Which beans are healthier, white or red? Are canned beans healthy? White and red beans: benefits and harm to the body

Its availability is not surprising; it has long ceased to be a rarity. But what do we know about her? Is this product useful? Are we preparing it correctly? Is it worth eating it at all? Let's look at these and other issues in more detail.

The beneficial properties of white beans are due to the content of a number of vitamins: A, B, K, PP, C and vitamin E, better known as “ natural antioxidant" It also contains vitamin B9, which helps the body fight atherosclerosis.

The product contains sulfur, magnesium and calcium. Sera renders beneficial influence on the body, weakened intestinal infections, for diseases of the skin, bronchi and rheumatism. Magnesium and calcium help strengthen bones and teeth.

Reference. The calorie content of white beans is 102 kcal per 100 g of product.

Energy value:

  1. Proteins - 7 g.
  2. Fats - 0.5 g.
  3. Carbohydrates - 16.9 g.

The presence of iron in white beans helps increase the number of red blood cells in the blood, thereby improving the flow of oxygen to the cells.

The copper contained in white beans improves the production of hemoglobin and adrenaline in the body.

Properties of white beans

The protein included in the product is absorbed by more than 70%, while protein of animal origin is absorbed less well. The high fiber content allows a person to not feel hungry for longer. Approximately 200 g of beans can provide the body daily norm fiber.

Rough, difficult to digest dietary fiber helps cleanse the body. They absorb harmful substances and toxins, after which they are removed. The grain shell has a diuretic effect.

Substances from the plant help in dissolving and removing kidney stones and gallbladder. Therefore, beans are often found in diet menu patients with gastrointestinal intestinal diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system.

The antimicrobial properties of the product help stop inflammatory processes.

Arginine is an insulin-like substance that has a sugar-lowering effect, which is very important for diabetes and elevated level cholesterol.

Red beans

Red beans are a valuable source of vitamins C, E, D and group B. The product contains many microelements, including zinc, copper, sulfur, iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Reference. The calorie content of red beans is 93 kcal per 100 g of product.

Energy value:

  1. Proteins - 8.4 g.
  2. Fats - 0.3 g.
  3. Carbohydrates - 13.7 g.

Red beans are a real storehouse of amino acids. It contains:

  1. Tryptophan, which has sedative effect on nervous system body, relieves stress and helps in the fight against depression and sleep disorders.
  2. Arginine, which is responsible for youthful skin. Additionally, arginine protects the female reproductive system.
  3. Lysine, which actively fights intestinal infections and various viruses, including the herpes virus. Lysine also interferes with the development oncological diseases.
  4. Tyrosine acts as powerful antidepressant, normalizes work endocrine glands, improves the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  5. Histidine is an assistant in the fight against anemia, as it is part of hemoglobin. This amino acid supports the work auditory nerve, absorbs ultra-violet rays, normalizes the functioning of joints.

Properties of red beans

This plant has a large number of beneficial properties, combines many vitamins and microelements, which makes it an indispensable product nutrition.

Bean proteins, which are easily digested, In terms of nutritional properties, beans are placed on a par with fish and meat. Therefore, dishes with it can be eaten without harm, even for dinner. That is why vegetarians and athletes regularly include beans in their menu.

Despite her high nutritional value, beans are a dietary food product. A bean dish will leave you feeling full for a long time. Almost all nutritionists recommend that their patients include red beans in their diet.

In addition, red beans will help remove harmful and toxic substances from the body. To reduce the risk of malignant tumors in the body, it is enough to eat 100 g of red beans daily.

Athletes and people involved in heavy lifting physical labor, know that this product is a valuable source of energy. It contains soluble fiber, which, after processing in the intestines, forms fiber and creates short-chain fatty acid. They play a big role in energy production in the body.

Eating beans: benefit or harm

We must not forget about the properties of white beans, which can adversely affect the body.

For the most part, contraindications are related to intestinal diseases: colitis, gastritis, ulcers, increased secretion. It is not recommended to eat beans if you have gout.

