What is a micropyle in plants? Micropyle it is. Meaning of the word micropyle


(micro + Greek, pyle entrance, hole) in zoology, a hole in the egg shell in some animals (for example, arachnids), through which a sperm penetrates the egg.


micropyle, pollen passage

Dictionary of Russian synonyms

Micropyle microp and le, several, With.

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001.

micropyle- micropyle.

The hole in the egg membrane through which the sperm penetrates (in animals); number M. can vary from one (in Drosophila) to 10-15 (termites) or more; M. formed in cephalopods, insects, and most fish; in plants M. - a narrow channel in the integument of the ovule through which the pollen tube penetrates<pollen tube>.

(Source: “English-Russian explanatory dictionary of genetic terms.” Arefiev V.A., Lisovenko L.A., Moscow: VNIRO Publishing House, 1995)

(from micro... and Greek pyle - entrance, hole), in animals - a hole in the dense egg membranes, through which the sperm penetrates into the egg. It is formed in cephalopods, insects, sturgeons and bony fishes, etc. It is located, as a rule, in the area of ​​the animal pole. The number of M. varies from 1 to several. tens: e.g. in Drosophila 1 M., in the termite (Kalotermes flavicollis) 12-14, in the filly (Melanoplus differentialis) approx. 30, in sevruga 1-13, in beluga 1-17, in sturgeon 1-43, in all types of bony fish 1 M. In fish, M. is a funnel-shaped canal, the outlet of which corresponds to the width of the sperm head; thanks to this, the first sperm that penetrates the M. blocks the others from accessing the egg. In sponges, M. is called. a thin section of the gemmule shell, in which, during the “germination” of the gemmules, a hole is formed for the cells to exit. In plants, M. is a narrow canal in the integument of the ovule (ovule), through which the pollen tube penetrates. The cells lining M. form substances that...

(micro + Greek, pyle entrance, hole) in zoology - a hole in the egg shell in some animals (for example, arachnids), through which the sperm penetrates the egg.


MICROPYLE uncl., MICROPIL micropyle f. micro + gr. pyle gate. 1 .A hole in the egg shell of some animals through which sperm enter the eggs.. SIS 1954. When exposed to silkworm eggs... such potent substances as salts... penetrate into the plasma (through the micropyle?). 1938. Nature 1998 1 3.

2. bot. The hole between the integument of the ovule in seed plants, through which the tip of the pollen tube with fertilizing sperm penetrates. SIS 1954. - Lex. Brokg. 1...

MICROPYLE - a hole between the integuments of the ovule of a flowering plant through which the pollen tube usually (but not always) passes during germination.

Dictionary of botanical terms. - Kyiv: Naukova Dumka. Under the general editorship of Dr. Sc. I.A. Pipes. 1984 .

MICROPYLE (from micro... and Greek pyle - hole) -1) one or more holes in the shell of the egg of insects, arachnids, some mollusks, fish and some other animals, through which the sperm penetrates the egg. 2) A hole in the integument ovule in plants, through which, after pollination, the pollen tube penetrates into the nucellus.

Micropyle (from Micro... and Greek pýle - gate, opening)

1) one or more holes in the shell of eggs of insects, arachnids, some mollusks, fish and a number of other animals, through which the sperm penetrates the egg. See also Fertilization. 2) Pollen duct, vas deferens, an opening at the top of the ovule in higher seed plants, through which the pollen tube penetrates into it during pollination. M. is formed due to the fact that the integument surrounding the ovule remains open.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia 1969-1978


(Mikropyle) - a hole in the shells of the eggs of many animals, which serves for the entry of sperm into the egg. It may in other cases serve to pass nutrients into the egg during its maturation. See Egg.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron 1890-1907


(from micro... and Greek pyle - hole), 1) one or several. holes in the shell of the eggs of insects, arachnids, certain mollusks, fish and certain other things, through which the sperm penetrates into the egg. 2) Pollen passage, an opening in the integument of the ovule near the region, through which, after pollination, the pollen tube penetrates into nucellus.

Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

Micropyle (Micro + Greek pylē entrance, opening)


(from micro... and Greek pyle - entrance, hole), in animals - a hole in the dense egg membranes, through which the sperm penetrates into the egg. It is formed in cephalopods, insects, sturgeons and bony fishes, etc. It is located, as a rule, in the area of ​​the animal pole. The number of M. varies from 1 to several. tens: e.g. in Drosophila 1 M., in the termite (Kalotermes flavicollis) 12-14, in the filly (Melanoplus differentialis) approx. 30, in sevruga 1-13, in beluga 1-17, in sturgeon 1-43, in all types of bony fish 1 M. In fish, M. is a funnel-shaped canal, the outlet of which corresponds to the width of the sperm head; thanks to this, the first sperm that penetrates the M. blocks the others from accessing the egg. In sponges, M. is called. a thin section of the gemmule shell, in which, during the “germination” of the gemmules, a hole is formed for the cells to exit. In plants, M. is a narrow canal in the integument of the ovule (ovule), through which the pollen tube penetrates. The cells lining the pollen tube form substances that promote the growth of the pollen tube. M. can be filled with obturator cells. (see ovule) fig. at Art.

.(Source: “Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.” Editor-in-chief M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial Board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


1) a hole in the dense membranes through which the sperm penetrates the egg (in cephalopods, insects, some fish, etc.);
2) narrow channel in the integument ovule(in plants) through which the pollen tube penetrates.

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)


See what "MICROPYLE" is in other dictionaries:

    - (micro... gr. pyle gate) 1) a hole in the shell of the egg of a number of animals, through which the sperm penetrates into the egg; 2) a hole at the top of the ovule (ovule) in higher plants, through which a pollen tube penetrates with ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    micropyle- uncl., MICROPYLE micropyle f. micro + gr. pyle gate. 1. A hole in the shell of the eggs of some animals, through which sperm penetrate into the eggs. SIS 1954. When exposed to silkworm eggs .. so potent... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Micropyle, pollen passage Dictionary of Russian synonyms. micropyle noun, number of synonyms: 3 micropyle (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from micro... and Greek pyle hole) 1) one or more holes in the shell of the egg of insects, arachnids, some mollusks, fish and some other animals, through which the sperm penetrates into the egg. 2) A hole in the integument of the ovule … … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    micropyle- The hole in the egg membrane through which the sperm penetrates (in animals); M.'s number can vary from one (in fruit flies) to 10 15 (termites) or more; M. is formed in cephalopods, insects, and most fish; in plants M. is narrow... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Micropyle- * micropyle * micropyle 1. A hole in the shell of the egg nucleus of a number of animal species (insects, arachnids, etc.), through which the sperm penetrates. 2. A hole (narrow canal) at the top of the ovule in higher plants, through which... ... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary encyclopedic Dictionary

    Micropyle micropyle. The hole in the egg membrane through which the sperm penetrates (in animals); M.'s number can vary from one (in fruit flies) to 10 15 (termites) or more; M. is formed in cephalopods, insects, and most fish; y... ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.

Seed is a reproductive organ that in angiosperms is formed from the ovule, usually after double fertilization.

The structure of the seed. Initially, the seed is inside the fruit, which protects it until it germinates. Each seed consists of a seed coat, an embryo and storage tissues.

Testa develops from integuments (covers) of the ovule, so it is diploid (2n). It is multi-layered and is always present in the seed. The thickness and density of the seed coat are related to the characteristics of the pericarp, so it can be soft, leathery, filmy or hard (woody). The seed coat protects the embryo from mechanical damage, drying out and premature germination. In addition, it can promote seed germination.

Germ is a plant in its infancy and consists of embryonic root, stalk, cotyledons and buds. The embryo develops from a zygote formed as a result of the fusion of a sperm with an egg (2n).

Storage tissues The seeds are endosperm and perisperm. Endosperm is formed as a result of double fertilization when the central nucleus of the embryo sac (2n) merges with the second sperm (1n). Therefore, the endosperm consists of triploid cells (3n). Perisperm is a derivative of nucellus and consists of cells with a diploid set of chromosomes.

