Is it possible to lose weight on sauerkraut? Sauerkraut for weight loss: reviews from doctors. Sauerkraut in cooking

Today in a new article you will learn about another unique remedy, which not only helps, but also perfectly improves health. Interested? Then read the most interesting thing: the benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss!

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that sauerkraut incredibly low in calories. Per 100 grams of product (this includes brine) the calorie content is only 19 kcal, while sweet chocolate (even dark chocolate) contains as much as 517 kcal! We looked at chocolate as an example for comparison. Now imagine where the calories consumed from chocolate and cabbage go.

In addition, sauerkraut is not only low in calories, but also rich in vitamins. It contains large quantities of vitamins A, C, and many B vitamins. It is rich in fiber. This means that you can eat even just a little cabbage, but you will still feel full for several hours.

Sauerkraut for weight loss has an excellent effect on digestion, improving it, restoring intestinal function, even strengthening the immune system, and speeding up metabolism. It has very beneficial properties, and it can transfer all of them to your body. The only important thing is to eat it regularly. And to use it, you can choose both, and, and just eat cabbage regularly. Let's look at the most popular ways to lose weight using sauerkraut below.

Fasting day

This method allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and waste, remove excess liquid from the body, and also lose a couple of extra kilos. If you choose this method of losing weight, then it is recommended to do a fasting day approximately once a week or once every two weeks. This will ensure slow but steady weight loss.

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, seasoned with a few tablespoons of low-fat sour cream
  • Lunch: (when preparing soup, you can add other vegetables, but there should be no meat, salt or seasonings)
  • Snack: 1 banana and 1 apple
  • Dinner: sauerkraut salad, a couple of radishes and 1 fresh cucumber

You can drink unlimited amounts throughout the day. green tea without sugar and water (without gas and without additives, that is, the simplest water).

Sauerkraut diet for a week

To lose weight large quantity kilograms, you need to make a lot of effort, accordingly. In a week of the diet below, you can lose about 3-5 kg.

A sample menu looks like this:

  • Breakfast: low-fat fermented milk or dairy products with fruits or berries - about 200 grams. For example, for breakfast you can eat oatmeal in milk with the addition of peach, banana or strawberry slices.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of any sauerkraut dish. You can eat cabbage soup, eat sauerkraut salad and snack on other vegetables, such as cucumber, radish and tomato.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of sauerkraut salad and other vegetables. It is best to season a salad with olive oil rather than vegetable oil: it is both tastier and healthier. To keep the menu varied, it is better to prepare soup for lunch, and give preference to salad for dinner.

As you probably already understood, you must create the menu yourself, based on your personal tastes and food preferences. The main thing is that it meets the “requirements”, that is, for breakfast it is important to eat fermented milk products with fruits or berries, and not tea with sandwiches.

You can choose any recipes for dishes containing sauerkraut and cook them, but follow simple rules. Moreover, there are not many of them.

The question arises: will sauerkraut for weight loss at night cause harm? As for caloric content, you can eat tons of it and even at night, but for digestion and correct exchange It is not recommended to eat substances 3-4 hours before bedtime. That's why better dinner arrange around 19:00 if you go to bed around 23:00.


Like, it is contraindicated for pregnant women ( future mom should not limit yourself in your diet, as on this diet), older people, as well as children and during lactation.

In addition, under no circumstances should people with any gastrointestinal problems (gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea and many others) or kidneys be on a diet of sauerkraut. At diabetes mellitus This is also contraindicated.

If you do not have the above health problems, you can use this method of losing weight, but not more often than once a year, since doctors classify the diet as emergency and severe weight loss.

Many people know that sauerkraut is healthy. And this is true, since during ripening valuable lactic acid is formed, and everything is biologically active substances and the vitamins contained in the vegetable are retained in full. The content in such a dish even increases over time - after several months of storage. However, not everyone knows that sauerkraut also has benefits for weight loss.

Is sauerkraut good for weight loss?

