The healthiest and most harmful cereals in our diet. Why cereal porridges are dangerous: how wrong I was

What cereals do you eat regularly?

Do you know that not all cereals are equally healthy? It turns out that it can even be harmful! Look at which cereals you should buy and consume, and which ones you should avoid!

Eat right and!

So, which one is the most healthy porridge? call 7 valuable products, which are important to include in the diet. And not only for people with health problems and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To ensure a balanced, complete diet, you need to regularly eat cereals.


Considered a leader in nutritional value With minimum content calories. Dozens of diets are based on the consumption of buckwheat. It is used in vegetarian diets as a substitute for animal protein, because its composition contains vegetable protein up to 18%. The product is rich in iron and magnesium. These microelements are important for the hematopoietic system and heart function.

Buckwheat should form the basis of nutrition for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. She has minimal glycemic index, does not increase sugar levels when absorbed by the body, and therefore does not cause it sharp jumps. There are cases when eating buckwheat and following a strict diet eliminated the need for insulin.

Buckwheat is not a cereal crop, like most well-known cereals, but herbaceous plants. Its closest “relative” is sorrel, so the caloric content of the product is minimal, up to 90 Kcal per 100 grams of product. It comes from India, where it is called “black rice”.


Oatmeal is made from oats that are subjected to various types of processing. For this porridge beneficial features determined by grinding intensity. The more rude he is, the healthier product. Therefore, it is recommended to include in a healthy diet not cereals, quick to prepare, and rolled oats. Its degree machining minimal.

Cereals are rich in microelements and vitamins. But its main value lies elsewhere - the abundance of fiber. Grains consist of insoluble fiber, which act like a “brush” in the intestines. They clean out toxins, simultaneously removing cholesterol and toxic substances. But like this healing qualities only a product prepared in water has.

Oatmeal is also necessary for people with gastrointestinal disorders. For peptic ulcers, it reduces the severity of attacks, as it envelops the walls of the stomach with a film of gluten.

Pearl barley

This cereal is a product of grinding barley grains, which formed the basis of the diet of ancient people. It is known that only it was eaten by ancient Roman gladiators, since rich in protein the cereal quickly replenished my strength. The famous reformer Tsar Peter I loved pearl barley, but in Rus' the culture of its use was lost quite a long time ago, replaced by wheat.

Today pearl barley is perceived as government, army, and budget porridge. At the same time, it has a lot of useful properties. It contains and is rich in potassium and phosphorus. It also contains fiber, which is important for proper operation intestines. The problem with modern barley is that people have forgotten how to cook it. Because of this, the ancient cereal, which was consumed on all continents, found itself on the margins of cooking.

Barley must be soaked before boiling. It is necessary to fill it with water for 12 hours, then rinse and boil. Over an open fire, you just need to bring the cereal to a boil, then move the pan to water bath and simmer covered for 6 hours.


Another ancient grain, millet, should be present in healthy diet. Millet is a product of its minimal processing, so it retains a large amount of valuable fiber. The beneficial properties of this porridge include intensive cleansing of the intestines, the ability to remove toxins and metal salts. Cereals stimulate the cleansing of blood vessels and reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

The product is rich in carbohydrates, which ensures a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Not suitable for nutrition with pancreatitis, since the polysaccharides present in the composition cannot be completely processed by the weakened pancreas. For the same reason, people with diabetes should not consume millet.


Despite the fact that this product is unusual and unusual for our table, it is necessary to use it. Corn has unique property. It is very filling, so you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. The period of absorption by the body is long, its carbohydrates are broken down over more than 4 hours, providing a gradual supply of energy.

It contains vitamins A, E, PP, a large amount of potassium and magnesium. These microelements are valuable for heart function. It lowers cholesterol and effectively cleanses the intestines, similar to oatmeal.


The product is included in the diet of the planet's billion people. The value of rice grains is well known in China, India and other countries eastern Asia, where it is the most important component of the diet. We perceive rice differently, and not because we don’t know how to cook it. The fact is that we use completely different varieties of it - white, peeled, the value of which is minimal compared to “classic” rice - brown, unpolished.

The latter has highest efficiency in the matter of cleansing the body of toxins. And it has extremely few calories. Our cereal varieties are less productive in this regard and contain more easily accessible carbohydrates. However, they are also necessary for the health of the body, since rice has sorbent qualities, envelops the intestinal walls, and normalizes digestion.


