Eating pears while breastfeeding - is it possible and in what form? Is it possible to eat pears while breastfeeding, what can this fruit provide?

Can a nursing mother eat pears?

If you really want to eat some fruit, then first you should try introducing a pear into your diet.

Useful for a nursing mother in a pear

Pear contains a whole range of useful microelements that are necessary for both your body and your baby’s body:

  • potassium, which pears are rich in, is important for the heart;
  • dietary fiber helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • If after childbirth you suffer from constipation, then pear should be included in your diet.

How to choose a pear for breastfeeding

To maximize the benefits of eating a pear, a nursing mother needs to learn how to choose the right pears.

It’s great if your baby was born in the summer and you can buy fresh pears at the markets.

Such fruits contain a maximum of vitamins.

All varieties of pears are considered hypoallergenic, but you need to start introducing green pears into your diet. Seasonal fruits sell out quickly, so manufacturers do not treat them with chemicals or wax.

When buying pears in winter, be sure to peel them. Try to choose ripe and juicy fruits; they are easier to digest by the body, which means they will not cause intestinal problems for either you or your baby.

How to introduce pears into the diet during breastfeeding

Pears almost never cause allergies in a baby. But they can cause tummy problems. To reduce the risk of colic in your baby, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Pears should be introduced into the diet gradually. No matter how much you would like to, you should not eat the whole fruit at once. Cut a small piece and watch your baby. If by the evening no redness or rashes have appeared, if the baby’s stool has not changed, the next day you can eat a slightly larger piece again.
  • Don't eat pears on an empty stomach.
  • Do not drink pears with water.

To get rid of constipation, drink compote of dried fruits and pears. Pears can be taken fresh or dried. Dried or sun-dried pears cannot be eaten; they can only be used to make compotes. Compotes for a nursing mother are healthy and do not cause allergies in the child.

If you want pear jam or jam, then make it yourself rather than buy it at the store. In addition to fruits and sugar, industrial canning contains preservatives and dyes that can cause allergies in a child.

Don't be afraid to introduce fresh fruits into your diet. The main thing is to know when to stop and don’t overeat, then you and your baby will be healthy.

The role of fruits in the diet of a nursing mother can hardly be overestimated, because they are rich in vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the baby.

During breastfeeding, pear is considered one of the most essential healthy foods along with apples and is introduced into the menu quite early. How useful it really is and whether there are any contraindications for its individual varieties - we will find out in the course of this article.

Pears are introduced into baby's complementary foods immediately after apples, and sometimes at the same time. This is due to the huge amount of vitamins and microelements that this fruit contains.

However, despite such a significant list of advantages, many mothers have a logical question: is it possible to eat a pear while breastfeeding? Let's start looking for an answer to it.

Chemical composition of pear

First, let's look at the chemical composition of this fruit, since without this it is impossible to understand whether a nursing mother can eat a pear.

  • The fruit contains a large amount of vitamins A, B and C.
  • In addition, its fruits are rich in potassium and folic acid.

This is not a complete list of elements, but they are the ones that have the most beneficial effect on health. Thanks to them, many doctors recommend adding this fruit to the diet of pregnant women.

We will not talk about the benefits of the listed vitamins, since everyone already understands their indispensability in the processes of normal development and functioning of the body, but we will focus on the other two components.

Our body requires potassium because it has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Folic acid is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. As we know, it is the mother’s blood that becomes the starting material for the synthesis of breast milk.

Pear during breastfeeding: weakens or strengthens?

Many mothers know the common myth that this fruit has a strengthening effect on the baby’s digestive system. Actually this is not true.

In addition to the elements mentioned above, pears also contain a lot of fiber, which activates the work of bacteria inhabiting the intestinal microflora. Fiber is not digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract and enters the intestines almost in its original form. In order to decompose it, bacteria begin to multiply intensively, due to which the digestive system is activated.

Therefore, if your doubts as to whether pears can be used during breastfeeding are related to the mythical strengthening effect, you don’t have to worry - the pear will help you and your baby get rid of constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Pear when feeding an infant: contraindications

As you already understand, the answer to the question whether a nursing mother can eat pears is yes. Now let's look at the contraindications.


There is an opinion that pears do not cause an allergic reaction; in fact, this is not entirely true. Only some varieties are hypoallergenic, while other varieties of the fruit, although rare, can cause side effects.

