Sprouted wheat: benefits and recipes. Sprouted wheat: the benefits and harms of a unique product, proper preparation and use

Environmental conditions force people to look for ways to maintain their health. Wheat sprouts are a true gift from nature. Sprout juice has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The main value of wheat germ is that it is a “living” food.

The life-giving power of sprouts

The concentrated power and energy inside the seed is ready to give birth to a new life. The first few days the seed uses all its potential, all its energy to form the root, the first leaves, and the growth of the stem. This is the maximum phase vital activity which a person can use for his own benefit. The composition of the seeds is formed building materials to ensure the vital activity of the nascent plant organism. Starch, fats and proteins are concentrated in each seed and are waiting in the wings. Seed germination converts these substances into malt sugar, fatty acid and amino acids. Healing power juice and pulp of sprouts relieves many diseases. This powerful stimulant vital activity, improving the functioning of the whole organism due to a number of useful functions:

  • increasing immunity;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • slowing down the aging process due to the presence of antioxidants, vitamins E, C, A and enzymes;
  • normalization of acid-base balance;
  • self-cleaning of organs and blood from toxins, formation of hemoglobin;
  • increase in potency and performance;
  • improves digestion, helps fight eczema and peptic ulcer stomach.
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • strengthening tooth enamel, restoring vision, strengthening and stimulating hair growth, improving movement coordination;
  • metabolism is restored, the nervous system is strengthened;
  • Magnesium contained in sprouts has a very beneficial effect on the heart and helps eliminate cholesterol.

Among the many types of seeds, wheat is famous for its strongest healing properties. All diseases occur due to changes in genes. Sprouted wheat grains supply the body with material for their replacement and restoration and contribute to the renewal of diseased tissues. At the same time they help proper operation the whole body. Sprouted wheat for weight loss supplies the body of a dieter with all the necessary substances. Under the influence of acids gastrointestinal tract and alkali, the fiber of the grains, like a sponge, absorbs all the toxins accumulated in the body. For overweight people, this is a great opportunity to get rid of the feeling of hunger. After all, sprouts have the ability to create a feeling of fullness, while stabilizing metabolism. Sprouted wheat for weight loss contains from 300 kcal per hundred grams. High nutritional value sprouts allows you to eat them in very small quantities.

How to choose?

To choose the right quality seeds for germination, it is best to look for them in a pharmacy or store healthy eating or even in the stables. Seeds intended for planting are not suitable. They are usually treated with pesticides. You must immediately exclude grains with black spots, signs of fungal infection, unripe, overdried and rotten grains. Carefully selected grains are germinated at 20 degrees Celsius, in a slightly shaded place. If the process takes place near a window, then it is better to cover it with a curtain. If the grains do not germinate at the same time, this means that the mixture contains more than one variety of wheat.

How to germinate?

The correct container for germinating seeds should be glass, porcelain, clay or enamel. Half a cup of grain, poured into a colander, is washed in running water. Now you need to remove the non-viable seeds. To do this, they are filled with water in a liter jar. The floating seeds can be safely thrown away. Then you need to throw a little potassium permanganate, taken from the tip of a match, into the jar. After mixing the solution, replace the water with clean, unboiled water. After that it is replaced again.

It is recommended to let the water sit for several hours before soaking. The right time for soaking is morning or afternoon. In the evening, drain the water and rinse the seeds. The jar with future sprouts is lightly covered with a lid and left overnight. In the morning, when washing the grains with running water, you can notice the sprouts that have hatched. They are left in the jar for several hours. If there are no sprouts, repeat the washing in the evening and wait until the next morning.

Sprouts one to two millimeters long are the most valuable. If their length exceeds two millimeters, then it is better not to eat them. Experts claim that the formation of a toxic enzyme begins in such sprouts. It is advisable to eat the sprouts immediately. You can store them in the freezer for up to three or four days. Darkened ground wheat sprouts should be thrown away.

Rules for using sprouts

Heat treatment of sprouted wheat grains should be avoided, as they will lose their valuable properties. To obtain greatest effect from useful substances, it is recommended to chew them for a long time until a paste forms in the mouth. If you have problems with chewing, you can pass the sprouts through a meat grinder twice, and also make an infusion or prepare juice. The introduction of sprouts into the diet should occur gradually. One or two teaspoons per day is a sufficient serving to start with. After two months, you can increase it to seventy grams. If you overdo it with the amount of sprouts in your diet, you can get an upset stomach. Eating sprouts or their juice is beneficial at any time of the year. It is correct to eat them in the first half of the day to avoid insomnia.

Sprouted wheat is incompatible with products such as golden root, flower pollen, and royal jelly. The consequence in the form of urticaria will arise as a result of an imbalance. You need to be aware of some contraindications. Doctors warn people with gluten allergies, ulcers and other diseases against consuming wheat germ and its juice. digestive system. Children under twelve years of age are also prohibited from eating them. Wheat germ should not be consumed after surgery.

