What foods contain protein? Best Sources of Protein

For any person, an important part of the diet is foods containing protein. It is a kind of building material for muscle tissue, which is used to build and renew muscle cells. Proteins also contribute to the production of enzymes, so the diet of every person who cares about their health should include foods that contain protein. A low protein diet has a negative impact on the development of a small child: due to a lack of amino acids, he develops poorly.

Likewise, for adults who are constantly exposed to physical activity, it is vital for them to receive a sufficient amount of protein to maintain strength. They are quite easily absorbed by the body, but practically do not cause fat accumulation. That is, proteins are less susceptible to being converted into fats in the body when they are in excess, unlike carbohydrates. The body's need for protein is purely individual. It depends on the height, weight, body composition, amount of physical activity and metabolic state of each individual person. You need to eat foods rich in protein, paying attention to the amino acid composition of the product. Since essential amino acids are of greatest importance for humans, since they are not synthesized by the body. In this article I will tell you which foods contain protein.

  1. complete - contains the entire amino acid complex
  2. incomplete - does not contain the entire set of amino acids
High Protein Foods

The first is found in products of animal origin, and protein with an incomplete set of amino acids enters the body from products of plant origin. Each body's protein requirement differs from person to person. For example, in eastern countries they consume fewer products containing animal protein and at the same time they have significantly more long-livers. The daily norm for the average person is about 50-100 grams. Dividing this figure into several steps, it turns out to be quite a bit. Now we need to decide which foods contain a lot of protein. A meat eater can fill the daily requirement with a piece of beef weighing 250-300 grams. To replenish the daily requirement of amino acids, a vegetarian needs to eat significantly larger volumes of food. To get 100 grams of protein from legumes, sprouted grains, and even cottage cheese, you need to eat much less, given that it does not contain a complete set of amino acids.

Protein-rich foods

High protein foods are listed below. The list contains the most common products that can be found in any store and are relatively inexpensive.

Eggs- foods rich in proteins. They contain about 17% protein with a complete amino acid complex, which is easily digestible, much better than from any other product. The weight of two standard chicken eggs is about 100 grams, which gives us 17 grams of building material for muscles. Eggs also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are involved in many metabolic processes in the body.

Cottage cheese– 14% amount of protein in fermented milk products of this type. That is, you can find many varieties of cottage cheese and the proportion of protein in them will differ. It is better to eat regular low-fat cottage cheese to protect the body from unnecessary calories. It, of course, is not very tasty for the “non-fan”, so I recommend mixing it with yogurt, kefir or even milk.

Cheeses– products containing about 30% protein. It is high in calories, which means it is better to avoid this source of protein and not include it in the main diet. At least before training, so as not to strain your digestive system.

What foods contain protein with a full set of amino acids - meat, of course.

Bird- chicken and turkey meat products with a high protein content. There is only 15-20% of it, but it is low in calories and is easily digestible compared to cheeses. This allows it to be consumed even in the evening and included in all diets aimed at burning fat. After all, it is very low, and as a source of building materials for muscles, it is perfect.

Beef- the amount of protein in products of this type is about 25%. But it is not as easily digestible as poultry, so it is better to eat it boiled. If possible, meat should be taken from a young animal. It will have more nutrients and taste much better.

Liver– These are foods high in protein, about 25%. There is also a lot of iron and other nutrients. It is better to eat liver stewed or as a pate for easier digestion. This is a great option to diversify your menu with a new product when you no longer have the strength to look at meat or eggs with cottage cheese.

Fish and other seafood- foods rich in protein, which is easily digestible. There 15-25% depending on the type. The amount of protein in foods such as fish is not the most important thing. The main thing is its quality. Fish can be called ready-made amino acids, ready for absorption. This is an excellent dietary product, and even if the fish is fatty, it can be safely eaten. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the human body. There is a lot of protein in such types of fish as: tuna, sardine, salmon, mackerel, anchovies, mullet, pollock.

Soybeans- the protein content in products of plant origin is not high, but here it is 14%. It is the leader among plant foods in terms of protein content. Soy is used as a meat substitute. But still, it should be used as a side dish, due to the incomplete set of amino acids it contains.