Stomach ulcers

In addition, a nursing mother can eat a pear only half an hour or even an hour after eating. This is done in order not to irritate the stomach, since eating a pear on an empty stomach increases the acidity level in it.

This leads to the following contraindication – gastric ulcers in a nursing mother.

Green pears while breastfeeding

Now let's figure out whether a mother can eat green pears while breastfeeding and whether it is harmful. Some people believe that green color is a sign of unripe fruit. In fact, the green color of a fruit may be a sign of a variety that should not have any other shade. It is the green varieties of pears that have a very useful feature.

Just above we mentioned that some varieties of pears do not cause allergies. This exactly applies to green pears.

Green fruits are absolutely hypoallergenic and this type of pear would be preferable when feeding a newborn.

To determine the ripeness of a fruit, you need to pick it up and evaluate its softness: a ripe fruit has a fairly high softness. If the pear is hard enough, it is better not to take it and opt for something else.

Pears during breastfeeding in the first month

There is an opinion that during lactation pears should be introduced into the mother’s diet literally from the baby’s first month. This is not true, but only partly. The fact is that the activation of the intestinal microflora, which we mentioned above, is accompanied by one unpleasant effect.

A significant increase in the number of bacteria contributes to the formation of large amounts of gas, which accumulates in the intestines and causes discomfort in the child.

In the first three months of life, children undergo the process of forming their own microflora, which is often associated with the appearance of colic.

By consuming a pear at such a moment, you seem to add activity to the bacteria in the baby’s intestines, which makes the colic intensify and bother the baby much more.

For this reason, during breastfeeding, pear is introduced into the diet after the child reaches three months of age.

In what form should nursing mothers consume pear?

There are a huge number of ways to consume this fruit and the form in which you eat them does not in any way affect whether pears can be eaten with guards.

  • Baked fruits They are less acidic, so they are recommended for stomach problems.
  • Quite acceptable drinking freshly squeezed pear juice or from berries and fresh or dried fruits.
  • Can be made puree or eat the fruits raw. The only thing you need to remember is proper preparation.

In order for fruits to retain their appearance longer and be stored for a long time, they are treated with special solutions in stores and fruit stores. These substances have an extremely negative effect on the health of both mother and child. For this reason, if you are going to eat a store-bought fruit rather than a home-grown one, be sure to peel it first.

In addition, thoroughly wash the already peeled fruit, since harmful substances may remain on the knife during peeling and be applied again on top of the pulp.

Is it possible to eat a pear during breastfeeding in a newborn: summing up the results

So, let's briefly summarize everything we talked about.

  • Pears are a very healthy fruit that must be included in your diet.
  • Priority should be given to green varieties, because they do not cause an allergic reaction or do so extremely rarely.
  • You should start eating pears after your child reaches three months of age, this will protect him from severe colic and discomfort.
  • For constipation in the baby and mother, pear is irreplaceable, as it normalizes the functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • If you have stomach ulcers, you should not eat this fruit raw.

During breastfeeding, pear can be prepared according to any recipe without losing its beneficial properties. The main thing is to thoroughly peel the fruit.

The period of breastfeeding for a mother always involves dietary restrictions, because it is impossible to predict how a particular product will affect the baby.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding such a fruit as the pear, whose honeyed sweetness can leave few people indifferent. Is it possible to eat pears when breastfeeding a newborn?

What are the benefits for mother and child

Pear is not only tasty, but also useful. It contains many vitamins and valuable microelements that a mother needs when breastfeeding.

These are vitamins A, C and B9, various minerals: potassium, which strengthens the heart, fiber for regulation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Beneficial features fetus for a nursing mother:

  • Increase in hemoglobin. This happens due to the large amount of iron in the composition. Since hemoglobin often decreases during lactation, pears are very useful.
  • Folic acid. There is also a lot of it in the product formula. Vitamin B9 is very useful for mother and child. It is involved in the formation of blood cells, which improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Consuming the product helps prevent a deficiency of this important component.
  • Treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Pear has a strengthening effect, so it is useful for stool disorders. It contains a lot of tanning and pectin components, which create an environment in the gastrointestinal tract that is unfavorable for pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Improving thyroid function. Iodine contributes to this.

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When they should not be eaten, possible harm

Usually the product does not cause negative reactions in the baby, in particular, an allergy to pear, so this is one of the first fruits that can be added to the diet of an expectant mother.