Cooking sprouts

Dishes made from sprouted wheat are very diverse. There are many recipes for its preparation. It is correct to eat it immediately, whole, preferably in fresh. It is with this method that the sprouts provide maximum benefit. You can cook them different ways and put in any dishes:

  • Dried and ground sprouts in the form of flour serve as a topping for salads, vegetable dishes and porridge.
  • Yogurt mixed with finely chopped apples, nuts and wheat germ will make an excellent nutritious breakfast for the whole day.
  • Hearty sandwiches made from properly toasted slices of grain bread. Per layer butter sliced ​​olives are placed on top of the bread. Most upper layer- wheat germ.
  • Wheat milk. You need to mix four glasses of filtered water with one glass of sprouts and add half a glass of pre-soaked raisins. All ingredients must be mixed, passed through a mixer and strained. The prepared milk should be kept in the refrigerator.
  • Fruit salad. Two tablespoons of wheat and sunflower sprouts are crushed and mixed. One hundred grams of low-fat cheese, banana and kiwi are added to the mixture, pomegranate seeds, honey and lemon juice. After mixing the ingredients, you can eat.

Adding sprouts to dishes does not require cooking them. But there are many recipes using high temperature, which are also very useful. This includes baking flatbreads, cookies, making jelly, frying pancakes. To preserve the benefits of such a dish, heat treatment should be as minimal as possible.

Some useful recipes:

  • Wheat germ porridge. One glass of wheat grains is poured with water. After an hour, drain the water and fill the pan with the sprouts with new water and place it on the stove. After the water has boiled, add sugar and a pinch ground ginger. The mixture is simmered over low heat until soft. Season the porridge with a teaspoon of honey and butter. You can add decoration in the form of orange slices.
  • Wheat germ and zucchini flatbread. One hundred grams of grains are stewed for five minutes in a small amount of water in a frying pan and then crushed. Grated small zucchini is mixed with wheat with the addition of a teaspoon of cumin and half a teaspoon of ground ginger. You can add a little salt. All that remains is to bake the flatbreads on both sides in a thick frying pan in vegetable oil.
  • Cookies made from wheat germ and prunes. One and a half glasses of sprouts are mixed with one hundred grams of prunes and ground in a meat grinder. You can add two tablespoons of poppy seeds. The flat-shaped cookies are placed in the oven for five minutes, then turned over and drying repeated.

Making juice

The juice of wheat sprouts, the so-called wheatgrass, is very useful. Instead of one kilogram fresh vegetables It’s better to drink thirty milliliters of juice. This is a sufficient portion to satisfy the body's needs throughout the day. Lysine slows down aging, tryptophan improves hair health and skin, making the body young and strong. Living chlorophyll present in wheat sprout juice is an antimutagen, as it fights pathological changes in DNA molecules. The list of all the beneficial properties of sprout juice is simply huge.

Well-washed wheat grains are poured with cold filtered water into a saucer and left for 24 hours. The procedure is repeated for two or three days. Germination begins with the appearance of roots. The water should be drained through a colander, and the seeds should be placed on a napkin. The container for planting wheat is lined with a paper towel to prevent roots from growing through the holes. A five-centimeter layer of organic soil is poured onto the litter. Seeds slightly pressed into the soil are watered and the container is covered with damp newspapers. For the first four days, it is necessary to maintain the moisture of the soil layer by watering it twice a day. Newspapers should also be moistened. After this, the covering layer is removed, and watering is reduced to once a day. The tray should be in a shaded place. After nine days, the shoots are ready for cutting. Now you can put them through a blender and enjoy the fresh and juicy herbal taste of the juice.

People talk about getting rid of many ailments, but sprouts cannot be considered a panacea for all diseases. However, they bring enormous health benefits. Properly sprouted wheat for weight loss helps you maintain a strict diet. Including sprouts and juice in daily diet- an important nutritional element for a healthy lifestyle modern man. Therapeutic effect wheat germ is fully manifested when consumed regularly.

Many people today know little about the benefits of sprouted wheat grains. When they see them on store shelves, they “suspect” about a certain effect on health, but still don’t put them in their cart...

The reason for this may be doubts about taste or other prejudices. However, we are talking about natural gift, which you should try.

The effect of young cereal on the body

Sprouts are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, microelements, vegetable proteins in concentrated form. After 2 hours of germination, the composition of vitamins and microelements in the seeds increases by 50-200%!

This deserves attention, doesn't it?
With such high content vitamins, it is logical that living seeds have healing and regenerative effects. Used to treat diabetes, vascular diseases, metabolic disorders and other health problems.