According to nutritionists, this product should definitely be included in your diet for those who are struggling with overweight. The beneficial properties of sauerkraut for weight loss can hardly be overestimated. Indeed, in addition to the fact that this is a low-calorie dish, it also includes only natural ingredients. If you regularly eat sauerkraut, you will not only significantly reduce the calorie content of your diet, but will also be able to compensate for the lack of vitamins and microelements not received from other foods. This means your menu will remain balanced, which is extremely important for safe weight loss. In addition, sauerkraut normalizes metabolism and optimizes intestinal function, preventing constipation, therefore, extra pounds will go away faster and will not return later. At the same time, the body will be cleansed of toxins and waste, which will improve complexion, skin and hair, which often look unhealthy for those who are on a diet.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut for weight loss at night?

Despite the above benefits of sauerkraut, it should be consumed during the day, but not at night. The product contains a significant amount of salt and may cause swelling. For dinner, two to three hours before bedtime, you can eat just a little sauerkraut.

When we're talking about about diet, many women are sure that apart from specially designed diets, nothing will help them lose weight excess weight and look healthy at the same time. But there is a very simple, cheap and incredible effective remedy in the fight against excess weight, and this is sauerkraut. It's about her we'll talk in this article.

Sauerkraut in the fight against excess weight

If you still doubt whether you can eat sauerkraut on a diet, then you can rest assured that you can. It itself contains many vitamins and useful minerals. Thanks to them, cabbage is able to cleanse the intestines, normalize the functioning of the stomach, and resist peptic ulcer and slow down the aging process. In addition, this vegetable removes cholesterol and improves food digestion, which makes cabbage indispensable in the diet of overweight people. It does not lose its processes during fermentation, and, therefore, is no less useful for losing weight.

100 grams of sauerkraut contains only 27 kilocalories. Its leaves have practically no energy value, but are able to saturate the body thanks to dietary fiber. Thanks to the starter, the presence of lactic acid in cabbage will speed up metabolism and improve digestion. Now, without doubting whether you can eat sauerkraut while on a diet, you can move on to how exactly and in what quantity to include this product in your diet for weight loss.

Options for losing weight with sauerkraut

During a sauerkraut diet, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins and light doses are acceptable. physical exercise. If a mono-diet seems unbearable, then it is permissible to dilute the cabbage with green apples or replace it in some cases. exceptional cases for citrus fruits. Since following a diet implies a very strict restriction on products and an unbalanced diet, depending on how you feel, it can be used as a fasting day or lasting up to 1 week, but not longer, so as not to harm your health.

Sauerkraut: endowed with excellent dietary properties

Fasting day menu with sauerkraut

To find out if the sauerkraut diet is right for you, try a fasting day first:

  1. Breakfast - consists of 1 glass of water immediately after getting up, then 15 - 20 minutes later you can drink natural coffee without sugar and milk or tea with a slice of whole grain black bread.
  2. Snack - fresh cabbage and carrot salad (unlimited quantity).
  3. Lunch will consist of 1 boiled egg, 200 grams of sauerkraut and 1 apple.
  4. Dinner - also consists of 200 grams of sauerkraut with a small addition of half a grated apple or a small piece of boiled fish (150 - 200 grams).

If you feel an overwhelming feeling of hunger before going to bed, drink some water. as a last resort 1 glass of low-fat milk or kefir.

Sauerkraut diet

A diet based on sauerkraut will be quite varied among similar mono-diets, since in this case you will be able to eat soup, salad and even fish with fruit. In order not to suffer from discomfort or malaise and any other unpleasant sensations, a diet option will be presented that will be effective in any case, even if you cannot stay on it for more than 1 day.

Day 1

On day 1 it will become clear whether this will be a diet or a fasting day. If at the end of the day you feel normal, you can safely start the next morning with sauerkraut, but if not, a fasting day will be enough to periodically (at least once every 2 months) give your stomach a rest or try to start the diet again after six months or a year, when the body is ready for this.