Types of seeds. The classification of seeds is based on the location of reserve nutrients. Distinguish four types of seeds (Fig. 22):

Rice. 22. Types of seeds:

A– seeds with endosperm that surrounds the embryo (poppy);

B– seeds with endosperm adjacent to the embryo (wheat); IN– seeds with a small endosperm (surrounds the embryo) and a powerful perisperm (pepper); G– seeds with perisperm (pupa);

D– seeds with reserve substances deposited in the cotyledons of the embryo (peas); 1 – seed coat; 2 – endosperm; 3 – spine; 4 – stalk; 5 – kidney; 6 – cotyledons; 7 – pericarp;

8 – perisperm

1) seeds with endosperm mainly characteristic of seeds of the monocot class, as well as some dicotyledons (nightshade, celery, poppy); reserve nutrients are localized in the endosperm;

2) seeds with perisperm characteristic of carnation and goosefoot, in which in the mature seed the endosperm is completely absorbed, and the perisperm remains and grows; the seed consists of a seed coat, embryo and perisperm;

3) seeds with endosperm and perisperm have black pepper, egg capsule, water lily, in the seeds of which the endosperm is preserved and perisperm develops; the seed consists of the seed coat, embryo, endosperm and perisperm;

4) seeds without endosperm and without perisperm characteristic of legumes, pumpkin, aster; during development, the embryo completely absorbs the endosperm, so the supply of nutrients is in the cotyledons of the embryo; in this case, the seed consists of a seed coat and an embryo.

The structure of a seed with endosperm. Such seeds are characteristic of plants of the Monocot class, for example, bluegrass (cereals). In the wheat grain (swollen seeds) there are ventral side(from the side of the groove) and the opposite - dorsal. On one of the poles of the seed, on the dorsal side, there is embryo. On the opposite pole there are hairs that hold the grain in the soil and contribute to the supply of water to the endosperm of the seed (Fig. 23).

Rice. 23. Structure of wheat grain

(longitudinal section):

1 – hairs; 2 – pericarp fused with the seed coat; 3 – aleurone layer;

4 – layer of reserve starch ( 3 4 – endosperm); 5 – shield; 6 – epiblast; 7 – bud with leaves; 8 – coleoptile; 9 – spine;

10 – coleorhiza (root sheath)

The outside of the grain is covered with a thin filmy layer, which is difficult to separate from the inside of the grain. This is the pericarp fused with the seed coat, since the caryopsis is a single-seeded fruit. The structure of the pericarp and seed coat is clearly visible when examining a micropreparation of a cross section of a grain.

The size of the embryo is small compared to the size of the endosperm. This means that reserve substances are located in the endosperm. It consists of two layers: aleurone and storage starch.

Germ has the following parts:

embryonic root with root cap, coleorhiza(root sheath);

germ stalk And kidney with a growth cone;

coleoptile(first germinal leaf) in the form of a colorless cap, with which it pierces the layers of soil during germination;

shield(modified cotyledon) - according to its location in the grain, it forms a partition between the embryo and the endosperm; under the influence of enzymes, the scutellum converts the nutrients of the endosperm into an digestible form and transfers them to the nutrition of the embryo;

epiblast located on the side opposite the scutellum and is the second reduced cotyledon.

The structure of a seed without endosperm and without perisperm. Such seeds are typical for legumes, pumpkin, and aster. Let us consider this type of seed structure using the example of common beans (seeds swollen in water) (Fig. 24).

Rice. 24. Structure of the common bean seed:

1 – germinal root; 2 – micropyle; 3 – scar;

4 – seed suture; 5 – seed coat; 6 – kidney;

7 – embryonic stalk; 8 –cotyledons

The outside of the seed is covered with a thick seed coat. It can be of different colors. On the inner concave side of the seed there is a hilum, micropyle and seed suture.

Rib- This is the place where the seed is attached to the achene.

Micropyle- a hole through which water and gases enter the seed. The micropyle is located next to the scar, on the same line.

Seed suture- this is a trace from the fusion of the ovule with the peduncle. It is located on the side opposite to the micropyle and is also adjacent to the scar.

Under the seed coat is embryo The following parts are distinguished:

two large cotyledons kidney-shaped; they are the germ layers where nutrients are stored;

germinal root;

germ stalk;

gemmule, covered with germ layers.