Important! A pregnant woman and a child under 3 years old should eat beans with caution. IN in some cases it may do more harm than good.

At frequent use Eating white beans increases intestinal motility, which can lead to gas formation and heaviness in the stomach.

Red and white varieties contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates, due to which the product is digested slowly. For people with diseases gastrointestinal tract this is bad, but for insulin-dependent people it is the opposite, because glucose is released more slowly during digestion, and blood sugar rises gradually.

If we talk about red beans, they are definitely a healthy product. However, it is important to remember the existing contraindications; you should not use it in large quantities.

It is very important to eat white beans that are cooked until fully cooked because the raw product contains toxic substances. Pre-soaking (6-8 hours) the beans removes some of the toxins with water. It is also recommended to completely replace the water after the beans boil for the first time. It should be remembered that toxic substances are destroyed only during long-term heat treatment.

What is the difference between white beans and red beans?

Despite the fact that it is red and white beans- representatives of the same species, and their basic properties are identical; there are a number of minor differences between them that will help you figure out which beans are healthier.

The caloric content of white and red varieties is almost the same. However, athletes usually prefer white varieties, as they are better and faster absorbed by the body.

The benefits of beans in matters of preserving youth and beauty are undeniable: white beans are actively used in cosmetology, and red beans slow down the aging process of cells.

It is better for pregnant women to eat red beans. It contains a large amount folic acid, necessary for hematopoiesis and promoting cell proliferation.

To people suffering diabetes mellitus, it is better to give preference to white beans. It helps lower blood sugar levels and helps normalize metabolic processes in the body.

In cooking, red beans are used as a base for soups, sauces, winter or summer salads, snacks. Because of their delicate taste, white beans are often used to make soups, salads, and purees.

In what form to use

Unlike most products, it retains its beneficial features after heat treatment, so it has a beneficial effect on the body both boiled and canned.

It is important to know about several nuances when preparing this product. After boiling, it is recommended to drain the water in which the beans are cooked. Then fill with clean cold water with the addition of a small amount vegetable oil. Cook the beans over low heat without stirring during cooking. Salt is added after cooking.

You can also eat canned beans. This is convenient, and the nutrients in such beans do not differ from boiled ones. However, one should not forget that canned product contains acetic acid, salt and other additives.


Red and white beans are extremely healthy foods. They are not only rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances, but also help in the fight against many diseases. Which beans are better - white or red? The answer to this question is in individual characteristics body. Remember that excessive use of even the most useful product may harm the body.

Moderate consumption of beans will strengthen your body, and big choice recipes with the addition of beans will pleasantly diversify your menu.

Majority plant products The foods we eat are healthy in one way or another. Today in our article we will look at the benefits and harms of beans, name a group of people who should definitely include them in their diet, and give the chemical composition of the product and other interesting characteristics.

White and red beans: health benefits

According to some scientists, red beans are the richest in antioxidants, that is, substances that prevent aging, protect the cardiovascular system from various problems, and help in the prevention of cancer. Considering that beans, not only red beans, but any other, contain about 20% vegetable protein, with only 2% fat and 58% carbohydrates, they can be considered as alternative source protein, especially for those who follow a vegetarian diet. Many components of this product help maintain the beauty of skin, hair and nails. It also reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Plus, these beans are simply delicious when used in side dishes, salads, and other dishes. They are a very filling product without being overly high in calories. Here they are - white or red beans, their benefits for the body are comparable to products such as currants or cranberries. Be sure to include this very inexpensive and affordable product into your diet.

What beneficial substances do beans contain?

Considering the chemical composition, we can highlight the following components of beans, the benefits of which for the body are undoubted. So, it contains:

  • vitamins A, group B, in particular B1, B2 and B6, K, PP and vitamin C;
  • In addition, it contains a useful and necessary antioxidant for all of us - vitamin E;
  • also in large quantities beans contain minerals- iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iodine, zinc;
  • necessary acids - Omega-3, lysine, arginine and others.