For breakfast, as in the fasting day menu, it is suggested to drink 1 glass of water immediately after getting up and after 15 - 20 minutes a cup of natural coffee without sugar and milk or tea with a slice of whole grain black bread. For a snack, you can eat a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots, but lunch will consist of cabbage soup and a piece of wholemeal bread, then you can eat 1 apple. For dinner, sauerkraut with a small piece of boiled fish is offered. If before going to bed you are overtaken by an irresistible feeling of hunger, then the advice remains the same - drink water or 1 glass of low-fat milk/kefir.

Day 2

On the second day of the diet, it is recommended to eat sauerkraut soup throughout the day. In the morning you can drink natural coffee; at lunch and dinner it is permissible to diversify your diet with fresh or steamed vegetables. In the evening, allow 1 glass of low-fat kefir.

Day 3

If you hold out steadfastly for 2 days, then you can hold out for the third, since your diet on this day will be exactly the same as on the first.

Day 4

Throughout the day you need to eat sauerkraut soup and it is permissible to eat 1 banana for breakfast and lunch.

Day 5

On day 5 of the diet, in addition to soup throughout the day, you are allowed to eat a piece for lunch or dinner boiled fish and tomato.

Day 6

If you have held out well until this time, then you can easily survive the whole week, since on the 6th day of the diet the diet is exactly the same as yesterday - on the 5th day.

Day 7

On the last day of the diet, you can eat sauerkraut soup unlimitedly throughout the day, eat vegetables, and drink 1 glass of fresh fruit juice with each meal.

Who is the sauerkraut diet contraindicated for?

If you have increased acidity stomach, then you will have to abandon such a diet and look for others alternative options losing weight. It is also not recommended for nursing women to resort to such a diet. If you have kidney problems or high blood pressure blood pressure, then the sauerkraut diet will not suit you.

Thus, eating sauerkraut for weight loss is not only possible, but also necessary. With this effective and inexpensive means It is possible to lose 2 kilograms or more without feeling hungry. After all, losing weight on a diet does not mean starving and denying yourself tasty and, most importantly, healthy foods.


Do you want to lose weight and get rid of extra centimeters at your waist and finally fit into your favorite jeans? A product that everyone knows about its existence can help with this, but few people realize that sauerkraut for weight loss is indispensable assistant. You will not need anything more than that you will eat a delicious and favorite product. Say no to pills, starvation diets and grueling gym sessions.

The fact is that the described product contains a minimal amount of calories, while it contains a whole complex of vitamins. You can eat it as is or make it the star of your dishes. Overweight will go away quickly and unnoticed, and you will be able to lose weight without any special material and physical costs. Let's find out whether you can eat sauerkraut while on a diet, what are the reviews and results.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut for weight loss contains vitamins and microelements such as:

  • vitamins A, C, B, E, P K;
  • trace elements: iodine, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, sulfur and magnesium;
  • acids: folic (indispensable for women), lactic, citric, malic, oxalic, etc.

As for calorie content, 100 g of product contains 30 calories, which is negligible. However, you need to understand that this figure only applies to vegetables in pure form. If you add a dressing such as olive or sunflower oil, the calorie content will increase to 70 calories per 100 g. To more accurately calculate the calorie content of a particular dish with sauerkraut for weight loss, you can use an online calculator, which can be easily found on the Internet.

The positive qualities of sauerkraut for weight loss fit into the list. So this vegetable:

  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps to quickly strengthen the immune system;
  • replenishes daily requirement human in vitamins C and K;
  • prevents the development of allergies;
  • helps prevent constipation, as it is considered a mild laxative;
  • populates the intestines with bacteria that improve the digestion process.

What is the benefit of the product for weight loss?

Sauerkraut makes a person lose weight for the following reasons:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • suitable for cooking dietary dishes(due to its low calorie content);
  • the feeling of fullness will persist for a long time even after 100 g of cabbage eaten;
  • Digesting an eaten portion of sauerkraut requires more energy (it contains a large number of fiber), accordingly more calories are consumed.