The benefits of this cereal are not widely known; it is not customary for us to cook flaxseed porridge. But get to know her as an amazing source essential amino acids, necessary. It supplies the body the most valuable substances included in the structure skin, bones, joints. Flax is the fountain of youth.

The cereal also contains vitamins and microelements. The leader among the latter is potassium, which is 7 times more than in the well-known record holder for this component - banana. Flaxseed porridge has a similar effect on the gastrointestinal tract as oatmeal and rice: it envelops the mucous membranes with a film and improves digestion.

The most harmful cereals

It is customary to endow porridge with exclusively beneficial properties. However, there are also potential “pests” among them. Nutritionists consider these to be cereals with a high glycemic index, as well as those that have virtually no fiber. They bring “empty calories” to the body. There are several record holders here.

  • Semolina . It is a product of finely ground wheat, so it contains vegetable protein and vitamins in a small volume. However, the main share of its composition (70%) is formed by starch, which should not be consumed by people with overweight or those who seek to reduce it. The benefits of semolina porridge in the morning are also exaggerated for children. The cereal contains a complex mucopolysaccharide that a child’s body cannot break down. It also reduces the intensity of movement of intestinal villi, inhibiting digestive activity.
  • White rice . Nutritionists call it an empty source of calories. White rice actually contains a lot of them, but there are practically no vitamins and minerals. Brown, wild and red varieties of this cereal are of high value.
  • Oatmeal instant cooking . Surprisingly, oatmeal can also be harmful. This is the name for finely ground flakes that boil in 5 minutes, or those that can simply be steamed with boiling water. This product contains neither fiber nor other valuable components. The calorie content of oatmeal from a bag of sugar is equivalent to a piece of cake.

Any cereal can be harmful if there is an individual intolerance to it. More than 30% of the world's population suffers from gluten intolerance, and in 1% of people this genetic condition provokes severe consequences after eating gluten-containing cereals. With regular consumption of cereals with gluten (oatmeal, wheat, semolina, pearl barley), celiac disease develops. It manifests itself in persistent indigestion with a decrease in the intensity of absorption nutrients from the intestines.

Gluten is present not only in cereals, but also in products made from them. It is found in bread, pasta, sausage and canned food as additives. There is no cereal protein in buckwheat, rice, corn grits, millet.

Rules for preparing healthy porridges

To get the maximum benefit from a product, it must be selected and prepared correctly. Then the porridge will turn out to be truly healthy. Here are a few subtleties proper preparation products.

  • The less processing the better.. Any grain contains a basic spectrum useful substances in the upper shells. Therefore, the less of them is lost during production, the more valuable the dish will be. Eat whole-grain oatmeal, unpolished rice, and cereals that only have their kernels crushed: corn, barley (barley).
  • Rinse the cereal. This will rid it of dust and will not wash away any useful substances. The need to wash grains is dictated by basic hygiene.
  • Eat without fat. The advantage of oatmeal, for example, is its ability to bind and remove cholesterol. However, it is completely lost when consumed with milk, since the cereal binds milk fat, and not the fat that settles in your intestines. Other grains with fiber work similarly. For maximum benefit boil them in water.
  • Use healthy and tasty supplements. Porridge for breakfast will become much tastier if you add raisins, dried apricots, add pieces of apples or nuts, add flax grains, sesame seeds, and decorate fresh berries. Such components do not increase the calorie content of the dish, but make it more tasty and healthy.

Regularly consume valuable cereals; their benefits and harms are individual and depend on the characteristics of your body. However, the quantity healthy cereals great. And among them you will definitely find those that will delight you with their taste on the everyday table and will not bring unpleasant consequences.

Mothers, trying to feed their children porridge, talk about it amazing benefits. But is it? Let's try to find out everything about porridge: benefits and harms, what prevails?

Useful properties of cereals

Are porridges healthy? The answer to this question will be positive, because cereals are made from grain crops known for their benefits. It is not for nothing that in Rus' porridge was a symbol of wealth and family prosperity.

Porridges have many beneficial properties:

  • quickly saturate the body, as they are characterized by a high content of fiber, vitamins, vegetable protein and “ slow carbohydrates»;
  • at the same time, the calorie content of porridges is low if you do not eat them with butter and sugar;
  • charge the body with the necessary energy;
  • restore the functioning of the digestive system;
  • naturally cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • make the skin elastic;
  • reduce the risk of carcinogenic formations by 20%.