In addition, beans contain a lot of fiber, which is necessary for proper digestion.

How different is the canned product from fresh beans?

Of course, no one uses this legume for food in its raw form - it is very hard, it is either boiled or rolled into jars. Canned beans, the benefits of which are quite high, retain almost everything nutritional properties even with this method of preparation. Thus, it contains up to 70% of vitamins compared to a fresh product and up to 80% of minerals. Of course, there is no less protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber in it than in the original raw materials. The only thing is, when choosing canned food in a store, pay attention to their composition. It is better if, when preparing in factory conditions, they did not use salt and other spices, but simply added water. Then the beans practically do not change in taste, and they can be perfectly used for salads or other tasty dishes.

White and red beans: benefits and harm to the body

If we talked about the nutritional and beneficial properties above in sufficient detail, then the dangers of the product should also be mentioned. Some people should take into account that this legume cannot be consumed by everyone. It should be eaten with caution by people suffering from the following diseases:

  • increased acidity or gastritis;
  • ulcers or cholecystitis, as well as gout and colitis;
  • people with a tendency to flatulence.

Keep in mind that red beans, the benefits and harms of which (especially the latter harm) differ from the same characteristics of other types of beans, cause gas formation to a lesser extent. But you still need to prepare it with caution and especially carefully. Please note that any beans are always soaked for at least several hours before cooking. Some housewives recommend adding a pinch of soda to the water - this way the beans will cook faster and become soft. Also, to reduce gas formation, it is recommended to add various spices, for example dill, to boiled porridge.

A little about green beans

This type of bean is no less healthy and just as tasty as dry red or white beans. Let's look at what features green beans have, the benefits and harms of which are described in detail below. First, let’s talk about how this product has a positive effect on the body. Firstly, it contains a large amount of vitamins - groups B, C, A, PP and a number of others. Minerals - iodine, zinc, fluorine, iron, potassium. Actually, in composition it is very similar to white and red beans, the benefits and harms of which were discussed above. However, the calorie content of this product is extremely low - approximately 30 kcal. per 100 grams. Moreover, they are much easier to prepare than white or red beans. The pods can be eaten raw, boiled or fried, added to a salad, vegetable stew - anywhere. Also, such beans can be frozen for the winter; they retain their vitamins and nutrients well even after defrosting. Contraindications to eating green beans are almost the same as for red or white beans. So, it is not recommended to eat it for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, and high acidity. It should not be added or prepared for those who have been diagnosed with nephritis or gout. Otherwise, beans, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, and nutritionists can clearly answer the question of who can eat the product and who cannot, is still recommended for most people in order to diversify the diet and provide the body with vitamins and minerals .

While it is very easy to prepare a leguminous vegetable - it can easily be cooked, then with red vegetables the situation is somewhat worse. More precisely, no worse, but more complicated. It needs to be soaked - we have already mentioned this fact, and it is best to soak it overnight. After this, it should be filled with new water, put on the stove and wait until the liquid boils. Immediately after boiling, this water must be drained and then new water must be poured. In this case, the beans will retain more nutrients and it just turns out tastier. You can also add spices and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil during the cooking process. In our article we talked in detail about beans; the benefits and harms were also discussed. Agree, positive properties there is still more in the product, so be sure to include it in your family’s diet.

There are a lot: there are black and white, red and green, and also yellow. Each of them has its own set of minerals and vitamins. The question of which one is more useful is still open, although it interests many people. Of course, any legume plant is an excellent source of nutrients, but we will still try to find the optimal variety.

Is there a difference?

Do all these varieties differ depending on the composition? Modern research showed that yes, and quite strongly. For example, red beans (298 kcal per 100 g) have almost three times more calories compared to white beans (102 kcal per 100 g). But the difference doesn't stop there. Red beans are about three times richer in protein and carbohydrates than white beans. But let us emphasize once again that any legumes are extremely beneficial for our body, because they contain great amount squirrel. Now let's talk about which beans are healthier - white or red.