Brussels sprouts– another representative of plant origin, as a product containing a lot of protein. 9% is not so much, but taking into account the fact that cabbage generally requires more calories for its absorption than it provides, this can be considered a large amount of protein for plant-based products.

Cereals– products containing protein for muscle building, which may not be considered at all. There is about 10-12% of it, it is well absorbed and promotes digestion. But cereals should be considered as a source of slow carbohydrates and we do not count the protein from these products when we calculate the daily requirement. Because there is so little of it there that it can be neglected.

Lentils– a product low in fat and high in fiber. This is important because for better absorption of protein you need fiber, which also helps cleanse the body. Be sure to eat a lot of fiber when eating large amounts of meat. One cup of lentils contains about 28 grams of protein and only 1 gram of fat. And the total calorie content is 230 calories, which is a very low figure. Lentils are rich in B vitamins, which are necessary to keep the nervous and digestive systems in good shape.

I hope this article answered which foods contain a lot of protein. Now you know that its quality can vary greatly depending on the type of product chosen. I suggest you read it if you are interested in burning excess fat in the body. It has its own nuances and subtleties, but it is very effective for losing weight.

Protein from a jar can also be considered a protein product. But there is still a lot of debate about whether it can be considered a natural product. To clarify this issue, read the article,

What does “protein products” mean? All the food we eat consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. “Protein foods” are foods that have a high protein content. Eating a serving of chicken breast or cottage cheese will give you a lot of protein. But eating a piece of bread or rice of the same weight is not enough.

Product Quantity
protein per 100 g

Cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese, animal and poultry meats, most fish, soybeans, peas, beans, nuts

The most protein foods - contain more than 15 g of protein per 100 g

Fat cottage cheese, pork, boiled sausages,
sausages, eggs, semolina, buckwheat,
oatmeal, millet, wheat flour, pasta

These products can also be classified as protein products; they contain from 10 to 15 grams of protein per 100 grams. By the way, egg white is perfectly digestible and ideal in its composition.

Rye and wheat bread, pearl barley,
rice, green peas, milk, kefir,
sour cream, potatoes

Bread, rice, and potatoes contain much less protein - from 5 to 9.9 grams per 100 grams.

All other vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms

Vegetables, fruits and berries will not be able to meet the need for protein if you eat only them - they contain from 0.4 to 1.9 g per 100 g.

The easiest way to start losing weight is to eat less and more protein foods. Even if you do not analyze the composition of food, but simply count calories, you need proteins. Without sufficient protein intake, the process of fat breakdown is impossible. Therefore, vegetarians who lack protein often cannot cope with excess weight, although they do not eat fatty meat.

Protein food- this is meat, poultry, fish and dairy. Plant foods also contain proteins, legumes and nuts are especially rich in them.

By the way, sausage and frankfurters. Although they are considered meat, they are much less classified as protein products. Vegetables and fruits have very little protein content. There are few proteins in mushrooms, and they are poorly absorbed. Therefore, you should not believe stories that mushrooms can replace meat.

Don't forget to eat enough of these foods. The average protein requirement in the daily diet of an adult is 100-120 g.

An excess of protein foods, especially of animal origin, is not beneficial. For example, the old Soviet habit of taking a whole chicken with you on the train and eating it at night is simply harmful. The body is not able to absorb the amount of protein contained in a whole chicken. Only what is needed is absorbed, and what is not digested remains to rot in the intestines.

Proper nutrition is a combination of both animal and plant proteins. If you do not tolerate meat well and cannot eat legumes and nuts in sufficient quantities, protein can be introduced into the diet with the help of sports protein shakes or vegetable protein powders, which are now fashionable in the West. They are obtained from the same legumes and other plants, only in concentrated form. This powder can be diluted with water and drunk as a cocktail, you can sprinkle it on salads, or you can add it to smoothies, as in Western health food restaurants. You will receive not only a thick drink rich in living enzymes, but also a dose of plant protein.

Proteins, along with fats and carbohydrates, make up our diet. All of them are equally important for the body.

In this article we will look at what protein is, create a list of proteins in products of plant and animal origin, and indicate the approximate need of a person in accordance with his gender, age and type of activity.

What is protein?