The properties of porridges are influenced by the type of cereal and the method of its preparation. Depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the porridge, it can be viscous or crumbly.

What cereals are best to eat?

Let's try to find out which cereals are healthy?

Refined and unrefined grains are used to prepare porridges. But since all the useful substances are in the shell, the cereal freed from it loses everything necessary substances. If the cereal is also highly crushed, then it can only supply unnecessary calories to the body. The most purified and ground grain is semolina.

Nutritionists say that porridge with milk is better absorbed than porridge cooked with water. But you need to take skim milk so as not to add extra calories.

To make porridge healthier, sugar is replaced with honey, fruits and berries.

Porridge different types They take a long time to digest in the body, they contain so-called slow carbohydrates. As a result, a person does not feel hungry longer and does not freeze in winter time. Porridge is considered a basic breakfast dish, but it can be eaten for lunch and dinner.

Crushed corn contains a large number of vegetable protein, as well as the following acids and connections.

Nutritional value (100 g of product)

  1. Proteins – 7.2 grams.
  2. Fats – 1.5 grams.
  3. Carbohydrates – 73 grams.
  4. Water – 14 grams.
  5. Fiber – 4.4 grams.
  6. Fatty acids – 0.2 grams.
  7. Disaccharides, monosaccharides – 1.3 grams.
  8. Ash – 0.8 grams.
  9. Starch – 70.6 grams.

Nutritional value of one hundred grams corn porridge is 90 kilocalories.

  1. Beta-carotene – 0.2 milligrams.
  2. Vitamin PP – 1.8 mg.
  3. Vitamin A – 33 mcg.
  4. Vitamins B2 and B1 – 0.48 mg.
  5. Vitamin E – 0.6 mg.


  1. Magnesium – 30 mg.
  2. Potassium – 147 mg.
  3. Sodium – 7 mg.
  4. Calcium – 20 mg.
  5. Phosphorus – 109 mg.


Corn porridge contains 2.7 milligrams of iron.

The benefits and harms of corn porridge

Corn porridge has a beneficial effect on digestive system human, strengthens the immune system, promotes general improvement well-being, improves metabolism (metabolism), removes toxins from the body. Eating corn porridge improves the condition of teeth and gums. Nutritionists recommend adding corn porridge to your diet seven to eight times a week.

The harm of corn porridge is relative. Some people may experience slight redness on their cheeks, which, however, quickly passes. If you eat too much corn porridge, you may become overweight.

Wheat porridge is prepared from cereals produced by processing durum wheat.

  1. Carbohydrates – 67 gr.
  2. Fats – 0.9 gr.
  3. Proteins – 15 gr.
  4. Starch – 48 gr.
  5. Water – 13 gr.

In addition, porridge contains a small amount of sugars, minerals (zinc, silver, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium), vitamins C, B, E, A.

The calorie content of one hundred grams of wheat porridge is 87 kilocalories.

Wheat porridge is easily digestible, therefore it is included in the list of dietary products and products for baby food. The calorie content of wheat porridge is one of the lowest, so porridge is actively included in a variety of diets.

The benefits and harms of wheat porridge

Wheat porridge has a general strengthening effect on the body and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. That's why the porridge is made from wheat cereal Doctors recommend using it for people experiencing heavy physical exertion.

Wheat porridge is an excellent antioxidant. The dish can be adjusted metabolic processes in the body, reduce cholesterol levels and improve the functioning of the digestive organs.

By consuming wheat porridge regularly, you can remove toxins and salts from the body heavy metals, toxins and excess fat.

Eating wheat porridge does not cause any harm. The only exception is people suffering from gastritis; they need to eat wheat porridge, using some caution.

Nutritional value (100 g of product):

  1. Starch – 70 percent.
  2. Protein – 15 percent.
  3. Fat – 3.7 percent.


  1. RR – 1.6 mg.
  2. B6 – 0.5 mg.
  3. B1 – 0.42 mg.
  4. B2 – 0.04 mg.
  5. E – 0.3 mg.
  6. Beta-carotene – 0.02 mg.
  7. B9 – 40 mcg.
  8. A – 3 mcg.


