How to get your period faster if you are late. Additional means to induce menstruation. Traditional calling methods

When menstruation is late, any woman or young girl definitely begins to worry. There are several reasons for the delay: it can be associated both with pregnancy and with serious diseases in the body, with nervous tension, climate change, and disruption of the usual rhythm of life.

It also happens that menstruation is caused so that it ends before the scheduled event. For example, before a planned trip or before the start of a vacation. Therefore, many women and girls should know how to induce menstruation.

A normal delay in menstruation is considered to be from 2 to 6 days. If the delay is longer, pregnancy may have occurred, and if it is not planned, then the woman needs to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

If the delay occurs for a month or more, and this is not associated with pregnancy, then after examining the uterus using an ultrasound machine, the doctor may prescribe serious drug treatment, which is carried out under medical supervision.

If there are constant disturbances in the monthly cycle of a young girl, then you should contact a gynecologist. Perhaps we are talking about serious disorders in the body, and it is necessary to prescribe serious hormonal correction to normalize the menstrual cycle.

How to induce menstruation if you are late

So, what should you do to induce menstruation yourself at home? There are several approaches to the problem. Traditional recipes used at home are not always effective. After all, the menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones.

You can buy tablets at the pharmacy, or you can take a hot bath, unless of course there are contraindications for this. After the above activities, you can also have sexual intercourse repeatedly.

It is believed that while taking a hot bath there is a rush of blood to the woman's genitals. Sexual intercourse leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which contributes to its contraction and the onset of “critical” days.

Ascorbic acid (large doses) followed by a steam or hot bath will also help induce menstruation. The tablets should be taken very carefully, as an overdose is possible.

Period inducing pills

The drugs are purchased at the pharmacy. The most popular pills that cause menstruation earlier are the following:

Attention! The listed medications must be taken with extreme caution. They are dangerous. These drugs are based on hormonal components that act on the endocrine system. As a result, they will lead either to problems with conception or to irregular menstruation.

Traditional medicine recipes

Previously, women often used beneficial herbs that they collected in the forest. Along with the expected result, the whole body also improved. Today, all the necessary herbs for decoctions and tinctures can be purchased at the pharmacy. We offer several folk recipes that can help you with a delay in menstruation.

  • Infusion. To make this infusion, a collection of several herbs is made - this is nettle leaf, elecampane, rose hips, oregano, yarrow, pink radiola root, knotweed. Take two tablespoons of all herbs, place them in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 10-12 hours, filter. This entire decoction is drunk throughout the day, half a glass at a time.
  • Parsley. You need to eat a very large amount of parsley every day. Can be combined with dill. Add fresh to salads and seasonings.
  • Decoction. To prepare the decoction, you need to take 3 parts of valerian root, 4 parts each of mint and chamomile. The herbs are mixed, poured with a glass of boiling water, then left for 10-15 minutes, filtered. You need to drink half a glass of hot broth in the mornings and evenings before the onset of menstruation.
  • Onion peel. A strong decoction is prepared. Approximately the same is prepared for painting eggs for Easter. Drink one glass of this decoction. Your period should appear the next day.

Important! Often inducing menstruation is harmful to the body, as its natural course is disrupted and hormonal imbalance may occur. And this may lead to even more serious conditions. In addition, there may be problems with conception or irregular menstruation. Taking large doses of medications has contraindications!

Minor delays in menstruation that are not associated with pregnancy or any serious female diseases do not require treatment. Women, be healthy!!!

A delay in menstruation is always unpleasant and alarming for any woman. The reasons for this phenomenon can be very different: climate change, sudden weight loss due to diets, vitamin deficiency, stress. But still, the most common reason for delay is, of course, pregnancy. Women who want to induce menstruation at home by any means, accordingly, want to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

To begin procedures leading to the fulfillment of desire, you must remember that you are exposing your body to danger. You intend to disrupt the mechanism of the smooth functioning of your body, which is expressed in systematic menstruation. Many organs are also at risk.

Women using oral contraceptives should simply stop taking them three days before the due date. But be sure to consult your doctor, especially if he prescribed this course for you. Otherwise, this method may lead to uterine bleeding.

Pills that induce menstruation can change hormonal levels. Among such drugs are Duphaston, Pulsatill, Norkolut and others. For example, in order to provoke menstruation with Duphaston, you should carefully read everything that is indicated on the package, or, even better, listen to the advice of a specialist who will determine the dosage depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body.

After taking these medications, your period should begin within one to three days. However, we should not forget that these drugs greatly harm women’s health, especially their reproductive function and endocrine system.