Source of enzymes

Enzymes are the main catalysts of all chemical processes in a living organism. Without them, proper digestion, metabolic, regenerative processes and mature immunity are impossible.

For good health and strong immune system It is necessary that enzymes in the body are in sufficient quantity and active.

There are many ways to eat wheat germ. But it is best to eat it raw, because heat treatment Not only vitamins and minerals are lost, but also vital enzymes. Of course, such a product will not cause harm, but the benefit from it will be minimal.

Ideal food?

Chemical composition sprouted wheat contains vitamins, minerals, and all major easily digestible proteins. Contains a number of the mentioned active enzymes, nucleic acids, vitamin B12.

A high percentage of antioxidants helps eliminate damage caused by free radicals (substances that damage cells and accelerate the aging process).

What happens when seeds germinate?

During germination, alkalinity increases, and the content increases. nutrients:

  • vitamins – 500%;
  • folic acid– by 600%;
  • riboflavin (vitamin B12) – by 1300-2000;
  • proteins and nucleic acids – by 30;
  • enzymes - 10-20 times.

Each germinating seed contains nutritional energy for the growth of a healthy plant. In the process of germination of wheat seeds, the digestibility and utilization of nutrients when consumed increases. It's about a richer source of protein than other animals or plant sources.

According to reviews from experts (and consumers, which is important), regular consumption of nature’s gift provides the following effects on the body:

  1. Significant improvement in digestion.
  2. Boosting immunity.
  3. Detoxification of the body.
  4. Prevention and treatment of colds, flu and others infectious diseases.
  5. Prevention and treatment of cancer.

Today you can buy sprouts in some supermarket chains or sprout the grains yourself.

Sprouting grain

Modern rhythm Life with constant rush and ongoing health problems is a reason to try something tasty and healthy.

How about sprouted wheat?
Her delicious, sweetish, fresh taste will certainly enchant you. This is a vitamin bomb that the body will welcome after a long winter.

Preparation natural remedy not complicated at all.
All you need is wheat, a few vessels and about 2-3 days of patience.

The result of consumption will be a significant improvement in well-being, which will be provided by proteins, fats, vitamins E, B1, B2, zinc, iron, manganese, copper. And most importantly, the incomparable energy of developing plant life.

Let's see how to germinate seeds yourself.

Start by choosing your seeds

The seeds must be clean and healthy, so damaged, dirty seeds should be selected (during germination, they can begin to rot and contaminate healthy raw materials).


You've sorted through the wheat, now give it a drink: soak it in cold, clean water for 24 hours. Change the water several times to prevent fermentation from starting. After a day, slightly swollen edges will appear.

This - the right time to infuse water and provide a good place for germination. The ideal temperature is around 20-25°C, so normal room temperature will suffice.

Strain and set aside

Perfect option– placing the raw materials in a dry plate, covering with a napkin with a thin towel. You can use a glass, a plastic box is suitable. The choice of dishes depends on the number of seeds.

It is important not to lay them out in a high layer, optimal thickness layer - 1-2 cm, with air penetration between individual grains. Access is also important fresh air to prevent mold and rot.

Don't worry about the risk of drying out, the wheat has "sucked in" the moisture and although it looks a little dry on the surface, new plant growth is already happening inside.

Re-rinse the wheat seeds several times a day (2-3 times). clean water. This will remove dirt and retain moisture. The next day you can use useful product.

How to store?

Storage of sprouted wheat does not require special attention. Place it in the refrigerator in a ventilated container - the product can be stored this way for about a week.

The grain tastes best in the first days after germination. This time is characterized by the greatest nutritional value.

Sprouted wheat is better absorbed by the human body. Starches are transformed into simple sugars(due to which the grains are pleasantly sweet), fats are converted into simple fatty acids, proteins are broken down into amino acids.

The gluten content also changes, which is better tolerated by the body.

But be careful, this product is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance!

Are dishes and products made from it treats or medicines?

You can prepare various dishes from this healthy product, beneficial for good health. Recommended for pregnant women, as it significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage.

At breastfeeding wheat germ provides the baby with many important substances that penetrate into the mother's milk.


Kvass is a drink that is always present in the diet of healthy lifestyle supporters. How to cook it? Easily! Grind the sprouted grains and pour into a glass jar (up to 1/3 of the volume). Fill with chilled boiled water.

After about 12 hours (after the characteristic sour taste appears), you can add honey to taste. A day later, the drink is ready.


For healthy cooking dietary dishes, suitable for feeding diabetics, flour is produced from sprouted wheat. The product saves everything beneficial features sprouts Today, flour can be easily purchased in health food stores or prepared yourself (by grinding the raw materials in a meat grinder).

Flour can be used to make healthy bread. These baked goods are suitable for use when losing weight, but not more than 300 g per day.


