier, but will also negatively affect the dog’s psyche.

Video on how to wean a dog off the bed

Requirements for a pet's sleeping place

In J. Fisher’s very famous and popular book among dog owners, “What’s Your Dog Thinking,” the author asks dog owners who like to jump on a bed, sofa or chair, is their pet’s sleeping place comfortable? He believes that so that the dog does not have to ask to go to the owners’ bed, it is necessary to make its sleeping place more attractive:

  1. The sleeping place should be located in a place protected from drafts, away from busy traffic and close attention.
  2. The mattress should correspond to the size of an adult dog, so that the pet can feel comfortable in any position.
  3. The choice of mattress depends on the age of the pet. If your dog has problems with the musculoskeletal system or is elderly, then it makes sense to purchase a mattress that takes the shape of the body. An excellent choice is an orthopedic mattress. Regardless of the mattress, its cover should be easy to remove and wash. It is preferable that the cover be made of natural fabric. Artificial materials can cause allergies, and in long-haired dogs, electrification of the “fur coat”.
  4. Representatives of some breeds need very soft beds - sofas or beds. This is due to the physiology of dogs (mastiffs, bull terriers, middle schnauzers, Staffordshire terriers) that have weak joints.
  5. For small, smooth-haired breeds, it is especially important that the bed is located in a warm place. It makes sense to purchase a crib or sofa with legs in order to “tear off” the sleeping place from the floor.
  6. Burrowing dogs really like houses in which they feel isolated and protected.
  7. Your favorite toys should be located next to the bed, as this is not only a sleeping place, but also a rest and relaxation area.

The recreation area should evoke positive emotions, a sense of security and safety. If a dog cannot get used to its own sleeping place for a long time, whines and asks to go to the owner’s bed, the bed should be placed next to the bed so that the puppy can feel the presence of a person, but firmly stop attempts to climb into the owner.

They say that over time, owners become like their dogs. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and it’s the dogs that are starting to look like us? What do you think? After all, some pets adopt our behavior with enviable tenacity. For example, do they prefer to sleep on the bed (and everything as it should be: with their head on the pillow), while ignoring the bed and the disapproval of the owner?

Of course, there will be those who say: “What’s wrong with that? Let the dog sleep on the bed." But in this case, we are most likely talking about a toy terrier who has just taken a bath, and not about a Russell who just a minute ago was exploring the corners of his favorite park. Or not about a long-haired collie during the molting period, do you agree?

More often than not, the dog’s persistent efforts to climb onto the owner’s bed actually turn into a problem. However, with the right approach it is very easy to solve. Take note of our useful tips!

Don't bed train your dog. Many problems are easier to prevent than to fix. This is also true in our case. From the first days the dog appears in the house, accustom it to the bed and under no circumstances take it with you to the bed. After all, if today you decide to “pamper” your pet a little and give him a place on your pillow, then when he jumps onto the bed tomorrow, he sincerely will not understand why you are unhappy. Remember, the most effective way to stop a dog from jumping on a bed or other furniture is to not teach it to do so in the first place.

Find the perfect bed. Offer your pet a worthy alternative to a bed - a bed on which he will be warm and comfortable. To achieve the effect, the bed must be made of good material and ideally suit the dog in size and shape. It is very important to arrange a place in a quiet part of the apartment, without high traffic and drafts.

Distract your dog with toys and treats. To distract your pet's attention from the owner's bed, offer him special toys and hard treats. For greater effect, place them directly on the bed. In this way, the dog will develop pleasant associations with its place, and it will get used to it.

Place your item on the bed. Another plus to the pleasant associations with the bed. Many dogs jump on the bed not because they are comfortable there, but because they miss their beloved owners, and the bed retains their scent. If your pet is often left alone, put something of yours (for example, a T-shirt) on his bed - this way your faithful four-legged friend will be less lonely in your absence.

Teach your dog the “No!” command. When you see that the dog is about to jump on the bed, clearly state its name and command “No!” If your pet does not respond well to voice commands, reinforce the “no” with a treat or toy. Your main goal at this stage is to attract the dog's attention and prevent him from jumping on the bed. Continue to educate and train so that in the future your pet will follow commands without additional incentives (in the form of treats, etc.) .