To induce menstruation quickly, it is possible to use an intravenous injection. In particular, the drug “Oxytocin” can induce menstruation literally within two to three hours, because it stimulates rapid contractions of the uterus. This drug should only be used under medical supervision because it is life-threatening.

Menstruation can also be caused by folk remedies. But not all of them can be successful. Much depends on the physical condition of the woman’s body, on her individual reactions to this or that herb and infusion. Therefore, before acting on your own, be sure to find out what side effects certain medicinal herbs have.

Folk remedies

  • The most basic remedy to induce menstruation is a bath with honey or iodine and salt. First, you can do some physical work to load the body - let's say, pump your abs to tone your muscles.
  • Fast periods may appear after taking a bath with chamomile. Start with a water temperature that is pleasant and acceptable for you and increase it to the maximum you can withstand.
  • Another simple way is to take a large portion of ascorbic acid. To enhance the effect, you can steam your feet with mustard the day before. But we should not forget that an impressive amount of ascorbic acid can provoke an allergic reaction, which leads to a stomach ulcer.
  • A relatively safe, but quite effective way is to use a decoction of tansy and nettle. But do not forget that nettle juice in large quantities can promote the formation of blood clots.
  • Many women find eating parsley and dill in large quantities effective. Mainly in the form of decoctions.
  • A decoction of valerian root, mint leaves and chamomile flowers is suitable for your purposes. It should be taken twice a day for several days.
  • A decoction of elecampane root is also used - approximately 50 grams. But attention: an overdose is fraught with uterine bleeding.

Eva’s great-granddaughters are accustomed to adjusting their way of life, looking at natural rhythms. When critical days are late, impressionable girls exhaust themselves with guesses. How to behave if conception is excluded? A visit to a gynecologist will be the best decision for the patient. The specialist will tell the woman how to induce menstruation if she is late.

Some impulsive young ladies, tired of waiting for the restoration of “hormonal justice,” purchase advertised medications. Patients hope that the pill will solve the problem and save them time. Bleeding often results from risky measures. You cannot rudely impose your will on the body if you want to wait for your period. Controversial issues regarding your health should be clarified at the clinic. In order to find out the cause of menstrual “hibernation”, the doctor will prescribe blood tests for hormones.

Who can't wait to induce menstrual bleeding?

The delay of special days is not a shocking event for modern young ladies and ladies. The absence of critical days for one week does not mean illness or pregnancy. A lot of anxiety is caused to patients by the situation when there is no menstrual smear for a whole month. If intimate dates with your lover or family life with your husband are part of your life story, the first thing that will come to your mind is the thought of conception. To find out whether the guess about the “visit of the stork” is relevant, a woman can donate blood for human chorionic gonadotropin. The study helps to detect pregnancy when the term is “modest”.

Gynecologists have noticed an alarming trend. More often, girls who do not want to become mothers in the near future want to induce menstruation if they are delayed. Without waiting for research results, patients turn to potent drugs. Such inappropriate carelessness is fraught with problems. If fertilization has occurred, the woman will force the body to reject the emerging life. Such an act is a “spontaneous abortion.”

Refrain from frivolously trying to get rid of pregnancy. You may cause severe bleeding. Loss of blood will exhaust your body and provoke the appearance of ailments that you have never heard of before. If you find out about pregnancy and firmly decide that pregnancy and childbirth are not what you want, contact your gynecological office. A medical abortion will bring fewer problems to a woman’s body than a thoughtless induction of bleeding at home.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to induce menstruation in case of delay in business ladies. When a woman’s immediate plans include an important business trip or the launch of a financial project, a delay in menstruation can bring a lot of worry to the woman. The patient does not want her critical days to come during a crucial period. What to do in this case? The first thing a woman should do is “break up” with alcohol and cigarettes. Stress levels should be reduced. Frequent worries will distance you from the onset of special days.

If you can’t wait to get through your next menstruation, ask your doctor what is the best way to “summon” it. It is likely that a herbal decoction will help you achieve the desired effect.

Is it possible to speed up your period without pills?

The absence of critical days does not always indicate a woman’s special position. Hormonal disorders, infectious lesions, and cystic formations in the organs of the reproductive system can negatively affect the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

We list the circumstances that can lengthen your menstrual cycle:

  • zealous passion for sports;
  • veganism;
  • insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits;
  • getting into other climatic “realities”;
  • smoking;
  • scanty amount of time allocated for sleep;
  • prolonged depression.