The scientific name of protein is protein, which means “first” in Greek. A high-molecular substance of organic origin consists of amino acids. Protein is part of all, absolutely all cells of the body. Most cells consist of half of it.

There are 21 amino acids in the human body, 8 of which are essential for full functioning. This:

  • leucine;
  • lysine;
  • valine;
  • tryptophan;
  • methionine;
  • threonine;
  • isoleucine;
  • phenylalaline.

Essential means that the body does not have the ability to produce it itself and therefore must obtain it from external sources. To help you, there is a table below.

Function of protein in the body

So, visually for you, protein is:

  • muscles;
  • leather;
  • organs;
  • hair.

And if we look at it globally, protein provides you with a full-fledged existence, since:

Human protein needs

After all that has been said about protein, you may get the impression that more is better. Why not give the body so many useful things, if possible? However, this is a misconception. Best the enemy of the good. There is nothing more beneficial for a person than balance, regardless of the application. In this regard, a formula has been derived that calculates the optimal amount of protein for a person in accordance with his life and weight. So, the average amount is 0.85 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. This amount covers the daily protein requirement. The amount of protein in foods (table below) will help you correctly compose your diet.

And now - the details. If you lead an active lifestyle, then the amount of protein should be increased to 1.7 grams per kilogram of weight. With this proportion, protein synthesis in muscles increases. If we look at the athletes’ indicators, the data is as follows:

  • to develop or maintain existing muscle mass, you need to consume about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of weight;
  • To reduce this, you can temporarily increase your intake to 1.9 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.

Table of proteins in foods of animal origin

Animal proteins, compared to their plant counterparts, have a more perfect composition of those same ones. Consider the list of protein-rich foods of animal origin.

Chicken egg12,8
Egg powder44,8
Medium fat milk2,9
Medium fat kefir2,7
Low-fat cottage cheese18
Cottage cheese 5% fat10,1
Cottage cheese 9% fat9,7
Cheese "Russian"25
Parmesan cheese36
Lean pork16,5
Red fish (pink salmon)20,9
Chicken fillet22
Beef liver17,5
Turkey fillet21,4
Rabbit meat21
Boiled sausage14
Raw smoked sausage15,7
Heavy cream, sour cream2,8

Table of proteins in plant-based foods

It is more difficult for vegetarians to obtain the required amount of food to provide the body with the necessary amino acids; in most cases, they have to resort to special nutritional supplements.

Consider the list of plant origins.

ProductsAmount of protein per 100 grams, grams
Dry peas21,9
Soya beans26,1
Premium wheat flour10,8
Rye flour10,7
Oat groats11,2
Pearl barley8,7
Barley groats9,8
Red cabbage0,6
Bulb onions1,5
Green onion1,4
Green salad1,6

Ideally, you need to combine proteins of both animal and plant origin in your diet, since the latter are a source of fiber and vitamins. Plus, it is easier to digest and does not carry with it fat and cholesterol, unlike its animal counterpart. A table of proteins in foods will help you maintain balance.

Protein deficiency and its consequences

In order to imagine the consequences of a systematic lack of protein, it is enough to simply read again all its main functions in the body and think backwards. In other words, protein deficiency is:

  • weakened immune system;
  • failure of processes that ensure comfortable functioning of the body;
  • problems with muscles, skin, hair, general exhaustion;
  • anemia.

Protein surplus and its consequences

Everything is good in moderation, everyone knows that. In pursuit of muscle mass, beautiful relief and a developed figure, many athletes tend to overeat protein. This also applies to those who are fond of low-carb diets and gain the bulk of their daily calorie intake from proteins and fats. It must be remembered that the table of protein in products will allow you to adhere to the norm.

  1. Systematic excess of protein norms is fraught with the development of kidney stones. The risk increases by 2.5 times!
  2. Excess protein can stimulate the development of diseases such as osteoporosis. If you have kidney problems, even minor ones, a heavy dose of protein will make them worse.
  3. Dehydration. Yes, indeed, it’s not the worst problem compared to others; it’s enough just to consume the required amount of liquid.
  4. Excess protein increases the risk of cancer of the digestive system.
  5. If there is an imbalance in the diet with excess protein, ketosis can develop. This process is characterized by the growth of ketone bodies (a product of the breakdown of fat cells). Excess ketones poison the body, causing nausea, vomiting and an acetone odor from the body. In extreme cases, this condition can lead to ketoacitosis coma, which is a direct threat to life. To avoid this, adjust your diet wisely (the table of protein in foods will help with this).