  1. Iron – 2.7 mg.
  2. Zinc – 68 mg.
  3. 3) Manganese – 0.93 mg.
  4. 4) Aluminum – 100 mcg.
  5. 5) Copper – 370 mcg.
  6. 6) Fluoride – 28 mcg.
  7. 7) Iodine – 4.5 mcg.
  8. 8) Potassium – 211 mg.
  9. 9) Fiber – 0.8 percent.
  10. 10) Sugar – 2 percent.

The calorie content of millet porridge is 102 kilocalories. Millet porridge due to high content potassium has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Advice. For people with heart disease, it is better to cook millet porridge in this way: pour a third of a glass of cereal into a frying pan and heat well. Then rinse the cereal, add water (one glass), cook over low heat. You need to sweeten and add salt to the porridge large quantities.

Millet porridge has a positive effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic system and the activity of the liver.

Eating porridge helps with diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity, etc.

If a person low acidity stomach, eating millet porridge in large quantities is not recommended. In addition, doctors believe that porridge can weaken potency.

Millet porridge should be consumed with caution by people with hypothyroidism.

Pearl barley porridge is cooked from barley groats. Porridge has been known in Russia since tsarist times and was included in the soldiers' diet.

Composition of pearl barley porridge (100 g of product):

  1. Protein – 9.87 g.
  2. Water – 10 g.
  3. Carbohydrates – 62 gr.
  4. Fat – 1.14 gr.
  5. Ash – 1.11 g.

Pearl barley porridge contains many different minerals(potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, zinc) and vitamins (B, A, K, E).

The calorie content of pearl barley porridge cooked in water is 110 kilocalories.

The benefits and harms of pearl barley porridge

Barley contains a large amount of B vitamins, which provide the human body with energy involved in protein synthesis and blood formation.

Eating pearl barley has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, hair, skin, and has a positive effect on immunity and vision.

It is important to know. For people with stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis or pancreatitis, you need to prepare heavily boiled pearl barley porridge: this dish contains substances that coat the gastric mucosa and improve the patient’s condition.

Pearl barley porridge is rich in phosphorus, so it should definitely be included in the diet of bodybuilders and athletes. Phosphorus is an element directly involved in growth muscle mass, and in addition, relieves fatigue.

The disadvantage of pearl barley porridge is the long cooking time. Before cooking, the cereal must be soaked for at least three hours. Pregnant women and people prone to intestinal flatulence and constipation should not indulge too much in pearl barley porridge.

Today, rice is one of the main food products. general use. Rice porridge is not only tasty, but also cheap and accessible wide circles population.

The calorie content of rice porridge depends on the method of preparation, for example, one hundred grams of porridge cooked in water has a calorie content of 89 kilocalories; Porridge cooked with milk has a higher calorie content - 101 kcal.

  1. Water – 14 g.
  2. Fat – 1 gr.
  3. Protein – 7 gr.
  4. Starch – 73 gr.
  5. Disaccharides, monosaccharides – 1.1 g.
  6. Dietary fiber – 0.4 g.


  1. Vitamin B1 – 0.08 mg.
  2. Vitamin B2 – 0.04 mg.
  3. Vitamin E – 0.4 mg.
  4. Vitamin PP – 1.6 mg.
  5. Vitamin H – 3.5 mcg.

Micro- and macroelements:

  1. Iron – 1 mg.
  2. Potassium – 100 mg.
  3. Iodine – 1.4 mg.
  4. Magnesium – 50 mg.

Rice - unique product according to the content of slow carbohydrates that accumulate in muscle tissue and slowly releasing energy.

The benefit of rice porridge lies in its absorbent properties. It is this quality that makes the product indispensable when forming different diets designed to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Eating rice porridge improves the condition of nails, hair, skin, and normalizes the condition nervous system, improves sleep.

Rice porridge is used for stomach disorders as a binder; it is also useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and various kinds kidney diseases.

The harm to rice lies in improper processing of the product. Cleaned or refined rice loses many beneficial properties and can even cause the development of diabetes, atherosclerosis or hypertension.

It is worth noting. The best rice porridge is considered to be cooked from brown or brown rice. This dish preserves the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Such cereals should definitely be included in the diet of children.

Buckwheat porridge cooked in water has the following composition of nutritional components:

  1. Proteins – 3.2 g.
  2. Fats – 0.8 g.
  3. Carbohydrates - 17.1 g.

Calorie content – ​​90 Kcal.

Buckwheat porridge with milk:

  1. Proteins – 12.6 g.
  2. Fats – 3.1 g.
  3. Carbohydrates - 69.3 g.

Calorie content – ​​336 Kcal.