Limit access to the bed. Perhaps the most effective way to prevent your dog from jumping on the bed is to close the bedroom door. The point is that the pet, without seeing the bed and not being tempted to jump on it, after some time will completely forget about it. And do not give in to provocations! The dog may whine pitifully outside the door and ask to come to you. Yes, yes, especially at night. Your task is to courageously withstand the onslaught (and it can last for several days) and completely ignore such behavior. Only then will the dog understand that its measures are useless and go to sleep sweetly on its bed. But if you can’t resist and open the door or even just shout at the dog, rest assured, the quest is lost! Having achieved your attention (it doesn’t matter whether it’s positive or negative), the pet will conclude that its complaining behavior worked and will resort to it in the future.

Create unpleasant associations with the bed. Remember how we said above how important it is to instill in your dog pleasant associations with a dog bed? The same thing, only in reverse, needs to be done with your bed. In a word, the pet must make sure that the owner’s bed is completely unpleasant. What needs to be done for this? For example, cover the bed with oilcloth, rustling newspapers or bags. Yes, of course, all this is not very convenient, but it is effective. Having jumped onto the “prepared” bed several times and experienced not the most pleasant sensations from this, the dog will soon abandon his idea, and there will no longer be a need for rustling structures.

We hope our tips will help you in raising your household. Try it and share your feedback in the comments on the website or on social networks. And also love your pets. Despite the flaws in their behavior, they deserve it!

Experienced dog breeders know how important it is to start training a pet from a very young age. A puppy is more receptive to training and is easier to motivate to behave correctly than an adult. If you miss this favorable moment, besides allowing your pet too much, then in the future this is fraught with food stolen from the table or traces of dirty paws on the white sheets. This article will discuss how to wean a dog from sleeping on a bed.

This behavior is due to the fact that the ancestors of domestic pets are wolves. These animals, in the wild, huddle together and cuddle together while they sleep. This habit helps them conserve heat and feel more protected. The dog instinctively repeats the behavior of a wolf at home, since its owner is its pack that needs to be protected.

On the other hand, many animal psychologists note that in dog psychology, sleeping on a hill is the privilege of leaders. Therefore, if a pet likes to climb onto the bed, then this may be a sign that he is striving to take a leading position in the “pack”. Such behavior, if left unpunished, can lead to the dog becoming uncontrollable.

There are also quite prosaic reasons why a pet tries to climb onto the bed:

  1. An animal may jump on the sofa because the owner is paying too little attention to it.
  2. Due to the desire to keep warm, which is quite common if the dog is a small or hairless breed.
  3. An animal may like to sleep on the sofa because there are children or strangers in the house. If the children are very small, then this relieves the dog of worrying about them, and if they are strangers, then there is a better view from a higher place, which means the “stranger” will not sneak up unnoticed.
  4. One of the reasons why your pet is more willing to sleep on a bed may be fear or a feeling of insecurity.

In any case, whether to allow a shaggy friend to sleep on the sofa or not is the owner’s decision. If this causes him inconvenience, then further recommendations will help him understand how to wean the dog from his owner’s bed.

Beginning of behavior correction

No matter how trivial it may sound, if the owner does not want to wonder in the future how to wean the pet off upholstered furniture, then you need to start from the very first day the puppy is in the house. First of all, it is recommended to equip a comfortable and cozy sleeping place for your little pet, preferably secluded so that no one disturbs him there. If the bed is comfortable enough, this will eliminate the motive of cold or dampness when the pet tries to settle down on the sofa.

Animal psychologists note that even the most well-mannered and accustomed animal does not mind lying on a soft bed. Some of the pets do this to their heart's content when their owners go to work. What is this connected with? Here are some reasons:

  1. The sleeping place smells like the owner. If it is absent, then the dog feels calmer if there is a pillow next to it that smells like its beloved owner. A good solution to this problem of boredom can be the owner's old item placed near the pet's bed.
  2. The animal is interested in the place where the owner slept and where he spends his time. No wonder he wants to study it carefully.

If the owner finds his pet lying on the sofa, under no circumstances should he be pulled out of there by force. This is due to the fact that the dog can be injured if in a hurry it unsuccessfully jumps from a hill. In addition, some individuals may react aggressively to such an attempt.

It is much better if the owner simply loudly and sternly calls the animal by name, and then gives him the command to get down to the floor and take his usual place. You can reinforce correct behavior with a treat or a pat on the head. Consider correct behavior when the dog quickly and unquestioningly leaves the bed.

Gradual development of positive emotions associated with its own bed will also help to train your dog not to climb on the sofa. This is quite easy to do with the help of toys and favorite foods that the owner can provide to the pet only in his resting place. Over time, regular praise will be enough.