Before looking for menstruation inducers, the patient should analyze her lifestyle. Perhaps the woman has often found herself in stressful situations in recent months and adhered to a strict diet.

If the patient eliminates the negative factor, her period can come to her without additional “stimuli”. The timely arrival of menstruation is confirmation that the woman’s reproductive system is functioning safely. The absence of critical days often indicates that a woman’s body is experiencing hormonal imbalances.

Romance with benefits

Every girl has encountered in her life the “lateness” of menstrual flow. Some young ladies react to the delay philosophically, while others try to influence their critical days. Hormonal drugs cause menstruation, but in themselves can be a shock to the female body. Experienced gynecologists advise girls to resort to folk remedies if the delay is not related to pregnancy.

You should not torment yourself with thoughts about possible diseases. If you really want to get your period back, follow a few simple recommendations:

  • prepare a hot bath;
  • add a few drops of iodine to the water;
  • take time to bathe;
  • After the bath, continue the evening in the tradition of famous melodramas... This means sexual contact with your loved one.

Taking a hot bath activates blood flow to delicate organs. And passionate dates increase the tone of the uterus. If you use this trick, your period may start the very next day after the “treatment”.

The power of nature

Your period may be “lazy” and not come to you for various reasons. If over the past three months your critical days have come to you on schedule, and now there is a delay, it would be wise to turn to the power of nature.

Let us recall the folk methods that cause menstruation when delayed:

  • eating parsley. You can actively “lean” on parsley by adding it to salads. A decoction of this aromatic herb is also effective. Let us clarify that the decoction must be infused for at least ten hours. Women take it twice a day. Your period will come to you in a couple of days after such a mild effect on the reproductive system;
  • ginger root decoction;
  • fresh pomegranate juice. Many people love the invigorating and delicious pomegranate juice. Young ladies are happy to learn that it can be used to induce menstruation. You need to drink the juice for at least four days;
  • decoction of onion peels. The patient needs to collect onion peels and wash them thoroughly. The husk is poured with boiling water and infused. The more saturated the color of the drug, the better the effect. You need to drink a glass of “potion” and wait for your period. They will arrive in a day;
  • fresh lemons. If you like yellow citrus fruits, eat lemon with sugar;
  • decoction of elecampane root;
  • herbal medicine. Mix valerian root, chamomile flowers and mint root in equal parts. This “splendor” is poured with boiling water. Wait 20 minutes for the broth to infuse and drink half a glass of the aromatic liquid. Three days of such treatment will help induce menstruation if it is delayed.

If you do not want to harm your body, give up the idea of ​​taking iodine with milk to induce menstrual periods. This product is trusted by the older generation. But there are many cases when the above-mentioned “potion” caused the patient to start bleeding. The harm caused by using a questionable drug can be significant.

Medicines that induce menstruation

If folk remedies do not help, the girl will look for pills or injections to induce menstruation. Trying to influence your body's natural rhythms should not be taken lightly. A gynecologist can prescribe the treatment you need.

Let's name effective drugs that induce menstruation:

  • Pulsatilla. This homeopathic remedy gently regulates the natural “settings” of the female body;
  • Norkolut. This drug is based on the hormone norethisterone. A five-day course of treatment with Norkolut helps to achieve the onset of menstruation;
  • duphaston. With this drug, gynecology “removes” many women’s problems: painful periods, inability to conceive a child, long absence of menstruation.

The most powerful way to induce menstrual bleeding is an injection of Oxytocin. An intravenous injection of the hormone will “work” to start your period four to seven hours after it. The injection is given only as a last resort. Gynecologists try to use Oxytocin infrequently. This drug directs a woman’s cycle too harshly along the desired path.

Who should be careful when inducing menstruation?

Regardless of what steps a lady takes to call for her period, she needs not to lose her sense of proportion. If neither parsley decoction nor “caress therapy” helped to induce menstrual bleeding, the patient should consult a gynecologist.

Let us remember that some women's health is extremely vulnerable. These patients should not take active steps to get their periods.

Let us list the circumstances under which you cannot “joke” with your period:

  • recent birth;
  • heart disease;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • polypous formations in the uterus;
  • "autumn" age. If menstruation is delayed in a mature woman, it is possible that the symptoms of menopause are already approaching. Calling on periods can make you feel worse.

If you are not in enviable health, take medications to induce menstruation only after consulting a doctor. During the examination, the specialist will understand what you need if your period is late. In a clinic setting, under the supervision of a wise doctor, “inducing” menstruation is much safer than within the walls of your own apartment.