  1. Vitamin A – 0.006 mg.
  2. Vitamin B1 – 0.4 mg.
  3. Vitamin B6 – 0.4 mg.
  4. Vitamin E – 6.7 mg.
  5. Vitamin PP – 4.2 mg.

Micro and macroelements:

  1. Iron – 6.7 mg.
  2. Magnesium – 200 mg.
  3. Calcium – 20 mg.
  4. Boron – 120 mg.
  5. Silicon – 81 mg.

Buckwheat porridge promotes the intake of human body many useful microelements and vitamins. For example, iron is involved in hematopoietic processes, in the formation of hemoglobin, and treats anemia.

Vitamin P strengthens blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system.

The harm of buckwheat porridge is relative. It was noticed that when frequent use Buckwheat can cause dizziness and weakness. To avoid negative manifestations, buckwheat porridge must be combined with other products.

Porridge from oatmeal often used for breakfast. In Scotland, this dish is called porridge and it is almost a symbol of the country. Until the eighteenth century, the Scots did not know what wheat bread and successfully replaced it with oatmeal.

Oatmeal cooked in water contains:

  1. Proteins – 3 gr.
  2. Fats – 1.7 g.
  3. Carbohydrates – 15 g.

Calorie content – ​​88 Kcal.

Oatmeal with milk:

  1. Proteins – 3.2 g.
  2. Fats – 4.10 gr.
  3. Carbohydrates – 14.20 g.

Calorie content – ​​102 Kcal.

Oatmeal contains iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and zinc. Vitamins include B vitamins, vitamins E, K, etc.

It is believed that due to the consumption of oatmeal, people in the UK clean skin. The beta-glucan contained in oatmeal lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels.

Despite enough high calorie content, nutritionists advise eating oatmeal for those who want to lose weight. Oatmeal contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which quickly saturate the body.

Oatmeal is ideal for breakfast because it contains a substance called biotin. Biotin fights drowsiness, fatigue, increases appetite, and also reduces the risk of stomach cancer.

As for the harm of oatmeal, it can be caused to people with kidney diseases. If consumed in excess oat products Too much phytic acid may accumulate in the body, leaching calcium from the body.

Digestion of semolina porridge occurs in lower section intestines and in this sense it is unique. Semolina cleanses the intestines of mucus and removes toxins and fats from the body. In this regard, for people suffering from intestinal and stomach diseases, eating semolina porridge is especially useful.

Composition of semolina porridge prepared with milk:

  1. Fats – 28 kilocalories.
  2. Proteins – 12 kilocalories.
  3. Carbohydrates – 59 kilocalories.

The total calorie content of the porridge is 98 Kcal.

Semolina porridge contains many vitamins, including B vitamins and vitamin PP. The concentration of minerals in semolina is slightly lower than in porridges made from other cereals.

The benefits and harms of semolina porridge lie in the content of gluten (gluten). Gluten is created by a protein called glyodine, which can cause diseases such as celiac disease. IN children's body Gluten can cause thinning of the intestinal lining.

Semolina porridge has a much gentler effect on the adult body. For gastritis and ulcers, semolina porridge can soothe spasms and pain. The dish perfectly restores strength and relieves the syndrome constant fatigue, That's why semolina porridge It is recommended to eat during the period of recovery and rehabilitation.

Porridge for breakfast is a traditional Russian dish that gives us strength for long time. There is even a saying, “I ate little porridge,” which is usually said in situations where there is not enough strength to do something. physical work. Porridge is a very high-quality dish: hearty and hot. With such a breakfast you can easily last until lunch. But some people treat porridges on principle, because they believe that porridges can only make you fat. But is it? What are the health benefits of porridge and who shouldn’t eat it, we’ll look at it in this article.

Almost half of the population uses porridge for breakfast. Let's note their beneficial properties and possible harm.