The most popular variety

Most often we have red beans on our tables. It is bright, looks great on the table and complements many meat and vegetable dishes. But it's not just about beauty. It is important for us to find out which beans are healthier - white or red. Large-scale research was carried out, the purpose of which was to search best antioxidants. The products studied included fruits, berries, nuts, and red beans. At the same time, the latter even left currants behind, becoming an ideal antioxidant. This substance effectively protects against radicals that cause various diseases, including cancer.

A little red

And we continue to discuss the question of which beans are healthier - white or red. Below we will talk about what various diseases The focus may shift somewhat, but in general, nutritionists say it is important to regularly include this product in your menu. And red beans can be safely added to the list of plant foods that are vital for our body. Let's look at why now. This product is devoid of fats, or rather, their concentration is so minute that it can be ignored. Instead of synthetic vitamin complexes prepare tasty soup or salad. It will warm and saturate the body with everything it needs. This is a real treasure trove useful substances, especially in winter time. It is no less rich in minerals. The composition contains zinc and copper, potassium and sulfur, iron and much more.

White beans

This is the undisputed leader in fiber content. We have already compared these two types, although we have not come to a final conclusion which beans are healthier - white or red. "Sportviki" most often gives preference to the colorless variety, since it has the least calories. At the same time, white beans are digested very quickly. Just one glass can fully satisfy the body's need for fiber. This perfect option for those who are on a diet. Low calorie product is also rich in vitamins and minerals, like its red counterpart.

Many women note that regular consumption of beans gives visible result. The condition of the skin, nails and hair improves. This is achieved due to the sulfur content in legumes. And the iron in the composition helps to avoid anemia and improves heart function.

Gender differences

As you can see, it is quite difficult to unambiguously answer the question of which beans are healthier - white or red. For women who watch their figure, the best option will become colorless, since it satisfies well, allows you to go without snacks for a long time, but at the same time contains few calories. True, if a woman is engaged in serious physical labor, then it is quite possible that she will choose red beans. The same opinion is generally held by strong half humanity. Red beans are more nutritious, which means they better provide the body with energy. Accordingly, it provides more amino acids and B vitamins, as well as sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, zinc and selenium.

For pregnant women

The benefits of legumes for expectant mothers are difficult to overestimate. This is an excellent source of protein, amino acids and vitamins, which are so important during this difficult period. The high fiber content will effectively eliminate constipation, which is not uncommon during this difficult period. Alimentary fiber they swell in your stomach, which means you won’t want to eat for a long time. Therefore, if you constantly feel hungry, then these dishes are especially for you. Moreover, with vegetables, it is much healthier than potatoes and pork. And B vitamins and iron are another reason to eat legumes.

Which beans are healthier (white or red) for pregnant women? If you have overweight body - choose white. And when normal weight Red or black, which holds the record for protein content, is best. The most important thing is to soak the beans overnight in cold water before cooking. Then the beans will not cause painful flatulence. It is very important to fully cook the beans, because raw or undercooked, they are a source of toxic substances.

We continue to compare

And we still have a lot of interesting things ahead. You need to find out which beans are healthier - white or red. Black, by the way, is also participating in the competition, and therefore we will need to consider this species as well. appeared on our shelves relatively recently, so not everyone knows about its properties. Taste qualities differ, this product has a more delicate structure and a somewhat sweet taste. This is a source of complete protein. Moreover, if white contains 7 g (per 100 g of product), red 8.4, then black - 8.9 g.

Nutritionists believe that black bean protein is closest in composition to animal enzyme. This is simply an ideal option for a person who, for a number of reasons, refuses meat.

Advantages and disadvantages

So which beans are healthier? White or red? Or black? The choice is yours. Black contains more carbohydrates than white and red, which means it satisfies better. Complex carbohydrates are broken down slowly and gradually enter the blood without provoking the release of insulin, like confectionery. But it is precisely this mechanism that promotes fat deposition. So even daily use Eating beans will not contribute to weight gain. This particular variety is fantastically rich in coarse plant fibers. This provides normal work intestines.