Remember that the solution to the question of how to wean a dog from sleeping in the same bed with its owner begins with determination. Yes, it is firmness that will allow the dog owner to forget about such unpleasant things as fur on the pillow and traces of dirty paws on the sheet. Under no circumstances should you give in to your pet’s sadness and whining and let him jump on the sofa for at least one night. Unless the owner wants it to continue to sleep there for the rest of its life.

Methods for breaking an established habit

It also happens that the favorable moment in developing correct behavior is lost, and the dog is already accustomed to sleeping with its owners. The following tips from animal psychologists will help you figure out how to wean your dog from jumping on upholstered furniture:

  1. Lay newspapers or film on the sofa. When jumping, your pet will create unpleasant sounds that will soon irritate him. Even if this doesn't work, the dog owner can keep the surface of the bed free of dirt and fur.
  2. Scat mat. An excellent tool for those owners who love innovation. A special mat will generate minor discharges of electricity, which will quickly wean the animal from unwanted behavior.
  3. A closed door is also an effective remedy against unwanted intrusions on sofas. Although this practice only relieves the symptoms, it does not eliminate the causes. All you have to do is not close the door, and the dog will happily climb onto the bed.
  4. An alternative solution may be to use furniture covers. They will protect sofas and beds from the pet’s claws and ubiquitous hair, while at the same time he will be able to sleep peacefully in his favorite place.
  5. For a timid dog that has just begun to practice jumping on the bed, sometimes a loud, stern shout or a light slap on the “butt” is enough to make it stop trying to lie down where its owners sleep.

Pet personal hygiene

Owners who still allow their dog to sleep with them must follow the following hygiene rules regarding their pet:

Finally, I would like to say that each owner himself determines whether his pet should sleep next to him or whether it is better when he rests on his bed. You need to accustom your furry pet to its place from childhood, because retraining it in adulthood is quite problematic. But it is possible, the main thing is firmness and determination.

Most amateur dog breeders are faced with this problem when the puppy is heavily pampered by all family members, which ultimately leads to undesirable consequences. The main thing is not to allow the dog to do whatever it wants, which is why it is necessary to strictly prohibit the dog from sleeping in the owner’s bed.

If a small puppy is used to sleeping in his owner’s bed, then at an older age it will be quite difficult to wean him from this bad habit. The process of education and training should begin from the first days of the appearance of a small puppy in the house - it is very important to teach the new family member to sleep in a strictly designated place.

How to wean a dog from its owner's bed?

If the dog is already accustomed to sleeping in its owner’s bed, then in the future it will be quite difficult to wean it from this. To achieve a positive result, the whole family must be fully involved in the education process, because one person will not be able to overcome such a habit if the rest allow the dog to climb onto the bed again.

Under no circumstances should the dog be left alone in the room where the bed is located, at least until the training process is completely completed. You may have to lock the room with a key at first, as some dogs can open doors.

You should not force the dog out of bed or yell at it, as such behavior by the owner can provoke a defensive reaction on the part of the dog. You should not touch an angry dog, as in this state it can be injured and in the future the animal will always behave aggressively.

If the dog sleeps on the owners' bed, then a leash can be used for weaning. Using a leash, you can easily drive a dog out of bed, but if the animal begins to show aggression, then you should use a muzzle. You cannot force the dog off the bed and pull on the leash; you must give it the opportunity to jump off with a loose leash.

The animal is accustomed to a certain comfort, so the owners must create the most comfortable conditions for the dog to rest, which can be equipped next to the owner’s bed, because the animal is accustomed to communicating with humans and if you put the dog out the door, you can provoke aggression. Completely isolating a dog from communication with its owner will become a punishment for the animal, but on the contrary, it must be rewarded for correct behavior.

Professional breeders and dog breeders know that it is extremely important to train and properly raise your four-legged pet from the earliest months. The little puppy remembers commands very quickly and is receptive to training. It is much easier to motivate a puppy to behave correctly, unlike an adult dog.

It is necessary to wean the dog from sleeping with the owner on the bed from the very beginning, just like eating from the table, keeping dirty paws on the bed, and much more. By letting the dog into his bed, the owner undermines his authority as a leader and the animal may simply stop obeying his. In some cases, other behavioral problems follow.

Such a manifestation is associated with ancient instincts, dating back to the times when domesticated dogs were still wild. In the wild, a flock gathers in heaps for the night, huddling together. In this way, animals retain heat and at the same time increase their protection. Pets still have the pack instinct, and the owner is the leader.

Experts in animal psychology believe that from a psychological point of view, sleeping next to the leader is the highest privilege for a dog. It is believed that the dog tries to be close to the owner everywhere and even during sleep, trying to win leadership positions by taking away the place.