Protein Rich Dietary Supplements

What to do if you can’t get the prescribed amount of protein with regular food? This is where special nutritional supplements come to the rescue. Don’t be scared - this applies primarily to athletes, since the average person will “eat” his 0.85 grams per 1 kilogram of weight without any problems. Don’t be scared, this is not food, not steroids and other horror stories, this is pure protein. Naturally, it is necessary to approach the choice with all responsibility - not only the amount of proteins in the products (table above), but also reviews from serious sources should form the basis. For example, it is worth special mentioning the currently popular BCAA supplement - this is the same protein that has already been broken down for you, leaving three essential amino acids, of which about 30% muscles are made up. This supplement is indicated during intense physical activity, as it stimulates rapid muscle recovery.

Bottom line

What more can be said? Protein is one of the three pillars on which human health rests.

The composition of proteins in foods is extremely important in the process of building a healthy diet. There is no need to fanatically monitor the prescribed grams of protein per kilogram of weight - its amount can fluctuate from day to day in accordance with your preferences, but the average should be within the norm.

Proteins, along with fats and carbohydrates, form the basis of human nutrition. Everything that comes into the body as food has a specific function.

Foods rich in proteins are very important for growth and strengthening, as they are building materials for tissues and cells. How to structure your diet so that your body does not lack them? Which ones we will consider in this article.


In Greek, the word for "protein" is "protein." If we consider the literal translation, it turns out that this word means “the one that comes first.” At least based on this we can draw conclusions.

The human body has a great need for food with a lot of proteins. Products of this kind are no less necessary than air, and this is not an exaggeration.

So, the main ones in the human body:

  • Active participation in regeneration processes. Protein provides the basis for normal cell division.
  • Active participation in metabolism. As a result, there is a colossal effect on the nervous system.

Consequences of protein deficiency

If in childhood and youth a person does not receive his required minimum of protein on a regular basis, this leads to irreversible consequences, including:

  • slow growth, in critical cases its complete stop is possible;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • dystrophy;
  • low level of immunity;
  • problems with memory, ability to perceive information;
  • low level of performance.

According to this information, a person who ignores foods high in protein risks turning into a “vegetable” over time, depriving himself of the opportunity to lead a full life.

Protein composition

These substances of organic origin consist of amino acids, which are divided into two categories:

  • Replaceable. There are significantly more of them - 80% of the total. The body of a healthy person produces this type of amino acids independently, without the involvement of “external” sources.
  • Irreplaceable. More meager figures are 20%. Here the body is powerless - it can only get these amino acids from foods that contain a lot of protein (table below).


The most important proteins in the formation of a complete human diet are those of animal origin. They contain a large number of amino acids that cannot be replaced. They are also most fully absorbed by the body.

In addition, you can also find products of plant origin that contain a lot of proteins.

More details in the tables below.

Foods rich in animal proteins:

Foods rich in plant proteins:

Thus, we have indicated the most popular food products that contain a lot of protein. The table, as you can see, is even superior to the “animal” one, but they are assimilated with less success.

Body needs

Each food product includes proteins that differ in their individual set of amino acids. It is important to create your menu so that everything you need comes in abundance. It is also necessary to understand that the food on your table should include animal products, where there is more protein (beef, eggs, fish, and so on). “Meat” protein in the general ratio should be at least one third in relation to “vegetable” protein.

The body's needs are calculated individually, based on parameters such as:

  • height;
  • age;
  • physical activity;
  • mental activity.