At the same time, nature has endowed black beans with substances that resist atherosclerosis. This is the main cause of heart attacks and strokes. Only 200 g of beans contain daily norm potassium, iron and manganese, selenium and magnesium, as well as zinc.

It is impossible not to note the other side. This is a high content of oligosaccharides in the product. That is, its use provokes the formation of gases and bloating.

Instead of a conclusion

So, you can distribute the seats as follows. Black beans are the leader in protein content and other beneficial substances, but they also contain the maximum calories. In second place are red and variegated ones, which are slightly less caloric, but also contain less of all other substances. Finally, in third place in terms of nutritional value and the amount of amino acids and minerals are white beans. But it is an important element of dietary nutrition.

Beans also differ in taste. Red beans are most often used in sauces, salads and appetizers, while white and black beans are used for first courses. Otherwise, the choice is yours. But whatever variety you prefer, remember that you need to eat legumes at least twice a week. In addition, you can eat green beans, which have all the same beneficial properties, but do not burden digestive tract and does not cause flatulence. This can be a solution for a person who has digestive problems.

Bean dishes are tasty and very nutritious - even small portions saturates well, helping to restore strength after hard physical labor. But beans are valued not only for their taste and nutritional value; their beneficial properties are widely used in folk medicine for healing from various diseases and for general health improvement body.

We will consider all the beneficial properties of beans, both grain and green beans, in detail below. However, it should immediately be noted that in some cases beans should be consumed with caution - benefit and harm this legume largely depends on the method of its preparation.

So, raw beans It is strictly not recommended to consume it as food, as it contains toxic substances that are destroyed in the process. heat treatment. Be sure to soak the beans well before cooking, otherwise they will cause increased gas formation in the intestines. Those who suffer from stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, nephritis, gout, and gastritis with high acidity should be wary of bean dishes. In the presence of listed diseases green beans are suitable, the benefits of which are as great as grain beans, but the pods are considered a more dietary food and are better absorbed.

Those who suffer from stomach ulcers should be wary of bean dishes.

First of all, grain beans are valued for their increased protein content, which is absorbed by the body by 75%. Bean grains can easily replace fish and meat, without loading the body with animal fat, which is very important for everyone who cares about the slimness of their own figure. Benefits of beans dietary product is also that it is rich in fiber, which provides a feeling of fullness for for a long time. In addition, fiber removes harmful toxins from the body, protects against the appearance of malignant tumors and stabilizes blood sugar. Beans contain the most important vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, E, PP, zinc, copper, potassium, iodine, iron, sulfur, magnesium, as well as amino acids lysine, arginine, methionine, tyrosine. Thanks to this composition, beans:

  • has a beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • increases resistance to infections;
  • has wound healing properties;
  • regulates metabolism;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • helps the formation of red blood cells;
  • promotes the removal of stones from the gallbladder and kidneys;
  • improves the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes in the liver;
  • has a positive effect on the activity of the stomach;
  • prevents the appearance of dental plaque.

Video about the benefits and harms of beans

Intestinal infections, bronchial diseases, rheumatism - for these diseases, red beans are especially recommended, their beneficial properties are higher than those of other varieties of beans. An incredible amount of antioxidants that preserve youth, a high content of iron, starch and vitamin B6, which improves skin condition - that's what red beans are good for. However, keep in mind that among its “relatives” of other colors, red beans are considered the most poisonous - their benefits will be indisputable only after long soaking. Red beans should be soaked for at least ten hours and then simmered for two hours or more. White beans also deserve special attention: their beneficial properties include: increased content magnesium, fiber and folic acid. For those who suffer from constant constipation, eating white beans will be especially beneficial.

Asparagus and green beans - beneficial properties

Gaining increasing popularity among Russian housewives green bean, the benefit of which lies in its extremely low calorie content (about 30 Kcal per 100 g). We call asparagus and green beans green, although in reality they are different types legume crop. Let's take a closer look at the health benefits of green beans and green beans.