The regular arrival of menstruation indicates a healthy female body. Therefore, if menstruation does not occur on time, it is necessary to take measures aimed at restoring the menstrual cycle. Pregnancy, stress, rapid weight loss - these factors can cause a delay in menstruation.

Before inducing menstruation on your own, you need to identify the cause that led to the hormonal imbalance in the body. To do this, it is recommended to visit a specialist, since a delay may be a signal of the development of inflammatory diseases that require immediate treatment.

If pregnancy and gynecological diseases are excluded, then you can induce the onset of menstruation using folk methods.

Advice: if your period is several days late, then there is no need to resort to stimulating methods. Such a short-term delay in critical days is not considered a pathology.

Folk remedies to induce menstruation

Hot bath

You can quickly induce menstruation with a hot bath. To do this, you need to pour a couple of packs of table salt into the water and add a few drops of iodine. Baths with the addition of chamomile flowers, honey or essential oils are effective.

Before taking a bath, it is necessary to subject the body to physical activity that will tone the muscles and improve blood circulation. Abdominal pumping, jogging or general cleaning - physical exercise can be anything. After taking a hot bath, it is recommended to dress warmly; it is advisable to carry out water procedures at night.

Ascorbic acid

An effective remedy that normalizes the menstrual cycle is ascorbic acid. This substance, rich in vitamin C, in a normal dosage (no more than 100 mg per day for an adult), strengthens blood vessels and also improves blood flow.

If the daily dose of ascorbic acid is increased 5 times, the amount of progesterone in the body will significantly decrease, which will trigger the appearance of menstruation. This substance in large quantities can reduce blood viscosity, which also contributes to the rapid onset of menstruation.

In addition, ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.. Stress slows down the growth of the follicle, so it can become a provoking factor in the disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Decoction of mint, chamomile and valerian

A decoction of mint, valerian and chamomile is a time-tested remedy that helps bring your period closer. The healing decoction is prepared according to the following recipe: 5 tbsp. dry chamomile inflorescences mixed with 4 tbsp. mint and 3 tbsp. dried crushed valerian root.

Taking a hot bath, herbal decoction and medications will help you get your period faster.

The dry herbal mixture must be filled with 1 tbsp. boiling water The decoction should be infused for at least 2-3 hours. It is recommended to drink the finished drug twice a day, half a glass, until menstruation begins.

Even simple chamomile tea can trigger the onset of menstrual bleeding. To do this, you need to drink at least 2 cups of tea at a time, several times a day, until the expected effect occurs.

Onion peel infusion

Onion peels contain elements that are very valuable for the body, such as iron, phytoncides, and B vitamins. Therefore, an infusion of onion peels normalizes hormonal levels in the female body, eliminating delays in menstruation.

The secret of the effectiveness of onion infusion is as follows: the elements that make up the peel cause the tone of the uterus, the walls of which begin to contract, which causes menstruation. Menstrual bleeding appears on average three days after taking onion infusion.

To prepare the decoction you will need the husks of 3 medium onions, which must be poured with 4 tbsp. hot water and cook for half an hour over medium heat. The finished broth is cooled and taken half a glass a day before meals. This infusion also effectively relieves menstrual pain.

Bay leaf infusion

The composition of bay leaves includes tannins, essential oils and beneficial organic acids, which provoke uterine contractions and endometrial detachment.

To quickly induce menstruation, you can prepare a highly concentrated infusion: for this, 10-15 g of bay leaf is poured into 3 tbsp. boiling water, the resulting solution must be simmered over low heat for about 1 hour. After this, the healing decoction should infuse for at least 4 hours. The finished infusion should be drunk one and a half glasses a day, preferably at night.

You can expect your period to arrive in the morning. If the onset of menstruation is not so critical, you can prepare a less concentrated solution: 3 bay leaves are poured with 1 tbsp. boiling water The resulting cooled infusion is ready for use; it is recommended to drink it twice a day.

Nettle or tansy decoction

The perennial tansy flower contains useful substances such as vitamin C, camphor, organic acids and carotene, which not only have a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, but also quickly stimulate menstruation when delayed.

It has been proven that with the systematic use of tansy decoction, menstruation comes on time, the cycle is normalized without negative effects on the body. To prepare the decoction, bring 1 liter of water to a boil, then add 2 tbsp. tansy inflorescences. You need to cook the resulting solution for about 10-20 minutes over low heat. The cooled drug is taken three times a day, half a glass.

The healing decoction has a bitter taste, so it can be sweetened with honey or sugar.