There are many complex formulas on the Internet that can be used to calculate the exact protein requirement. But if we take it in general, then the following relationship is suitable, based on which you will already choose food products that contain more proteins, based on your needs:

  • child under 1 year - 25 grams;
  • from 1 year to 1.5 years - 47.8 grams;
  • from 1.5 to 3 years - 53.1 grams;
  • from 3 to 4 years - 62.9 grams;
  • from 5 to 6 years - 72.1 grams;
  • from 7 to 10 years - 79.8 grams;
  • from 11 to 13 years - 95.8 grams;
  • teenager from 14 to 17 years old - 98 grams;
  • women during pregnancy - 110 grams;
  • women during lactation - 125 grams;
  • sexually mature women - 97 grams;
  • sexually mature men - 120 grams;
  • sexually mature women engaged in heavy physical labor - 135 grams;
  • sexually mature men engaged in heavy physical labor - 160 grams;
  • men under 70 years old - 82 grams;
  • women under 70 years old - 69 grams;
  • men over 70 years old - 76 grams;
  • women over 70 years old - 66 grams.

Protein for weight loss

Its role in following a diet is difficult to overestimate, since:

At the same time, when creating a daily menu, you should approach even those foods that are rich in protein wisely. For example, the same egg. Where is the most protein in an egg? The answer is obvious. The yolk contains about 6 grams of fat. Therefore, even when preparing an omelette with vegetables for breakfast, “cut” it by 1 yolk and with this you will make the dish more dietary.

Light, protein-rich meals

Of course, based on the tables above, it is easy to understand which foods are rich in protein. But how can you combine them so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy? Let's give some recipes.

Spicy omelette in the oven with cottage cheese:

Beat spices, herbs and cottage cheese until smooth. At first, the curd will be cut off - continue stirring. Pour into a non-stick pan and bake for 20 minutes or until the center of the omelette stops jiggling.

Thus, you have received a dish with a lot of protein - about 30 grams per serving, and at the same time a maximum of 170 calories.

Coconut cheesecakes:

  • low-fat paste cottage cheese - 200 grams;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • rice flour - 30 grams;
  • coconut flakes - 12 grams;
  • sweetener to taste (stevia is fine);
  • baking powder - a pinch.

Preheat the oven to 180 o C.

Mix half with the rest of the products until smooth (where there is a lot of protein, as you can see). Place the mixture in the form of flattened balls on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, sprinkle with the remaining shavings and bake until done (about a third of an hour). You can serve.

Excess is harmful

Despite the fact that proteins are an essential element of human nutrition, their excess can cause significant harm. This is manifested everywhere under the influence of the diets that are so popular today, which extremely reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the food eaten. Of course, such nutrition systems have a lot of advantages in the eyes of followers - you can eat without counting calories, always be full and at the same time lose weight. However, all this beauty also has a downside, the name of which is ketosis. In other words, excessive zeal at supermarket shelves in the process of choosing food that contains a lot of proteins is destructive. Products of this kind contain enough preservatives and additives that provide the necessary taste while minimizing the intake of carbohydrates and fats into the body. If this diet becomes a way of life, then the constant breakdown of fats will lead to the release of acetone, which will poison the entire body. In especially severe cases, even death is possible.

It’s very simple to protect yourself from this - just stick to the basics of a healthy diet and balance.

Each product contains three important components. These are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A person who thinks about his health should allocate a special place in his diet to the most beneficial of them - proteins. By eating foods with the highest protein content, you can improve your health, make your appearance more attractive and even lose weight. This nutrient is the basis of life and the building material of the body.

Why is it important to eat high protein foods?

Eating your diet with foods that contain plenty of protein is important for a number of reasons. One of them is the fact that protein (or protein, as it is also called) is involved in the structure of muscle tissue. It is for this reason that high-protein nutrition is recommended for professional athletes, people involved in fitness, and also for children.

Supporters of a healthy lifestyle and quality nutrition should know that their daily protein needs are calculated based on weight. For every kilogram of human weight per day there should be 2 grams of protein. That is, if a person weighs 70 kilograms, then he should include about 140 grams of protein in his food per day. Studying the list of foods that contain a lot of protein, you will notice that some of them are quite high in calories, while others, on the contrary, provide very little energy. This fact should also be taken into account when choosing the right diet.

On the other hand, according to experts, the daily requirement for protein should generally be 40% of the total food. This is one of the keys to rational nutrition.

Protein is very important for physically active people to consume because it can restore a person’s expended energy. When excess protein occurs in the body, it does not turn into fat and does not lead to extra pounds, unlike carbohydrate foods.

Before the main table of proteins in foods is described, it is worth paying attention to the negative qualities of protein foods.