To bake the main food product - bread - you can use pure flour from sprouted wheat grains. The dough is prepared as for regular bread.

Preparing dough and baking bread
Raw materials for 2 small loaves:

  • 3 cups sprouted seed flour;
  • 3 glasses of warm water;
  • 1 tbsp. cornmeal or bran for sprinkling (optional).

Cooking process:

  • add water to the flour, knead the dough with your hands for 10 minutes;
  • form 2 small loaves;
  • bake on a baking sheet sprinkled with a small amount bran or cornmeal (no oven preheating required);
  • bake at 93-135°C for 2-3 hours;
  • let the bread cool to room temperature;
  • It is best to cut the bread into thin slices.

Bread can be baked using a recipe similar to yeast baking.
To do this, prepare a starter.

You need:

  • sprouted wheat – 1 cup;
  • Rye flour– 1 tbsp;
  • sugar or honey - 1 tbsp.

In the morning (about 11:00 a.m.), rinse and grind the grain, pour into a saucepan, add the remaining ingredients, wrap the saucepan in a towel, and place in a warm place. The next morning the starter is ready. Use it instead of yeast.


In folk medicine and cooking, juice from sprouted wheat is also used. We are not talking about juice as such, but about fresh juice prepared by chopping green sprouts (up to 15 cm - after exceeding this height, the benefit decreases) in a blender.

Modern experts have discovered important property juice – prevention and treatment of cancer! The fight against cancer is due to the presence in the healthy product of a large number of antioxidants, which prevent cell damage by free radicals and neutralize toxins, one of the causes of the disease.


To prepare milk from sprouted sprouts you need:

  • 1 cup grains;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 1/2 cup raisins.

Pre-wet the raisins, after softening, grind them together with the grains to a paste consistency. Add chilled boiled water. Stir and strain. Store the liquid in the refrigerator.

Advice: do not throw away the remaining pulp - it will find application V home cosmetology(will benefit hair). Apply it to your hair 1 hour before washing. The result will be soft, shiny curls.


From healthy raw materials you can prepare a salad that has a beneficial effect on health.

You need:

  • 1 cup sprouts;
  • 1/2 red or yellow pepper (you can use pickled peppers);
  • 1 small jar canned corn;
  • 1 handful of peas (preferably from fresh pods, but canned will also work);
  • 1/2 onion;
  • a piece of red cabbage (chopped);
  • a piece of leek (about 3 cm);
  • soy sauce;
  • salt.

Place the sprouted grain in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients, and mix. Add soy sauce to taste, sprinkle with your favorite spices and serve.


From healthy raw materials you can prepare the healthiest porridge in the world!

You need:

  • 150 g wheat sprouts;
  • 600 ml soy drink (for example, Alpro);
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 1/2 tsp. chopped fennel;
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup.

Place the grains in a blender, pour in the soy drink, and blend until soft. Add ground cinnamon, fennel, pour into a saucepan, simmer over low heat.

Stir constantly, otherwise the porridge will burn. Cook for 2-3 minutes. At the end of cooking, add maple syrup.

On a plate, sprinkle the porridge with cinnamon, chopped peanuts or other nuts, and add sugar or an alternative sweetener.

Note: The porridge is well digestible and is suitable for people with weakened pancreatic function that requires diet.


Cold pressed wheat germ oil is a universal product. It is used not in cooking but in cosmetology. It is quite difficult to prepare it at home, so it is recommended to buy finished product.

The oil has a good taste and is easily digestible. His medicinal properties represented by a slowdown in the aging process. The oil contains a high proportion of essential fatty acids and natural coenzymes Q 10, vitamins B, D and E, phosphorus, and iron.

For women, the content of the female hormone estrogen is beneficial, for men it is the ability to stimulate the body, due to which the oil is used by athletes to increase performance.

Use in cosmetics:

  1. Restoration, nutrition, smoothing of the skin.
  2. Improves hair condition, adds shine, prevents hair loss.
  3. Skin rejuvenation, slowing down the aging process.
  4. Strengthening nails.

Healing properties:

  1. Protecting cells from free radicals– thanks to the vitamin E content, powerful antioxidant.
  2. Relief of menopause symptoms, help with heavy menstruation.
  3. Migraine relief.
  4. Treatment of insomnia caused by stress.
  5. Positive influence for neurological problems.
  6. Prevention cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Potency support.
  8. Elimination of joint inflammation, muscle spasms.
  9. Decline blood pressure.
  10. Reducing cholesterol.
  11. Positive effect on the brain, heart, blood vessels.
  12. Improving immunity, protecting the body.

How to use the oil?
Add it to various dishes (salads, fish dishes, potatoes, etc.). ethnoscience recommends taking it in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tsp.