Green beans are gaining increasing popularity among Russian housewives.

Black Eyed Peas(its beneficial properties are especially relevant for those who suffer from kidney stones) it is distinguished by thin and straight pods, a more delicate taste and high content squirrel. Both pods and grains of asparagus beans are eaten - the benefits remain unchanged in both versions. Green bean pods cook very quickly, are well digestible and can be eaten on any diet, due to their low calorie content and high vitamin content. What are the benefits of green beans? It perfectly removes excess salts from the body (of course, if you cook without seasoning and add very little salt), relieves the cardiovascular system, removes excess liquid due to the favorable ratio of sodium and potassium. Arginine contained in green beans is similar in its effect to insulin, so dishes made from green beans are perfect for diabetics.

Video about the benefits of green beans

U green beans The pods are almost flat, they are thicker and shorter than those of asparagus. The color of the pods can be yellow or light green, but this has almost no effect on the taste and beneficial properties of green beans. The young pods are filled with vitamins E, C and A, which visibly improve the condition of the skin, giving it a more youthful, youthful appearance. fresh look. The benefits of bean pods are: great importance for pregnant women - dishes made from green pods help cope with nervousness, anxiety, and mood swings. In addition, for expectant mothers, the benefit of green beans also lies in the fact that it contains a considerable amount folic acid and iron.

How are green beans good for everyone else? By adding it to your diet, you will ensure the smooth functioning of your digestive system, normalize secretion gastric juice and improve the condition of the kidneys and liver. For men, green beans will protect against prostate adenoma and provide zinc, which is very important for male body. Green beans It is also indispensable for diabetics, since it acts like insulin. Prepare soups, side dishes for meat and fish dishes, make juices, and your health will noticeably improve!

Today everyone knows about the benefits of beans: they can almost equally replace animal proteins. In addition, these legumes contain a high content essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and fiber. The question often arises about the usefulness of one or another variety of this culture. Let's try to figure out which beans are healthier - red or white, and what is the difference between them.

What is the difference between white beans and red beans?

The main differences between white and red varieties of legumes are the composition of nutrients, protein content, amino acids and fiber. The energy value of red fruits is higher than white ones. Accordingly, there is more protein and carbohydrates in red beans.

Description and other types of beans

Due to their lower calorie content, white beans are an excellent food for people looking to lose weight. overweight. Due to its low (compared to other types) protein content, it is suitable for older people, since any protein is more difficult to digest by the body than carbohydrates. The vitamins and minerals contained in beans help normalize work of cardio-vascular system. The low protein and fiber content promotes rapid absorption of white varieties by the body.

Did you know? Beans have been known to mankind for several thousand years; along with corn, they were the basis of the diet of the Indians of South and Central America. Even before our era, the crop was cultivated in China, Egypt and the Mediterranean. Beans came to Russia in the 16th century.

Here are examples of such varieties:

The red variety is the leader in antioxidant content not only among other types of legumes, but also among vegetable and plant crops in general. These legumes contain more antioxidants than black currant. The culture contains large quantities of zinc, copper, iron and sulfur. Thanks to the latter mineral, it has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It also contains a large amount of B vitamins, protein and amino acids. High fiber content helps normal stool- at regular use Constipation practically disappears with red beans.

Among the most common varieties of this variety are the following:

Today, more than 220 varieties of beans are known. In addition to white and red, there are also black, green, spotted, asparagus, capsicum and some other species that are little known in Russia and Ukraine.

The entire variety of bean varieties is divided into 2 main types according to the region of origin of the crop:

  • Asian - has an elongated fruit shape and a small seed;
  • American - beans that are round in shape and larger in size.