Harm from protein foods

As you know, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins can be harmful to the human body if consumed in excess. Therefore, harm to the body can only be caused if excess protein is formed in the body. This is due to the fact that only the required protein is easily absorbed by the body. The remainder must be processed. This process requires the participation of calcium. If there is not enough of it in the body, it will be drawn from the bones. Constantly exceeding the protein norm can lead to a number of unpleasant diseases. For example, to osteoporosis.

It is very important to study the composition of proteins in foods for another reason. Their excess leads to extra stress on the kidneys. When consuming foods high in animal protein, it is worth remembering that along with it cholesterol enters the body, which has a detrimental effect on the human body.

In order to avoid all the above side effects, you need to add proteins to your diet depending on the needs of your body. It is worth paying attention to the total calorie content of a product containing a lot of protein. It is found in large quantities in meat products, eggs, cheese and cottage cheese, cereals and some other products.

Both animal and plant protein are very important for the body. The list of products containing it should start from the first. Animal protein is also called complete protein. This is due to the content of a complete amino acid complex in it.

Products containing protein in large quantities of animal origin are meat products. Their list starts with chicken and turkey. Every 100 grams of chicken or turkey meat contains about 20 grams of protein. It is easily digestible from these products. In addition, these two types of meat are considered dietary due to their low calorie content. They definitely need to be added to a balanced diet.

Products with the highest protein content can also include another type of meat - beef. There are about 25 grams of protein per 100 grams of beef meat. But it is much more difficult to absorb by the body. That is why it is better to eat it boiled.

A large amount of protein is found in beef, pork or lamb liver. About 18 grams per 100 grams of product. It is recommended to use it stewed.

There are other products that contain large quantities of animal proteins. This is fish and seafood. It is a storehouse of protein and other useful microelements. Any fish is easily digested by the body, which absorbs all the beneficial substances. Proponents of a healthy diet should definitely include this type of protein-containing product in their diet.

Protein in cereals

Protein is found in a number of cereals. In addition, each of them is useful for the good functioning of the digestive organs. Protein in food products, that is, in cereals in this case, is contained in different quantities. But it is absorbed equally well.

Buckwheat consists of 12% proteins of plant origin. It is very beneficial for the body. Oatmeal is no less healthy and comes second in the list in terms of protein content. It contains 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of cereal. Wheat groats are in the same position as oatmeal. It also contains 11 grams of protein.

Rounding out the list of protein-rich cereals are rice and corn. They contain 7-8% protein content.

Porridges are very beneficial for the human body, but when adding them to the diet, it is worth remembering that the bulk of them are carbohydrates.

Protein in eggs

When it comes to protein-containing products, the natural question is how much protein is in one egg.

Chicken eggs can vary in size and weight, but on average two eggs equal 100 grams of total weight. Accordingly, one egg can contain about 50 grams of mass. Per 100 grams of such a product there are 17% proteins. This means that one egg contains about 8.5 grams of protein.

It is from this product that protein is best absorbed. Its calorie content is quite low. Chicken eggs also contain many useful acids that are involved in important metabolic processes in the human body.

Protein in cheese, cottage cheese and milk

Products with the highest protein content are also cheese and cottage cheese. Each of them is worth considering separately.

Cottage cheese contains about 14% protein. It is very beneficial for the body. It is high in calcium, which in some cases may be required for protein processing. Depending on the fat content of the cottage cheese, the protein content in it may vary slightly. It is recommended to add low-fat cottage cheese to your diet.

Hard cheese is made from cottage cheese. But its protein content is twice as high. So, on average, 100 grams of cheese contains about 30 grams of protein. It is worth noting that hard cheese is very high in calories, and you need to add it to your diet in small quantities.

The table of proteins in products also contains information that milk consists of only 5% of them, despite the fact that cottage cheese and cheese are its derivatives.

Other High Protein Foods

There are other favorites for protein content. What foods have a lot of proteins? Primarily soybeans, lentils and Brussels sprouts.

Knowing how much protein is in one egg, 100 grams of meat, cottage cheese, cheese, various cereals, you can easily create a balanced diet that will help the body effectively build muscle tissue, lose extra pounds and restore energy after physical activity.