The bean seed does not have an endosperm, since the reserve substances are located in the cotyledons. It consists of a seed coat and an embryo.

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Meaning of the word micropyle

micropyle in the crossword dictionary


Dictionary of medical terms

micropyle (micro + Greek, pyle entrance, hole) in zoology

a hole in the egg shell in some animals (for example, arachnids), through which sperm penetrates the egg.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


MICROPYLE (from micro... and Greek pyle - hole)

    one or more holes in the egg shell of insects, arachnids, some mollusks, fish and some other animals, through which the sperm penetrates the egg.

    A hole in the integument of the ovule in plants, through which, after pollination, the pollen tube penetrates into the nucellus.


(from micro... and Greek pýle ≈ gate, opening),

    one or more holes in the shell of the eggs of insects, arachnids, some mollusks, fish and a number of other animals, through which the sperm penetrates the egg. See also Fertilization.

    Pollen duct, vas deferens, an opening at the top of the ovule in higher seed plants, through which the pollen tube penetrates into it during pollination. M. is formed due to the fact that the integument surrounding the ovule remains open.



Micropyle- a hole in the shells of the eggs of many animals, which serves for the entry of sperm into the egg. It may in other cases serve to pass nutrients into the egg during its maturation. Exists in cephalopods, insects, sturgeon and bony fish and others; usually located in the area of ​​the animal pole of the egg. The number of micropyles on one egg can vary from one (for example, in Drosophila) to several dozen (for example, in a sturgeon - up to 43). In fish, the micropyle is a funnel-shaped canal, the diameter of the outlet of which is such that the first sperm that penetrates blocks the path of the others.

Micropyle, or pollen passage, also exists in plants; they have this name for a narrow canal in the integument of the ovule, which can be filled with obturator cells, through which the pollen tube can penetrate.

The micropyle was discovered by Johann Peter Müller.



(micro... gr. pyle gate)

1) a hole in the egg shell of a number of animals through which sperm penetrates into the egg;

2) a hole at the top of the ovule (ovule) in higher plants, through which a pollen tube with fertilizing sperm penetrates during pollination.

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,, 2009 .


[micro... + gr. gates] – 1) holes in the shell of the eggs of some animals through which sperm penetrate into the eggs; 2) a hole between the integument of the ovule in seed plants, through which the tip of the pollen tube with fertilizing sperm penetrates.

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing House "IDDK", 2007 .


several, With. (German Micropyle Greek mikros small + pylē gate).
1. biol. A hole in the egg shell of some animals through which sperm enters the egg.
2. bot. The hole at the top of the ovule in higher plants, through which a pollen tube with fertilizing substances penetrates during pollination. sperm.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what “micropyle” is in other dictionaries:

    - (from micro... and Greek pyle entrance, hole), in animals there is a hole in the dense egg membranes, through which the sperm penetrates into the egg. It is formed in cephalopods, insects, sturgeon and bony fish, etc. It is usually located in... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    micropyle- uncl., MICROPYLE micropyle f. micro + gr. pyle gate. 1. A hole in the shell of the eggs of some animals, through which sperm penetrate into the eggs. SIS 1954. When exposed to silkworm eggs .. so potent... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Micropyle, pollen passage Dictionary of Russian synonyms. micropyle noun, number of synonyms: 3 micropyle (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from micro... and Greek pyle hole) 1) one or more holes in the shell of the egg of insects, arachnids, some mollusks, fish and some other animals, through which the sperm penetrates into the egg. 2) A hole in the integument of the ovule … … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    micropyle- The hole in the egg membrane through which the sperm penetrates (in animals); M.'s number can vary from one (in fruit flies) to 10 15 (termites) or more; M. is formed in cephalopods, insects, and most fish; in plants M. is narrow... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Micropyle- * micropyle * micropyle 1. A hole in the shell of the egg nucleus of a number of animal species (insects, arachnids, etc.), through which the sperm penetrates. 2. A hole (narrow canal) at the top of the ovule in higher plants, through which... ... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Micropyle micropyle. The hole in the egg membrane through which the sperm penetrates (in animals); M.'s number can vary from one (in fruit flies) to 10 15 (termites) or more; M. is formed in cephalopods, insects, and most fish; y... ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.