In the field of cosmetology, oil is added to creams, lotions, used to wrap hair, rubbed into nails... Store it in the refrigerator, protect from light. The oil cannot be heat treated, so add it to ready meals.

Prejudice and myths

There are a number of myths surrounding sprouted wheat that prevent its use. healthy product. Let's refute them!

Myth No. 1 – bad taste

The people who most often assert and stand firmly behind their views have never actually tried utility!

Truth: If you cook corn or peas incorrectly, they won't taste good either. The taste depends on the method of use. Try the above recipes - you will change your mind.

Myth No. 2 – toxicity

Some gifts of nature are poisonous, and this statement applies to many products. Have you ever eaten raw potatoes, beans, soy? Most likely no.

Truth: some “extreme fans” perceive (and recommend) using only raw food. Do not do that. Not only sprouts, but also vegetables can be infected dangerous bacteria(e.g. salmonella), so hygiene in the kitchen is very important. Before use, they should be properly washed in cold water.

Myth No. 3 – flatulence

Many people know about the health benefits of legumes, vegetables, and fruits. One of the reasons why they avoid including them in the diet is discomfort in the intestines. People mistakenly believe that all healthy foods recommended by doctors are high in fiber and therefore cause disharmony in the intestines.

Truth: it's the other way around. The absence of flatulence after eating sprouted wheat is due to the fact that during germination, complex sugars in the grain are converted into simple and easily digestible ones.


In addition to the benefits, sprouted wheat can also cause harm; According to the advice of doctors, its use is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Today, few people do not know about the benefits of sprouted wheat; those who use it regularly talk about improved health, cure of many diseases and even the appearance of new teeth. The latter fact has not been proven by scientists, but it is regularly written about on many forums about healthy eating. Yogis, naturopaths and scientists studied sprouted wheat grains; none of them doubted the exceptional healing effect of sprouts on the human body.

Why is sprouted wheat beneficial?

Wheat grains contain a large number of useful substances, but most of these substances are in an inactive, “preserved” phase. At the moment when a sprout is ready to hatch in the grain, it mobilizes all its contents in order to put into the sprout all the necessary substances for active growth. Moreover, the active substances are balanced in such a way as to ensure maximum absorption. Therefore, sprouted wheat is not just a healthy product, it is biologically active natural supplement, which has virtually no contraindications and is completely absorbed by the body.

At the moment of germination, fats are converted into healthy fatty acids, and starch becomes maltose. Protein substances found in grains break down into amino acids, then into nucleotides. What is not absorbed by the body is again broken down into various bases, which are necessary for the construction of nucleic acids, which in turn are the basis of genes. Our body acquires the material to restore and cure certain diseases.

Along with these transformations, enzymes, vitamins and minerals are actively synthesized. Thus, our body receives material that is ready for absorption, it does not need to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats itself, and vitamins and minerals come to us in a balanced, easily digestible form, unlike similar complexes from the pharmacy.

What is sprouted wheat rich in?

The nutritional value of sprouted wheat grains is enormous. Most high concentration biologically active substances is found in grains with a sprout of 1–2 mm. They contain various fatty acids, ash, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, 8 essential amino acids and 12 replaceable. They are rich minerals, including rare ones: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. Eating sprouted wheat saturates the body with many vitamins; B vitamins, youth vitamins C and E are especially important for us; in addition, sprouts contain a lot of vitamin PP. Sprouted wheat does not contain sugars, which makes it especially useful for people with diabetes.

The benefits of sprouted wheat for the body

Sprouted wheat grains, when consumed for a long time, can create a real miracle for the body. Live food improves the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes in organism. The overall tone improves, the body's resistance to infections increases, immunity increases, and metabolism normalizes. Live food fills the body with energy and strength. Eating sprouted wheat is beneficial for everyone from young to old age. Its use is especially recommended in the following cases:

  • When exhausted, reduced immunity, after illness. Sprouts perfectly restore vitality and increase the body's resistance to many infections. They are recommended to be eaten during periods of flu epidemics, as well as after illnesses for quick recovery body.
  • For long-term stress and depression. Sprouted grains contain a large amount of substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • In case of decline or disturbance of sexual function. In some cases, long-term use can cure impotence.
  • At elevated level blood cholesterol. Sprouts are rich in magnesium, which helps lower blood pressure and remove cholesterol from the blood.
  • For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. A large number of insoluble fiber stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation, cleanses the body of waste, radionuclides and toxins. Soluble fiber restores intestinal microflora and absorbs bile acids, and also promotes the removal of cholesterol.
  • For metabolic disorders and obesity. Sprouted wheat is not very high in calories. It balances metabolism, which promotes better absorption of food. This product quickly fills you up and relieves you of hunger for a long time. But when consuming sprouted grains, it is advisable to avoid baked goods.
  • If present in the body various neoplasms . Sprouted wheat is a good preventative against the development of cancerous tumors. The experience of many people suggests that long-term use of sprouts promotes the resorption of cysts, fibroids, fibroids and polyps.
  • For various inflammatory processes in the body.
  • At poor eyesight . In just a few months daily use When eating sprouted wheat grains, vision improvement is observed. In many cases, vision is completely restored within a year.
  • At diabetes mellitus . The absence of sugars in sprouted wheat makes this food absolutely safe for diabetics; in addition, sprouted grains normalize the function of thyroid gland and alleviate the course of the disease.