Reviews of those who have lost weight on a sauerkraut diet only confirm this information.

What nutritionists say

It is worth saying that the opinion of nutritionists regarding the sauerkraut diet is ambiguous. The fact is that a mono-diet as such cannot be beneficial for a person; one product does not provide the entire list of substances necessary for normal life. In addition, judging by the reviews, it is not possible to lose weight with sauerkraut. long term, the lost kilos, unfortunately, can return as soon as you return to your usual diet.

It is also a known fact that any dietary restriction exposes the body to stress, slows down metabolism, forcing the body to store calories “in reserve.” This is another argument for not getting carried away with mono-diets and losing weight wisely and consistently. The opinions of doctors agree that useful qualities sauerkraut should be supplemented with other products that can provide a complete balanced diet. This is the only way you can be sure that the extra pounds will not return again. More and more often you can find variations of the diet: a diet based on sauerkraut and potatoes, a diet based on sauerkraut and kefir, etc.

Pros and cons of dieting

In order for the weight loss effect of a sauerkraut diet to be beneficial, lasting and effective, it is recommended to combine limited dietary food with moderate physical activity.

A clear advantage of the sauerkraut diet is that the menu contains great amount vegetables and fruits, which has a positive effect on metabolism, teaching you to eat right, gradually becoming a habitual diet.

It is worth being aware that sauerkraut for weight loss cannot work effectively for weight loss if you do not add other beneficial low calorie foods, which will be discussed below. The fact is that its fat-burning abilities have not been proven.

When ripening cabbage, salt is used, albeit in minimal quantities, it will delay the removal of liquid naturally. This should be an alarming factor for those suffering from hypertension or pathology of the genitourinary system.

If during the diet there are even the slightest manifestations of swelling, you should refuse to lose weight using this method. The fact is that salt in cabbage can cause hypertensive crisis, That is dangerous condition body. If it is possible to handle the damper yourself, use healthy recipe, which does not contain salt.

Sauerkraut recipe without salt

As mentioned earlier, only sauerkraut prepared without salt will work for weight loss. It is advisable to prepare a dietary salad without adding preservatives and other harmful ingredients. Below is an example of fermenting cabbage without salt and vinegar.


Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 45 min.


  1. 1. White cabbage
  2. 2. Cumin
  3. 3. Garlic

    3-4 cloves

  4. 4. Carrots

    1 large piece

It's time to move on to the next stage.

You will need:

  • White cabbage - about 500 g;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.

As in the previous case, you need to grate the carrots and finely chop the vegetable. Pour the resulting salad with the previous brine, place in a large gastro container and cover with cling film. You need to place a press on top of the film and leave it to infuse for several days, but after 2 days make small holes in the film so that excess bitterness goes away. After this, leave the leaven for another 2-3 days in a warm place, after which the dish is ready. The product can only be stored in the refrigerator.

Making a dietary cabbage menu

As mentioned earlier, the sauerkraut diet is good because it allows for maximum variety. dietary ration. There is a generally accepted nutritional standard that should be followed no matter what duration is chosen.

Breakfast must include one dish from fermented milk products, it is allowed to add citrus fruits: lemon, orange, grapefruit or pomelo. An ideal breakfast might look like this: a smoothie made from low-calorie kefir with chopped orange slices.

Lunch should consist of sauerkraut. This could be, for example, a slightly stewed vegetable with sides, a soup like borscht, or cutlets with cabbage and minced meat. low-fat variety meat.

Dinner also requires the presence of pickled vegetables on the menu. However, it is better to prefer a hot dish light salad with addition vegetable oil taste.

Why is cabbage juice healthy?

There is no salt in the juice of the heroine of the article; accordingly, it will not delay the removal of fluid. In addition, like cabbage itself, it contains the same set of vitamins and microelements, replenishing what is lost in the diet. Besides, cabbage juice has a healing effect on the body for many diseases, such as hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, congestion in the bile ducts.