A plant no less beneficial for women's health is nettle. Nettle decoction not only effectively normalizes the menstrual cycle, but also improves the course of menstruation: pain decreases and bleeding becomes less heavy. To prepare a miraculous decoction, you need to bring 1 tbsp to a boil. water, then add 1-1.5 tbsp. dry plant.

The broth must be simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The resulting decoction is taken 100 g per day, several times a day.

A decoction based on both nettle and tansy is very effective for delaying menstruation. To quickly call your period, you need to mix 1 tbsp. nettles, and the same amount of tansy. Pour 200 g of boiling water over the herbal mixture and leave for several hours. The finished herbal medicine is consumed three times a day, several tablespoons.

Cornflower infusion

You can speed up the onset of menstruation with the help of blue cornflower infusion. The recipe is as follows: 10 g of flower must be poured into 150 g of boiling water, the resulting mixture must be infused for a couple of hours. The strained, cooled infusion is recommended to be consumed before meals, 2 tbsp. three times a day, until the desired critical days arrive.

Attention! The plant contains toxins, which in large quantities can cause poisoning. Therefore, it is recommended to take dosed doses of the folk remedy.

Elecampane decoction

Elecampane root contains phytohormones that are very similar to human sex hormones. Therefore, consuming a decoction of elecampane increases the amount of hormones in the body that activate the onset of menstruation. The decoction is prepared according to this recipe: 1 tsp. dry crushed plant root is poured with 200 g of hot water.

The solution is boiled over medium heat for a quarter of an hour, then left to steep for a couple of hours. The strained broth should be consumed in 2 tablespoons. several times a day. You can prepare a more concentrated decoction, then your period will come the next day.

Its recipe is as follows: 1 tbsp. ground elecampane root must be poured with 2 tbsp. boiling water and cook for half an hour over low heat. It is recommended to take half a glass of the strained broth twice a day.

Pomegranate juice and citrus fruits

Pomegranate juice contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements, one of which is vitamin C. A large amount of this vitamin in the body tones the uterus, which provokes endometrial detachment and the appearance of menstruation.

The fruits of citrus trees are also rich in vitamin C, so eating them in large quantities quickly provokes the onset of menstrual bleeding. To get your period the next day, you can eat 2 whole lemons or 2-3 oranges.

Advice! People prone to gastrointestinal disorders should avoid excessive consumption of citrus fruits.

Medication methods

Duphaston tablets

Many women, due to the influence of external factors, face such a problem as a delay in menstruation. How to induce menstruation so that the negative effect on the body from the drug is reduced to zero - this is the task of modern medicine.

Duphaston tablets consist of dydrogesterone, the structure of which is as similar as possible to the structure of progesterone. These tablets do not contain testosterone, so you don’t have to worry about an increased amount of male hormones in the body after taking Duphaston. The dosage of tablets should be calculated by the gynecologist, depending on the age and weight of the patient.

The instructions suggest that taking the medication should be started, on average, from the 10th day of the cycle to the 25th day. The dosage regimen may vary depending on the length of the menstrual cycle. To establish a regular cycle, it is recommended to take the pills over a course of 3 to 6 months.

Homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla

In the fight against delayed menstruation, a remedy based on sleep herbs, known as “Pulsatilla,” has proven itself well. The alkaloids and saponins that it contains not only help improve blood circulation, but also increase the tone of the uterus, which leads to an early onset of menstruation.

The composition of the herb has a beneficial effect on the immune and nervous system and corrects hormonal balance without adverse reactions. Take 5 pills three times a day before eating. Capsules can be dissolved under the tongue, or dissolved in water.

To maximize the effect of the homeopathic remedy, coffee, mint and citrus fruits should be excluded from the diet.

Postinor tablets

Postinor tablets are a method of emergency contraception, effective in case of unprotected sexual intercourse to avoid unplanned pregnancy. In case of delay, these pills can bring the arrival of your period closer in the shortest possible time. However, they should only be taken by women with a stable menstrual cycle.

"Postinor" is not recommended for frequent use, as it may interfere with the functioning of the ovaries. And in case of an overdose of the drug, cases of uterine bleeding are not uncommon. As a rule, two days after taking 1 tablet of Postinor, menstruation occurs.

Progesterone injections

Progesterone is the most important hormone in the female body, responsible for the development of the endometrium and the functioning of the ovaries. Its insufficient amount in the female body leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle. To make up for the missing amount of progesterone, you can introduce it artificially, using injections.

The dosage of the hormone is calculated based on a progesterone test, so its use is unacceptable without consulting a specialist. The course of injections, on average, ranges from 7 to 10 days. 2-3 days after taking the injections, the expected period comes.