But if the baby is under three months old, then his body is not yet sufficiently adapted. Then you shouldn’t consume the fruits yet. Please note that pear is contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes, as it contains a lot of sugar.

Almost all babies under three months suffer from colic, which accompanies the formation of intestinal microflora.

If the expectant mother eats a pear, then the problem will get worse.

When the baby is older, you can add fruit to the diet, but It is important to monitor the child’s reaction. If negative manifestations occur, you should postpone further consumption of the fruit.

Should you eat them during lactation?

Any products while breastfeeding use carefully, and pears are no exception. They can have both positive and negative effects on the body of the child and mother.

But more often does not cause any disturbance to the fetus, and is considered a hypoallergenic product. Therefore, you can eat pears in the first months when feeding an infant.

Remember to be careful. The product contains a lot of fiber, which can weaken or, on the contrary, strengthen. At first, eat it little by little, and, monitoring the baby’s reaction, increase the portions.

In the first months it will be safer baked fruits. Despite heat treatment, they do not lose their beneficial qualities.

Should I add it to my baby's diet when breastfeeding?

The product can be added to your child's diet. Often this one of the first fruits which the baby tries after the apple.

For a breastfed baby, the appropriate time for the first test of pear is 7 months, and artificial babies often taste honey for the first time at 5-6 months of life.

Introducing the baby to the product for the first time better in the morning to observe his reaction throughout the day.

First, give your baby half a teaspoon of fruit puree. If there is no allergy, you can continue to feed him further.

From 6-7 months, give the baby 30 g of pulp, and by 8 months, increase the dose to 70 g. Pear juice is allowed from 8 months.

How and when to start giving to a newborn

How correctly and at what age can you give a pear to a baby while breastfeeding? Is it allowed to eat them in the first month of breastfeeding?

In the first postpartum month, eating pear in any form is prohibited. After three months Can include it in your diet.

Usually by this time the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is already more or less formed, so that the new product does not cause colic or bloating.

So that eating delicious fruits brings only benefits, follow the recommendations.

Try the product first in minimal quantities. For the first time, a slice will be enough.

If after this the baby does not show any negative reactions, you can try increasing the portion.

On the day of a nursing mother, experts advise eat about 400 g of fruit, and you can choose a pear as one of the components.

Eat only seasonal fruits. Before eating, be sure to wash them and rinse them with boiling water. It is better to eat the fruit without the peel.

  • Pears can be eaten baked. Compotes and fruit juices are also useful.
  • Eat fruits at least half an hour after eating. Otherwise, fermentation is possible.
  • Do not eat sweets on an empty stomach - it irritates the stomach and small intestines.
  • Do not drink fruit with water, otherwise you may experience some discomfort in your stomach.
  • Do not combine with meat dishes - this combination will be quite heavy.

For complete lactation, high-quality milk is necessary. Vegetables and fruits supply the body with essential vitamins and minerals. A pear will also come in handy when breastfeeding. This fruit will not cause harm and rarely leads to allergic reactions.

Pear not only has a pleasant, refreshing taste, but also a number of properties that are beneficial to the body:

  • iron content will help prevent or eliminate the manifestations of anemia during breastfeeding;
  • a large amount of calcium will help maintain normal hair, nails and strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • the fruit is rich in plant fiber and has laxative properties;
  • high water content saturates the body and will be useful during lactation;
  • Potassium in the fruit supports the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • If you are prone to diarrhea, pear will also have a normalizing effect.

Even though they have a bright sweet taste, pears do not contain many calories. There are only 42 kcal per 100 grams of product. Being highly nutritious, such a dessert will not lead to gaining extra pounds and will help fight existing ones.

Dried or baked fruits are as healthy as fresh pears and can also be eaten while breastfeeding. Low allergenicity allows you to often include the fruit during breastfeeding. This product is suitable for nutrition in the first month after the birth of the baby.

How to choose pears

Can a young mother have a pear? Can. Of course, the best choice would be fruits during their ripening season. However, winter overseas fruits do not contain large amounts of chemicals. Soft, ripe pears are preferred for eating. Such fruits manage to accumulate maximum benefits and have a gentle effect on the digestive tract of nursing mothers.