  1. useful especially for young children and seriously ill people, but only in small quantities. Overfeeding semolina porridge in children can cause exudative diathesis and slow down the absorption of iron and vitamin D.
  2. Hercules or porridge is very rich in B vitamins, so if you consume it regularly, you are unlikely to have skin problems. And the mucus that is obtained when cooking porridge has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa and helps well with gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, mucus has an enveloping effect; it has a detrimental effect on bacteria that cause ulcerative lesions gastric mucosa - Helicobacter pylori.
  3. Barley porridge gives us energy and strength, it’s not for nothing that soldiers in the army were always given pearl barley porridge. It also contains a sufficient amount of B vitamins, it has a lot of fiber, which means it also helps good cleansing intestines. Plus, it's low in calories.
  4. Barley porridge just like pearl barley, it is made from barley, but they have different grain processing technologies. But it has more fiber than pearl barley.
  5. Millet porridge rich in microelements, which are necessary especially for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. But before cooking millet porridge, the cereal must be washed several times in warm water, rubbing it with your hands, otherwise the porridge will be bitter.
  6. Buckwheat rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, proteins, fats, starch. This porridge is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, helps eliminate excess cholesterol and heavy metal ions from the body, reduces the risk of coronary disease hearts.

There are plenty of varieties of porridges. Or maybe someone remembers the “Friendship” porridge from Soviet times? This is when porridge is cooked from several varieties of cereals at once.

Calorie content

Of course, in terms of calorie content, porridge as a dish ranks one of the first places. But here it is appropriate to think about how we prepare porridge. If it’s made with milk, add a decent amount of butter (you can’t spoil the porridge with butter), make the porridge sweeter by adding as much sugar as possible... So calculate how much calorie content our porridge will end up with.

And if we make it with water, or dilute the milk by half with water, and don’t get carried away with sugar and butter, then such porridge will be suitable even for any non-strict diet, for example.

So let's figure it out together: why? more benefit or harm from porridge?

Beneficial features

  • All cereals from which porridge is cooked are made from cereal crops. And it is known that it is mainly fiber. Fiber is considered a good intestinal cleanser. It is thanks to fiber that intestinal motility improves and, as a result, the intestines are cleansed of unnecessary blockages, wastes and toxins.
  • Cereals are a product plant origin. This means that all porridges contain useful microelements, enzymes, vitamins, (some vitamins are destroyed during the preparation of cereals), biologically active substances. This is a natural product.
  • Since our intestines have been cleansed of waste and toxins, this means better absorption of nutrients from the intestines. The body receives necessary minerals and microelements, vitamins.
  • Breakfast porridges are mostly sticky. This quality is beneficial for people suffering from stomach diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach). The viscous structure of the porridge has an enveloping property, thereby protecting the mucous membrane, relieving suffering from stomach pain.

Harm and contraindications

Perhaps there is practically no harm from porridge. You should remember about additives to cereals, which increase the calorie content of the final dish. Everything should be in moderation. Porridges, if you do not abuse them, but alternate them for breakfast, can only bring benefits. However, you should remember about the calorie content and not abuse it for those who want to get rid of excess weight. I'm talking about abuse. The fact is that small portion porridge cooked with water or low-fat milk, on the contrary, will help you lose weight.

Porridges are especially useful for patients with diabetes.

Porridges and cereals in in this case have a fairly low glycemic index compared to other dishes. This must be taken into account if the patient suffers from diabetes and wishes to follow a therapeutic diet.

Rules for preparing healthy porridges

You now understand, dear readers, from porridge total benefit and minor harm. To get more benefits from porridge, you need to prepare it correctly. Here are some useful tips.

  • The less processed the grain, the better. Any grain contains the main spectrum of useful substances in the upper shells. Therefore, the less of them is lost during production, the more valuable the dish will be. Eat coarse oatmeal, unpolished rice and cereals whose kernels are only crushed: corn, barley (barley).
  • Rinse the cereal. This will rid it of dust and dirt, but will not wash away the beneficial substances. The need to wash grains is dictated by basic hygiene.
  • Cook porridge and eat without fat. The advantage of oatmeal, for example, is its ability to bind and remove cholesterol. However, it is completely lost when consumed with milk, since the cereal binds milk fat, and not the fat that settles in your intestines. Other grains with fiber work similarly. For maximum benefit, soak them in water.
  • Use healthy and tasty supplements. Porridge for breakfast will become much tastier if you add raisins, dried apricots, pieces of apples or nuts, sprinkle flax grains, sesame seeds, and garnish with fresh berries. Such components do not increase the calorie content of the dish, but make it more tasty and healthy.
  • Cook (simmer) the porridge over low heat, so it will boil better and contain more useful substances. Don't save time on cooking porridge.
  • Set the porridge to cook in clay pots in the oven, microwave, or best of all in a Russian oven, you will get an amazingly tasty dish.