Nutritionists recommend drinking cabbage juice at least 100 ml 2-3 times a day strictly before meals. Its regular consumption cleanses the body of toxins, long-term toxins and accumulated radionuclides, which often cause the development of oncology.

What is allowed on the cabbage diet

If you analyze the entire list of foods allowed by the sauerkraut diet, it may seem that there are a lot of them. However, you should not rejoice ahead of time, you can allow such a variety only once a day in an amount of no more than 100 g. You can add to diet menu the following products:

  • lean meats;
  • all types of vegetables except potatoes (due to high content starch);
  • sea ​​or river fish With minimum content fat;
  • all kinds of porridges (buckwheat, millet, rice, etc.).

In addition, the diet rules do not exclude the possibility of snacking. You can eat any fruit except bananas, use cottage cheese with reduced content fat You can also occasionally treat yourself to bread, but it should be wholemeal or rye bread.

What is prohibited to eat on a diet

The sauerkraut diet involves temporarily giving up certain foods. You need to refrain from:

  • anything that contains sugar (except fruit);
  • potatoes;
  • bananas;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated and sweet drinks;
  • bakery products.

Diet variations using sauerkraut

Let's look at the most popular diet options based on this vegetable.

Option number 1 - Strict

The duration of the sauerkraut diet is 10 days. Let's give an example daily ration:

Nutrition calendar

Morning Slice rye bread, cup of herbal tea.

Lunch Pure cabbage salad – 180 g, pear – 1 pc., compote.

Dinner Low-fat baked fish – 200 g, sauerkraut – 100 g, a glass of kefir.

Option No. 2 – Easy

This option, easy, was calculated for 4 days (maximum for a week). Here is an example of an approximate diet:

Nutrition calendar

First day

Morning Pickled salad with added olive oil– 160 g, cottage cheese with dill – 100 g, green tea.

Lunch Rice or millet porridge without oil with minimum quantity salt – 150 g, sauerkraut – 170 g.

Dinner Zucchini – 1 piece, sauerkraut – 180 g, cucumber or tomato – 1 piece.

Second day

Morning Oatmeal with water – 0.2 kg.

Lunch Vegetable soup with water – 150 g, sauerkraut – 150 g.

Dinner Turkey fillet – 150 g, sauerkraut – 180 g.

Day number three

Morning Curd casserole – 150 g, grapefruit – 1 pc.

Lunch Stewed rabbit – 120 g, cabbage – 180 ml.

Dinner Omelette of two eggs without butter and milk.

Fourth day menu

Morning Hercules porridge with dried fruits – 150 g.

Lunch Boiled chicken fillet – 150 g, sauerkraut – 250 g, green apple- 1 PC.

Dinner Sour cabbage – 0.2 kg, tomato – 1 pc.

It is important to get out of this diet gradually and not use it too often.

Option No. 3 – Fast

This type of diet is designed for 3 days and involves the following menu for main meals:

Breakfast may consist of the following ingredients to choose from:

  • any porridge with water, preferably oatmeal;
  • any fruits except bananas and grapes;
  • boiled meat (up to 100 g) and sauerkraut salad.

Lunch options:

  • Sauerkraut and zucchini pancakes;
  • cabbage soup;
  • regular sauerkraut with a slice of bread.

What can you have for dinner:

  • cabbage juice with 1-2 pieces of rye bread.

Option number 4 - Fasting day

A fasting day is the shortest version of the diet, which is designed for 1 day, its calorie content is minimal. After this day, the body will be cleansed of waste and toxins, you will be able to lose 2-3 kg. Nutritionists do not recommend using this option more than once a week, otherwise losing weight will be harmful.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist of only one sauerkraut. You are allowed to add one green apple and 2 pieces of black bread to your daily diet. In addition, it is extremely important to drink water, just not at night. The norm is 1.5 - 2 liters.

Options for main meals on a diet

For ease of use of the diet, nutritionists have proposed several options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can develop your diet and recipes for the week in advance by choosing what to eat from the selection below.