Sprouted wheat grains are unique whole body rejuvenation complex, since they stimulate restoration and cleansing processes in our body. This is also facilitated by the rich content of youth vitamins and enzymes in the sprouts. 50–100 g of sprouted wheat per day will return you healthy skin and complexion, strengthen your hair, nails and teeth. They will give you strength and energy.

How to properly germinate wheat grains

When choosing grain for sprouting, pay attention to the fact that it must be sufficiently ripe, without foreign impurities, completely healthy, stains on the grain or the presence of pests are unacceptable. Then, separate the wheat from the chaff. Pour the required amount of grain with water, rinse it and drain off any debris and floating wheat. There should not be many dead grains, otherwise, most likely, all the grain from this batch is old or weak, and it will not bring much benefit. From one part of dry grain after germination, two are obtained, that is, if you put a tablespoon to germinate, then you subsequently eat 2 tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains.

For germination, use dishes made of natural materials, glass, clay or porcelain. Don't eat unsprouted grains, they have no benefit.

Pre-soaking is usually done in the evening or morning. The grain lies in the water for 5–8 hours, then this water must be drained, the grains must be rinsed thoroughly until light, clean water begins to flow from them. The first water is always poured out; it contains poisons that were used when growing wheat, as well as those that are formed when the grain is activated in water before germination.

The water you drain during subsequent washes is very beneficial. You can wash your face with it, you can drink it and add it to soups, it will be very useful for indoor plants.

When sprouting, you should wash the grains at equal time intervals 3-4 times a day. cool water. This is necessary in order to prevent the growth of mold fungi and provide the grains with fresh moisture. Grains with sprouts of 1–2 mm are considered ready to eat. At night, germination is more intense, take this into account before soaking.

There are several ways to germinate wheat:

  • Lay several layers of gauze in a deep plate, sprinkle wheat grains on top in an even thin layer after pre-soaking, and then another layer of gauze on top. Then you need to pour cool boiled water so that it slightly covers the grains. Place the plate in a bright, warm place, but not in the sun, and do not forget to change the water so that the grains are moist at all times, in clean water. There should not be too much water, otherwise the wheat will begin to mold. Depending on the variety, the grains will germinate in 1.5–2 days.
  • It is even easier to germinate wheat in a small strainer. To do this, lay one layer of gauze in it and pour in the grains. Place the strainer on a glass of clean water so that the grains touch the water but do not float in it. The water in the glass needs to be changed 3-4 times a day.
  • And the easiest way. There are several types of grain sprouters available in natural food stores these days.

How to properly eat sprouted wheat grains

The daily recommended intake of sprouted grains is 50–100 g. They are consumed raw, preferably immediately after germination. It is permissible to store sprouted wheat in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Eat your daily portion better in the morning to get a boost of energy for the whole day. 100 grams of sprouted grains can also be an excellent lunch, but do not eat them at night, it will be difficult for the stomach to cope with such food during sleep.

Sprouted wheat can be eaten as part of salads or cereals, or you can leave it as an independent dish. It is very important to chew it thoroughly until it becomes a liquid paste. If this seems difficult, you can grind it in a blender or meat grinder.

Sprouts go well with any food except dairy products. In combination with bee products, an allergic reaction is possible over time. It tastes best to add wheat to green salad or grind together with dried fruits or nuts.

Recipes with the addition of sprouted wheat

  • Kissel. Jelly made from sprouted wheat grains is very useful. Pass the grains through a meat grinder and fill with water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then let sit for half an hour. Strain and enjoy the healthy drink.
  • Cookie. Pass sprouted grains, dried fruits and nuts through a meat grinder. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and roll them in poppy or sesame seeds. Place in the oven for 15–20 minutes.
  • Infusion of sprouted wheat grains. The infusion can be added to soups and porridges; it is very beneficial for the skin of the face and hands; you can also make hair masks with it. Infusion with honey mixture good remedy for respiratory diseases. To prepare, pour a tablespoon of sprouted grains into a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, boil the infusion for 15 minutes, then strain.
  • Rejvelac. This Italian “kvass” is prepared from half a glass of ground sprouted wheat and 6 glasses clean water. Fill the sprouts with water in a glass decanter or jar, cover the decanter with gauze and leave for 2-3 days. When the kvass is ready, strain it from the grains. For the next serving, use the same grains.
  • Bread. Pass the sprouted wheat through a meat grinder and add a little water. You can add ground seaweed, sauteed onions or nuts. Form the loaves and fry them in a frying pan with a little olive oil.
  • Wheat milk. Pour one glass of sprouts with 4 glasses of clean water and stir the mixture in a blender. You can add raisins or nuts to the milk. Strain the liquid. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.