If you think about it, it turns out that out of all the variety of modern Russian cuisine, the most Russian dish is porridge. We cannot claim “superiority” either in creating dumplings or in cooking pancakes. Potatoes, corn, etc., which are familiar to each of us today, were once unknown in Russia. And yet we all know the proverbs very well - “I ate little porridge”, “you can’t spoil porridge with butter”, “porridge is our mother”. They all talk about the special place this dish occupies in Russian cuisine. And our mothers tried to treat us with porridge every morning as children so that we would be strong and healthy.

So what are the benefits of our cereals?


- special cereal. From it, it turns out, perhaps, one of the healthiest cereals. No wonder we call it the first. Buckwheat contains fiber, a whole range of vitamins - E, PP, B1, B2, folic and organic acids, as well as a large percentage of starch, which helps the body get the required amount necessary elements. Buckwheat is a guarantee normal pressure and low levels of cholesterol, which it gradually “eliminates” from the body. It is not contraindicated even for infants, because it is important in the formation of the nervous and skeletal systems. And for adults, it will be an excellent help in losing weight, because even a small amount of it makes you feel full.

Rice porrige

First of all, the good thing is that it is hypoallergenic. It will be a help for those who do not tolerate protein well. Its “strong” side is vitamins B and PP, as well as thiamine, carotene, iron, zinc, iodine and other microelements important for humans. Rice contains a lot of starch and complex carbohydrates, which will keep the body in good shape all day. Rice also contains the eight most important amino acids for our body - arginine, histidine, lysine, lecithin, methionine, tryptophan, choline and cystine. Besides, rice porrige also one of the most low calorie porridge, so rice diets are among the most effective.


or, as it is also called, “beauty porridge” is primarily a source of natural fiber and proteins, vitamins C, A, PP, E, as well as vitamin B complex, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, calcium, potassium, nickel and others important minerals, as well as biotin, pectin and other nutrients. Oatmeal is a storehouse of nutrients, as well as medicinal porridge for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It normalizes acidity and cleanses the body with the fiber it contains. In addition, this porridge, oddly enough, actively fights depression and depressed states. This is also an excellent dish for a child, because its special consistency makes it convenient for eating even for “toothless” people, and its beneficial properties help develop a strong muscle structure for the child. Beauties should remember that oatmeal will make their skin clearer and smoother, while improving its color.

Millet porridge

Although it is rarely consumed, it is a very healthy porridge. First of all, it affects the metabolic processes of our body. In addition, it is rich in vitamin D, which will strengthen nails and hair. This porridge is also extremely necessary in the diet of people suffering from gastrointestinal and heart diseases, because it contains a record amount of potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B5 and PP, as well as natural fiber and several types of starches and amino acids.

Barley porridge

- this is the porridge of Peter I. It was so called because the great tsar considered it the main dish on his table. It is very nutritious and is able to maintain a toned body that is heavily loaded physical activity. It helps metabolism and is essential for brain activity.

This porridge contains a fairly large amount of lysine, an amino acid that has antiviral effect. Regular use pearl barley will strengthen against colds, and will also help fight infection if you are already sick. Lysine also helps the body produce collagen, which is known to provide us with healthy, smooth and elastic skin. Regular consumption of pearl barley will prevent obesity and fight toxins in the body. However, it is important to remember that barley should be cooked for a long time.


This is a porridge for those who have a sore stomach or intestines. One of its properties is its enveloping effect, which prevents damage to these organs. There is also little fiber in it, so this porridge does not load gastrointestinal tract, however there is often healthy person it is not recommended. Porridge contains relatively few vitamins, and it reduces the absorption of vitamin D, so you should not eat it more than twice a week.

In fact, it is not suitable for the diet of small children, especially babies under one year old, but for adults it can be very useful: - one of essential products Tibetan medicine, which allows us to keep our appearance young, preventing aging.

Barley porridge

contains a large number of vitamins, including vitamins A, B, D, PP. B vitamins are very rare, so their content in cereals makes barley porridge even more useful. Plus it's great dietary product, which will help maintain a slim figure. It will cleanse our body of waste and toxins, so it is very useful for the liver, and will also help remove excess cholesterol from the body and fight cholesterol plaques.

Porridge is good not only in Russian cuisine. It is actively used by all cuisines of the world, from purely European to exotic Asian. Because cereals and porridges are not only invaluable benefit for the body, but also a special taste that people around the world love.