The drug Mifegin

If the delay in menstruation is associated with the onset of pregnancy, which needs to be treated with medication, take Mifegin tablets. The drug tones the uterus, the cervix of which softens, which leads to expulsion of the fertilized egg.

This medicine can be used if your period is less than 6 weeks late. It is important to know that taking this drug is not permissible at home and without tests or ultrasound. The tablets are taken in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor; if there are no adverse reactions, the woman is sent home.

Utrozhestan capsules

The drug "Utrozhestan" is as similar in structure as progesterone, so it is well absorbed without causing adverse reactions. Utrozhestan capsules normalize hormonal levels and regulate the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. The components included in the drug have a gentle effect on the endometrium, gradually loosening it.

After stopping taking the capsules, there is a sharp drop in progesterone levels, which leads to the appearance of menstrual bleeding. "Utrozhestan" must be taken from the middle of the menstrual cycle, after the ovulatory phase has ended.

The course of taking the drug depends on the duration of the cycle. Capsules are taken orally or vaginally, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician.

A couple of days after completing the medication, menstruation begins. If critical days come earlier than the calculated treatment regimen, then stop taking the capsules. This phenomenon suggests that the degree of progesterone deficiency in the body was not critical, and the hormonal levels quickly regulated.

Drug Norkolut

"Norkolut" is a hormonal remedy aimed at correcting the menstrual cycle, effective in the case of frequent irregular periods. The drug improves hormonal levels in the female body, restoring reproductive functions.

This drug helps to cope with such problems as:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Relief of pain during menstruation;
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.

Take the medicine in the second half of the cycle, 2 tablets for several days. The exact dosage should be calculated by a gynecologist. After stopping the use of the drug, menstruation occurs.

The hormonal drug Norkolut can cause menstrual bleeding that is heavier than usual. If, after taking the drug, your critical days have not arrived, you must definitely visit a specialist to identify pathologies in the body.

The drug Oxytocin to increase uterine tone

Oxytocin is an artificially created analogue of the human hormone, which in a short period of time tones the uterus, which stimulates the induction of menstruation. The drug is administered into the body via injection or dropper.

The drug is used when it is necessary to resolve the issue of delayed menstruation as quickly as possible: the expected effect occurs within a few hours after entering the body. The uterus, under the influence of oxytocin, begins to contract vigorously, rejecting the endometrium, which leads to menstrual bleeding.

In case of an unstable cycle, oxytocin is taken nasally as prescribed by a doctor, in the second half of the cycle and before the onset of menstruation.

To terminate a pregnancy, a hormone diluted in a dextrose solution is administered through a dropper. It is important to know that in this case the drug is used only in hospital settings, under the supervision of specialists. Since if the instructions are not followed, the hormone can cause a number of side effects: uterine rupture, anaphylactic shock or tachycardia.

Video about calling your period if you are late

How to induce your period:

Reasons for missed periods:

Probably every girl has encountered such a problem when her periods are suddenly delayed. And sometimes, especially before a trip, you just want to call them as soon as possible so that you can spend your holiday at sea without any problems or inconveniences. In these situations, women wonder how they can solve this problem without risking their health and make sure that menstruation finally begins. There are several folk and medicinal methods that help in this matter.

Possible reasons for missed periods

The female body has very fine hormonal regulation, which greatly affects the menstrual cycle. A very large number of factors can cause a delay in menstruation.

  1. Pregnancy almost always causes your periods to stop and start a few months after giving birth. In this case, you need to be careful and any methods that can cause menstruation are prohibited. Therefore, before taking any medications or medications to speed up the arrival of your period, you need to be examined by a doctor and make sure that there is no pregnancy.
  2. The menopause period begins at approximately 45 years of age. At this age, women may experience disruptions, menstruation comes with delays, and then disappears altogether. This process is physiologically normal and does not always require treatment.
  3. Inflammatory diseases can also cause a delay in menstruation. This can be very dangerous and requires careful examination by a doctor. In advanced cases, women sometimes develop infertility.
  4. Nervous strain, stress, travel, and time zone changes also affect the menstrual cycle of women. In this case, there is no need to worry, your periods will gradually return.
  5. Benign and malignant neoplasms of the pelvic organs and brain can also affect the menstrual cycle. Tumors of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus lead to disruption of the production of hormones responsible for menstruation.
  6. Taking various medications can also affect the stability of the menstrual cycle. Most often these are hormonal drugs. In most cases, after stopping the medication, menstruation returns within a certain period.
  7. Changes in the duration of the monthly cycle sometimes occur even in the absence of disease. Normally, it should be from 25 to 35 days and can periodically change throughout life, increasing or decreasing by a couple of days.