Remember! The dog's desire to sleep with its owner in the same bed entails the development of complete uncontrollability of the animal.

Other reasons are:

  • Lack of proper attention from the owner - the dog tries to jump on the bed in order to arouse emotions in its owner.
  • Feeling cold - trying to warm up, the dog looks for a source of heat, and often the owner’s bed is such a source. In most cases, dogs of dwarf and hairless breeds like to jump on the bed and sleep with their owner.
  • The presence of strangers in the house is a desire to hide and take a leading position, so that the imaginary enemy does not pass unnoticed.
  • A feeling of fear - the pet tries to find shelter and hide near its leader.

Note! Whether a dog sleeps with its owner or not is the owner’s decision. If a person does not want to sleep with a dog, then it is necessary to take measures to quickly prevent the problem.

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Weaning methods

Before you tell your dog where he should sleep at night, you need to take him for a walk. It is important that the pet spends more energy, then the dog will have less resistance when laying down in a new place. You can lure the dog with its favorite treat, and praise it if it lies down on the bed.

It’s easier to sleep-train a dog that understands commands. The main command given by the owner clearly and clearly is “”. After completing the command, it is important to praise the pet or give it a reward. If the dog tries to leave the bed, you must clearly pronounce the command “ ” and take the pet to its place. Over time and regular training, the dog will begin to understand where its private place is.

Having firmly decided that the dog should not sleep in the same bed with its owner, it is necessary to act consistently, without allowing concessions. This will help preserve the dog's psyche! A few sleepless nights, and the animal will get used to sleeping in a place designated and equipped for it. It is possible that the dog will try to pity its owner, but he must be adamant.

Under no circumstances should you succumb to provocations. If a dog begins to howl and whine when the owner goes to bed and leaves it on his bed, you should not shout at the animal. You can take a short walk outside without letting your dog play. In the event that the pet does not want to go to the toilet, but simply shows its dissatisfaction with being removed from the owner’s bed, all requests must be ignored.

Note! Yelling at a dog when it begins to howl and whine, asking to go to bed with its owner, can provoke the development of a behavioral problem. Thus, the dog understands that it has managed to attract the attention of its leader, and will continue in the same spirit.

If the dog dares and jumps onto the sofa anyway, it is important to shoo it away and indicate your place, using the appropriate command. To correct behavior, you can use positive reinforcement. It is necessary to encourage the pet in every possible way when it obeys - praise when the dog goes to its place after a command or at its own request.

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An important aspect in weaning a dog from sleeping in the master's bed is teaching it not to enter the master's bedroom without an appropriate invitation. It is necessary to ensure that the pet enters the room only after the owner calls it.

In the absence of the owner, the door to the bedroom should be locked so as not to tempt the pet again. If there are other pets living in the house - cats or dogs, it is not recommended to give preference to one of the pets. All animals will be on the same level, no one will try to draw the attention of their owner to themselves.

Important to remember that one of the ways to identify hierarchy in the world of dogs is height. Animals that occupy leading positions in the pack are always positioned higher, indicating their dominance.

By allowing a pet to sleep next to you in bed, a person undermines his authority, showing equality, and in some cases even dominance over himself. It is extremely important to establish leadership over your four-legged friend. Otherwise, the animal, feeling its dominance, will stop obeying and behaving as it pleases.

Choosing a bed

First of all, it is necessary to properly equip a special place where the pet will sleep in the future. In order to choose and equip a place correctly, it is necessary to observe exactly how the dog behaves during sleep, what comfortable position it takes.

The selection of a bed directly depends on how the animal sleeps. Perhaps your pet likes to sleep stretched out to its full length. For such cases, it is necessary to choose a mattress that has a rectangular shape. For those animals that like to sleep curled up in a ball, the best sleeping place would be a round or oval-shaped lounger.

Note! It is more comfortable and healthy for older animals, as well as dogs with joint problems, to sleep on mattresses made of foam materials that adapt to the anatomical deflections of the body.

When choosing a bed for your pet, you need to pay attention to quality. Inexpensive dog beds of dubious quality will not last long. There are several types of dog beds:

  • Orthopedic– allowing you to support the animal’s spine during rest and sleep. They are suitable for older animals and dogs with musculoskeletal problems.
  • Round lounge chairs and pillows– are a basket with small sides. This type of bed is suitable for those pets who prefer to sleep curled up in a ball.
  • Heated sleeping area– suitable for those animals that live in cold climates, as well as older dogs and small breed dogs (which find it difficult to warm up on their own).