There are not many contraindications for sprouted wheat.

  • It is not recommended for use by patients with stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • It should not be given to children under 12 years of age.
  • Sprouted wheat is contraindicated for people with allergic reaction for gluten.
  • At the beginning of the course of treatment, dizziness, weakness, loose stool. These symptoms should subside within 2–3 days. It's also possible increased gas formation, especially when combining wheat with dairy products.

Sprouts and sprouts are the most healthy food, living food, elixir of life. This is what many experts say about these food products. Sprouted wheat grains are the most popular and most useful look sprouts.

Beneficial features

Wheat is rich in vitamins E and group B; during germination, the content of calcium, phosphorus and iron increases in it. wheat germ stabilize metabolism, help the body remove waste and toxins, they are also good against allergies, and constant use increase immunity.

Wheat sprout juice is no less useful. Numerous scientific research, the beginning of which dates back to 1936, it was found that wheatgrass juice has a maximum therapeutic effect on the human body. It has been established that 30 ml of wheat germ juice is equivalent in vitamins and minerals to 1 kg of fresh vegetables!

A healthy person needs 30 ml of juice once a day as an addition to their regular diet. Thanks to the lysine it contains (prevents aging) and tryptophan (responsible for the condition of the skin and hair), it is the key to not only excellent health, but also a strong young body. In addition, the chlorophyll present in the juice ( Wittgrass) in a living form, gives our body additional bonuses.

Benefits of chlorophyll

Increases immunity;

Helps slow down the aging process, increases the body's endurance;

Promotes the formation of connective tissue, which helps in the healing of erosions, ulcers, and open wounds;

Capable of preventing pathological changes DNA molecules. Some researchers believe that chlorophyll blocks the first stage of the transformation healthy cells into cancerous ones. Thus, it is also an antimutagen;

Removes toxins from the body, cleanses all organs;

Acts as a weak diuretic;

Increases the function of the thyroid and pancreas;

Helps with anemic conditions;

Regulates blood pressure;

Improves intestinal function;

Prevents hair loss, strengthens and whitens teeth;

Cleanses the skin.

If quite recently world stars recommended freshly squeezed Orange juice, now they drink wheatgrass before jogging or doing yoga. You can make freshly squeezed wheatgrass juice yourself by sprouting wheat.

How to germinate wheat?

Quality seeds can be purchased at health food stores. Seeds should not be rotten, deformed, overdried or have spots. The presence of any insects among them is unacceptable.

Before and after soaking, the grain should be rinsed in cold running water. For soaking, it is advisable to use porcelain, clay, glass or enamel dishes. First, the grains are filled with water. Only those grains that have settled to the bottom are suitable for consumption; any grains that float to the surface are removed. The first soaking process lasts 6-12 hours. Since more and more harmful substances pass into the liquid, it acquires a bitter taste, dark color and a specific smell, so the first water is poured out, after which you can begin germination.

There is no need to germinate a large number of grains at once. It should be assumed that 50-100 g of sprouts is enough for one person.

The grains are poured into a container with a flat bottom and filled with water so that the top layer of grains is not completely covered. Cover the container with a cotton or linen napkin and place it in a warm place for a day. During this time, the sprouts usually hatch. As soon as they reach a length of 1 mm, they should be washed again and slightly dried. After this, the sprouts can be eaten.

You can use an automatic grain sprouter. Their prices vary from 350 to 2 thousand UAH.

How to eat sprouted wheat?

Sprouted wheat is a unique product. It can be consumed both raw and as part of various dishes. Most often, sprouted wheat is added to salads, soups, porridges, jelly and various decoctions.

Sprouted wheat grains can be consumed at any time of the year. As for the time of day, it is advisable to eat them in the first half of the day. They take a long time to digest, so the feeling of fullness lasts much longer. You should not eat sprouts at night - their stimulating effect will prevent you from falling asleep.

You need to introduce sprouts into your diet gradually: in small portions in combination with other products. If you eat too many sprouts at once, you may experience indigestion or even gastrointestinal upset. However, everything negative symptoms should go away within a few days. A positive result will become noticeable within 2-3 weeks after starting to consume sprouted grains.

Start eating sprouts with 1-2 teaspoons per day. Within 2-3 months you can increase the daily portion to 60-70 g (this maximum dose). The sprouts need to be chewed well; if you have problems with your teeth, it is recommended to use a blender.