  • Option 1 – yogurt or curdled milk 1% – 250 ml, apple – 1 pc., rolled oats porridge– 100 ml;
  • Option 2 – skim cheese– 200 g, grapefruit – ½ piece;
  • Option 3 – kefir – 100 ml, bran roll – 70 g, avocado – 1 pc.;
  • Option 4 – 2 slices of bread, dietary hard cheese, boiled egg.


  • Option 1 - vegetable soup water – 200 ml, beet juice – 100 ml, sauerkraut – 150 g;
  • Option 2 – boiled chicken fillet – 200 g, sauerkraut with dill and green onions– 200 g, mango – 200 g;
  • Option 3 – low-fat fish, steamed – 250 g, sauerkraut – 200 g;
  • Option 4 – cabbage from sauerkraut – 200 ml, zucchini puree – 200 g.


  • Option 1 – sauerkraut – 200 g, radishes – 3 pcs., cucumber and tomato, a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • Option 2 – boiled piece of veal – 150 g, sauerkraut – 250 g, tangerine – 3 pcs.;
  • Option 3 – sauerkraut salad and walnuts– 250 g, baked salmon in own juice– 150 g;
  • Option 4 – sauerkraut – 200 g, bell pepper– 200 g.

How to diversify your diet menu

To ensure that your diet is not boring and monotonous, especially if you prefer a longer option (longer than a week), it would be a good idea to use recipes containing sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut soup with beans

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 70 min.


  1. 1. Sauerkraut
  2. 2. Boiled beans (not canned)
  3. 3. Onions
  4. 4. Cumin, coriander and salt

(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Women dream about ideal figure and well-read young ladies know that there are products and additional substances that contribute to effective reduction weight. Sauerkraut for weight loss is approved by nutritionists and goes well with other healthy foods.

Anyone can lose weight, the main thing is to approach the problem wisely, follow the basic rules of diet and daily routine.

Benefits and harms

People who want to lose weight analyze all the foods to decide whether to include them in their balanced diet or not. Is sauerkraut harmful during a diet? To understand this issue, let’s take a look at the useful properties of this product and identify risks.

Despite the mass useful properties, some people should limit their intake of this dish or eliminate it altogether. If a person has high acidity, ulcers or problems with the pancreas, this vegetable will have to be abandoned. With blood group 2, sauerkraut is allowed, but with blood group 1, it is better to reduce the amount.

Keep it in moderation. If you eat cabbage dishes in uncontrolled quantities, you may experience health problems and stomach discomfort.

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut when losing weight at night?

Is it possible to eat sauerkraut at night? It is of interest to all people watching their weight. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming this product late in the evening. This is not due to the fact that you can gain weight from this vegetable.

Calorie content per 100 grams is only 19 kcal. The fact is that it increases intestinal acidity. Evening intake causes bloating and disrupts sleep, which is also very important when losing weight. Nutritionists advise eating this dish in daytime days and never on an empty stomach.

And to the question “is it possible to eat sauerkraut for dinner while losing weight”, the answer is simple: “You can, but in small quantity" The main thing is that the evening meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. During this time, it will have time to digest and will not cause discomfort.

Specialists healthy eating It is recommended to eat this vegetable with buckwheat. This dish satisfies hunger and contains a minimum of calories.

Diet principles

  1. Love water, drink at least 2 liters per day. Water creates an imitation of a full stomach.
  2. Organize sporting events. Physical exercise will burn subcutaneous fat with intense exercise in just a month.
  3. Eat vegetables and fruits, but remember that there are fruits that are best excluded from your diet: banana, melon and grapes. Cook liquid dishes in lean broth. Give up fried foods and don't eat processed foods.
  4. Sleep at least 7 hours a day. Scientists have proven that a person also loses weight while sleeping.
  5. Follow your eating and exercise routine. Don't be lazy and don't give your body a sudden load right away.
  6. Give up sweets. Replace yeast bread Armenian lavash or bread.

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