Video about the reasons for delayed periods in Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

What should you do first if there is a delay?

If you experience a delay, do not rush to take any medications or folk remedies. First of all, it is necessary to find out what is the reason for this violation. For one week, you don’t have to worry too much and wait for your period to arrive. Often they will start on their own without any external influence. However, if the delay is longer, it is worth buying any pregnancy test at the pharmacy.

Remember that the absence of a second line does not always mean that there is no pregnancy. Sometimes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels may be low or just poorly excreted in the urine, leading to a false negative pregnancy test result.

Regardless of the test result, you need to see a gynecologist. He will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe various additional studies and tests. If even after this the reasons for the delay in menstruation are not identified, then you will need to wait until they begin on their own or resort to the use of special means to speed up the process.

There are a large number of different pregnancy tests that need to be used if your period is late.

Remedies used for delay

After visiting a doctor and consulting with him, you can begin using various medications that will help induce menstruation. Folk remedies are more gentle and have a gradual and gentle effect on the body, while medications are a more radical solution that is used only for serious indications.

Normalization of sleep, rest, and lack of stress will have a very beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle. It is also important to exercise in moderation, drink adequate amounts of clean drinking water and eat right.

Folk recipes

There are many herbal remedies that can help induce menstruation faster. They do not always help if a woman has serious hormonal disorders or inflammatory processes. Also, taking any folk remedies to induce menstruation is excluded if there is a possibility of pregnancy.

Infusion of bay leaves

Bay leaf, which any housewife has in her kitchen, can help speed up the arrival of menstruation if it is delayed. The action of this remedy is based on the fact that after taking it, the uterus begins to contract.

  1. Take fifteen grams of dried or fresh bay leaves. It is better to use them whole so that you do not have to strain the infusion later.
  2. Pour half a liter of clean water into the pan, place the leaves in it and place on low heat. After the water boils, cook for another five minutes.
  3. Pour the resulting broth into a thermos and leave to steep for two hours.
  4. Cool the resulting mixture and drink four tablespoons four times a day until your period.

Bay leaves are a common remedy for delayed periods.

Chamomile is considered to be a natural estrogen substitute. To stimulate the onset of menstruation, it will not be enough to drink a weak solution. You will need to brew strong chamomile tea. To do this, you will need to use three bags of the plant per 300 ml cup. Pour boiling water over them and let sit for fifteen minutes. Drink this remedy three times a day, half a cup.

Chamomile is also an excellent antiseptic

Infusion of elecampane

Elecampane is a potent perennial plant that is known for its ability to influence the female body. It must be used with caution, as there are many contraindications. Of course, in no case should you drink a decoction of woodwort during pregnancy, as there is a high risk of miscarriage, as well as in the presence of disorders in the cardiovascular system and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

  1. To prepare, you will need one teaspoon of chopped dry elecampane root. You can buy it in pharmacies.
  2. Pour one glass of boiling water over the plant and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes.
  3. Pour the broth into a thermos and leave to steep for four hours.
  4. Strain the product and drink one teaspoon three times a day before meals.

Elecampane is a very active herbal remedy and should be taken with caution

Video on how to induce menstruation using folk remedies


Medications to combat delays in menstruation are prescribed by a gynecologist - endocrinologist, after conducting appropriate tests. If you prescribe them to yourself, this can threaten an even greater deterioration in your health.

This drug is a very common remedy in the fight against delays in the menstrual cycle. It can only be taken if hormonal deficiency is truly detected. This medicine contains progesterone, which is often lacking when menstruation is delayed. However, it is worth understanding that this drug is an artificial substitute for the hormones produced by the body and does not solve the main problem that caused the failure.

Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone and helps normalize the menstrual cycle

This drug contains natural progesterone, which can be used even during pregnancy. Also indicated are menstrual irregularities and menopause. Utrozhestan is available in two forms - tablets and suppositories. In the second case, the load on the liver is significantly reduced. Taking the drug helps normalize the menstrual cycle and helps in the fight against infertility.

Utrozhestan is available in tablets and suppositories

Progesterone is also available in the form of injection ampoules. They are similar in action to Utrozhestan and Duphaston. A series of injections is prescribed only after a lack of the corresponding hormone is detected in the patient. After a course of treatment, many note the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the onset of pregnancy. However, like previous drugs, Progesterone does not treat the cause of hormonal disorders, but only artificially eliminates its deficiency in the body.