Basic Rules:

  1. Purchased fruits must be thoroughly washed to avoid poisoning or infections. This measure applies to all purchased and home-made fruits. Often fruits can be a source of botulism. This is most often found in earthen fruits, but can also be present in pears.
  2. It is better to prefer green varieties. However, pears with yellowish hues often have a stronger flavor profile. Such fruits have more tender pulp and juiciness.
  3. At first, it will be healthier for a nursing mother to eat fruits that have undergone heat treatment. Baked pears while breastfeeding a newborn are an excellent dessert for a nursing mother. This dish will not harm the mother’s intestines, but will help the formation of the necessary microflora after childbirth.
  4. To prevent possible allergies in a newborn for the first time, you need to limit yourself to a small amount and not eat more than 100 grams of pears. The baby's reaction can be unpredictable, and even such a harmless product can cause a lot of problems. Over time, the baby’s immune system strengthens, and allergens cease to be dangerous.

Fruits during breastfeeding will provide good support to the mother’s body and help saturate the milk with necessary substances.

What to cook

Most often, fruits are eaten fresh, but it is better for a young mother to hold off on this in order to avoid colic in the newborn. In this case, pear compote will work well. The dish will help saturate the body with fluid and increase milk production. When feeding your baby, water is especially important to ensure your baby is nourished. During breastfeeding, pears will not only help meet the mother’s needs, but also stimulate lactation.

Many people prepare sweet desserts from fruits. To prepare pear puree, you only need the fruit and a little sugar. Sometimes replacement with fructose is possible. Its use is considered more useful. Even small children can eat such purees at the beginning of complementary feeding.

When choosing ready-made products in stores, preference should be given to products presented in the baby food departments. When purchasing purees for adults, a child may experience an allergic reaction due to the presence of preservatives and flavorings.

Many housewives prepare all kinds of desserts from baked pears. This dish does not lose its beneficial properties and helps improve the nutrition of a young mother. Other additives significantly improve the taste and help enrich the vitamin composition of the finished dessert.

If a pregnant woman has eaten pears, the likelihood of allergies is reduced. Many foods consumed by a pregnant woman reduce the risk of allergies. However, with abuse, the risk increases. Therefore, you should not overdo it with fruits, including pears.

Vitamins and minerals

  1. Essential oils: help strengthen the immune system and help fight colds. Relieve inflammation and prevent the development of depression.
  2. Organic acids: regulate metabolic processes in the body and have a positive effect on the condition of the human gastrointestinal tract, preventing the development of dysbiosis.
  3. Ascorbic acid: strengthens the immune system and prevents infections.
  4. Iron: stimulates hematopoiesis and prevents the development of anemia.
  5. Potassium: takes an active part in the work of the heart and normalizes blood pressure.

This composition provides the young mother with the necessary substances. Baking or boiling does not reduce their quantity much, but will help them to be better absorbed. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits causes them to be processed quickly. As a result, they quickly leave the gastrointestinal tract, and beneficial substances do not have time to be absorbed.

Pear varieties

Thanks to the efforts of breeders and nature itself, there are currently a large number of different varieties. The most common pears in our country are the Conference and Chinese pears. In large cities you can find others. The latter is more juicy, inferior in tenderness to the first.

Often, a baby’s negative reaction is explained not by the presence of allergens in the fruit, but by processing during storage. In many warehouses, fruits are treated with compounds to increase shelf life. Such products must be thoroughly washed before use or the crust must be cut off.

Many foods are allowed for a nursing mother. Studies have shown that the mother's diet has little effect on the occurrence of colic. This process is a natural phenomenon of the formation of microflora and depends little on nutrition.

With age, the baby's intestines adapt to digesting food and the process normalizes. A newborn baby has a very weak digestive system, and there is no intestinal microflora. After about 3 months, this process normalizes and the colic stops.

Feeding a pear will help saturate the body with the necessary elements and supply it with the necessary substances. After all, the development of a child depends on the full composition of milk. Providing a nursing mother with nutrition is the most important condition for lactation.

Throughout human history, there is an undeniable truth: “we are what we eat.” Not only a person’s health, but also his mood depends on proper balanced nutrition. After all, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

A properly selected diet during breastfeeding is the key not only to the mother’s well-being, but also to the harmonious development of the little person. The issue of nutrition for a nursing mother must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. During this period, it is vital that the body of both receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Therefore, fruits must be present in the daily diet of a nursing mother. But they must be consumed correctly so as not to harm the baby’s not yet fully formed digestive system.

Useful properties of pear

Pear is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. Due to its low calorie content, it is a favorite fruit of women who watch their figure. 100 grams of the most delicate pulp contains only 42 calories. The pear owes its nutritional value to cellulose (fiber), which not only perfectly saturates, but also has a beneficial effect on the intestines.