Do not heat-treat the grains - it is best to consume them raw. You can sprinkle them on a salad or grind them in a blender and drink them with milk.

How to make wheatgrass juice

As for wheatgrass juice, a new category of devices has appeared on the market relatively recently - auger juicers. With their help, you can easily squeeze juice not only from sprouts, but also from hard vegetables. Such devices are quite expensive: from 1,500 UAH. for a manual juicer up to 4 thousand UAH. and higher for automatic.

According to the principle of operation, a screw juicer is a little similar to a regular meat grinder. Inside this juicer there is a screw shaft that grinds vegetables and fruits, and then passes the resulting homogeneous mixture through a very fine sieve to get rid of solid particles and grains.

Sprouted wheat has been the main source of nutrition for many long-lived people for many centuries. Modern civilization believes that it consumes wheat, although in fact it is in a perverted form: flour, pasta. Despite everything invented by people vitamin supplements, remains natural - sprouted wheat. The benefits and harms of this product are discussed by many people. There are supporters of sprouted wheat, and there are opponents. How does sprouted wheat actually affect the body?

Why have people started to think about the benefits of sprouted wheat again? Yes, because everyone has already gorged themselves on synthetic products, which only reek of death. “Live food” is what interests a modern person who is thinking about a healthy life.

Diseases have overwhelmed humanity so much that, as a rule, by the age of 30, a person already has a number of serious illnesses. Almost always, diseases are attributed to the climate, environment, and lack of vitamins in food. In fact, it's all to blame poor nutrition. Slags and toxins from junk food, each form in the human body and attack it.

Sprouted wheat, about the benefits and harms of which we will talk today, is a fiber that can remove all poisons from the intestines and cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Many people consider wheat sprouts to be beneficial, supposedly they have magical properties and can cure a number of diseases. Others shout: “This is poison! Cooking and consuming wheat grains will only cause harm.”

In another article, read about how to properly sprout wheat for food. Today, we will talk about the benefits and harms of this product. Let's weigh the pros and cons of conflicting opinions.

Sprouted wheat - benefits and harm.

Let's take a look at the wheat grain and see what is included in its composition. Sprouted wheat grain consists of:

  • Carbohydrates – about 70%;
  • Proteins – about 14%;
  • Fat – approximately 2.5%;
  • Fiber – 3%;
  • Vitamins and minerals (discussed below);
  • Enzymes are molecules of life, what gives life to any living organism.

When wheat seed is dry, it contains inhibitors - these are substances that inhibit the work of enzymes. When wheat begins to germinate, under the influence of reactions, the inhibitors disappear and enzymes begin their work. They “incorporate life” into sprouted wheat. And when we eat live food– we get life!

So what are the benefits of sprouted wheat? Because it produces a colossal amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for life.

At this moment it is necessary to eat this source of energy. Sprouted wheat gives the body an incredible vitamin and vital charge.

Vitamin composition of sprouted wheat.

Let's see what vitamins are contained in sprouted wheat:

  • E, C – vitamins that affect the immune system;
  • B - the group of these vitamins plays a critical role in human hematopoiesis;
  • K, M - potassium and magnesium, affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Fe – iron, necessary for hemoglobin;
  • And other important elements: PP, A, D, chromium, copper, zinc, iodine, folic acid, selenium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus. There is no need to talk about the importance of each of these elements for the body;
  • And the fiber of sprouted wheat cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins.

Agree, a truly rich complex of important substances. And the price of this pleasure is 15 rubles per 1 kg. Sprout and eat as much as you want.

Wheat sprouts beneficial properties.

To feel everything positive properties Effects of sprouted wheat on the body must be consumed regularly. Once will not be enough to get any results.

4. Is it possible to use sprouted wheat grains as a means of preventing colon cancer?

YES. Sprouted wheat is rich in fiber, which, precisely, cleanses the intestines of waste, toxins and undigested food. However, the same preventive role against intestinal cancer any raw vegetables and fruits are also fiber.

5. Do sprouted wheat germ help you lose weight?

NO. Sprouted wheat cannot promote weight loss because it contains quite a lot of calories. This will only work if you don’t eat anything else other than sprouts, vegetables and fruits. In this case, the process of losing weight is guaranteed for you.

As a conclusion.

Let's summarize the healing properties of sprouted wheat. The harm and benefits of this grain are now clear to you. The benefits are obvious, but harm can only come from the incorrect use of sprouts.

Sprouted wheat has great value for human health, although it is not a cure or panacea for various diseases. Its benefits are high enough to eat it daily. At the same time, do not forget about proper nutrition for weight loss if you want to lose excess weight. And wheat germ sprouts can be included in your diet in any case. They will serve good helpers on the way to healthy image life.