Progesterone can be used not only in tablets, but also by injection


This drug is homeopathic and is made exclusively from natural ingredients and includes an extract from prostele. They need to be taken for a long period of time and in a certain dosage, individually selected by the doctor. If taken correctly, you can achieve normalization of the menstrual cycle and the timely arrival of menstruation.

Video about progesterone and the menstrual cycle

Products and spices

Some foods and spices can also have a stimulating effect on the female body. You can eat more of the following plants to speed up the arrival of your period if you are late:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • ginger;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • chilli;
  • valerian;
  • sunflower seeds.

Is it dangerous to force a cycle?

If you try to speed up your menstrual cycle on your own, you can seriously damage your body. Without an examination, it is difficult to find out what exactly caused such a failure. If a woman had serious inflammatory processes or tumor formations, and she began to take medications and herbal remedies without a doctor’s permission, then her condition may worsen significantly. There is also a high risk of bleeding and other complications. It is best not to interfere with the process and, if possible, let the body cope with minor deviations on its own.

Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can lead to infertility, the formation of cysts, tumors and other serious diseases.

How to induce your period at home ahead of schedule

If there is no delay, but there is an urgent need to induce menstruation ahead of schedule, then you can resort to various folk remedies and medications. As in the case of delays, you should not prescribe them yourself; first you need to come for a consultation with a gynecologist and listen to his recommendations.

Folk recipes

If you do not want to use potent hormonal drugs, you can resort to various folk recipes. Of course, they have a much lower chance of getting the desired result, but at the same time there is also a lower risk of complications and side effects.

Hot baths

You can resort to this method only in the absence of cardiovascular diseases and pregnancy. Start taking a hot bath by adding 1 kg of sea salt and 10 ml of iodine. Engage in physical activity, do abdominal exercises and squats. Take a pre-prepared bath for thirty minutes. If possible, you can increase the likelihood of getting your period by having sex after the procedure. This will additionally stimulate blood circulation in the pelvis.

A hot bath with salt and iodine will help speed up your period.

Ascorbic acid

This remedy is suitable for those who do not have stomach problems, since in large quantities ascorbic acid can provoke the formation of ulcers and exacerbation. Take 10-15 vitamin C tablets and steam your feet in the hottest water possible. Be careful to select a temperature that will not cause burns.

Video about taking ascorbic acid to induce menstruation

Onion peel decoction

Take the peel from one onion and use it to speed up your period. Pour two cups of boiling water and cook over low heat for twenty minutes. Strain the resulting broth and let it cool to room temperature. Drink one and a half glasses before meals every day for one week.

Onion peel is an excellent folk remedy for inducing menstruation.

Herbal infusion of cornflower and verbena

Take one teaspoon each of dried cornflower and verbena flowers, grind in a blender and pour a glass of boiling water. Pour the liquid into a thermos and let it brew for three hours. Take one tablespoon once a day before meals.


If you need to induce your period quickly, ahead of schedule and have time to prepare for any event, then you can use various hormonal medications. Some of them will take effect within a few days, while others will need to be taken in advance so that your period comes exactly at the right time. As in the case of delay, you can use Duphaston and Utrozhestan; sometimes they can cause menstruation within three days after taking it.

This remedy is very strong and is used mainly for emergency contraception in the first two days after unprotected sexual intercourse. It should not be taken regularly, only in exceptional cases when there is a suspicion of an unwanted pregnancy. The tablets contain a very large amount of levonorgestrel, which quickly induces menstruation over a short period of time. In this case, even an egg that has managed to be fertilized is released. After taking Postinor, your next period may also come late.

Postinor is a potent drug that can only be used in emergency cases

Hormonal contraceptives

There are a large number of oral contraceptives that will help not only avoid unwanted pregnancy, but also normalize the menstrual cycle. You need to take them for 21 days, and during the break (when taking placebo pills) your period will begin. If you need to adjust their arrival, you can shorten the appointment period by several days. But you should not do this too often, as they are not intended to speed up menstruation. Oral contraceptives are selected individually, based on a gynecological examination and hormone levels. The most popular are Yarina, Rigevidon, Jess, Lindinet 20.

Video about oral contraceptives

Is it possible to induce the first period?

Girls begin their first periods at different ages. For some, they first appear at the age of 11–12, while for others they linger until 15. This process can be accelerated with the help of hormonal drugs, but this cannot be done without a doctor’s prescription. During adolescence, a girl’s body independently develops at an individual speed. If there are no disorders or diseases, then menstruation will occur in due time, when the pelvic organs are completely ready for it.