There is another, more traditional division of the varieties of these legumes:

Calorie content and chemical composition

Indicators of calorie content and chemical composition may vary slightly, but the main characteristics are as follows:

  • calorie content - 298 kcal;
  • proteins - 21–30 g;
  • fat content - 2–3.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 50–60 g;
  • dietary fiber - 10–12 g;
  • essential amino acids;
  • sterols;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins - A, group B, E, PP, K, choline;
  • macro- and microelements - Ca, Si, Mg, Na, Ph, Fe, I, Co, Mn, Cu, Mo, Se, Cr, Zn, etc.

Which beans are better and which are healthier?

It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which variety is better and healthier. But we can highlight the main qualities characteristic of each species.

Important! The silicon content in 100 g of beans is 3 times higher than the daily norm, and cobalt is almost 2 times higher.


  • contains a high content of antioxidants, which prevent cell aging;
  • contains large quantities of vitamins A, K, C, PP and group B, and also contains zinc, potassium, iron, copper and other micro- and macroelements;
  • Eating optimizes blood sugar levels and blood pressure;
  • in cooking it is used as a basis for preparing sauces, salads, and first courses.


  • characterized by high fiber content;
  • low calorie;
  • contains vitamins A, K, PP, P and B;
  • has a beneficial effect on appearance, especially hair and nails;
  • stimulates the functioning of the brain;
  • in cooking it is used to prepare soups, salads, and purees.
White beans are better digestible, while red beans are higher in calories. If you do heavy physical labor or sports in the gym (especially strength sports), give preference to red varieties.
If you need dietary food, it is better to use legumes white. These beans are more suitable for the diet of people suffering from diabetes: they have a beneficial effect on endocrine processes in the body and normalize sugar levels. For people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or simply digestive problems, it is better to use beans of any color with caution, as this can lead to an exacerbation of diseases.

Important!Raw or undercooked beans can cause poisoning:in fruitscontains glycosides and lectins, the ingestion of which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can even lead to damage to the intestinal mucosa.

General rules for selection and storage

High-quality beans should have the following characteristics:

  • the beans should be freely separated from one another when poured, there should be no sticky fruits;
  • there should be no foreign deposits on the surface - high-quality beans have a smooth appearance, with a slight sheen;
  • there should not be any foreign plant or other residues in the total mass;
  • the fruits should be approximately the same size;
  • white varieties are most susceptible to attacks by insects and worms - remember this when visual inspection such fruits.
Beans should be stored in a dark, dry place, preferably in thick canvas bags. young green beans can be frozen.

The scope of application of beans of all types is wide. The vegetable can be used in soups, salads, appetizers, sauces, and main courses. It is used in the preparation of side dishes, stewed and boiled, both together with animal products (meat, fish and seafood) and with vegetables.

Did you know?If regular beans- The food is too heavy for your gastrointestinal tract, the solution may be to eat a variety of asparagus. It has almost the same qualities, while having a milder effect on the stomach and intestines.

  1. Most varieties of these legumes should be soaked in cold water before cooking. for 7–8 hours (it is better to change the water every 2 hours). In summer it is better to keep the container in the refrigerator.
  2. Young green beans do not need to be soaked.
  3. Any type of legumes must be cooked (boiled or stewed) until fully cooked. to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for the red variety of the crop.
  4. You can do the following: Rinse the fruits, add water and cook. Let it simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and cover the pan with the contents in a blanket or blanket. After 2 hours, drain the contents in a colander, rinse with running water, add fresh water and cook until fully cooked. This method requires less time than traditional soaking.
  5. When cooking, do not mix different types of legumes.. Even beans of the same type may take different times to fully cook from different batches, with some beans being cooked while others are not fully cooked.
  6. To quickly boil the legumes, you should periodically add 100–150 ml during cooking. cold water . Another way to speed up the cooking process is to add 0.5 teaspoons of soda when soaking (if you change the water, add soda with each change) or the same amount during the cooking process. If the taste of soda is felt after the beans are ready, you can neutralize it a small amount vinegar.

Thus, different kinds beans have their advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of which one you choose, you need to remember that for normal balanced nutrition these fruits should be included in your diet 6–8 times a month, unless there are any contraindications.