Pears also contain:

  1. Valuable essential oils. They have an immunomodulatory effect and help cope with bad mood.
  2. Organic acids. Eliminate intestinal dysbiosis, improve metabolic processes in the body, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Ascorbic and folic acids. Actively participate in hematopoiesis processes and give elasticity to blood vessels.
  4. Iron. Participates in the synthesis of oxygen in the cells of the body. Relieves fatigue.
  5. Potassium ions. Necessary for strengthening the heart muscle. Reduce cholesterol levels in the circulatory system.
  6. Fructose. Excellent for people with pancreatic diseases. It is well absorbed even by diabetics. Used in dietary nutrition for obesity.
  7. Cellulose. It has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and is an excellent remedy for preventing constipation.
  8. Sulfur. Gives hair shine and silkiness, skin – elasticity and firmness.
  9. Cobalt. Necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Actively participates in the production of hemoglobin.

Can a nursing mother eat pears? Many mothers ask themselves this question, because a pear is a pleasure that is difficult to refuse.

Possible harm to the child

Among the many useful vitamins and microelements, the pear contains the most fiber. This is an indispensable substance for cleansing the intestines, as fiber improves its functioning, acting as a “brush” for the body.

Let's look at whether it is possible to use a pear when breastfeeding a newborn baby.

The opinions of experts are divided on this issue:

  1. Some argue that before 3 months, the newborn’s digestive system has not yet fully formed. A child at this age does not yet have the beneficial microflora that is present in the intestines of adults. And a large amount of fiber can cause additional accumulation of gases in the intestines of a small person. Gases, in turn, cause bloating and colic in the newborn. Therefore, there are medical specialists who, when asked: can a nursing mother eat pears, give a clear answer: no.
  2. There are doctors who claim that the formation of a newborn’s intestinal microflora does not depend at all on what the mother ate. This group of experts claims that, due to the latest results of medical research, a pear during breastfeeding will not harm the baby.

The question of whether it is possible to eat a pear while breastfeeding is decided purely individually. But there are generally accepted recommendations that all nursing mothers should follow.

Rules for eating pears

Is it possible to eat pears while breastfeeding if you strictly follow the rules? Only by following the following recommendations:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to eat pears on an empty stomach. Especially if the body is prone to indigestion. The mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine may not be able to cope with such a volume of fiber on an empty stomach, and will react with such an unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea.
  2. You should not drink fruit with water or any other liquid. Otherwise, the process of fermentation and increased gas formation will begin in the body.
  3. When breastfeeding a newborn, pear should not be consumed immediately after meals. The process of fermentation and bloating will begin.
  4. Experts do not recommend combining pears with meat products. This is a big burden on the stomach, which will have a hard time digesting food.

How to introduce it into the diet of a nursing mother

In order not to worry about colic and bloating in the baby, it is better not to introduce pears into the diet during the first month during breastfeeding, but to start consuming them when the baby reaches three months of age. By this age, the baby has already formed its own microflora.

Nursing mothers should start eating fruit with caution. Be sure to observe the child's reaction. You need to start with a small piece of fruit; if the child does not have a negative reaction from the body, the portion can be gradually increased.

Is it possible for nursing mothers to eat pears if the baby still suffers from colic? In this case, it is best to eat the fruits not raw, but baked.

To protect yourself and your baby, you need to choose the right fruits.

How to choose quality

There are several tips to help you choose quality fruits:

  • You need to buy fruit only in trusted places where there are quality certificates for the products.
  • Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat a pear if the fruit looks too beautiful? Definitely not. Large and beautiful fruits, without a single spot, with perfect smooth and shiny skin, were treated with special means that are dangerous to the human body.
  • Is it possible to eat a pear during breastfeeding if the fruit has a wormhole? Definitely yes. This small defect makes it clear that the fruit was not processed in any way and was grown without the use of various chemicals. This is a natural and healthy fruit that will not harm either mother or child.

In what form can pears be eaten?

You can make all sorts of delicacies from pears:

  • jam;
  • jams;
  • compotes;
  • marmalade;
  • pies;
  • charlottes.

The main thing is that all gastronomic delights are prepared with love. Then the benefits from them will be significant, both for the nursing mother and for the baby.


From our video you will learn how to prepare a very tasty and healthy dessert from pear with cottage cheese.